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Submitted To:- Rev. Lalchawimawia

Submitted By:- J. Lalramnghahsanga

Name of the Author :- G. Isaiah

Title of the Book :- Preach the Word (The Basics of Homiletics)
Publisher :- Christava Sahitya
Place of Publication :- Tiruvalla
Year of Publication :- 2012
Number of Pages :- 166
Price :- Rs. 100/-

G. Isaiah was awarded a Doctorate degree. He was as a Pastor for several year and involve in Theology
Education in the last 30 year, unfortunately he past away several year before.

Content of the Book

Chapter 1:- Understanding Preaching
In the first Chapter the Author deals on the basic of Homily, its origin and meaning. It highlights the
basic elements that are necessary in preaching. What is the main objective of preaching? Is also give in
this Chapter. In the 21st pages the Author highlights the definition of preaching given by Philips Brooks,
J.N. Pattison, W.E. Sangster, W.E. Manning, and Charles R. Brown.

Chapter 2:- Origins and History of Preaching

The Second Chapter deals with the Origin and History of Preaching. How did Preaching came out and
how does it develop from time to time. The development and style of preaching was not same on each
era. In this Chapter G. Isaiah classified type of Preaching by period to period. There were Old Testament
Period, Intertestamental Period, New Testament Period and the Period during the Early Church was
also given.

Chapter 3:- Theology of Preaching

In the third Chapter the Author deals with the theology of Preaching and in this Chapter the Author
point out a good fact that the theology of Preaching cannot be differentiated with the theology of the

Chapter 4:- Hermeneutics for Homiletics

The fourth Chapter if this book give an introduction to Hermeneutics. Why Hermeneutics is need in the
Biblical Interpretation.

Chapter 5:- The Construction of Sermon

The fifth Chapter of this book now give the reader how to construct a sermon. In this Chapter of the
book G. Isaiah had suggest the reader that in order to have a good sermon a good preparation in
necessary but still good preparation is not complete without the help of the Holy spirit. Even though the
Preacher may prepare well, in times of the sermon in order to have an effective sermon it his the Holy
spirit who should act not the Preacher.

Chapter 6:- Classification of Sermon

In the sixth Chapter of the book the Author show the reader the different type of sermon. According to
the Author there are Topical Sermons, Textual Sermons, Expository Sermons and some other type of

Chapter 7:- Component of Sermon

The seventh Chapter of the book give the reader the component that is necessary for a sermon.
Chapter 8:- Communicating the Sermon
In this Chapter the Author deals with the element that are necessary for a Sermon. The element that are
necessary for a Sermon are Voice, Language, Gestures, Eye contact and Appearance.

Chapter 9:- Preaching the Church Year

In the second last Chapter of the book the Author mention the different Church festival and the general
guide line for Preaching in a Church’s Year. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Preaching during
the time of the Church Year are also mentioned.

Chapter 10:- Evaluating the Sermon

In the final Chapter of the book the Author give us why we should evaluate the sermon.

‘Preaching the Word (The Basics of Homiletics)’ written by G. Isaiah seem to be best suitable for
students or who are learning the basic principles of preaching. As seen in the above content this book
highlight how Preaching should be done and what is the important element that is needed for good
preaching. From the analysis of the text this book uses simple English word that means that this book
is for those who are looking for a good guide book along side easy understandable.

Assessment of the Book:-

As mentioned this book uses a language that is easily understandable. This means that even without
knowing too much of the English Vocabulary the reader can still understand what is written in the book.
This book contain only 166 pages but still it is a great book because the content of this small book are
very helpful for the reader. For those who are looking for book that can help them in Homiletics, instead
of buying a lot of book and searching a lot sources this book is to be consult as it can satisfy many and
fulfil their basic needs.
This book is also very useful when compare to other book because the method and definitions prescribe
in this book are written in a paragraph form which help the read to easily understand what the whole
passage is about.

Just as other book there is also a negative point in this book, when we look at Chapter 4 of this book it
has a topic on ‘Hermeneutics for Homiletics’. Even though it uses a simple English this Chapter is very
hard to understand from one time reading. The reader of this Chapter may not even got the central idea
even after his third time reading. The example give in the form a Biblical versus also made it hard to

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