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Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits

Proceedings of a symposium held in

Beijing, People's Republic of China, 30 July-4 August 1988

Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun and

Chen Changming

Symposium sponsored by

the International Association of Sedimentologists,

the National Natural Science Foundation of China,
IGCP project 219 (Comparative Lacustrine Sedimentology
in Space and Time),

IGCP project 226 (Correlation of Manganese

Sedimentation to palaeoenvironments), and

I GCP project 254 (Metalliferous Black Shales)






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British Library
Cataloguing in Publication Data

Sediment-hosted mineral deposits.

1. Sedimentary rocks. Mineral de po sits
I. Parnell, John II. Ye, Lianjun )[(. Chen, Changming
IV. I ntern a t ional Association of Sedimentologists
V. Series
ISBN 0-632-02881-5

Library of Congress
Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Sediment-hosted mineral deposits: proceedings of a
symposium held in
Beijing, People's Republic of China, 30 July-4 August
1988/edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun, and Chen
Changming; sponsored by the International Association of
Sedimentologists ... ret a/.].
p. em. (Special publication number J 1 of the

International Association of Sedimentologists)

Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISB 0-632-02881-5
I. Ore deposits-Congresses. 2. Metallogeny­
Congresses. I. Parnell, John. 11. Yeh, Lien-
chOn. TIL Chen, Changming. IV. International
Association of Sedimcntologists. V. Series: Special
pu bli ca tion ... of the International Association of
Sedimentologists; no. ll.
QE390.S43 1.990
553-dc20 90-674

vii Preface

Manganese and Iron Deposits

3 Groote Eylandt manganese norm: a new application of m�neral normalization

techniques on supergene alteration products
B. Pracejus

17 Palaeogeographic setting of late Jurassic manganese mineralization in the Molango

district, Mexico
J.B. Maynard, P.M. Okita, E.D. May and A. Martinez-Vera

31 Manganese and iron facies in hydrolithic sediments

G.A. Gross

39 Manganese deposits of the Proterozoic Datangpo Formation, South China: genesis and
X. Xu, H. Huang and 8. Liu

51 Manganese enrichment in a Triassic aulacogen graben in the Lijiang Basin, Yunnan

Province, China

57 Processes of formation of iron-manganese oxyhydroxides in the Atlantis-ll and Thetis

Deeps of the Red Sea
G. Yu. Butuzova, V.A. Drits, A.A. Morozov and A. I. Gorschkov

73 Mineoka Umber: a submarine hydrothermal deposit on an Eocene arc volcanic ridge in

central Japan
A. Iijima, Y. Watanabe, S. Ogihara and K. Yamazaki

89 Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of manganese-iron crusts on the Bezymiannaya

Seamount 640, Cape Verde Plate, Atlantic
l.M. Varentsov, V.A. Drits and A./. Gorschkov

109 Microbiota from middle and late Proterozoic iron and manganese ore deposits in
L. Yin

vi Co111e111s

119 Metal precipitation related to Lower Ordovician oceanic changes: geochemical evidence
from deep-water sedimentary sequences in western Newfoundland
J. W. Borsford and D. F. Sangsrer

139 Origin of iron carbonate layers in Tertiary coastal sediments of Central Kalimantan
Pro vi nee (Borneo), Indonesia
G. R. Sieffermann

147 Mineral deposits in Miocene lacustrine and Devonian shallow-marine facies in

J. Obradovic and N. Vasic

Copper Deposits

159 Syngenetic and paleokarstic copper mineralization in the Palaeozoic platform sediments
of West Central Sinai, Egypt
M.A. £1 Sharkawi, M.M. £1 Aref and A. Abdel Motelib

173 Geochemical data for the Dongchuan- Yimen strata-bound copper deposits, China
C. Ran

Metal Enrichments Associated with Organic Matter

183 Metal enrichments in organic materials as a guide to ore mineralization

J. Parnell

193 Relationships between organic matter and metalliferous deposits in Lower Palaeozoic
carbonate formations in China
R. Jia, D. Liu and.!. Fu

203 Comparative geochemistry of metals and rare earth ekments from the Cambrian alum
shale and kolm of Sweden
J. Leventhal

217 Uranium enrichment in the Permian organic-rich Walchia shale, Intra-Sudetic

Depression, southwestern Poland
S. Wo/kowicz

225 Index

This special publication consists of papers delivered of China (Xu er at.), the Triassic of China (Liu) and
at an International Symposium of the International the Tertiary of Japan (lijima er at.). A more
Association of Sedimentologists, held in Beijing, specialized aspect of the Proterozoic deposits in
People's Republic of China, from 30 July to 4 August China, the evidence for a microbial role in manga­
L988. The theme of the symposium was Sedimen­ nese precipitation, is discussed by Leiming. Super­
tology Related to Mineral Deposits and incorpo­ gene manganese mineralization, and in particular
rated meetings of three International Geological the use of a normalization technique to express it, is
Correlation Programme (IGCP) projects; IGCP 219 described by Pracejus. A review of manganese­
on Comparative Lacustrine Sedimentology in Space bearing facies in iron formations is provided by
and Time, IGCP 226 on Correlation of Manganese Gross, and the diversity of iron-bearing deposits is
Sedimentation to Palaeoenvironments, and IGCP represented by papers on Tertiary siderite formation
254 on Metalliferous Black Shales. Each of these in Indonesia (Sieffermann) and Devonian oolitic
projects has been very successful and enhanced our ironstones in Yugoslavia (Obradovi6 & Yasic).
knowledge of economic resources in sedimentary Two accounts of copper mineralization emphasize
rocks. The papers arc included for convenience the role of organic matter in a Proterozoic deposit in
under the headings of (1) manganese and iron China (Chongying) and pedogenic processes in
deposits, (2) copper deposits, and (3) metal enrich­ Palaeozoic deposits in Egypt (EI Sharkawi er at.).
ments associated with organic matter. However, The significance of organic matter in metal con­
there is considerable overlap between these themes, centration is further discussed in accounts of the
and in particular several accounts of manganese Cambrian alum shales in Sweden (Leventhal) and
deposits involve ores hosted in black shale. The Permian shales in Poland (Wolkowicz). Character­
papers include five contributions from Chinese ization of the organic matter in some Palaeozoic­
workers. The interpretation of many of the exciting hosted deposits in China is used to infer conditions
ore deposits in China is still at an early stage but we of ore deposition (Jia et at.), and metal enrichments
have taken this opportunity to present what data are in organic materials arc considered as an ore pro­
available for some of them. specting guide (Parnell).
Accounts of manganese mineraljzation include The Beijing symposium was equally successful in
two papers on Recent manganese and iron deposits attracting workers who would not normally contri­
in the Red Sea (Butuzova et at.) and the Atlantic bute to lAS activities, and in emphasizing to sedi­
(Yarentsov et at.) which emphasize the roles of mentologists the economic importance of their
Auctuating redox conditions and hydrothermal ac­ subject. lt is to be hoped that the common ground
tivity respectively. The redox theme is taken up for between Sedimentology and Metallogeny will be
ancient manganese enrichments in the Jurassic of further explored.
Mexico (Maynard er at.) and the Ordovician of JoHN PARNELL, DepartmenrofGeofogy,
Newfoundland (Botsford & Sangster), while fossil The Queen's University of Bela
f st,
hydrothermal activity is invoked in the Proterozoic Belfast BT7 INN. UK

Manganese and Iron Deposits
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 3-16

Groote Eylandt manganese norm:

a new application of mineral normalization techniques
on supergene alteration products

Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, PO Box 498, Australia 5001


The method described assists in the quantification of oxidic manganese minerals and associated
materials from the Groote Eylandt manganese deposits (Northern Territory, Australia) which have
been influenced by supergene processes. These ores are commonly composed of very fine grained
minerals, intergrown with lateritic components like kaolinitic clays and iron oxyhydroxides. Additionally,
many manganese phases are poorly-ordered structures which are difficult to identify. Although Fourier
transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has produced dependable data for a limited range of processed
ores, it failed with rocks that contained a mixture of ore minerals and various gangue phases, as was the
case with other analytical techniques (microscopic studies, XRD, IR, etc.). The normalization is based
on the same principles as other mineral norms (e.g. CIPW-Norm) and the norm minerals themselves
were developed according to the mineralogical conditions in the supergene manganese deposits of
Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory of Australia. Nevertheless, the list of minerals can easily be
extended and adjusted to slightly different environments (e.g. bauxites). The following minerals can be
obtained from this normalization technique: romanechite, todorokite, cryptomelane, pyrolusite, anatase,
quartz, kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite for hematite-free and hematite-containing samples, hematite, and
excess water.


Until recently, many researchers examining manga­ manganese minerals can be found in a paper by
nese oxides have had to overcome a number of Babenko et al. (1983), who quoted calculated min­
problems when a quantitative mineralogical analysis eral compositions (partly different from those of this
of their samples was required for scientific or techni­ discussion) of manganese ores from Nikopol. Unfor­
cal application. Very commonly manganese ores are tunately, they do not specify the method for their
extremely fine grained and their manganese minerals calculations, nor do they state whether or not this is
possess low crystallinities and are intergrown with only an approximation.
other minerals. The crystal structures are not well It is not intended here to replace sophisticated
defined, or hybrid structures exist. This makes analytical techniques, such as FTIR (including com­
quantification and even identification very difficult, puterized infrared characterization of materials:
because traditional mineralogical techniques, such CIRCOM) or differential thermal analysis (DTA),
as ore microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and because this would go far beyond the capability of
the more advanced Fourier transform infrared the proposed method. However, the norm provides
(FTIR) analysis fail, when confronted with such a tool to process quickly large sample sets, once the
complex matter. Therefore, a method has been calculation procedure has been established in a com­
developed which approaches the problem from a puter program. The obtained data can then be cor­
theoretical viewpoint (Pracejus et al., 1988a). Indi­ related with results from other analyses.
cations for an attempted development of a norm for The necessary background information for the

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 3

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
4 B. Pracejus

normalization technique has been obtained from procedure. Additional norm minerals such as rhodo­
Ostwald (1980, 1988) and Pracejus et al. (1988b), chrosite (MnC03) or alabandite (MnS) can also be
who examined the mineralogy and geochemistry of incorporated without difficulty, provided that the
supergene manganese ores from Groote Eylandt in necessary carbonate and sulphide analyses are avail­
the Northern Territory of Australia. The deposit able. However, the latter compounds can only be
shows an extensive supergene alteration of the pri­ found in trace element quantities in Groote Eylandt
mary sedimentary sequence, which is mainly com­ and thus they only serve as examples for possible
prised of oolitic and pisolitic manganese oxides. extensions of the norm.
Because the secondary manganese minerals were Often it has not been possible to incorporate
precipitated in a number of host lithologies (e.g. specific elements such as potassium, magnesium,
manganese ores, sands and sandstones, clays aluminium, iron or barium in more than one norm
and claystones, iron oxides and oxyhydroxides), mineral because of strong element variations in a
they have created a large range of assemblages number of host minerals (for instance barium in
which obscure the 'real picture' of the quantitative cryptomelane). The minerals also rely on at least
relationships. one element for their calculation, and this element is
The deposits of Groote Eylandt contain pyrolusite, subsequently 'consumed' for the formation of the
cryptomelane, romanechite and todorokite as the respective norm mineral. Potassium for instance can
main ore constituents. Manganite, vernadite, bir­ be found in cryptomelane, romanechite, todorokite,
nessite, and a number of other manganese oxides and also kaolinite, but the normalization uses po­
can also be identified, but they appear in much tassium only for cryptomelane and kaolinite, and all
smaller quantities (Ostwald, 1988) and are therefore other phases are calculated on a potassium-free basis.
neglected in this theoretical approach. The dominant This means that relatively small errors are automati­
gangue minerals are quartz, kaolinite, goethite (plus cally introduced for the remaining minerals which
other iron oxyhydroxides) and hematite. These also accommodate potassium. For the same reasons,
minerals set the frame for the norm model and sensu intergrowths of different manganese oxides had
stricto can only be applied to conditions similar to to be neglected (e.g. romanechite-todorokite or
those of Groote Eylandt (tropical/subtropical romanechite-hollandite; Turner & Buseck, 1979).
supergene alteration of manganiferous protores), In the following sections, the various minerals are
but the setup of the norm can easily be adjusted to discussed in the same order in which they should be
comparable geological environments (e.g. bauxites). calculated, because a number of phases depend on
At the moment it is difficult to assess how far this preceding minerals for their own calculations. The
method can be used for manganese minerals of numbers in parenthesis next to the formulae cor­
other origins (e.g. deep-sea nodules), but it may respond to the steps shown in Figs 1(a)-(d). To
prove to be helpful for the understanding of other simplify the understanding of the norm, two example
deposits. calculations are shown in Table 1 (manganese ore)
and Table 2 (iron ore).
The norm calculation commences with the division
METHODOLOGY of the weight percentage of the analysed elements
by their molecular weight. The result will be called
When the first mineral norm (CIPW; Cross et al., mol equivalent (ME). As the ME is represented
1902) was developed, the complex structure of sili­ by fairly small numbers, it is multiplied by 1000
cates and many other minerals was not yet known. (ME 1000). The latter step is not necessary, but it
The chemical composition of minerals was generally makes handling easier for separate calculations
described by molecules and the molecular weights of which are not done by the computer. The next step
oxides. This idealized approach provides a relatively distributes the ME 1000 product to the various norm
easy way for a theoretical assessment of mineral minerals. The consumption of the appropriate el­
quantities in very fine grained rocks or even glass, ements must be calculated after each step. The
but it has serious disadvantages when minerals occur addition of each oxide that is needed to produce one
in higher amounts in the natural sample which are mineral is followed by a division of the sum of all
not covered by the calculation. Nevertheless, de­ ME 1000 products of the total of the analysis, and a
posits which are comparable to Groote Eylandt multiplication by 100 to produce the final mineral
should present no problem for the normalization percentages.
Groote Eylandt manganese norm 5



Print gb = 0%

Fig. l(a). Flow diagrams of mineral normalization,

calculated from chemical analyses. For explanatioll of
abbreviations see text.

Fig. l(b).


Fig. l(c). Normalization flow (continued).

As every chemical analysis contains an analytical able. The basis on which each mineral is calculated
error, the reliability on the final results may not is printed in bold. The nomenclature of this norm
exceed one decimal place or even less. Despite these has been chosen in such a way that mineral abbrevi­
limitations it is advisable to calculate the norm to ations of already existing norms are not duplicated
two decimal places, as this improves the quality of where possible.
diagrams which otherwise might be distorted. Errors
Anatase (an): Ti02 (1)
that could develop from the necessary simplifications
for some of the minerals are in most cases negligible, The mineral anatase is used instead of rutile (also
especially when ores of the same type are being Ti02), because it is the main constituent in bauxitic
compared, because the errors will also be compar- and lateritic soils (Bardossy, 1982). At present,
Groote Eylandt manganese norm 7


Print: check for

additional minerals
and correct input

( ) Input, Output


D (1) Calculation, Step


/ 7 Print � Flow Direction

J_ Joint

Fig. l(d). Normalization flow (continued) and legend for Fig. l(a to d).

Quartz (q): Si02 (2)

Ti02 is calculated as a separate phase. However, A decision has to be made as to whether or not there
later developments of this normalization might lead is excessive quartz. This will also be the basis for the
to an incorporation of Ti02 into kaolinite, because it determination of kaolinite and gibbsite. In the system
has an excellent correlation with the latter mineral. quartz (q) - kaolinite (ka) -gibbsite (gb) no more

Table l. Normalization procedure for manganese oxide orcs

Mn-Orc Wt'Y., At. wt ME 1000 an 6 q /"-, ka /"-, gb /"-, gt (I) /"-, he /"-, gt (II) /"-,

Mn02 72-3 86·936 831·6

Fc203 1·5 159·692 9·4 4·2 5·2 5·2 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0
Si02 5-4 60·084 89·9 0·0 89·9 89·9 0·0
AI20, 4·7 101·961 46·1 44·9 1·2 1·2 0·0
P20o 0·07 141·944 0-49
KzO 1·29 94·203 13·7 0·4 13·3
CaO 0·05 56·079 0·9
SrO 0·21 103·619 2·0
BaO 2-46 153·339 16·0
Ti02 0·15 79·898 1·9 1·9 0·0
Na20 0·20 61·979 3·2
MgO 0·5 40·304 12-4
LOI 11·2 18·015 621·7 89·9 531·8 3·5 530·2 5·2 525·1
L 100·0 1649·4 1·9 0·0 229·3 4·6 10-4
Norm 0·1 0·0 13-9 0·3 0·6 bJ
Wt% At. wt ME 1000 em /"-, rm /"-, to /"-, pr /"-, P20s /"-, w /"-, L ;:;

54·9 ;::
Mn02 72-3 86·936 831·6 248·3 583·3 105·6 477-7 422·8 422·8 0·0 "'
Fez03 1·5 159·692 9·4
Si02 5-4 60·084 89·9
Alz03 4·7 101·961 46·1
Pz Os 0·07 141·944 0-49 0·49 0·0
K20 1·29 94·203 13·7 13·3 0·0
CaO 0·05 56·079 0·9 0·9 0·0
SrO 0·21 103·619 2·0 2·0 0·0
BaO 2-46 153·339 16·0 16·0 0·0
Ti02 0·15 79·898 1·9
Na20 0·20 61·979 3·2 3·2 0·0
MgO 0·5 40·304 12-4 12-4 0·0
LOI 11·2 18·015 621·7 32·0 493·1 49·5 443-6 211-4 232·2 232·2 0·0

L 100·0 1649·3 263-6 153·6 120·9 634·2 0·49 232·2

Norm 16·0 9·3 7·3 38·5 0·03 14·1 100·1
Table 2. Normalization procedure for iron oxyhydroxide ores

Fe-Ore Wt% At. wt ME 1000 an 6. q 6. ka 6. gb 6. gt (I) 6. he 6. gt (II) 6.

Mn02 1-4 86·936 16·1

F�03 73·7 159·692 461·5 3·5 458·0 458.0 0·0 51·8 406·2 406·2 0·0
Si02 4·9 60·084 81·6 0·0 81·6 81·6 0·0
AI203 7·7 101·961 75·5 40·8 34·7 34·7 0·0
P20s 1·17 141·944 8·2
K20 0·08 94·203 0·8 0·3 0·5
CaO 0·01 56·079 0·2
SrO 0·01 103·619 0·1
BaO 0·01 153·339 0·1
Ti02 0·36 79·898 4·5 4·5 0·0 C)
Na20 0·01 61·979 0·2 C)
MgO 0·01 40·304 0·2

LOI 10·7 18·015 593·9 81·6 512·4 104·2 408.2 458·0 -49·8
W Corr. 593·9 81·6 512·4 104·2 408.2 406·2 2·0 �
L 100·0 1243·0 4·5 0·0 207·7 139·0 916·0 51·8 812·4 ;:;

Norm 0·4 0·0 16·7 11·2 4·2 65·4 �

Wt% At. wt ME 1000 em 6. rm 6. to 6. pr 6. P20s 6. w 6. L ;:;
Mn02 1·4 86·936 16·1 15·3 0·8 0-4 0·3 2·0 -1·6 0·0 0·0 "'
F�03 73·7 159·692 461·5
Ah03 7·7 101·961 75·5 C)
P20s 1·17 141·944 8·2 8·2 0·0 �
K20 0·08 94·203 0·8 0·8 0·0
CaO 0·01 56·079 0·2 0·2 0·0
SrO 0·01 103·619 0·1 0·1 0·0
BaO 0·01 153·339 0·1 0·1 0·0
Na20 0·01 61·979 0·2 0·2 0·0
MgO 0·01 40·304 0·2 0·2 0·0
LOI 10·7 18·015 593·9 0·2 -50·0 1·8 -51·8 0·0 -51·8 -51·8
W Corr. 593·9 0·2 1·8 1·8 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0
L 100·0 1242·9 16·3 0·7 4·3 0·0 8·2 0·0
Norm 1·3 0·1 0·3 0·0 0·7 0·0 100·2

lO B. Pracejus

than two minerals can be in equilibrium at one time tium is incorporated in the lattice of the cryptome­
(Kittrick, 1969). In aqueous systems kaolinite will lane, and the size of its ionic radius (within a range
form at the expense of either gb or q. This means of ± 15% ) implies that strontium can substitute for
that q � 0 when gb = 0 or q = 0 when gb � 0 in potassium. This is also in accordance with Post et a!.
the present calculation. Under natural conditions (1982), who discussed a cryptomelane with the fol­
this thermodynamic rule can be broken because of lowing formula: (K0.9 Nao.zsSro.nBao.t) (Mn, Fe,
the slow reaction kinetics of the involved mineral Al)8(0, OH)16. Because cryptomelane at Groote
species. Nevertheless, the final stage will lead to a Eylandt varies in its barium content, and also because
two mineral configuration which will be accounted barium is needed for the calculation of romanechite,
for in this calculation. The decision mentioned above this element will not be used here. The same applies
depends on a preliminary calculation of kaolinite for sodium which is taken for the development of
(only step 3a!). The result will indicate excess quartz todorokite. The following oxide formula will be
(remaining Si02) or an overestimated consump­ used:
tion which will lead to no quartz, but also to the
(K20 + SrO) + MnO + 15 Mn02 (5)
calculation of gibbsite (4).
A small amount of potassium has been used in the
Kaolinite (ka): AhSi205(0H)4
kaolinite calculation. Therefore it may happen that
::::} Al203 + 2Si0z + 2Hz0 (3a)
manganese samples with a very low cryptomelane
::::} Si02 + 1/2Al203 + H20 (3b)
content will give a result of em = 0. Theoretically,
Depending on the result of the previous decision, such a sample could be calculated on the basis of the
kaolinite will either be determined �rom (3a) or strontium content, if present, but the normalization
(3b). If there is excessive quartz, then kaolinite is procedure neglects cryptomelane if there is no po­
calculated on the basis of the available alumina. In tassium. Separate strontium minerals such as celestite
the case of a quartz deficiency, the mineral relies on have not been detected in the deposit. MnO is
the total silica content of the sample and there will calculated from the total Mn02 analysis, because it
be free alumina for the formation of gibbsite as an had not been determined for the Groote Eylandt
additional phase (4). Analyses of reasonably pure samples. However, if an analysis of Mn + is avail­
clay samples have shown that the kaolinite from able, it should preferably be used.
Groote Eylandt contains �1·7% FeO and �0·17%
Romanechite (rm): Baz[Mnl+ Mn114+030]·4H20
K20. These values are incorporated in the final
::::} BaO + Mn203 + 5·5Mn02 + 2H20 (6)
result of the kaolinite calculation. The latter two
steps should be investigated for materials from other The barium content of the sample is taken as the
deposits and adjusted accordingly. Because these basis for the romanechite calculation (Burns &
compounds are relatively low in their concentration, Burns, 1977; Giovanoli & Balmer, 1983; Burns et a!.
they could also be omitted from this part of the 1985). Mn203 is calculated from the total Mn02
norm. content, as is the case for the previous mineral for
MnO. The strongly varying K20 contents of ro­
Gibbsite (gb): 2Al(OH)3::::} Alz03 + 3H20 (4)
manechite in Groote Eylandt (Ba0/K20 ratios of
The conditions for the stability of gibbsite have 1·8-34·7; Ostwald, 1988) have been neglected in
already been discussed in context with quartz (2) favour of cryptomelane, because no consistent values
and kaolinite (3). Although this mineral has been could be obtained.
described as an accessory from the deposits on
Groote Eylandt, it has to remain a theoretical phase Todorokite (to)
under the present normalization program, because it
This mineral seems to be fairly complicated, having
is not known to what extent the excess alumina is
different compositions in different deposits. A num­
incorporated in minerals like goethite or hematite.
ber of formulae have been proposed by various
If excess quartz has been determined, then gibbsite
does not exist.
2 2
(Ca, Na, K, Mn +)(Mn4+, Mn +, Mg0)r,01z·3Hz0
Cryptomelane (em): Ks1Mn801r, ::::} K20 + MnO
after Straczek et a!. (1960);
+ 15Mn02 2
(Ca, Na, K, Ba, Mn +)Mn5012·3H20 after Burns
Correlations with SrO strongly suggest that stron- & Burns (1977);
Groote Eylandt manganese norm 11
(Mn +, Zn, Mg, Ba, Sr, Ca, Na2, K2, Cu, all remaining water is then added to the manganese
PbhMn104+023·9H20 after Larson (1962). component of the formula above.
Calculations of analytical results from Groote Goethite (gt) (1): 2FeOOH =? Fe203 + H20 (9)
Eylandt ores demonstrate that a high number of
Goethite is calculated from the remaining iron (a
rock samples show a very limited interval of the
small amount has been used for kaolinite) and its
ratio between calcium, sodium and magnesium
equivalent to water. As there are many samples
(Ca + Na20)/Mg0 = 0·30-0·34. This indicates a
which have undergone oxidation, it is necessary to
strong structural association of these three elements,
adjust the goethite content in a later step (11). The
which most probably is due to a concentration in one
decision for this correction is based on step (10). If
single mineral. Although some samples contain ex­
an adjustment has to be made, then it will result in
cess MgO when compared with the ratio mentioned
the production of hematite.
above, no correlation to any other mineral has been
found for this element. Therefore calcium, sodium Structural water (xw):
and all the magnesium will be taken as the basis for XW =? LOI - HzO[ka. gb, gt, rm, to] (10)
the todorokite calculation. The error is fairly small,
The LOI and most of the previous water-containing
which is introduced knowingly by the incorporation
phases are used for a first approximation of the
of all the magnesium into todorokite, and it saves
remaining structural water in goethite. The only
the normalization from further complications.
exception in this calculation is pyrolusite, because
Fronde! et al. (1960) and Straczek et a!. (1960)
of its variable water content. If the value of the
reported significant amounts of magnesium in
calculation becomes negative at this stage, it is an
todorokites. The author favours the composition
indication for the formation of hematite in iron-rich
quoted by Larson (1962) because it contains all the
samples. Therefore this operation is essential for the
elements that are believed to play an important role
adjustment of goethite in step (11) and for the
in the todorokite under investigation. This formula
establishment of hematite (12). The LOI of the
will be shortened and adjusted in the following way:
Groote Eylandt ores relates entirely to water-bearing
(Mg, Ca, NazhMn104+0z3'9HzO =? phases, because other compounds such as carbon­
(MgO, CaO, Na20) + 3·33Mn0z + 3Hz0 (7) ates are absent in the deposit or exist only as traces.
Pyrolusite (pr): Mn02 =? MnOz + xHzO Goethite (gt) (II):
(x = 0-0·5) (8) 2Fe00H =? Fe203 + HzO - 21 xw I (11)
Pyrolusite, the last manganese phase, is calculated If hematite replaced goethite, then the amount of
from the remaining manganese which has not been goethite must be corrected. This is done by a correc­
consumed by the previous minerals (em, rm, to). tion with the help of negative structural water.
Correlation plots between pyrolusite and excess
Hematite (he): Fe203 =? I xw I (12)
water also led to the additional incorporation of up
to 50% water, although water does not take part in In the case of oxidized goethitic rocks where hematite
the structure of pyrolusite. However, this finding is has formed, the amount of Fe203 is equivalent to
in accordance with analytical results from Gryaznov overestimated structural water from step (10).
& Danilov (1980) and Ostwald (1988). It is assumed
Phosphorus: PzOs (13)
that the pyrolusite lattice contains micro-inclusions
of <XMnOOH or yMnOOH, which thus result in a All P205 is normalized only, and it is not put into a
larger loss on ignition (LOT) than expected. mineral. The most appropriate phosphate mineral
As indicated by x = 0-0·5 for the water portion which has been described from Groote Eylandt is
of the norm mineral, the water content of pyrolusite vivianite (hydrated iron phosphate), but it is very
can be variable. Normally the excess water of the rare and it will not be calculated as a separate phase.
sample will be larger than 50% of the remaining Further treatment will have to rely on correlations
manganese (after the calculation of the previous with other minerals where it may be incorporated.
manganese minerals) and therefore, the 'inclusion This phase is not essential for the normalization and
water' can easily be accommodated, where a small can be omitted in most cases as long as the amount
amount of water is left. In a few cases however, less in the sample is negligible.
water is available at this stage of the calculation, and
12 B. Pracejus

�· Excess water: w :::} LOI - HzO [ka, gb, gt, rm, to, prJ
' �. ..
. .. (14)
· \, ..
'· . The final determination of excess (free ) water is
� 0.8
based on the LOI and all water-containing phases.
. . .
� 0.6
. .

.s · ...
Final sum: L :::} L (norm minerals) (15)
"' . : ... :
0.4 � · ·' . .
I.. •.
. .
· · Normally it is not necessary to calculate the sum of
the normalized minerals, because the result should
be very near to 100% , if existing and normative
0.0 minerals coincide. Deviations of more than ±2%
0 20 40 60 80 100
Kaolinite[%] are considered to be indicative of analytical mistakes,
erroneous input, or additional minerals that contain
Fig. 2. Correlation between norm minerals kaolinite and elements which have not been accounted for in the
anatase (n = 364). normalization (e.g. organic remains) . The latter case
might be camouflaged by a larger LOI and could

20 40 4 8 20 40 60 1 2 3 4 0.4 0.8
ka [%] gb [%] gt[%] he [%1 P205 [%]

Fig. 3. Vertical geological cross­

section from Groote Eylandt
showing the distribution of
10 20 1 2 1 2 3 25 50 75 10 20 30 normalized gangue and ore
em[%] rm[%] to[%] pr [%] w[%] minerals.
Groote Eylandt manganese norm 13

probably go undetected. Nevertheless, it is a quick Ti02 (not normalized) with Al203, but silica, which
way of checking the correctness of the norm result is also part of the kaolinite, will produce ambiguous
(statistics of a large batch of samples: n = 364, 0 = results (both a positive and a negative trend) when
99·82, max = 102·24, min = 98·7, SD= 0·529). correlated with Ti02. The normalization however is
Rhodochrosite and alabandite are examples of able to split the silica in the calculation and produce
additional manganese minerals which could easily free quartz which can later be related to other
be incorporated into the previous calculation flow minerals, for instance to heavy minerals in the sand
before pyrolusite (step 8). These minerals do not fraction. The quartz content may also be used to
exist in Groote Eylandt, but are mentioned as detect and estimate trace element contaminations
examples for the development of additional norma­ that derive from grinding procedures (e.g. tungsten
tive phases. Such minerals may be required for the from a tungsten-carbide mill). Other analysed el­
examination of other deposits. Other more complex ements, such as trace elements and rare earths,
manganese phases require an exact knowledge about allow a detailed insight into the relationships be­
the element(s) that can be taken as the calculation tween the various minerals and elements.
basis. The next example shows a vertical geological
profile and the distribution of norm minerals (Fig. 3).
Rhodochrosite (rh): MnC03 =? MnO + C02 (7b)
The samples were taken from a section on Groote
Alabandite (ad): MnS =? Mn + S (7c) Eylandt and they represent a sandwich-like structure
of manganese ores that are replaced by iron on top
and at the bottom of the unit. Easily detectable is a
EXAMPLES separation of minerals and a preferential develop­
ment of specific phases at different horizons. Dia­
The previous sections have demonstrated the nor­ grams like this can provide genetic information, for
malization procedures in detail. A few possible ap­ instance for overprinting supergene processes.
plications are shown below. The first one is a simple A third way of using the norm is its application on
correlation plot between kaolinite and anatase ternary diagrams (Fig. 4). Here the ore or gangue
(Fig. 2). A similar plot can be obtained by correlating minerals can be plotted for rock types, and fields for

2.5 rm

Fig. 4. Ternary plot of manganese

oxide norm minerals for some
manganese ore types from Groote
Eylandt. pr em+ to
14 B. Pracejus

30 .-------�
• 12th week
o 17th week

s 20 •

Q, • ••
..::: •


c 0

:::; 10

Fig. 5. Time-related breakdown of

two manganese oxides (norm
minerals) from Groote Eylandt,
o +-----�----�--4 exposed by dissolved manganese
0 10 20 30 during microbiological leaching
Norm Mineral [%] tests. (After Pracejus et al., 1990.)

individual rocks can be produced. Such diagrams of the relevant deposits and should come as close as
can also provide valuable ideas about formation possible to the natural conditions of the rocks/ores,
conditions for minerals. otherwise the results are superficial and of no use.
In the last example the norm was used to monitor
the successive time-related breakdown of manganese
phases during microbiological leaching tests (Fig. 5; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
after Pracejus et al., 1989). It can be observed that
the thermodynamically least stable manganese This paper is a contribution to IGCP project 226.
oxides are also the first to become unstable during The Australian UNESCO Committee has provided
the leaching procedure, that time gaps exist between financial assistance through Grant-in-aid 1988, which
the breakdown of the individual minerals, and that is gratefully acknowledged. I am thinkful to Dr R.
pyrolusite (not plotted here), the most stable phase Burns (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and
of the examined system, seems to resist the microbial to Dr A. Kleyensttiber (Mintek, South Africa) for
reduction. their helpful comments on the manuscript.



Above, the development of a number of normative (1983) Characteristics of the bacterial breakdown of
manganese phases and associated gangue minerals primarily oxidized manganese ores from the Nikopol
has been discussed using the example of supergene deposit. Mikrobiologiya, 5215, 851-856.
manganese oxide ores from Groote Eylandt. The BARDOSSY, G. (1982) Karst Bauxites: Bauxite Deposits on
Carbonate Rocks, p. 441. Akademiai Kiad6, Budapest.
method has been applied with success to over 600
BURNS, R.G. & BURNS, V.M. (1977) Mineralogy of manga­
partially very complex ore/rock samples ( =20 differ­ nese nodules. In: Marine Manganese Deposits (Ed. by
ent types), and the results of this normalization G.P. Glasby), pp. 185-248. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
procedure are promising. However only further work BURNS, R.G., BURNS, V.M. & STOCKMAN, H.W. (1985)

on materials from other deposits can test the wider Tl.e todorokite-buserite problem: Further consider­
ations. Am. Mineralogist 70, 205-208.
applicability of this technique. The examples that CROSS, W., IDDINGS, P.J., PIRSSON, L.V. & WASHINGTON,
were given above demonstrate the practical use of H.S. (1902) Quantitative Classification of Igneous Rocks,
the method, but it must be added that a mineral pp. 286. Chicago University Press, Chicago.
norm should only be an aid in cases where other FRONDEL, C., MARVIN, U .B. & ITo, J. (1960) New occur­
rences of todorokite. Am. Mineralogist 45, 1167-1173.
methods of quantification have failed, are very diffi­
GIOVANOLI, R. & BALMER, B. (1983) Darstellung und
cult to obtain or are too expensive. Such a theoretical Reaktionen von Psilomelan (Romanechit). Chimia
technique must always go hand in hand with studies 37(11), 424-442.
Groote Eylandt manganese norm 15

GRYAZNOV, V.I. & DANI LOV , I.S. (1980) Oxidized manga­ rite. Acta crystallog. 38, 1056-1065.
nese ores of the Nikopol manganese deposit, Ukranian PRACEJUS, B., BOLTON, B.R. & FRAKES, L . A. (1988a)
SSSR. In: Geology and Geochemistry of Manganese Mineral normalization for supergene Mn-oxides and
(Ed. by l.M. Varentsov & G. Grassely), Vol. 2, associated rocks on ores from Groote Eylandt, NT,
pp. 403-416. E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhand­ Australia. !AS Symposium on Sedimentology Related to
lung (Nagele & Obermiller), Stuttgart. Mineral Deposits 1988 (Abstract), p. 202. Beijing,
KITTRICK, J .A. (1969) Soil minerals in the Al203- Si02- China.
H20 system and a theory of their formation. Clay and PRACEJUS, B., BOLTON, B.R. & FRAKES, L.A. (1988b)
Clay Minerals 17, 157-160. Nature and development of supergene manganese de­
LARSON, L.T. (1962) Zinc-bearing todorokite from Philips­ posits, Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia.
burg, Montana. Am. Mineralogist 47, 59-66. Ore Geol. Rev. 4, 71-98.
OsTWALD, J. (1980) Aspects of the mineralogy, petrology PRACEJUS, B., VARGA, R.A., MADGWICK, J.L., FRAKES,
and genesis of the Groote Eylandt manganese ores. L . A. & BoLTON, B.R. (1990) Effects of mineral com­
In: Geology and Geochemistry of Manganese (Ed. by position on microbiological reductive leaching of man­
I.M. Varentsov & G. Grassely), Vol. 2, pp. 149-58. ganese oxides. Chern. Geol (under review).
E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nagele & STRACZECK, J.A., HOREN, A., Ross, M. & WARSAW,
Obermiller), Stuttgart. C.M. (1960) Studies of the manganese oxides- IV,
OSTWALD, J. (1988) Mineralogy of the Groote Eylandt Todorokite. Am. Mineralogist 45, 1174-1184.
manganese oxides: A review. Ore Geol. Rev. 4, 3-45. TuRNER, S. & BuSECK, P.R. (1979) Manganese oxide
PosT, J.E., VoN DREELE, R.B. & BusEcK, P.R. (1982) tunnel structures and their intergrowths. Science 203,
Symmetry and cation displacements in hollandites: Struc­ 256-458.
ture refinements of hollandite, cryptomelane and pride-
Spec. Pubis inr. Ass. Sediment. ( 1990) 11, 17 -30

Palaeogeographic setting of late Jurassic manganese mineralization

in the Molango district, Mexico

J . B . M A YNA R D*, P . M. O K I T A*, E . D . MA yt and A. MA R T I N EZ- V E RA *

*"�"Department of Geology, University ofCincinnati 13, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA;
*Cia. Minera Aut/an, S.A. de C. V., Mariano Escobedo 456, Mexico, DF 11590


A large sedimentary deposit of manganese carbonate formed during the late Jurassic in eastern Mexico.
Throughout the Mesozoic, deposition in this area was in fault-bounded basins with considerable relief.
Both clastic and carbonate sediment was derived from adjacent highs. The manganese ores were
deposited in the slope facies of a shelf-basin transition in water deeper than storm wave base. Rocks
below the ore were deposited in a euxinic basin; rocks above the ore in a more oxidizing, but still suboxic
basin. Manganese was mobilized in deeper, low-oxygen water, then precipitated as manganese oxide on
contact with shallower , oxygen-rich water. Manganese carbonate formed diagenetically from the
manganese oxide via reduction by organic matter and iron sulphide. Because organic matter was in
excess, no primary manganese oxide survived early diagenesis.


Upper Jura s sic rock s of ea st-central Mexico are ho st The predominance of carbonate ore in the
to several sedimentary mangane se ore depo sit s that Molango di strict i s in contra st to better-known giant
compri se the Molango di strict. Centred on the town mangane se depo sit s such a s Chiatura and Groote
of Molango, the di strict produce s mangane se car­ Eylandt where mo st production i s from primary
bonate ore from one mine at the village of Tetzintla oxide s (Force & Cannon, 1988). Recent model s for
and supergene oxide ore from several smaller oper­ the gene si s of the se large depo sit s have empha sized
ation s. The di strict cover s an area of about 25 x the importance of geometry and degree of oxygen­
50 km (Fig. 1) and ha s been in production since ation of the ba sin for concentrating large volume s
1968, with Compania Minera Autlan the major of mangane se (Cannon & Force, 1983; Frake s &
operator. DeYoung et a/. (1984) e stimated the total Bolton, 1984; Bolton & Frake s, 1985; Force &
re source to be 1·5 billion metric ton s of mangane se. Cannon, 1988). Becau se mangane se i s soluble a s
In 1982, 183 000 ton s were mined, making Mexico Mn + under reducing condition s but in soluble a s a
the world's eighth large st producer of mangane se. solid such a s Mn02 under oxidizing condition s
Carbonate ore s make up the bulk of the production, ( Maynard, 1983), a euxinic marine ba sin such a s
700 000 ton s of ore compared with 34 000 ton s of the Black Sea can accumulate large amount s of
oxide s in 1987 ( Jone s, 1986), but the supergene mangane se in solution in deep water, mangane se
oxide s are a much more valuable product becau se of that i s available for precipitation at the interface
their suitability for u se in dry-cell batterie s. between oxygen-bearing surface water and H2S­
bearing deep water. Wherever thi s anoxic-oxic
boundary inter sect s the edge of the ba sin, there i s
* Present address: MS 954, National Center, US Geo­
a potential for mangane se enrichment in the
logical Survey, Reston, VA 22092, USA.
t Present address: Chevron USA, PO Box 6056, New
sediment s.
Orleans, LA 70174, USA. In thi s paper we will examine the stratigraphic and

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 17

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
18 J. B. Maynard et a!.

.'g 'g ....... 0 •
0 0
� � T ampico
.::c --"-0-
r:2:.2-=00 · --- · C iudad
p, "'q:/,
21° 30' \--t--- ----'<1''-\+-------+-------\--l
(i1 �.
>J �\.. Taman (
�';I ./"\
• L.
"-· ......._ . ..-
.\ \. __.. .
. _, . �a.J 1
;./l .

