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Aligning the

VOL.5 NO.4

2004 Balanced Scorecard
and a Firm’s
Strategy Using the
Analytic Hierarchy
B Y D E WAY N E L . S E A R C Y, C M A , C PA , C I A





n the Spring 2002 issue of Management Accounting metric for a firm’s management.

I Quarterly, B. Douglas Clinton, Sally A. Webber, and

John M. Hassell illustrated the use of the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) in implementing a bal-
anced scorecard. Their article demonstrated the
power of the AHP in resolving multicriteria decisions
such as developing a balanced scorecard. They men-
tioned that the first level of a balanced scorecard hierar-
The purpose of this article is to investigate the use of
the AHP at the first level of the balanced scorecard
hierarchy with data from six firms. Using the AHP to
determine the relative weight of the performance cate-
gories may give some insight into the alignment
between the balanced scorecard and a company’s strate-
gic initiatives. In addition, the article will demonstrate
chy contains the four balanced scorecard (performance) the use of Excel in AHP applications.
categories, while the second level of the hierarchy con-
tains the metrics used within each category. The T H E C O M PA N I E S
authors demonstrated how the AHP can be used to The six companies involved were part of an overall
help select the metrics of a balanced scorecard as well assessment project aimed at measuring the extent that
as to help understand the relative importance of each lean enterprise tools are implemented successfully.1

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 1 SUMMER 2004, VOL.5, NO.4

The common thread among all six companies was their together, managers can make full use of lean tools and
involvement with implementing lean enterprise princi- techniques to compete in the marketplace. Lean can be
ples. In other words, lean was the strategic initiative defined as the effective utilization of various tools and
undertaken across all six companies. Robert Kaplan and techniques in a systematic, customer-focused manner
David Norton state, “The scorecard should be the that increases the flexibility of the manufacturing/
translation of the business unit’s strategy into a linked logistical processes with the goal of producing the
set of measures that define both the long-term strategic highest-quality product and/or service within an envi-
objectives and the mechanisms for achieving those ronment of continuous improvement through the
objectives.”2 For the companies under study, any score- absolute elimination of all forms of waste. The overar-
card developed should align with the strategic initiative ching values of lean are customer prosperity and the
of implementing lean. view that the workforce is the most important resource
of an organization.
LEAN ENTERPRISES As implied by the definition, lean is multi-
In their book Lean Thinking, James P. Womack and dimensional. Two important characteristics of a lean
Daniel T. Jones state that lean thinking can be summa- enterprise are customer focus and employee empower-
rized in five principles: “precisely specify value by spe- ment. The customer is the driving force behind lean,
cific product, identify the value stream for each product, which suggests that customer-focused measures should
make value flow without interruptions, let the customer be an integral part of any performance system. In a sim-
pull value from the producer, and pursue perfection” ilar vein, lean enterprises empower their employees to
(italics theirs).3 They also state that by clearly under- make operational decisions. The employees are trained
standing these five principles and integrating them to uncover and correct errors as well as find continuous

Figure 1: The Balanced Scorecard for Lean Enterprises

How should we appear to
our shareholders?

should we appear to our
business processes must
we excel at?
STRATEGY: Increase
manufacturing efficiency
and effectiveness
SAFETY: Are we operating
we providing high-quality
within a safe environment?

Are our employees given
opportunities to learn and

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 2 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

