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CPM QUIZNO. 3 ao NAME: Adan, Francis Andreu Seyam DATE gut OLausscore REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING Encircle the letter of your choice. Erasure means wrong, $: ‘The quantity of energy absorbed by a unit mass of refrigerant in the evaporator is called. @. Mass flow rate © Refrigerant effect b. Capacity 4d. Volume flow-rate The component of the reftigeration cycle that is used refrigerant is called the, Receiver 1. Evaporator Metering device 4. Compressor v& wich detost method is commonly used in small comerial applications where ice forms on the evoporator surfaces? a. Electric ¢. Hot gas ® ofF-cycle 4. All of these, A. 4. Which of the following liquid.chilline evaporator types incorporates cross flow heat exchange? 2. Shell-and-tube g. Baudelot b. Double-pipe QFilooded chiller The type of compressor that incorporates 2 volute isa compressor ‘a. Roller b. Soren... @)Centrfugal d. Reciprocating. © 6 The type of compressor that uses side valves to,vary capacity is a compressor z a. Roller Reciprocating . Centrifugal 4. Screw C7. The type of compressor that develops the least amount of vapor pulses is a compressor, a. Roller Screw ¢, Centrifugal 4, Reciprocating 0, & Acomponent of rotary pump: a. Ring b, Piston ©mpelier 4, Screw. B 9. wich type of metering device does not require a crea refrigerant charge? © Capillary tube b, Lowsside flow....c, High-side flow . Short tube restriction C10. The ratio of the current partial pressure of the water vapor: in the atmosphere to the saturation pressure of the water vapor at the current DB depression is called a. DP temperature 'b; Relative humidity.,.. \c. DP depression... ... @)WE temperature, B11. The GOP ofa refrigeration process with sub cooling J Decreases b. Increases c. Remains the same. d. None of these Ve A thermodynamic cycle in, which refrigerant is compressed and then vaporize and condensed the space or. cabinet @, Vapor compression cycle ¢. Refrigeration cycle b. Rankine cycle 4. Camot cycle During compression process the internal,energy.of the reftigerator vapor i a. Increase Decrease. Remains constant Internal energy has no relation to the vapor. compression. process Oil separator in a refrigeration cycle is installed between the . Condenser and expansion valve b. Evaporator and compressor . Compressor and condenser ‘ 7 oh Expansion valve and evaporator * (5. What refrigerant is usedtin jet cooling syste? a. Ammonia b. Air &. Freon @water Ae. The ditterence between dry valve and wet valve temperature is called = 2. Wet bulb depression g\Dry bulb depression ae @Rance 17. Cogling liquid below is condensing temperature is called Sub-cooling —_b. Supercooling ©. Superheating 4. Desuperheating 8. The Moisture in a refrigeration Syele’ Gein belfémovedl With'the Held F132) A a. Strainers '. Cooler © Boller @driers «#6 In vapor compression cycle condensation occurs at a. Constant volume Constant entropy b. Constant pressure Constant enthalpy D).20. in vapor compression cycle expansion occurs at a. Constant volume Constant entropy © Constant pressure ’Constant enthalpy’ X.21. What is the reason why thermoelectric refrigeration canriat complete with vapor compression reftigetation cycle? @. Low COP ¢. Higher work output ® Uridesitearwork e-Highet cooling erect ‘The Temperature difference between the temperature of the water leaving the cooling tower and the wet Bulb ‘temperature of the entering air. r &. Approach Range Q)Wet bulb depression \” “W, Dry bulb depression ), 23. A refrigerating machine that has the capability om a cooling ‘effect of 3000 kéal per four éonsidered @ a. é:ton reftigerating machine 3-ton refrigerating machine b. 2+ton refrigerating machine “ton teftigerating machine }\, 24. Oil separator in a refrigeration cycle is installed between the a. Compressor and condenser Condenser and expansion 'valve b. Liquid receiver and expansion valve ‘Evaporator and compressor (CB 25. Good refrigerant should be - @ High bollirepoint QjLow' boiling Boint een : Cb}, High critical poirit ‘Low eritical point (. 