,.. I
* Tetzint l a ---J;·,_

I s.
"�( Mola ngo ('-\�

I ,.Y/1

0 Km 50

Pachuca Fig. 1. Location of principal sites

mentioned in text. Tetzintla is the
largest mine .

palaeogeographic setting for mangane se mineral­ that follow s i s ba sed on thi s literature plu s our field
ization in the Molango di strict. We will attempt to ob servation s in the area between the town s of Taman
recon struct the depo sitional hi story of the area and and Molango (Fig. 1).
compare and contra st that hi story to the model s
developed for oxide facie s mangane se depo sit s.
Pre-Jurassic rocks

Precambrian metamorphic rock s of the Huiznopala

STRATIGRAPHY Gnei s s form the ba sement for the di strict (Frie s &
Rincon-0., 1965). Garnet gnei s s and metaquartzite
Carrillo- B. (1965) and Cantu-C. (1971) have de­ are the dominant lithologie s, and garnet s yield Sm/
scribed the Jura s sic bio stratigraphy of ea stern Nd age s of 0·9 Ga ( Ruiz et at., 1988). The se Pre­
Mexico and Hermo sa de a I Torre & Martinez- P. cambrian rock s crop out in two place s in the vicinity
(1972), Aguilera- H. (1972), Aguayo-C. (1977) and of the Tetzintla mine, the fir st in the Arroyo Pilapa
Pedrazzini & Ba sanez (1978) have di scu s sed a spect s below the mine village of Otongo, about 4·5 km
of the sedimentology of the region. A de scription of southwe st of the mine. Here the Precambrian i s
the geology near the Tetzintla mine i s available in overlain by a serie s of pre- Upper Jura s sic strata,
Alexandri- R. & Martinez-Y. (1988). The di scu s sion including the Guacamaya, Huayacocotla and
Manganese mineralization, Mexico 19

Cahuasas Formations. The second locality studied at Huizachal near Ciudad Victoria in Tamaulipas,
lies below the processing plant at Ayotetla, about volcanic rocks of andesitic to rhyolitic composition
2 ·5 km west of the mine, where the Upper Jurassic are prominent (Lopez-!., 198 6). Deposition appears
rests unconformably on the Precambrian. The con­ to have occurred in fault-bounded troughs similar to
tact is marked by a basal conglomerate made up of the Newark Basin of the eastern USA (Lopez-!.,
fragments of the basement lithologies,and the Upper 198 6).
Jurassic section is attenuated. The contrast between
this and the first section suggests considerable
Jurassic rocks
topographic relief in the area during the Jurassic.
The oldest sedimentary rocks in the area are Jurassic deposition began with the Huayacocotla
Permian marine strata of the Guacamaya Formation, Formation, a dominantly marine unit of highly vari­
which is up to 2000 m thick (Fig. 2). It consists of able thickness. At the type section in Veracruz,
rhythmic alternations of dark grey to black shale and north of the Molango area,it consists of about 3 00 m
sandstone or conglomerate. of dark grey shale with some sandstone (Carrillo-B.,
Red beds of the Huizachal Formation overlie the 19 65); near Molango, it thickens to nearly 900 m
Guacamaya Formation with angular unconformity. comprising a basal conglomerate of 20 m, followed
The Huizachal Formation contains plant fossils that by 50 m of sandy limestone and then by 8 00 m or
indicate a Triassic age (Carrillo-B., 1965). In the more of interbedded black shale and dark grey
immediate vicinity of Molango, the Huizachal sandstone. The early Jurassic ammonite Arnioceras
Formation is about 1300 m thick and consists of is common in the sandy limestones. 7 0 km farther
yellow to light grey sandstone and conglomerate. In south, near Tenango de Doria, the marine Lower
several areas to the north,including the type locality Jurassic thickens to more than 1500 m of section that

Tertiary Volcanics 170

Pimienta Formation

Chipoco Facies ] Taman

Covered and Faulted
Manganese Horizon 120
Santiago Formation
Tepexic Formation
100 --l='=='::i Dark gray to black

Cahuasas Formation
----j:::I;:::I::;.\ interbedded micrite and
argillaceous limestone
"' 80
0 70
Huayacocotla 0
Formation 0
0 50
"" 40
Huizachal Formation 20
----jr.=;.-==1 Ore Zone
10 �} Thin- to medium-bedded

thinly laminated dark gr y

p Guacamaya Formation .0 "

0 -10
� ------ to black limestone

Cl ·-
·- "'
� ------
o .
Hi gh·grade ore

� E
"' �
en o
Basement Rocks

Fig. 2. Generalized stratigraphic column. Left: complete section. Because of the angular unconformities, the section at a
given locality may be less complete. Right: detailed section across the ore zone at the Tetzintla mine showing the position of
various lithologies discussed in metres above and below the Chipoco -Santiago contact.
20 1. B. Maynard et a/.

Schmidt-Effing (1980) assigned to the Huayacocotla Minera Autlan. Accordingly the unit will be referred
Group. He interpreted these rocks to be products of to here as the 'Santiago' Formation of Cantu-C.
an aulacogen that trended to the northwest and was ( 19 7 1), recognizing that a revised terminology that
an arm of the newly opening Gulf of Mexico. accords with the code of stratigraphic nomenclature
The cycle: angular unconformity-red beds­ is needed. The 'Santiago' Formation is a calcareous
marine strata, began again in the Middle Jurassic shale, rich in organic matter and pyrite, with a well­
with the deposition of the red beds of the Cahuasas laminated appearance that suggests deposition below
Formation unconformably on the Huayacocotla wave base in a euxinic basin. Benthic fauna are
Formation. Thicknesses of the Cahuasas Formation absent, except in the top 5- 10 m where Bositra
are variable. It thins southeastwards from about and Ostrea are found, but ammonites are found in
1 200 m at its type locality near Taman to about abundance on a few bedding planes. Rocks of the
250 m near Tetzintla to as little as 40 m near Mol ango bulk of the 'Santiago' Formation correspond to the
(Carrillo-B., 1965). It lacks fossils and so may barren laminite category of Hallam ( 198 7),indicating
belong to either the Lower or Middle Jurassic. oxygen contents in the bottom water of less than
Lopez-1. ( 1986) interpreted similar rocks of the 0· 1 ml/1, whereas the top few metres of the unit
Nazas Formation in San Luis Potosi as having been have features typical of the shelly laminite category
deposited in the Middle Jurassic in local basins of Hallam, indicating oxygen contents that at least
developed in a transgressive tectonic setting during transiently reached levels of 0· 1-0·5 ml/1. Re­
opening of the Gulf of Mexico. gionally, ammonites indicate ages ranging from late
The onset of marine deposition is marked by the Callovian to late Oxfordian (Cantu-C., 19 7 1) for the
calcarenites of the Tepexic Formation, which 'Santiago' Formation, but in the vicinity of the
Cantu-C. ( 19 7 1) assigned to the Middle Callovian. mines we have been unable to find any genera
In different localities this unit can be found resting younger than Callovian,and Reineckiaoccurs within
discordantly on each of the older stratigraphic units. 10 m of the upper contact. The thickness of the
Its thickness ranges from about 20 to about 1 25 m. 'Santiago' Formation in the mine district is usually
Aguilera-H. ( 19 7 2) interpreted its environment of about 300 m, but at the village of Huitepec, about
deposition as shallow lagoonal, with a soft mud 9 km north of the Tetzintla mine, the S ' antiago'
substrate and perhaps higher than normal salinity. Formation occupies only 20 m of section, and in
In the mine area, the Tepexic Formation is domi­ the Pilcuatla No. 1 well to the east it is absent
nated by two lithologies: a micritized ooid grainstone ( Pedrazzini & Basanez, 19 78, fig. 3). These vari­
and an oncolitic wackestone,both rich in echinoderm ations in age and thickness confirm the suggestion of
fragments, which suggests deposition under con­ considerable topographic relief during deposition of
ditions of normal marine salinity. In the subsurface, the Upper Jurassic units. Some sections may be
the Tepexic interval is locally marked by a sandstone missing by erosion, but the transitional contacts
or conglomerate. For example in the well Pilcuatla between units and the generaLly deep-water setting
No. 1, 16 km east of the Tetzintla mine, the Tepexic suggest that slower deposition on local submarine
Formation is represented by a fining-upwards sand­ highs could also be responsible for the variation in
stone that has a litharenitic composition at the base, sediment thickness.
but becomes more feldspathic and less lithic-rich The S
' antiago'Formation is overlain by the Taman
upwards ( Pedrazzini & Basanez, 19 78). Formation, which is of Kimmeridgian age (Cantu­
The Tepexic Formation passes upwards gra­ C., 19 7 1). At the type locality, near the village of
dationally into a more argillaceous unit that Taman in San Luis Potosi (Fig. 1), the unit consists
Cantu-C. ( 19 7 1) defined as the Santiago Formation. of a rhythmic alternation of limestones and shales
Unfortunately this name had already been used in that show fining-upwards texture in the limestone
Mexico,for a Palaeozoic stratigraphic unit (Hermoso beds, suggesting deposition as turbidites in a basinal
de a I Torre & Martinez- P., 19 7 2; Longoria, 1984) environment. The rocks in this area contain no
and so should be replaced with another name. How­ enrichment of manganese.
ever the application of the term Santiago to the Farther east, in the mining district, the rocks
argillaceous beds above the Tepexic Formation has above the 'Santiago' Formation have been referred
become well established (e.g. Imlay, 1980; Enos, to as the Chipoco Formation (Aguayo-C., 19 7 7;
1983; Salvador, 198 7; Winker & Buffier, 1988) and Alexandri- R. & Martinez- V., 1988), but the name
is used in mapping by the mine geologists for Cia. never seems to have been formally applied. We will
Manganese mineralization, Mexico 21

refer to these rocks using the informal designation of Formation. It is the most widely distributed of all
Chipoco facies of the Taman Formation and to the the units discussed, covering even those palaeohighs
strata at the type section as the basinal facies of the where the Taman and 'Santiago' Formations are
Taman Formation. The Chipoco facies contains a absent ( Pedrazzini & Basanez, 19 78, fig. 3). The
mixture of lithologies (the rocks are referred to as Pimienta Formation overlies the Taman Formation
the ' Taman Mixto' in older reports), dominantly with a transitional contact, and is distinguished by its
fine-grained limestone alternating with shale, but lighter colour, thinner and more even bedding, and
with prominent beds of calcarenite and sandstone in the presence of abundant layers and lenses of black
the upper part of the unit. Horizons rich in a single chert. The basal part of the unit is Tithonian in
bivalve genus, usually Astarte (Force & Cannon, age, while the upper part is Lower Cretaceous
1988) but sometimes Bositraor Aulacomyella, occur (Cantu-C., 19 7 1). Aguilera- H. ( 19 7 2) assigned it to
in places, indicating that the water in the basin at a basinal environment with normal seawater salinity.
the time of deposition contained some oxygen.
Posidoniad bivalves like Bositra and Aulacomyella
may have been nektoplanktonic, living attached to PETROGRAPHY
floating wood or seaweed (Stanley, 197 2; Duff,
19 75), but the Astartids were undoubtedly infaunal Thin section study of samples from the older clastic
( Duff, 19 78). However, the scarcity of other biota units shows them to be generally quartzose ( Table 1)
and the general absence of bioturbation place these and fine grained with abundant matrix. The terres­
rocks in the shelly laminite category of Hallam trial units ( Guacamaya and Cahuasas Formations)
( 198 7), implying low oxygen in the bottom water. show early hematite rims on the framework grains,
Throughout this area, the basal 50- 100 m of the whereas the marine units ( Huayacocotla Formation)
Chipoco facies is enriched in manganese, most have less matrix and abundant quartz overgrowths.
strongly in the lower 3- 5 m, decreasing upwards. Rock fragments, when present, are internally fine
Farther eastward, the Taman Formation consists grained and are generally so altered as to be un­
of calcarenites of shallow-water aspect (Aguayo-C., identifiable. The sandstone beds from the Chipoco
19 7 7)that are referred to as the San Andres Member. facies differ from those of older rocks in having
These rocks, like the basinal facies of the Taman a much higher ratio of polycrystalline to mono­
Formation, lack manganese enrichment. Because of crystalline quartz and in having numerous volcanic
folding, the stratigraphic thicknesses of the Taman rock fragments with plagioclase microphenocrysts.
Formation in these three areas are difficult to esti­ Limestone and shale dominate the Upper Jurassic
mate. Aguayo-C. (1977) estimated 500 m for the strata. The Tepexic Formation is a coarse-grained
western, basinal facies, and we measured 300 m of limestone. A typical lithology is micritized ooid
continuous section at the type locality followed by grainstone. These grainstones consist entirely of
several hundred metres of strata repeated by folding. coated grains in a sparry cement. Most grains are
At the Tetzintla mine, Aguayo-C. (19 7 7) estimated completely micritized, but of those with identifiable
2 75 m, but there is a fault here below the calcarenite nuclei, echinoderm and bivalve fragments are about
beds that cuts out a considerable amount of section. equal in abundance. Another common lithology is
Thickness of the San Andres Member is between 60 oncolitic wackestone. The oncolites float in a mud
and 1 2 0 m (Aguayo-C., 19 7 7). matrix with scattered bioclasts, almost all of which
Jurassic deposition ended with the Pimienta are echinoderm fragments. The Tepexic Formation

Table 1. Framework composition of sandstones of the Molango district

Formation Quartz, M Quartz, P Feldspar Rock fragments

Guacamaya 89 11 0 0
Base 57 18 11 14
Top 62 17 14 6
Cahuasas 81 12 0 7
Chi poco 45 31 8 16

M = monocrystalline; P = polycrystalline.
22 J. B. Maynard eta!.

increases in clastic content upwards and becomes layers rich in clay and organic material. The-bedding
finer grained. The upper contact is placed where couple is about 2 mm thick. Chlorite is seen as a
shale becomes dominant over limestone. late-stage mineral in many samples.
The overlying 'Santiago' Formation is a well­ Above the ore, the Chipoco facies consists of
laminated, pyritic, black shale. In thin section, it peloidal wackestones and packstones interbedded
consists of 20- 25% silt-sized quartz and 1 0- 25% with mudstones and shales. The coarser lithology
calcite,with the balance being mostly clay with some contains micritized pellets and ooliths with some
organic matter and pyrite. The formation becomes bioclasts, most commonly bivalve fragments. The
more calcareous upwards, developing calcite con­ finer lithology is well laminated and dark coloured
cretions near its upper contact. The uppermost beds with about 8 0% carbonate mud and 20% clay and
are argillaceous pelletal wackestones with many silt-sized quartz. Three horizons rich in sponge
allochems. The most common are platypelecypod spicules interrupt this sequence. All three are less
and echinoderm fragments, peloids, and coated than 1 m thick, and are characterized by abundant
grains that appear to be micritized ooliths. At monaxon spicules (now mostly calcite) cemented by
Tetzintla,the top surface of the 'Santiago'Formation ferroan calcite. Calcite concretions about 20 em
is marked by abundant oysters, wood fragments and across are common in these beds. Also present in
fish scales. the Chipoco facies are several bivalve-rich horizons.
The Taman Formation displays considerably more The most prominent, about 50 m above the base,
variation in lithologic character, both horizontally contains 20% whole shells of Bositra, 15% bioclastic
and vertically. The basinal facies, as seen in the Rio material and 65% mud.
Moctezuma at the town of Taman, comprises three At a level of 1 00 m (at Acoxcatlan) to 160 m (at
repeated lithotypes: massive wackestones, finely Tetzintla) above the base of the Chipoco facies, the
laminated wackestones and black, finely laminated lithology changes abruptly to a mixed sandstone­
shales. The massive wackestones have about 75% calcarenite. Beds are about 1 m thick and show
carbonate mud in which are suspended about normal grading, often with granule-sized quartz at
20% bioclasts, mostly recrystallized radiolaria, and the base. The proportion of calcareous and silici­
5% silt-sized quartz. Laminated wackestones have clastic framework grains varies greatly. Siliciclastics
more carbonate mud, about 90%, and quartz silt is range from 30 to 90% with the Acoxcatlan section
more abundant, 5- 1 0%. Bioclasts are rare, never having the higher values. Calcareous components
more than 5%. Shales are similar to those of the are mostly peloids and micritized ooliths, about 8 0%
'Santiago' Formation. These three lithotypes are of the grains, with subordinate bioclasts, 1 0-15%,
monotonously repeated in limestone-shale couplets and rare intraclasts. The bioclasts are predominantly
about 0·5 m thick. fragments of red algae. Calcite cement makes up
In the mining area, at Tetzintla and at the nearby 1 0-30% of the rock. The calcarenite interval is 20-
village of Acoxcatlan where several test adits have 4 0 m thick, followed by about 50 m of section similar
been driven, the Chipoco facies of the Taman in lithology to that below the calcarenites and then
Formation consists of three distinct lithologies by the Pimienta Formation, which we did not study
(rhodochrosite ore, limestone and calcareous shale) petrographically.
with several prominent fossil-rich horizons. The base The San Andres Member of the Taman Formation
of the stratigraphic unit is marked by the rhodo­ is poorly exposed in the study area. We collected a
chrosite ore bed, 2-10 m thick, which is very fine set of samples from a remote locality at Totonicapa,
grained with crystallites about 10 to 15 in dia­ 8 km east of the Tetzintla mine. Of eight samples
meter. In hand sample the ore looks well laminated, studied, six were pelletal wackestones, heavily
but in thin section these laminae are wavy and micritized with some silt-sized quartz and calci­
discontinuous. At Tetzintla, clotted texture is spheres. One sample was a bivalve packstone,
ubiquitous, and peloids and coated grains are another a fine ooid grainstone.
abundant, up to 3 0% of the rock. The ore at
Acoxcatlan, by contrast, is generally lacking in
peloids and presents a more homogeneous, fine­ MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY
grained texture (Force & Cannon, 1988, fig. 1 7).
Laminae are defined by an alternation of lighter­ We have examined the Santiago-Chipoco interval
coloured rhodochrosite-rich material with darker at the Tetzintla mine using X-ray diffraction,electron
Manganese mineralization, Mexico 23

probe microanalysis, stable isotope geochemistry, genetic reaction, mediated by bacteria, tietween
and measurement of carbon/sulphur ratios. X-ray manganese oxides and organic matter, as described
diffraction ( Okita, 198 7) shows that the 'Santiago' by Aller & Rude ( 1988) from experiments:
Formation contains mostly illite and quartz with 2
2 Mn0z + Corg + 3C Oz + 2 Hz0� 2 Mn + + 4 HC03-
some chlorite, an assemblage common in pre­
Cretaceous shales ( Potter et at., 1980). Calcite is A similar reaction may lead to the removal of re­
also common, but no other carbonate phases were duced sulphur from manganese-rich sediments:
identified. The Chipoco facies contains the same 2
4·5 Mn0z + FeS + 7C02 + 4 H2�4·5 Mn +
silicates in smaller amounts. The carbonate fraction
+ soi- + 7 HC03- + Fe O O H
is almost entirely rhodochrosite in the ore bed,
becoming manganese calcite at about 8 m above In both cases the increase in alkalinity should lead to
the base, then gradually decreasing in manganese the precipitation of MnC03:
content upwards until the carbonates are again 2
2 HC03- + Mn +� MnC03 +C02 + H20
entirely calcite by about 60 m. Kutnahorite and dolo­
mite are present but in minor amounts. Also found Thus the isotopic data is consistent with the forma­
were abundant magnetite and maghemite, which tion of rhodochrosite by diagenetic replacement of
make up 5- 1 0% of the ore. These minerals impart a manganese oxide rather than by direct precipitation
magnetism to the ore that is detectable in the field. from the water column or by replacement of pre­
Electron probe microanalysis ( Okita, 198 7) con­ existing carbonate minerals, as had been suggested
firms rhodochrosite as the only manganese-bearing from textural evidence by Force & Cannon ( 1988).
mineral in the ore zone. The average composition is Sulphur isotopes, like those of carbon, show an
Mno·66 Mgo.tsCao.uFeo.08, but there is a wide vari­ anomaly in the ore zone ( Okita & Shanks, 1988).
ation owing to substitution of magnesium for man­ Pyrite from above and below the ore has light b 4S
ganese. Calcium and iron are essentially constant. values, about -30%o, typical of open system re­
Carbonates from the low-grade interval above the duction of sulphate by bacteria ( Table 2). Within the
ore are manganese calcites, averaging Mn0.18 Mg0.03 ore zone, b 4S values are heavy, about +8%o. Okita
Cao.74 Feo.os · & Shanks ( 1988) attributed heavy sulphur in the
Stable isotope geochemistry of the rocks exposed manganese ores of the Molango district and in a
at the Tetzintla mine provides insight into depo­ similar deposit in China to sulphate reduction in
sitional and diagenetic conditions ( Okita & Shanks, a nearly closed system. A closed system favours
198 7; Okita et al., 1988). Carbon isotopes of car­ heavier sulphide because nearly all of the sulphate
bonate minerals show a strong negative excursion in the system is reduced, leading to values that
through the ore zone. Rocks below the ore, in the approach that of seawater, whereas in an open
'Santiago'Formation have b1 C values close to zero, system only the lightest sulphate is reduced and the
typical of primary marine carbonates ( Table 2). Ore resulting sulphide is very negative ( Hoefs, 1980).
zone rhodochrosite is much more negative, as light One mechanism for a closed system is a basin with
as - 16%o, whereas manganese calcites from above limited connection to open seawater, as has been
the ore zone have intermediate values, from -5 to proposed for the Selwyn Basin of Canada ( Good­
O%o. The light carbon in the ore is suggestive of fellow & Jonasson, 1984; Shanks et al., 198 7).
derivation of carbonate in part from oxidation of Alternatively a closed system could result from
organic matter. Based on a typical organic matter pyrite formation within the sediment at a depth
value of -3 0%o, the rhodochrosite reflects equal below that for effective transport from seawater by
parts organic- and inorganic-derived carbon ( Okita diffusion. If the oxidation of FeS by Mn02 hypo­
et al., 1988). The association of light carbon with thesized by Aller & Rude ( 1988) applies, then
manganese mineralization could arise from a dia- pyrite formation would be delayed until all Mn02

Table 2. Carbon and sulphur isotopes of carbonate minerals and pyrite from the Tetzintla mine (Okita & Shanks, 1 988)

Host rock High-grade ore Low-grade ore

0 to +2·5 -16-4 to -11-5 -5·2 to 0

-35·5 to -24·0 +4·6 to +11-3 +4·3 to + 12·5.
24 1.8. Maynard et a!.

was converted to MnC03, far enough below the mation shows a typical euxmtc pattern (Fig. 3): a
sediment-water interface that exchange of pore high sulphide sulphur content, 2-10%, and a posi­
water sulphur species with overlying seawater would tive correlation between sulphur and carbon with an
be limited. intercept on the sulphur axis. The degree of pyrit­
As first described by Leventhal (1983) and elab­ ization (the proportion of available iron incorporated
orated by Raiswell & Berner (1985),the relationship in pyrite) is high,averaging about 75%. The Chipoco
between organic carbon and sulphide sulphur in facies by contrast contains less sulphur, 1-3% in
sediments can be used to decipher depositional con­ shales and usually less than 0·5% in the rhodochro­
ditions, especially the degree of anoxia in the basin. site ore, and the sulphur vs carbon plot has an
Liu (1990) has found that the Molango district was intercept near zero on the sulphur axis. The degree
characterized by euxinic conditions in the basin of pyritization is quite variable in the Chipoco facies,
prior to the onset of ore deposition, followed by ranging from near zero in the ore to about 60% for
more oxidizing conditions in the mine area during shales and limestones above the ore. Liu (1990) has
and after deposition of the ore. The 'Santiago' For- interpreted these patterns as indicating deposition of
the 'Santiago'Formation in a restricted basin having
SANTIAGO FORMATION a stratified water column with hydrogen sulphide in
10 the bottom water. The Chipoco facies was deposited

• under more oxidizing conditions, but still somewhat
* 8 depleted in oxygen; the suboxic facies of Froelich
:;: et al. (1979). The ore zone at the base of the
::::> 6 Chipoco facies has the most oxidizing chemical

::::> signature of all rocks in the sequence, but this aspect

Q) 4 may well be a result of the oxidation of FeS by
Mn02 rather than a result of abundant free oxygen
::::> in the bottom water. The scarcity of benthos, the
(/) 2
general lack of bioturbation, and the presence of
0 low-diversity assemblages of opportunistic genera
0 such as Aulacomyella confirm the Chipoco facies as
Organic carbon wt. %
a product of deposition under low-oxygen but not
euxinic conditions. We have been unable to perform
10 a comparable geochemical evaluation of the basinal
facies of the Taman Formation because the exposed
* 8 rocks are too weathered for sulphide sulphur ana­
lysis, but the lack of benthos and bioturbation sug­

::::> gest euxinic conditions.
6 ..
<f) ..
Q) 4

::::> to ·
(/) 2
• to The sedimentological and geochemical data summar­
� to
.. to
ized above suggest a depositional model for the
0 ;;$�!...
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Molango ore (Fig. 4) in which the ore was deposited
Organic carbon wt. % on the slope in a shelf-basin transition. The San
Andres Member is representative of the shallow
• Black shale "'Rhodochrosite to Limestone
shelf, the Chipoco facies represents the slope, and
Fig. 3. Relationship of sulphide sulphur to organic carbon the Taman Formation at the town of Taman is
in ore and host rocks. The positive intercept on the sulphur representative of the deepest part of the basin in the
axis for samples from the 'Santiago' Formation implies Kimmeridgian. The rapid facies transitions and
deposition under euxinic conditions; the lower sulphur abundance of clastic material suggest a rimmed shelf
concentrations and intercept of the sulphur/carbon
correlation line near the origin for Chipoco facies samples
rather than a carbonate ramp, following the classi fi­
implies less reducing, probably suboxic conditions. cation scheme of Read (1985). The ideal facies
Redrawn from Liu ( 1990). sequence for this setting is tidal flat/lagoon-rim
Manganese mineralization, Mexico 25

Sections studied
1. Nonoalco
2. Te tz:i ntl a
3. Acoxcatlan
4. Totonicapa
5. Taman
6. Huitepec

Fig. 4. Depositional model for the Molango area. Ore deposition occurred on the slope on the west side of a chain of
islands. The other slope facies shown on the diagram are not exposed and are only inferred from the shelf facies at Amixco
reported by Aguayo-C. (1977).

shoal-escarpment-talus-mud blanket with dominant feature in similar deposits of the Alps

gullies-proximal turbidites-distal turbidites­ ( Eberli, 198 7). The Alpine sequence seems to have
pelagics. The San Andres Member contains lith­ formed in a similar tectonic setting to that of eastern
ologies typical of the first two facies, the Chipoco Mexico, is of early Jurassic age, and contains
facies represents the mud blanket environment with manganese enrichments ( Germann, 19 73; Jenkyns
packages of proximal turbidites, and the rocks at the 1988). The southern part of the Gulf of Mexico
town of Taman are the distal turbidites. The base­ seems to have lacked biohermal accumulations in
of-scarp talus is conspicuously lacking, but it is a shallow-water facies in the Jurassic, unlike the Alpine
26 J. B. Maynard et a!.

sequences ( Wilson, 1975; Crevello & Harris, 1984). Kimmeridgian (see Hallam & Maynard, 1987, for a
This absence of frame builders perhaps accounts for further discussion of the differences in these two
the absence of base-of-escarpment talus in the sea-level curves for the mid to late Jurassic). In the
Molango district. Deeper-water sponge reefs are Molango district, the Tepexic Formation is the
common in the Jurassic, and may have been the shallowest marine facies, and indicates the onset of
upslope source of the prominent spiculite horizons the Callovian transgression. The Tepexic Formation
seen at the Tetzintla mine. passes upwards gradually into the deeper-water
Changes in lithology with time in the Molango sediments of the 'Santiago' Formation, but the
district can be attributed to a nearly continuous change from dominantly carbonate to dominantly
rise in sea level. Worldwide, sea level was rising clastic sediments suggests that there was tectonic
throughout the middle and late Jurassic (Vail et at., movement, accentuating the relief between adjacent
1984, fig. 2; Hallam, 1989, fig. 10). The total rise highs and lows,and that the highs provided abundant
over this time interval was about 50-100 m. Super­ fine clastics. Most of the 'Santiago' deposition in the
imposed on this trend of rising sea level are several study area occurred during the Callovian. A brief
shorter regressive episodes. Hallam (1989)identi fied regressive episode, correlative with one of Hallam's
a regression at the end of the Callovian and two (1989) Oxfordian regressions, may have occurred at
in the Oxfordian, with a pronounced transgressive the top of the 'Santiago', where grain size becomes
event in the middle Oxfordian. The Vail et al. (1984) coarser, a shelly fauna appears, and wood fragments
curve only identifies a late Callovian unconformity, are common. This event may correspond to the
followed by a smooth rise of sea level into the late Buckner red bed-anhydrite sequence intercalated in

--s- Tithonian
Sea Level

Sea Level

0 50


Fig. 5. Generalized palaeogeographic model for eastern Mexico during the late Jurassic showing progressive flooding. Ore
deposition began abruptly at the beginning of the Kimmeridgian, perhaps reflecting access of the basin to an external
supply of manganese such as the spreading centre in the newly opened Gulf of Mexico. (Based on Padilla y Sanchez, 1982,
fig. V7, and Aguilera-H, 1972, fig. 1.)
Manganese mineralization, Mexico 27

the underlying Smackover ( Oxfordian) and overlying At Molango, in contrast with other large deposits,
Haynesville ( Oxfordian- Kimmeridgian) Lime­ all the manganese oxide was converted to carbonate.
stones of the northern Gulf region (Faucette &Ahr, Perhaps the proximal oxide facies has been lost by
1984, fig. 3). The return to carbonate deposition in subsequent erosion, but one would expect some
the Taman-Chipoco-San Andres interval can be remnant over such a large district. The balance
attributed to sea level rising to the point that most between manganese oxide and manganese carbonate
highs were covered by seawater and began exporting in a deposit is most likely controlled by the rate of
carbonate debris to deeper water, in the same way supply of Mn02compared with the rate of supply of
as the Bahamas do today. As reconstructed by organic matter at the time of deposition. If available
Boardman & Neumann (1984) and by Boardman et carbon exceeds one-half the (molar) amount of
al. (1986), the Bahama Banks act as a carbonate manganese, then all oxide will be converted to
factory when bank tops are flooded during high carbonate. Mineralization at Molango appears to
stands of sea level, exporting fine carbonate mud, have occurred on a steeper palaeoslope in deeper
largely aragonite, to the deep water between the water than in the deposits at either Chiatura or
banks. During low stands, the bank tops are subject Groote Eylandt (Force & Cannon, 1988). Molango
to karstic erosion, little material is washed over the was entirely below normal wave base, whereas other
rim into deep water, and only a pelagic calcite deposits show abundant evidence of wave activity
component is seen in the sediments adjacent to the (Bolton et at., 1988). Consequently, organic matter
banks. For eastern Mexico, the low stand time preservation should have been better at Molango
would have seen abundant clastics produced by than at the other deposits, an idea supported by
weathering of the exposed basement and pre-Jurassic residual Corg values between 0·5 and 1·0% (Liu,
clastic deposits, a supply that was mostly shut off in 1990).
the Kimmeridgian. The Pimienta Formation reflects The sudden appearance of manganese and its
the continuation of this process to maximum flooding gradual disappearance also needs explanation. If
of the bank tops (Fig. 5). the progressive flooding model presented above is
correct,the basin should have experienced increasing
communication with adjacent basins through time in
IMPLICATIONS FOR the late Jurassic. The vertical sequence suggests that
METALLOGENESIS at the beginning of the Kimmeridgian, the depth of
water in the basin exceeded a sill depth that allowed
Manganese mineralization in the Molango district is communication with an external source of manga­
con fined to the slope facies of a shelf-basin tran­ nese. One possible source would be a spreading
sition. Neither the shelf nor the basin facies show centre in the Gulf of Mexico ( Pindell, 1985). In­
manganese enrichment, and the mineralization is creasing water depth then led to a gradual improve­
continuous along the exposed trend of the slope ment in the ventilation of deep water in the basins
facies. Vertically, manganese appears abruptly at and a consequent decrease in the amount of
the transition from a euxinic black shale to a suboxic manganese in solution.
shale-limestone sequence at a time of rising sea
level. These patterns are consistent with the strati fied
basin model of manganese deposition described by ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Force & Cannon (1988): manganese was soluble
in deep water, precipitated at the oxic-anoxic Special thanks are due to E. Force, who first sugges­
boundary, and settled back through the water ted this project to us, and to R. Alexandri, who
column as manganese oxide particles. Over most of made the field work possible. R. Imlay identified an
the basin, these particles redissolved, but in shal­ early collection of bivalves, and we are grateful for
lower water on the basin slope they reached the being able to bene fit from his years of experience
bottom sediment, de fining a manganese oxide com­ with the Jurassic of Mexico. J. Calloman was kind
pensation depth. In a refinement of the Force & enough to identify our collection of ammonites, and
Cannon model, Okita et at. (1988) proposed that T. Hallam joined us in the field to help with
reaction with organic matter during early diagenesis fossil identi fications and with environmental re­
converted the manganese oxides to manganese constructions. We are particularly appreciative of
carbonates. his sharing his insights into Jurassic palaeogeography
28 1. B. Maynard et al.

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Manganese and iron facies in hydrolithic sediments

G.A. G R O S S
Geological Survey of Canada*, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Canada, Kl A 0£8


Manganese-rich facies in Algoma, Lake Superior and Rapitan types of iron formation are an important
part of the stratafer group of siliceous metalliferous sediments. Manganese oxide and carbonate facies
associated with iron formation, chert, carbonate, shale, turbidites, tuff and lava are up to 30 m thick
and have iron to manganese ratios ranging from 0·2 to 2. The major and minor element contents of
stratafer manganese sediments are compared to typical oxide facies of iron formation and to modern
protolithic facies on the seafloor that formed by hydrothermal effusive and hydrogenous processes.
Cherty manganiferous facies and their gondite metamorphic equivalents occur throughout the geological
record, provide major resources of manganese, and are the most common protore for high-grade
manganese deposits that formed by secondary enrichment processes.


Many manganese and iron ore deposits have been Manganese facies and their equivalent meta­
studied separately in the past without recognizing morphosed strata, known as gondite, host important
spatial and genetic relationships of the associated syngenetic ore deposits and are protore for many
manganese- and iron-rich facies of protore. The large manganese deposits formed by oxidation,
cherty iron-, manganese- and sulphide-rich facies leaching and secondary enrichment processes (Roy,
are the most common and abundant members of the 1981). The world's largest syngenetic deposits of
stratafer group of hydrolithic metalliferous sedi­ copper, zinc, lead and gold are hosted in sulphide
ments. Typical relationships between manganese­ facies of iron formations, and large deposits of rare
and iron-bearing facies are outlined in this paper to earth elements, tin, tungsten and barite occur in
give a better understanding of the metallogeny of oxide and other facies (Gross, 1986). Many banded
stratafer sediments and its application in exploration chert and siliceous metalliferous facies containing
and development of the extensive mineral resources less than 15% iron that developed separately or
hosted in them. within iron-formation units are important host rocks
The term stratafer has been adopted ( Gross & for gold.
McLeod, 1987) to include the great variety of litho­ Lithological facies from one or more of the three
logical facies that are genetically a part of or related main groups of stratafer sediments are frequently
to cherty iron formations, including the associated interbedded or traced laterally through transitions
manganese, polymetallic sulphide and various other from facies to facies, and a common origin or direct
facies formed by chemical, biogenic and hydro­ genetic relationship between them is evident. Gen­
thermal effusive or exhalative processes (Gross, etic models developed for both ancient and Recent
1988). They are commonly composed of banded stratafer sediments indicate that they formed by
chert and quartz interbedded with oxide, sulphide, volcanogenic or hydrothermal effusive processes
carbonate, and silicate minerals containing ferrous, (Gross & McLeod, 1987). Their composition, distri­
nonferrous, and/or precious metals. bution, facies development and depositional en­
vironment appear to have been controlled mainly by
the tectonic setting and physical, chemical and bio­
Geological Survey of Canada Contribution No. 4 1888. logical factors in the depositional basins (Gross,

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
32 G. Gross

l983a). Stratafer sediments occur on all continents deeper-water environments in graben basins, island
from early Precambrian to Recent (Gross, 1986) and arc and spreading-ridge tectonic systems.
the deposition of the great variety of lithological Banded siliceous manganiferous facies are as­
facies developed within them does not appear to sociated with cherty iron formations in most of the
coincide with events or environmental factors that iron ranges of the world, except in North America
were peculiar or unique to a particular period in the where they are not well developed. They are com­
Earth's history. Much attention has been given to monly interbedded with oxide and carbonate facies
the extensive thick sequences of Lake Superior type but they may occur in all kinds of mineralogical
iron formation which developed on the shelves and facies of iron formation and stratafer sediments.
tectonically active marginal parts of Proterozoic Fine-grained clastic facies at the margins of depo­
platforms or cratons (Gross, 1965, 1968; James & sitional basins evidently mark transitions from
Sims, 1973). Iron formations of this type and age chemical to clastic deposition.
appear to represent the largest and most extensive Highly metamorphosed manganese-rich facies
stratigraphic units of hydrolithic sediment. There form gondite (Roy, 1980), which is a common type
are also many Archaean iron formations such as the of protore for enriched manganese deposits.
Hamersley in Australia or Kudremuk in India, or Sedimentary features and evidence of the primary
late Proterozoic and younger iron formations of the nature of many gondite rocks have been destroyed
Rapitan type, that are of a similar order of magnitude by recrystallization and migration of elements during
as the Lake Superior type formations. Some of the later stages of metamorphism. Review of the litera­
sedimentary manganese deposits such as Nikopol ture indicates that manganese facies occur more
and Chiatura in the USSR have been considered to frequently, but are generally thinner or less
have formed by non-volcanogenic or hydrothermal abundant, in Algoma than in Lake Superior type
processes. The manganese and iron in these and iron formations. They appear to be more common
other deposits of a similar type could have been in Phanerozoic and Mesozoic than in Precambrian
derived from a continental source by erosion pro­ basins.
cesses, by the reworking and redeposition of Manganese facies related to iron formations occur
manganese from submarine volcanogenic sediments, as three types.
crusts or nodules, or by hydrothermal processes. 1 Those within stratigraphic units of iron formation
Probably geochemical data and the presence of that contain sufficient manganese, usually from
banded chert in sequences of stratafer sediments 1-5%, to provide manganiferous iron ore and
provide the best criteria for identifying volcanogenic protore. Examples are found in the Cayuna Range
or hydrothermal primary sources of the metals. in the Lake Superior Region, at Wabush Mines in
Labrador, McLeod Mine at Wawa, Ontario, in
Minas Gerais in Brazil and in many other iron
2 Manganese facies interbedded in or transitional to
Descriptive data from a survey by Gross (1983b) of cherty iron formations, with manganese : iron ratios
facies rich in manganese and iron in many parts of greater than one. This type is widespread throughout
the world that are associated with iron formations the world and is protore for most of the large
are summarized in Table 1. The following manganese ore deposits. Important examples are:
generalizations are based on these data. the Postmasburg and Kuruman deposits in Lake
1 Manganese carbonate and oxide facies are the Superior type iron formations in the Transvaal of
most common and abundant manganese ores, or South Africa; Morro do Urucum in Brazil;
protore for enriched deposits. Karadzhal in Kazakhstan; Jalisco in Mexico;
2 Manganese-rich facies are commonly associated manganese facies in the Kitakama, Ashio and Tambo
with oxide and carbonate facies of iron formations. belts in Japan; Marra Mamba iron formation and
3 Chert and siliceous facies are associated in varying others in the Pilbara Goldfields, Phillips River and
amounts with nearly all of the deposits studied. Yilgarn Goldfields in Australia; in the Guyana shield
4 The associated sediments and their metamor­ in Brazil and Guyana; in the Spanish-Portuguese
phosed equivalents vary from mature sandstone, pyrite belt; Maliy Khingan in the USSR; in the
quartzite and dolomite deposited in shelf and mar­ Orissa, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh regions
ginal basins, to turbidites, greywacke and shale from of India; Moanda in Gabon; at Woodstock, New
Manganese and iron facies 33

Brunswick; and on the Nastapoka Islands in Canada. manganese deposit at Jalisco, Mexico (Zantop, 1978,
3 Shale-hosted manganese facies, commonly 1981). Banded cherty iron and manganese oxide
manganese oxide and/or carbonate associated with facies of iron formation are developed in a Tertiary
muds and fine-grained clastic sediment which may lacustrine basin in association with tuff, andesite
be transitional to or isolated from iron-rich facies flows, red mudstones and siltstones, conglomerates
and chert beds. Occurrences of this type commonly tuffs and shales. The iron formation forms a stratified
form thin facies of limited extent and are widely lens up to 3 m thick and 1·6 by l km in extent. Iron :
distributed. Nikopol in the Ukraine and Chiatura in manganese ratios range from 40 : 1 in the iron oxide­
Georgia, USSR, are outstanding examples, and rich facies at one side of the lens to 1 :50 in the
other examples are the Tangganshan and Taojiang manganese-rich part with an overall ratio of 2: 1.
deposits near Changsa in Hunan Province, and Zantop (1981) concluded that the higher concen­
Wafangzi in Liaoning Province in China, and trations of arsenic, barium, copper, molybdenum,
numerous other deposits on all continents. lead, tin, zinc and vanadium in the manganese and
iron oxide facies were evidence of a hydrothermal
volcanogenic contribution to their formation.
Karadzhal and San Francisco manganese-iron

Research on two deposits has been very instructive

m understanding the genetic relationships of MANGANESE FACIES IN IRON
manganese- and iron-rich facies of stratafer FORMATIONS IN CANADA AND THE
sediments. UNITED STATES
The Karadzhal iron-manganese deposits in the
Dzhail'min syncline in central Kazakhstan occur in The banded cherty manganiferous Algoma type iron
a succession of quartz-magnetite-hematite and formation near Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada
carbonate facies of iron formation in a thick sequence forms part of a succession of thinly bedded grey,
of Devonian sandstones, conglomerate, reddish-grey grey-green and red slate, sandstone, greywacke
limestones, cherty calcareous shales and volcanic and limestone of Silurian age. The manganiferous
rocks. The iron formation is closely associated with jasper-hematite facies of the iron-manganese­
reddish limestone and ranges in thickness from formation are up to 30 m thick and have an iron
1 to 24 m over a distance of 15-20 km. Manganese content ranging from 11 to 30%, a manganese con­
and carbonate beds are intermixed with jasper and tent from 12 to 25% and an overall iron: manganese
chert-carbonate facies of the iron formation. The ratio of about 1: 5. Several hundred million tons of
jasper facies are associated with spilitic rocks in the potential manganiferous resource material have been
northwest part of the syncline where they achieve outlined in the Woodstock area, and manganiferous
their greatest thickness, and contain up to 60% iron facies are present in this group of rocks where they
and probably average over 30%. In the eastern part extend westward into the state of Maine (Gross,
of the area the iron-formation beds are 1-5 m thick 1967; Anderson, 1986).
and contain up to 40% manganese and 6-10% iron. Manganese facies in the extensive Lake Superior
The iron : manganese ratios in the iron formation type iron formations in North America are thin and
change from 10: 1 to 7: 1 in the west to 1: 1 and 1 : 1·5 of limited lateral extent. Beds rich in manganese in
in the east (Sapozhnikov, 1963; Kalinin, 1965). carbonate facies iron formation have been traced
Probably the siliceous iron formations in the western for several kilometres on Belanger and Flint Islands
part of the area were deposited closer to the effusive of the Nastapoka Chain on the east side of Hudson
hydrothermal source of the metals while deposition Bay ( Bell, 1879; Chandler, 1982). A bed of rhodonite
of the thinner manganese-rich facies may have been up to 20 em thick was observed in the Mount Reed
distal from the metal source. iron formation in northern Quebec and some beds in
Manganese facies in iron formations similar to magnetite-hematite facies of iron formation near
those described at Karadzhal occur in other Algoma Wabush Lake in southwest Labrador, Newfound­
type iron formations in Kazakhstan and the southern land contain up to 2% manganese (Gross, 1968).
Ural Mountains. Manganiferous facies in the Cayuna Range in
A transition from iron oxide to manganese oxide Minnesota have been investigated as a source of
facies in iron formation is found in the San Francisco manganese.
Table 1. Manganese-iron facies associated with iron formation

