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1. Home safety for an elderly patient whose mobility is impaired should include
which of the following measures?
a. Carpeting stair ways.
b. Waxing kitchen floors.
c. Installing hand rails next to the tub & toilet .
d. Placing throw rugs in hallways & doorways.

2. Which of the following questions would be essential in a cultural assessment of

a patient?
a. How many times have you been married ?
b. At what time do you take your medications?
c. Do you have any siblings?
d. Are there foods that you cannot eat together?

3. To accurately assess for jaundice in a client with dark skin pigmentation, the
nurse should examine which of the following body areas?
a. Nail beds.
b. Skin on back of the hand.
c. Hard palate of the mouth.
d. Soles of the feet.

4. Which of the following behaviors by a nurse who is suspected of being impaired

would support a nursing diagnosis of in affective individual coping?
a. Decreased job performance
b. Increased food consumption
c. Verbal manipulation
d. Frequent illnesses.

5. A nurse while doing a physical assessment shines a light into patient's right eye and
notes pupillary constriction in the left eye. The nurse should chart this response as:
a. a direct reaction.
b. a consensual reaction.
c. accommodation reaction.
d. a Pupillary convergence.

6. The Most appropriate route of administration for measles vaccine is:

a. Intramuscular
b .subcutaneous
c. intradermal
d. intravenous


7-An over weight adolescent female asks for information on losing weight. After
instructing the patient to decrease her caloric intake, which of the following responses
by the nurse would be best:
a. "You should decrease the amount of vitamins in your diet".
b. “You should decrease the amount of meals each day”.
c. “You should increase the amount of exercise activities”.
d. “You should increase the amount of fast or easy to fix food in your diet"

8. A home health nurse is visiting a patient with ovarian cancer. The patient has
experienced decreased appetite & a significant weight loose in the past three weeks.
Which of the following action should the nurse take first?
a. Recommend multiple small feeding of high protein foods.
b. Plan to include the majority of calories for the day at breakfast.
c. Apply the standard care plan for a altered nutrition: less then body
d. Collect additional information to determine potential causes of weight loss.

9. A priority nursing intervention for the care of terminally ill patient diagnosed
With metastasis cancer is:
a. maintaining bowel function.
b. alleviating &relieving pain.
c. preventing respiratory arrest.
d. managing chemotherapy.

10. An eight years old child has cerebral palsy, tracheotomy& in oxygen (O2)
dependant. During an initial visit, the nurse would include which of the following
question in an environmental assessment.”?
a. “Are there drafts or air leaks in the home?”
b. “Are there other children in the home?”
c. “Does anyone smoke in the home?”
d. “Are there pets in the home?”

11. Which of the following measures is most appropriate for a nurse to take to
Prevent injury in a patient who is confused?
a. Apply a soft restraint on the patient wrist.
b. Administer lorazepam (Ativan) as ordered.
c. Change the patient environment.
d. keep the bed in the lowest position.

12. A nurse is assigned to all of the following patients. Which patient should the
nurse Assess first?

a. The patient requesting medication for chest pain.

b. The patient who has an intravenous medication due in 30 minutes
C. The patient who has a temperature of 101 f. (38.3 c)
D. The patient who is scheduled to go surgery within the hour.

13. Which of the following instruction should be given to the family to ensure the
saftey of a patient who recently began axperiancing periodic grand mal
a. Place a tonge blade in the patient,s mouth during a seizure.
b. basicly restrain the patient during the seizure
c. Remove the sharp objects in the patient immediate environment.
d. Call the emergency medical team when each seizure begins.

14. A child with impetigo is discharged from the hospital.he nurses plan of care
should include which of the following measures?.
a . providing high protein meals for the child .
b. Teaching the child & family members about good hand washing techniques .
c. Instructing the child & family members about decreasing play ground activity
d. Providing sun lamp treatments for the child.

15. Which of the following action should be included in the teaching plan for the
parents of a pre school – aged child who has pediculosis capitals?
a. Administer topical anti – itching medication.
b. Apply calamine lotion or burrows solution.
c. Comb the child s hair each week.
d. Wash all of the family clothes & linens.

16. When informed consent is obtained from the patient, the explanation of the surgical
procedure possible risks, complications & alternatives is the responsibility of the:
a. registered nurse.
b. surgeon.
c. admissions clerk.
d. anesthesiologist.

