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This house believes that economic growth is the solution to climate change

This house would ban websites that glorify eating disorders

This house believes that people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to choose the death penalty in

This house believes that developing nation should nationalize their energy resources

This house would grant citizenship in exchange for military service

THB that governments should never rescue failing private industry.

This House would require doctors to report all cases of suspected domestic violence.

This house would ban the publication of political opinion polls

This house would criminalise adultery

This house would allow insurance companies to view genetic test results in assessing potential customers.

This house would financially incentivize both inter-faith and inter-ethnic marriages

This house believes that central banks should set limits on government spending

This house believes that governments should not provide benefits on the basis of marital status

This wouse would prioritise asylum Seekers who have engaged in armed struggle against oppressive regimes

This house would allow teachers unions the right to strike

This house would require individuals to reveal their actual identity when communicating on the internet

This house would prefer that the children of racial minorities be adopted by parents of that race

This house believes that the courts should break up consistently dominant political parties

THW require deaf parents to send their kids (whether deaf/hearing) to mainstream schools for their primary & se

THW exempt academic disputes from defamation law

THBT "Western" consultants advising dictatorships have a moral duty to sabotage them

THBT images designed to even slightly sexually attract/arouse viewers should be restricted to specialist adult site

TH, as the scientist, would fabricate the evidence

THBT when doctors discover a patient has an STD, they should reval that information to the patient's partner
THW only imprison individuals who pose a direct and continuing threat to society

THBT self described progressive males of dominant ethnicities are morally obliged to refrain from taking position

THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience

THBT the feminist movement should actively promote norms of stable monogamous relationships

THW not allow religious communities to expel members on the basis of views or actions that contradict doctrina

This house would allow first-time offenders to, with the consent of the victims, pay compensation to them in plac

This house regrets the rise of a ‘hookup culture’ (one which accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters foc

This house believes that government agencies that regulate drugs should only test whether a drug is safe, not wh

This house believes that the gay rights movement should abandon the claim that sexuality is not a choice

This house believes that multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses that occur anywhere

This house would remove all copyright protection for material deemed to be morally objectionable

This house believes that Pope Francis should publicly encourage Catholics to support radically redistributive gove

This house would allow countries to pay other countries to settle asylum-seekers who reach their borders

This house believes that Japan should shame its soldiers who participated in WWII, including those who did not c

This house would auction off the long-term right to govern bankrupt cities for profit

This house believes that women should reject practices that alter the appearance of their genitalia, such as waxin

This house believes that the feminist movement should actively fight to liberate men from their prescribed gend

This house would redraw the borders of Africa

This House would never categorize people on their race.

This House would prohibit the media from reporting on the mental illness of those accused of crimes.

This House would ban the research and production of moral enhancement drugs.

This House believes that the United States and the European Union should seek to promote peace by heavily sub

This House, as a medical professional employed by the United States military or security services, would, and wo

This house would allow corporations to use hackers to retaliate against cyberattacks where the state seems unwi

This house believes that humanitarian organisations should and should be allowed to give funding, resources or s

This house believes that liberal democracies that overthrow the governments of other states should impose pow
This house would severely limit companies ability to replace workers with technology

This house believes that the African-American community should oppose “broken windows policies”

This house believes that all states should collectively aggregate and evenly distribute all revenue from mineral we

This house believes that governments with racially diverse populations should never record the ethnic or racial b

This house believes that states should adopt sunset clauses that legally force them to review and either re-autho

This house supports stronger collective bargaining rights and protections rather than legislated labor market regu

This house believes that the creation of feminist icons and their cults of personality are good for the feminist mo

This house believes that that criminal punishments should be based only on the offenders’ culpability rather than

This House believes that post-genocidal regimes should destroy all places of extermination (for example, death c

In areas with rapidly rising property prices, This House would suspend all restrictions on property development t

This House believes that the world would be a better place if women from privileged backgrounds turned down a

This House regrets the glamorization of start-up culture that encourages people to start their own companies rat

This House would temporarily and significantly relax minimum labour standards in times of unusually high unem

THBT the European left should promote a hard left agenda, including the nationalisation of major industry, very h

This House believes that the US government should provide significant campaign funding for US congressmen an

This house, as the pope, would abolish the requirement for clerical celibacy.