28. Surace effectiveness of col depends on a. Entropy b. Enthaipy’ _ c. Dew poiltt'depression Qserisitie heat Ar Tyeg.ct conpressor ani corin ahSesseg G) Hertaistaniprtase a erie b. “Open hermetic compressor “'d None oF these” * 28. The function of baffles in refrigeration promotes 2. Aircitculation b Water circulation” “e Oil circulation ~ @Refrigerant circulation VV ‘What refrigerant that will not harm ozone layer? @) HFC” Difiouromethané° °'e” HEFC were > /S-PreRLPMC R= tefrigettig effect = electric donut ths dheiey SRCISHEY aid @ Ra bOR ¢.1-QR 3.1+OR C..1. The Ylationship of water vapor in the airat thé dew oint temperature to the alnount that WEUld bei the air if the air where saturated at the dry bulb temperature & a. Partial pressure actual at dew point 6! Percentage huitiaity q ® Relative humidity 4d, Partial pressure of water 2 $2. Which of the lowing types of air dryers works by absorbing moisture on a solid desiccants of drying material such as activated alumina, silicone gel, or molecular sieve? 2. Regenerated dryer ¢) Deliquescent dryer ©) spray aryer 4. Refrigetatedaryer 2 a ‘A heat-transfer device that produces @ thermodynamic fluid from its vapor phase tots liduid phase Such as in vapor ‘compression refrigeration plant in a condensing steam power plant a. Flash vessel b. Cooling tower condenser. —_d.Steam separator 14. A liquid whose temperature is lower than the saturation temiperature corresponding to the existing pressure. @® Subcooled liquid b, Saturated liquid ¢. Pure liquid d. Compressed liquid 35. \S97ir-current in a confined space such as that in a cooling tower or chimneys called @. Variable flow ob. Velocity: profile: © Nelocity gradient.» @) Draft 36 Jat part that directs the fiow of the refrigerant through the compressor: a. Wrist pin @vatve . Piston d.\Connecting rod 37, pa odorless refrigerant: 1S boting point valves over.a wide range of temperatures: Freon 22 b. Freomt2;\"c\Freon refrigerants d. Ammonia 38 {The Boiling point of Freon 22 is a 41.04 2°F 0/0 nob AO.809F +38.40"F 31.409 § 39. A device whose primiary function is to méter the flowof the refrigerant tothe evaporator 5 a. Shiffer valve © Thermostatic expansion valve b. Equalizers d. Cross-over valves ©. 40, & rettigeration system in thick only pat ofthe refrigerant pasces over theiheat transfor surface is‘evaporeted and the balance is separated from the vapor and the:circulated a. Direct expansion system: '¢. Chilled water system: Flooded system doMuitipte system: C41. Ina Cooling tower, the water is cooled mainly by a. Condensation: Evaporation: ¢) Convection: d. Conduction B. 42. where is ithium bromide-used t*ffrigeration system ‘2 Condensate return ines @)Absorbers b. Centrifugal compressors: ‘d. lon exchangers’ VK in asetigerstion system, the heat absorbed in the evaporator ner ke mass of sekigerant passing throughis Equal the increase in enthalpy B. Does not depend on the refrigerant used ._ Is decreased if pre-cooleris. used . Equals the increase in volume 4. 44. etrigeration is a unit equivalent to 504 kcalisec b. 126860 Kn-m! i f)3443Kewehe d.2545:Btuhr D, 45. Tre'main purpose of @ sub-cooler ina refigerating system especially a 2stage system isto ja. Increase the heat rejection per-ton and avoid system shutdown Improve the flow of evaporator gas per ton and increase the temperature ©. Reduce the total power requirements and retum cil tothe compressor: d. Reduce the total power requirements and heat rejection to the 2° stage V6. The performance of reciprocating compressor-can be express by a. Adiabatic work divided by adiabatic input Adiabatic work divided by indicated work Isothermal work divided 47. What keeps the moisture from passing through the system? ai Deliator ob Ammer ciTrap Huriiter 8,48. What is the lowest temperature to which water cid possibly be cooled in a cooing tower? = a. The effective temperature ‘The temperature adiabatic saturation b, The wet bulb depression The dew point temperature of the air - 4.49, Dew point is define as a. The temperature to which the air must be cooled at.constant pressure tb produce saturation ® The point where the pressure and temperature lines meet ©. The temperature which dew is formed inthe air 4. The pressure which dew is formed inthe air 136 What is the term used to express the rato of specic humid, actual versus saturated” a. Relative humidity © Absolute humidity ». Degree of saturation d. Percent saturation 4) 51. The specific measurement of moisture content in ar Relative humidity.) -29 b/Percentsaturation =! ¢.