Country Region Deposit Age Manganese Fe: Mn Range Facies Facies

rock group content (%) Average MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO, FeC, FeSi, FeS

Australia Pilbara Proterozoic MnO FeO

Phillips Rv Archaean MnO Fe
Yilgarn Archaean MnO FeO
. Africa West Mokta, Nsuta, Precambrian MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO
Zaire Katanga Kisenge Precambrian <20-40 MnC, MnSi
South Africa Transvaal Kuruman Proterozoic 25 1: 3 4: 1-1: 45 MnO, MnC FeO, FeC
Botswana Kalahari Palapye Proterozoic 4: 1-1: 4 MnO FeO
Gabon Moanda Proterozoic 10-20 1: 8 1: 40-30: 1 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO
Sinai Um Bogma Mesozoic MnO FeO
Brazil Bahia Bandarra Precambrian 4: 1-15: 1 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO
Minas Gerais Proterozoic 1:5-1: 20 MnO, MnC FeO, FeC, FeSi
Para Proterozoic 32-47 1: 10 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO, FeS
Amapa Serrade Precambrian 1: 10 MnC, MnSi
Mato Grosso Morrodu Cambrian 1: 4 MnO FeO
Canada Appalachian Woodstock Silurian 1: 1 2·4: 1-1: 12 MnO, MnC FeO
Nastapoka Is Proterozoic MnC FeO
Table I. (continued)

Associated rocks

Country Region Amphibolite Schist Gneiss Gonditc Chert-silica Carbon shale Shale Limestone Sandstone Turbidites Tuff Volcanic
(Amp) (Sch) (Gn) (Gond) (Ch-Si) (CSh) (Sh) dolomite quartzite (Tb) (Tf) (V)
(LD) (SQ)

Australia Pilbara Chert Sh

Phillips Rv Chert
Yilgarn Chert
Africa West Amp Sch Gn Gond Ch-Si CSh Sh SQ Tf v

Zaire Katanga Amp Gn Gond CSh SQ

South Africa Transvaal Chert Sh LD SQ Tb Tf v

Botswana Kalahari Chert Sh SQ Tb Tf v

Gabon Chert CSh Sh LD SQ Tf v

Sinai Sh LD SQ
Brazil Bahia Amp Sch Gn Ch-Si
Minas Gerais Ch-Si Sh LD SQ
Para Amp Sch Gn Ch-Si CSh Sh LD SQ Tb v
Amapa Sch Ch-Si CSh LD SQ
Mato Grosso Ch-Si Sh SQ
Canada Appalachian Ch-Si Sh LD Tb
Nastapoka Is Chert Sh SQ Tf
China Liaoning Chert Sh LD s
Hunan Chert CSh Sh L s
Hunan Chert CSh Sh L s

Mexico Jalisco Chert Sh Tf v

USA California Chert Sh Tb Tf v

India Karnataka
Dharwar Amp Sch Gn Ch-Si Sh LD SQ v
Orissa Gond Ch-Si CSh Sh SQ Tf v
Andhra Pradesh Amp Sch Gn Gond Ch-Si Sh LD SQ
Madhya Pradesh Gond Ch-Si LD
USSR Kazakhstan Ch-Si Sh LD SQ Tf v
Urals Ch-Si Sh LD SQ
Y enisey Ridge Ch-Si Sh LD SQ Tf v
Transcaucasia Ch-Si Sh LD SQ Tf v

Japan Ashlo Mts Ch-Si Sh LD SQ Tb Tf BY

Kitakami Mts Chert Sh SQ Tb Tf BY
Tamba Mts Chert Sh Tf v

Germany Alps Mts Chert Sh LD SQ Tf

Hungary Bakony Mts Chert Sh LD SQ
Finland Ch-Si Sh LD Tb Tf v

Portugal-Spain Pyrite Belt Ch-Si Tf v

New Zealand Northland Ch-Si Sh SQ Tb Tf v

Table 1. (continued)

Country Region Deposit Age Manganese Fe:Mn Range Facies Facies

rock group content (%) Average MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO, FeC, FeSi, FeS

China Liaoning Wafangzi Middle Proterozoic 16-30 1: 1-1: 2 MnO, MnC FeO
Hunan Tangganshan Lower Sinian 18-20 MnC, MnO, MnSi, MnS FeO
Hunan Taojiang Ordovician 20 MnC, MnO FeO
Mexico Jalisco San Tertiary 2: 1 40: 1-1: 50 MnO FeO
USA California MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO
India Karnataka
Dharwar Proterozoic MnO FeO
Orissa Archaean 28-42 1: 1·5-1: 1·3 MnO FeO
Andhra Pradesh Pakhal Proterozoic 14-32 1: 1·8-1: 4 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO, FeS
Madhya Pradesh Aravalli Proterozoic 1:25 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO
USSR Kazakhstan Karadhzal Devonian 10: 1-1: 1·5 MnO, MnC FeO, FeC
Urals· Permian 2: 1 MnO FeO
Yenisey Ridge Proterozoic 10 MnC FeO, FeC
Transcaucasia Armenia Cretaceous-Eocene 1: 2
Japan Ashlo Mts Palaeozoic 1: 1 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO
Kitakami Mts Permian-Jurassic MnO, MnC FeC
Tamba Mts Miocene MnO, MnC FeC
Germany Alps Mts Jurassic 1:2 MnO, MnC, MnSi FeO, FeC
Hungary Bakony Mts Epleny Mesozoic 1: 2 1: 20-1: 5 MnC FeC, FeS
Finland Kittila Proterozoic 0.4-15 MnC, MnSi FeO, FeC, FeSi, FeS
Portugal-Spain Pyrite Belt Silurian MnO, MnC, MnSi FeS
New Zealand Northland Auckland Mesozoic 1:20 MnO FeO
Manganese and iron facies 37

Table 2. Composition of typical iron and manganese facies (wt%)

Type-area: Algoma Superior Bathurst Woodstock Nastapoka Red Sea Santorini Baur B.
Fe-Mn facies: oxide oxide oxide oxide carbonate oxide ox-carb oxide
n-samples: 963 176 85 14 2 43 25 19
Data set: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Si02 47·8 47·7 29·77 22.84 4 1·75 9-45 1 1·5 23·8

Ah03 2·6 1·3 4·19 5·16 0·35 1·6 1·2 6·5
Ti 0·07 0·02 0·22 0·1 1 0·009 0·04 0·03
Na20+K20 1·0 0·2 0·72 1·06 0·12 1·8 5·7
MgO 1·6 1·2 1·91 1·77 1·23 1·1 1·2
CaO 1·7 1·6 3-43 3·92 3-43 4-4 1·1 36·6
FeO 12·7 7·8 17·5 8·35 6-45 7·8
Fe Tot. 30. 1 30·9 35·26 19·84 9·04 30·2 31·6 21·5
Mn 0·1 0·5 2·16 17·98 16-47 1·3 0·03 5·7
P z Os 0·2 0·05 1·76 1·65 0·02 0·2 0-4
H20 Tot. 0·8 1· 1 2·09 3-46 0·6 55-4 48·7
C02 0·9 2·7 3·89 9·2 18·8 3·7 10·5
s 0·2 0·02 0·52 0·06 2·8 0·5
Ba 0·02 0·017 0·05 0·14 0·01 0·03 0·008 1·35
v 0·006 0·003 0·01 0·005 0·005 0·013
Cr 0·008 0·0 1 1 0·004 0·005 0·001 0·002 0·003
Co 0·004 0·003 0·007 0·01 0·001 0·005 0·015
Ni 0·008 0·003 0·006 0·003 0·01 0·003 0·0007 0·062
Cu 0·005 0·00 1 0·008 0·00 1 0·002 0·547 0·0015 0·135
Zn 0·006 0·003 0·14 0·005 0·002 1·78 0·006 0·051
Pb 0·067
Sr 0·007 0·003 0·01 0·03 0·002 0·038 0·008

Sources of data. Data set ( 1) and (2): Gross ( 1986). Data sets (3)-(5): Geological Survey of Canada, IFCHEM FILE -
Chemistry of Iron Formations in Canada. Data set (6): Red Sea, Atlantis Deep, amorphous goethite facies, Bischoff
( 1969). Data set (7): iron-rich muds at the Kameni Islands, Santorini, Greece, Bostrom & Widenfalk ( 1984). Data set (8):
metalliferous sediment from Baur Basin, East Pacific, Dymond eta!. (1976) and Sayles eta!. (1975).

Algoma type siderite facies in the Michipicoten arcs, in tectonic settings that are closely analogous
District of Ontario contain up to 2% manganese. to those of their ancient counterparts.
Manganiferous facies in the Red Sea and in many
other areas of the ocean floor have bulk compositions
RECENT PROTOLITHIC FACIES OF and element distribution patterns that are similar to
MANGANESE-IRON FORMATION those found in oxide facies of iron formations (Table
2) (Bischoff, 1969; Dymond et al., 1976; Bostrom &
The global distribution of protolithic manganese Widenfalk, 1984; Gross & McLeod, 1987). The
facies on the modern seafloor has been outlined in· element distribution patterns in the Algoma type
recent work by Gross & McLeod (1987). Manganese Woodstock manganiferous facies, and in the Lake
deposition related to recent active hydrothermal Superior type Nastapoka manganiferous facies, are
fields takes place in areas distal from the hydro­ very similar to the characteristic patterns found in
thermal vents in the outer margins of the sedimentary about 50 other iron formations of these types (Gross,
basins, and manganese is usually transported beyond 1990).
the main depositional areas for siliceous iron-rich In conclusion, the syngenetic relationship of
facies (Gross, 1987). Deposition of manganese in manganese- and iron-rich facies of iron formations
large quantities is commonly related to the cooler has been demonstrated in the examples of stratafer
hydrothermal effusive centres and marginal to the sediments mentioned above and in the extensive
higher temperature centres. Manganese facies on literature on hydrolithic sediments from most
the modern seafloor are associated with or closely parts of the world. The close similarities in bulk
related to hydrothermal fields located along compositions, element distribution patterns
spreading ridges, deep-fracture systems or island and geochemistry in ancient and Recent iron- and
38 G. Gross

manganese-rich facies are convincing evidence of Economic Geology Report No. 22, 111pp.
their development by similar genetic processes. GRoss, G.A. (1968) Geology of Iron Deposits in Canada,
Many examples of Recent hydrolithic sediments on Vol. 3, Iron Ranges of the Labrador Geosyncline.
Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report
the seafloor, which are known to be forming by No. 22, 179 pp.
volcanogenic, hydrothermal effusive and exhalative GRoss, G.A. (1983a) Tectonic systems and the deposition
processes, clearly show that they are protolithic of iron-formation. Precambrian Res. 20, 171-187.
facies of iron formation and associated manganese­ GRoss, G.A. (1983b) Low grade manganese deposits- a
facies approach. In: Cameron Volume on Unconventional
and sulphide-bearing facies of stratafer sediments. Mineral Deposits (Ed. by W.C. Shanks), pp. 35-47.
Society of Mining Engineers, American Institute of
Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Inc.,
New York.
GRoss, G.A. (1986) The metallogenetic significance of
iron-formation and related stratafer rocks. I. Ceo/. Soc.
India, 28 (2,3), 92-108.
This paper comprises contribution number 41888 of GROSS, G.A. (1987) Mineral deposits on the deep seabed.
the Geological Survey of Canada, and is published Marine Mining 6, 109-119.
GRoss, G.A. (1988) A comparison of metalliferous
with the permission of the Survey.
sediments, Precambrian to Recent. Krystalinikum 19,
GROSS, G.A. (1990) Geochemistry of iron-formation in
Canada. In: Ancient Banded Iron Formations (Regional
Presentations) (Ed. by 1.-1. Chauval, Cheng Yugi, E.M.
El Shazly, G.A. Gross, K. Laajoki, M.S. Markov, K.L.
Raki, V.A. Stulehikou, S.S. Augustithis), pp. 3-26.
ANDERSON, F.D. (1986) Woodstock, Millville, and Theophrastus Publications, Athens.
Coldstream Map-Areas, Carleton and York Counties, GRoss, G.A. & McL EOD, C.R. (1987) Metallic minerals on
New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir the deep seabed. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper
353, 45-55. 86-21 and Map 1659A, 65pp.
BELL, R. (1879) Report on an Exploration of the East Coast JAMES, H.L. & S tM S, P.K. (1973) Precambrian iron form­
of Hudson's Bay, Nastapoka Islands. Geological Survey ations of the World. Econ. Ceo/. 68, 913-1221.
of Canada, Report of Progress for 1877-78, 15c-18c. KALINtN, V.V. (1965) The Iron-Manganese Ores of the
BISCHOFF, J. L . (1969) Red Sea geothermal brine deposits: Karadzhal Deposit. Institute of the Geology of Ore
Their mineralogy, chemistry, and genesis. In: Hot Brines Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry,
and Recent Heavy Metal Deposits in the Red Sea (Ed. by USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, translation of
E.T. Degens & D.A. Ross), pp. 368-406. Springer, Russian, 123pp.
New York. RoY, S. (1980) Manganese ore deposits of India.
BosTROM, K. & WlDENFALK, L. (1984) The origin of iron­ fn: Geology and Geochemistry of Manganese, Vol.
rich muds at the Kameni Islands, Santorini, Greece. 2 (Ed. by I.M. Varentsov & G. Grasselly), pp.
Chem. Ceo/. 12, 203-218. 237-277. Manganese Deposits on Continents. E.
CHANDLER, F.W. (1982) The structure of the Richmond Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nagele &
Gulf Graben and the geological environment of lead­ Obermiller), Stuttgart.
zinc mineralization and of iron-manganese formation RoY, S. (1981) Manganese Deposits. Academic Press,
in the Nastapoka Group, Richmond Gulf area, New London, 458pp.
Quebec-Northwest Territories. In: Current Research, SAPOZHNlKOV, D.G. (1963) The Karadzhal Iron­
Part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 82-1A, Manganese Deposits. Transactions, Institute of the
1-10. Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and
DYMOND, J., CORLISS, J.B. & STILLINGER, R. (1976) Geochemistry, No. 89, USSR Academy of Sciences,
Chemical composition and metal accumulation rates of Moscow, Chap. 3, No. 89, translation of Russian, 193pp.
metalliferous sediments from sites 319, 320, and 321. In: SAYLES, F.L., Ku, T.-L. & BowKER, P.C. (1975) Chemistry
Initial Reports on the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. 34 of ferromanganoan sediment of the Baur Deep. Ceo/.
(Ed. by R.S. Yeats et a/.), pp. 575-588. Superintendant Soc. Am. Bull. 86, 1423-1431.
of Documents, US Government Printing Office, ZANTOP, H. (1978) Geologic setting and genesis of iron
Washington DC. oxides and manganese oxides in the San Francisco
GRoss, G.A. (1965) Geology of Iron Deposits in Canada, manganese deposit, Jalisco, Mexico. Econ. Ceo/. 73,
Vol. 1, General Geology and Evaluation of Iron De­ 1137-1149.
posits. Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology ZANTOP, H. (1981) Trace elements in volcanogenic
Report No. 22, 181 pp. manganese oxides and iron oxides: the San Francisco
GRoss, G.A. (1967) Geology of Iron Deposits in Canada, manganese deposit, Jalisco, Mexico. Econ. Ceo/. 76,
Vol. 2, Iron Deposits in the Appalachian and Grenville 545-555.
Regions of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada,
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 39-50

Manganese deposits of the

Proterozoic Datangpo Formation, South China:
genesis and palaeogeography

X . X U, H . H UA N G and B. L I U
Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Renmin bei lu, Chengdu, Sichuan, China


The early Sinian (late Proterozoic) black manganese carbonate deposits of the Datangpo Formation are
distributed in eastern Guizhou and western Hunan provinces. The formation comprises a belt extending
for over 600 km along depositional strike and 150 km perpendicular to strike. The manganese deposits
are located in a rift belt on the margin of the Yangtze Craton.
The Datangpo Formation is interbedded between two sequences that have been interpreted as
glacial diamictites. The formation comprises manganese ore and manganese-rich shale which show fine,
graded laminae, with ABC and ABE Bouma sequences. The manganese-rich shale contains algae, fungi
and acritarchs as well as radiolaria which are reported for the first time. These features suggest that the
manganese deposits were deposited in relatively deep water which could have resulted from deglaciation
and an associated sea-level rise.
The manganese ore bodies include lens and pillow-shaped structures with a concentric internal
fabric, and are cut by fine barite and quartz veinlets.
It is suggested that the manganese originated from hydrothermal exhalation at the seafloor. It was
precipitated as successive concentric layers around a nucleus, building up a pillow-shaped body. It is
suggested that the glacial melting at the beginning of Datangpo Formation times brought about a major
sea-level rise and the resulting transgression established a relatively deep marine environment. Hydro­
thermal exhalation at the sea bottom could have resulted in a stratification of the water column with an
anoxic bottom layer in which the syngenetic manganese deposits were precipitated.


The early Sinian (late Proterozoic) saw an important ations. Sedimentation occurred in extensional rift
phase of manganese mineralization in central South basins.
China, on the southeastern margin of the Yangtze This paper describes the sedimentary attributes of
Craton (Fig. 1). Strata-bound sedimentary manga­ the Datangpo Formation and its manganese miner­
nese deposits hosted by organic-rich black shales alization, and discusses the palaeogeographic and
occur in the Datangpo Formation (Lower Sinian) in palaeoenvironmental context. An origin for the
eastern Guizhou and western Hunan provinces. manganese mineralization is suggested.
These are typified by economically valuable deposits
at Datangpo and Minle.
The Datangpo Formation crops out over a wide
area, forming a narrow belt that extends over
600 km along depositional strike and about 150 km
Tectonic framework
perpendicular to strike. Possible correlatives may
occur farther to the east. The Lower Sinian strata The Yangtze Craton is a major structural unit in
are characterized by rapid thickness and facies vari- South China. Continental nucleation was initiated

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 39

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
40 X. Xu, H. Huang and B. Liu

Xianganzhe Fault

Lishui Haifen Fault

Qinling Fault

Tanlu Fault

Q Manganese ore deposits

� Datangpo Formation areas

100 200 300 km .£. Continental tillite

6 Glaciomarine tillite

Fig. I. Lithofacies palaeogeographic map for early Sinjan times, South China.

during the late Archaean to middle Proterozoic. Sinian or earliest Cambrian, initiated a passive
Further episodes of continental accretion during the Atlantic-type margin.
Sibaoan and Jinningian orogenies saw final consoli­
dation of the cratonic block (Huang et al. , 1980).
The pre-Sinian basement comprises lightly meta­
morphosed sedimentary rocks which suffered defor­ In the eastern Guizhou and western Hunan region,
mation during the later orogenic activity. The the Lower Sinian succession is subdivided into four
southeastern margin of the block is the Guizhou­ formations, from bottom to top the Liangjiehe For­
Hunan (or Yangtze) fold belt which brings it mation, Tiesiao Formation, Datangpo Formation
in contact with the South China block. The late and Nantuo Formation (Guizhou Bureau of Geology
Proterozoic to early Cambrian was dominated by and Mineral Resources, 1987) (Fig. 2). All are
intracontinental extensional tectonics, possibly in­ believed to be products of marine sedimentation.
volving two phases of rifting. Extension produced The basal Sinian (the Liangjiehe Formation) rests
trough-like grabens along the marginal belt. Sub­ unconformably on middle Proterozoic metasedi­
sequent continental break-up, possibly in the latest mentary rocks of the Banxi Group. It comprises
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Kaiyang Wengan Datangpo Yanglizhang Minle Tongren Chongjiang Sanjiang

51 I.-;..
Datangpo Fm.
Fulu Fm.

1------jLiangjiehe Fm.l Changan Fm. "'""


Danzhou group IS"

� sandstone with
�sandstone( cross Ej massive sandstone \ --:-�� shale and siltstone �


liiiiiiiJ siliceous rock 3o ·
��........ I ti
1: IIite � black shale � manganese ore �·
E} tuff Cl fe\dspathic quartz B siliceous slate
L_____:::J sandstone C1LJ dolomite
0 I 2 8
� graded bedding r=l pillow-shaped
'-=J structures I� I
slump structures [llJ rock
Mn-S iliceous Guiyang
7 110"

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic and facies correlation of early Sinian successions.

42 X. Xu, H. Huang and B. Liu

conglomerates and sandstones and ranges from member (Fig. 2) contains interbedded manganese
tens of metres to 300 m in thickness. A nearshore (rhodochrosite) layers and thin tuffaceous beds.
shallow-marine environment of deposition is Coarse terrigenous clastic grains are rare. The
suggested. The conformably overlying Tiesiao For­ upper member mainly comprises mudstones and
mation consists of a matrix-supported grey pebbly siltstones.
coarse sandstone. Pebble types include quartzite, The black shales of the lower member are lami­
siliceous rock and granite. Laminites with dropstones nated, as are the intercalated manganese ore beds.
occur locally. A glaciomarine origin has been pro­ The principal ore-bearing unit includes lenticular
posed for the unit (Guizhou Bureau of Geology and ore bodies enclosed in black shale. The member is
Mineral Resources, 1987). Above the Tiesiao For­ characterized by a great abundance of organic matter
mation is the Datangpo Formation itself. This is made up of marine eukaryotic planktonic algae, i.e.
described in greater detail below. Huroniospora Barghoorn, Globophycus Schopf,
The upper part of the Lower Sinian is the tillite of Trachysphaeriaium Tim, Nanococcus Oehler and
the Nantuo Formation. This has a widespread distri­ Eosynechococcus Hofman which lived in deep water
bution in South China, such that its base is an below the photic zone (Wang, 1988). Micrometre­
important regional marker. scale siliceous spheroidal biogenic structures are also
found; under the scanning electron microscope they
have a sieve-like surface texture (Fig. 3), with well­
The Datangpo Formation
developed spines. These features are similar to fea­
At the type section in Datangpo, eastern Guizhou, tures shown by modern radiolaria from Holocene
the Datangpo Formation may be subdivided into Pacific Ocean sediments. These spheroids may pos­
two members. Black carbonaceous shale of the lower sibly represent early radiolaria, although this would
be the first report to our knowledge of radiolaria
from Upper Proterozoic strata.
Light-yellow silty mudstones and intercalated silt­
stones of the upper member are of terrigenous
origin (Wang & Wang, 1985). They exhibit hor­
izontal lamination and local slump structures.

Regional correlation

The Lower Sinian succession shows sharp lateral

variation in both thickness and facies (Fig. 2). To
the west at Kaiyang (Section 1), the Maluping For­
mation, probably equivalent to the four members of
the Lower Sinian marine strata from eastern Guizhoti
to western Hunan (Guizhou Bureau of Geology and
Mineral Resources, 1987), consists of purple-red
siltstone and mudstone which are interpreted as
fluviolacustrine deposits. At Wengan (Section 2),
the equivalent strata are quartz arenites, with subor­
dinate feldspar and glauconite, and the strata be­
neath the Nanto Formation are only 13 m thick.
The manganese-bearing succession of the
Datangpo Formation thins from west to east. The
facies change successively through manganese sil­
iceous shale, manganese-rich dolomite and black
siliceous shale (Figs 2 and 4). The upper member
passes from mudstone and silty shale to dark siliceous
Fig. 3. Radiolaria in manganese-rich black shale, In southeastern Guizhou and western Guangxi
Datangpo Formation, Datangpo, Guizhou. (Sections 7 and 8), equivalent Lower Sinian strata
Manganese deposits, Datangpo Formation 43

transport Chongj iang

Glacial Sediment transport

Continental tillite
Glaciomarine tillite

Fig. 4. Lithofacies

Submarine erosional area

palaeogeographic map of early ,...... Synsedimentary faults

Sinian (early Datangpo age) of
__,..'1...... lsopachs ( m)
eastern Guizhou and western

are assigned to the Changan and Fulu Formations syndepositional faulting. Faulting is also indicated
which are 2000-3000 m in thickness (Guangxi Bu­ by the occurrence of slumped beds. East of the
reau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1985). The Tongren fault, shallow-water facies prevail, indi­
Datangpo Formation equivalent here is a thin bed of cating a local submarine high. Farther eastwards,
manganese-rich siliceous shales. the palaeogeographic relationships are not entirely
clear, although the very thick Lower Sinian suc­
cession probably indicates a separate, much deeper
rift sub-basin.
Facies belts run parallel to the Yangtze Craton
margin (Fig. 4). The palaeocoastline, which is now
aligned northeast-southwest, is defined by a narrow
belt of quartz sandstone of littoral facies seen at ORE MINERALIZATION
Wengan (Fig. 2, Section 2). To the west was the
Yangtze Palaeoland with a fringing fluviolacustrine Manganese carbonates, mainly rhodochrosite and
plain. Lithological features of the Datangpo Forma­ calcirhodochrosite, dominate the ore mineralogy.
tion suggest that directly east of the palaeocoastline, Based on the form and sedimentary features of the
manganese-bearing black shales accumulated in a ore, two main facies types are recognized in the
relatively deep water, graben-like restricted basin. manganese-bearing succession: ( 1) lenticular or
Lateral facies and thickness variations suggest an pillow-shaped ore bodies; and (2) laminated ore
irregular seafloor topography, possibly arising from facies.
44 X. Xu, H. Huang and B. Liu

1 Lenticular-ore facies Surrounding this is the laminated ore facies which

shows a decrease in manganese ore content towards
The lenticular ore body facies is restricted to the
the margins.
lower part of the Datangpo Formation and contains
The pillow-shaped or lenticular ore bodies are
up to 25 wt% manganese (Fig. 5). This is the
entirely enclosed within black shale; they range from
principal economic ore facies.
1 to 20 m in length and from 0 ·2 to 3 m in thickness.
The lateral distribution of the manganese ore
The manganese ore includes 23 such bodies in a 65
facies displays a bull's eye pattern at Datangpo (Fig.
m wide field in Datangpo, Guizhou (Fig. 7). These
6). The high-grade pillow-shaped ore body facies
elliptical bodies may show convolute lamination and
occurs in central parts of the Datangpo ore body.
slump structures at their margins where they pass

Thick- Mn Content %
nes� (m)
Strata Column Lithology
0 10 20

" -· --

u 1.0
Black Carbonaceous shale

. 34
� > Manganiferous dolomite

. 44
c( Black shale

Laminated manganese ore

.. .. Graded bedding
1.0 --- ... J -

> Black carbonaceous shale



0 "
" E

" .11 Laminated manganese

� 2!
0 interbedded tuff
. 9b / ' / ' /
I/ .... I '

Pillow shaped
. 59
(-) manganese ore

. 74
- - . -
- - - - .
<p Graded bedding
. 53 Lamina ted manganese

� Fig. 5. Stratigraphic column

. 39 c( Black shale
T iesiao Fm. - showing manganese ore
,. . ... . bearing succession, Datangpo,
Manganese deposits, Datangpo Formation 45

tated. Subsequently, this layer with fine cross-cutting

veinlets would have been enveloped by another
manganese-rich layer.
Rhodochrosite exhibits a micronodular colloidal
precipitation texture (Figs 9-11), with fibrous quartz
and granular barite filling fractures and pores. This
may be indicative of hydrothermal precipitation.

2 Laminated ore facies

Finely laminated manganese shales form the lower
grade ore of the Datangpo deposits. Graded laminae
also occur, individual laminae being less than 5 mm
in thickness (Fig. 12). ABE and ABC Bouma se­
quences are observed. The laminae consist of car­
bonaceous black shale, suspended sediments with
dark brown organic material, and manganese car­
bonate which shows a micropelleted fabric (Wang,
1988), and also contains algal microspheroids,
250 500m acritarchs (both replaced by rhodochrosite) and
possibly radiolaria (Fig. 13). Laminated ore facies,
averaging 15-20 wt% manganese, occurs at the
bottom and in the upper parts of the succession.

Fig. 6. Map showing relationship between the thickness of

manganese ore deposits and grade of ore. (From Wang, Discussion of palaeoenvironment
1985. )
The manganese ore beds and their host black shales
are both highly enriched in organic matter. They
into black shales. Internally, the pillow-shaped contain 2·68 and 2·02 wt% total organic carbon
bodies appear to be made of nodular structures (TOC), respectively (Wang & Wang, 1985). The
showing concentric layering (Fig. 8). Each layer is bitumen contains 6·78-20·78 wt% saturated hydro­
10 mm or less in thickness, and is cut by fine veinlets carbons and 2·54-8·66 wt% aromatic hydrocarbons
of fibrous or granular barite and quartz. The veinlets (Wang & Wang, 1985). These are probably derived
are generally less than 2 mm in width. They tend to from the thermal breakdown of planktonic algae
be concentrated in individual layers and usually and protists.
terminate at layer boundaries. The veinlets show a The o34S values for pyrite samples in the laminated
wedge-like morphology, tapering toward the in­ ore range from 42·9-57·3%o (Wang & Wang, 1985),
terior. They seldom cut across several sets of layers. more than two times the value for present day
Veinlets also occur along the boundary between seawater sulphate. These values are very high for
adjacent layers. sulphides generated by bacterial reduction of early
It is suggested that following the formation of a seawater sulphide, and may be the result of restricted
single manganese-rich layer, shrinkage fissures were circulation in an anoxic environment. Hoefs (1987)
formed in which the veinlet minerals were precipi- has pointed out that the H2S produced at a later


Fig. 7. Sketch section showing

features of manganese ore bodies,
Datangpo, Guizhou (by Wang,
1985). 15 25 35 45 55 65m
Fig. 8. Concentric layers with cross­
cutting veinlets of barite in nodular
manganese ore, Datangpo
Formation, Minle, Hunan.

Fig. 11. Granular barite filling pore space within dark

Fig. 9. Rhodochrosite showing colloidal precipitation rhodochrosite, Datangpo Formation, Minle, Hunan.
texture in nodular manganese ore, Datangpo Formation,
Minle, Hunan.
stage exhibits heavier b34S values, and heavy sul­
phate may be found in the final stage of bacterial
activity in a closed-system environment. The pre­
cipitation and diagenesis of the manganese deposits
were both in a closed-system environment, and the
sulphur may have been supplied by hot brine at the
seafloor (Wang & Wang, 1985).
The organic-rich black shales appear to be related
to the development of an extensional basin, as indi­
cated by the sharp lateral thickness changes. Only
small amounts of terrigenous clastic material entered
the basin. The preservation of abundant organic
matter and high b34S values indicate a reducing
environment with anoxic conditions at the
Fig. 10. Fibrous quartz filling pore space within dark sediment-water interface.
rhodochrosite, Datangpo Formation, Minle, Hunan. Numerous microfossils have been discovered 111
Manganese deposits, Datangpo Formation 47

Datangpo Formation was the product of deposition

in deep-water conditions below the storm wave base.
Abundant planktonic microorganisms presumably
accumulated from suspension. Low density turbidity
currents may account for the occurrence of graded
The deeper-water facies of the Datangpo Forma­
tion occurs intercalated between two units of glacial
origin and shallow-water setting. Such a situation
could have resulted from a major phase of ice
melting and consequent sea-level rise. The resulting
transgression would have established relatively deep
water conditions over the basin.

Origin of manganese mineralization

The manganese mineralization of the Datangpo

Formation is in our opinion syndiagenetic and the
product of hydrothermal activity as opposed to a
Fig. 12. Graded laminae in manganese-rich black shale, supergene origin. Paucity of detailed geochemical
Datangpo Formation, Datangpo, Guizhou.
work precludes a conclusive answer.
Evidence for a hydrothermal origin is as follows:
the manganese ore by Wang (1988), who compares 1 The concentric layered nodular structures within
the microfossils to the Precambrian Barney Creek the pillow-shaped ore bodies indicate progressive
HYC Shale from the McArthur Basin and the precipitation of manganese around a central nucleus.
Urquhart Shale from Mount Isa, Queensland. These Concentration of veinlets in individual layers sug­
microfossils indicate a reducing environment in the gests cooling of the manganese-rich layers to create
deep water beneath the photic zone. tensional fractures and a break in precipitation.
The finely laminated lithology, the occurrence of 2 The colloform texture of rhodochrosite suggests
grading, and the absence of coarse terrigenous clas­ colloidal precipitation from hydrothermal solutions.
tics and wave-formed structures suggest that the Seven homogenization temperature measurements

Fig. 13. Graded laminae

comprising radiolaria (white),
rhodochrosite (dark), and
micropellets (grey), Datangpo
Formation, Datangpo, Guizhou.
48 X. Xu, H. Huang and B. Liu


melt waters glacial sediment transport



Fig. 14. Model for manganese deposition in the Datangpo Formation.

from quartz fluid inclusions in the manganese ore (Fig. 14). At the close of this episode of glaciation, a
give an average fluid palaeotemperature of 194°C major phase of ice melting would have brought
(uncorrected), which is in accordance with a hydro­ about a sea-level rise. The resulting transgression
thermal origin. would have established a relatively deep marine
3 The high-grade pillow-shaped ore bodies occur in environment in the basin.
the centre of the ore-bearing structure, and are Deglaciation may have caused stratification of the
surrounded by lower-grade deposits which decrease seawater column, with a lower layer of normal
in manganese content toward the margins. This bull's seawater and an upper freshwater layer derived
eye pattern may indicate the presence of an ancient from ice melting. A consequence of sea-level rise
vent, possibly fault-related, in the central area. and stratification of the seawater column would have
4 The occurrence of intercalated tuff beds in the been to restrict circulation in the basin which would
manganese ore and host black shale succession indi­ lead to oxygen-depleted or anoxic conditions being
cates contemporaneous mineralization. established in bottom waters. As a result, preser­
The occurrence of black shales containing abun­ vation of abundant organic matter would be possible.
dant organic microfossil remains associated with the Microorganisms may have played an important role
manganese mineralization is striking. The role of in manganese precipitation.
microorganisms in the deposition of manganese is as Extensional faulting would have allowed rapid
yet uncertain. It could be that biogeochemical pre­ subsidence of the basin and development of variable
cipitation may have been a significant factor in the submarine topography. This would also have allowed
concentration of manganese. the development of a restric;ted circulation and
anoxic conditions. Submarine hot spring activity
related to hydrothermal exhalation vents was prob­
MODEL FOR MINERALIZATION ably concentrated in the vicinity of such extensional
fractures. Deposition of high-grade manganese ore
Early Sinian glaciers of pre-Datangpo Formation occurred at these sites and lower-grade ores ac­
times debouched into the sea from the northwest cumulated marginally to them. Minor manganese
Manganese deposits, Datangpo Formation 49

precipitation may have occurred due to supergene Resources, Geological Memoirs, Series 1, No. 3. Geo­
concentration. logical Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese).
(1987) Regional Geology of Guizhou Province. People's
Republic of China, Ministry of Geology and Mineral
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Resources, Geological Memoirs, Series 1, No. 7. Geo­
logical Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese).
Y. Wang and L. Wang are thanked for their support HOEFS, J. (1987) Stable Isotope Geochemistry. Springer,
and for supplying information. S. Gupta made use­ HUANG, J., REN, J., JIANG, C. , ZHANG, Z. & QIN,
ful suggestions and corrected the English version of D. (1980) Geotectonics and Development of China,
the manuscript. pp. 35-37. Science Publishing House, Beijing (in
WANG, F. (1988) Precambrian Algal Fossils from South­
western China, and their Geological Significance,
pp. 229-231. Chongqing Publishing House (in Chinese).
WANG, Y. & WANG, L. (1985) The Stratigraphy, Sedimen­
GUANGXI BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES tary Environment and Manganese-Forming Process of
(1985) Regional Geology of Guangxi Province. People's the Datangpo Formation in Eastern Guizhou. People's
Republic of China, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Publishing House of Guizhou, Guiyang (in Chinese).
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 51-56

Manganese enrichment in a Triassic aulacogen graben

in the Lijiang Basin, Yunnan Province, China

Southwest Research Institute of Metallurgy and Geology, Erxianqiao, Chengdu, China


The Lijiang Basin developed during the Norian stage of the late Triassic on the western passive
continental margin of the Yangtze plate adjacent to the Tethys plate. A small aulacogen striking
approximately east-west developed in the southwest part of this basin east of the Jinshajiang fault and
the boundary of the plate near Jianchuan. The Runanshao fault forms a depression along the centre of
the aulacogen. Tholeiitic olivine basalt and volcaniclastic rock in the middle and lower part of the
Songgui Formation (Norian stage) are interbedded or intercalated in olistostromes of middle Triassic
limestone, which are characteristic of the early stage of development of the aulacogen. During this
stage, manganese ore bodies at the base of the volcanic rocks were formed by volcanic exhalation,
sedimentary and diagenetic processes.


An axial trough basin striking northeast-southwest basin. Thick Triassic strata were deposited east of
in the Lijiang area of western Yunnan Province the fault but very little Triassic strata occur to the
developed on the basement rocks of the western west.
passive continental margin of the Yangtze plate Geophysical data indicate that the Xiaojinhe fault
adjacent to the Tethys plate, from the early Permian is a deep structure and formed the boundary of a
to the late Triassic. The high-grade Heqing man­ passive continental margin during the Norian stage.
ganese deposit occurs in the southwest part of the A eugeosyncline developed between the Jianchuan
basin in the Lower Songgui Formation of Upper and Xiaojinhe faults. Triassic strata in the active
Triassic age (Liu Hongjun, 1987). tectonic unit of the Tethys plate were extensively
metamorphosed. Basement movement at the passive
continental margin located east of this fault involved
elevation and subsidence during the middle-late
Triassic. Permian basalt was extruded from the sea­
floor along the Lijiang fault through the centre of
Palaeotectonic background
the basin. The southwest end of the Lijiang fault
The Kang-Dian axis located in the eastern part of joins the Jinshajiang fault near Jianchuan.
the region (Fig. 1) was uplifted to form a land mass A small aulacogen developed east of the junction
as early as pre-middle-Devonian and became the of the Lijiang and Jinshajiang faults near Jianchuan
main source of sediments in the Lijiang Basin. The in the Lijiang Basin and its depocentre strikes east­
eastern border of the basin was controlled by the west along the Runanshao fault (Fig. 1).
Chenghnai fault on the western border of this old
land mass. Much ultrabasic and basic lava was
Lijiang Basin sediments
extruded along this fault during the Hercynian. The
Jianchuan fault situated on the eastern side of the The main sediments of the Lijiang Basin belong to
Shigu Rise controlled the western border of the the Songgui Formation of the Norian stage and are

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 51

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
52 H. Liu

Runanshao fault. Pillow structures occur in the basalt

TETHYS 1oo· @ 101"
Ling rang
PLATE and slump, scour planes and graded bedding features
occur in the sandstone unit. This sequence of sedi­
ments becomes progressively finer grained upwards
and is transitional to the coal-bearing shallowing­
upward beds of delta-front facies. The sandstone
facies are interpreted as a delta-front collapse
turbidite fan (Rupke, 1985).

Basic facies zoning and manganese geochemistry

An obvious lithofacies zoning exists from east to

west in the basin from near the old Kang-Dian land
FS area to the Tethys Sea, including foreshore to near­
shore, intershelf, extra shelf and basin-centre facies
(Fig. 2).
A submarine rise was located in the middle of the
0 10 20km shelf. A suite of pelitic sediments dominated by

black mudstone was deposited in the southern basin.
The pelitic seafloor sediments provided a favourable
Fig. 1. Norian palaeotectonic map in Lijiang, western environment for perfect preservation of the fossil
Yunnan Province. PtlKn, Proterozoic Kunyang Group;
organisms. The predominant fossils are bivalves and
AnDsn, Shigu Group (pre-Devonian); Fl, Jinshajiang
fault; F2, Xiaojinhe fault; F3, Lijiang fault; F4, Chenghai Ammonoidea. There is an abundance of terrigenous
fault; F5, Junying fault; F6, Runanshao fault. clastic sediment in the open shelf environment in the
northern part of the basin. Bivalves and other fossils
are commonly found on the bedding surfaces of
composed of five units. The lithological character­ calcareous siltstone or micritic limestone. Great
istics of these beds are as follows: varieties of fossils and biodetritus were distributed
1 thick black mudstone and pillow basalt at the base in a disorderly fashion nearshore and transported to
of the aulacogen; the submarine rise.
2 greyish-white sandstone; The geochemjstry of the sedimentary microfacies
3 black mudstone in the lowest part of the aulacogen is indicated by the content of trace elements and by
intercalated with basic and ultrabasic volcanic rock their petrography. The content of manganese in the
and olistostromes; main rock types of the area is shown in Table 1. The
4 greyish-white sandstone; manganese content is relatively high in the siltstone
5 coal-bearing grey-black silt-mudstone. and decreases with the coarsening of the grain size
Two shallowing-upward sequences can be iden.t­ of the rocks, with the exception of the mudstones
ified which range from black mudstone, through and limestones. The content of manganese is lower
turbiditic sandstone to coal-bearing mudstones, in the shallow-water zone than in the deeper-water
representing two transgressive- regressive cycles. zone, and lower in other parts of the basin than
Units 1 and 2 make up the first cycle, and units 3, 4 in the aulacogen. Manganese was concentrated in
and 5 the second. banded sediments in the black mudstones of the
Macroscopic features studied in the field and grain­
size analyses show that units 2 and 4 developed from Table 1. Manganese contents in rock types of the Songgui
large scale turbidity currents. A variety of flute casts Formation, Lijiang
occur at the base of the sandstone beds, and Bouma
Sample (n) Average Mn (ppm)
sequences are developed in facies in the centre of
the basin. Conglomerate 3 557
It should be noted that in the aulacogen the Sandstone 88 808
thickness of the lower sandstone unit 2 exceeds that Siltstone 11 1650
Mudstone 41 998
of neighbouring units by a factor of 3-5. The thickest
Limestone 11 994
part, up to 480 m, is close to the contemporaneous
Manganese enrichment, Lijiang Basin 53

E:23 1

m2 .