THW force all news organisations to operate as non-profits

This house believes that countries close to conflict zones should only grant long-term asylum to refugees who ag

This house would ban advocacy for religious belief in public places

TH, as the Chinese Communist Party, will allow fair and competitive elections for local elections

This House would apply universal jurisdiction to crimes against the environment

This house would ban all communication tech companies (such as Google, Apple, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.) from

This house supports job security legislation.

This house would redefine the criterion for excessive force in the US to be any use of beyond what is reasonable

This house would limit the amount of time that a museum can display a given piece of art to 3 months out of eve

This house would allow citizens to vote on individual bills in place of their representative, with the representative
This house believes that all states should mandate that research on and use of CRISPR technology be exclusively

This house, as Iran, would cease all support for military groups in the Middle East (e.g. Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthi

This house prefers a world in which all individuals who have achieved a middle class standard of living choose to

This house would not allow out of court settlements for workplace discrimination and harrasment.

This house believes that Catholic religious officials in Mexico should not make statements in support of governme

This house believes that it is better for the general population to be more optimistic about the current and future

This house, as the Chinese Communist Party, would lift all restrictions on foreign investments in China, except res

This house prefers a non-adversarial legal system

In democratic post-colonial states, This house believes that opposition parties to the party of independence shou

This house believes that ASEAN should negotiate all investment deals with Chinese government entities as a bloc

This house, as a parent of a child with ASPD, would enable and support that child given that child’s aims based on

This house would create an international court with the ability to classify national debt as “Odious Debt” at the d

This House believes that the present condition of humanity is preferable to its condition in 100 years time

In the lead up to the 1994 negotiated settlement in South Africa, this house believes that the ANC should have de

This House believes that it is unjustified to assist evil regimes in systematically persecuting members of their iden

This House would impose a narrow banking regulation

This House supports a norm of embracing anger in public discourse rather than one of aspiring to dispassionate o

This House supports governments significantly increasing their use of big data-based predictive models in decisio

This House believes that an approach of Political Expansionism on the part of the Chinese state is in the interests

This House would grant individuals and organisations open standing to challenge the constitutionality of laws ena

This House believes that the WHO should adopt a convention which bans the sell of drugs with high resistance te

This House believes that the United States should disengage from Syria

This House supports granting megacities autonomous control over their economic and social policy (e.g. immigra

This House would implement substantial measures to impose long-termism in corporate investment culture (e.g.

This House opposes the norm that romantic love should be the primary source of fulfilment in a person's life

This House believes that the protections of international law conventions and treaties should not apply to comba
This House, as South Africa, would forcibly break up exclusive Afrikaaner enclaves
THW allow judges to significantly exceed normal sentencing guidelines in areas of high crime

THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience
THW force all news organisations to operate as non-profits
THW abolish the minimum wage
THS open borders

You are a scientist who can fabricate evidence exaggerating the certainty of man-made climate change. There is a
native candidate from a historically disadvantaged group who would otherwise receive the post

cluding emotional bonding)

Generally, government agencies, responsible for regulating drugs (for example the Food and Drug Administration

Over the last decade, scientists have identified a range of chemicals that exist naturally in the brain and shape ind

tinian territories.

medical treatment to individuals undergoing “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”.

a condition for access to vulnerable civilians

mocratic representation
The broken windows theory describes the concept that substantial amounts of petty crime create that increase m

A sunset clause is a legal measure that provides that the law in which it is contained shall expire after a specific d

Culpability is a measure of the degree to which a person can be held morally responsible for an offense

xample, environmental zoning regulations, building height restrictions, and regulations on the appearance of buildings)

standards, minimum wage, working hours restrictions etc.

lfare states.Bi-partisan metrics are Scores derived from instances of voting with the other party, co-
sponsoring bills, etc., calculated by independent bodies.

nt of their communications, in such a way that the company cannot retrieve that data even under a court order.

