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YOU CAN SIGN A LISTING TODAY, even as a new agent!

Here are 7 SECRETS TO STARTING that will allow you to sign a listing today:

1.GET MENTAL - The advantage of great real estate agents is MENTAL, not PHYSICAL. You
will not beat LeBron James in a one-on-one basketball game today; he has a great PHYSICAL
advantage over you. You can sign a listing today with the correct MENTAL attitude. If you are
honest, dedicated, and goal-minded, you can sign any listing in any price range this day in your

2.GET CONFIDENT - CONFIDENCE is not something you stand in the mirror and convince
yourself you are. That is arrogance. CONFIDENCE is the natural byproduct of honesty,
dedication, and a goal-minded pursuit. If you need confidence, start by being honest to
yourself, dedicated to your customer, and focused on your goals.

3.GET CONNECTED - Have a chance to sign a listing today, but worried the customer will think
you are “green?” Leverage a top agent in your office to sign, and potentially share, the listing
with you. You will also learn other agents SECRETS, and positive successful people always

4.ACKNOWLEDGE INSUFFICIENCY - Do not believe your competition has access to secret

market or marketing information that you do not. Information is free and universal now. If you
do not know, you can find out. Remember, a home is a distinctively personal material
possession; your competition knows no more about someone’s home than you do. You have
the education and information that your peers do, or, it is easily within your reach.

5.EVERY SELLER HAS FEAR, worry, and doubt - Ask questions until you know theirs, when
you do, you hold a key most people won’t venture to find! The definition of a sale is the
improvement of a customer’s life, primarily by alleviating a concern. You must know that they
are thirsty to offer them water.

6.DO NOT WORRY ABOUT MAKING ANY SALE until you know why you are taking the trouble
to show up for work every day. Take a walk, call your dad, go skiing. Soul search until you
have a whimsical dream for the next three months, three years, ten years. Connected to this
dream, you are very difficult, if not impossible, to stop.

7.LAUGH. If your brother has cancer, save your seriousness for that. Otherwise, your
customer must like you, and you must like your job. Then, the magic of sales can pour forth
from you.

Contact me if you have questions:


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