I® I s
Fig. 2. Lithofacies
palaeogeographic map of Lijiang, [i[)6
western Yunnan, early Songgui time
(Norian). CD @
proximal turbidite;
intermediate turbidite;(D distal
I® 17
turbidite; 1, sand-mud association;
2, mud-sand association; 3, sand­
I® Ia
lime association; 4, mud-lime­
siliceous association; 5, aulacogen
sequence; 6, subaqueous
depression; 7, shallow-water shelf; Ivvvllo
8, confined shelf (deeper); 9,
direction of sediment transport; 10,
t-'"''-� II

basic volcanics; 11, isopach


aulacogen graben during early stages of the devel­ this area the crustal structure was somewhat un­
opment of the fault trough. It appears that there was stable. Extension (pull-apart) of the crust along the
a lower rate of deposition of manganese in the Xiaojinhe fault at different stages and the formation
deeper water and that the aulacogen provided a of the Runanshao fault caused the seafloor to sink
favourable environment for manganese deposition. considerably between two stages of uplift (Liu,
Co: Ni, Sr: Ba and B: Ga ratios vary with the 1985). Turbidite sediments were deposited twice
changing abundance of manganese in the mudstone during the sinking and elevation of the seabed,
(Fig. 3). Manganese abundance and Co: Ni ratios giving rise to two shallowing-upward sequences in
(0·82) are highest in the aulacogen and decrease to the Songgui Formation in the Lijiang Basin.
0·18, the lowest, towards the shelf and coast. The During the early Norian stage rapid extension
Sr: Ba ratios trend in the same way as the Co : Ni (pull-apart) of the crust along the Runanshao fault,
ratios. On the contrary, the average values of the the fault depression of the aulacogen, controlled the
B: Ga ratios vary from 0·85 to 1·66 in the aulacogen formation of the delta-front collapse turbidite fan.
to 14·70, the highest, in the submarine rise zone. This fault was also a vent for the submarine eruption
Manganese, cobalt, strontium and gallium are rela­ of basalt magma that came from the deep crust or
tively concentrated in the aulacogen. upper mantle. The olistostromes filling the centre of
the fault depression consist of middle Triassic lime­
stone from the rising wall of the aulacogen graben.
Basin evolution
Deposition of black mudstone extended over the
The main tectonic activity in the passive continental whole aulacogen basin following the eruption of
margin which forms the basement of the Lijiang submarine basalt.
Basin was gradual elevation during the Norian stage. The sea retreated from this area in late Norian
Because movements of the Tethys plate affected times and folding took place in the western part of
54 H. Liu

0 1 02 c

�3 t±lEJ4

I .

I ·.
/.· .
. ....
/ ·
. :·,
/' .
. ··

Fig. 3. Manganese concentration

data and geochemical ratios in
o a 16 Km

Songgui Formation, Lijiang,
...... ..
. .
Yunnan. 1, Mn <100 ppm; 2, Mn
500-750 ppm; 3, Mn 750-1000
c.section point
ppm; 4, Mn >1000 ppm; 5, Co : Ni
ratio; 6, Sr: Ba ratio; 7, B: Ga ratio.

the region. The southern part of the region became low rates of deposition. Their manganese content is
a piedmont plain. The Runanshao fault converted relatively high but not high enough to form com­
from an extensional (pull-apart) to a compressional mercial ore bodies.
structure. The primary aulacogen was covered by a The shapes of ore bodies in this area differ from
nappe outlier which is several kilometres wide and those in typical marine sedimentary manganese
about 15 km long, and composed of the middle deposits. The thickness of known ore bodies varies
Triassic Baiya Formation. greatly and their length is five to eight times greater
than their width. Their form is often concealed as
shown by the No. 1 ore body in Xiaotianjin where
the length of the outcrop is less than 100 m but it
extends westward (along strike) for about 800 m.
Ore-bearing formations
The prospective value of many ore bodies is greatly
Manganese ore bodies occur only at the base of the enhanced when their extension along strike is
succession of basic volcanic and siliceous carbonate recognized.
rocks in the aulacogen. The olistolith shows dis­
orderly deposition with slump folding and irregularly
Ore texture and composition
shaped blocks. Some of the olistolith blocks occur
within the ore bodies (Fig. 4). Black mudstones at There are differences between the manganese ore
the base of the ore bodies formed in deep water with bodies at the base of the succession of volcanic rock
Mallgal!ese enrichme11t, Lijia11g 8asi11 55

jt,r r I 4
Fig. 4. Geologic section, line 45,
Hoqing manganese deposit. 1, §2�5
feldspathic quartz sandstone; 2,
limestone olistolith; 3, mudstone; 4, c--::-:13 � s
olivine basalt; 5, pyroclastic rock; 6,
o sam
manganese ore body.

and those in the siliceous carbonate formation. lead, molybdenum, etc. have been found although
Oxidized manganese and iron-manganese charac­ fluid inclusion thermometry studies of individual ore
terizes the former type but the latter type consists samples show temperatures of up to 20SOC.
mainly of manganese carbonate. The secondary ore
consists of oxide and mixed oxide and carbonate
Assessment of metallogenetic factors
minerals. The central parts of the ore bodies consist
of manganese carbonate which is surrounded by The main controlling factors in the Heqing deposits
manganese oxide that extends into the surrounding are the processes of formation and their palaeo­
rocks. geographic context. Some of the ore bodies are
The principal ore minerals are pyrolusite, overlain by volcanic rock that was extruded during
psilomelane and rhodochrosite. Secondary minerals the development of the graben. Other ore bodies
are manganite and braunite, magnetite and other are associated with siliceous carbonate rocks that
minerals. Ore textures are allotriomorphic to were produced by the volcanic eruptions. There is
hypidiomorphic granular and microscopic granular. no doubt that somehow volcanism was a part of the
Structures of the manganese carbonate ore include metallogenetic process, which is also indicated by
sub-blocky to blocky, perthitic, striped and colloidal the composition of the ore given above. However,
forms. Structures in the manganese oxide ore are the position of the known manganese ore bodies in
mainly sub-blocky, brecciated and concentric col­ this area is lower in the stratigraphic succession than
loidal forms. the volcanic rocks, suggesting that the formation of
The trace element content is similar in the two the manganese ore ended during the eruption of the
types of ore. The zinc content is evidently related to magma. This implies that the metals (manganese,
the content of manganese (average zinc in ore iron) were carried directly from depth through the
3000-10 000 ppm). The content of cobalt, boron, vent. They were then involved in new geological
molybdenum and copper in the ore is three to tens processes of sedimentation and diagenesis on the
of times higher than that in the wall rocks at the top seafloor. It is reported that submarine volcanoes
and bottom of the section. The content of cobalt in erupting iron and manganese have been identified in
the ore at the base of the volcanic pile is up to 100- the region of the Galapagos rift zone (Lisitsyn,
150 ppm, and the Co: Ni ratio is as high as 3·39. The 1985), which would support this model.
high ratio of B: Ga (average 42·58) is characteristic The deep-water pelitic environment that existed
of the ore at the base of the siliceous carbonate rock. in the centre of the fault depression would have
No alteration has been found in the upper and been favourable for the concentration and deposition
lower wall rocks and no minerals bearing zinc, of manganese. The amount of terrigenous clastic
56 H. Liu

sea level


Fig. 5. Schematic diagram showing

turbiditic sandstone manganese entering basin along
.r 3 s�2 extensional fault through seafloor,
and deposition of manganese ore

material entering this basin centre as a diluent of carbonate ore. The lava did not extend to the de­
the manganese minerals was small. pressions distant from the vents and high-grade
manganese ore was formed entirely during the
diagenetic stage. The tenor of the ore far away from
Metallogenetic model
the volcanic vents is 10-15% higher than that near
Volcanic exhalations brought the metallic elements the volcanic vents.
for the ore into the water during the graben stage of
aulacogen development. The metals were deposited
in the low-lying parts or in depressions on the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
seafloor. Much middle Triassic limestone was
deposited in the low-lying areas of the seafloor as I am grateful to G. Gross for criticism and correction
olistoliths after the deposition of manganese (Fig. of an earlier version of the manuscript, and to E.
5). The topography of the low-lying seabed or Mulqueeny for redrawing some of the figures.
depressions controlled the shape of the ore lenses or
facies, and the shapes of the depressions were con­
trolled by the Runanshao fault with an east-west REFERENCES
strike (or axial) direction.
The relatively high oxygen fugacity near the LISITSYN, A. P. (1985) Geochemistry of manganese in the
vent was favourable for the formation of oxidized oceans. Int. Ceo!. Rev. 27, 979-983.
LIU, H. (1987) The Heqing manganese deposit, West
manganese and iron- manganese ores. The zinc did
Yunnan: Its sedimentary-diagenetic environment and
not form as a sulphide mineral, which suggests that metallogenic model. Geology and Prospecting 23, 1-7.
the environment was free of sulphur. Reducing L1u, Z. (1985) Plate Tectonics, pp. 106-113. Sichuan
environments in the topographic depressions far Scientific and Technical Pub!. Soc., Chongying, China.
away from the vents and the alkalinity of the sea­ RuPKE, N.A. (1985) Abyssal clastic seas. In: Sedimentary
Environments and Facies, Vol. 467 (Eel. by H.G.
water in which the siliceous carbonate rocks formed
Reading; Trans. Chinese by Zhou Minjian), pp.
were favourable for the formation of the manganese 502-517. Scientific Pubis Soc., Beijing, China.
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 57-72

Processes of formation of iron-manganese oxyhydroxides

in the Atlantis-11 and Thetis Deeps of the Red Sea

G . Y U. B UT UZ O VA*, V. A. D R IT S *, A. A . M O R O Z O V '
and A . I. G O R S C H K O V r
*Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Science, 7 Pyzhevsky per., 109017 Moscow, USSR; 'Institute of
Oceanography of the USSR Academy of Science, 23 Krasikova Street, 117218 Moscow, USSR; and *Institute of
Ore Geology and Mineralogy of the.USSR Academy of Science, 35 Staromonetny per., 109017 Moscow,


A complex of iron-manganese oxyhydroxide mineral phases is recognized in ore deposits of the

Atlantis-II and Thetis Deeps in the Red Sea. In the ore material of the Atlantis-II Deep goethite and
hematite predominate among the ferruginous phases; the manganese phases are mainly represented by
todorokite and manganite. In the Thetis Deep the iron ore material contains a predominant magnetite­
lepidocrocite association, and the manganese component is mainly represented by asbolanes. The bulk
of the iron - manganese oxyhydroxides in the ore material of the Red Sea is formed by oxidation of Fe 2+
and Mn 2+ supplied to near bottom water by hot brines. The processes of transformation of amorphous
hydrated particles into individual crystalline phases depend on physico-chemical conditions in the
mineral-forming medium, i.e. on the relative concentrations of manganese, iron and oxygen, and pH
value, as well as on the catalytic and adsorption activity of the amorphous hydrated particles. Stratified
brines in the Atlantis-II Deep determine different physico-chemical conditions. The process of forma­
tion of todorokite mainly takes place in the u pper part of the brines, where in an alkaline environment
with high oxygen content hydrated thixotropic macrostructures of nMn02·mH20 are formed. These
particles can adsorb cations, leading to the formation of minerals with losse tunnel structures.
Favourable conditions for manganite formation are found in the lower part of the brines with oxygen
deficiency, large amounts of manganese and low pH. Under these conditions the amorphous manganese
hydroxides are less hydrated and contain no adsorbed cations besides manganese. The bulk of goethite
and hematite is also formed in the lower part of the brines or in the sediments during diagenesis.
Ferrihydrite, present in the u pper parts of the sediment section, is formed through microbiological
processes in the layer of the b'rines transitional to seawater. In the Thetis Deep there is no bottom water
stratification. In the bottom water there, the manganese content is considerably lower than that in the
brines in the Atlantis-II Deep. Under such conditions, the Mn0 2 gel coagulates slowly and this leads to
the formation of asbolanes with layer structures. The main factor affecting the magnetite and
lepidocrocite formation is the kinetics of crystallization of the amorphous phase which in turn depends
on the iron : oxygen ratio. Due to an active supply of hydrothermal iron magnetite is formed, while
lepidocrocite crystallizes when the hydrothermal activity diminishes.


The geothermal system of the Red Sea rift zone is oratory for the study of the mechanisms of different
an object of intensive interest for researchers from phases of ore formation.
many countries through the prospect of industrial A large part of the ores in the Red Sea basin is
exploitation and mining of ore deposits in that area. composed of iron-manganese oxyhydroxides. The
Besides the economic value, this area is extreme­ physico-chemical conditions of the medium control
ly important scientifically as a unique natural lab·· their mineralogy, structural and crystallochemical

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 57

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
58 G. Yu. But uzova et a/.

characteristics, paragenetic assoCiatiOns and re­ silicate (AM) zone. Twenty samples were selected
ciprocal transformations. In this light the iron­ for detailed mineralogical analysis from the different
manganese oxyhydroxides may be regarded as im­ lithological-facial zones, except the lowest DOP
portant environmental indicators. zone which was not reached by our cores.
Although the Red Sea sediments are well studied, In this section of the Atlantis-II Deep the major
the mineralogy of iron-manganese oxyhydroxides ore element in weight proportion is iron whose
is usually described in general terms, and the con­ content in individual interlayers reaches 60% and on
ditions of formation of iron-manganese ore accu­ average is about 33%. The colour of iron ore inter­
mulations and the mineral phases composing them layers and sequences is red-yellow, russet-ochre
are almost unknown (Bischoff, 19 69; Backer & and sealing-wax red; the Ept values in them are in
Richter, 1973; Bignell et a/. , 197 6). An extremely the range +170 to +250 mY. The manganese con­
high dispersion of ore material, the low structural centration varies from 0·1 to 2·7 %, while four­
regularity of minerals and the polycomponent valent manganese compounds are entirely absent.
character of samples are all serious obstacles to the The element is partly present as manganosiderites
study of fine crystallochemical peculiarities of the irregularly dispersed throughout the sedimentary
different phases and their diagnosis. The traditional layer.
X-ray diffraction methods are almost ineffective if The manganese-rich ore interlayers are dis­
applied to such objects. tributed locally in the Atlantis-11 Deep, occupying a
The present paper gives results of detailed studies distinct position both in vertical section and in hori­
of iron-manganese oxyhydroxides in the ore zontal distribution. In the sedimentary column they
material of sediments in two rift zone basins of the are found in the CO zone; on the area of the seafloor
Red Sea, the Atlantis-II and Thetis Deeps. The they are confined to the relatively high parts and
major purpose of the study is an accurate diagnosis the sides of the basin. In the studied sections the
of mineral phases and the deciphering of the major manganese-rich interlayers occur in the intervals
mineral-forming mechanisms. Besides the traditional 3350-3500 mm at site 1905(5) and 4830-5000 mm
chemical, X-ray diffraction and CAMEBAX-micro­ at site 1905(4).
probe analyses, we also applied methods of scanning The thickness of the manganese ore interlayers,
and transmission electron microscopy which in­ according to our data and information in the litera­
cluded micro-diffraction of electrons and local ture, is 150-400 mm (Bischoff, 1969; Butuzova,
energy dispersive analysis of individual micro­ 1984a) and the content of manganese is 30-45%
particles. The research was prompted primarily by and that of iron is 6-11%. The interlayers are
the high ore-bearing capacity of sediments in these clearly identified in the section by their almost
basins and by essential differences in the morphology black to dark red-brown colour, their typical 'oily'
between the basins. These differences justify the consistency and sharp boundaries with the sur­
description of each basin separately. rounding muds. The sediments have high maximum
oxidation-reduction potential values for the ore
oozes of the Red Sea (Ept = +500 to +600 mY).
Iron oxyhydroxides
Sample descriptions and mineral compositions
The ferrous phases of the ore material are, on the
The study of the mineral composition of iron­ whole, weakly crystallized with a large amount of
manganese oxyhydroxides was carried out on the amorphous matter. Among the crystalline phases
basis of data from two typical sections. One of them goethite (cx- FeOOH) and hematite (Fe203) pre­
is site 1905 (4) with coordinates 21°22·8'N , 38°05·3'W dominate in iron ore horizons, small quantities of
and thickness 5750 mm; the other is site 1905(5) ferrihydrite (5Fe203 ·9H20) are present in the upper
with coordinates 21°20·5'N, 38°06·1'W and thickness parts of the section. In the manganese ore inter­
5800 mm. layers the major iron minerals are lepidocrocite (y­
Backer & Richter (1973) distinguish five zones in FeOOH) and ferrihydrite.
the section (from bottom upwards): detrital oxide­ 1 Goethite forms platey microcrystals elongated
pyritic (DOP), lower sulphide (SUt ) , central oxide along the 'b' axis (Fig. 1a), or aggregates of finely
(CO), upper sulphide (SU2) and the amorphous- dispersed particles with 30-50 A diameter (Fig. lb).
Iron-manganese oxyhydroxides, the Red Sea 59

Fig. 1. Morphology of goethite and hematite particles (Atlantis-11 Deep) . (a) Elongate platey crystals of goethite; (b)
aggregate of finely d ispersed goethite particles; (c) aggregate of finely flaked hematite; (d) monocrystal of hematite. Scale
bars (a)-(c) 0·5 >UTI, (d) 4 !J.ITI.

The structural order of the mineral increases with vicinity of hydrothermal vents where hematite forms
greater depth. lens-like patches and clearly delineated interlayers.
2 Hematite is also present in two morphologically 3 Ferrihydrite in iron-manganese ore deposits
different forms, i.e. as dense finely flaked aggregates occurs as mineral aggregates with bacterial form
with goethite crystals (Fig. lc) and as flat 0·02-0·04 (Fig. 2a).
mm hexahedrons 2-4 thick (Fig. ld). We have 4 Lepidocrocite occurs as elongated plates of less
also found hematite in the sediments in the south­ than 1 �lm size, which develop from a spherical
western part of the Atlantis-II Deep in the immediate jelly-like matrix (Fig. 2b). Individual samples of
60 G. Yu. But uzova et a/.

Fig. 2. Morphology of particles and microdiffraction

pattern of ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite (Atlantis-I I
Deep). (a) Aggregate o f particles o f bacterial ferrihydrite;
(b) globular aggregates of spicular crystals of lepidocrocite;
(c) aggregate of particles of bacterial lepidocrocite. Each
scale bar 0·5 �-tm.

lepidocrocite, like ferrihydrite, have bacterial forms 1 The major mass of ore material is composed of
of aggregates of mineral particles (Fig. 2c). This 2-6 �m globules shaped like rosette lepispheres
lepidocrocite variety has a lower structural ordering with characteristic elongate crystals up to 2-4 �m
and is normally found together with ferrihydrite. long at the edges (Figs 3a, b). Electron micrographs
show platey crystals sometimes forming twinned
crystals (Fig. 3c). The mineralogy of the major mass
Manganese and iron-manganese oxyhydrox ides
is represented mainly by todorokite whose presence
Three major components are distinguished in the is characterized on diffractograms by reflections with
manganese-rich interlayers: the basic finely d spacings of 9·58, 4·78, 2 4 0 and 2·20 A. We
· ,

dispersed mass, solid kidney-shaped micronodules emphasize here that the same set of reflections
and various concretions of complicated morpho­ characterizes at least four other mineral varieties of
logical type. The three components differ not only in manganese hydroxides which are structurally dif­
texture and morphology, but their mineral compo­ ferent from todorokite (Chukhrov et a/., 1987).
sition is essentially different; they also have differ­ Therefore a reliable diagnosis of todorokite was
ently crystallized minerals and some geochemical carried out by combining the X-ray and micro­
peculiarities. diffraction methods. The analysis of electron diffrac-
Iron-manganese oxyhydroxides, the Red Sea 61

.. ...


1 I

Fig. 3. Electron micrographs and electron diffraction

pattern of todorokite from the major mass of manganese
' ' ore horizon (Atlantis- II Deep, site 1905(5), horizon 4830-
I 5000 mm). (a), {b) Globular todorokite particle; (c) triple
' '
cluster of todorokite; {d) electron diffraction pattern of the
triple cluster of todorokite with a = 9·75 A; (e) electron
8 diffraction pattern of todorokite with a = 24-4 A. Scale
bars (a) 10 f.lm, {b) 2, (c) 0·5 [lm .
62 G. Yu. But uzova et a/.

tion patterns, obtained from the studied samples, shiny, 0 ·2-0·5 mm in size, seldom up to 1 mm. They
has shown that manganese ore horizons contain are quite varied morphologically, occurring in
three todorokite modifications with parameter a of rounded, oval, and dumb-bell forms, commonly
9·75 (Fig. 3d), 19·5 and 24·4 A (Fig. 3e). This is with pancake 'growths' attached to the principal
associated with the different size of channels in the surface (Fig. 4a). The inner parts of microcon­
tunnel structure of microcrystals of minerals. The cretions are composed of randomly oriented crystals
most common is todorokite with parameter a of (2-5 �lm) of elongate platey shape (Fig. 4b). The
9 ·75 A. microconcretions are composed of well-crystallized
Short columnar microcrystals 0 ·1-0·15 �lm in manganite. No other cations other than manganese
size were revealed in the mass in association with are present in the manganite particles.
todorokite. Their electron diffraction patterns cor­ 3 Morphologically complex concretions and crusts
respond to the characteristics of goethite (cx­ are normally dark-grey, dull, friable and slaggy.
FeOOH) and groutite (cx-MnOOH) which are Their size does not exceed 1 mm, the shape is
isostructural. The particles contain comparable extremely variable (branched, dendritic, angular:
amounts of manganese and iron. These data seemed Fig. 4c), and their surface is rough and bumpy.
to indicate the presence of isomorphic substitutions Their mineral and chemical composition is inter­
of Mn3+ and Fe3+ in the structure of the compounds mediate between the first two types. The dominant
or the growth of goethite and groutite at the sub­ minerals are todorokite and manganite. Some of
microscopic level. H owever, a subsequent detailed the samples show small admixtures of manganese
X-ray absorption spectroscopic study has shown that goethite. The set of associated microelements is the
this phase consists of Fe3+ and Mn4+ domains co­ same as in the basic mass, but their content is
existing within a uniform hexagonal packing. The generally less.
cation distribution in Fe3+ domains is similar to that
in goethite, while the Mn4+ cations in manganese
General descr iption of the phys ico-chemical
domains are distributed layerwise as in phyllo­
env ironment
manganates. This phase is to be called manganese
goethite (Manceau et a!., 19 9 0). The Atlantis-II Deep is the best-studied part of
Individual samples of the basic mass of ore ma­ the Red Sea rift area. A number of papers describe
terial, besides todorokite and manganese goethite, the major structural features, the general
have traces of buserite-II, a laminated 10 A man­ mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of the
ganese oxide, the Mn4+ octahedron layers of which sediments and physico-chemical parameters of brines
have chains of vacant octahedrons: below and above filling the Atlantis-11 Deep (Degens & Ross, 19 69;
these octahedrons are located Mn3 + , Mn2+ , Ca2+ Backer & Richter, 197 3; H ackett & Bischoff, 197 3;
and other cations coordinated by H 20 molecules Butuzova, 1984a,b).
(Chukhrov et a/., 1984). The area of the Atlantis-II Deep is 7 0 km2; it is
A study of 10 samples by microprobe revealed filled with dense, highly mineralized thermal brines
considerable chemical inhomogeneity of the finely about 17 0 m thick with distinct vertical stratification.
dispersed material. The manganese content varies The lower and thickest layer has a temperature of
from 55 to 93%, with an irregularly distributed 62 -65°C, salinity up to 320 %o, is completely devoid
admixture of iron (0·14-11·6% ), silicon (0 ·3- of oxygen, and pH values in it reach 5·5-5 ·6. Above
6% ), calcium (0·3-1·7%) and magnesium this layer, a change in all parameters of the water
( 1-1·16% ). Among trace elements the most com­ mass occurs at a definite boundary, i.e. the tempera­
mon are zinc (0·02-1·5%) and lead (0·05 -0·5% ). ture falls to 51 °C, salinity is reduced to 153 %o, the
The silicon, magnesium, calcium and some iron in pH value is 5·9, and oxygen is present in small
the major ore mass are probably associated with amounts (0·05-0·06 mg/1). This layer is about 30 m
insignificant and irregularly distributed admixtures thick, and above an intermediate horizon of about
of the host sediment, with small amounts of au­ the same thickness is a layer of normal seawater
thigenic smectites and the presence of cations in the (Degens & Ross, 1969).
adsorbed complex of manganese hydroxides. An Data available in the literature on the structure of
essential admixture of iron is found in manganese the brine layers and their physico-chemical charac­
goethite, lepidocrocite and ferrihydrite. teristics were used to work out a scheme for the
2 Kidney-shaped microconcretions are black and formation of a complex of mineral phases (Fig. 5). A
Iron-manganese oxyhydroxides, the Red Sea 63

Fig. 4. Morphology of solid aggregates in the major mass

of manganese ore material and diffraction pattern of
manganite (the Atlantis-II Deep, site 1905(5), horizon
4830-5000 mm). (a) Microconcretion of mangani te; (b)
platey crystals of manganite composing the
microconcretions; (c) aggregate of polycomponent
composition ( todorokite, manganite, manganese
goethite). Scale bars (a) 400 �-tm, (b) 1 �-tm, (c) 200 �tm.

rather informative addition to the scheme is a set of rusty-brown suspended material in this area which is
data on iron and manganese distribution throughout completely amorphous (Hartmann, 1979). Holm et
the brine layers, from the contact with bottom a!. (1982), however, have established the presence
sediments to the boundary with seawater (from of the mineral phase �-FeOOH (akaganeite) in the
Brewer & Spencer, 1969) (Fig. 6). suspended material. Most workers believe that the
presence of chlorine (or fluorine) anions in solution
is a necessary condition for the formation of the
The mechanism of formation of iron oxyhydroxides
phase �-FeOOH, in addition to an acid or neutral
Figure 6 clearly shows that a sharp change in iron environment, as realized in the Atlantis-ll Deep.
content in the brine layer occurs at the boundary Akaganeite is as yet the only crystallized phase of
between the lower layer (A) and the overlying hor­ Fe +, found in small amounts in suspension in the
izon (B). This change in properties is caused by an brines of the Atlantis-II Deep. However, neither
overall transition of the dissolved iron into solid' previous research nor our studies have found this
phases in the zone where oxygen appears. A direct mineral in the sediments. Taking into account the
confirmation of the formation of a major mass of metastable character of the phase FeOOH, we as­
iron hydroxides at the boundary between two layers sume a rapid transformation of akaganeite into
in the brines is a perceptible rise in the amount of more stable crystalline phases (goethite, hematite).
-- - -1-
64 G. Yu. Butuzova et al.

_P _!:I � �------ -;;�� -dp�;d- c;,-,- ;;::��W�O�E�- ; � � =��

m r h :x:e-
�!�)�o� :a�-------

matter -
[O,]>IMn2•1. pH>7.t < 500C

H2Mn03-+2H+ + Mno}----::lll
Mn>+ + V20 20H--+Mn0 ·H20 - IMnOj· (nMn02·mH20)]2H+
2+ 2 Hydration polymerization


II Mn2+ l/zO., + 2H,O -----. MnO , ·H, Q + 2H+

Mn2+ !

102] < 1Mn2•]: - - - - Polymerization

pH- 6 Mn2+ Mn0]�2Mn0(0H) -- nMnO(OH)·mH20
1- so·c

�,r I I

__ ____

[O,] = O
pH- 5
1- 6s·c
� ��1.:_���'---�-
- -- -
Amorphous hydrox1de Fe(III)
-_- _ _-_ _ _-_ _-_
,_ ----,t---H-



,. �4

Fig. 5. The scheme of iron-manganese mineral formation in the Atlantis-IT Deep. A, B, C- layers of brines (A- lower,
B- upper, C - transitional to seawater); I- upper zone of active oxidation; II - lower zone of slower oxidation. ( 1)
Amorphous phase of suspension; (2) mineral phases; (3) sedimentation and mineral formation (coagulation, dehydration,
crystallization); (4) migration in brine; (5) transformation of solid phases of the suspension and sediment; (6) area of
manganese ore deposits.

Another possible cause of the absence of akaganeite may be the origin for the bulk of the goethite and
in the sediments might be its destruction due to loss hematite in the ore material.
of chlorine from the sediment in the process of 1 Goethite is formed over a wide range of con­
elutriation of samples by water to remove easily ditions, but experiments to synthesize ferrous phases
soluble salts. Disintegration of akaganeite after show that high concentrations of Fe2+ in the brine at
chlorine removal has been confirmed experimentally low oxygen content and rather low pH values stimu­
(Chukhrov et al., 1975a). late goethite formation (Chukhrov et al., 1975b).
The ore layer of the Atlantis-ll Deep has two The environment in the region of formation of the
major mineral associations of iron oxyhydroxides: major mass of iron hydroxides fully complies with
the goethite-hematite association, typical of iron these conditions. The regular increase in the struc­
ore deposits of all lithological-facies zones, and the tural ordering of goethite from top to bottom of the
ferrihydrite-lepidocrocite association, confined ore section confirms the formation of its larger part
to manganese-rich interlayers. Small amounts of by crystallization of the amorphous phase. Another
ferrihydrite were also found in the iron ore sedi­ means of goethite formation is related to a trans­
ments, mostly in the upper horizons of the sections. formation from lepidocrocite; the absence of lepido­
Since the major mass of oxidized iron appears at crocite in ferrous ore deposits could be due to its
the boundary between two layers (Figs 5, 6, A and transition into goethite at higher temperatures.
B), the amorphous hydroxides formed at this place 2 Hematite, in contrast to goethite, is formed as a
Iron-manganese oxyhydrox ides, the Red Sea 65


� 30 50 70 90 100 ho 20 �0 60 ao 100 :J;





Fig. 6. Distribution of iron and 2120

manganese in the layer of brines in
the Atlantis-II Deep ( after Brewer
& Spencer, 1969). (A) Lower layer 2160
of brines; ( B ) upper layer of brines;
2180 Fe
(C) layer transitional to seawater; Mn
(D) seawater.

result of the crystallization of amorphous hydroxides amorphous iron hydroxides, which are transformed
at higher temperatures. Accordingly, the maximum on the one hand into goethite and hematite, and on
amounts of well-crystallized hematite, in the form of the other hand into ferrihydrite, are spatially separ­
hexahedrons, are confined to regions in the immedi­ ated. The sources of iron are also different: in the
ate vicinity of hydrothermal vents. In the studied first case amorphous hydroxides are produced by
sections the total hematite content is notably higher oxidation of Fe + which is supplied by hydrothermal
in sediments at site 1905(5), which is nearer to the waters; while in the second case they are a result of
vents, than in the core from site 1905(4). the transformation of ferruginous suspension from
The presence of finely flaked aggregates, which seawater (Fig. 5).
form another morphological variety of hematite in 4 Lepidocrocite includes particles with bacterial
the sediments of both sections, is probably caused form which develop from a biogenic matrix by the
by the transformation of ferrihydrite into hematite. same processes and under the same conditions as
It is important to note that ferrihydrite in ferrous ferrihydrite. The abiogenic lepidocrocite is probably
ore deposits remains only in the upper parts of the formed as a result of Fe + oxidation in the boundary
sections, which may imply that the major part of the zone of brines between layers A and B. The extensive
mineral was transformed into hematite in the course production of hydrated forms of Mn02 and the
of aging of the sediment. presence of amorphous Si02 in manganese ore
3 Ferrihydrite is found both in ferrous ore deposits interlayers apparently stimulate the preservation in
and in manganese-rich interlayers. It contains par­ the sediment of metastable hydroxide phases of
ticles with bacterial form which may testify to the iron, i.e. ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite.
active role of microbiological processes in the for­
mation of this mineral. The C layer of the brines,
Mechanism of formation of manganese
which is transitional to seawater, is the most favour­
able environment for active microbiological oxida­
tion-reduction reworking of the ferruginous The behaviour of hydrothermal manganese in the
suspension. This layer is the gradient zone with a brine layer of the Atlantis-11 Deep is essentially
perceptible change in density and an increase m different from that of iron. Due to the higher oxi­
oxygen content (Fig. 5). dation potential of manganese the transition of
Consequently, the conditions of formation of hydrothermal Mn + from solution to the solid phase
66 G. Yu. But uzova et a/.

Mn + takes place in the brine layer into which the processes and certain properties of the compounds
seawater oxygen penetrates. The process of massive formed during these processes.
manganese oxidation is shown in Fig. 6 as a sharp 2
The act of Mn + oxidation by oxygen in solution
change in manganese content in the C zone tran­ results in the appearance of Mn4+ in the form of a
sitional to the normal seawater. According to the hydrated dioxide according to the reaction:
data of Hartmann ( 1979), it is in this zone that 2
Mn + + 1/202 + 20H- __,. Mn02·HzO
a notable amount of brown suspended material
appears composed of amorphous manganese At a molecular level the hydrolized products of
hydroxides. 2
the initial Mn + oxidation are coordinated hydrated
The particles of hydrated manganese dioxide, polymeric aggregates. Their coagulation produces
sinking into the brine layer and reaching the lower A hydrated microstructures with adsorptive activity
layer completely devoid of oxygen, are reduced by capable of dehydration and intraphase oxidation­
the dissolved Fe +, and manganese again passes into reduction transformations by the scheme:
solution. This process obstructs precipitation of ox­ 2
Mn + + Mn4+ � 2Mn3+
ide forms of manganese in brines and provides
high concentrations of the element in the solution The development and direction of certain trans­
(80-90 mg/1), which is about 20 000 times as great formations of the amorphous phase and the
as the average manganese content in seawater. The formation of individual compounds are determined
natural consequence of these processes is the almost 2
mostly by the conditions of Mn + interaction with
complete absence of manganese oxyhydroxides in 2
dissolved oxygen and by the ratios of Mn + : 02
the sediments in extensive areas of the Atlantis-11 concentration, pH value, and adsorptive and cata­
Deep. The local presence in the sedimentary layer lytical activity of the newly formed surface of hy­
of manganese ore interlayers, confined by sharp drated Mn02.
lithological contacts with the surrounding muds, is In the environment of the Atlantis-11 Deep, the
evidence of the change of physico-chemical conditions stratification of the water layer provides differen­
in the near-bottom water. This change occurs against tiation in the physico-chemical conditions of the
the background of a quiescent hydrological setting medium where mineral formation takes place; these
with intensive mixing of water masses. conditions control the polymineral composition of
The most probable cause for the change of con­ ore material.
ditions in the near-bottom water would have been
the lowering of the level of brines which in turn was
Formation of todorokite and manganese goethite of
connected with a lower or temporarily discontinued
the major mass
hydrothermal activity during the period of forma­
tion of manganese ore horizons. A number of Figure 5 shows two Mn + oxidation zones with a
lithological-geochemical peculiarities of deposits in number of essentially different parameters.
the CO zone testify to this possibility, including an Zone I of active oxidation generally coincides
appreciable admixture of the biogenic-terrigenous with layer C of the brines, which is transitional to
component to the ore material, and a low content of seawater and has a high content of dissolved oxygen,
sulphides including diagenetic sulphides. Confine­ an alkaline environment, and relatively low tem­
ment of manganese ore horizons to the relatively peratures ( <50°C). The underlying zone I I is oxygen
high parts of the sea floor is also evidence because deficient, has higher temperatures, and lower pH
these parts are in the upper layer B when the level of values ( �6). The massive oxidation of divalent
brines is lowered (Fig. 5). It is in this region that manganese occurs in zone I where a hydrated man­
conditions are created to allow the possibility of ganese dioxide (Mn02·nH20) is formed. An alkaline
massive precipitation and preservation of manganese (or close to neutral) medium stimulates dissociation
hydroxide compounds in sediments, these con­ of the amphoteric oxide Mn02·nH20:
ditions being an increase in the oxygen content, a Mn02·nH20 __,. H2 Mn03 __,. Mnol- + 2H+
sudden fall in Fe + concentration and temperature,
and a rise in pH. The Mn03 - anions formed in the process are
In discussing the possible mechanisms of the for­ capable of being abundantly hydrated to form thixo­
mation of manganese hydroxide compounds, it is tropic macrostructures of hydrated Mn02
important to consider the nature of Mn + oxidation (nMn02·mH20). Against the background of high
Iron-manganese oxyhydrox ides, the Red Sea 67

salinity, the amorphous hydroxide acts as a cation­ excessive amount of Mn2+ ions, an oxygen deficit,
exchanger irreversibly fixing dissolved and partially rather low pH values (about 6), and higher tempera­
hydrolized cations of different metals, including ture (about 50°C) (Fig. 5).
Mn2+, which in the case of superfluous oxygen results As noted earlier, oxidation of the Mn2+ ion by the
in the oxidation of this cation, thus additionally oxygen molecule results in the formation of hydrated
increasing the mass of individual particles. The in­ manganese dioxide (Mn0 ·nH 0). Within the struc­
2 2
crease of the mass of particles due to coagulation, ture of manganite the manganese cations are tri­
combined with the oxidation mechanism and parallel valent. One of the possible ways of Mn3+ formation
dehydration, results in a loss of sedimentary stability is the interaction of Mn0 ·nH 0 with Mn2+ cations,
2 2
of particles and their sinking into the underlying as a result of which an intraphase oxidation­
zone II (Fig. 5). reduction process takes place. This interaction can
Under these conditions, the capacity of particles be realized with the decrease in adsorptive activity
to adsorb the cations of metals is drastically reduced of the surface of particles of hydrated Mn0 in the
because of the lower adsorptive activity in general setting with excessive Mn2+, resulting in rapid trans­
(more acid environment) and competitive adsorption formation of the adsorbed form into the compound
of Mn2+ cations. The oxygen deficit restricts oxi­ Mn2+Mn4+0 and its subsequent oxidation­
dation of adsorbed Mn2+ and, consequently, the reduction transformation Mn2+ + Mn4+ --? 2Mn3+.
appearance of new adsorption centres. As a result, Despite the lack of precise experimental data, we
the change in the composition of particles ceases, assume that this process is restricted to a specific
and the major means of their transformation be­ interval of pH values, because in weakly alkaline
come dehydration and increasing density, paving the conditions hydration of the Mn2+ ion and of adsorp­
way to subsequent crystallization and precipitation. tion centres of Mn0 stimulates stabilization of the
The crystallization of the amorphous phase is adsorptive Mn2+ form in the Mn0 ·nH 0 phase. In
2 2
caused to a great extent by the presence of large acid media the trivalent manganese disproportion­
hydrated cations in adsorptively saturated complexes. ation takes place.
Due to steric restrictions, the presence of adsorbed In contrast to highly hydrated complexes formed
cations obstructs crystallization of the amorphous in zone I, the amorphous hydroxides formed in zone
phase and the formation of structures with dense II are considerably less hydrated and practically lack
packing of atoms, but stimulates the formation of adsorbed cations, which ensures their transformation
minerals with relatively friable anion complexes. into an energetically favourable compact packing
Therefore, the overall low degree of structural typical of manganite.
ordering of the basic mass of manganese ore material
and the extensive development in its composition of
weakly crystallized todorokite with a loose tunnel
Formation of morphologically composite nodules
structure seem to be the natural consequences of the
transformation processes of amorphous hydroxides Mutual precipitation of dehydrating gel particles
formed in zone I of active oxidation. of todorokite and manganite composition (lesser
The iron-manganese phase identified as man­ amounts of the latter) should be accompanied by the
ganese goethite and found in small amounts in the appearance of mechanically mixed phases whose
major mass of ore material in association with final composition is probably determined only in the
todorokite is probably the final product of the trans­ sedimentary layer. In this case the most probable
formation of thixotropic mixed macrostructures of process is the fixing of dissolved Mn2+ from inter­
amorphous iron and manganese hydroxides. stitial waters by the sorbently unsaturated areas
of Mn0 . Moreover, the achievement of the ratio
Mn2+ : Mn4+ = 1 : 1 allows the fragments of manga­
Formation of manganite microconcretions
nite structure to form concurrently with todorokite
The presence of monominerallic manganite in sedi­ crystallization. Other processes related to the re­
ments is evidence for specific conditions for Mn2+ grouping of structural blocks of Mn0 and the
oxidation in the water layer, which provide for the intraphase oxidation-reduction interactions are also
formation of the amorphous phase with no other possible.
cations except manganese. Zone II entirely complies In general, the absence of a notable accumulation
with these conditions and is characterized by an of manganese in the zone of its active oxidation is
68 G. Yu. But uzova et a/.

evidence for its removal from this zone by precipit­ established the structure of the ore layer and its
ation of manganese hydroxides. general mineralogical features (Backer & Schoell,
19 7 2; Bignell et al., 197 6; Shanks, 1983; Butuzova,
1 985; Missack, 1988). Two basic varieties of deposits
were found to regularly alternate in the sediments
(Fig. 7). One of them (sequences II and IV) is
Description of samples and their mineral composition
represented mostly by ferrous ore material with iron
The mineralogy of oxide phases was studied in 13 content reaching 32-56%, manganese 0·35-0·47 %,
samples from a core 510 em long taken from site and manganese oxyhydroxides absent. The admix­
224 with coordinates 22°47 ·2'N and 37°35 ·5'E. ture of biogenic-terrigenous components is ex­
Studies conducted earlier on this section have tremely small (CaC03 <1 %). These sediments have

