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SPACE MARINE FORMATIONS Rhine of the Dark Hands Chapter with reinforced armour, Ths isthe transport vehicle of the veteran sth squad of first compary (when not deployed in Terminater armour) Cn the exhaust coving f bears the traditional laurel wreath badge end a golden Crux Terminatus Inperalarmour COMBAT FORMATION Armoured unit advancing along a street (Death Strike Chapter during the Assault on Moros) 1. Cover opposite side ol the street 2 Cover opposite Side of the street oO oo Oo°0°0 o0°0 5. Demi-scuad 8. Demi-squad advancing advancing ‘hough buildings through buildings Space Mannes commonly use combined arms and ad-hoc formations, The heaviest armour loads the way, covering the opposite sites of the street, with the supporting Vindicator reacy to instantly ‘ollow up a lead units fire with i's own shell. Anos are protected behind the lead units Infenty squads follow up the armoured ta ‘advance, maving through the buildings, =e avoiding the open steets, The reserve jaa squad move te reinforco @ leading squad (7 4. Roarguard, Which encounters enemy resstance not ‘cover rear neutralised by the vehicles’ advance. oo Oooo eH 6. Domi-squad E reserve : & & Formations COMBAT FORMATION 4 phases of a Tactical squad assault on a defence line (Storm Giants Chapter during the Second Lastrati Punitive Campaign) hy yoy . ] ] oo0004 00000 ema sara oo00 4, Demi-squad 8, Ascault ving covering tre dlomirseued,repid ‘ith Heavy weapon advance 2 Supressive tre to create Breachs 2. Withdraw to cover at infanty ‘tock tine offre a : 0000 5 o0o000 : 2. Demi-squad 1. Demisavad, aceaul postion 38 scat pion a6 a0 ‘Second wave first wave 3. Rapid advance as position is overrun 4. Reform in 2. In position to preparation for nest bogin process again 8, Suppressive firs npr arrour COMBAT FORMATION 3 phases of an armoured attack plan (Assault on Hill 103 by the Howling Griffons Chapter, during the Dennar IV Rebellion ) & ors of} + Fst suppor tac er x Tempests bo olfo 0 } idea 2. Second support attack Devastator squad and Predaior Alecks were sequential 4. The fist support attack was a fast force, using hit and run tactics to draw enemy fke and identity enemy postions 2. The second support attack was a ‘diversion, intended to look like the main attack, but nol seeking to assault the enemy. They uses heavy weapons to ‘suppress the enemy and drawing fre and attention from 3. Davastator squads and a Pradator were used inthis role 3. Main attack swung around the flank, Uilung into the enemy detences at nigh speed and assaulling at cose quarte’s, ‘where Terminator, Tactical and Ass@ult squads overran the enemy to seize the objective Fomauiens COMBAT FORMATION Defensive position against enemy armoured attack (imperial Fists Chapter during the Balle Alpha campaign) This is an exarnple of a quiclly established defensive postion to faoo an ‘enemy armoured attack ientifed (but riot engaged) by forward scout units, The heaviest armour is dugsn atthe fort, 10 ‘bear the brunt of the fighting with infantry held in reserve To courteretack ORK ATTACK ‘enemy inlantyy which threatens to overrun the Land Raders, ‘A mobile reserve of 2 dedicated tanic hunter hora & ie a Prodator Annihilator) is only Felonsad once thie atack is ‘confirmed aa the man enomy force, and roves forvard into © pro-propared fring postion (such as a tank eorape), with {good fields offre to engage the advancing enemy. 4. Forward unit, 2. Forward unit ae ae 00400 6. Pre-prepared ting postion fo cover Toward units ooo00 4. Infanty 00600 rs 7. Inlantry in cover awaiting to counter-attack ‘any Supporting enemy 5. Tankchunter as infantry theeating the mouile reserve forward units moving forwards as allack intensifies Imperial Armour COMBAT FORMATION Detence in Depth (Ultramarines Chapter at the Battle of Arconar) Fist lin. Outposts. Scouts in hidelon positions allow enemy to pass, then attacking from the roar. oo oOo oOo oo oo Second ine. Main ling of resistance. Dismounted See 00000 coo0d Main Detence Zone Third line. Covering line. Devastator squad providing covering