For the purpose of this debate, “job security legislation” refers to laws intended to make businesses fire employe

The current criterion in the US as to whether a police offices used excessive force is whether he acted reasonably

The art that you see in a museum typically comes from one of the following sources: i) that museum’s permamen

tituents who did not directly vote on that specific bill.

CRISPR is currently the only existing technology that allows cheap, fast and targeted gene edition in living organis

hosen career, rather than a wold in which those individuals priorities day-to-day enjoyment over work.

peace processes, the state of the economy) than an objectively accurate judgement.

mbers), so that no member state can enter into investment deals without the rest of the world.

Individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD), formerly known as sociopathy, have a highly reduced ab

of that nation to pay

amnesty provision in the TRC, greater land and economic rights) even at the expense of prolonging the conflict.

regime's abuses (e.g. Israel Kasztner in Nazi-controlled Hungary, Wang Jingwei in Japan-occupied China).

In the status quo, financial institutions use the money deposited by customers (e.g. in a bank account) to make lo

Recently there has been an increased use of big data and sophisticated algorithms in making various policy judge

For the purposes of this debate, "Political Expansionism" is an approach to international relations which involves

In most legal systems, in order to initiate legal proceedings, potential plaintiffs must demonstrate that they are di

The World Health Organisation has adopted conventions on various health topics which can impose binding regu

Megacities are cities with a population of over 10 million people

er than quarterly financial reporting, long-term executive compensation plans)

n on torture, prisoner of war status, guarantee of post-conflict release)

Afrikaaners are a white South African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers.
made climate change. There is a very low likelihood of being caught
e Food and Drug Administration, or the European Medicines Agency) rewuire that a new drug pass two different tests befor

urally in the brain and shape individuals’ moral behaviour. Significant amounts of research is now being carried out to create
etty crime create that increase major crime. Many jurisdictions, including most famously New York State, have introduced po

ned shall expire after a specific date, unless further action is taken to extend it.

ponsible for an offense

e appearance of buildings)

nder a court order.

o make businesses fire employees less often. Its goal is to disincentives the termination of existing employees, whether the

is whether he acted reasonably given his perspective at the time and without the benefit of hindsight. Academic research h

ces: i) that museum’s permament collection that’s always on display, ii) that museum’s permament collection that is mostly k
ed gene edition in living organisms. It potentially allows for heritable* changes, though so far very little research on such he

over work.

pathy, have a highly reduced ability to feel empathy. People with ASPD do potentially have the ability to feel empathy, and, a

onging the conflict.

pied China).

.g. in a bank account) to make loans and investments. Deposits could alternatively be used to buy government-back safe ass

s in making various policy judgements. As technology in machine learning and artificial intelligence advances, it is becoming

ational relations which involves exerting pressure over and intervening in the internal affairs of other states. It seeks to spre

ust demonstrate that they are directly involved in the issues of a case in a way that is distinct from general members of the p

which can impose binding regulations on member states.

ly Dutch settlers.
wo different tests before being approved for public use. These seperate tests asses whether a drug is: – First, “safe”, does th

eing carried out to create “moral enhancement drugs”, which would alter the levels of such chemicals. Such drugs have been
tate, have introduced policing policies in response; and respond to areas of high crime with substantial increase in police pr

mployees, whether the business employs an alternative individual to replace them or not. Examples of this legislation includ

ght. Academic research has shown that when using this criterion, juries consistently conclude that officers harming or killing

ollection that is mostly kept in storage and may occasionally be displayed (the largest museums usually display as little as 5%
ttle research on such heritable changes in humans has occurred. * heritable changes are changes that can be passed on from

y to feel empathy, and, as with other emotions, their capacity to feel empathy can be increased based on exposure to certai

vernment-back safe assets (e.g. treasury bonds), which tend to have the lowest risk of default of all assets. In this debate, an

advances, it is becoming more feasible to apply such methods to more government decision making process.

r states. It seeks to spread ideology and exercise influence over the political and information environments of the targeted c

eneral members of the public. This means that an ordinary citizen cannot challenge a law as unconstitutional if they cannot
s: – First, “safe”, does the drug pose an unacceptable health risk? – Second, “effective”, does the drug do what it claims to d

s. Such drugs have been shown to increase individuals’ tendencies to display empathy and care for others, to behave in altr
tial increase in police presence, arrest and prosecution rates for petty crime and harsher punishments.