improvement opportunities.4 Measuring employee per- improve strategy is the focus of this article. The real
formance should also be a prominent aspect of any per- question to ask is: Does the company’s performance
formance system in a lean enterprise. system support or hinder its strategic objectives? For
Firms attempting to implement lean need a perfor- example, if a company’s strategic objective is to be the
mance system that collects, stores, aggregates, and highest-rated customer service company in the industry,
reports on the many dimensions of lean. The structure then it would be expected that customer-focused met-
of a balanced scorecard, with its four performance cate- rics would rank very high in the performance system for
gories, is a good start for developing a performance sys- that company relative to other performance categories.
tem that meets the requirements of a lean enterprise. If, however, customer-focused metrics are rated last or
near the bottom in importance, a misalignment has
THE BALANCED SCORECARD occurred between the stated strategic objective and the
The four performance perspectives of Kaplan and Nor- performance system. Not only can the AHP assist com-
ton’s balanced scorecard are well documented.5 While panies with developing a balanced scorecard, but the
those perspectives provide a comprehensive picture of relative weighting of the performance categories can be
most companies, two additional perspectives were used to provide insights into a company’s strategy.
added based on the lean initiatives under way at the
companies being studied: quality and safety. T H E A N A LY T I C H I E R A R C H Y P R O C E S S ( A H P )
Interviews with managers at some of the participat- The AHP uses paired comparisons of objects with
ing companies indicated that quality and safety were respect to a common goal or criteria. The end result of
critical aspects worthy of separate categoriza-
tion. Increase in quality is a direct benefit of
successfully implementing lean and, therefore, Table 1: The Ratio Scale
should be measured separately. In addition,
safety was a major concern to the parties For the 15 pairs of evaluation criteria to be compared, first indicate
involved. which category in the pair is more important for measuring and
Figure 1 displays the scorecard categories monitoring the performance of your site, then record your judgment
used. Basically, the four perspectives of as to the magnitude of its importance over the other item in the pair.
Kaplan and Norton’s balanced scorecard are There are no right or wrong answers. The response scale for magni-
retained, but the internal business processes tude of importance is as follows:
perspective is subdivided into three sub-
categories: operating performance, safety, and
product quality. The financial performance,
customer focus, and employee satisfaction per- 1 Equal importance Two criteria contribute equally to
the evaluation of performance
spectives align with Kaplan and Norton’s
financial, customer, and learning and growth 2 Weak importance Experience and judgment slightly
of one item over favor one criterion over another
the other item
Kaplan and Norton comment that a proper-
3 Strong importance Experience and judgment strongly
ly constructed balanced scorecard should tell
favor one criterion over another
the story of a company’s strategy.6 In their arti-
4 Very strong A criterion is strongly favored, and
cle, Clinton, Webber, and Hassell state, “Dif-
importance its dominance is demonstrated
ferent methods of employing a balanced in practice
scorecard are used to clarify and update strate-
5 Absolute The evidence favoring one criterion
gy, to communicate intentions, to align organi- importance over another is of the highest
zation and individual goals, and to learn about possible order of affirmation
and improve strategy.” To learn about and

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 3 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