-Degree saturation'd Specttic humidity 2, The diagonal lines in the Psychrometric Chart represent a. Effective temperature ©. Wet-bulb temperature We © Dry-bulb temperature: d. Dew:point temperature 63. Amount of air required in the low by-pass factor 2. Does not change ». Greater © besser 4. Indeterminate of Highest pressure drop in-reftigerationoyole: a. Compressor 6. Condenser’ © Expansion od, Evaporator .55. Which of the following refrigerants is highly toxic? a. Ammonia tb-Freon12 @ Sulturdioxide di Mettiyl chloride Trotting of the refrigerant through the expansion valve in-a vapor refrigeration cycles. a. Reversible adiabatic process citrreversible-adiabatic process: ® Constant entropy process d. Isometric process a The dividing point between the high-pressure and low pressure sides of the'reffigeration cycle occurs at the Expansion valve beCompressor c.Gondenser ‘di.Cooling coi 66. what amount of aris required in a low bypass factor a. Greate(®)Lesser —_. Indeterminated. Does not change ‘58. The design of an airsupply duct of an air-conditioning system Adds moisture to the air ¢. Lowers the temperature of the it ’ B. Does not affect the distributiomot aie 4. Affects the distribution of air Meghanism designed to lower the temperature of air passing through it Aircooler —_b. Airdefense «. Air spillover dir cycle: ().81. what's the clockwork-operated device which records continuously the humidity of the atmosphere? a. Hetrograph — &) Hygrometer ¢. Hydrodeik. d: Hydrograph \8E In sensible cooling process the moisture content. Doesnotchange _b, Decreases ¢. Indeterminated. Increases; C63. in valor absorption refrigeration machine fuids used as: = Freon and lithium bromide ¢. Brine and sulfur dioxide: ®B. Water and ammonia 4. Air and water : 1) 64. Leaks in refigeKatioheystems using Freon can be detected by @ halide torch which on detection forms _- flame lighting a. Bluish b. Orange — @ Reddish d. Greenish 'B, 65. Which ofthe following isinstaicharacterstic of a good refrigerant : a. Ability to operate-on.a positive pressure x High boiling point and:Jow freezing point b. Safe and nontoxic ‘Should be:cheap C..66. The difference between dry bulbiandwet oulb temperature is Temperature differential Dry bulb depression 5. Wet bulb depression ‘d:Temperature drop C. 67. This is the inefficiency of the heating coil or cooling coils I's not being-able to heat or cool the incoming air to the temgerature of cooling coi Heating factor b Power factor ©. Bypass factor 4. Heattransfer ve has the highest critical temperature. oi Freon 14 b. Ammonia &. Freon 12 4. Water Dry ice is soled trom ¢ aco b.H20. yeo2 ch NB ee 2 a R42. @rv77 oRBI a R22 A. 71. the ditt oss in cooling tower is about c a. 10-20% bB10%6 50> (G) 15-30%) = od: 18-2596 2. Boiling point of R22 is: 0 a -15C b200 = 40°C iceh-82° 8. in vapor compression refrigeration system, compressor is used because: a. Itincreases cooling effect of cycle ai b._ Itmakes possible to remove heat from refrigerant’at atmospheric g._Itincreases the COP of the system: " A ® Itimproves thermal properties of refrigerant a 5 74, A ve86el permanently connected to a refrigeration system by inietand outlet pipes for storage of liquid refrigerant. a. Header b. Liquid separator —_¢. Accumulaton @iouid recewver. C.75. The evacuation of air from the refrigeration system’ a. Scavenging (i) Relieving ‘e Purging d. Ejection

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