Another Police Brutality Lawsuit in The Works For Pinellas County Sheriff Robert Gualtieri

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& Division © Division of Risk Menagement ‘STATEMENT OF CLAIM Deparment Pretas Coun She's Depart ‘urcai i. ame: aren snemen Taepone: asse.788 pases: 123 aon Sree Nor 08: Ts Sein Patestr. FL 3705 crown eau Te i Cut be snd aan Shores Bd ‘Staent ot How Aint Oscoda Bas of Ths ime Aditi Sha Ness) (On June 28th, 2019 al approximately 12:30 am, | was driving a 2010 Acura TSX black 4 door car owned by Zoie McDowell who is also legally registered to the vehicle. She Is a friend of mine, At the time, she had a hardship license which | was aware of and which is in large part the reason | was driving, | was pulled over by Oficer Isabelle Martini who had turned on her blue lights and stated upon my ‘complying and pulling cver that there was an “expired license". Meaning she told me the basis was thatthe drivers license linked to the tag was expired which was not ue and was my frst concern ‘ven | knew the diference in a hardship license and having curfew compliance. And someone having an expired license. Either way, | complied in the conversation and provided all proper documentation. | have. valid and current Florida Driver's License (No.: $655-013-75-067-0) which ‘was provided along with valid current automobile insurance and Florida vehicle registration. | advised the officer whose vehicle it was and that my license was valid and insured to drive which ‘would cover any vehicle, Before Officer Martini “ran” anything using her government issued database for police surveillance and investigations, a male deputy named Christian Miler pounded fon the drivers window. | rolled down that window suficient enough to talk with him and he said that the headlight was out.| told him that l would take the ticket on her behalf and sign for the ticket. He FSD Ren TO & Division Division of Rik Management told me to step out of tre vehicle. | did not consent to a search as there was no reason to. The headlight was, in fact, rot out and this was simply a pretext or made up reason to pull me over. | felt todd thatthe original tficer would use such an unclear basis to pull me over and then ths officer was not using what | believed was not a true basis to tell me to step out of the vehicle. Because of the abuse stories | have seen on the news and on Social Media and because of an abuse incident that happened to other people by law enforcement | was afraid. He could see that | was afraid and | asked him if there were further questions to get his watch ‘commander or Commanding Officer and that | would lke to not talk and to get a lawyer. At tis point the first officer seemed to use a pretext to pull us over saying there was an expired license and then the other officer seemed to seek to create a verbal altercation with over another pretext of the headlight being out. These to me all seemed lke false basis as part oftheir poor training and in their ‘overall improper training in government surveillance and where its appropriate and not. Before | ‘could even get a reasonable response from him about the Commanding Officer and while in great fear, he continued in his aggressive ways towards me and tried to peel open my door. | was frantic and in great fear so | held it closed as | peacefully spoke with him. | knew | had done nothing wrong and this seemed lke @ manufactured stop. However, he became cgitated and radioed for backup. As more officers showed up, they opened the passenger door anc pulled Zoie McDowell out. | was tasered from the passenger side which caused great pain, even more fear and at this point | was honesty in a state of trauma, | didn't even know how to obey them because they were being so aggressive and had created such a hostile situation out of a basic raffic stop. | was iterally afraid that they may kill me so I somewhat froze ‘and continued in that frazen state just basically afraid for my lfe and believing that I should not move any because any movement would be even more of an excuse for them to be aggressive with me. ‘FS.00 282, Rev. 18 Dione Dison of Rk Meiners ‘second offcer came om behind the diver seat and choked me ino the headrest. My seatbelt was tion as Iwas yanked and ped out ofthe diver’ dor. My gtriend was handcufed at this point sreaming in booty murder in teror and fer that they were going to kil me This all was happening at what was a trafic stop despite no threats or movements in a hostile ‘manner. And again despite no threats or movements towards any officer, had five (5) Pinellas County Sheriff Officers on top of me beating me on Gulf Boulevard, Ifust one of them had had a civilized conversation itwould have taken far less tax payer time and yet these officers did not seem to care or understand. It was as if they had never been trained in how to properly conduct a traffic stop and investigation and were turning it into a hostile, physical situation. ‘With me in fear and sti frozen simply hoping not to be any more assaulted, they forced my face into the concrete. All| remember after that is looking up into light beams from headlights or flash lights ‘and repeatedly saying, I am not resisting” while I tried to keep my body frozen and yet lt them move my arms as they kneed and were assauiling me by twisting me around. The Officers would continue to assault and battery me unnecessarily even though I was not physically resisting at all ‘and all they would collectively lie and say is “yes, you are" as | was teling them | was not resisting ‘and they were elbowing, kneeing and generally assaulting me. They were saying that | was resisting and while | was being basically frozen except for my arms and legs that they were pinning ‘and assaulting and twisting. So them saying that | was resisting compared to them assaulting me does not line up with realty and itis clear in the video, | did notin any physical manner resist them, but the Officer ltrally created the situation and were assaulting, pushing and battering me. They used my body's normal motions and responses to their ‘assaults 8 fake reason or pretext to assauit ma mare. They intentionally did it and didi in manners and ways that were physical and yet subtle. It was unnecessary and is a violation of my natural and civil rights s0 | believe. That is what I remember leading up to losing consciousness from their assaults. FS.0026, Rew. 1108 & Division © Division of Risk Management | was denied medical atention as well which occurred later after regaining consciousness from their assaults and I think my general fear and trauma. | had hematomas, multiple lacerations, abrasions all around my head area, hairlinedicracked ribs, multiple lacerations, skin abrasions, hair follicle abrasions and urinary bleeding from damage to my kidneys so I was told by the medical professionals, Where the officer tasered me in my right hand I have nerve damage which causes my skin to feel ‘numb tothe touch and ike i's dead. The nerve damage in my right hand has affected my lifelong passion of playing guitar and piano. Ithas caused me a permanent partial impairment which has affected my daily life and it has affected my vocational and earning capacity. Every day the top of ‘my right hand feels numb with no feeling. 1 was suffering from memory loss, headaches and

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