10 30 50




Fig. 7. Distribution of chemical elements in sediment section, site 224, Thetis Deep.
Iron-manganese oxyhydroxides, the Red Sea 69

the highest copper and sulphur concentrations in the Asbolanes are mixed-layer phases (Chukhrov et a/.,
sediment column. The other variety of sediments 1983). In the sediments they form aggregates of
(sequences I, III, V) has a high content of normal flaky particles (Fig. Sa). Their composition includes
sedimentary material (CaC03 20-40%) and a mixed aluminium, magnesium and calcium, in addition to
iron-manganese composition of ore material. The manganese. The structure of the minerals is built up
iron and manganese contents are similar (average by octahedral layers of two types. In one of them the
Mn- 16 ·3%; Fe-18·2%). major cation is Mn4+ and in the other it is MnH
The iron oxyhydroxides magnetite and lepido­ in combination with aluminium, magnesium and
crocite are the most typical minerals among the calcium. The quantity and the degree of structural
crystallized phases of the ore material. ordering of asbolanes regularly increase from the
1 Magnetite is found only in ferrous ore sediments top of the section downwards.
(Fig. 7, sequences II, IV) in the form of well-faceted 5 An asbolane-like stratified X-phase was observed
crystals several micrometres in size, as finely dis­ by us for the first time. It was found only in the
persed powdery material, and in collomorphic clots. uppermost of the studied horizons (200-250 mm)
The magnetite-rich interlayers are identified in the where it dominates the composition of the
section by their sooty black colour. manganese ore material; the asbolanes described
2 Lepidocrocite forms small, platey crystals irregu­ above are noted in small admixtures. The X-phase
larly distributed throughout the section. The particles are platey in shape, and they are domi­
maximum amounts of the mineral are confined to nated by manganese cations.
the upper part of the section (sequence I) where it is The electron diffraction pattern of the X-phase
almost the only iron oxide phase. The lepidocrocite (Fig. 8b) is a superposition of three hexagonal nets
content decreases down the section. of reflections which differ in their distances from the
3 Goethite and hematite are observed in individual centre of the electron diffraction pattern. The triads
samples, mostly at the bottom of the core. Manga­ of reflections nearest to the centre have interplane
nese oxyhydroxides occur in the ore material of distances d = 2·49, 2·60 and 2·7 2 A, whereas the
sequences I, III, and V, predominantly in the form triads of reflections farthest from the centre are
of minerals with lattice structure. characterized by d values equal to 1·44, 1·50 and
4 Asbolanes are the most common minerals particu­ 1·57 A. Three hexagonal nets of reflections on the
larly in the upper parts of the section (sequence 1). electron diffraction pattern of the X-phase can be

Fig. 8. Characteristics of manganese oxyhydroxides from sediment recovered at site 224, Thetis Deep . (a) Aggregate of
flaked asbolane particles (horizon 2250-2350 mm), scale bar 0·5 fun; (b) electron diffraction pattern of X-phasc particles.
70 G. Yu. But uzova et a!.

related to the three hexagonal sublattices of the mass parameters in the basin gradually equilibrated
mineral, the basal parameters of which are a= 2·88, with the seawater parameters. In this way conditions
3·00 and 3 ·40 A, respectively. The values of par­ were created for oxidation of Fe2+ remaining in the
ameter 'a' are different because the three types of solution and of Mn2+ accumulated there.
layers contain mostly cations Mn4+, Mn3+ and The mutual precipitation of iron-manganese
Mn2+, respectively. hydroxide forms in approximately equal proportions
6 Manganese goethite, as in the Atlantis-II Deep, is indicates rather low Fe2+ concentrations insufficient
observed in the form of tabular crystals locally form­ for appreciable reduction (in weakly alkaline con­
ing almost monominerallic microaccumulations. ditions) of hydrated Mn02 formed in the upper
The manganese minerals are distributed regularly more aerated water layers.
in the Thetis Deep. Thus, the X-phase is observed
only in the uppermost of the studied horizons; the
Mechanism of formation of iron oxyhydroxides
asbolanes with low structural ordering dominate in
the sediments of sequence I approximately to a Experimental research has established that in neutral
depth of 1 m; and in the lower-lying deposits the or weakly alkaline solutions the oxidation of Fe2+
degree of structural ordering of asbolanes increases results in the formation of lepidocrocite or magne­
but their quantities are definitely subordinate, and tite. It is suggested that the transformation of the
manganese goethite becomes the dominant manga­ amorphous material into another mineral phase is
nese phase. mainly controlled by kinetic factors. Rapid oxidation
stimulates crystallization of lepidocrocite; slow oxi­
dation favours magnetite formation (Murray, 1 9 7 9).
General characteristics of the physico-chemical
1 Magnetite is formed in the periods of maximum
hydrothermal activity when the Fe2+ concentration
The region of the Thetis Deep is one of the few is much higher than the oxygen concentration,
areas of the Red Sea rift which combines high allowing mutual precipitation of amorphous hydrox­
hydrothermal activity with an absence of strongly ides of .multivalent iron. The possibility of the for­
mineralized near-bottom brines. mation of magnetite as a result of the dehydration
At the present time, the sediments are overlain and crystallization of a gel containing both Fe2+ and
with water which is only 0·8°C and 0·4% salinity Fe3+ has been experimentally confirmed (Berz,
higher than normal seawater. A slight rise in salinity 1 922).
of interstitial waters in some parts of the sediment 2 Lepidocrocite represents periods of lower hydro­
column suggests periodic but insignificant changes in thermal activity under conditions of excess oxygen
the mineralization of near-bottom waters in the past. and lower Fe2+ contents in the solution. These
Variations in the chemico-mineralogical character­ conditions are favourable for the high oxidation
istics of the sediment section at site 224 reflect rates of iron necessary to form lepidocrocite.
periodic changes in the intensity of the hydrothermal 3 Goethite and hematite are in all probability the
source. The iron ore horizons II and IV correspond products of lepidocrocite transformation. This alter­
to stages when the near-bottom water received large ation is apparently greatly hindered by the presence
quantities of Fe2+ and Mn2+ as constituents of of amorphous silica and hydrated Mn02, and thus
thermal brines whose mixing with oxygenated sea­ takes time. This is confirmed by extremely low con­
water caused oxidation of the reduced forms. tents of goethite and hematite in the uppermost part
Active oxygen consumption under conditions of of the section where l�pidocrocite is almost the only
high Fe2+ concentrations resulted in rapid exhaus­ mineral phase of Fe +.
tion of oxygen and in the temporary filling of
the basin with oxygen-free waters rich in Mn2+ and
Mechanism of formation of manganese
Fe2+. In this setting, the complete absence of
manganese oxide compounds in the ore material of
sequences II and IV is expected. During periods of Unlike the oxidation zone I of the Atlantis-II Deep,
lower hydrothermal activity, the sedimentary se­ the water layer of the Thetis Deep is more alkaline,
quences (I, III, V) were highly enriched in biogenic­ there is a deficit of oxygen as a result of the preceding
terrigenous material and contained mixed iron­ Fe2+ oxidation, and much lower Mn2+ concen­
manganese ore material. At these times the water trations. These conditions obviously obstruct the
Iron-manganese oxyhydrox ides, the Red Sea 71

rapid growth o f the mass o f suspended Mn02 layers are transitional to those of seawater and have
particles due to their coagulation. It is possible that low Fe2+ and high Mn2+ contents.
due to slower coagulation the hydrated structures In the Thetis Deep, the iron ore material contains
with low ordering initially appear and in them, from a predominant magnetite -lepidocrocite association
above and below, the adsorbed Mn2+ cations and and the manganese component is represented mostly
H 2 0 molecules attach to the fragments of insular by asbolanes. This basin has no stratified brines and
octahedron Mn4+ layers. The intraphase oxidation­ the mineral-forming environment is alkaline, low
reduction reactions between Mn4+ and adsorbed temperature and oxygenated. The changes in con­
Mn2+ slow down due to high hydration of the poly­ centration in the solution of Fe2+ and Mn2+ ions are
meric microaggregates. Condensation, adhesion and controlled by changes in their supply from hydro­
reorientation of these microaggregates probably re­ thermal brines.
sult in the layer by layer alternation of two­
dimensional associations of Mn4+ and Mn2+ .
Concurrently with the formation of an increasingly ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
well-crystallized structure, an intraphase Mn4+ and
Mn2+ oxidation-reduction interaction probably The authors express their sincere thanks to two
takes place producing trivalent manganese. This anonymous reviewers and J . Parnell for critical
stage apparently correlates with the low-ordered X­ reading of the manuscript and numerous valuable
phase containing disproportionate layers occupied corrections. We also are indebted to A. Sivtsov for
by Mn4+ , Mn3+ and Mn2+ cations. selected-area electron diffraction, N. Gorkova
for supplying electron micrographs and B. Smoliar
for assistance in the preparation of the manuscript.

The bulk of the iron and manganese oxyhydroxides

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tation of amorphous hydrated particles from the im Roten Meer. Geol. Rund. 62, 697 - 741.
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into individual crystalline phases depend on the l iferous sediments in the Red Sea. Nature 240,
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composition of particles and are controlled by a BERZ, K.C. ( 1922) Uber Magneteisen in Marinen
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mentary and diagenetic processes. These transform­ BIGNELL, R . D . , CRONAN, D.S. & TOOMS, J . S . ( 1976) Red
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tween these parameters in the water layers of the E .T. Degens & D.A . Ross ) , pp. 368-401. Springer,
studied basins result in the formation of different BREWER, R . G . & SPENCER, O . W . ( 1969) A note on the
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In the ore material of the Atlantis-11 Deep, Brines and Recent Heavy Metal Deposits in the Red Sea
goethite and hematite predominate among the fer­ (Ed. by E.T. Degens & D.A. Ross) , pp. 174- 179.
Springer, Berlin.
ruginous phases; the manganese phases are rep­
BuruzovA, G . Y u . ( 1984a) Mineralogy and certain aspects
resented mainly by todorokite and well-crystallized of genesis of metalliferous sediments in the Red Sea,
m;:mganite . This set of minerals is controlled by the Communication 1. Litho!. Miner. Resources 2, 3 -23.
differentiated conditions related to the stratification B uruzovA, G . Y u . ( 1984b) Mineralogy and certain aspects

of the water layer, the lower layers of which have of genesis of metalliferous sediments in the Red Sea,
Communication 2 . Litho!. Miner. Resources 4, 11-32.
low pH values, higher temperatures, a sharp de­ B uTUZOVA, G.Yu. ( 1985) Singularities of hydrothermal­
ficiency in oxygen, and a high concentration of sedimentary ore genesis in the Rift Zone of the Red Sea.
Mn2+ and Fe2+ ions; the parameters of the upper Litho/. Miner. Resources 5, 39-55.
72 G. Yu. But uzova et al.
Metal Deposits in the Red Sea. Springer, Berlin, 600 pp.
CHUKHROV, F.V., ERMILOVA, L . P . , GORSHKOV, A . I . & HACKEH, J.P. & BISCHOFF, J.L. ( 1973) New data on the
BuGELSKI, Y u . Y u . ( 1975a) Beta-hydroxide of iron and stratigraphy, extent and geologic history of the Red Sea
akaganeite. In: 1-!ypergenic Oxides of Iron in Geological geothermal deposits. Econ. Ceo!. 68, 553 -564.
Processes (Ed. by N . V. Petrovskaya) , pp. 6 1 -70. Nauka, HARTMANN, M. ( 1979) Untersuchungen von suspendieren
Moscow. Material in den hydrothermal Laugen des Atlantis- l l­
CHU KHROV, F.V . , ERMILOVA, L.P. , GORSHKOV, A . l . , Tiefs . Ceo!. Rund. 62, 742-754.
ZHUKHLISTOV, A . P . , SIDORENKO, O . V . , ZVYAGIN , B . B . , HOLM, N . G . , WADSTEU , T. & DOWLER, U . l . ( 1982) �­
B E LYATSKJ, V . V . , SAPOLNOVA, L.P. & KHOKHLOVA, M . M . Fe00H (akaganeite) in Red Sea Brine. Etud. Ceo!. 38,
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oxide formation (Ed. by N . Y . Petrovskaya), pp. 1 1 -33. MANCEAU, A . , GoRSHKOv, A . I . & DRJTS, V . A . ( 1990)
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Mineoka Umber: a submarine hydrothermal deposit on an Eocene arc volcanic

ridge in central Japan

A. I I J I MA*, Y. WATANABE*, S. 0 G I HA RA* and K. YA M A ZA K It

*Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Tokyo II3, Japan;t Mitsui Coal Mining
Company, Muromachi 2-1-1, Nihonbashi, Tokyo 103, Japan


A strata-bound iron-manganese umber, extending for 2 km along strike, overlies the top surface of an
Eocene submarine tholeiitic pillow lava of the Mineoka terrain in the southern Boso Peninsula, 70 km
southeast of Tokyo. The Mineoka Umber is divided into lower metalliferous and upper argillaceous
segments, changing upwards gradually to ferruginous, spicule-rich shale. The metalliferous umber
contains 41-54 wt% F�03 and 8·0- 16·8 wt% Mn02 + MnO, comprising massive aggregates of very
fine goethite, amorphous calcic manganese oxides and pyrolusite. The Mineoka Umber formed during
submarine hydrothermal activity following basaltic volcanism. Direct evidence of the hydrothermal
origin is the discovery of an umber-filled pipe, a conduit for hydrothermal water, within the pillow lava
beneath the strata-bound umber. Away from this conduit, the MnO : Mn02 ratio in the strata-bound
umber decreases, reflecting the redox potential of the umber formation, and thus the content of
pyrolusite increases. The high concentrations of rare earth elements and the strong negative cerium
anomaly in the umber are also explained by the submarine hydrothermal origin. Calcites filling pores
and contraction cracks in the pipe umber have 61 C and 6180 values of -8·5 to -10·6%o and -14·3
to -20-4%o PDB, respectively. These values suggest precipitation from heated Eocene seawater
at 55-68°C. The metal-carrying hydrothermal water was probably much hotter than the calcite­
precipitating water. Abundant spicules in the overlying shale are thought to represent a school of
sponges that fed on the nutrient-rich water. The Mineoka Umber accumulated at the foot of an Eocene
arc volcanic ridge in the supra-subduction zone off the Japanese continental arc.


T he Mineoka Umber deposit is mainly composed of (Robertson & Boyle, 198 3). T heir depositional
manganese oxides and hydrated ferric oxides. A setting is still controversial. The Cyprus Umbers
short note by T asaki et al. (1980) reported the were once considered to have formed on the
occurrence of the umber from a roadside cut along T roodos Oceanic Ridge; their modern analogue is a
the Skyline Road of the Mineoka Hills in the metalliferous red clay on the East Pacific Rise
Mineoka terrain of the southern Boso Peninsula. (Eiderfield et al. , 197 2; Robertson & Hudson, 1973;
Another hematitic umber deposit was reported Robertson, 1975; Robertson & Fleet, 1976).
briefly by lijima et al. (1981) from Setodani in the Robertson & Fleet (1986) have reasoned that metal­
Setogawa terrain of central Shizuoka, the western liferous sed iments from the Oman Ophiolite as well
portion of the Mineoka- Kobotoke-Setogawa as the Cyprus Umbers formed on a volcanic ridge
Tectonic Belt (Fig. 1). T he two umber deposits are above the subduction zone. However, Karpoff et al.
closely associated with Eocene submarine b asaltic (1988) considered the Oman metalliferous sedi­
pillow lavas and they are considered to be related to ments to have a spreading oceanic ridge origin.
submarine hydrothermal activity following the The Mineoka -Setogawa-Kobotoke Tectonic
b asaltic volcanism. Similar metalliferous sediments Belt, which comprises extensively folded and faulted
occur in the Cretaceous of the Tethys region marine strata of Palaeogere to middle Miocene age

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 73

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
74 A. Jijima et al.

139 140 141



35 -

I f
0 c

138 �m

Fig. 1. Locality map. Strata and rocks of the Mineoka-Kobotoke-Setogawa Tectonic Belt are hatched. Locality of the
Setogawa Umber marked by a cross.

and intrusive ultramafic rock masses, developed from Belt. Here Palaeogene and Lower Miocene marine
an arc volcanic ridge and a forearc basin in the arc­ strata of the Mineoka Group are extensively dis­
trench gap on the Pacific Ocean side of central Japan turbed by tectonic movements and by intrusion of
(Watanabe, 198 9). Recently a strata-bound umber ultramafic rocks. The Mineoka Group is subdivided
has been excavated at two quarries of the Chiba into four stratigraphic formations as shown in Fig. 2.
Kenzai Industrial Company in the Mineoka Hills, T he lowest Kamogawa Formation, more than 200 m
within 2 km distance from the original locality re­ thic k , is mainly composed of pillow lavas, pillow
ported byTasaki et al. (1980). Its occurrence, mineral breccia and massive lavas of tholeiitic, picritic and
assemblage, chemical composition and carbon and alkali basalts. A dacitic tuff brecc ia to vitric tuff,
oxygen stable isotopic composition are described in with a thickness of 60 m, is interbedded with the
this paper. Furthermore, its origin and site of basalts. Middle Eocene nannofossils, such as Coc­
deposition are discussed. colithus eopelagicus and Reticu/ofenestra cfr. um­
bilica, were found in interpillow limestone in the
pillow lava at Arayashiki on the coast of Kamogawa
(Watanabe, 198 9). T he Shirataki Formation, up to
250 m thick, represents a hemipelagic biogenic facies.
Its lower and midd le parts consist of. bedded
calcareous quartzose c hert, which originated from
The Mineoka Hills are situated in the eastern portion calcareous diatomite, and bedded siliceous micritic
of the Mineoka-Kobotoke-Setogawa Tectonic limestone with an interc alation of 30 m thick, silicic
Mineoka Umber, Japan 75


HATCHO Fm. :;::::: 1000 Flysch

--- - -
- - ---
-- - -
1 - ----
--- -
- -- - -
HEGURI Fm. --- - 50 300 Siliceous mudstone
--- -
- ---
- -- - -
- - - --

Glauconitic sandstone


SHIRATAKI Fm. 300 Bedded chert and micritic limestone

'-l\/\./\1\ Silicic tuff (30 m)


6.5 Chocolate shale
MIDDLE EOCENE 80 Pillow basalt

r:-:: pault/ \ 1 '\

KAMOGAWA Fm. \./'-/'\./"\/
60 Silicic tuff

50 Pillow basalt

Fig. 2. Columnar section of the Mineoka Group in the Mineoka terrain.

vttnc tuff. Its upper 80 m thick part grades into less than 1 m thick, occurs locally at the b ase of the
b edded siliceous shale. L ate Eocene to early Heguri Formation. The Mineoka Group terminates
Oligocene nannofossils such as Coccolithus pelagicus with a non-volcanic sandy turb idite facies of the
and Dictyococcites cfr. bisectus were collected from Hatcho Formation , more than 1000 m thick, which
the lower micritic limestone at Shirataki, while contains early Miocene radiolaria.
Theocotyle sp. nov. of late Oligocene radiolaria was
found in the upper siliceous shale (Iijima et al.,
Depositional environment
198 4). Latest Eocene planktonic foraminifera were
also reported from the calcareous chert at Shirataki T he Mineoka and Setogawa Umbers were deposited
(Suzuki et a!. , 198 4). Although the above two for­ at the foot of the Eocene submarine volcanic ridge
mations are in contact with each other at thrust off th_e Japanese continental arc. Silt- to sand-sized
faults, the Shirataki Formation probably overlies the terrigenous grains were not derived from the conti­
Kamogawa Formation, as inferred from the micro­ nental arc during the umber deposition. A glau­
fossil biostratigraphy. The Shirataki Formation is conitic sandstone bed is intercalated between bedded
conformably overlain by the siliceous mudstone of chert of the Shirataki Formation and siliceous mud­
the 50-300 m thick Heguri Formation, containing stone of the Heguri Formation. The lowermost
early Miocene radiolaria. Glauconitic sandstone, Miocene glauconitic sandstone contains 20-40 vol%
76 A. Iijima et a!.

authigenic glauconite pellets and siliceous clay Tasaki et al. (1980) is at a roadside cut on the
matrix. This sandstone and the glauconitic sand­ southeastern side of Otsukayama along the Mineoka
stones at the base of the Miocene siliceous sediments S kyline Road. This umber is disturbed by faults.
in the northeastern Honshu arc ( Iijima et a!., 198 8) Locality 2 at the Sengensan Quarry is the site where
suggest an offshore bank environment of 50-500 m the umber is best observed, in three trenches.
water depth. Late Eocene to Oligocene hemipelagic, Locality 3 at the Iimor iyama Quarry is the place in
biogenic, calcareous and siliceous sediments of the which field evidence for the hydr othermal origin of
Shirataki Formation, as well as the Mineoka U mber, the umber was obtained. However, the umber has
probably acc umulated at the foot of the volcanic already been covered by mine waste and can no
ridge at depths greater than the offshore bank. A longer be seen at localities 2 and 3. The Mineoka
volcanic island, which is represented by massive Umber directly overlies the pillow basalt of the
tholeiite lava flows with clinkers and an overlying Kamogawa Formation. The contact was best ob­
basaltic boulder conglomerate, existed near Heguri served on the cut-faces of the trenches at locality 2,
and Arakawa, about 20 km west of the Mineoka where all strata are overturned toward the south
Umber. T hus, open ocean water depths were not (Fig. 4a, b). The strata-bound umber with a thickness
reached. of 2200 mm covers the uneven surface of the pillow
lava. At the contact, the pillows are oxidized through
a depth of approximately 1000 mm and they change
OCCURRENCE AND SAMPLE colour from dark green to reddish brown. In con­
DESCRIPTION trast, the umber is gr adationally over lain by
c hocolate-brown, sponge spicule-rich ferruginous
Figure 3 shows the geological map of the Mineoka shale with a thickness of over 5000 mm. The top of
Hills near Sengensan and Otsukayama, where the the shale is c ut by a thrust fault where it is in contact
Mineoka Umber is distributed. Strata of the Mineoka with a younger light-grey sandstone. At locality 3,
Group are sliced into several thrust sheets. The the top of the 1600 mm thick umber is in faulted
umber is observed at three localities near the ridge contact with a sheared pillow basalt. Elsewhere,
of the Mineoka Hills (Fig. 3). Locality 1 reported by sheared umber and overlying chocolate-brown shale

Early Miocene

Fig. 3. Geological map of the Mineoka Hills in the environs of Sengensan and Otsukayama, showing localities 1-3 of the
Mineoka Umber. Basalt masses encircled by broken line are landslide blocks. K = basalts of the Kamogawa Formation; S
= bedded chert and micritic limestone of the Shirataki Formation with a silicic tuff interbed; Gl glauconitic sandstone at

the base of the Heguri Formation; hatched = serpentinite; stipple= younger sandstone.
Mineoka Umber, Japan 77


Fig. 5. Cross-section of the umber-filled pipe with white

calcite veinlets within pillow basalt, about 1 m below the
(b) strata-bound umber, locality 3. Hammer is 30 em length.

p illow lava about 1 m beneath the bottom of the

1600 mm thick strata-bound umber at locality 3 of
the Iimoriyama Quarry (Fig. 5). The cross-section of
this ore body is almost circular with 480 mm dia­
meter. In its outer part it shows radial and concentric
fr actures. White calcite precip itated in veinlets and
in contraction cracks which are probably due to
dehydration of the umber. In its inner par t, calcite
fills micropores of the umber. This occurrence
suggests that the calcite is almost coeval with umber
formation. As a whole, the umber appears to fill a
p ip e standing nearly perpendicular to the contact
between the strata-bound umber and the pillows.
Fig. 4. Photographs showing the Mineoka Umber exposed T he umber is not brecciated but massive: therefore
on the cut-faces of the Sengensan Quarry (locality 2) . (a)
the pipe was a hydrothermal conduit, not just a filler
Overturned pillow basalt (B), umber (U), chocolate­
brown shale (S), thrust (arrow), and younger sandstone from above.
(Y). Scale is 1 m. (b) Enlargement of umber-basalt
contact (arrow) in (a).

were recognized within four small pits along the

east-west strike by the Mineoka Skyline Road b e­ Wet c hemical analyses were made for specimens
tween localities 1 and 2. Consequently, the umber at collected from localities 2 and 3. Sampling positions
these localities is considered to represent one single are shown in Fig. 6. Concentrations of minor and
bed. This would mean that the Mineoka strata­ trace elements were obtained by XRF analysis using
. the pressed-powder-disc method. Mineral identifi­
b ound Umber extends for at least 2 km along strike.
The Mineoka Umber is generally dull in lustre, cation was p erformed by ordinary X-ray powder
massive and structureless. A t locality 2 of the diffraction (XRD) analysis.
Sengensan Quarry however, several intercalations Fracture surfaces of some chips that were taken
of steel-grey, metallic-lustred manganiferous bands, from the metalliferous umber at localities 2 and 3
5-10 mm thick, occur in the basal 600 mm thick were examined under a scanning electron micro­
segment of the umber. Similar b ands are also scope (SEM). Semiquantitative c hemical analysis of
r ecognized at locality 1. It is very difficult to p repare pyrolusite and amorphous manganese oxides in the
thin sections because the umber easily disintegrates umber was performed on a JEOL 840 SEM with
when in contact with water. electron dispersive system.
A round-shaped umber body occurs within the Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA )
78 A. Iijima et al.



< Sh-2 (450-460)
(.) Sh-1 (230-240)

2-6 (205-215)
a: >-
w < 2-5 (170-180) FAULT
(.) (140-150)
::;: 3-4
(/) (120-130)
< :l
:.:: 0
0 a:
w w 3-3 ( 75- 85)
LJ.. 2-3 ( 75- 85)
- ...J
2-2 ( 50- 60) 3-2 ( 50- 60)
::;: ...J
w 3-1 10- 20)
2-1 10- 20)
Ocm Ocm
3:: ...J
0 < Fig. 6. Columnar sections of the
(/) Mineoka Umber at localities 2 and
Cl. aJ 3, showing sample numbers and
UMBER PIPE sampling positions for various

was undertaken for each specimen collected from
the lower metalliferous umber (No. 2-2), the upper
Chemical composition and mineral assemblages
argillaceous umber (No. 2-5) and the basal part of
the overlying shale (No. Sh-1) at locality 2 of the The results of chemical analyses and the mineral
Sengensan Quarry. The specimens were irradiated assemblages are shown in Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 7.
for neutron activation in the TRIGA 2 nuclear At locality 2, the lower 1400 mm thick segment of
reactor at Rikkyo University at the following con­ the 2200 mm thick umber is metalliferous and con­
2 2
dition: thermal neutron flux 1 x 101 n/(cm S) and tains more than 50% ferric oxide and manganese
irradiation time 12-24 h. Gamma-ray spectra were oxides in total, and 70% in its basal part including
measured with a Ge(Li) detector at the Radio­ the steel-grey, metallic-lustred bands. At locality 3,
isotopic Centre, University of Tokyo. the 1600 mm thick umber is metalliferous, containing
Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions a total of 51-59% Fe203 and manganese oxides. In
of sparry calcites in the umber-filled pipe at locality 3 the metalliferous segments, ferric oxide consists
were analysed on a Finnigan MAT DELTA-E mass almost exclusively of hydrous goethite. At locality
spectrometer at the Geological Institute, University 2, Mn02 predominates over MnO, and the
of Tokyo. This was done to estimate the temperature MnO: Mn02 ratio tends to increase upward from
of hydrothermal water from which the manganese 0·05 to 0·15. In contrast, MnO predominates over
oxides precipitated. For comparison, the isotopic Mn02 at locality 3, except in the uppermost part.
composition of calcites in late Eocene micritic lime­ The pipe-filling umber itself however shows low
stone of the Shirataki Formation at Shirataki was MnO: Mn02 ratios (0·21: 0·22) and has a similar
analysed. The precision is within 0.02%o and 0.04%o chemical composition when compared with the
for the <513Cr08 and <5180r08 values, respectively. metalliferous segment of locality 2. The only
Mineoka Umber, Japan 79

, w
� ;i (em)]
:s �
�� 250

� 200 Ni+Co.f.Cu
a: >-
w <{
(!) _J
:::2 () 150
::J . - . - - . . . . - . - . . . . - . . . . . . · - - - - -

<{ ::J
0 � 100 Zn
w w
z lL Zr
:::2 _J

10 20 30 40 50 0 500 800
(wt.%) (ppm)

Fig. 7. Stratigraphic distribution of element contents and ratios for the Mineoka Umber at locality 2.

exception is the high CaO content that results from CaO and P205, are much more abundant in the
calcite in cement and veinlets. Pyrolusite is the only argillaceous segment than in the metalliferous seg­
crystalline manganese oxide phase detected on the ment. The high contents of Si02 and K20 are par­
diffractograms of the Mineoka Umber. According ticularly characteristic. Quartz, illite and chlorite are
to Tasaki et al. (1 980), pyrolusite is the main con­ the main constituents of the upper argillaceous
stituent at locality 1. At localities 2 and 3 however, umber. Quartz does not occur as detrital grains but
most manganese oxides in the metalliferous umber as authigenic aggregates that originated from sili­
are present in an amorphous phase, except for the ceous organisms, such as sponge spicules, radio­
appearance of a weak X-ray reflection at 28·5° (28 larian skeletons and possibly diatoms, which are
CuK) for pyrolusite in the steel-grey, metallic­ transformed to quartz probably through opai-CT
lustred bands at localjty 2. Here, the concentrations during burial diagenesis. At locality 3 the upper
of Mn02 and Fe203 gradually decrease upwards argillaceous segment is missing, probably due to the
together with the water content, whereas other fault at the top of the umber.
components such as Si02, Al203 and alkalis The concentrations of minor elements in the strata­
gradually increase. Small amounts of quartz, bound umber at locality 2 are generally low, as
montmorillonite and illite were detected in the shown in Table 1 and Fig. 7. The copper, vanadium
metalliferous umber. and zinc contents decrease upwards; they decrease
The upper 8 00 mm thick segment of the 2200 mm rapidly at the boundary between the lower metal­
thick umber at locality 2 is argillaceous, regardless liferous and upper argillaceous segments, corre­
of its dark-brown colour. The concentrations of iron sponding to the contents of ferric oxide and
and manganese oxides appear to decrease abruptly manganese oxides. In contrast, the zirconium con­
to less than 15% at the boundary between the lower tent increases upward. Values of (Ni+Co +Cu)x 10
metalliferous and the upper argillaceous segments. decrease upwards , resulting from the generally lower
Ferric oxide accounts for almost all of the iron, copper concentration in the higher parts of the
although goethite was not detected. Mn02 dis­ section.
appears, whereas the content of MnO is almost The basal part of the overlying chocolate-brown
constant in the upper segment from the top of the ferruginous shale has a chemical composition similar
lower metalliferous segment (1- 37-2-06% ). In con­ to the upper argillaceous umber. The composition of
trast, most other components , with the exception of the upper part of the shale is comparable to that of

Table l. Chemical composition and mineral assemblage of the Mineoka Umber deposit (2-1 to 2-6), the underlying pillow basalt (Ba-c and Ba-m), and
the overlying chocolate-brown shale (Sh-1 and Sh-2) at locality 2, the Sengensan Quarry in the Mineoka Hills

Ba-c Ba-m 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Sh-1 Sh-2

Si02 (%) 47·37 47·32 8·61 9·76 19·76 21·53 50·52 54-48 52·86 45·61
Ti02 1·83 1·67 0-40 0·38 0·47 0·50 0·68 0·82 0·59 2·04
AhOo 14·79 13·67 4·31 6·01 7·25 7·96 15·73 17-08 17·33 16·51
Fe203 5·14 7·54 54·27 50·91 44·13 41·82 12·01 9·69 8-48 12-48
Fe O 4·99 3-40 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·05 1·74
Mn02 15·52 15·91 9·84 9·58
MnO 0·22 0·19 0·85 0·93 0·59 1-43 2·06 1·37 1·25 0·19 ::t.
MgO 7·38 7-10 1·30 1·39 1·87 1·98 3-48 3·35 2·74 3-06 ......
CaO 10·26 10·12 1-07 1·39 2·05 2·35 2·34 1·32 3-01 8·26
0·62 0·70 0·68 2·97
Na20 2·79 3·40 0·13 0·17 0·26 0·27 I:>

K20 0·33 0·96 0·79 0·93 1·81 1·86 3·98 4·15 3·85 1·26 �
H20 ( - ) 6·75 4·71 OAO 0-47 0·70 0·32 1-10 0·72 2·59 1-45 �
H20 ( + ) 2·62 0·19 11·70 11·13 10·02 9·96 6·21 5·66 6·29 4-45
P20s 0·14 0·19 0·89 1·06 1·55 1-43 0·84 0·38 0-47 0·26
Total 100·61 100·37 100·34 100·54 100-40 100·09 99·67 99·82 100·19 100·28

0·02 0·02 0·30 0·33 0·24 0·27 0·17 0·14 0·15 0·02
0·055 0·058 0·060 0·149
Ba (ppm) 769 880 929 939 928 853
Co 68 56 77 79 38 120
Cr 49 56 77 79 38 120
Cu 502 464 457 436 266 164
Ni 249 184 150 147 262 210
Rb 108 4 18 17 103 127
Sr 206 236 176 176 231 184
Th* 2 7 18
U* 9 4 3
v 215 216 190 191 121 125
Zn 224 215 227 229 175 153
Zr 70 81 107 107 163 174
Table 1. (continued)

Ba-c Ba-m 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Sh-1 Sh-2

La* 624 218 94·8

Ce* 44 112 165
Nd* 750 299 120
Sm* 123 45·3 22·2
Eu* 19·9 16·7 5·19 �
Tb* 18 16 4·6 s·
Yu* 38·1 16·3 7·75 C)
Lu* 4·90 2·05 1·19 .,

Goethite + + + + �
Pyrolusite + "'
Mn oxides + + + +
Smectite + + + +

+ + + + + + ;::s
Illite + + + + +
Quartz + + + + + +
Plagioclase + +
Olivine + +
Cpx. + +

* INAA analysis. Other minor and trace elements are analysed by XRF.

82 A. Jijima et at.

Table 2. Chemical composition and mineral assemblages of the Mineoka Umber deposits (3-1 to 3-4) and the pipe-filling
umber (Pu-o and Pu-i) at locality 3, the l imoriyama Quarry in the Mineoka Hills. Those of the Setogawa Umber deposit
(S-U) and the host shale (S-sh) are also shown

Pu-o Pu-i 3-l 3-2 3-3 3-4 S-U S-sh

Si02 (%) 14·12 10·63 13·03 8·27 9·21 12·36 21·04 53·25
Ti02 0·53 0-41 0-45 0·26 0·36 0·41 0-45 0·71
Alz03 6·64 6·11 7·24 5·66 6·63 7·77 9·74 1 3·52
Fe203 45·61 48·75 47·66 44·17 42·98 45·63 45·65 15·78
FeO <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 <0·1 5·39 2·74
Mn02 8·79 7-42 4·00 5·97 4·26 5·50
MnO 1·87 1·61 5·99 9·35 8·27 4·26 0·20 0-48
MgO 1·62 1·18 1·77 1·23 1·57 1·85 3·96 2·87
CaO 3·31 6·51 3·39 2·24 2·73 1·90 5·98 1·03
Na20 0·06 0·06 0·03 0·03 0·03 0·15 0·31 1 -19
KzO 6·46 0·20 0·53 0·30 0·62 0·41 0·25 2·43
HzO ( ) - 9·59 11·03 3·47 11-00 12·03 6·96 0·45 1·16
HzO (+) 6·75 5·02 11·27 10·88 10·92 11·77 3·71 4·07
Pz05 0·87 1·13 1·57 0·94 0·96 1·05 2·96 0·53
NiO 0·18 0·12
Total 100-48 100·28 100·50 100-40 100·67 100·45 100·09 99·76

0·23 0·19 0·21 0·35 0·29 0·21
Cr (ppm) 21 15 23 22 21 35 27 56
Ni 905 503 518 240 188 156

Goethite + + + + + +
Hematite +
Mn oxides + + + + + +
Smectite + + +
Chlorite + +
I llite + + + +
Quartz + +
Calcite + +
Plagioclase +

Fig. 8. Scanning electron

micrograph of pyrolusite in the
steel-grey, metallic-lustred band in
the metalliferous umber. Sample
No. 2-2 from locality 2. (A)
Pyrolusite crystals. (B)
Microcrystalline aggregates of
pyrolusite showing the same
dimensions as the spherular
aggregates of amorphous calcic
manganese oxides.
Mineoka Umber, Japan 83

the underlying pillow basalt: illite, chlorite and small M

amounts of detrital plagioclase derived from basaltic Amorphous aggregate

material. Most of the quartz originated from sili­

ceous organisms.

SEM observation and EDX analysis

Crystalline manganese oxides were recognized in
the steel-grey, metallic-lustred band at locality 2 p M

(Fig. Sa). The crystals appear to have a tetragonal

prismatic habit and are less than 10 !A-m in length.
A semiquantitative energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)
analysis of these crystals does not show elements
Pyrolusite crystal
other than manganese (Fig. 9). Based on the above
evidence and XRD analysis the crystals are identified
as pyrolusite. Pyrolusite sometimes occurs in small
voids among the amorphous aggregates of manganese
oxides. Microcrystalline aggregates of pyrolusite
frequently show dimensions equivalent to the
spherular aggregates of amorphous manganese
oxides (Fig. Sb). p

Amorphous manganese oxides with todorokite-like M

composition n

Two morphological types of amorphous aggregates
of manganese oxides were observed under the 5. 020
SEM (Figs 10a,b). One type is a lepisphere-like,
spherular aggregate with a diameter of 10-15 !A-m. Fig. 9. Energy dispersive X-ray semiquantitative analysis
of the Mineoka Umber.
The spherular aggregate consists of micron-scale
curly ribbons or meshes, resembling todorokite in
deep-sea manganese nodules reported by Iizasa
(1988). The other type is a wafer-like aggregate

Fig. 10. Scanning electron

micrograph of aggregates of
amorphous calcic manganese oxides
in the metalliferous umber. Sample
No. 2-1 of locality 2. (A) Spherular
aggregates. (B) Wafer-like
84 A. lijima et a/.

which consists of septa that are arranged subparallel different arrays (see Table 1). In the strata-bound
to each other in intervals of less than 5 r-tm. This type umber and pipe-filling umber, the MnO: Mn02 ratio
of aggregate is rather uncommon when compared has a range from 0·21-1· 94.
with the spherular aggregates.
The semiquantitative EDX analysis reveals that
REE d istribution pattern
both types of amorphous aggregates have the same
chemical composition. As shown in Fig. 8, the The result ofiNAA is shown in Table 1 and Fig. 11.
amorphous aggregates consist mainly of manganese The three specimens generally have a slightly heavy
with a significant amount of calcium (several per­ rare earth element (HREE)-depleted pattern. The
cent). Small peaks of silicon, aluminium and mag­ concentrations of the lanthanides, except for cerium,
nesium are probably at background level. decrease upwards from the lower metalliferous
The chemical composition of these aggregates umber to the overlying shale through the upper
can be estimated from the bulk composition of the argillaceous umber, and are much hjgher than those
pyrolusite-free metalliferous umber, assuming that of the North American Shale Composite (Haskin &
each of the oxides results from the umber-forming Haskin, 1966). In contrast, the concentration of
constituent minerals (Table 3). It is estimated that cerium increases upwards, resulting in a strongly
approximately half of the water content is due to the negative cerium anomaly for the Mineoka Umber.
presence of goethite, and that the remaining half is The REE pattern of the Mineoka Umber is very
associated with montmorillonite. Therefore, the simjlar to that of the Cyprus Umber reported by
composition of the amorphous aggregates is roughly Robertson & Fleet (1976), although the con­
estimated to be 15·52% Mn02, 0·85% MnO and centrations of the lanthanides are much higher in
1·07% CaO, which are normalized to 8 9·0% Mn02, Mineoka than in Cyprus.
4· 9% MnO and 6·1% CaO. The CaO content is
probably a maximum value, because small amounts
Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of
of CaO may contribute to montmorillonite and
associated calcites
apatite(?). This estimation is consistent with the
result of the EDX analysis. The MnO: Mn02 The micritic calcites of the Shirataki limestone have
ratio of the amorphous aggregates is variable, as can 01 CroB values of +0· 9% and + 1·1%o (Table 4),
be seen in the values for the bulk composition of suggesting a marine planktonic origin. In contrast,

Table 3. Estimation of the chemical composition (in percentages) of amorphous calcic manganese oxides in the
metalliferous segment of the Mineoka Umber at locality 2

Bulk composition of the metalliferous umber (sample No. 2-1)

Si02 8·61 Essentially montmorillonite

Ti02 0·40
Alz03 4·31 Montmorillonite
Fez03 54·27 Essentially goethite
FeO <0·1
Mn02 15·52 Essentially amorphous aggregates
MnO 0·85 Essentially amorphous aggregates
MgO 1·30 Montmorillonite
CaO 1·07 Largely amorphous aggregates
Na20 0·13 Montmorillonite
KzO 0·79 Montmorillonite
HzO (+, -) 12·20 Goethite (6·1%) and montmorillonite (approximately 6·0%)
PzOs 0·89 ?
Total 100·34

Composition of the amorphous calcic manganese oxides is roughly estimated as follows:

Mn02 1 5·52 89·0
MnO 0·85 4·9
CaO 1·07 (maximum) 6·1
Total 1 7-44 100·0
Mineoka Umber, Japan 85


1- 1000 1\
Cl \ J .......
Fig. 1 1 . The chondrite-normalized 0
� -

concentrations of REEs in the u 1
metalliferous umber (1 = sample w
--' 100
No. 2-2), the argillaceous umber
(2 = sample No. 2-5) and the
-----\fl- --- - - --
------ - ' � ,__ 2

overlying ferruginous shale (3 en -- - �· 3

-- -
sample No. Sh-1) at locality 2. The - --
North American Shale Composite
---·--- --- --- _____N_
(N) is shown for comparison. La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu

Table 4. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of calcites in the Mineoka Umber and the Shirataki limestone

013CPDB (%o) 01R0PDB (%o) Temperature (0C)

Pore-cement calcite in the

inner part of the umber pipe -14·3 -9-4 60·1
Veined calcite in the
inner part of the umber pipe
(1) -17·9 -10-4 66·5
(2) -20-4 -8·5 54·5
Veined calcite in the outer
part of the umber pipe -16-4 -10·6 67·9
Calcite in micritic limestone
of the Shirataki Formation
(1) 1·1 -7·3
(2) 0·9 -10·6

the sparry calcites with a nearly pure composition in significant differences in the oxygen isotopic com­
veins and cements of the umber-filled pipe have position of the calcites were recognized between
613CPDB values of -14· 3 to -20·4%o which are cement and veins, nor between the inner and outer
much lower than those of the limestone (Table 4). parts of the pipe. Temperatures of the hydrothermal
These 613 C-depleted calcites precipitated in the water from which the calcites precipitated can be
pipe approximately 5 m below the seafloor and calculated from the 6180 values of the calcites,
indicate a hydrothermal origin. assuming that the hydrothermal water would be
The 6180p08 values of the micritic calcites heated Eocene seawater with a 6180 value of -1·2%o
are -7· 3 and -10·6%o, much lower than those of SMOW (Savin & Yeh, 19 8 1), and that the calcites
the older Tertiary marine planktonic fossils. The did not recrystallize in the course of diagenesis. The
Shirataki limestone recrystallized at temperatures temperatures calculated are 55-68°C.
approximately between 80 and 120°C during burial
diagenesis. This is inferred from zone III (analcime­
quartz) of the zeolitic burial diagenesis of the inter­
calated silicic vitric tuff (Iijima, 1986). The original
Hydrothermal origin
oxygen isotopic composition of microfossil calcites
most probably changed during recrystallization. The aforementioned geologic occurrence of the
The sparry calcites in the umber-filled pipe possess Mineoka U mber strongly suggests formation during
0180ros values of -8·4 to -10·6%o (Table 4). No hydrothermal activity which followed middle Eocene
86 A. Jijima et al.

