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Animal testing is inhumane
1. Sign-posting
Imagine living inside a locked closet without any control over any aspect of your life. You
can’t choose when and what you eat, how you will spend your time, whether or not you will have
a partner and children, or who that partner will be. You can’t even decide when the lights go on
and off. Think about spending your entire life like this, a prisoner, even though you have
committed no crime. This is life for an animal in a laboratory. It is deprivation, isolation, and
misery. I do not think you can survive for even a day in such condition, let alone these animals,
thus what makes you think they deserve to be treated in such inhumane manner.
2. Analysis
a. Context
These animals are facing many abuses in labs where most of the tested animals are sick
and left dying without care. Most of the time, these unfortunate animals are burned, shocked,
poisoned, starved and drowned. All these despicable acts are causing major controversy towards
animal testing due to its inhumane nature.
b. Example
Let’s take the animal testing in USA as an example where the law there allow any form of
experimentation to be conducted irrespective of its humane or inhumane nature. What this means
is that the animals are free to be tortured in any way possible by the researcher. Animals like any
other living things on Earth have feeling, therefore when such experiment being conducted on
them, they would experience not only physical but also extreme psychological trauma and pain.
This claim has been proven by National Geographic where surprisingly animals are feeling
humanlike pain. Physical pain for example if a rabbit ear is being pulled, it will pin back its ears
and squint its eyes to portray the sensation of discomfort. However, physical pain is not the worst
part of the entire experience because psychological pain has far greater impact to the animal. This
can be seen in the case of a duck drowned itself after the death of its mate where it might sound
funny as it is a duck and how can it drown as most of the time it’s in water? But it happens, and
animal’s psychological pain need to be taken into consideration.

3. Conclusion
In conclusion, animals are no less of value than human being. Hence this creature needs to
be treated with respect and care instead of being tortured in a lab for human’s benefit. Just think
for a second, nobody like to be starved or locked up or get beaten up, thus what makes you think
the animal deserve to be treated in such manner?

Animal testing is unnecessary

1. Sign-posting
Animal testing is not always the best method for testing products that will later be use on
humans. Two of the most commonly used animals are chimpanzees, which share 99 percent of
their DNA with humans, and mice, which share 98 percent genetic similarity to humans. However,
these animals actually have a different anatomic, metabolic, and cellular structure from humans,
which makes them bad test subjects for human products. Therefore, this shows that animal testing
is totally irrelevant and unnecessary for product testing or any kind of experiment period.
2. Analysis
a. Context
According to the FDA, 92% of drugs approved for testing in humans fail to receive
approval for human use. Some substances which are harmful to animals prove to be valuable in
humans and vice versa. More than half of the drugs approved for human use are later withdrawn
or relabeled due to adverse or lethal effects in humans.
b. Example
For example, a drug called Vioxx, which is used to treat arthritis, was taken off the market
after it caused more than 60,000 deaths in the USA alone. This drug was successful on animals,
but proved deadly to humans. Furthermore, over 100 stroke medications that were effective when
tested on animals have failed in humans, and over 85 HIV vaccines failed in humans after working
well in non-human primates. Therefore animals are being senselessly hurt, and humans are also
suffering serious consequences.

3. Analysis
Moreover, there are few other way to replace animal testing and ensure the success of the
experiment. Firstly, the experiment can be done towards a human being himself as the product is
intended for human. Thus, why was animal being experimented in the first place? This methods
could be more accurate as 9 out of 10 products that appear promising in animal testing go on to
fail in human clinical trials because it is not possible to accurately predict how the products will
behave in human. Also, human testing could also result in curing diseases faster as relying on
animals testing in some cases impedes and delays discovery of product and procedures that may
be beneficial to human might fail in animal testing. If there are other more accurate alternative
methods to testing on animals, why are we still testing on animals?
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, animal testing has been proven to be not the most accurate experiment to be
replicated onto human usage. There are other types of experiment can be conducted which
promised higher percentage of success and compatibility with human. This shows that animal
testing is completely unnecessary in the first place due to its inaccuracy and incompatibility of the
end product with human.

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