Final Year Project Proposal E-Leather PDF

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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal

Final Year Project Proposal

International Islamic University Islamabad
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences



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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal

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Sr. Student ID Name Email Mobile

1. 3357-FBAS/BSSE-F16 Javaid Iqbal 0348-5321483

2. 3337-FBAS/BSSE-F16 Aizaz Asjid 0302-5268146


Version 1.0

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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal


In market there is no proper platform for leather industry for people to sell their leather products nationally
or internationally. There are no other platforms available that provide the facility of sale and purchase of
leather in Pakistan. Their GUI is not user friendly and a normal user cannot understand it easily. They use
technology which does not have modern features and facilities and are not fully optimized, fast.


This project covers the leather industry and the problems related to the whole leather market, where normal
clients or sellers cannot sale their products, instead they have to sell their products to the companies on
lower prices which give them a disadvantage in terms of actual revenue. Our focus is to provide a platform
for normal consumers where they can securely and easily access the whole global market. We are using
JavaScript Frameworks for this project (Node, Angular, Loopback, Bootstrap, MDB, MySql). Users can
register, login to access their information and can edit their information according to their need.


We are developing a web application for leather industry. In which clients can sell their own leather and
leather products. There are factories which can sell their leather related products individually or at industrial
level. In our web application clients can register themselves and they can also interact and acquire
information of other clients.

Our mission is to cover the leather industrial sector as well as local industry. Our application works on
platform that are globally accessible and people can build their own business from scratch .We use modern
technology for our application that are secure and very fast ,open source and people can adopt our platform
easily from basic concept of mobile and laptop.
In our application clients can advertise their leather products which will negate the concept that only
industries can sell their products, local industry will get advantage as well.

In the past there are systems created that only benefited a specific company which can sell their leather
products. Their system did not include the local industry at low levels, and hence normal workers could not
access the global market. Some platform provides the leather products facility but those websites don’t have
easy to use GUI and are not user friendly by today’s standards.

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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal


Sr No. Characteristics E-commerce Users can sell their own products Our

1 Daraz ✓ X ✓

2 ✓ X ✓

3 ✓ X ✓


This web application provides a platform where clients or industries can reliably get in touch with each
other, or a normal customer can purchase industrial level products on normal cost.

Local Industry can now sell their raw leather and its products on a market level cost. Which will give
them a benefit of not getting less sale price for their products.

Clients and customers can rely on our web application to keep their information secure, and the risk of
getting hacked is minimized by using the latest loopbacks sockets technology which is approved by
google for cloud platform.


In our country there are many local industries that cannot find a platform to sell their products efficiently
and get the revenue that they desire also they can’t compare cost on the market level, cause they either
live in rural areas or they don’t have direct access to the global market.

Our product will help them to advertise their products and they can check out the market rates and decide
how well our product is going to sell in comparison to some other person. They will be able to keep track
of how well their product is to be sold and they will have a grip at the current market prices for leather.

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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal


In our project we have to go first designing phase and after that we have to go for development backend.
We are using the Node JS frame work Loopback JS. Loopback JS is the latest technology of Node JS and
for the frontend purpose we are going to use Angular JS . Both Node JS and Angular JS is the framework
of JavaScript that is latest technology available in market.

We are using the Loopback JS as a backend that is based on restful API’s Framework and we use that
with different platform like Android, Windows.

 Registration
 API’s
 CRUD Advertisements
 User Panel
 Admin Panel
 Factory Panel


 Registration: Two types of user, a normal user who will register who can buy products using the
cart system and a seller user, who can sell their leather products through our website.
 API’s: We will be using api’s to handle complex sql relations and manage data
 CRUD Advertisements: Sellers will have the ability to add, update, delete or edit a product that
they want to sell.
 User Panel: Users can register to keep track of the products they have bought over the course of
 Admin Panel: Websites overview, how many products sold, managing all users.
 Factory Panel: Sellers can check how many products have been sold and how much revenue
they are getting.

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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal



 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Material Design Bootstrap,

 JavaScript,
 JQuery,
 Angular JS(2) ,
 Node JS(1),
 Loopback JS(3)
 Visual Studio Code
 Microsoft Visio
 Sublime Text

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International Islamic University Islamabad – Final Year Project Proposal




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