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Teacher Name/Collaborative Group: Emily Garrison/ English Department

Week of: 3/3-3/19

Desired Results--What do we want students to know and do?

Essential Standard(s)-

Learning Target(s)/Objective(s) in Student Friendly Language-

ACT Aspire Boot Camp- Individualized based on student deficits

Learning Plan--Plan for instruction, intervention, and extension.

Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday/Monday Wednesday Thursday/Friday Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday

3/2-3/3 3/4-3/5 3/6-3/9 3/11 3/12-3/13 3/16-3/17 3/18-3/19

Guided Practice/Group Independent Work Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct

Work (You Do) Instruction/Modeling Instruction/Modeling Instruction/Modeling Instruction/Modeling Instruction/Modeling
(We Do): (I Do): (I Do): (I Do): (I Do): (I Do):
● Diagnostic Test ● Based on student
● Finish body for ACT Aspire- ACT Aspire prep skill deficits, ● ACT Aspire prep ● ACT Aspire prep ● ACT Aspire prep
biographies for ● Topic teacher models ○ Organization, ○ Knowledge of ○ Sentence
USA Test Prep
Othello Development in answering Unity, and Language Structure and
● Individual Terms of Purpose questions Cohesion (KLA) Formation
Intervention based and Focus (TOD) (ORG) (SST)
on Diagnostic Guided Practice/Group Guided Practice/Group
results Work Guided Practice/Group Work Guided Practice/Group
Guided Practice/Group (We Do): Work (We Do): Work
***Mrs. Garrison Work ● Practice with (We Do): (We Do):
will be out these two (We Do): questions in ● Practice with
days at a Lead ● Practice with groups ● Practice with questions in ● Practice with
Higher seminar in questions in questions in groups questions in
Chicago.*** groups groups groups
Independent Work
Independent Work
(You Do)
Independent Work (You Do) Independent Work
Independent Work ● Individual
(You Do) ● Individual (You Do)
(You Do) practice on USA
● Formative practice on USA ● Formative
● Individual Test Prep
assessment on Test Prep assessment on
practice on USA
skills ORG and skills KLA and
Test Prep

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