17. The best nursing approach to parents who are displaying anxiety and guilt when
their child is hospitalized is:
a. explain the dangers of excessive anxiety & guilt.
b. distract their attention to some thing less painful.
c. anticipate their emotional responses & acknowledge them.
d. give personal examples that are similar to their situation.

18. the most effective way to manage pain for a patient with terminal cancer for the
nurse is:

a. to administer pain medication at eight – hour intervals.

b. to administer pain medication on a continuous – around the – clock.
c. to administer pain medication as the pain reaches peak level.
d. to administer pain medication when the patient can no longer tolerate the pain.

19. A follow-up visit is conducted on an elderly patient after a recent

hospitalization. The patient reports nocturia. Which of the following patient
instructions by the nurse would most effectively address?
a. “Avoid liquids after 5 pm”.
b. “Keep a low – voltage light on, in the hallway"
c. “Wear a disposable undergarment at bed time.
d. “Obtain a bedside commode”.

20-While orienting a new nurse to the unit, the charge nurse stresses the
importance of documentation. The primary reason for a nurse to document care
accurately is to:
a. demonstrate responsibility & accountability.
b. prevent any legal action against the health care facility & its staff.
c. facilitate insurance reimbursement.
d. be in compliance with individual regulatory agencies.

21.In teaching a mother of an 18 months old baby about prevention & safety at
home, the nurse should include which of the following measures in response to a
accidental ingestion?
a. Induce vomiting with one dose of peace syrup.
b. Call the local poison control center for advice prier to treatment.
c. Give the child several glasses of water to flash the substance.
d. Have the child eat the inner portion of the piece of bread.

22. The vaccine refrigerator température that is safe for all vaccines Is:
a. 10-12 c
b. 0- 2 c
c. 2 - 8 c
d. 1-14 c

23. Chickenpox can some time be fatal to children who are receiving:
a. Insulin.
b. Steroids.
c. Antibiotics.
d. Anticonvulsants


24. Attendance of parents during painful procedures on their toddler should be:
a. based on individual assessment of the parents.
b. based on the type of procedure to be performed.
c. discouraged & permitted if the child desires their presence.
d. encouraged & permitted if the child desires their presence.

25. The major influence on eating habits of the early school age child is the:
a. availability of food selection.
b. smell & appearance of food.
c. example of parents at meal time.
d. food preferences of the peer group.

26. While assessing toddler’s teeth. The nurse can predict the appearance of incoming
teeth by recognizing that the teeth that bud first tend to be the:
a. Canines.
b. Incisors.
c. Upper molars.
d. Lower molars.

27. The chief function of progesterone is the:

a. Development of female reproductive organs.
b. Stimulation of follicles for ovulation to occur.
c. Preparation of the uterus to receive a fertilized ovum.
d. Establishment of the secondary male sex characteristics

28. A client who is 10 weeks pregnant calls the clinic & complains of morning sickness.
To promote relief of that, the nurse should suggest:
a. eating dry crackers before arising.
b. increasing her fat intake before bedtime.
c. having two small meals daily &a snack at noon.
d. drinking more high carbohydrate fluids with meals.

29. A nurse notice the mother of one month old infant sitting & talking on the
telephone while the infant lies in the crib crying. Which of the following statement
by the nurse would be most appropriate?.
a. " You baby is crying & need your attention now”
b. “Let’s check your baby together to see what he need"
c. "Why do you think your baby is crying at this time? "
d. “When did you last feed your baby?”

30. A student present in the clinic with iron dediciency anemia .As a nurse you would
expect which of the following symptoms to be present in this patient?
a. Abdominal pain & vomiting.
b. Poor posture & unclear speech.

c. Brady cardiac & dyspnea.

d. Poor muscle tone & decreased activity.

31. Which of the following statements by a 25 year -old women indicates that she
understands breast self examination ( B S E)?
a. "I will perform B S E every there month"
b. "I will wear latex gloves when doing B S E"
c. I will do complete B S E on both breasts 7 to 10 days after menses onset monthly."
d. I will use the palms of my hands to per form B S E"

32. A breast feeding mother on her third post partum day states that she is planning
on using the lactation amenorrhea method (L A M ) for contraception . The most
appropriate nursing response would be to inform the mother that:
a. this method can be used for one year.
B. this method is effective if she is fully breast feeding & menses has not returned.
c. she can supplement with formula for the right feedings.
d. she should check her basal temperature to determine effectiveness of the