the AHP is a set of weights derived from the pair-wise one must enter the preference denoted by the respon-
comparisons.7 See the Appendix for the AHP instru- dent (i.e., Pij, where i = column and j = row) or its recip-
ment completed by the management-level employees rocal (i.e., Pji = 1/Pij). For example, a respondent
of the participating companies. Each manager made indicates that safety is two times more important than
two decisions when completing the AHP instrument: quality. Notice that cell D11 represents the magnitude
1. Selecting the more important performance category of quality over safety. Because the respondent indicates
for measuring and monitoring the company’s safety is more important than quality, the reciprocal
performance. (i.e., 1⁄2 = 0.50) is entered in cell D11, and Excel auto-
2. Recording the magnitude of importance the category matically places a “2” in cell C12, indicating safety is
selected has over the category not selected. two times more important than quality. Likewise, cell
Thomas Saaty, the developer of the AHP, recom- E11 indicates the respondent thinks quality is two
mends a one-to-nine ratio scale when deciding between times more important than financial measures in mea-
the two alternatives. A one-to-five ratio scale (Table 1) suring and monitoring the respondent’s company per-
was used in this study. Using a different scale does not formance. The reciprocal is calculated automatically
violate the theoretical foundation of the AHP as long as and entered in cell C13. Once an AHP matrix is com-
the scale used is a bounded ratio scale and the alterna- pleted for each respondent, the company-level matrix is
tives are homogeneous with respect to the scale.8 Both created.
requirements are met in this study.
Step 2: Calculate a company-level matrix
U S I N G E XC E L IN AN AHP A P P L I C AT I O N 9 The objective of step two is to develop a single matrix
Once the managers have completed the AHP instru- for each company from the individual respondents.
ment, five steps are necessary to develop the first hier- This step is accomplished by taking the geometric
archical level of a balanced scorecard for each company: mean across the respondents for each company.10 The
1. Enter pair-wise responses in Excel. geometric mean is calculated for each cell across all of
2. Calculate a company-level matrix. the individual matrices. The result is a single, compos-
3. Normalize the comparisons. ite matrix. Table 3 displays the composite matrix for
4. Calculate the score. Company A.
5. Determine consistency.
Step 3: Normalize the comparisons
Step 1: Enter pair-wise responses in Excel Normalizing the pair-wise comparisons is accomplished
Entering the pair-wise responses of each manager in with two procedures. Calculating the sum of each col-
Excel in a matrix format is the first step. The Perfor- umn is the first procedure (i.e., the formula for cell C17
mance Pair-Wise Comparisons section of Table 2 dis- in Table 2: =SUM(C11:C16)). The formula for cell C17
plays the matrix format for the performance AHP. The is copied to cells D17 through H17. The next proce-
key to remember when entering the pair-wise compar- dure involves dividing each entry in the matrix by its
isons is the assumption of reciprocity. For example, if column sum (i.e., the formula for cell C21: =C11/C$17).
the quality performance category is evaluated as three The formula for cell C21 is copied to cells C21 through
times more important than the operating performance H26. Completing those two procedures creates the
category, the reciprocity axiom states that the operating performance normalized comparison matrix found in
performance category is 1/3 times more important than Table 2.
the quality performance category. The AHP matrix
shown in Table 2 is designed to account for reciprocity Step 4: Calculate the score
by entering the reciprocal formula in the lower half of The average of each row in the normalized matrix is
the matrix. used as the score for each alternative (i.e., the formula
When entering data in the upper half of the matrix, for cell C30 in Table 2: =AVERAGE(C21:H21)). That

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 4 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

Table 2: AHP Calculations
1 Performance Pair-Wise Comparisons
2 Quality Safety Financial Customer Operating Employee
3 Quality 1.00
4 Safety =1/D4 1.00
5 Financial =1/E4 =1/E5 1.00
6 Customer =1/F4 =1/F5 =1/F6 1.00
7 Operating =1/G4 =1/G5 =1/G6 =1/G7 1.00
8 Employee =1/H4 =1/H5 =1/H6 =1/H7 =1/H8 1.00
10 Quality Safety Financial Customer Operating Employee
11 Quality 1.00 0.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 5.00
12 Safety 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00
13 Financial 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 3.00 5.00
14 Customer 0.33 0.50 2.00 1.00 0.50 4.00
15 Operating 0.33 0.50 0.33 2.00 1.00 4.00
16 Employee 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 1.00
17 Sum 4.37 3.20 7.53 8.75 9.75 24.00
19 Performance Normalized Comparisons
20 Quality Safety Financial Customer Operating Employee
21 Quality 0.229 0.156 0.265 0.343 0.308 0.208
22 Safety 0.458 0.313 0.265 0.229 0.205 0.208
23 Financial 0.115 0.156 0.133 0.057 0.308 0.208
24 Customer 0.076 0.156 0.265 0.114 0.051 0.167
25 Operating 0.076 0.156 0.044 0.229 0.103 0.167
26 Employee 0.046 0.063 0.027 0.029 0.026 0.042
28 Performance Consistency
29 Scores Measure
30 Quality 0.252 6.80
31 Safety 0.280 6.56
32 Financial 0.163 6.62
33 Customer 0.138 6.55
34 Operating 0.129 6.49
35 Employee 0.038 6.35 Consistency Ratio 0.091

