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ater argart Fer Het areata shethrat faafenea, aE wits FT wea oat at gfe fear on @ fe faeataenwa arr aia ada te cd Aa ders 3 ated Fe ater ser aT pies a afte Fi oie S aes ae Peet oS wa Fada SH var one @, at sae free New UFM Rules 3 sigan oraae aad a7 art var 8 sant 1 you HOAOsTOMOfAOfO /ToFOz0 /Ti /2019 Pra 12.09.2019 faferft- ares faarrezet afrora, TET ae wa siter a Paar after are seer wt sabia afer ort ama, 2 orgie & Pe set A weaegae aah a ae at TT Brae steer We Gee \ aueaune ‘As Soon as, any case of tnfir means comes to the notice of the invgilatorsVlying squad, he/she ‘shall bring it to the notice of the Centre. ‘Superintendent of the Examination, ‘The invigilator(s) shall take in their possession Answer Booklet of the student -along with unwanted Paper or other materials found and immedtately issue a second Answer Booklet to the student ‘Tee Cer Stpsrinizdeot af We Examination shall cord We Ge wie We cas was ought oT notice, Heishe shall also record the time of issue of the second Answer Booklet (A): UFM-Main ‘he Invigiletors), who has detected the use of UFM by a student, shall also record his siaernect ‘sbout the UFM case on specified UFM form. ‘The Centre Superintendent ofthe Examination shall also give his statement in spéciied UFM format, in case a stents found to have writen something on the body pan a photo of ste may be taen E by the web cam /mobile camers etc. if possible. ‘No ex tne will be given for completing the Examination as «result ofthis procedue tthe ‘student. q Afi the completion of the examination; both ofthe answer booklets marked es Booklet (A): UFM: i :Main answer Booklet” and “(B): UEM-Second answer Booklet” slong with the material found in osseason of the student and prescribed. UFM, FORM SHALL BE. SENDT IN. SEPARATE ENVELOPE MARKED UFM TO THE OFFICE OT THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION. Bock, the mater shouldbe repo fo the polis and scopy ofthe FIR iso be det othe aft oe the-controller of Examination along with the statement ofthe Invigilator(s) present in the room. 2 Sat of impersonation, the Cente Superntindent shall report the mater w the Gooeoliee of Examination along with the detailed report with necessary’ documents, 1s cates of misconduct of very serious nature, the mater should be réorad tothe police if necessary: Statement ofthe Lnvigilaton’s and that of the:other concerned (6:5. Security person:etc.) may be obtained and seat to the office of the Contioller of Examination, > “a 13, In case of electronic gadgets, the cle photocopy of that from front and back, and the enlarged photocopy of the sereen shot/ the printout of the material stored in the electronic. gadgets duly signed. by the stadent, invigilator, and Centre Superinteadent, MUST be attached with UFM report. CONVENING OF COMMITTEE ON UNFAIR MEANS: ‘A Committee (Standing Committee) agpointed by the Vice-chancellor shall enquire into cases of unfair means in the Examination, The ‘stadent who is involved in UFM cases will be-given a chance ‘o submit his/her representation to the committee, if he wants during a period as specified via circular bby the office of the Controller of Exemination. The Committee shall thoroughly examine the cases on recommendations after laying down clearly the narure of the offence and punishment to the Vice- ‘Chancellor for consideration and necessary order:— = TABLE SHOWING PUNISHMENT DETAILS FOR UNFAIR MEANS A’ |} "| Student doesn’t follow the instuction given by the Centre | Waring will be lswued to the Superintendent Invigilator. student not to repeat in future, IF 2. | Student communicates with ‘nother examinee or tries 10 pass on | repeated, CONCERNED i information even after a word of caution froin the invigilator(s).or | MINORORMAIOR aay competent authority. ‘SUBJECT examizstion only’ 3. | Any sort of writing on the question Paper except the Rall No. a | will be ewanded ZERO marks the giver space. on the basis ofthe written report | 4. | Any examination ‘relevant fiterature found near or just beneath |of the room invigilator(s). hishher seat but he/she has-not copied from ihe said material as ascertained by Centre Superintendent flying squad/Invigilator(s) 5. -] Student Indulges in writing the matter relevant to subject before t commencement of examination e H 6, | Smdent's indecent belaviour at the examination cece or the = examination hall ad ee 7. [if the examinee is found in his possession Hows, Chit, answer + book of any other examination; however, he/she has not written ‘rom the said material in his her answer book. : B | 1. | Use of indecent of abusing words in the answer book. CONCERNED SUBIECT 12 i 2. | Possess any sort of exam felevent materiel in the euamination | whole will be -awerded “> hall or even outside the examination hall like toilet, lobby etc. or | grade. ‘ties to contact. any. unauthorized person during the examination timings. 3. | Brings any electronic gadgets (exsept- memory less scientific

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