submarine basaltic volcanism. Direct evidence ably much greater than the 18 mm/ 103 a for the
for the hydrothermal origin is the existence of the hemipelagic biogenic sediments from the Shirataki
umber-filled pipe at locality 3 (the limoriyama Formation, because planktonic organisms such as
Quarry), because the pipe undoubtedly acted as a radiolarian skeletons are rarely found, even in the
conduit for the hydrothermal water. It is interesting shale.
that the thickness of the metalliferous umber is The pyrolusite of the steel-grey, metallic-lustred
1600 mm and more above the conduit, decreasing to bands appears to have crystallized from the spherular
1200 mm at locality 2 (570 m southeast of locality 3). aggregates of the amorphous manganese oxides,
The REE patterns in both the lower metalliferous because a transitional morphology between the
and upper argillaceous segments of the Mineoka spherular aggregates and the microcrystalline pyro­
Umber are characterized by a strong negative cerium lusite was observed under the SEM (Fig. 8b).
anomaly. ln contrast, REE patterns in deep-sea Pyrolusite generally forms under more oxidizing
iron-manganese nodules, particularly from greater conditions when compared with the amorphous
than 3500 m depth, show a strong positive cerium aggregates of calcic manganese oxides, which still
anomaly (Piper, 1974). Oceanic deep waters, pelagic contain variable amounts of MnO. The MnO: Mn02
biogenic sediments and pelagic authigenic minerals ratio in the strata-bound metalliferous umber de­
such as phillipsite are cerium-depleted (Piper, creases from 0 77 to 1·94 at locality 3, where the

1974). Matsumoto et al. (1985) investigated the con­ pipe-filling umber exists, to 0·05-0·15 at locality 2,
centrations of REEs in Pacific pelagic sediments and where small amounts of pyrolusite occur. Pyrolusite
pointed out that red and brown clays with very slow dominates at locality 1 (Tasaki et al., 1980), which is
sedimentation rates in the central Pacific have normal most distant from locality 3. It is therefore concluded
or even slightly cerium-enriched patterns, whereas that the conditions became more oxidizing with in­
red metalliferous clays on the East Pacific Rise show creasing distance from the conduit at locality 3.
a strong negative cerium anomaly. Matsumoto et al. The ratios between manganese and iron oxides
attributed the strong negative cerium anomaly of the in the metalliferous umber are comparable in the
metalliferous clays to their submarine hydrothermal different localities: 0·24-0·33 at locality 2 and
origin. We therefore interpret the strongly cerium­ 0·19-0·35 at locality 3. Consequently, a separation
depleted patterns of the Mineoka Umber to be of manganese and iron during precipitation has not
indicative for a submarine hydrothermal origin. At been identified.
least the basal part of the overlying chocolate-brown,
spicule-rich and ferruginous shale seems also to be
Site of d eposition
affected by the hydrothermal water, considering the
high REE concentrations in this part of the section. The Mineoka Umber was deposited on a submarine
There are also similarities in the REE pattern when volcanic ridge during the Eocene. The ridge ex­
compared with the umber, regardless of the slight tended from the southern Boso Peninsula to central
negative cerium anomaly. Abundant spicules in the Shizuoka in the Mineoka- Kobotoke-Setogawa
shale suggest that a school of sponges fed on the Tectonic Belt (Fig. 1). At Setodani, in the Setogawa
nutrient-rich warm water, which can be seen as terrain, a small lenticular body of ferruginous umber
additional support for a hydrothermal origin for the of 500 x 200 mm size occurs in a radiolarian black
umber. shale of the Takisawa Formation, about 10m above
The sparry calcites filling pores and contraction a basaltic pillow lava (Table 2). The Setogawa
cracks in the umber pipe precipitated from hydro­ Umber consists of microcrystalline aggregates of
thermal water at 55-6 8°C, as calculated from their hematite, chlorite and limited quartz, which suggest
6180 values. The temperature of the metal-carrying a diagenetic modification. The Setogawa Umber has
hydrothermal solution that preceded the calcite­ also been interpreted to have formed by submarine
precipitating water was probably much higher hydrothermal activity following the basaltic
(>100°C). The amorphous aggregates of colloidal volcanism (lijima et a/., 1981).
calcic manganese oxides of the Mineoka Umber There are two different theories for the ongm
suggest rapid precipitation when the manganese­ of submarine pillow basalts of the Mineoka­
enriched hot solution mixed with the cold seawater. Kobotoke-Setogawa Tectonic Belt:
The rate of sedimentation for the Mineoka Umber 1 accretion of the oceanic crust (Ogawa &
and the overlying chocolate-brown shale was prob- Taniguchi, 1988); and
Mineoka Umber, Japan 87

2 an arc volcanic ridge. The following points favour ACKNOWLEDGEM ENTS

the arc volcanic ridge theory: (a) the bulk chemical
composition of the pillow basalt from the Kamogawa This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-aid
Formation matches that of the island arc tholeiites for Cooperative Research (A) from the Ministry
(Arai & Uchida, 1 978); (b) the distribution patterns of Education, Science and Culture (Project No.
of minor and trace elements in the tholeiite of the 60303010). We are indebted to the Chiba-Kenzai
Kamogawa Formation and in the alkali basalt of the I ndustrial Company for permission to collect the
Setogawa terrain coincide with those of island arc umber samples. We are grateful to S. Roy, B.R.
basalts (Watanabe, 1989); (c) a dacitic tuff, >60 m Bolton and J.R. Hein for their invaluable dis­
thick, is closely associated with basalts of the cussion and comments at the lAS ISOSRMD Beijing
Kamogawa Formation in the Mineoka Hills. On meeting. Our thanks are due to J. Parnell, A.H. F.
Kuroshima Isle at the base of the pier of the Robertson and B. Pracejus for critical reading of the
Kamogawa fishing port and in the north of Wada, it typescript, H. Haramura for wet chemical analysis,
changes to a lapilli tuff/tuff breccia, suggesting that H. Matsuda for isotopic analysis, R. Matsumoto for
it erupted on the basaltic volcanic ridge ; (d) two advice on interpretation of the isotopic compositions,
tectonic blocks composed of crystalline schists and and T. Fukuhara for preparing the typescript.
amphibolite crop out at the Kamogawa fishing port.
The pelitic to psammitic biotite schist consists of
biotite, quartz, microcline and plagioclase (Kanehira R E F E RENCES
et al. , 1968), and its K/ Ar age is 38 Ma (Yoshida,
1974). Moreover, a large float of mylonitized and ARAI, S. & UcHIDA, T. (1978) Highly magnesian dunite
albitized biotite granite has recently been found on from the Mineoka Belt, central Japan. J. Japan. Ass.
Min. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 73, 176-179 .
Kainagisa Beach in the south of the Kamogawa
fishing port. The biotite schist and mylonitized (1972) The origin o f ferromanganese sediments associ­
granite are considered to have formed the basement ated with the Troodos Massif of Cyprus. Sedimentology
of the arc volcanic ridge and to have been uplifted 19, 1 -19.

together with ultramafic rock masses. We therefore HASKIN , L.A. & HASKIN, M.A. (1966) Rare earths
in European shale: a redetermination. Science 145,
conclude that the Mineoka Umber accumulated on 507-509.
the arc volcanic ridge in the suprasubduction zone lmMA, A. (1986) Occurrence of natural zeolites. Clay Sci.
off the Japanese continental arc during the Eocene, 26, 90-103.
when the Sea of Japan was not yet open, except for a IuiMA, A. , MATSUMOTO, R. & IGUCHI, T. (1981) Occurrence
and properties of the Setogawa 'Umber'. Abstracts
late Oligocene embayment in the south (Iijima
Paper, Geol. Soc. Japan, 235.
et al., 1988). A very similar setting is now postulated liHMA, A. , TADA, R. & WATANABE, Y. (1988) Devel­
for the Troodos, Oman and Baer-Bassit settings. opments of Neogene sedimentary basins in the North­
However they are primitive arcs built up before the eastern Honshu Arc with emphasis on Miocene siliceous
genesis of major calc-alkaline edifices (Robertson & deposits. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo , Section II , 2 1 ,
417- 446.
Fleet, 1986). lUIMA, A., WATANABE, Y . & MATSUMOTO, R. (1984) Geo­
logic age of the Setogawa-Mineoka Tectonic Belt. In:
Biostratigraphy and International Correlation of the
CONCLUSION Paleogene System in Japan (Ed. by T. Saito & H. Okade),
pp. 69-74. Yamagata Univ., Yamagata.
IlZASA, K. (1988) Metasomatism in manganese
The Mineoka Umber, which is mainly composed of nodules. Bull. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 7, 21-24.
manganese oxides and hydrated ferric oxides, KANEHIRA, K. , OKJ, Y . , SANADA s . , YAKOU, K. &
formed during submarine hydrothermal activity that ISHIKAWA, F. (1968) Tectonic blocks of metamorphic
followed basaltic volcanism. It was deposited at the rocks at Kamogawa, southern Boso Peninsula. J. Geol.
Soc. Japan, 74, 529 - 534.
foot of an arc volcanic ridge in the suprasubduction KARPOFF, A.M., WALTER, A.V. & PFLUMIO, C. (1988)
zone off the Japanese continental arc during the Metalliferous sediments within lava sequences of
Eocene, when the Sea of Japan was not yet open. the Sumail Ophiolite (Oman) : Mineralogical and geo­
The temperature of the metal-carrying solution was chemical characterization, origin and evolution. Tec­
tonophysics , 1 5 1 , 223-245.
probably much higher than the 55-68°C of the
MATSUMOTO, R . , MINAI, Y. & IIHMA, A. (1985) Manganese
metal-free water from which calcite precipitated in content, cerium anomaly, and rate of sedimentation as
pores and cracks of the conduit-filling umber. aids in the characterization and classification of deep-sea
88 A. Iijima et al.

sediments. I n : Formation of Active Ocean Margins (Ed. ROBERTSON , A.H.F. & HuDSON , J.D. ( 1973) Cyprus
by N. Nasu). pp. 913-939. Terrapub, Tokyo. umbers: chemical precipitates on a Tethyan ocean ridge.
OGAWA, Y. & TANIGUCHI, H. (1988) Geology and tectonics Earth Planet. Sci. Letts, 18, 93-101.
of the Miura - Boso Peninsulas and the adj acent area. SAVIN, S . M. & YEH , H . W . ( 1981) Stable istopes in
Mod. Ceo!. 12, 147-168. ocean sediments. I n : The Sea. The Oceanic Lithosphere ,
PIPER, D.Z. ( 1974) Rare earth elements in the sedimentary Vol. 7 (Ed . by C. Emiliani) , pp. 1521- 1554. Wiley­
cycle: a summary. Chemical Ceo!. 14, 285-304. lnterscience, New York.
RoBERTSON, A.H.F. ( 1975) Cyprus Umbers: basalt­ SuzuKI, Y . , KoNDO, K. & SAITO, H. ( 1984) Latest Eocene
sediment relationships on a Mesozoic oceanic ridge. J. planktonic foraminifers from the Mineoka Group, Boso
Ceo/. Soc. Land. 131, 51 1-531. Peninsula. J. geol. Soc. Japan 90, 497-499.
ROBERTSON, A.H.F. & BoY LE, ] .F. ( 1983) Tectonic setting TASAKI, K . , INOMATA, M. & TASAKI, K. ( 1980) Umbers
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Centres (Ed. by P.A. Rona) , pp. 595-663. NATO. 413-416.
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RoBERTSON , A.H.F. & FLEET, A.J. ( 1976) The origins of Setogawa- Kobotoke - Mineoka Tectonic Belt, central
rare earths in metalliferous sediments of the Troodos Japan. Unpubl. PhD Thesis, Geological I nstitute, Univ.
Massif, Cyprus. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts 28, 385-394. Tokyo.
ROBERTSON , A.H.F. & FLEET, A.J. ( 1986) Geochemistry YosHIDA, Y. (1974) Discovery of foraminifers from the
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sediments from the Late Cretaceous Oman Ophiolite. Japan , 233, 30-36.
Marine Petrol. Ceol. 3, 315-338.
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. ( 1990) 1 1 , 89-108

Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of manganese-iron crusts

on the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640, Cape Verde Plate, Atlantic

l. M . V A R E N T S O V*, V . A . D R I T S*, and A .I. G O R S CH K O Vj

*Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 7 Pyzhevsky per. , 109017 Moscow, USSR; "1nstitut e of
Ore Geology and Mineralogy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 35 Staromonetny per. , 109017 Moscow,


Manganese-iron oxyhydroxide encrustations overgrow and impregnate hydrothermally phosphatized

Middle Eoce;1e limestones, which blanket the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 (the Rocett Seamount) on
the Cape Verde plate. In chemical composition, the manganese-iron crusts are transitional between
hydrothermal and hydrogenetic types . The major minerals are iron vernadite and manganese feroxyhyte.
The presence of goethite, mixed-layered asbolane-buserite, magnesium asbolane, and birnessite in the
crusts is interpreted as a result of postdepositional transformations of the initial manganese-iron
oxyhydroxide material.


Manganese- iron oxyhydroxide crusts occur on the the Rocett Seamount) is situated about 750 km
surface of seamounts, guyots, ridges and various west- southwest of the rise of the Cape Verde
rises on the ocean floor. There is a definite distinction Islands, a large volcanic structure of the Cape Verde
between the manganese - iron oxyhydroxide crusts plate composed of oceanic crust of early Cenozoic
of hydrothermal origin and hydrogenetic origin , (Palaeogene) age. The base of the Bezymiannaya
which is evident i n the geological settings o f the Seamount 640 lies at depths of 4500- 5000 m, and
deposits and their structure, mineralogy and geo­ the top of the seamount is at 640 m. This rise is a
chemical characteristics (Crorian, 1976; Toth , 1980; submeridionally oriented block of oceanic crust
Cronan et a/ . , 1 982; Varentsov et a/ . , 1983 ; Aplin & about 74 km long. According to subsea photography
Cronan, 1985; Thompson et a/., 1 985; Lalou et a/., and sample collection , the seamount surface is
1986; Carlo et a/ . , 1 987). The most common, how­ covered with moderately lithified limestones of
ever, are the manganese-iron encrustations formed lower Middle Eocene age. Moreover, the lime­
as a combined accumulation of components of dif­ stones exhibit an increasingly shallow-water
ferent genesis. An important problem in the miner­ character towards the top of the seamount. The
alogy and geochemistry of oceanic manganese-iron hydrothermal alteration of limestones irregularly
ore formation is the objective and substantiated esti­ increases in the same direction (recrystallizatio n ,
mation of the contribution of hydrothermal and silicification, phosphatization, etc) . The intensity
hydrogenetic sources. of formation of the manganese- iron oxyhydroxide
The studies described here were based on crusts increases from the middle part of the slopes
materials collected during the first cruise of towards the top (Fig. 1 ) .
RV 'Akademik Nikolai Strakhov' and on the
data of geological - geophysical studies on the METHODOLOGY
Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. The samples were
collected by a dredge and a shovel sampler. The samples were studied in thin section under the
The Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 (on some maps: microscope, and by X-ray diffraction and other

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 89

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
90 I. M. Varentsov, V . A . Drits and A./. Gorschkov


5 15 25 35 45 47.41 km

lt'\�;e1h �2 �31tli141e¥1s
r 16 !II]y rz=lal-· _:_.=-Jgjv v v 11o
Fig. 1. Sublatitudinal lithological profile across the central part of the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. Arrows show stations
of sample collection (dredge). (1) Biogenic limestone: (2) biogenic limestone with relatively weak alteration; (3) altered
limestone; (4) altered limestone, rudaceous; (5) altered limestone with manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts on bedding
planes; (6) manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts; (7) modern coral structures; (8) foraminiferal sand; (9) silty mud; and
(10) basalt.

physical methods of analysis (Varentsov et al., 1989). hydroxide minerals discussed below are given in a
The study of mineral composition was much more previous paper (Varentsov et al., 1989 ) .
effective using electron microdiffraction, in combi­ 1 Station 34 was set up on the eastern slope of the
nation with microprobe energy dispersive X-ray Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 with coordinates
(EDX) analysis. 1 5°51-0'N, 36°07 ·0'W 1 5°50·0'N , 36°08·0'W; the
The chemical composition of samples was deter­ depth interval was 2 100- 1400 m. Blocks of altered
mined by classical wet chemical analysis combined phosphatized limestone were torn off the parent
with the plasma spectroscopy of small masses (about deposit and collected; they are covered with a crust
0· 1 g) . Heavy metals and trace elements were de­ 50- 100 mm thick and intensively impregnated by
termined by emission spectroscopy. High concen­ manganese - iron oxyhydroxides. Samples 1 -34-D-1-
trations of cobalt, antimony and silver were deter­ 1 1 5-(A) (Fig. 2a) and 1-35-D-1 1 5-(2) (Fig. 3a) were
mined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. selected for detailed study of mineralogy and
geochemistry as characteristic manganese -iron
crusts and typical substrate rocks.
GEOLOGICAL SETTING, STRUCTURE, 2 Station 38 (Fig. 1) is located at the top western
AND MINERAL COMPOSITION part of the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 with coor­
dinates 1 5°51-s'N and 36°09·7'W. Blocks of deeply
Three stations (34, 38 and 39) were selected for altered bioclastic limestones were torn from the
the study of m ineralogy and geochemistry of parent rock; they are up to 400 mm in size with an
manganese - iron oxyhydroxide crusts and of changes uneven lumpy surface covered with crust growths of
in the substrate rocks (Fig. 1 ) . The description of manganese- iron oxyhydroxides.
samples, hauled at these stations, and their mineral 3 Station 39 (Fig. 1) is at the top of the Bezymian­
compositions are given in the captions to Figs 2a,b naya Seamount 640. A plate-like block (200 x
and 3a,b. Moreover, the structural and crystallo­ 700 mm) was broken off the parent deposit by a
chemical characteristics of the manganese- iron oxy- dredge; the block is composed of manganese - iron
Manganese- iron crusts, Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 91


Fig. 2. (a) Structure of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust on altered substrate, a recrystallized, phosphatized limestone.
Sample 1-34-D-1-115-(A), the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. a, the upper finely botryoidal crust (40 mm), black
manganese-iron oxyhydroxides with ochre (iron oxyhydroxides) and white cavities filled mainly with relict material
residual after limestone dissolution . The material is mostly represented by manganese feroxyhyte, iron vernadite and
subordinate quantities of goethite. b, relics of substrate represented by white recrystallized phosphatized limestone. c,
black, dull, sooty manganese-iron oxyhydroxides impregnating substrate (40-80 mm) . They are represented mostly by
iron vernadite, manganese feroxyhyte and subordinate amounts of goethite. The presence of relict patchy areas of the
substrate is characteristic (see b ) . d, patches and lens-like areas of ochrous material which is a rather early product of
substitution (b ) embedded in the mass of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides (c). They are represented by goethite,
manganese feroxyhyte, an almost isotropic iron X-phase, probably vernadite, calcite, with admixtures of kaolinite, traces
of chlorite, francolite and hydroxyl apatite.
(b) Structure of crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides on altered substrate, a hydrothermally reworked (intensively
phosphatized) limestone. Sample 1-39-D-126, the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. a, the upper crust of manganese-iron
oxyhydroxides with rough botryoidal surface (20 mm). The material contains mostly iron vernadite and manganese
feroxyhyte with an admixture of goethite. b, a part of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust with microlayered structure
(10-15 mm). Iron vernadite dominates with a somewhat subordinate amount of manganese feroxyhyte and admixture of
goethite. c, a shiny, massive, dense, rather homogeneous material of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides (10-20 mm)
composed predominantly of iron vernadite with lesser amounts of manganese feroxyhyte, admixture of goethite, and rather
small quantities of mixed-layered asbolane-buserite. d, intensively reworked material of initial limestone almost entirely
composed of phosphates; it is locally intensively impregnated and substituted by manganese-iron oxyhydroxides (20 mm).
d-1, phosphate (hydroxyl apatite and francolite) interlayer intensively impregnated by manganese-iron oxyhydroxides
(10 mm). e, the lower crust composed of loose sooty manganese-iron oxyhydroxides (20 mm). Iron vernadite and
manganese feroxyhyte dominate with admixture of goethite and very small amounts of mixed-layered asbolane-buserite.
No 1-34-D-115 (2)
AVTi svn Mnfrt Fefri Pk
mm u 20 �0 0 20 ..0 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 2
. . . .

�, �2
003 00�
� 5 -6
���8'17 � 6

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lvv "v"v"[

l"v"v"v"v"v"f 1=®�1\3
: I : : :
B EJ (0,132 ["v "[


tye§\.�1 El
El 0,09 �

� 0,054 tzJ 6

El � 0,064 � B
(b) ' Al/Ti Si/Ti Mn/Ti Fe/Ti /
(I.) 0
P Ti
mm 0 2.5 50 7� 5.0 10.0 15.0 20,0 0 10.0 300 0 20,0 �0.0 0 20,0 40.0 0 400 BOO
r-t'"?X y 'II""' � ·· .. II ;;;: ww.-��- MI A ' I
' ' '
IX:'J&v.'bv')(] be>;;!X.;oq ' ' I ' ' I

�1 �2

coH 1 x.
x x x
X X X fR X X X j,J/ZlJ ))1 �
x x
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x �8 �

x x x x x x x x x x

X yoH r - APT
�788 1)5
�10 ;:s

� ���*! _o:;
� 11 p* 12 i;);j

0,635 ;:s


Fig. 3. (a) Distribution of values of ratios AI: Ti, Si: Ti, Mn : Ti, Fe: Ti and P: Ti in the components of a crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides and in the

altered substrate, an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone. Sample 1-34-D-115-(2) (Table 1); the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. Mineral ;::!
composition: (1) The upper crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides. Manganese feroxyhyte and iron vernadite dominate with subordinate amounts of goethite
and traces of quartz. (2) The lower crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides. The major components are manganese feroxyhyte and iron vernadite with subordinate ;;
amounts of goethite and admixture of mixed-layered asbolane-buserite. (3) Altered cream-coloured rock (phosphatized limestone) confined in the limestone 0\
mass. The material is represented by calcite and francolite with admixture of hydroxyl apatite. (4) Altered cream-coloured fragments of breccia (recrystallized �
phosphatized limestone with admixture of kaolinite and siliceous material). Major components are calcite with admixture of kaolinite, traces of mica, chlorite,
francolite and hydroxyl apatite. (5) Phosphatized basalts, the Cruiser Seamount (Table 1). (6) Iron vernadite. (7) Manganese feroxyhyte. (8) Goethite. (9) Mixed­
layered asbolane-buserite. (10) Calcite. (11) Francolite. (12) Hydroxyl apatite. (13) Kaolinite.
(b) Distribution of values of ratios AI: Ti, Si: Ti, Mn: Ti, Fe : Ti and P: Ti in the components of a crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides and in the altered
substrate, an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone. Sample 1-38-D-124; the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. Mineral composition: (1) The upper crust
of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides (2-15 mm). The major phases are iron vernadite, manganese feroxyhyte, magnesium asbolane with subordinate amounts of
mixed-layered asbolane-buserite and admixture of goethite and traces of birnessite. (2) The lower crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides (2-15 mm). It is mostly
composed of iron vernadite with subordinate quantities of manganese feroxyhyte and asbolane-buserite and admixture of goethite. (3) Light grey-cream-coloured
material of the general mass of altered rock (intensively phosphatized limestone). The major components are francolite, hydroxyl apatite, admixture of calcite and
probably farringtonite (?). (4, 5) As (3). (6, 7) Buff-coloured veinlets of phosphate pigmented by iron oxyhydroxides. The major components are hydroxyl apatite
and francolite with probable admixture of hureauLite and brushite. (8) Iron vernadite. (9) Manganese feroxyhyte. (10) Magnesium asbolane. (11) Mixed-layered
asbolane-buserite. (12) Goethite. (13) Birnessite. (14) Hydroxyl apatite and fancolite. VJ
94 I. M. Varentsov, V.A. Drits and A.!. Gorschkov

oxyhydroxides (80-90% ). The middle part of the ganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust accumulations
plate contains finely grained phosphatized rock with belong to deposits whose appearance was essentially
typical white, rose- and orange-coloured patches affected by hydrothermal processes. At later stages,
and local patches of unaltered bioclastic limestone these deposits experienced a hydrogenetic influence,
(Fig. 2b). as distinctly shown in the trend of the continuum
from hydrothermal deposits to hydrogenetic ones
(Fig. 4).

Distribution of titanium, aluminium and silicon The manganese : iron ratios

It has been established that in manganese - iron The manganese: iron ratios in oxyhydroxide growths
oxyhydroxide crusts of hydrogenetic origin (Ridout vary within a limited range and normally are close to
et al. , 1984; Aplin & Cronan , 1985; Hein et a!., 1 · 0 (Tables 1 and 2; Fig. 5). In the studied samples
1988) the titanium content reaches 0·34-0·48% , the lower or bottom crusts are either slightly more
whereas in the hydrothermal manganese - iron oxy­ ferruginous than the upper ones or insignificantly
hydroxides (Cronan, 1976; Toth, 1980; Varentsov et different.
a/ . , 1983) the titanium concentration is no more than It should be emphasized that laterally the total
0 · 1 % (at aluminium up to 0· 1 -0·3% ) . In the ana­ manganese content of crusts increases towards the
lysed crusts the content of titanium changes from 0·6 top of the seamount accompanied by the general
to 1 · 1 % and that of aluminium reaches 2·43% . In rather deep substitution and intensive development
the light of these data, the higher titanium and of oxyhydroxide phases. Thus, about three-quarters
aluminium values characterize them as residual from of the initially limestone plate (Fig. 5) is made up of
the dissolution of the substrate. This conclusion is manganese and iron compounds, the remaining part
on the whole also true for silicon (Figs 3a,b; Tables 1 being composed of the phosphate material which
and 2). There is a well-defined tendency for the almost entirely substitutes the bioclastic limestone.
intensity of accumulation of manganese- iron oxy­
hydroxide growths to increase towards the top of the
The distribution of ratios Ni : Mn, Cu : Fe, Ba : Ti
seamount. The thickness of manganese -iron oxy­
hydroxide growths is directly controlled by the in­ The behaviour of heavy metals in the process of
tensity of hydrothermal alteration of limestone and crust formation can be illustrated by the distribution
its phosphatization which develops irregularly and of Ni : Mn and Cu: Fe ratios in the crusts. This
by patches, as shown in Figs 2 and 3. distribution is characterized by the absence of any
considerable variations, as can be shown by the
representative example near the top station 39
Analysis of aluminium-manganese relationships
(Fig. 1 ) where manganese, iron and phosphate
The analysis of aluminium-manganese relationships mineralization are most intensive.
(Tables 1 and 2; Fig. 4) and their comparisons with Unlike heavy metals, the B a : Ti distribution
data on hydrothermal and hydrogenetic crusts and clearly shows an increase in this ratio from the
nodules allow us to identify three major genetic surface layers to the lower parts of the crust on the
fields from the correlation diagram: (I) the field of boundary with the phosphatized substrate , for ex­
hydrothermal accumulations with extensive vari­ ample in sample 1-39-D-126 (Fig. 5) . As in the
ations of manganese-iron contents but extremely manganese-iron crusts from the Krylov Seamount,
low aluminium concentrations, less than 0·25% also situated on the Cape Verde Abyssal Plate of the
(Cronan, 1976; Toth, 1980; Cronan et al., 1982; eastern Atlantic (Varentsov et al., 1989), such re­
Varentsov et al. , 1983); (II) the field of points lations may imply the lessening of the role of hydro­
corresponding to manganese-iron oxyhydroxide thermal components in ore-bearing solutions, which
deposits of the intermediate group between the are mixtures of hydrothermal water and seawater, at
hydrothermal and hydrogenetic crusts; (III) the the late stages of accumulation.
field of hydrogenetic crusts whose boundary is drawn
tentatively along the line of the aluminium concen­
Analyses of nickel-manganese relationships
tration value of more than 2·5% . Therefore , accord­
ing to aluminium- manganese relations, the man- From the analysis of nickel-manganese relation-
Table 1. Chemical composition of manganese-iron crusts and the altered substrate (an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone): samples 1-34-D-1-115-(A); 1-34-D-115-(2); the
Bezymiannaya Seamount 640; and of alkalic basaltoids of the subsea Cruiser Rise, Cape Verde Plate, eastern Atlantic (major components: wt%; heavy metals: ppm)

Sample 1-34-D-1-115-(A) l-34-D-115-(2) Cruiser Seamount

Component a b c d a b c d 2 4 6 7 8

Si 1·457 2·414 0·948 10·816 1·733 1-485 0·658 4·128 16·168 17-335 9·317 9·826 12·646
Ti 0·839 0·078 1·012 0·623 1·003 0·839 0·012 0·108 1·677 1·725 1-414 0·91 1·725
AI 1·09 1-19 0·984 3·544 1·264 1-428 0·587 2·343 8·157 8·205 5·517 4-772 8·131
Fe (total) 18·345 1·021 13-575 14·89 16·925 18·471 0·2798 1·322 15·762 12·98 13·908 13·91 17·153
Mn (total) 16·889 0·31 12·7 10·207 16·913 16·301 0·194 0·279 0·108 0·093 0·186 0·403 0·155
Mg 1·152 0·88 1-14 1·387 1·315 1·345 0·386 0·808 2·466 2·714 1·236 1·236 0·494
Ca 2·209 34·034 11·133 1·716 2·567 1·952 37·051 30·774 4·683 6·921 16-481 16·688 6·099
p 0·271 0·323 0·546 0·362 0·34 0·34 3·073 0·253 0·55 0·681 4·679 4-452 1·397
Na 1·091 0·378 1·469 1-195 1·573 1·247 0·297 0·252 2·404 1·974 1-491 1·603 2·1
K 0·274 0·241 0·208 0·697 0·232 0·241 0·116 0·49 0·697 0·697 0·739 0·78 0·863
Fe3+ - - - - - -
13-904 11·449 11·498 11·715 16-492
Fe2+ - 1·858 1·531 2·4096 2·192 0·661
Mn2+ 0·139 0·341 0·07 0·163 0·108
Mn4+ 16·752 12·36 10·155 16·752 16·196
Ba 0·116 0·009 0·081 0·072 0·108 0·116 0·125 0·018
Ni 0·22 0·008 0·157 0·252 0·212 0·354 0·008 0·016
Cr <65 <65 <65 <65 <65 <65 <65 <65
v 350 <50 315 310 300 370 <50 <50
Cu 120 <65 <65 230 140 200 <65 <65
Co >1000 135 >1000 >1000 >100 >1000 <50 78
Co* 7385 103·0 9157 2150 80·0 6425 14·3 60·7
Pb >1000 <50 = 1000 410 >1000 >1000 <50 <50
Ga <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 <55
Mo >110·0 6-4 >110·0 >110·0 >110·0 >110·0 6·0 6·3
Mn:Fe 0·92 0·30 0·94 0·69 1·00 0·88 0·69 0·21
Sb* 49-4 63-1 52·8
Ag* 0·52 0·22 -

The characteristics of components of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts and of the substrate, a hydrothermally phosphatized limestone, samples 1-34-D-1-115-(A), 1-34-D-115-(2), are given
in captions to Figs 2a, 3a.
The chemical composition of hydrothermally altered, phosphatized alkaline basaltoids from the Cruiser Seamount, eastern Atlantic, is also given for comparison; samples 2,4,6,7,8 (data by
B.P. Zolotarev and Y.A. Eroschev-Shak).
* Determinations by instrumental neutron activation analysis.

Table 2. Chemical composition of iron-manganese crusts and of altered substrate (an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone); samples 1-38-D-
124: 1-39-D-126; the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640, Cape Verde Plate, eastern Atlantic (major components: wt%; heavy metals: ppm)

Sample 1-38-D-124 1-39-D-126

Component a b c d a b c d e

Si 0·602 0·85 0·299 1·196 0·99 0·794 0·822 1·597 1·139

Ti 0·635 0·701 0·018 0·03 0·928 0·701 0·635 0·252 1·03 :--
AI 0·926 1·016 0-460 0·783 0·92 0·577 0·608 1·106 1·01 s:
Fe (total) 13·275 15·135 0·546 6·064 17·198 14·534 15·282 5·861 15·988
Mn (total) 21·022 20·705 0·194 0·317 18·003 20·937 20·975 4·327 18·22 �
Mg 1·592 1·658 0·507 0·627 1·254 1·278 1·14 "'
0·724 1·375
Ca 4·254 2·724 35·435 31·56 2·159 2·488 2·36 27·485 2·638 <:;;-
p 0·71 0-445 15·14 11·58 0·345 0·395 0·32 10·945 0·34 a
Na 1·425 1·373 1·514 1·158 1·217 1·313 1·202 0·934 1·514
K 0·299 0·315 0·149 0·307 0·241 0·299 0·274 0·291 0·257 :<:::
Fe3+ 0·266 �
Fe2+ - - 0·28 - \:::1
Mn2+ 0·163 0·116 0·147 0·062 0·139 0·217 0·108 :::!.
- <:;;-
Mn4+ 20·872 20·59 17·87 20·891 20·84 4·114 18·123
Ba 0·143 0·134 0·009 0·116 0·143 0·143 0·036 0·108 �
Ni 0·354 0·346 0·008 0·008 0·322 0·322 0·307 0·149 0·275

Cr <65 <65 120 <65 <65 <65 130 <65
v 320 325 <50 - 325 315 340 130 310 (1000)
Cu <65 <65 <65 <65 <65 <65 <150 <150
Co >1000 >1000 <SO >1000 >1000 >1000 >1000 >1000 �
Co* 14134 12745 19·2 82·9 11256 12980 12644 1947 11739 ;::-
Pb >1000 >1000 <50 >1000 >1000 >1000 340 >1000 a
Ga <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 <55 ""'

Mo >110·0 >110·0 <6·0 >110·0 >110·0 >110·0 46·5 >110·0

Mn : Fe 1·58 1·37 0·36 0·05 1·05 1-44 1·37 0·74 1-14
Sb* 14·5 16·1 71·9 15·0
Ag* 0·013

Characteristics of components of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts and of the substrate, a hydrothermally phosphatized limestone, are given in
captions to Figs 3b and 5; samples 1-38-D-124; 1-39-D-126.
* Determinations by instrumental neutron activation analysis.
Manganese- iron crusts, Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 97

Mn (/o,wr)
f. 0
2. @)
J. t:,.
4. 11£,
5. 0
6. 0
40,0 7. •

8. @
9. ®
I· I 10. •
11I· '
I II. &.
Iq ll\ j ill
I ' X 12. �
II ',
I 13. -·-·-

. 1 41. l-·---
14. -x-x-x

\ 1
I 0'........

X •
10.0 0
• ....._

I y ....


(0 2.0 4,0 6.0 8,0 10,0

Al(/o, wr)
Fig. 4. Aluminium-manganese relationships in the components of crusts of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides and in the
altered substrate, an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone. Samples: 1-34-D-1-115-(A); 1-34-D-115-(2); 1-38-
D-124; 1-39-D-126 (Tables 1 and 2), the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. The data on hydrothermal and hydrogenetic
manganese oxyhydroxide crusts and diagenetic nodules of the ocean are shown for comparison (Cronan, 1976; Cronan
eta!., 1982; Toth, 1980). (1) Components of crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides; sample 1-34-D-l-115-(A) (a, c, d).
(2) Substrate, phosphatized limestone; sample 1-34-D-1-115-(A) (b). (3) Components of crust of manganese-iron
oxyhydroxides; sample 1-34-D-115-(2) (a, b) . (4) Substrate, components of phosphatized limestone; sample
1-34-D-1-115-(2) (c, d) . (5) Phosphatized alkalic basalts; the Cruiser Seamount, eastern Atlantic. (6-8) Manganese
oxyhydroxide crusts and nodules from the ocean (Cronan, 1976; Cronan et al., 1982; Toth, 1980): 6-hydrothermal; ?­
hydrogenetic; 8-diagenetic. (9) Components of crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides; sample 1-38-D-124 (a, b). (10)
Components of the substrate, a phosphatized limestone; sample 1-38-D-124 (c, d) . (11) Components of crust of
manganese-iron oxyhydroxides; sample 1-39-D-126 (a-c, e). (12) Substrate, a phosphatized limestone; sample 1-39-D-
126 (d). Fields of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts: I-hydrothermal; II-mixed; III-hydrogenetic. (13) Borderline
of hydrothermal crust field. (14) Borderline of hydrogenetic crust field.

ships (Fig. 6) the fields of hydrothermal ( I ) , tran­

Geochemical behaviour of cobalt
sitional (II), and hydrogenetic ( I I I ) crust growths
are distinctly separated on the correlation diagram . The geochemical behaviour of cobalt displays two
The studied components o f manganese -iron crusts well-expressed tendencies: (a) clear association with
of the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 belong to de­ manganese; and (b) increasing cobalt concentration
posits of intermediate origin. These crust growths, with decreasing of water depths, i.e. towards the
which were formed under a strong hydrothermal summit areas of the seamount (see Tables 1 and 2).
influence, have experienced extensive hydrogenetic Similar contents of cobalt and manganese were re­
effects, i . e. the accumulation of heavy metals from ported from the seamounts of the central Pacific
the bottom seawater. (Aplin & Cronan , 1985; Hein et al. , 1988).

Mn/Fe Ni/Mn Cu/Fe Ba/Ti

0 25 50 75 (%) 0 1P 2.0 0 0.02 0.04 0 0,0002 0,0006. 0 0105 0.10 0.15
lv<:A:>. I I KAXA1 I • lv<?vl I I
bvv<t1 1

-1 �2
�3 .4
ITJii]5 �6

"GEclx x
1fr,4 1 .. Ill�



X g9
X )(
x x x
)( )( _}(_

x x x x
)( X
X X X )( X ? ? ?
){ " X )(

Fe - VRT JLJ!.
11 �B) Mn·F

I' �

Fig. 5. Distribution of values of Mn: Fe, Ni: Mn, Cu: Fe and Ba: Ti ratios in the components of the crust of manganese-iron oxyhydroxides and in the altered
substrate, an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone. Sample 1-39-0-126 (Table 2); the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. Mineral composition: (1-6) (see
Fig. 2b). (7) Iron vernadite. (8) Manganese feroxyhyte. (9) Mixed-layered asbolane-buserite. (10) Goethite. (11) Francolite and hydroxyl apatite.
Manganese- iron crusts, Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 99

biological phenomena. These processes took place

Distribution of antimony and silver
during the mixing of hydrothermal solutions with
The distribution of antimony and silver reveals con­ near-bottom or interstitial seawater (Varentsov &
siderable association with manganese and increasing Pronina, 1973; Craig, 1974; Varentsov, 1976;
concentrations towards the summit areas (see Tables Varentsov et al. , 1979a ,b, 1983).
1 and 2). It is of interest that values of antimony and The values of Ba : Ti ratios perceptibly decrease
silver concentrations are several times higher than from the lower interlayers to the surface parts of the
the average contents of these metals for oceanic crust accumulations (Fig. 5) . The M n : Fe ratios can
manganese- iron nodules and crusts. be regarded as an indicator of Eh and pH gradient.
These ratios are distinctly different in various parts
of the crust deposit on the Bezymiannaya Seamount
640. The values are rather low for the crusts of
the middle part of the slope (station 34, Mn : Fe-
0·685: 0·999 , average 0·885; Table 1) but are higher
Accumulation of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide
near the top (station 39, Mn : Fe- 1 ·047: 1 · 584, av­
erage 1 · 326; Table 2). The comparison of these data
Crusts , patches, deep impregnation by manganese­ leads to the conclusion that towards the summit of
iron oxyhydroxides of phosphatized calcareous the seamount pH and Eh values notably increase ,
rocks, covering like a blanket the alkalic basalts of affecting the composition of crust growths.
the Bezymiannaya Seamount 640, are extensively The Mn : Fe ratios are fairly close to those of the
distributed on this topographic high. The intensity seamounts of the Cape Verde plate (Varentsov et
of development of crust growths increases from the al., 1989); they are observed in oxyhydroxide crusts
middle part of the slopes (station 34; Figs 1 , 2 and from the hydrothermal field 'TAG' which is a part of
3), where their thickness seldom exceeds 2-40 mm, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°N (Lalou et al., 1986).
to the top of the seamount (station 39; Figs 1, 2b and Lalou et al. ( 1986) demonstrated that the tempera­
5) , where their thickness is no less than 60- 1 00 mm. ture of hydrothermal sources increases with depth ,
The crusts are composed of globular and micro­ with a concomitant increase in iron content. If the
layered accumulations of manganese -iron oxyhy­ total hydrothermal activity covered the time interval
droxides (Figs 7 and 8) . These formations are poss­ from 20 to 4 kyr, then the manganese oxyhydroxide
ibly the products of substitution of the calcareous deposition continued from 16 to 4 kyr, which means
deeply phosphatized substrate: the mass of oxy­ that during the interval from 20 to 16 kyr an accumu­
hydroxide patches distinctly contains relics of lation of iron compounds predominated. These
foraminiferal shells, nannofossils and other bio­ data present evidence of a distinct separation of
detritus. The relationship between the formation of manganese and iron in the transport by hydro­
crust accumulations and manganese-iron oxy­ thermal solutions mixed in variable proportions with
hydroxide patches and dissolution of limestones is seawater, both in time and laterally, in the process
also manifested in relatively higher titanium and of movement of the Cape Verde Plate towards the
aluminium contents which represent residual matter African continent.
after dissolution (Tables 1 and 2). It is important to The hydrothermal activity was particularly inten­
note that the formation of phosphates, represented sive during the accumulation of relatively old inter­
mostly by francolite and, to a lesser degree, by layers of manganese - iron oxyhydroxide crusts at
hydroxyl apatite, is associated with earlier hydro­ the time when this part of the Cape Verde Plate was
thermal alterations of limestones in the substrate near the axial zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. A
which preceded the massive deposition of man­ hole drilled on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the
ganese-iron hydroxides. Phosphatization of basalts Kane transform fault passed through a sequence of
of the substrate is also observed in other regions of volcanic rocks in the field of active hydrothermal
the Cape Verde plate (the Cruiser Rise, the Krylov activity (Detrick et al., 1 986) . This is another case of
Seamount). intensive manganese - iron oxyhydroxide mineraliz­
Accumulation of manganese- iron oxyhydroxides ation and extensive activity of the 'black smokers' in
occurred as a result of hydrolythic precipitation ac­ the zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge marked by
companied by autocatalytic oxidation in the process massive accumulation of iron, copper and zinc
of adsorption of transition metals involving micro- sulphides. A similar situation might also have oc-
100 J. M. Varentsov, V . A . Drits and A.l. Gorschkov

('fo, wr.)
@ 1. 0
f,OO 2. @
3. 8
't. �
5. (:;
6. •
0,75 7. @
8. @
I 9, @
I I 10. A
I I II. �
0,50 12.
I I ][ 13. -x-x-x-
-x x x x x x x �x x� x ,x x x x x x x x x x x x �
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

//8� iLl
/ A? 1I
0.25 /0
8/ /
/ 0
-/-if.-.-.- 0;;- L - · - - - .-.- . -.- -
· ·-. .-.-.-. . . · ·-

/ /
/ l

10.0 20,0 30,0 40.0 50,0

Mn ("/o,wr.)