formula is copied to cells C31 through C35. The result ity (0.252), financial (0.163), customer (0.138), operating
is the score (relative importance weight) for each perfor- (0.129), and employee (0.038).
mance category for measuring and monitoring the com-
pany’s performance. The performance scores in Table 2 Step 5: Determine consistency
indicate that the respondent ranks safety (0.28) as the The final step in applying the AHP is determining the
most important performance category, followed by qual- consistency of the results. The respondents should be

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 5 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

Table 3: Composite AHP Matrix for Company A
Quality Safety Financial Customer Operating Employee
Quality 1.000 1.048 1.188 1.372 1.294 2.434
Safety 0.954 1.000 1.130 1.434 1.112 2.488
Financial 0.841 0.885 1.000 1.505 0.820 1.574
Customer 0.729 0.698 0.664 1.000 0.738 1.372
Operating 0.773 0.899 1.220 1.356 1.000 1.441
Employee 0.411 0.402 0.635 0.729 0.694 1.000
Sum 4.708 4.932 5.838 7.395 5.658 10.308

consistent in their pair-wise comparisons. In other -6)/(5*1.24). The consistency ratio calculated in Table 2
words, if the respondent considers quality two times is 0.091. A consistency ratio of 0.10 or less is considered
more important than safety, and customer two times acceptable, so the performance scores calculated in
more important than quality, then the respondent Table 2 appear reasonably consistent.
should consider customer four times more important
than safety. If the results are not consistent, the scores B A L A N C E D S CO R E CA R D /S T R AT E G Y A L I G N M E N T
should not be used. Table 4 displays the performance scores for each com-
Multiplying each alternative in the original matrix by pany participating in the study. Are the scorecards bal-
the normalized scores and dividing the result by the anced? With six performance categories, a perfectly
respective normalized score calculates the consistency balanced scorecard would weight each category equally
measure found in Table 2. In other words, you multiply at approximately 16.6%. None of the company’s score-
each row in the performance pair-wise comparison cards is perfectly balanced; however, Company E is the
matrix by the performance scores, then divide the result most balanced, with scores ranging from 0.192 to 0.132.
by the respective performance score (i.e., the formula Company C has the largest dispersion between the top-
for cell D30 in Table 2: =MMULT(C11:H11,$C$30: ranked performance category and the lowest-ranked
$C$35)/C30). The formula is copied to cells C31 performance category (0.197). While we would not
through C35. If the respondent is perfectly consistent, expect any scorecard to be perfectly balanced, the
the consistency measure will equal the number of alter- analysis does give insight into the emphasis placed by
natives (i.e., six). management on particular performance categories.
Table 2 indicates the respondent was not perfectly An examination of the ranking of the performance
consistent. As long as the inconsistency is not excessive, categories reveals a couple of interesting points. First,
however, the performance scores can be treated as rea- the employee performance category is ranked last
sonably accurate. A consistency ratio is calculated to across all companies. When compared to the other per-
determine reasonable consistency. The consistency formance categories, employee performance is just not
ratio is calculated as follows:11 as important. In particular, Company C’s scorecard
Consistency ratio = CI / RI, where ranks safety three and a half times more important than
CI = Consistency Index = ( - n) / (n – 1) employee performance in measuring and monitoring
 = the average consistency measure for all the company’s performance. The result is somewhat
alternatives surprising because employee empowerment is a key
n = the number of alternatives principle in implementing lean. A higher focus on
RI = the appropriate random index (1.24, when n = 6) employees is expected as companies become more
The formula for cell F35 is: =(AVERAGE(D30:D35) mature in implementing lean throughout their facilities.

