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Ballroom Tiara Convention Center Medan

Friday, 17th January 2020
No Day 1 Activities Description
1 07.00- 08.00 Registration
2 08.00-08.30 Symposium I
Ice Breaking in Rheumatology
Moderator : DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
Speaker :
1. Introduction : The Arthritis
dr. Mahriani Sylvawani,SpPD-KR, FINASIM (Aceh)
2. Myths & Facts in Rheumatic Diseases
dr. Herlina Yani,M.Ked (PD) SpPD-KR
3. To Introduce the Interesting Cases in Rheumatology
dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD) SpPD-KR
3 08.30-09.00 Plenary Lecture I
Moderator : DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
" Update Laboratory Approach in Systemic Autoimmune
Rheumatic Disease

Plenary Lecture II
09.00-09.30 Speaker : Prof. DR. dr. Gontar Alamsyah Siregar, SpPD,
" Be aware of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Rheumatic
4 09.30-10.00 Opening Ceremony & Exhibition
5 10.00-10.15 Coffee break
6 10.15-11.30 Symposium II
Current Update of Rheumatic Pain Management
Moderator : dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD) SpPD-KR
Speaker :
10.15-10.45 1. Pain Management in Chronic Rheumatic Diseases
DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
10.45-11.15 2. The Pathogenesis and Management of Neurophatic Pain
DR.dr. Aldy S. Rambe, SpS (K)
11.15-11.30 Discussion
7 11.30-13.00 ISHOMA (Friday)

8 13.00-14.00 Symposium III

Topic: Update Rheumatoid Arthritis
Moderator : dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD) SpPD-KR
Speaker :
13.00-13.30 1. Current Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis : Focus on
Biologic DMARD (Leflunamide)
DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR

13.30-14.00 2. The Role of TNF Alpha Inhibitor in Management

Rheumatoid Arthritis (Golimumab)
dr. Laniyati Hamijoyo, SpPD-KR, M.Kes (Bandung)
9 14.00-15.00 SIMPOSIUM IV
Topic: Update management of Crystal Induced Arthritis
Moderator : dr. Rizqi Arini Siregar, M.Ked (PD), SpPD
Speaker :
14.00-14.30 1. Febuxostat: The New Treatment of Hyperuricemia
dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR
14.30-15.00 2. The Role of Colchichine in the Management Crystal
Induced Arthritis
dr. Faisal Parlindungan,M.Ked(PD)SpPD-KR (Jakarta)
10 15.00-15.45 Symposium V
Topic: Fibromyalgia and Psychosomatic
Moderator : dr. Mahriani Sylvawani,SpPD-KR, FINASIM
Speaker :
15.00-15.20 1. Fibromyalgia : Is it A Rheumatic Disease ?
dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR
15.20-15.45 2. Psychosomatic Approach in Chronic Rheumatic Disease
dr. Wika Hanida Lubis, SpPD, KPsi
11 15.45-16.15 ISHOMA/ Coffe Break

12 16.15-17.00 SIMPOSIUM VI
Topic: Rheumatic Complain in Internal Medicine Related
Diabetic Patient and Dialysis Patient

16.15-16.40 Moderator : dr. Savita Handayani, SpPD, FINASIM

Speaker :
16.40-17.00 1. Muskuloskletal Complain in Diabetic Patient
DR.dr. Santi Syafril, SpPD, KEMD
2. Muskuloskletal Complain in Chronic Kidney Disease
DR.dr. Riri Andri Muzasti, M.Ked (PD), Sp.PD-KGH

13 17.00-17.30 DOOR PRIZE

Ballroom Tiara Convention Center Medan

Saturday, 18th January 2020

No Day 2 Activities Description

1 07.00- 08.00 Registration & Coffe Morning
2 08.00-08.30 Plenary Lecture III
Moderator : dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD) SpPD-KR
Speaker : DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
“Fever in Autoimmune Diseases: is it Flare or Infections?”