Fig. 6. Manganese-nickel relationships in the components of crusts of manganese-iron hydroxides and in the altered
substrate, an intensively hydrothermally phosphatized limestone . Samples: 1-34-D-1-115-(A); 1-34-D-115-(2); 1-38-D-124;
1-39-D-126 (Figs 2-5; Tables 1 and 2). The Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. The data on hydrothermal and hydrogenetic
manganese-iron crusts and diagenetic nodules of the ocean are shown for comparison (Cronan, 1976; Toth, 1980; Cronan
eta!., 1982). (1) Components of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust; sample 1-34-D-1-115-(A) (a, c, d) . (2) Substrate, a
phosphatized limestone; sample 1-34-D-1-115-(A) (b). (3) Components of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust; sample 1-
34-D-115-(2) (a, b). (4) Substrate, components of phosphatized limestone; sample 1-34-D-115-(2) (c, d) . (5-7)
Manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts and nodules from the ocean (Cronan, 1976; Toth, 1980; Cronan et al., 1982): 5-
hydrothermal, 6-hydrogenetic, ?-diagenetic. (8) Components of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts; sample 1-38-D-
124 (a, b). (9) Components of the substrate, a phosphatized limestone; sample 1-38-D-124 (c, d). (10) Components of
manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts; sample 1-39-D-126 (a-c, e). (11) Substrate, a phosphatized limestone; sample 1-39-
D-126 (d). Genetic fields of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts; I-hydrothermal, U-mixed; III-hydrogenetic. (12)
Borderline of hydrothermal crust field . (13) Borderline of hydrogenetic crust field.

curred in the early Palaeogene when this part of the substrate rocks are shown by generalized schemes in
Cape Verde Plate was situated near that area of the Figs 3 and 5. Although the schemes represent with
axial zone of the Atlantic. considerable approximation the quantitative re­
lations of mineral phases composing individual
interlayers, nonetheless on the whole they show the
MINERAL COMPOSITION OF true relations. The comparative analysis of these
MANGANESE-IRON OXYHYDROXIDE schemes gives certain data on the distribution of
CRUSTS manganese-iron minerals both in the secti9n of the
crusts and along the profile of the Bezymiannaya
The data on the distribution of minerals m the Seamount 640 from the middle part of the slope to
manganese - iron oxyhydroxide crusts and m the the summit through stations 34-38-39 (Fig. 1).
Manganese- iron crusts, Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 101

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of

manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts
(mostly iron vernadite and manganese
feroxyhyte). Sample 1-34-D-1-115-(A); the
Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 (a, b)
(Photomicrographs with increasing
magnification.) Indistinctly layered step­
like growths of manganese-iron
oxyhydroxides . (c-e) (Photomicrographs
with increasing magnification .) Growth of
small apatite crystals on the walls of
channel caverns in the mass of
manganese-iron oxyhydroxides .
Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crusts (mostly iron vernadite and manganese
francolite). Sample 1-34-D- 1- 1 15-(A). The Bezymiannaya Seamount 640. (a) Small crystals of apatite growing on the
surface of channel microcavities in the mass of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust . (b) Crystallization of a fine
microlayered structure of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust with local caverns and globular texture. (c and d)
Indistinctly microlayer�d structure of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust. (e) Areas of intensive development of
microcavernous porosity in indistinctly layered mass of manganese-iron oxyhydroxide crust (relict products of limestone
dissolution and its substitution by manganese-iron oxyhydroxides). (f) Remnants of coccoliths, and a part of manganese­
iron oxyhydroxide crust with globular texture.
Manganese- iron crusts, Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 103

1 In all studied samples (except sample 1-38-D-124; an increase in the relative quantity of iron verna­
Fig. 3b) the upper crust interlayers 2-7 to 30- dite and a corresponding decrease 111 manganese
35 mm thick are composed mostly of manganese feroxyhyte.
feroxyhyte and iron vernadite with subordinate In previous research (Varentsov et a!. , 1989) ,
amounts of goethite. fairly detailed crystallochemical characteristics of
2 I n the lower and therefore older crust interlayers iron vernadite, manganese feroxyhyte and other
lying directly on the substrate (deeply phosphatized minerals were given. We should mention only the
limestone), the relative quantities of manganese major aspects which are necessary to discuss the
feroxyhyte are perceptibly less and of iron vernadite postdepositional changes.
are greater than in the surface interlayer. Moreover,
these old interlayers show the presence of asbolane­
Iron vernadite
buserite, a mixed-layered mineral.
3 It is of interest to note that the mineral compo­ I n typical hydrogenetic crusts the accumulation rates
sition of oxyhydroxide crusts , growing at the base of of manganese -iron oxyhydroxides which produce
plate-like blocks of altered limestones, differs from iron vernadite are, as a rule , rather low. Iron ver­
that in the superficial parts of crusts and has an nadite is a mineral which experienced minimal
affinity with relatively old interlayers of the crust postdepositional alteration .
lying directly on the substrate (e.g. sample 1-39-D-
126, Fig. 5). The difference in the mineral com­
Manganese feroxyhyte
position of crusts growing on the top and at the base
of plates of altered limestones is manifested by The manganese feroxyhyte structure is described by
sample 1-34-D-1 15-(2) , i .e. the crust at the base Chukhrov et a/. ( 1975, 1976) and Varentsov et a/.
contains a notable admixture of mixed-layered as­ ( 1 989). The energy dispersive spectra of the studied
bolane -buserite, besides iron vernadite , manganese particles record the presence of iron and manganese
feroxyhyte and subordinate amounts of goethite. (at Fe > Mn) thus giving grounds to call this phase
4 A special case of sample 1 -38-D-124 (Fig. 3b) manganese feroxyhyte. It has been established that
shows relatively thin (2 - 15 mm) crusts composed of feroxyhytes (o'-FeOOH) are relatively unstable
a fairly wide set of minerals. The major phases of products of fairly rapid oxidation of Fe2 + in weakly
the upper crust are iron vernadite, manganese fer­ alkalic or weakly acid media which transform into
oxyhyte, magnesium asbolane , subordinate amounts goethite in an oxidizing environment (Chukhrov et
of mixed-layered asbolane - buserite, goethite and al. , 1975; Murray, 1979). The observed maximal
traces of birnessite. The composition of the lower quantities of manganese feroxyhyte in the surface
crust is somewhat different: iron vernadite domi­ interlayers (in this case 'a' interlayer 0-20 mm
nates and manganese feroxyhyte is in subordinate thick) of rather thick crusts (e.g. sample 1-39-D-
quantities. 126, Figs 2 and 5) can be interpreted in this context,
In order to know how the change in mineral as can the presence of subordinate amounts of
composition of microlayers of oxyhydroxide crusts is goethite. The experiments have shown (M urray,
connected with the variations of components ac­ 1979) that the formation of goethite ( cx-FeOOH) as
cumulated in the course of depositional history and a result of direct oxidation of Fe2+ or hydrolysis of
how significant are the postdepositional transform­ Fe3+ is hardly probable in subsea near-bottom
ations, it is necessary to take into account the geo­ conditions or in the area of hydrothermal vents,
chemistry of manganese, iron and other elements because the synthesis of this mineral is inhibited by
(Tables 1 and 2). the presence of Cl - ions in the system. Therefore ,
In most cases the manganese and iron content the reduction of quantities of this phase in older
rather insignificantly changes along the section of interlayers of crust growths, caused by the relative
the crusts , and normally Mn : Fe is close to 1 . In the instability of manganese feroxyhyte, results in a
intervals of crust sections, which show perceptible respective increase of relative quantities of goethite
variations of Mn : Fe ratio (e.g. sample 1-39-D- and other minerals, which shall be discussed later.
126 from the top part of the seamount, in which the
surface layer 0-20 mm thick (a) has Mn : Fe =
Mixed-layered asbolane-buserite
1 ·047 , whereas an interlayer 20-35 mm thick
(b) has Mn : Fe = 1 ·44 1 ) , these variations reflect In the manganese- iron oxyhydroxide crusts the
104 I. M. Varentsov, V . A . Drits and A.!. Gorschkov

mixed-layered asbolane- buserite phases dominate vernadite and manganese feroxyhyte. It was also
only in the lower relatively old interlayers of rather noted that the existence of the intermediate vanished
thick crusts (e.g. interlayer 'c' is 35-65 mm thick; buserite( l ) phase, preceding the formation of
sample 1-39-D- 126; Fig. 2b). They are also ob­ mixed-layered asbolane -buserite and magnesium
served in most of the bottom crusts (Figs 3a and b ) , asbolane, can be assumed. The presence of birnessite
o r i n the crust growths (2- 15 mm) , which experi­ in this sample is also evidence in favour of this
enced notable postdepositional alterations (Fig. 3a) . assumption.
It can be supposed that the mixed-layered asbolane ­
buserite mineral was formed as a result of trans­
formations of iron vernadite in the process of THE MODEL OF FORMATION OF
dehydration and aging of the oxyhydroxide material MANGANESE -IRON CRUSTS
of the crusts. This process is stimulated by the AND NODULES
presence in vernadite of relatively long two­
dimensional fragments, which can be regarded as In previous papers (Varentsov & Pronina, 1973;
nuclei of octahedral Mn4 + layers. Moreover, the Varentsov, 1976; Varentsov et al. , 1979a, b ;
mixed-layered asbolane- buserite should be con­ Varentsov e t al. , 1989) i t has been noted that man­
sidered as one of the early products of diagenetic ganese -iron oxyhydroxide crusts are extremely
mineral formation. It is natural to suppose that the important for the understanding of the processes of
mixed-layered mineral preceded the formation of formation of oceanic ores since they are relatively
birnessite (Chukhrov et al. , 1987 ) , which perhaps simple deposits. The relative simplicity of crust
appeared later than buserite( I ) . Although the latter structure and the often clearly delineated stratifi­
was not found in the studied crusts, its presence in cation offer possibilities for the study of the evolution
this series of transformations is highly probable. of the ore-forming medium and of the succession of
postdepositional transformations of manganese­
iron oxyhydroxides (Shterenberg et al. , 1986;
Chukhrov et al. , 1987). The data discussed above on
The structure of the minerals of this group is de­ the distribution of manganese and iron phases and
scribed in a number of papers (Chukhrov et al. , the analysis of the structural features of these min­
1983a ,b, 1987). erals (Chukhrov et al. , 1987) produce the generalized
Perceptible amounts of magnesium asbolane scheme shown in Fig. 9.
(Fig. 3b) were identified in the upper thin crust (2-
15 mm) accompanied by iron vernadite, manganese
feroxyhyte and mixed-layered asbolane-buserite. Fe + M n ( solution + suspe nsion )
There are grounds to suppose that the observed t
magnesium asbolane is the product of solid phase
Mn ( Ill). Mn ( !V l 0 1 - S + n · m H z O u m orph
transformations occurring in the following suc­
cession : iron vernadite (manganese feroxyhyte?) Fe OO H , m H z O u orp h
----> buserite(I) ----> mixed-layered asbolane-buserite

----> magnesium asbolane (Chukhrov et al. , 1987 ) . ( n � O ·S )

I Mn feroxyhyte I
There are small amounts of birnessite in the studied
crusts (sample 1-38-D- 124; Fig. 3b) with pre­
dominant contents of iron vernadite, manganese
feroxyhyte and lesser quantities of magnesium as­
bolane, mixed-layered asbolane-·buserite and
Fe-ver nudite

fl ::::. lite-I (7 ) 1-- M ixed layered
usbolun e -

goethite. \\ '
According to the supposition expressed earlier, I G o e t h i te I I B i r ness i te I I Asbolune I
the presence in this crust of mixed-layered asbolane ­
buserite, magnesium asbolane and goethite is the Fig. 9. Generalized scheme for transformation of
consequence of diagenetic transformations of iron manganese-iron oxyhydroxide minerals.
Manganese- iron crusts, Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 105

Despite obvious differences in the environments sediment section (Von Stackelberg, 1987). To obtain
of formation of the crusts on the seamounts and the a better insight into the formation of concretions
sedimentary-diagenetic manganese- iron nodules from the Clarion - Clipperton Zone and to compare
from the near-Equatorial Pacific Zone (Skorniakova, them with crusts , it seems necessary to analyse rep­
1984) , common features are established in the resentative examples of hydrogenetic- diagenetic
formation and transformation sequences of growth (Von Stackelberg, 1987 ) . The upper part of
manganese-iron oxyhydroxide phases. a typical concretion is built up of layered and dense
Uspenskaya et al. ( 1987, 1988) have shown that material which looks black and optically amorphous
manganese- iron concretions deposited in the radio­ in the reflected light under the microscope. The
larian oozes of the sublatitudinal zone between the lower part near the base of the concretion has a less
Clarion - Clipperton Fractures are mostly concen­ structurally distinct fabric and is composed of light­
trically layered with an alternation of layers of well­ grey material with relatively higher reflectivity. The
crystallized dendrites and globules (MD layer 0·2 - boundary between these two parts of the concretion
5 mm thick) and of layers of thin microlaminated coincides with the sediment-water interface . The
isotropic or weakly isotropic material with dendrites part of the concretion lying above this interface is
and globules (TLD layer). The essentially manga­ exposed to interaction with bottom seawater. I n
nese MD layers have dominant amounts of buserite other words, this model concretion was formed a s a
(I) in the outer and middle parts of the concretions result of accumulation of manganese - iron oxy­
and lesser quantities of asbolane- buserite. Nearer to hydroxide material on both sides. According to X­
the nucleus of the concretion the relative amount of ray diffraction data, there are essential differences:
birnessite and buserite(II) increases and that of the upper part is composed predominantly of 2·4 A
buserite(I) correspondingly decreases. The presence manganate (i.e. verandite) and the lower part of
of asbolane-buserite is also definitely established. 10 A manganate. This information leads to the
The TLD layers are represented mainly by asbolane­ conclusion that below the sediment-water interface
buserite and by a somewhat lesser amount of buserite the diagenetic processes dominated and above it
(I). In order to understand this sequence of trans­ hydrogenetic processes prevailed; the relationships
formations, it is essential to keep in mind that the between them could have changed during the geo­
outer TLD layers contain perceptible quantities of logical history of their formation. Despite distinct
fine iron vernadite , which resembles iron vernadite differences in the modes of growth of these con­
from hydrogenetic concretions and crusts. cretions, the trend in the manganese-iron oxy­
Sorem & Fewkes ( 1 979) attempted to build up a hydroxide transformations is similar to the scheme
single pattern of the structural - textural features discussed earlier for crusts.
of the concentric structure and the mineral composi­
tion and chemistry of the major components of
manganese- iron concretions from the Equatorial CONCLUSIONS
Pacific Zone. It was established that the interlayers
equivalent to MD layers are composed of predomi­ The Bezymiannaya 640 Seamount is a submeridi­
nantly manganese oxyhydroxides or 10 A manga­ onally oriented block of oceanic crust covered with
nates (average wt% Mn 35· 8 1 ; Fe 1 ·28 ; Ni 1 ·74; Cu moderately lithified limestone which dates from the
1 ·25; Co 0·07; Zn 0·23 ) , whereas the content of early Middle Eocene. From the middle parts to the
poorly-crystallized and almost X-ray-amorphous summit of the seamount the hydrothermal alter­
material of layers corresponding to TLD is made up ation of limestones increases (mostly by phospha­
of mostly iron-manganese (average wt% Mn 19·42; tization , calcitization, silicification) , together with
Fe 16· 94; Ni 0·27; Cu 0· 16; Co 0·31 ; Zn 0·01) an increase in the intensity of growth of manganese­
(Sorem & Fewkes, 1979). The alternation of M D iron oxyhydroxide crusts.
and TLD layers in the concretions from the Clarion­ The crusts are composed of globular structures;
Clipperton Fracture Zone also reflects the regional microlaminated accumulations of manganese - iron
variations of sedimentary conditions in this part of oxyhydroxides which developed as the products of
the Pacific and, in particular, the alternation of substitution of the deeply phosphatized limestone
hiatus intervals in sedimentation with periods of substrate. The association between the formation of
high biological productivity; this alternation of MD crust growths and patches of manganese-iron oxy­
and TLD layers is in good agreement with the hydroxides and the dissolution of limestones is
106 /. M. Varentsov, V . A. Drits and A.!. Gorschkov

evident also in the relatively high titanium and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

aluminium contents which represent residual matter.
In their chemical composition , the manganese ­ We are grateful to B . P . Zolotarev, V.A. Eroschev­
iron oxyhydroxide crusts compose a relatively Shak and 1 . 1 . Bebeshev (Geological Institute of the
homogeneous group between typical hydrothermal USSR Academy of Sciences) for preliminary de­
and hydrogenetic deposits. In these crusts, the scription of the recovered samples.
hydrogenetic accumulation of heavy metals was For their assistance in analysing crust components
superimposed on manganese - iron oxyhydroxide we thank our colleagues N.l. Kartoshkina and N. Yu.
phases deposited under a strong influence of hydro­ Vlasova for their help in processing the data and
thermal solutions, in particular at the early stages of preparing the materials and N . D. Serebryannikova
accumulation . This circumstance is clearly illustrated for her assistance in scanning electron microscopy.
by the features in the distribution of barium, which Constructive criticism of the anonymous reviewers
is a hydrothermal component in these environments. and editorial processing by J. Parnell (The Queen's
The Mn : Fe ratio values are rather low (0·885) for University of Belfast) were useful and improved the
the crusts from the middle parts of the slope, but work.
they increase for the crusts in the summit areas
(average 1 ·326) . Hydrothermal activity was particu­
larly intensive during the formation of the older REFERENCES
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Chem. Ceo!. 49, 243-257. pp. 235-268. U S Government Printing Office,
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(1987) Mineral composition and inner structure of Fe­ In: Marine Minerals. Advances in Research and Resource
Mn concretions from the Clarion-Clipperton fracture Assessment (NATO ASI Series, Series C. Mathematical
zone. Izv. AN SSSR (Ser. Geol.) 3, 9 1 - 100 (in Russian). and Physical Sciences, Vol. 194) (Ed. by P.G. Teleki,
UsPENSKAYA, T.Yu . , GoRSHKOv, A.I . & SJVrsov, A . V. M .R. Dobson, J.R. Moore & U. von Stackelberg),
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Microbiota from middle and late Proterozoic

iron and manganese ore deposits in China

L. Y I N
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica, Chi-Ming-Ssu, Nanjing, People's Republic
of China


Abundant microfossils have been discovered in middle and late Proterozoic iron and manganese ore
deposits in eastern Guizhou Province, western Hunan Province, western Liaoning Province and Gansu
Province. On the basis of microfossil assemblages and radiometric dating, the age of the iron and
manganese ore deposits is considered to be in the range 1200-750 Ma.
A number of microfossils of Sphaerocongregus (or Bavlinella) have been found in rhodochrosite in
these deposits. Based on the different preservation of microfossils in relation to the iron and manganese
contents, it can be inferred that cyanobacteria are directly or indirectly implicated in the genesis of
these iron and manganese ore deposits.


Late Proterozoic manganese ore deposits inter­ In addition, organic-walled microfossils have been
bedded with tillites are widely distributed in South obtained from iron and manganese ore deposits in
China. Some manganese ores in Sichuan, Guizhou, Wafangzi, Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province and
Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi Provinces have industrial Jingtieshan, Jiuquan district and Gansu Province.
value. However, there are different views about the Middle and late Proterozoic iron and manganese
geological age of these manganese ore deposits and ore deposits in China occur as iron and manganese
their genesis (see Ji, 1985; Xu, 1987). In order to carbonates interbedded with black shales formed
understand them better, the biostratigraphy of under anaerobic conditions. Important questions in
manganese ore deposits in the Songtao district of such environments, are which microorganisms could
eastern Guizhou Province and the Huayuan district live, and what effects could be attributable to micro­
of western Hunan Province has been studied with organisms, such as transportation and enrichment of
the help of the 405 Geological Team of the Hunan iron and manganese. In this paper, this subject is not
Geological Bureau and the 103 Geological Team discussed in depth. At the present level of knowl­
of the Guizhou Geological Bureau. A number of edge, the facts are presented for certain Chinese
organic-walled microfossils have been identified deposits and their significance is suggested.
from these sediments by means of palynological
maceration and thin section studies, and numerous
coccoid microfossils were photographed using the
scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results
not only strongly support the recognition of which SEQUENCES OF IRON AND
manganese ore deposits in eastern Guizhou Province MANGANESE ORE DEPOSITS, AND
and western Hunan Province were formed during THEIR MINERAL ASSOCIATIONS
the ' Nantuo glacial epoch' of the late Proterozoic,
but also provide important evidence for the genesis A brief summary of the geology of the deposits
of manganese ore deposits in South China. examined is given below.

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
l lO L. Yin

Songtao district of eastern Guizhou Province The thickness of the Tieling Formation in this
district is about 70 m. The upper part is made up of
The Datangpo Formation is 90-570 m thick; the
thick bedded siliceous limestone, the middle part
upper part consists of yellow-green mudrock inter­
is a manganese-bearing series and the lower part
bedded with fine sandstone, the middle part is
consists of laminated dolostone with lenticular
composed of yellow-green mudrock and silty mud­
quartzose sandstone at the top. The underlying
stone and the lower part is grey-black shale, usually
Hongshuizhuang Formation, with a thickness of
containing manganese carbonate near the bottom.
130-170 m, consists of black carbonaceous shales
This formation is underlain conformably by the
and is in conformable contact with the Tieling For­
Liaoghekou Formation and overlain disconformably
mation. Lower Cambrian conglomerates overlap
by the Nantuo tillites.
the Tieling Formation with unconformity. The
Manganese ore deposits occur at the bottom of
manganese-bearing series is mainly composed of
the Datangpo Formation in this district. Ore bodies,
mudrocks with some dolomitic conglomerates at the
strata-bound and lenticular, extend laterally up to
bottom, and siliceous limestone at the top. In the
400 m and are up to 7·65 m thick. Manganese
mudrock series, manganese ore occurs as stratiform
carbonate appears as dense, massive and striped
and lenticular ore bodies, associated with siltstone
beds, containing 10-25% Mn. The ratio of Mn: Fe is
and shales. The manganese ore belongs to the iron­
4·75-6·79 and the ratio of P: Mn is 0·0075-0·0163.
manganese class with Mn 16-33%, Fe 15-20% and
The manganese ore is characterized by a high con­
Mn: Fe ratio of 1-2. The phosphorus content in
tent of phosphorus and a low content of iron. A
primary carbonate ores is 0·004-0·006% and the
rhodochrosite-calcite series of manganese carbon­
sulphur content is 0·5- 1%.
ates is present, ranging through rhodochrosite,
calcium rhodochrosite, calcium-magnesium rho­
dochrosite, magnesium-manganese calcite and
manganese calcite.

Huayuan district of western Hunan Province A number of sphaeromorphic microfossils, dis­

playing individuals, pairs or groups of cells with
The Minle Formation is 218 m thick; the upper part more than three vesicles, have been obtained using
is made up of grey shales and dark-grey silty shales standard palynological techniques from iron and
and the lower part consists of dark-grey silty shales manganese ore deposits of the Datangpo Formation
interbedded with thin beds of black shale and grey­ of eastern Guizhou Province, the Minle Formation
black striped manganese carbonate (Fig. 2). Massive of western Hunan Province, the Tieling Formation
manganese carbonate occurs at the bottom of this of western Liaoning Province and the strata of Gansu
formation with a thickness of 0·75 m. This formation Province. Most of them occur as bud-like forms or
is underlain conformably by the Chunmu Formation forms with infillings (see Fig. 3). Some specimens
and overlain conformably by the Nantuo Formation. exhibit morphological features similar to forms
Manganese ore deposits in this district are dated at previously reported and are determined as Leio­
728 ± 27 Ma by means of a rubidium-strontium minuscula, Lophominuscula, Protosphaeridium,
whole-rock isochron (see Geological Team of Asperatopsophosphaera, Trachysphaeridium and
Hunan Geological Bureau, 1984). Bavlinella. These form-taxa usually occur in late
The characters of the mineral deposit are similar Riphean and Vendian strata in the USSR and North
to those of the manganese ore deposits in eastern Europe (see Timofeev, 1959, 1966, 1973; Vidal,
Guizhou Province. The manganese carbonates are 1976).
mainly rhodochrosite, calcium rhodochrosite, mag­ In addition, numerous coenobium-type fossils­
nesium rhodochrosite, calcium-magnesium rhodo­ Sphaerocongregus valiabiris (or Bavlinella faveo­
chrosite, magnesium-calcium rhodochrosite and lata) and their degradational remains were identified
manganese dolomite. from sections of manganese ore etched by HCl
(10-15%) before examination by SEM.
Chaoyang district of western Liaoning Province
The organic-walled microfossils Sphaerocongregus
Manganese ore beds are situated in the Tieling For­ (or Bavlinella) have been mostly reported from late
mation. The age of the manganese-bearing series is Proterozoic strata, especially from glacial deposits,
about 1200 Ma. in Scandinavia, Greenland, North America, China
Microbiota from iron and manganese deposits 111

Fig. 1. Map showing the localities

of iron and manganese ore deposits
in China discussed in this paper. (A)
Huayuan manganese ore deposit,
western Hunan Province; (B)
Songtao manganese ore deposit,
eastern Guizhou Province; (C)
Wafangzi manganese ore deposit,
western Liaoning Province; (D)
Jingtieshan iron ore deposit, Gansu
Province. 0

A B c


Fig. 2. Stratigraphic sections of the
Minle Formation from Huayuan 0
ESC9 2
district of western Hunan Province 0
� 3

(A), the Datangpo Formation from L

Q) � 4
Songtao district of eastern Guizhou ......
Province (B) and the Tieling 0 I-:-..:.-:-:-I 5
Formation from the Chaoyang 0..
E ES::::j 6
district of western Liaoning u..
Province (C). (1) Sandy shale; (2) ::J � 7
sandy dolomite; (3) manganese ore c
.E5:9 8
beds; (4) black shale; (5) tillites; (6) u
dolomite; (7) shale; and (8)

and elsewhere (Manum, 1968; Moorman, 1974; Pyritosph aera, arose as a result of the modifications
Vidal, 1976; Knoll et al., 1981; Mansuy & Vidal, of acritarch tests, films or threads of organic matter,
1983; Yin, 1987). and exines of spores (pollen) in the formation of
Sphaerocongregus variabilis Moorman, 1974, the framboidal pyrite. Foster et al. (1985) reported
type species of genus Sphaerocongregus Moorman, organic-walled microfossils Sphaerocongregus from
1974, was recognized as the synonym of Bavlinella the early Cambrian Heatherdale Shale, on the
faveolata Shepeleva, 1962, by Vidal (1976). How­ Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia and they con­
ever, Volkova (1974) concluded that Bavlinella cluded that members of Sphaerocongregus are dif­
Shepeleva, 1962, is a junior synonym of Pyrito­ ferent from Bavlinella in having a compound wall of
sphaera Love, 1958 and that Bavlinella forms, like coccoid subunits and an extremely shallow negative
112 L. Yin



Fig. 3. Microfossils from middle

J and late Proterozoic iron and
manganese sediments in China. All
photomicrographs are from organic­
walled microfossils obtained by
maceration. Scale in figure equals 15 in (A)-(H),(J),(K) and 10
in (I),(L) and (M). (A),(E),(F),(G)
and (J) are from the Datangpo
Formation of eastern Guizhou
Province; (B) is from the Tieling
Formation of western Liaoning
Province; (C),(D),(H),(I) and (K)
are from the Minle Formation of
western Hunan Province; (L), (M)
are from the strata of Gansu


reticulum between these subunits. It is recognized MICROBIOTA AND IRON AND
here that the Bavlinella faveolata (Shepeleva, 1962) MANGANESE MINERALS
Vidal, 1976 is the same as the Sphaerocongregus
variabilis Moorman, 1974 colonial microfossils. They These studies have indicated that the morphological
are both fossil representations of a particular bio­ features, quantity and distribution among the micro­
logical form rather than secondary structures, due biota are related to the iron and manganese content
to their restricted stratigraphic distribution and in iron and manganese ore deposits. In rocks con­
relationship with a -particular environment. SEM taining minimal iron-manganese contents, such as
studies reveal that the fossils are coenobia and have black shale and carbonate, the microbiota is domi­
hollow, cell-like subunits (Fig. 4). They represent nated by larger forms, which can be considered to be
certain biological forms with an affinity with living vegetative cells or cysts of eukaryotic alg�e. With
coccoid cyanobacteria, such as Entophysalis (see increasing iron and manganese content in the sedi­
Cloud et al., 1975), Xenococcus and Dermocarpa ments, larger forms of microfossils decrease dis­
(see Knoll et al., 1981). tinctly and a few forms display either infillings of
Microbiota from iron and manganese deposits 113

Fig. 4. Scanning electron

micrograph of Sphaerocongregus
(or Bavlinella) from late
Proterozoic manganese ore,
Huayuan district, western Hunan

iron or manganese minerals, or exhibit irregular of western Liaoning Province or the Jiuquan district
shapes. In richer iron and manganese ores, cyano­ of Gansu Province. So, glacial activity was probably
bacterial fossils ( Sphaerocongregus) rather than not significant in these districts during the formation
eukaryotic microplankton are predominant. of the iron and manganese ore deposits. However,
It is well known that low-diversity microbiota the diversity and the morphology of microfossils in
dominated by morphologically simple taxa appear to the iron and manganese deposits from rocks asso­
be diagnostic for inshore coastal environments, while ciated with the ore beds in these districts are variable.
higher diversity microbiota containing a hetero­ Possibly, stressed conditions not only resulted from
geneous array of morphologically complicated forms an anomalous salinity and temperature regime as­
indicate more open-shelf conditions (Vidal, 1981). sociated with the influx of glacial meltwater, but the
The sedimentary environments in the sequences oxygen content in the water was also an important
discussed in this paper would be inshore coastal control on both the diversity and the morphology of
or lagoonal facies, because microbiotas in these the microorganisms.
sequences are all characterized by low diversity. It is considered that the normal balance between
Based on sulphur isotopic analysis, o34S for pyrite oxygen and carbon dioxide in the basin only existed
in manganese ore in Huayuan, western Hunan Prov­ when iron and manganese ions were in low ionic
ince is 46·6-58·59% (Geological Team of Hunan concentrations. The photic zone, with more oxygen,
Geological Bureau, 1984). This high value of o34S is more suitable for aerobic organisms. When iron
supports the suggestion that the manganese ore and manganese became more abundant, the oxi­
deposits may have been deposited in a semi-enclosed dation of these metal ions (Fe2+ and Mn2+) would
bay. In such an ecological environment, micro­ have depleted the oxygen available. Most original
organisms were restricted by stressed physical and aerobic organisms could not be sustained by such
chemical conditions, such as high concentrations of anaerobic conditions and only a few forms of
nutrients or high salinity. Knoll et al. (1981) de­ cyanobacteria, characterized by facultative photo­
scribed microfossils from the late Proterozoic min­ autotrophy (i.e. with capability in both aerobic and
eral rock formation in North America and they anaerobic conditions), could continue development
suggested that stressed conditions were caused by an because they are capable of anoxygenic photo­
influx of glacial meltwater, thus allowing one organ­ synthesis. The interpretation discussed above is
ism (like Bavlinella faveolata) to proliferate and shown in relation to the microorganisms in Fig. 5.
dominate in such an environment. In the present On the other hand, microorganisms may play an
study, a number of Sphaerocongregus (or Bavlinella) important role in the iron and manganese cycles,
were found in manganese carbonate of a postglacial interacting with iron and manganese in several ways.
epoch in eastern Guizhou Province and western It is well known that the influence of microorganisms
Hunan Province. The presence of a single genus of on iron and manganese geochemistry is significant.
microfossils in this particular environment is in This is because fluctuations of conditions, such as
agreement with the finding of Knoll et al. (1981). pH and Eh in water are paralleled by variations in
No glacial sediments have been seen in iron and the nature of microbial populations (Edmunds et al.,
manganese deposits of either the Chaoyang district 1982). In the material dealt with in this paper, it is
114 L. Yin

_J �z_! .

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram showing

the distribution of microfossils in
B different environments.

found that shales containing abundant microfossils it is well known that iron is readily cbelated by a
are always superjacent to the iron or manganese variety of organic molecules including oxalates,
ore beds (see Fig. 2). It is considered that the citrates, burnie acids, tannins and siderophores, and
biochemistry of microbial populations was an im­ that the hydrous oxides of manganese are themselves
portant influence on the solution, transport and strong chelators of Mn2+ and other cations, and
precipitation of the iron and manganese. adsorption/desorption processes play a major role in
In previous studies, including both modern bio­ the geochemistry of manganese (see Nealson, 1983).
logical experiments and fossil records, it has been So, the biochemjcal functions of microorgarusms
shown that microorganisms play a significant role in were closely concerned with the geochemistry of
the precipitation of iron and manganese. However, iron and manganese during the formation of iron
these organisms are commonly filamentous bacteria, and manganese ores.
like Metallogenium (Nealson, 1983). No filamentous Here we consider the manganese ore of western
bacteria have been seen in the present material. Hunan Province and eastern Guizbou Province as
There were two possible reasons for this. One is that examples for interpretation of the relationship be­
the ecological environment was not suitable for the tween microorganisms and manganese.
development of filamentous organisms. The other As discussed above, the sedimentary environment
reason may be that diagenesis, including the recrys­ was a semi-enclosed basin. Initially, there were
tallization of iron-manganese carbonate, could numerous but low-diversity planktonic micro­
eliminate the filamentous organisms. organisms in the water, and their activities bad
Although at present, we cannot say that there is a increased the oxygen content and pH of the water.
definite relationship between cyanobacteria, like When manganese ions entered the basin, mainly in
Sphaerocongregus (or Bavlinella), and the genesis the form of manganese bicarbonate from the conti­
of iron and manganese ore, it is certain that nent, volcanic eruption and hydrothermal solution,
their biochemical functions (i.e. photosynthesis, their oxidation caused exhaustion of oxygen in the
respiration, adhesion, etc.) could alter the Eb and water. In such an ecological environment, only cer­
pH of water and influence the oxidation and re­ tain cyanobacteria survived because they are capable
duction of iron and manganese, as well as form of anoxygenic photosynthesis. Manganese adhered
organic chelates of these metals. On the other hand, to mucilage, including carbohydrate polymers, on
Microbiota from iron and manganese deposits 115

their walls, and organic chelates of metals could also content, and the fossils are also more degraded in
form. The chelates impregnated and mineralized the manganese-rich sediments (Figs 6 and 7).
cell walls of the cyanobacteria. In addition, the The colonial microfossils shown in Fig. 6A were
enzymes enolase, superoxide dismutase and PEP obtained from striped manganese carbonate. How­
carboxykinase in organisms all require manganese ever, in dense, massive manganese-rich carbonate,
(see Nealson, 1983) although the question is open as cell-like residues are as in Fig. 6C or in Fig. 7B. In
to whether or not cyanobacteria can obtain energy addition, organic components such as bitumen, satu­
for growth by the oxidation of manganese. Sub­ rated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and
sequently, the manganese accumulated in the cells phenanthrenes, have been determined from massive
of organisms. Such direct and indirect relationships manganese-rich carbonate of western Hunan
between the organisms and manganese allowed the Province (Geological Team of Hunan Geological
gradual deposition of manganese minerals in the Bureau, 1984). The data also indicate organic ac­
basin. Meanwhile, the water became more reduced tivity during the deposition of the manganese-rich
by both the oxidation and the accumulation of sediments.
manganese minerals, so that microorganisms like Although all of the above speculations and inter­
cyanobacteria could not normally survive and dead pretations are mainly based on the morphology
cells accumulated at the bottom of the basin. The of microfossils and textural features of iron and
cell walls were degraded by sulphur-reducing bac­ manganese ores, it may be surmised that the bio­
teria and cells were partially or entirely replaced by logical and physiological functions of coccoid cyano­
various manganese minerals, which caused further bacteria directly or indirectly affected both the
manganese mineralization in the sediments. This transport and the deposition of iron and manganese
interpretation seems to be supported by the fact that minerals. This only happened in suitable conditions,
microfossils appear to be more abundant in the man­ characterized by low atmospheric oxygen level and
ganese ore deposits with an increase in manganese rich sources of iron and manganese ions, such as

Fig. 6. Scanning electron

micrograph of Sphaerocongregus
(or Bavlinella) and their degraded
forms from late Proterozoic
manganese ore, Songtao district,
eastern Guizhou Province.
116 L. Yin

genetic association between coccoid microorganisms

and iron and manganese minerals.


Based on the microfossil material available from

iron and manganese ore deposits, the following
conclusions were reached:
1 The diversity of microbiota in iron and manganese
deposits is relatively low and generally has little
biostratigraphic significance.
2 Sphaerocongregus (or Bavlinel/a) seems to have
been a cyanobacterium of facultative photoauto­
trophy, i.e. sustainable in both aerobic and anaer­
obic conditions, in that it not only occured in a
stressed environment controlled by anomalous sal­
inity and temperature associated with an influx of
glacial meltwater, but then also developed in
anaerobic conditions containing iron and manganese
3 Coccoid cyanobacteria po�sibly play a role in the
genesis of iron and manganese ore deposits, by
direct or indirect biochemical effects.


I thank L. Wang, D. Cao and X. Zhan (Nanjing

Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia
Sinica) for assistance in preparing the specimens,
producing the SEM micrographs and in drafting,
J. Ostwald (BHP Central Research Laboratories,
Australia) for critical review and J. Parnell (The
Queen's University of Belfast) for editorial help.
The costs of field studies and laboratory investi­
gations were covered by the National Nature Science
Foundation of China.
Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph showing the
degraded forms of Sphaerocongregus? (A) From late
Proterozoic manganese ore of the Songtao district of
eastern Guizhou Province; (B) From late Proterozoic REFERENCES
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Metal precipitation related to Lower Ordovician oceanic changes:

geochemical evidence from deep-water sedimentary sequences
in western Newfoundland


centre for Earth Resources Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland
Canada, AlB 3X5; '"Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Canada KIA 0£8


Lower Palaeozoic deep-water sedimentary sequences arc preserved within the Humber Arm Allochthon
in western Newfoundland, where they have been thrust westward and now structurally overlie coeval
shallow-water sequences. Of particular interest are the laterally equivalent Cow Head and Northern
Head Groups, base-of-slope shale-rich sediment apron deposits which span the latest Middle Cambrian
to late Early Ordovi cian.
A pronounced Early Ordovician change in oceanic conditions is particularly evident i n the Northern
Head Group, based upon: (1) a marked increase in bioturbation; (2) anomalously high manganese and
barium content; and (3) changes in carbon : sulphur ratios. All suggest a transition to a new depositional
regime characterized by ventilated depositional and early diagenetic conditions. This is much more
subtly reflected i n the Cow Head Group; the contrast is ascribed to alo ng-strike differences in original
margin morphology which the two groups embody. The contrast extends to sulphides within shales
through the section. I n the Northern Head Group, anomalous metal (zinc, copper and lead) concen­
trations (up to 300 ppm) occur within Lower Ordovician (Lower Arenigian) shales. Disseminated
sulphides within this horizon appear remobilized and rcplacive . On the other hand, localized metal
concentrations within the Cow Head Group are scattered throughout the entire stratigraphic interval
and are generally associated with organic carbon.
The sulphur isotopic profiles of early precipitated pyrite through the stratigraphic in terval in both
groups are also suggestive of a marked Lower Ordovician change from stratified to ventilated conditions
based upon a decrease in1'r'4S values in the Late Tremadocian. Immediately following this, o34S values
display a positive deflection suggestive of a temporary return to stratified conditions in the Arenigian.
These apparent circu lation changes may have controlled redox conditions, and in turn have governed
metal mobilization and precipitation.


