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‘Many of the following examples are in the extreme sharp and fist keys; and though the student will, no doubt, (on a first essay) find them extremely difficult, yet, by a zealous epplication and perseverance in practising them, he will reap ample reward; and they will enable him to play with ease, many phrases that otherwise would be stumbling-blocks in the course of his studies. 2 2 2:oee—— ees Fees GE. Gas =H SSS SSS A Want eae eg Sep ae = ei SSS =I = 7 iE pepe nea gs tae SS 2 soe = Myy este F ore Ee ea 3 = Sess Pe ciemisnpesisr sess: 1s qa cagieaiew: many eee 7 2 ae segs ie. — ee ee eee . 7 ie Ber ; ie ee ee aerate

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