33. Regarding B.C.G vaccine in neonates (the dose) Is:

a- 0.5 ml s/c
b- 0.05 ml I/D
c- 0.25 ml I/M
d- 0.01 ml I/M
34. The nurse provides discharge instructions to patient with hepatitis B .which of
following statement if made by the patients would indicate the need for further
a. “I can never donate blood”
b. “I can never have un protect sex”
c. “I cannot share needles”
d. “I should avoid drugs & alcohol “

35.To maintain proper cold chain, Polio vaccines should be kept in the:
a- Second shelf of refrigerator
b-First shelf of the refrigerator.
c - Third shelf of the refrigerator.
d.-door of the refrigerator

36. A breast feeding client asks the nurse if she should supplément breast feeding
With formula feeding. The nurse bases the response on which of the following?
a-Formula feeding should be avoided to prevent interfering with breast milk

b-Primarily, water suppléments should be used to prevent jaundice.
c-Formula suppléments can provide nutrients not found in breast milk.
d.More vigorous sucking is needed for bottle feeding so supplements should be

37. A 22 Year old client whose immunization status is current, asks the nurse which
Immunization will be included in he pre-college physical. The nurse should
Indicate that the necessary immunization will include:
a. MMR.
b. Influenza.
c. TD boosters.
d. Hepatitis.

38. When explaining to an anemic client about the need to take supplemental
vitamins with iron, the nurse would instruct the client to take the irons with
which of the following to promote absorption?
a- Orange juice
b- Tea.
C .Hot chocolat.
d- Milk.

39. A female client has a low hemoglobin level which is attributed to a nutritional
deficiency. The nurse should recommend an increase in which one of the
following the client’s diet:
a. Beef.
b. Liver.
c. Prunes.
d. Broccoli.

40. When caring for a client who is HIV Positive, a primary responsibility of the
nurse is to explain how the client can prevent:-
a. AIDS.
b. Social isolation.
c. Other infections.
d. Kaposi’s sarcoma.

41. The food group lowest in natural sodium is:

a. milk.
b. meat.
c. fruits.


42. Prophylaxis for hepatitis B includes:

a. preventing constipation.
b. screening of blood donors.
c. a voiding shellfish in the diet.
d. limiting hepatotoxic drug therapy

43. The assessment of a client that would be most indicative of diabetes insipidus is:-
a. decreased blood glucose.
b. low urinary specific gravity.
c. elevation of blood pressure.
d. decreased serum osmolarity.

44. The statement that would best describe the practice of psychiatric nurse would
a. Helping people with present or potential mental health problem.
b. Ensuring client’s legal &ethical rights by acting as a client advocate.
c. Focusing interpersonal skills on people with physical or emotional problem.
d. Acting in a therapeutic way with people who are diagnosed as having a mental

45. The nurse correctly teaches that the most frequent side effect associated with the use
of IUCDS is:
a. ectopic pregnancy.
b. expulsion of the IUCD.
c. rupture of the uterus.
d. excessive menstrual flow.

46. A parent of a six years old child asks" is it safe for my child to ride in the front seat
when I have an emergency air bag device in the car? Which of the following
replies should the nurse give?

a. "Yes, air bags are designed to take the place of the safe seats or seatbelt."
b. "Yes, however, you must keep the seat position as close to the front of the care as
c. "No, children are safest in the middle of the back seat in a manual seat belt."
d. "No, children should ride in the near seat behind the driver."

47. A Client 6weeks gestation is receiving antibiotic therapy for pyelonephritis. The
nurse is aware that the safest antibiotic for administration during pregnancy is:-
a. Gantvism.
b. Ampicillin.

c. Tetracycline.
d. Nitrofurantain.

48. The nurse finds an injured person sitting in a chair, obviously in shock. The nurse
a. keep the head elevated, give stimulant in small sips.
b. apply tourniquet to three extremities rotating one every 15 minutes.
c. surround the body with warm blanket or chemical heating pads if available.
d. place the person in the supine position, prevent chilling, and give fluids if possible.

49. The nurse should prioritize care &provide treatment first for a client with:
a. head injuries.
b. fractured femur.
c. ventricular fibrillation.
d. penetrating abdominal wound.

50. When teaching an adolescent with type one diabetes about dietary management, the
nurse should instruct the client to:

a. eat meals at home.

b. weigh food on a gram scale.
c. always carry a concentrated form of glucose.
d. have the parent prepare food separately from the rest of the family.




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