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 6 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

Table 4: Performance Scores
Company A Company D

1 Quality 0.213 6.036 1 Quality 0.213 6.036

2 Safety 0.205 6.038 2 Safety 0.205 6.038
3 Operating 0.176 6.029 3 Operating 0.176 6.029
4 Financial 0.172 6.032 4 Financial 0.172 6.032
5 Customer 0.135 6.034 5 Customer 0.135 6.034
6 Employee 0.099 6.029 6 Employee 0.099 6.029
1.000 0.005 CR 1.000 0.005 CR

Company B Company E

1 Safety 0.281 6.167 1 Quality 0.192 6.178

2 Financial 0.173 6.161 2 Operating 0.185 6.167
3 Quality 0.164 6.162 3 Financial 0.174 6.165
4 Customer 0.156 6.150 4 Customer 0.173 6.219
5 Operating 0.127 6.144 5 Safety 0.144 6.190
6 Employee 0.098 6.126 6 Employee 0.131 6.154
1.000 0.024 CR 1.000 0.029 CR

Company C Company F

1 Safety 0.275 6.101 1 Operating 0.223 6.187

2 Quality 0.186 6.107 2 Financial 0.190 6.179
3 Customer 0.175 6.091 3 Quality 0.181 6.168
4 Financial 0.159 6.097 4 Customer 0.159 6.168
5 Operating 0.127 6.079 5 Safety 0.127 6.173
6 Employee 0.077 6.085 6 Employee 0.120 6.173
1.000 0.015 CR 1.000 0.028 CR

The second interesting point is the relative ranking Another point worth mentioning is the relative rank-
of the customer performance category. A strong cus- ing of the financial performance category. None of the
tomer focus is at the heart of lean enterprises. Compa- companies ranked financial performance as the top per-
nies successful in implementing lean principles are formance category, a refreshing development. With the
“in-tune” with their customers. Two companies, how- dominance of financial measures in most companies, it
ever, have the customer performance category ranked was surprising to find the managers of the participating
next to last, while three companies ranked the customer companies did not view financial performance as the
performance category as second-to-last. For firms most important performance category. While Kaplan
implementing lean, it would be expected that customer and Norton do not rank financial performance as the
performance would be the highest-ranked performance most important performance category, they believe that
category. the metrics used in the other performance categories

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 7 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

