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I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (10 x1p = 10p)

Paleontologists in New Mexico …………… 1. (to unearth) the remains of at least one dinosaur from the late Jurassic
period. The scientists ……… 2. (to dig) in an unexplored part of the Gaab Mountains for the last eight months. Last week
one of the group ……… 3. (to find) a section of rock which ……………………. 4. (to contain) a number of bones from
one large herbivorous dinosaur. Since then, the group ………………5. (to try) to release the bones from the rock and
piece them together. These latest bones may prove to come from the largest dinosaur anyone ………… 6. (to discover) so
far. For a long time the Gaab Mountains ……………7. (to be) one of the most productive fossil beds in the world. By the
time the scientists …………… 8. (to discover) the first bones there in 1877, speculation about the existence and
extinction of these stunning reptiles already …………………. 9. (to appear) in some European scientific magazines. Also,
by the end of next decade the researchers …………… 10. (to give) us a clear insight into the late Jurassic period in North
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap; use only one word in each gap. (5
x 2p= 10p )
Spain is a vast and varied country, and its people have 1) … things in common 2) … for their friendliness,
sociability and hospitality. Spaniards have a reputation for not letting work get in the way of enjoyment and for
spending as 3) … time and energy as possible on their social lives. Their frequent use of the word manana –
leave things 4) …tomorrow – is seen as being characteristic of this tendency. While this may be a stereotypical
view of Spanish life, it is true that many people organize their working hours 5) … as to make the most of their
free time.
III. Translate the following text into English (10 p)
Unul din comandamentele noastre este: a trăi în prezent. De fapt, a nu trăi în prezent reprezintă pentru mine o
pură contradicţie, fiindcă a trăi este sinonim cu a fi prezent ... Generaţiile mai vechi, intoxicate de cărţi, fac prea
mare caz de memorie şi de istorie şi se lasă înăbuşiţi de strigoi... Tata este un om pentru care trecutul ia atâta
importanţă, încât îl face să trăiască in vis, ca un somnambul. El nu ţine seama de loc ca azi sunt fabrici, terenuri
de sport, garaje, el ar vrea să radă prezentul şi să ridice pe malurile Dâmboviţei Atena sau Roma. Toată
arhitectura se reduce la el la temple, foruri, fântâni, şi dacă ar fi lăsat în voia lui, numărul statuilor ar întrece în
oraş populaţia vie. (G. Călinescu - Bietul Ioanide)

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (5 x 2 p = 10 p)

1. Had …. her long hair, Lucy …. the beauty contest.
a. it not been for/wouldn’t have won
b. not been/wouldn’t have won
c. it been/wouldn’t have won
d. she had/would have won

2. Prima versiune a eseului nu este buna deloc.

a. The first version of your essay is somewhere near good.
b.The first version of your essay is anywhere as good.
c.The first version of your essay is nowhere near good.
d.The first version of your essay is nowhere near as good.

3. Arăta de parcă n-ar fi dormit de-o săptămână.

a. She was looking as if she didn’t sleep in a week.
b. She looked as if she hadn’t slept for a week.
c. She was looking as though she wasn’t sleeping for a week.
d. She looked as though she wasn’t sleeping for a week.
4. She … woken up yet as it is Sunday and she enjoys staying late in bed.
a. may not have
b. can’t have
c. mustn’t have
d. shouldn’t have

5. Not until … from the accident … to feel better.

a. a year passed/did he start
b. did a year pass/he started
c. did a year pass/did he start
d. a year passed/he started


I. Read the paragraph below and do the tasks (5 x 2p= 10p)

At the premiere of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" last month, a clutch of impassioned animal activists
gathered on Hollywood Boulevard. But they weren't there to throw red paint on fur-coat-wearing celebrities.
Instead, one demonstrator — dressed in a full-body monkey suit — had arrived with a sign complimenting the
filmmakers: "Thanks for not using real apes!"
The creative team behind "Apes" used motion-capture technology to create digitalized primates, spending
tens of millions of dollars on technology that records an actor's performance and later layers it with computer
graphics to create a final image — in this case, one of a realistic-looking ape.
Yet "Apes" is more exception than the rule — in fact, Hollywood has been hot on live animals lately: The
nonprofit American Humane Assn., which monitors the treatment of animals in filmed entertainment, is keeping
tabs on more than 2,000 productions this year, 100 more than in 2010. Already, a number of high-profile 2011
films, including "Water for Elephants," "The Hangover Part II" and "Zookeeper," have drawn the ire of activists
who say the creatures featured in them haven't been treated properly.
In some cases, it's not so much the treatment of the animals on set that has activists worried; it's the off-set
training and living conditions that are raising concerns. And there are questions about U.S. films made overseas,
which sometimes are not monitored as closely as productions filmed stateside.

1. According to the article, animal rights activist _______________ the fact that there were no real apes used in the
new "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" movie.
a. are appalled by
b. are ambivalent to
c. like
2. What kind of "apes" did the above -mentioned movie use?
a. real ones
b. computer-generated ones
c. cardboard cutouts
3. According to the article, Hollywood movies have been _______________.
a. shying away from using live animals lately
b. treating all live animals well in the past little while
c. using lots of live animals lately, and not always treating them properly
4. Why are animal rights activists worried about U.S. movies that are shot overseas?
a. Because the way the animals are treated overseas is sometimes not as closely monitored as in the U.S.
b. Because they don't want foreign workers to be hired
c. Because they don't want foreign animals to be used in American movies
5. How much money did the makers of "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" spend on the motion-capture
technology used in the movie?
a. Tens of thousands of dollars
b. over $10,000,000
c. about $2,000

II. Starting from the text above, write an opinion essay on ANIMAL RIGHTS.


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