fre to second line with multole heavy weapons, bd044 Fourth tine. Counteratiack force, Tactical squads and armoured support stike into the main detenea zone, f= f& Fitts ine. Mobile reserve. Other units held in reserve end ‘oloacod to intercopt an cnemy breakthrough er engage tho stongest enomy attack. The datoree in dopth uced a thin soraon of dismounted infantry, sided by covering fire from heavy weapons, to delay the tenamy for tho rapid arrival of tha countor-atacking fercas. Tho counter. attack combined wih the outpost unte Fising from Riding to attack frem tha roar were enough to take the intistive back for the Ultamerinos and halt the attack zn tho main delerce zone, A small enemy force that broke through ‘he main detence zone was quickly intercepted by the mobile reserve and destroyed 65, Air Cover, Thunderhawk strike force captures high ground and establishes a febase io cover the ecnvay's advance, ‘The Marauders Chapter were faced with faving tn move a column of armoured, vehicles through treacherous, mourtain terrain held by enemy uerill forces. Resrcted to a single rcad, the Chapter Used Scouts on bikes as outiders to detect and spring amoushes, which could then be destroyed by the heavy armour of the convoy venguard. ‘Available ar cover was used to captured the highest points on the merch route and Devastator aqueds then established a firebase lo covered the advanco with ong range fire, Ths frebase wae repeatocly moved forwards te provid tho moro vulnerable Phinos with a constant Umbrella of protactive heavy wospens fire ‘A difieut ane stow operation saw @ out of 40 vehicles reach Ferax Hive ntact. Fornstions COMBAT FORMATION Troop Convoy Protection (Marauders Chapter. Relief of Ferax Hive) Ooo Ooo 1. Seouts. Operating as cutiders on bikes to ‘search far ambush locatiane, 2. Vanguard. Heaviest armour leading the column Hi ta engage ary 8 ambushes. << Drler of arch. ———> 3. Troop convoy 4. Rearguard Inperia armour COMBAT FORMATION Improvised assault on an enemy bunker system (Blood Angels Chapter during the Scouring of Mackan) 2. Supporting attack to drew fire. Caught, inthe crossfire of both bunkers this group oo oOo ‘ook high casualties. 000 000 ia eR a 4. Asaault Group, 1. Suppressing Fire Group 2 Acoaul oquads with jump packs. Engage bunkers at long range. hopin ocerve lo conduct a repid ‘tank attack trough a pre-dentiied weak spot in he bunker’ detensive fire zones, oo000 00000 9. Dismounted Tactical squads advancing Screening artileny stike rob f My My Ny ° ° ° gS 7 ° oO oO ° & oO oO o Minette RQ QOH NK NIN Antti ara azo ite opps Atitank glen Bunker 5, First bunker assaulted and desiroyed with meta weapons before advancing onto the trench end second bunker, Trench UNIT ORGANISATION Blood Angels Chapter, 3rd Company Task Force, 3rd Armageddon War Hesaguar 8 cuLyeo See Company Formations Loans ‘Senguray High Pres ¢ it Ske Cruiser Blood of Vengeance 1 episitey Y 2p iess 3a Company Tom Company Amour Chanlan Lamares 20 VATA Fex«t- O x0 reene RWO~LHe> XP eo ‘commander Devastator Toons Apethecay ine Ln Spe Land Speeder Tommaso Land Spader Typhoon Razorback a ascannons eettiG ts a ep be, Predator Dasucet Lan Pier Predator Arment Baal Prosar oe a vos ly ese Hypores JE senyaun j a a a Thurso ‘curse e- Thundernaee Transporter apex Armour UNIT ORGANISATION Ultramarines Chapter, Joran IV Retaliation Force Hesawanes Sd Corey Feet Ubrare ‘Apathecarion Yo sntean {7 x8 Levieanum - Toon Sa Company Tan Gonpany exo 8 chaplain O 2 > EPP P EERO G | UNIT ORGANISATION Warmongers Chapter, Jakal Il Intercept Force Formations moa | ea Ta Ti Epistolary YF PApothecary al =m. + dt sae Aeglaneo of Tora 1 Glaus Escorts me we - Lo 27 va tesesrun FrEEF OG Ta oapa a Company aa COREaT Taney eo come x 0 © 0 =. ale x A ow Rs mo mc ae Imperial Armour UNIT ORGANISATION Doom Eagles Chapter, Defence of the Cadian Gate, 13th Black Crusade Hesiquinere @ Chapter master = e. ‘meee e. Whee es =. aim © Pllc oes i. —~ i. Gee» ef a — Boney (eee tn toneeny eae Captaty captain 60 to 20 0 Ettagte RATA GF Hx 1- QTR >§>xt-

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