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The current in an a.c circuit at any time t seconds is given by:

I = 120 sin (100πt + 0.36 amperes).


i) Find the peak value =120 A.

ii) The periodic time =T =2π /w =2π/100π =1/50 =0.02s or 20ms.
iii) The frequency f = 1/T =1/0.02 =50Hz.
iv) Phase angle relative to (120 sin 100π t) = 0.36 =( 0.36 x 180/π) ° φ =20°38ˈ leading.

b.) The value of the current when t = 0

I = 120 sin (0 + 0.36) = 120 sin 20°38ˈ =49.3 A

c.) The value of the current when t = 8ms

I = 120 sin [ 100π (8/10 ³) + 0.36]

= 120 sin 2.8733 (= 120 sin 164°38¹)

= 31.8 A.


i) Vp= 4.5V
ii) Vpp = 4.5 x 2 = 9V
iii) Vrms = 0.707 x 4.5 = 3.18 V
iv) The half cyle Vavg for the sine wave = 0.637 ( 4.5V) = 2.87.

2B) What are the phase angles between sine waves A and B

a . sine wave A leading sine wave B by 45°.

b. sine wave B leading sine wave A by 30°.



i) The r. m. s value = 0² + 5² +10²+20² + 50² + 60²+50² +20² + 10² +5²/10.

r. m.s value = 965
= 31V.

ii) The form factor = r.m.s value/ average value = 31/23 = 1.55.
iii) Peak factor of a periodic voltage = 60/ 31 = 2.
iv) What would be the r.m.s value of sine wave having the same peak value?

i) The rms voltage across each resistor

V1 (rms) = I rms R1 = (76.9 mA) (1.0 Kilo ohms) = 76.9V.
V2 (rms)= Irms R2 = (76.9 mA) (560 ohms) = 43.1 v.
ii) rms current in Irms =Vs (rms) /R tot = 120V /1.56 kilo ohms = 76.9 mA
iii) Total resistance: R tot = R1 + R2 = 1.0 kilo ohms +560 ohms = 1.56 kilo ohms.
iv) The total power is : P tot = I² rms R tot = (76.9 mA )² ( 1.56 kilo ohms) = 9.23w

For the periodic waveforms shown in figure above, determine for each waveform

i) Frequency
Rectangular waveform
Time for 1 complete cycle = 16ms = periodic time .T
Hence frequency = f = 1/T = 1/ 16 x10-³ =1000/ 16=62.5Hz.

Triangular waveform

Time for 1 complete cycle = 20ms =periodic time, T

Hence frequency f = 1/T = 1/ 20 x 10-³ =1000/20= 50Hz.
ii) Average value over half a cycle
Rectangular waveform
Area under curve/ length of base
= 10 x (8 x 10-³)/ 8 x 10-³
Triangular waveform
=1/2 x base x height
=1/2 x (10 x 10-³) x 200
=1 volt second
Average value of waveform
=area under curve/ length of base
=1 volt second/ 10 x 10 -³ second
= 1000/10 = 100V.
iii) r. m.s value
Triangular waveform
The first ¼ cycle is divided into 4 intervals
Thus r.m.s value value
= 114. 6 V.
Rectangular waveform
The r. m.s value (i²1 +i²2 +… +i²n/n
iv) form factor (v) peak factor
form factor = r.m.s value/average value = 10/10 =1
v) peak factor = maximum value/r,m.s value = 10/10 =1.

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