should be linked to financial performance. It is impor- results of the AHP, management can begin to realign
tant that improvements in nonfinancial performance the performance system to measure lean better. ■
eventually translate into financial performance.
Does the balanced scorecard perceived by the com- DeWayne L Searcy, PhD., CMA, CPA, CIA, is an assistant
panies’ management support or hinder the strategic professor in the department of accounting at the University
objective of implementing lean? Table 4 appears to sug- of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla. His research interests are
gest some misalignment between the performance sys- supply chain management, lean enterprises, and continuous
tem and strategy. The relative weighting of the auditing. He can be reached at (305) 284-4821 or
performance categories does not reflect the importance
of customers and employees to lean strategies. The
1 The project refers to the companies’ participation in a Lean
operational performance categories dominate the high-
Enterprise Site Assessment conducted by Bradley Greene and
er-ranked categories. Presenting the results of the AHP DeWayne L. Searcy. The specifics detailed in this article are a
to the management team to discuss the relative weights small component of the overall assessment conducted with
each company.
placed on the different performance categories may be 2 Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, “Why Does Business
useful. An open dialogue discussing the lean initiative Need a Balanced Scorecard?” Journal of Cost Management,
May/June 1997, pp. 5-10.
and how the balanced scorecard affects the initiative
3 James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking: Banish
also would be beneficial. Developing an understanding Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, Simon & Schuster,
with a company’s management on the importance of a New York, N.Y., 1996.
4 Steven Spear and H. Kent Bowen, “Decoding the DNA of the
properly structured balanced scorecard and its link with Toyota Production System,” Harvard Business Review,
a company’s strategic objectives is key. September/October 1999.
5 Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, The Balanced Scorecard:
Translating Strategy into Action, Harvard Business School Press,
The analysis conducted has only examined the perfor- 6 Kaplan and Norton, 1997, pp. 5-10.
7 Thomas L. Saaty, The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill,
mance category level of a balanced scorecard. The next New York, N.Y., 1980.
step involves determining the specific metrics in each 8 Patrick T. Harker and Luis G. Vargas, “The Theory of Ratio
Scale Estimation: Saaty’s Analytic Hierarchy Process,” Manage-
performance category to collect and measure. It is likely
ment Science, November 1987 (vol. 33, no. 11), pp. 1383-1403.
that the number of metrics within each performance See also, “Reply to ‘Remarks on the Analytic Hierarchy
category will vary. The steps outlined above can be Process’ by J. S. Dyer,” Management Science, March 1990 (vol.
36, no. 3), pp. 269-271, by the same authors.
used at the metric level. Once the metrics are defined 9 See Cliff T. Ragsdale, Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analy-
and scored, a scoring system is developed. From that sis, 3rd ed., South-Western, Cincinnati, 2001, pp. 766-773.
10 J. Aczel and Thomas L. Saaty, “Procedures for Synthesizing
scoring system, an overall performance score can be cal-
Ratio Judgments,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1983,
culated.12 A single composite score allows for compari- vol. 27, pp. 93-102.
son across companies as well as comparisons across 11 The random index was generated through simulations con-
ducted by Thomas L. Saaty.
facilities within companies. 12 See B. Douglas Clinton, Sally A. Webber, and John M. Hassell,
The use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in investi- “Implementing the Balanced Scorecard Using the Analytic
Hierarchy Process,” Management Accounting Quarterly,
gating the degree of alignment between management’s
Spring 2002.
ranking of balanced scorecard performance categories
and the company’s strategic initiatives was illustrated
here using six lean enterprise companies. The use of
Excel to perform AHP calculations also was demon-
strated. Results of the process indicate two performance
categories (customer and employee) were not highly
ranked when compared to the other categories. Those
two categories are the foundations of lean programs and
were expected to be highly ranked. Armed with the

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 8 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

Appendix—Performance Categories AHP Instrument
For the 15 pairs of evaluation criteria to be compared, first indicate which category in the pair is more important for
measuring and monitoring the performance of your site, then record your judgment as to the magnitude of its impor-
tance over the other item in the pair. There are no right or wrong answers. The response scale for magnitude of
importance is as follows:

1 Equal importance Two criteria contribute equally to the evaluation of performance

2 Weak importance of one item over another Experience and judgment slightly favor one criterion over another
3 Strong importance Experience and judgment strongly favor one criterion over another
4 Very strong importance A criterion is strongly favored, and its dominance is
demonstrated in practice
5 Absolute importance The evidence favoring one criterion over another is of the highest
possible order of affirmation

Example: Quality of a leader

A VS B More Important Magnitude
Communication Skills Technical Skills A B 1 2 3 4 5
Communication skills are 4 times more important than technical skills of a leader.


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Product/Service Quality Safety A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Financial Performance Customer Focus A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Operating Performance Employee Satisfaction A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Safety Financial Performance A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Product/Service Quality Financial Performance A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Safety Employee Satisfaction A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Customer Focus Operating Performance A B 1 2 3 4 5

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 9 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

Appendix—Performance Categories AHP Instrument (cont.)


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Employee Satisfaction Product/Service Quality A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Operating Performance Financial Performance A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Customer Focus Employee Satisfaction A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Product/Service Quality Operating Performance A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Customer Focus Safety A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Employee Satisfaction Financial Performance A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Customer Focus Product/Service Quality A B 1 2 3 4 5


A VS B More Important Magnitude
Operating Performance Safety A B 1 2 3 4 5

M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R LY 10 SUMMER 2004, VOL. 5, NO. 4

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