Memo Chelseacase

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To: Jennie Enger

From: Chelsea Case

Subject: Client and Job Information
Date: September 28th, 2010
This memo is to inform you about Emily Allen’s occupational needs and the research I found about each
job opening she is considering.

Client Information
Emily’s ideal job position would be one that is challenging, pays well, includes good benefits, and is in a
relaxed working atmosphere. At this point in time she is okay with living anywhere, but eventually she
wants to end up in North Dakota. She would like a typical 40 hour week, but doesn’t mind doing extra
work outside of office hours, trainings or traveling. She is a people person, good communicator, and an
excellent team worker.

Job Information
She has applied for three jobs. Each job is in the field of marketing. The first job is a marketing
coordinator for State Farm in Fargo, North Dakota. This job involves marketing insurance and financial
service products. The second job is a marketing sales position with Genuine Acquisitions Inc. in San
Diego, California. This job involves the marketing of new technologies. The third job is an online
marketing account manager at MEA Digital in San Diego, California. This job involves maintaining the
success of client relationships.

My recommendation would be the online marketing account manager at MEA Digital in San Diego,
California. Emily expressed that she would like to spend time in California. I think this point in her life
would be a good time to do this. I suggest this because eventually she wants to end up in North Dakota
and raise a family here. This would be the perfect opportunity to have a great job in a beautiful city.
Besides the location, the wages and involvements are beneficial. The average wage for an accounting
manager in the U.S. today is $85,988. This would allow Emily to comfortably live and then some. Also,
the type of work involved is just what Emily is looking for. She is a people person and a good
communicator. These characteristics are important because the job deals with successfully maintaining
client relationships.
COMPANY State Farm Genuine Acquisitions MEA Digital
POSITION Marketing Marketing and Sales Online Marketing
Coordinator Representative Account Manager
LOCATION Fargo, North Dakota San Diego, California San Diego, California
WAGES Experience Based Experience Based Performance Based
AVERAGE SALARY IN $49,610 $65,685 $85,988
POSITION Financial Service and New Technology Client Relationships
INVOLVEMENT Insurance Products Products
Connecting people, pay, and performance. (2009). Salary wWizard. Retrieved September 29, 2010, from

Become a state farm employee. (2010). Marketing/Advertising. Retrieved September 29, 2010, from

Marketing and sSales.(2010). Employee iInformation. Retrieved September 29, 2010 from

Top 50 iInteractive aAgency. (2010).Services. Retrieved September 29, 2010 from

City of Fargo. (2010). City iInformation. Retrieved September 29, 2010 from

The City of San Diego. (2010). Information. Retrieved September 29, 2010 from

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