Individual 20 Project 20 Proposal Chcase Unit 4 Proposal CHELSEACASE 1

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To: Miss Enger

From: Chelsea Case ñ ñ

RE: Project Proposal: PowerPoint Graduation Plan:

For use of graduating in a timely manner with
required courses
Date: 21 October 2010
The project I would like to take on for this Unit in English 320 would be to create a
PowerPoint based on my graduation plan. The PowerPoint will include basic information
about each course that I could take for my requirements to graduate from NDSU¶s
College of Business in 2012. Please continue reading for a description of my project
proposal, objectives, methods, timeline, benefits, and evaluation criteria.


Projected Problem:
Many students fall behind or get misguided throughout college. Students often choose
unnecessary, highly difficult, or too many courses. Also, numerous students are not
educated about all the classes available to them. This can often lead to semesters or
even years of added on college. It is important for me not to fall into this category, this is
why I have chosen to make a PowerPoint presentation based on a graduation plan that
I would like to follow.

Project Summary:
I will be creating a PowerPoint presentation. Within this presentation I will include slides
for each course required and available within my major. I will also include slides that
contain information about my current standings as a NDSU student. At the end of the
presentation, based off information in the previous slides, I will be able to create slides
containing each semester course schedule. To acquire this, I will research my options of
courses, course descriptions, credits, and then I will be able to use my knowledge of
each course to create a graduation schedule. I will mainly use NDSU¶s courses
information and my College of Business advisor to attain information for graduation
guidance. This will allow me to take the accurate number of courses and credits each
semester. It will also allow me to balance out the number of difficult, easy, and
moderate courses each semester. Knowing these factors will be beneficial to my GPA
and to my completion of college.
Details- Writing:
My presentation will include both extensive and brief writing. The course option slides
will contain brief writing. The course description slides for classes will be extensive. The
facts, such as credits, will be brief. The evaluation for my writing process should vary.
Depending upon length, different criteria will apply. For extensive writings: content,
formatting, flow, and readability will be important. For brief writings: clarity and
readability will be important. Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence
structure will apply to the entire document.

Details- Visuals:
My presentation will include slides that contain a visual schedule of each semester I
have left at NDSU. The schedule will include courses intended to take, a brief
description, credit per course, and credit per semester. The most important aspects for
my visuals are appearance and readability. The content should be put into a simple
format to be able to refer to information quickly.


Learning Objectives:
I have worked with and created PowerPoint presentation in the past. I am quite familiar
with the genre. Therefore, my learning objectives will focus on the following:
1) I will become educated with NDSU Business Administration requirement courses.
2) I will become knowledgeable of criteria needed to graduate.
3) I will become more proficient in planning and scheduling.
4) I will be able to improve my writing skills.

Personal Objectives:
My goals for this assignment are mainly school related. My personal objectives for this
will be on the following:
1) I will be able to plan the most suitable course schedule each semester to help me
succeed in and complete college.
2) I will be able to create a project that provides benefits for my future.
3) I will learn how to design, manage, and propose a project.
4) I will be able to receive an A on this assignment.
To achieve my goal and reach my learning and personal objectives, I will complete the
following steps:

x First, I will research information regarding completing graduation requirements

for a Business Administration Major. This will include total number of credits,
courses involved, and course credits. This will help me to reach learning
objective number 1.
x Second, I will acquire information attaining to my student standings. This will
include the courses I have previously taken, courses currently taking, credits
completed, and needed amount of credits. This will help me to reach learning
objective number 2.
x Third, I will talk with my advisor to get guidance on courses and a schedule. This
will help me to reach personal objective number 2.
x Fourth, I will make slides for my current standings. This will help me to reach
learning objectives 3 and 4 and personal objectives 3 and 4.
x Fifth, I will make slides for course descriptions. This will help me to reach
learning objectives 3 and 4 and personal objectives 3 and 4.
x Lastly, I will make a schedule and plan for each semester. This will help me to
reach learning objectives 3 and 4 and personal objectives 1, 3, and 4.

The timeline below shows an ideal schedule for completing the Unit 4 project:

Tasks Time
Week 1= 11/8/10- 11/12/10 Weeks
Week 2= 11/15/10-11/19/10
Week 3= 11/22/10-11/26/10
1 2 3 4
Week 4= 11/29/10-12/3/2010
Complete project proposal. (Due:10/22/10) CO PLETED
Research graduation requirements.
Acquire student standing information.
Talk with advisor for guidance.
ake current standings slides.
ake course description slides.
ake semester schedule slides.
Complete project progress report. (Due:11/24/10)
ake revisions to project.
Turn in final project. (Due: 12/3/10)
·ou will evaluate the progress, success, and completion of my Unit 4 proposal project
by using the grading rubric I have provided below. The aspects about my project that I
would like you to pay the most attention to throughout my project will be used as the
grading criteria. These include success, understandability, readability, organization,
proofreading, and visual appeal.

Grading Rubric_____/ 100

Successfully Planned a Graduation Schedule

____ (20) Highly successful in creating the most beneficial plan.

____ (15) Moderately successful in creating the most beneficial plan.

____ (10) Somewhat successful in creating the most beneficial plan.

____ (5) Not successful in creating the most beneficial plan.

Understandability and Readability

____ (20) Very easy to understand and read.

____ (15) Moderately easy to understand and read.

____ (10) Somewhat easy to understand and read.

____ (5) Not easy to understand and read.

Writing Organization

____ (20) Information is clear and has great flow.

____ (15) Information is moderately clear and has good flow.

____ (10) Information is somewhat clear and has okay flow.

____ (5) Information is not clear and does not flow.

(Including proper spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.)

____ (20) Error-free

____ (15) 1-2 minor errors

____ (10) 1-2 serious errors or 3 or more minor errors

____ (5) 3 or more serious errors

(Including formatting, ease of reading, and attention grabbing)

____ (20) Highly appealing

____ (15) Moderately appealing

____ (10) Somewhat appealing

____ (5) Not appealing

Reading References

NDSU. ñ  

 ñ, 2010.
A linked site through North Dakota State University that provides College of
Business student¶s information about the curriculum for their major.

NDSU. ñ  

., 2010.
A linked site through North Dakota State University that allows students to view
and schedule appointments with their advisors to plan for future semesters.

NDSU. ññ

ñ ., 2010.·EE/HRMS/c/COMM
A linked site through North Dakota State University that students make search to
view classes available and find information about classes.

NDSU. ññ


ñ, 2010.·EE/HRMS/c/SA_LE
A linked site through North Dakota State University that shows students their
status, courses accomplished, courses enrolled, and their grade point average.

MTV Networks. , 2010.
A site that students can view to find insights about certain courses and teachers.

Rymph, Doug.   

   October 27th,
2010. November 5th, 2010.
Interview with my advisor about my major, grade point average, courses
completed, following semesters, courses, and professors.

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