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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

Charlotte Stokes

Brief chosen:
Brief 2 Print: You work for a print production company within a multimedia production company.
You have been given the task of producinga campaign of four posters to promote a new reality
television programme for E4

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)

Media Language: My intention to follow the codes and conventions for the posters includes the date
abd time of the showing on the front cover to anchor the main target audience as oler generations at it
will be aired at 7pm onwards on a weekday night to eliminate any childrens interests. I also intend to
manipulate and edit the photos on the cover to create a more striking image of differnt tones to really
emphasise the differnt atmospheres differnt characters bring.The conventional coverline will hopefully
be short, but catchy as it relates to the theme precisily. The expressionists of the actors conventionally
are either direct adress to the audience or really give a clear idea of the personas of the people. In mine,
the actors do exactly this to accentuate their personalities to immerse and involve the viewers entirely.
Media Audience: My programme posters are going to target the audience of young adults specifically
through Mise-en-scene. With romance on the scene and differnt complex topics involving a mature
story line of the struggles athletes go through behind the scenes on the run up to the olympics. The
shift between high key and low key lioghting creates a more mysterious and serious atmosphere for
some parts to thrill and excite the adult audience. Again, the schedulling of late evening on a weekday
(potentially a thursday) reduces the bracket of children who would be awake at this time. The font is
going to be sans serif to highten the hard hitting and serious tone to the lifestyle of these athletes.
Media Industries: My intention for the posters will certainly follow the ASA rules. specifically, 13 (wieght
controlling and slimming) as the show does not intentionally pressurise any body of any age to follow a
certain excerce pattern or diet lifestyle. It does not go into much detail on this side of their life, only
their appearance is how they are due to the competative traininbg they do which is essentially
unreacghable for the majority of people yet it is not frowned upon in the public light to follow this as it
only focuses upon their training, but in a social situation and not forced upon to follow. Another ASA
guide line– we
CCS437 obide by is harm and offence. We can assure this as it does not display any form
Statement of Intent
of nudity
or scenes that would be inapproriate for ages 15 as a minimum. This keeps the show quite light hearted
Oxford Cambridgecan
and although andbeRSA Examinations
mysterious and challenges stereotypes and struggles within a young adults life, it



























CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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