08.30-09.00 Plenary Lecture IV

Speaker : dr. Sumariyono, SpPD-KR, MPH (President of
“Current Diagnostic and Management in Autoimmune
3 09.00-10.00 SIMPOSIUM VII
Topic : Lupus Nephritis
Moderator : dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD)SpPD-KR
Speaker :
1. Clinical and Manifestation in Lupus Nephritis
DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
2. Current Management in Lupus Nephritis
dr. Sumariyono, SpPD-KR, MPH (President of
4 10.00-10.15 Coffe Break

5 10.15-11.15 Simposium VIII

Topic : Update Pain Management
Moderator : dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD)SpPD-KR
Speaker :
10.15-10.45 1. Current Pain Management of Rheumatic Diseases
DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
10.45-11.15 2. Efficacy NSAID in Osteoarthritis: Focus on Meta
Analysis Data
DR. dr. Arief Nurudhin SpPD-KR,FINASIM (Solo)
6 11.15-12.15 Simposium IX
Topic : Spondyloarthritis
Moderator : DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
Speakers :
11.15-11.45 1. Diagnose of Spondyloarthritis
dr. Laniyati Hamijoyo, SpPD-KR, M.Kes (Bandung)
11.45-12.15 2. Management of Spondyloarthritis: Focus on
Ankylosing Spondylitis
DR. dr. Radiyati Umi Partan, SpPD-KR, M.Kes
7 12.15-13.00 Lunch (ISHOMA)
8 13.00-14.00 SIMPOSIUM X
Topic : Update Psoariatic Arthritis
Moderator : dr. Herlina Yani,M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR
Speaker :
13.00-13.30 1. Clinical and Diagnostic Approach of Psoriatic Arthritis
dr. Mahriani Sylvawani,SpPD-KR, FINASIM (Aceh)
13.30-14.00 2. Update Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis: From NSAIDs
to Biologic Agent Focus on Adalimumab
DR.dr. Blondina Marpaung, SpPD-KR
9 14.00-15.00 Symposium XI
Topic : Osteoporosis
Moderator : dr. Savita Handayani, SpPD, FINASIM
Speakers :
14.00-14.30 1. Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis: Treatment and
Review Update
14.30-15.00 dr. Herlina Yani,M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR
2. Role of Vitamin D in Osteoporosis and Autoimmune
dr. I.A. Ratih Manuaba, SpPD-KR (Denpasar/Bali)
10 15.00-16.30 Symposium XII
Topic : Clinical Approach in Autoimmune Disease
Moderator : dr. Rizqi Arini Siregar, M.Ked (PD), SpPD
Speakers :
15.00-15.30 1. Clinical Approach and Update Management of
Sjogren’s Syndrome
dr. Faisal Parlindungan,M.Ked(PD), SpPD-KR
15.30-16.00 (Jakarta)
2. Clinical Approach and Update Management of
16.00-16.30 dr. Herlina Yani, M. Ked(PD),SpPD-KR
3. Clinical Approach and Update Management of
Systemic Sclerosis
dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD),SpPD-KR
11 16.30-17.00 ISHOMA ( Coffe Break)/ DOOR PRIZE
Prof. Boloni General Hospital
(Mongonsidi No 11, Medan)
Sunday, 19th January 2020
Date &
No Activities Description
1 07.00-08.00 Registration
2 08.00-10.00 Workshop I
Topic :Musculoscletal Update

Moderator : dr. Rizqi Arini Siregar,

Speaker :
08.00-08.45 1. GALS Examination
dr. Herlina Yani,M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR

08.45-09.30 2. Musculoscletal Disorders in FKTP

dr. Herlina Yani,M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR

09.30-10.00 Case Discussion

3 10.00-12.30 Workshop II
Topic : Intraarticular Injection

Moderator : dr. Eva Musdalita,SpPD

Speaker :
10.00-10.453. Intraarticular Injection Technique
dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD)SpPD-KR

10.45-11.304. The role of Vikosuplemen in the treatment of

dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD)SpPD-KR

11.30-12.305. Demonstration of Intraarticular Injection

dr. Andi Raga Ginting, M.Ked (PD)SpPD-KR
dr. Herlina Yani,M.Ked (PD), SpPD-KR
dr. Faisal Parlindungan,M.Ked(PD) SpPD-KR
4 12.30-13.30 ISHOMA

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