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Schindler’s List

To complete this assignment, go to Yellowdig in the Navigation menu and post a pin
answering one of the following prompts:

1. Identify a leader in this movie and describe how (s)he modeled the way.
2. Was Oskar Schindler an effective leader? Was he successful? Why or why not?
3. What do you take away from this movie? How can you apply these takeaways to your own

My Answer:
First, I want to say what a great movie this was and after watching this movie I have a little
bit more hope in mankind. There is a lot of evil in this world now a days and especially back
then. With war there is always evil trying to gain something for greed. In this case the Je wish
people were the victims in the indescribably horrific events that took place at that time. Like
I said, I can take away that there are still people left who are genuinely good in this world.
Oskar Schindler the businessman, was the hero in this story. There seemed to be a greater
cause in this man's mind as he did this not for personal gain but for the greater good. Oskar
Schindler saved over a thousand Jewish lives by putting Jews to work in his factory and thus
protecting them from the concentration camps. At first, Oskar might have not done this to
save lives but as her soon realized he was a hero, nonetheless. Eventually, Oskar Schindler
continued to do this, and he did so with intent. For this reason, I say again that Schindler was
a hero which brings me a little bit more hope for this world.

12 Angry Men


To complete this assignment, go to Yellowdig in the Navigation menu and post a pin
answering one of the following prompts:

1. Identify a leader in this movie and describe how he enabled others to act.
2. Would Juror #8's leadership behaviors in this movie have been effective in such situations as
in any of the previous movies? Why or why not?
3. What do you take away from this movie? How can you apply these takeaways to your own

My Answer:
If there is something that I can take away from this movie, it is that things are not always like
they seem. In many situations, people tend to make rash decision and end up making a
mistake without realizing it. In the beginning of this movie, we see 11 of the Jurors decided
that the boy is guilty. After juror eight decides that the evidence may not be reliable, he votes
not guilty which furthers that discussion. The jurors then go back and forth with some of
them changing their votes back and forth as well as they proceed to examine the facts. At the
end, they all come to a unanimous decision that the boy was not guilty. If juror eight had not
been rational and thought that the defendant deserved a better deliberation, the boy would
have been executed. Another take away from this movie is that often times people in groups
tend to find it easier to agree and go along with a general consensus. This can be dangerous
as in some instances as the one seen in the movie. People need to remember that having our
own opinions is important because it brings diversity and different perspectives others may
be blind to.

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