of this legislation include, but are not limited to, increased severance pay and detailed cause requirements for terminating

fficers harming or killing black individuals acted reasonably in almost all circumstances.

ally display as little as 5% of their collections); iii) pieces lent to that museum on a temporary basis by another museum iv) p
at can be passed on from parents to their children.

ed on exposure to certain experiences and relationships, yet is unlikely to reach what is considered a “normal” level.

assets. In this debate, an “equity account” would be an account where the financial institution can use deposits for loans an

nments of the targeted countries through channels such as economic investment and backing political groups.

titutional if they cannot prove that it has, or is imminently likely to, directly affect them. A doctrine of open standing would a
ug do what it claims to do?

others, to behave in altruistic way, and to resist pressures to act in ways that violate their personal ethical beliefs
ements for terminating employment. Protections against discriminatory termination or similar laws do not fall under this te

y another museum iv) pieces donated or lent by private individuals or institutions.

“normal” level.

use deposits for loans and investments. The value of an equity account fluctuates based on the value of its underlying assets

f open standing would allow anyone to initiate legal proceedings in court. Plaintiffs would still need to demonstrate a valid le
do not fall under this term.
of its underlying assets. A “narrow banking” regulation is the requirement that all financial institutions back up all deposits

to demonstrate a valid legal argument. For example, under the status quo, new healthcare legislation which may increase m
ons back up all deposits with an equivalent value of government-back safe assets, unless customers choose to deposit their

n which may increase many people's premiums could not be challenged by a general member of the public. Under a doctrin
choose to deposit their money in an “equity account”.

e public. Under a doctrine of open standing it could be.

THBT organised religion does more harm than good
THW only allow people who pass a simple current affairs test to vote
THW abolish private schools
THW reintroduce the death penalty
THW ban the sale and consumption of meat
THW hold a second referendum on membship of EU
THW force obese children to attend weight loss camps
THW legalise prostitution
THW ban all public sector employees from wearing religious symbols
THW add e-sports to the Olympic Games
THW pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country
THW introduce a year of compulsory, non-military national service after Year 13 (or equivalent)
THBT leaders of capable states should allow the unrestricted influx of refugees into their countries
THW legalise physician-assisted euthanasia
THW cancel Miss World
THW prosecute parents for the crimes of their children
THW boycott the works of artists who have committed morally reprehensible acts
THBT Christian bakers should have the right to refuse to bake wedding cakes for same sex weddings
TH regrets that only one in five young women would call themselves a feminist
THW legalise the buying and selling of human organs
THBT in cities where there are vacant buildings the government should reclaim them for use as public housing
THBT schools should actively promote national pride
THBT universities should not host speakers who propound offensive ideas
THBT being raised in any religion is harmful to children and they should choose for themselves when they are ad
This house would build homes on the green belt
This house would weight votes such that the younger the voter, the more powerful their vote

This house would prohibit businesses from taking a public position on social issues
This house believes that no essential service should be provided on a for-profit basis
THW give all prisoners the right to vote
THW reintroduce the death penalty
THW ban violent video games
This House would allow people to marry more than one person at the same time
THW prohibit British companies from trading with governments that criminalise homosexuality
THW shut down zoos
THW ban single-sex schools
THW introduce 100% inheritance tax
THW ban size zero models
THW arm the police with guns
This House would punish sports teams for the criminal actions of their fans
This House would introduce a 50% quota of females on company boards
This House would not allow sports teams to hire professional sports stars with a criminal record
THBT we should permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport
This House would ban unpaid internships
THW ban doctors from striking
TH supports the use of all-women shortlists to redress the parliamentary gender imbalance
This House would grant amnesty to oppressive dictators in return for their stepping down

This House would allow all states to develop nuclear weapons

THW abolish the United Nations
THW ban books with inflammatory material from schools
THBT individuals should have the right to reject vaccination
THBT the existence of the human race is threatened by artficial intelligence
THBT the exploration of outer space is a waste of money

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