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“The art communication is the language of leadership and is

the key to personal and career success”

-James Humes.

Communication basically means sharing information and our intelligence

or it is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another
through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.

Communication is a simple process, yet showing complexity in some

aspects. Different ways of communication and the distances over which
one is required to transfer the information make the process complicated.
There are three elements necessary to conduct a communication i.e. the
sender, a medium (the platform over which information is conducted) and a
recipient. The sender is the most involved person with a full understanding
of that matter which he wants to deliver. On the other hand, the receiver
does not necessarily know about the sender and the subject of information
which the sender aims to deliver.

 Types of communication

There are different kinds of information. The two major types are verbal
communication and non-verbal communication.

 Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the sharing of information through speech. It

includes the information that people hear on radios, televisions, telephones,
speeches and interviews.

“Man cannot communicate; even if he is silent, his body


Written or spoken words are not the only means for sharing a
message. When there is no use of words, and the recipient
understands what the sender is asking, then it is known as non-verbal
communication. Non-verbal communication is conducted through eye
contact, postures, gestures, facial
expressions, chronemics and haptics

Visuals are also an excellent way to represent any information. Use

of pictures, symbols and graphs can help a person communicate
effectively. Even hairstyles and clothing of a person convey
information regarding his nature, mood and intentions. People use
architectures, and different colours and textures for home and office
surfaces to represent their interests and preferences.

Anthropologist point out that man use non-verbal means for hundred
year ago, they developed linguistic, symbol for communication.
Nature does not bestow the gift of speech on animals, they
communicate non-verbally.

we can easily understand whether a dog is friendly or hostile by

observing its body movement. Similarly if an elephant raises his trunk
and thrushes towards us with loud trumpet, we can ,make that it is
coming to attack . Infact many of these beings are instinctive, natural,
and spontaneous. The smile of Russian child expresses the same
feel as that of American child; comfort, wellness etc.

There are numerous of non-verbal communication .we will discuss how

they contribute to the effectiveness of verbal communication. Let us group
them into the following four category :-

 Kinesics

The word kinesics comes from the root word kinesis, which means
“movement,” and refers to the study of hand, arm, body, and face
movements. we begin to form an impression about a speaker as soon as
we see the way he dressed, the manner in which he moves, stands and
sits. All these gives a significant to his personality. This section will outline
the use of gestures, head movements and posture, eye contact, and facial
expressions as nonverbal communication.

 Gestures

The term gesture refer to the movement of any part of the body such as
hands, arms, fingers, head, shoulders. Speaking without gestures is
difficult. Some gesture are culture specific such as moving head downward
reflects acceptance or approval.

 Eye Contact

We also communicate through eye behaviors, primarily eye contact. Eyes

reflect several personality traits such as intelligence, sincerity, confidence
and conviction. Infact direct eye contact often enable the speaker to
overcome nervousness and self-consciousness.
 Facial Expressions

This is not a coincidence as many signals are sent with the 90-odd muscles
in the face. The way the head tilts also changes the message. Face is the
most expressive part of human body. Its mobile features and the muscles
express a number of feeling and emotions.

 Body posture

The way that the body is held can communicate many different messages.
An open body that takes up a lot of space can indicate comfort and
domination, whilst a closed-in body that makes itself small can signal
inferiority. Copying of the other person's body shows agreement, trust and

 Paralinguistic

Paralinguistics is a kind of nonverbal communication based on the

qualities of your voice and the way you vocalize. It is the study of vocals
signals beyond the basic verbal message or speech.
paralingusitic includes accent, pitch, volume, speech rate,
modulation, and fluency.

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