The Humber Zone assemblage of western margin sedimentation spanning the Cambrian to
Newfoundland (Williams, 1979) records : ( 1) the Middle Ordovician; (3) the destruction of the margin
establishment of a passive continental margin in the during Middle Ordovician Taconic orogenesis; and
Late Precambrian/Early Cambrian; (2) continental (4) subsequent deformation during Acadian oro­
genesis. The Early Cambrian Labrador Group is a
* Present address: Newfoundland and Labrador Science siliciclastic-carbonate sequence which represents
and Technology Advisory Council, 114 Empire Ave . , St the basal part of the autochthonous sedimentary
John's, Newfoundland, A l C 3G2.
Also at: t Derry Laboratory for Sedimentary Geochemistry
sequence. This is overlain by a thick (approximately
and Mineral Deposits, Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience 1500 m) carbonate platform sequence (Port au Port
Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Group , St George Group) spanning the Middle
Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun
and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists 1 19
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
120 1. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

Cambrian to Early Ordovician (Fig. 1). The autoch­ platform sequence and are bounded by melange
thonous platform sequence was dominated by (Figs 1 and 2). The internal stratigraphy is both
shallow-water sedimentation, and is generally poor clearest and most complete in the Humber Arm
in shale. Allochthon, where the structural history is presently
Equivalent deep-water strata are preserved in two better understood. The sedimentary succession here
major allochthons, the Humber Arm Allochthon in is exposed in imbricate thrust slices, modified by
the south and the Hare Bay Allochthon in the north. later (Acadian) compression.
Block-faulting and foundering of the platform pre­
ceded emplacement of these allochthons, and is
Humber Arm Allochthon
recorded in the deposition of the Middle Ordovician
Table Head Group atop the platform sequence The Humber Arm Allochthon is centred on the
( Klappa et a/., 1980; Stenzel & James, 1987). Bay of Islands and extends from the Port au Port
The Humber Arm and Hare Bay Allochthons are Peninsula in the south to the Cow Head area in the
broadly similar in that they comprise thrust slices of north (Fig. 2). A succession of deep-water sedi­
predominantly sedimentary lithologies in the lower mentary units, time-equivalent to the platform
part, overlain by volcanic and igneous slices of sequence outlined above, is exposed in the lower
oceanic affinity, and capped by ophiolite complexes ; part of the Humber Arm Allochthon (Fig. 3), and
all are separated by melange zones of variable termed the Humber Arm Supergroup (Stevens,
thickness. Both allochthons were emplaced west­ 1970). At the base, red and green shale and sand­
ward during the Middle Ordovician Taconic stone of the ?Lower Cambrian Summerside
Orogeny, now structurally overlie the autochthonous Formation occur. This passes upward into the



w FM.

:i GROUP '-
LIgneous :J
ST. L Slices ::J

0 '-"'� 0-- "0'- <;)�


CD z
�"' ·._::.:·:-·.::--··.-
:.� ;-_-.-·:- �-: ,· .
::; AREA

""''!,D 'V'

[2] Sandstone � Thin-bedded

,_ -J Siltstone Fig. 1. Schematic summary
� Dolostone
illustrating tectonostratigraphic
- Shale
Joo<:>J Carbonate relationships of Lower Palaeozoic
E:£2il Limestone conglomerate e lements in western Newfoundland.
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 12 1






Fig. 2. Generalized geologic map of
the Humber Arm Allochthon. 25 50 75 100 km

Lower-Middle Ordovician Irishtown Formation Head Formation in the Cow Head area (Williams
which contains quartzitic sandstone, conglomerate et al., 1985). The Humber Arm Allochthon is struc­
and shale. These units are probably the deep-water turally thin at its northern and southern extremities,
time-equivalents of the Labrador Group. so that only the Cow Head Group and Lower Head
These are overlain by upper Middle Cambrian to Formation are preserved, in imbricate slices, in the
Lower Ordovician deep-water carbonate slope de­ Cow Head area.
posits derived from adjacent platform carbonates. The Humber Arm Supergroup constitutes
In the Bay of Islands area this sequence is termed the most complete and intact record of deep­
the Northern Head Group (Botsford, 1988), while marine conditions through the late Middle
laterally equivalent and coeval strata to the north Cambrian to earliest Middle Ordovician in western
are termed the Cow Head Group (James & Stevens , Newfoundland. Because of the stratigraphic control
1986) (Fig. 3). The Northern Head Group comprises available for the Northern Head and Cow Head
the upper Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician Groups, these two sequences are particularly useful
Cooks Brook Formation and the Lower Ordovician for documenting changes in deep-marine depo­
(Arenigian) Middle Arm Point Formation (Fig. 3). sitional conditions which may bear on the mobility
Both groups are conformably overlain by flysch and precipitation of metals; discussion in ensuing
(Fig. 3), termed the Eagle Island Formation in the sections is directed toward this.
Bay of Islands area (Botsford, 1988) and the Lower
122 J. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

Groups comprise carbonate gravity deposits and
shale, differences between them reflect an irregular
c:i carbonate margin morphology which has controlled
0 their deposition under local palaeoceanographic
conditions (Botsford, 1988) (see below).


A marked change in sedimentological and ich­

nological character occurs within the deep-water
sequences of the Humber Arm Supergroup sugges­
0 <j MELANGE tive of a widespread change in depositional con­

��. ditions. This is pronounced in the Northern Head

�t '"
Group and more subtly reflected in the Cow Head
Group. In general faunal communities in marine
environments decrease in diversity, size and numbers
of individuals with decreasing oxygen levels, from


commonly rich, diverse communities under aerobic
conditions, to a restricted (commonly vermiform)
infaunal community under dysaerobic conditions to
a complete lack of benthos under anaerobic con­
ditions (Rhoads & Morse, 197 1 ; Byers, 1977).
Within the Northern Head Group, shales of the
MELANGE �� lrishtown and Cooks Brook Formations contain
abundant organic carbon and are very poorly bio­
turbated. This suggests deposition from the late
Fig. 3. Schematic summary of the Humber Arm
Middle Cambrian to the Late Tremadocian under
Supergroup, in the Humber Arm Allochthon, illu strating
the relationship between the Bay of Islands and Cow Head poorly oxygenated conditions. A marked change is
areas. Legend as per Fig. 1 . apparent at the (Late Tremadocian) base of the
Middle Arm Point Formation. Shales of the Middle
Arm Point and Eagle Island Formations are charac­
terized by ( 1) a marked increase in the diversity and
intensity of bioturbation (Botsford, 1988); (2) di­
Relationship o f the Northern Head and
minished organic carbon content; and (3) the
Cow Head Groups
appearance of oxidized red (locally interbedded
The Cow Head and Northern Head Groups are with green) shales. This is suggestive of deposition
laterally equivalent toe-of-slope sediment apron under better oxygenated conditions. Trace fossil
deposits (James & Stevens, 1986; Botsford, 1988). diversity in 'neritic' and 'flysch' facies remained
Both are roughly 400 m thick, and comprise car­ relatively constant through the Lower Palaeozoic
bonate conglomerates, bedded lime grainstone , (Seilacher, 1978) and it is considered unlikely that
chert and shale (Fig. 3). Shale occurs interbedded the increase in bioturbation level within the
with conglomerate, ribbon and parted limestone, Northern Head Group is the result of any marked
and dolostone. evolutionary change.
A pronounced proximal (northwest) to distal
(southeast) transition is evident in the Cow Head
Group. Proximal Cow Head Group facies are domi­ GEOCHEMISTRY
nated by coarse carbonate conglomerate with minor
interbedded shale , while distal facies are dominated Coincident with the sedimentological contrast de­
by shale. A similar but more subtle depositional scribed above are changes in geochemical aspects
polarity is evident in the Northern Head Group. including: (a) manganese content, (b) barium con­
While both the Northern Head and Cow Head tent and (c) sulphur-carbon relationships, which
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 123

are reviewed here for shales through both the precipitation of manganese oxides (Lynn & Bonatti,
Northern Head and Cow Head Groups. 1965). We suggest that under somewhat lower Eh
and higher bicarbonate concentration this precipi­
tation has occurred not as oxides but manganese
carbonates. Recent analogues of this style of precipi­
There is a contrast of manganese abundance between tation have been described by Calvert & Price
the Northern Head and Cow Head Groups. The ( 1970a) and Pederson & Price ( 1982). Models of
manganese content of Northern Head Group shales early, shallow-burial diagenesis (reviewed in Hesse,
(Fig. 4) increases markedly from low 'background' 1 986) indicate that bottom-water conditions, such as
levels through the Cooks Brook Formation to dissolved oxygen levels, can readily be responsible
anomalously elevated levels, of up to 6·5 wt% MnO for chemical gradients at shallow burial.
within the Middle Arm Point and lowermost Eagle An analogous relationship between manganese
Island Formations. Manganese in this enriched inter­ oxides and carbonates is illustrated in Cretaceous
val occurs in three principal forms: ( 1) diagenetic and Tertiary shallow-water manganese ore deposits
finely crystalline manganese carbonate disseminated (Frakes & Bolton, 1984; Bolton & Frakes, 1985).
in red and green shale; (2) diagenetic manganese Here manganese oxides have been precipitated in
carbonate bands, up to 3 em thick, in red and green the shallowest, best-oxygenated portions of the
shale; and (3) manganese-iron carbonate which has basin, while laterally equivalent manganese carbon­
overgrown individual grains within dolomitic silt­ ates have been precipitated at greater water depths,
stones. Manganese is only present within carbonate under apparently lower but still mildly positive Eh.
minerals. No manganese enrichment occurs in proximal Cow
Based on petrographic evidence and field relation­ Head shales, and only very subtle enrichment occurs
ships this manganese carbonate precipitation oc­ in distal shales from the Arenigian portion of the
curred very early in the diagenetic sequence, very section (Fig. 5).
near the seafloor before compaction and prior to
extensive and protracted silica and carbonate cemen­
tation (Botsford, 1 988). This style of manganese
precipitation appears to be consistent with models of The stratigraphic distribution of barium within shales
early upward diffusion of reduced manganese under displays a pattern similar to that of manganese
shallow burial, and precipitation across a 'diagenetic within the Humber Arm Supergroup. A pronounced
front' (e.g. Wilson et a/., 1986). This has been enrichment of barium in shale (up to 8000 ppm) is
described and modelled for an oxidative front and evident through the Arenigian part of the Northern

"' o
a a a

Fig. 4. Stratigraphic distribution of

manganese within shales of the
Northern Head Group and adjacent
units. Elevated concentrations of
manganese above the Cooks
Brook-Middle Arm Point
boundary indicate the precipitation 2 4 6

of manganese carbonate resulting
.. MnO
from elevated Eh levels. E
124 J. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

Proximal setting Distal setting

Cow Head
Martin Pt.
!§ 0
f- 11m
�� 0
b 0
JjO 0



m �0 0

r �
m 0 ill

\ �

"' 0
!!-� wo

i'!!ll£ jfl

0 .5 1.0
' 0 I I I I I I I I I
0 .5 1.0

MnO (wt.%) MnO (wt.%)

Fig. 5. Stratigraphic distribution of manganese in shales (black) of the Cow Head Group in proximal (Cow Head) and
distal (Martin Point) settings.

Head Group section (Fig. 6), but absent in the Cow precipitation or preservation of sulphate minerals is
Head Group. highly unlikely. Such appears to be the case through
In the Middle Arm Point Formation (Northern the Cambrian portion of the Northern Head Group.
Head Group) barite occurs within shale as early Under more oxidizing conditions, an oxidizing zone
precipitated, euhedral crystals, generally fine crystal­ of variable thickness will exist at the top of the
line but ranging up to 4 mm. Petrographic evidence sediment column, where sulphate is stable. The
indicates that this authigenic barite was coprecipi­ principal source of sulphate in pore waters of this
tated with manganese carbonate, i.e. very early in zone will be: (1) diffusion from overlying seawater;
the diagenetic sequence, again prior to compaction and (2) upward diffusion, from the underlying zone
or any cementation. of sulphate reduction, of reduced sulphur which is
Models of progressive sediment reduction under reoxidized (Berner, 1980). Such a diagenetic en­
shallow burial indicate that under anoxic bottom­ vironment clearly represents suitable conditions for
water conditions, active sulphate reduction will occur the precipitation of sulphate minerals (i.e. barite)
at, or near, .the seafloor and the early diagenetic and the distribution of barite illustrated in Fig. 6 is
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 125


" B

i'"" lo a
n 0

Fig. 6. Stratigraphic distribution of

barium within shales of the
Northern Head Group and adjacent
units. Enrichment within the Middle
Arm Point Formation indicates the 4 6 8
precipitation of authigenic barite
related to the preservation of
Ba (ppm x1000)
sulphate under elevated Eh levels.

consistent with a transitiOn to better oxygenated sediments due to S : C stoichiometry established

seafloor conditions in the Lower Ordovician. during progressive microbial sulphate reduction. The
Two mechanisms may bear on the preservation of S : C ratio in this case is 0·357 (Leventhal, 1983;
authigenic barite and manganese carbonate during Raiswell & Berner, 1985). Under anoxic conditions,
ensuing burial: sulphate reduction commences in the water column
1 Middle Arm Point shales which host these above the seafloor, resulting in the precipitation of
authigenic minerals contain essentially no organic 'excess' sulphide (providing there is sufficient iron
carbon. The bacterially driven oxidation of organic present to precipitate pyrite). Hence 'anoxic' sedi­
carbon is essentially the 'engine' which drives the ments display higher sulphur : carbon ratios (wt%
continuing reduction of sediment through progres­ sulphur : wt% organic carbon).
sive burial. If contained carbon were consumed Notwithstanding the complicating factors of:
early (i.e. at shallow levels) in the Middle Arm Point ( 1) addition of late pyrite, not related to early burial;
diagenetic system, through a combination of dimin­ and (2) variations in sedimentation rate (cf.
ished initial supply or extensive consumption in the Leventhal, 1 983) which may obscure these initial
oxidation zone, then Eh may have stabilized until ratios, this approach may allow the better discrimi­
lithification was essentially complete. nation of: ( 1) anoxic conditions which promoted the
2 Silica occurs as an early and pervasive cement in early precipitation of sulphides in the ambient water
the Middle Arm Point and may locally have effected column; and (2) relatively oxygenated depositional
the early closure of the diagenetic system, isolating settings.
barite and manganese carbonate from subsequent A further potential complication is the loss of
dissolution. carbon during burial and thermal maturation. This
has most likely taken place in the Humber Arm
Supergroup and probably accounts for the high (rela­
Sulphur-carbon relationships
tive to thermally immature sediments) sulphur :
carbon ratios presented below. A survey of illite
Review crystallinity and conodont alteration indices (CAl)
was conducted through the sequences sampled and
Studies of recent and ancient sediments indicate that these parameters are consistent throughout (e.g.
sulphur-carbon relationships are indicative of early CAl = 1 - 1· 5). (These data are not considered
depositional conditions. Pertinent reviews may be directly relevant and are omitted for brevity, but
found in Berner (1970, 1984), Leventhal (1979, 1983, available upon request.) Hence the thermal
1987) and Raiswell & Berner (1985). Under 'normal maturity of the sequences discussed is considered
marine' oxygenated bottom-water conditions, sul­ consistent for the internal comparison presented
phur and carbon maintain a linear relationship in here.
126 J. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

Northern Head Group and adjacent units Cambrian and earliest Ordovician, but gave way to a
better oxygenated setting briefly through the Late
Because of temporal variations in depositional con­
Tremadocian. Poorly oxygenated conditions were
ditions the S : C ratio can be more meaningfully inter­
re-established in the Arenigian , and appear to have
preted when examined with stratigraphic control.
changed to better oxygenated conditions again in
Because the sulphur : carbon ratio gives a measure
the latest Arenigian, immediately preceding the
of oceanic bottom-water conditions the variation in
deposition of the Lower Head Sandstone. Data from
this ratio through a stratigraphic interval should
the proximal environment are sparser and more
indicate temporal variation in depositional environ­
scattered, but do not conflict with this interpretation.
ments. Figure 7 shows sulphur : carbon variations
through the Irishtown Formation, Northern Head
Group and lowermost Eagle Island Formation. Data Summary and discussion
reach a maximum at the Irishtown-Cooks Brook
An Early Ordovician change in oceanic conditions is
Formation boundary, and although somewhat scat­
recorded in the deep-water sediments of the Humber
tered are generally greater than values for normal
Arm Supergroup, but the response to this change
marine sediments and suggestive therefore of anoxic
was different in the laterally equivalent Northern
or poorly oxygenated bottom-water conditions,
Head and Cow Head Groups.
through deposition of the uppermost Irishtown and
In the Northern Head Group this change occurred
Cooks Brook Formations. A marked decrease in
at the Cooks Brook-Middle Arm Point Formation
ratios , indicative of the transition to oxygenated
boundary. Evidence for a change in oceanic con­
'normal marine conditions' occurs in the (Arenigian)
ditions includes :
Middle Arm Point Formation.
1 A marked increase in bioturbation at the forma­
tion boundary;
2 The establishment of a new early diagenetic regime
Cow Head Group
represented by (a) hematite, (b) authigenic manga­
Sulphur: carbon ratios indicate that temporal vari­ nese carbonate, and (c) authigenic barite;
ations in depositional conditions also occurred in the 3 A marked decrease in S : C ratios indicating a
Cow Head Group (Fig. 8). In the distal environment, transition to better oxygenated conditions in the
locally elevated S : C values suggest that poorly Middle Arm Point.
oxygenated conditions occurred during the Late Considered together, this evidence is consistent


400 elevated S within

authigenic sulphate

Fig. 7. Stratigraphic distribution of
sulphur : organic carbon ratio within
0 shales of the Northern Head Group
and adjacent units. High ratios
0 0 indicative of poorly oxygenated
q, depositional conditions span the
uppermost Irishtown and Cooks
Brook Formations. The decrease in
S : C ratios, beginning at the (Upper
Tremadoc) Cooks Brook- Middle
Arm Point (MAP) boundary and
continuing into the MAP Formation,
marine conditions suggests a marked transition to
better oxygenated conditions. The
two samples which do not fit this
10 12 14 16 18 20
pattern contain e xcess sulphur within
sulphur/organic carbon authigenic sulphate (barite) .
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 127

Cow Head

�0 0 0
l50 0

0 �0 I




200 oo
150 0


<.) m
� 100

100 34·5-

"' Normal marine conditions

"' Normal marine conditions

0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

sulphur/organic carbon
Fig. 8. Sulphur : organic carbon ratios for shales of the Cow Head Group. Low values within the Tremadocian suggest an
episode of better oxygenated conditions, which contrasts with the preceding Cambrian and subsequent Arenigian
depositional and early diagenetic settings.

with an Early Ordovician 'ventilation event' which in early diagenetic conditions related to a sudden
persisted from the Late Tremadocian through the change in redox conditions did not occur in the Cow
Late Arenigian in the Northern Head Group. Head Group. This contrast between the Northern
While this Early Ordovician transition to more Head and Cow Head Groups has been ascribed to
oxidizing deep-water conditions is dramatic in the variability in the carbonate margin and slope mor­
Northern Head Group, the change is much more phology, which influenced local palaeoceanographic
subdued and temporary in the Cow Head Group. In conditions and resulted in the more extensive and
the Cow Head Group S : C ratios suggest that weakly continuous deposition of biogenic debris in the Cow
oxygenated conditions were established in the Late Head area (Botsford, 1988).
Cambrian, to be temporarily replaced by more oxy­ Notwithstanding these lateral and facies vari­
genated conditions during the latter part of the ations, the abundance of organic carbon in Middle
Tremadocian. Poorly oxygenated conditions were Cambrian to Early Ordovician sediments is con­
again re-established at the Tremadocian-Arenigian sistent with an episode of extensive black shale de­
boundary, particularly in the proximal environment. position, suggestive of poorly aerated deep-marine
The absence of abundant authigenic manganese car­ bottom water, worldwide (cf. Leggett et a/., 1981).
bonate and barite suggests that pronounced changes The appearance of more oxidizing conditions in the
128 J. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

Late Tremadocian of the Northern Head and Cow The stratigraphic distributions of lead, zinc,
Head Groups is approximately coincident with an copper and nickel within the Northern Head Group
Early Ordovician interval sparse in black shale (Fig. 10) show a pronounced enrichment in
worldwide, suggesting that this oxygenated episode Arenigian shales at the top of the Middle Arm Point
may reflect global oceanic conditions. and base of the Eagle Island Formation. Petro­
graphic and SEM/EDX (scanning electron
microscopy/energy diverted X-ray analysis) examin­
ation revealed the presence of chalcopyrite, galena,
sphalerite and locally pentlandite all occurring as
Introd uction
highly disseminated blebs and grains, 10-50 �tm in
Localized enrichments of base metals (zinc, lead, size, and within very thin veinlets.
copper and nickel) are apparent in shales of the Sulphide blebs are commonly irregular, inter­
Humber Arm Allochthon, but in detail differ in grown and locally replacive with the clay matrix.
magnitude and mode of occurrence between the Where sulphides have been noted within adjacent
Northern Head and Cow Head Groups. Individual thin sandstones, they occur as late pore fillings, sur­
enrichments in the following order of magnitude rounding detrital grains and locally replacing inter­
occur in the Northern Head Group: zinc-400 ppm, stitial matrix and cement (Fig. 9b). Intergrown
lead-300 ppm, copper-350 ppm and nickel- galena-sphalerite (Fig. 9c) and galena-chalcopyrite
130 ppm. Lead occurs at these anomalous concen­ also occur in cubic habit.
trations only in the Northern Head Group and Veinlets of galena or chalcopyrite up to 0.25 mm
enrichments of the other metals do occur in the Cow in width occur intergrown with vein-filling potassium
Head Group but are not as profound. fieldspar and quartz (Fig. 9d).
Anomalously high nickel contents can be at­ All metal anomalies in the Northern Head Group
tributed to two contrasting styles of occurrence. and adjacent units occur in bedded sediment. Sam­
First, nickel is associated with disseminated sulphides pling of associated melange units has yielded only
in shales (see discussion below). Second, nickel oc­ background concentrations of zinc, lead, copper and
curs in detrital silicate grains in ophiolite-derived nickel.
flysch (Lower Head, Eagle Island Formations) cap­
ping both allochthonous sequences.
Cow Head Group

Figures 11 and 12 illustrate the stratigraphic distri­

Northern Head Group
bution of zinc, lead, copper and nickel within proxi­
Abundant pyrite occurs in an approximately 10 m mal and distal facies shales of the Cow Head Group.
interval at the base of the Northern Head Group, In contrast to the Northern Head Group, zinc and
near the Irishtown -Cooks Brook Formation bound­ copper anomalies within Cow Head Group shales
ary. Here, several beds of carbonate pebble con­ are not concentrated at one stratigraphic horizon,
glomerate, ranging in thickness from 20 to 400 mm, but are scattered from the Upper Cambrian to the
are partially to completely replaced by pyrite (Fig. Lower Ordovician. Compared to Northern Head
9a). The only lithology which is never replaced is Group shales, concentrations of lead, nickel, zinc
black, phosphatic shale, which comprises up to 10% and copper are consistently lower.
of individual beds. In some instances, where replace­ While the stratigraphic distribution of metal en­
ment is complete, field textures are suggestive of richments is scattered, it is interesting to note that
detrital pyrite, but petrographic examination indi­ all but one (85-20; Fig. 12) occur within parts of the
cates that this is a relatively fine crystalline (30 �J.m), section characterized by poorly oxygenated depo­
pebble-by-pebble replacement of an original carbon­ sitional conditions. Detailed SEM/EDX examin­
ate conglomerate, with interstitial ferroan carbonate ation indicates that most enriched metal occurrences
cement. are related to the presence of organic carbon. In
This unit overlies a 40 m thick black shale sequence some cases, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and ?pyrrhotite
at the top of the Irishtown Formation and occurs replace delicate framboidal pyrite (Fig. 13a), which
within the most intensely anoxic interval developed is locally associated with organic matter. In other
in the Humber Arm Supergroup. No base metal cases, blebs of sphalerite, with minor pyrite, sur­
sulphides have so far been observed. round (Fig. 13b) or occur directly within (Fig. 13c)
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 129

Fig. 9. Sulphide occurrences in the Northern Head Group. (a) Thin beds of carbonate conglomerate completely replaced
by pyrite (py) within laminated black shale (sh); base of the Cooks Brook Formation (late Middle Cambrian), Seal Cove,
Middle Arm, Bay of Islands. (b) SEM/EDX photomicrograph (backscatter mode) illustrating pore-filling chalcopyrite
blebs (arrows), with small inclusions of galena (bright areas), within thin sandstone bed at base of Eagle Island Sandstone.
Surrounding silicate grains are opaque in backscatter mode but adjacent detrital chromite grain (Ch) can be seen; Eagle
Island Formation, Bay of Islands area; magnification and scale in micrometres at lower right. (c) SEM/EDX
photomicrograph (backscatter mode) illustrating intergrowth galena (gal)- sphalerite (sph) grain within (opaque) shale
matrix; Middle Arm Point Formation, Bay of Islands area; magnification and scale in micrometres at lower right. (d) SEMI
EDX photomicrograph (scanning mode) of veinlet within Middle Arm Point Formation shale illustrating intergrown
chalcopyrite (Cp) and potassium feldspar (fsp) cross-cutting shale (sh); magnification and scale in micrometres at lower

flattened fragments of organic material (which can compaction or any cementation.

frequently be identified as graptolite fragments). All It is of further interest to note that the style of
of these sulphides have precipitated relatively early sulphide occurrence is different in sample 85-20
in the diagenetic history of the shales, prior to within Tremadocian 'normal marine' sediments.

ill' 'a



' \:!:)
' 0
' �
'm �
ag "'
' P...

200 300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 0 100
Zn !ppm) Pb !ppm! Cu !ppm) Nl !ppm!

Fig. 10. Stratigraphic distribution of zinc, lead, copper and nickel within shales of the Northern Head Group and adjacent units. The stratigraphic i nterval
spans (1) the Irishtown Formation, at the base, through (2) the Cooks Brook and Middle Arm Point Formations (Northern Head Group) and (3) the
o verlying Eagle Island Formation. This displays the anomalous concentration of these elements in sulphides localized within the Arenigian part of the
section .
Cow Head

100 � � �
0 0 � o0 �

• oO
B �
B � •0
� 0� 0 [\) 800 0
� 0
0 0 00
� 0
, �


0 0 @

0 0 "'

0 0 0 0 12:.
0 � 0 � 0 '" 0

� � ' ;:;-
0 0 0 0 ""

1� • • •

0 0 oO

100 � � � ()
�{_; ;:,
� � � � i:;"

0 0 0 0
0 ' 0 o,

100 100 � 100 • ro �� rw � � � m 100 � lOO 10 w 100 120 liO

!ppml Cu (ppm)
Zn (ppm) Nl !ppml

Fig. II. Stratigraphic distribution of zinc, lead, copper and nickel in shales of the Cow Head Gro up deposited in a proximal setting.


Cow Head Group: Distal setting

Mart1n Pt
4� 6� �� ��
f g

0� 0 0 0 �0
0 0 0 �0
0 0 0 0
100 100 o 100 0 100 0
0 � 0 n 0 OOo [jJ 0
·c: 0 0 O 0
.. 0 0 00 rn
< 0 0 0 0
J� 0 J� 0 J� 0 i� 0
"' �

0 0 0 0

> �
0 Sample 85-20 tl;)
0 0 0 0
a: 0 0 0 C)
0 'II
0 0 c;;
�so oollio
I'll t:Bdl I'll � c] 0 �0 �

0 0 0 ...,
0 0 o
0 � 0 o �

!00 0 0 � 100 �0 100 g 0 100 0 0
0 ;:::
0 a 0
0 0

0 0 0 0

I� I] I] 150 �
� 0 0 0 0 �
100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 �1?
�· 0 0 n � 0 0 ...,
a. jii(.:.,
:> t.j:
..... �

lr 0 I I I 0 I
0 I I
0 I I I I

100 100 JOO 100 W ro 110 100 100 liD 111J J10 100 100 JOO 10 � 00 I� I� 110

Pb (ppm) Cu (ppm) Nl (ppml

Zn (ppm)

Fig. 12. Stratigraphic distribution of zinc, lead, copper and nickel in shales of the Cow Head Group deposited in a distal setting.
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 133



_,. __
� •
/t .�


\ /- ;


Fig. 13. Sulphide occurrences in the Cow Head Group. (a) SEM/EDX photomicrograph (scanning mode) illustrating
framboids comprising finel y intergrown chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite within Cow Head Group shale; Western Brook Pond;
magnification and scale in micrometres at lower right. (b) SEM/EDX photomicrograph (backscatter mode) illustrating the
association of sphalerite (and minor pyrite) blebs (bright areas) with flattened fragments of organic material ( flattened
black area ) . This style dominates sulphide occurrences in the Cow Head Group; magnification and scale in micrometres at
lower right. (c) SEM/EDX photomicrograph (backscatter mode); detail of above illustrating the presence of sphalerite
(bright areas) within flake of organic material; magnification and scale in micrometres at lower right. (d) Chalcopyrite (Cp)
replacing detrital chert grain in sample 85-20 from Tremadocian shale of the Cow Head Group; magnification and scale in
m icrometres at lower right.

Here chalcopyrite occurs replacing chert and other a stratigraphically confined, relatively late event,
grains (Fig. 13d) reminiscent of the replacive style of through vein and pore filling and replacement, not
precipitation described for sulphides in the Northern directly related to the presence of organic carbon.
Head Group. By contrast, sulphides in the Cow Head Group
appear to have been relatively early and only in one
example have been extensively remobilized. This
contrast in sulphide occurrence may be related to
Metal enrichments in shales of the Northern Head several factors.
Group and Cow Head Group appear to have oc­ While transition metals are generally mobile in
curred at different times and by contrasting pro­ the divalent (reduced) form, precipitation as sul­
cesses. In the first case, precipitation of zinc, copper, phides will occur under reducing conditions in the
lead and nickel sulphides appears to have been presence ofH2S (Jacobs & Emerson, 1982; Maynard,
134 J. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

1983). Transport mechanisms may include the forma­ characterized by isotopically heavy pyrite sulphur,
tion of complexes involving chloride or organic where 634S is roughly +30%o. Ventilated episodes
matter. Concentration of metals in organic material are defined by less positive isotopic values, where
may commence during the life-cycle of organisms, ()34S approaches roughly +5%o.
and combined with the behaviour of these metals The nature of the sulphur reservoir present in
outlined above, is thought to account for the common bottom water at any given time is indicated most
association of sulphide mineralization with (organic­ directly by early diagenetic pyrite (or its metastable
rich) black shale (Vine & Tourtelot, 1970; Calvert & precursor), precipitated at the onset of bacterial
Price, 1970b; Maynard, 1983). sulphate reduction during shallow burial. Ensuing
Preliminary evidence suggests that these processes generations of pyrite tend to be coarser crystalline
of metal enrichment, related to the presence of and more euhedral and may incorporate sulphur of
organic carbon, controlled localized sulphide precipi­ uncertain isotopic history. In general, it appears that
tation in Cow Head Group shales. This does not, pyrite precipitated first in the diagenetic sequence
however, appear to be the principal factor controlling incorporates the isotopically lightest sulphur , and
anomalous occurrences of lead , zinc , copper and that ensuing pyrite generations become progressively
nickel in the Northern Head Group, since this en­ isotopically heavier (e.g. Raiswell, 1982).
richment occurs in an interval which represents the A chemical technique recently developed at the
highest levels of dissolved oxygen in the depositional Geological Survey of Canada (Hall et al. , 1988)
and early diagenetic environment. facilitates the extraction, separation and sulphur
Factors responsible for this localized enrichment isotope determination of this highly disseminated,
may include: ( 1) the transport of metals , within fine-crystalline, early precipitated pyrite which com­
detrital grains or as complexes, during deposition of monly occurs in the shale samples of this study. The
the Eagle Island Sandstone ; (2) the in situ mobiliz­ majority of sulphur isotopic analyses reported in this
ation of metals under a redox gradient during early study are of this type of sulphide occurrence. The
diagenesis (cf. Klinkhammer et al. , 1982); or (3) sulphur isotopic signatures for 1 1 samples of burrow­
contrasting burial and deep diagenetic history. As filling and fine nodular pyrite from the Cow Head
previously discussed, comparable illite crystallinity Group have also been determined. Four samples
indices and conodont alteration indices in the two from the Northern Head and Cow Head Groups
groups suggest that the last alternative is not likely. have yielded sufficient authigenic barite to establish
the sulphur isotopic signature in this sulphate.
Chemical separation of pyritic and baritic sulphur
was performed using the techniques of Hall et al.
(1988). Sulphur isotopic determinations were then
performed at Geochron Laboratories, Cambridge ,
Introd uction
Massachusetts, on a contract basis.
To assess further the relationship of sulphide precipi­
tation and postulated changes in oceanic conditions
Temporal changes in sulphur isotopic signature
sulphur isotopic values in pyrite have been deter­
mined in shale from the Northern Head and Cow A pattern of temporal change in 634S values is most
Head Groups. Pyrites selected for isotope determi­ clearly displayed by the Northern Head Group
nation are of known or readily inferred age and (Fig. 1 4), in part because of sampling density, and
span the entire stratigraphic sequence under is confirmed by data from the Cow Head Group
consideration. (Fig. 15). Based upon the principles briefly outlined
Secular trends in sulphur isotopic values may be above , this temporal variation is remarkably consis­
used to identify episodes of oceanic stagnation, and tent with the postulated Lower Ordovician ventil­
associated widespread reducing conditions , and ven­ ation event discussed in previous sections.
tilated, relatively oxidizing conditions, which may
have been a factor in controlling base metal mobility
Northern Head Group
(cf. Goodfellow & Jonasson, 1984; Goodfellow,
1987). In the Cambrian-Devonian sedimentary se­ Sulphur isotopic signatures in the Northern Head
quence of the Selwyn Basin, for example (ibid. ) , Group are heaviest near the (uppermost Middle
anoxic events related to oceanic stratification are Cambrian) Cooks Brook -Irishtown Formation
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 135


E -:"l -10 10 30

D e p o s i t i o n a l /e a r l y d i a g e n e t i c c o n d i t i o n s S u l p h u r I s o t o p i c s i g n a t ure o r :

I n d i c a t e d b y o t h e r p a r a m e t e r s (se d i m e n t o l o g y ,
s h a l e g e o c h e m . , S IC r e l a t i o n s h i p s ) 0 f i n e l y d i s s e m i n a t e d p y r i te

Fig. 1 4 . Sulphur isotopic signature

In shale

(%o) of finely disseminated pyrite in v e n t i l a t ed c o n d i t i o n s

shales of the Northern Head Group i a u t h i g e n i c b a rite I n s h a l e

and adjacent units. The � po o r l y o x y g e n a t e d c o nditions

sulphur isotopic signature of
authigenic barite in three shale
samples is also shown. • A n o m a r o u s m e t a l c o n c e n tra t i o n s

boundary, where b34S values close to + 30%o phur in the Cambrian to a lighter signature in the
occur (Fig. 14). This coincides with the most pro­ Ordovician is also evident in the Cow Head Group.
nounced anoxic conditions , as indicated by sulphur ­ Furthermore the presence of isotopically heavier
carbon relationships discussed previously (see Fig. sulphur in the Arenigian is evident in the proximal
7). A progressive upward change to lighter-pyrite setting (Fig. 15) , coincident with the return to poorly
sulphur in the Early Ordovician is evident, and is oxygenated conditions described in previous sec­
most pronounced in the Middle Arm Point Forma­ tions. Isotopic data for the same interval in the distal
tion, where o34S values approaching 30%o occur.
- setting is not presently available.
Here again sulphur isotope data mirror other evi­
dence in suggesting the onset of ventilated conditions
Sulphur isotopic signature of barite in the Northern
in the Early Ordovician. Of particular i nterest is the
Head and Cow Head Groups
return, in the Arenigian, to a heavier isotopic signa­
ture, ranging from roughly 0 to +22%o. This The sulphur isotopic signature of authigenic barite
stratigraphic interval coincides with the anomalous in the Northern Head Group (Fig. 14) and Cow
concentrations of zinc , lead, copper and nickel within Head Group (Fig. 15) falls within the range of b34S
the uppermost Middle Arm Point Formation (see values established for pyrite sulphur in surrounding
Fig. 10). The significance of this relationship is un­ samples. This is surprising since fractionation associ­
clear. It may be that the sulphur isotope signature is ated with sulphate reduction normally results in a
indicating a subtle return, not otherwise apparent, considerable separation of sulphide and sulphate
to more stratified conditions conducive to the pre­ signatures. Only one (Northern Head Group) sample
cipitation of sulphides. could be interpreted as distinct from the pyrite
sulphur field, and falls within the o34S range of
+30%o in dicated for Cambro-Ordovician sulphate
Cow Head Group
by Claypool et a!. ( 1980). The reason for this conver­
The transition from isotopically heavy pyrite sui- gence of pyrite and barite isotopic signatures is not
Cow Head 00


I 0
� 0
z � 300
=- 150

I/ �
100 I

�- �


· ·· · ·

ISO 0 1:<:1

0 <::>
�;; 0 �

1 00

- ;:::
D � .,_

50 �
ill I �

-40 "'
-10 10 ...,

-40 -� 20 40

o HS
D e p o si t i o n a l /early d i a g e n e t i c c o n d i t i o n s S u l p h u r I s o t o p i c s i g n a t u re o r :

Indicated b y ot h e r p a ra m e t e r s <s e d i m e n t o l o g y ,
s h a l e g e o c h e m . , S iC r e l a t i o n s h i p s ) 0 f i n e l y d i s s e m i n a t ed p y r i te I n s h a l e

i a u t h i g e n i c b a ri t e I n s h a l e

v e n t i l a t ed c o n d i t i o n s • b u rrow-f i l l i n g o r l i n e n o d u l a r p y ri t e

Fig. 15. Sulphur isotopic signature (%o) of: (a) finely disseminated pyrite (open
poorly ox ygenated c o n d it i o n s

squares); (b) burrow-filling or fine nodular pyrite (filled squares); and (c)
• A n o m a l o us m e t a l c oncentra t i o n s authigenic barite (si ngle sample) in shales of the Cow Head Group.
Metal-rich shales, Newfoundland 137

clear. It may be related, however, to the model and may indicate an episode of stratified, reducing
outlined by Berner (1980) of upward diffusion of conditions conducive to H2S formation and sulphide
reduced sulphur from a zone of bacterially driven precipitation.
sulphate reduction (where it was fractionated) and It is interesting to note that most of the platform­
the subsequent reoxidation of this sulphur and incor­ hosted base metal occurrences in western
poration in authigenic sulphate. Barite is only found Newfoundland are localized in the Lower Ordovician
in 'ventilated' samples. St George Group. It is not clear what the relation­
ship is between this mineralization and the Lower
Ordovician 'ventilation event' postulated in this
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION study. Unknown is the timing of metal mobility (in
deep-marine shales) and the dewatering of this sedi­
Localized enrichments of metals (300+ ppm) in mentary sequence. Dewatering during collisional
shales occur in two princip al styles and settings in orogenesis may have commenced as early as the
the allochthonous Lower Palaeozoic sequences of Middle Ordovician Taconic orogeny, but regional
western Newfoundland. The contrasting nature of geologic considerations suggest that the most signifi­
these occurrences appears to be related to fundamen­ cant compression occurred later, during the Acadian.
tal differences in depositional and early diagenetic
In the Northern Head Group, anomalous metals ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
in Arenigian shales are found in sphalerite, galena,
chalcopyrite and locally pentlandite which occur as This study forms part of a collaborative project
highly disseminated replacements and pore and vein undertaken through the Canada-Newfoundland
fiUings. In contrast, zinc, copper and nickel sul­ Mineral Development Agreement ( 1984-89), DSS
phides scattered throughout Cambrian-Ordovician Contract 23233-7-0223/0 1 -ST. Many of the results
shales of the Cow Head Group are associated with are also based upon fieldwork, sampling and analysis
organic matter and show only localized evidence of supported by the Natural Science and Engineering
subsequent remobilization. Research Council funding to N.P. James, whose
The sedimentology, shale geochemistry, sulphur­ advice regarding sedimentological and regional
carbon relationships and sulphur isotopes indicate geological aspects is gratefully acknowledged.
a significant change in the marine environment, The cooperation and technical support of the
from Cambrian- Early Ordovician anoxic conditions Newfoundland Department of Mines and Geological
to a ventilation event commencing in the Late Survey of Canada are also acknowledged. Reviews
Tremadocian. These conditions appear to have con­ by E. Cameron, W. Goodfellow and R. Raiswell
tinued through the Arenigian in the Northern Head substantially improved the manuscript.
Group, while S : C profiles suggest a return to more
reducing conditions in the Cow Head Group.
The occurrence of sulphides outlined above ap­ REFERENCES
pears to be related to these temporal variations in
oceanic conditions. The most profound buildup of BERNER, R . A . ( 1970) Sedimentary pyrite formation. A m .
sulphides consists of pyrite at the (Upper Middle J. Sci. 268 , 1-23.
BERNER, R.A. ( 1980) Early Diagenesis: a Theoretical
Cambrian) base of the Cooks Brook Formation in Approach . Princeton U niversity Press , Princeton,
the Northern Head Group. 241pp.
The replacive and vein-filling style of sulphide BERNER, R . A . ( 1984) Sedimentary pyrite formation: an
occurrence in the Northern Head Group (and locally update. Geochim. cosmochim. A cta 48, 605 - 6 15 .
BoLTON , B . R . & FRAKES, L . A . ( 1985) Geology and genesis
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of manganese oolite, Chiatara, Georgia , USSR. Geol.
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posited during the Lower Ordovician ventilation BoTSFORD, J . W . ( 1988) Depositional history of Middle
episode. It is possible that the precipitation of these Cambrian to Lower Ordovician deep- water sediments,
Bay of Islands, western Newfoundland. Unpublished
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PhD Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
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Head Group this is subtly suggested by the o34S BOUVIER, J . L . & A BB EY , S. ( 1980) Simultaneous determi­
profile which briefly returns to more positive values nation of water, carbon dioxide and sulfur i n rocks by
138 J. W. Botsford and D. F. Sangster

volatization and non-dispersive infrared absorptiometry. sulfur relationships i n Black Sea sediments as indicators
Can. J. Spectros. 25, 126- 132. of environments of deposition. Geochim. cosmochim.
BYERS, C.W. ( 1977) B iofacies patterns in euxinic basins: a A cta 47, 133 - 137 .
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Publ . Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner. 25. indicator of environment of deposition. Am. J. Sci. 287,
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Loch Tyre, Scotland . Contrib. Min. Petrol. 29, 2 1 5 - 233. in diagenesis of deep-sea sediments. Marine Ceo!. 3,
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CLAYPOOL, G . E . , HOLSER, W . T . , SAKI, l . R. & ZAK, I . Basin: control by rates of sedimentation. Am. J. Sci.
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Ceo!. 28 , 199-260. Deposits. Springer, New York, 305pp.
FRAKES, L . A . & BOLTON , B . R . ( 1984) Origin of manganese PEDERSEN, T.F. & PRICE , N . B . ( 1982) The geochemistry
giants: sea-level rise and oxic-anoxic history. Geology of manganese carbonate in Panama Basin sediments.
12, 83-86. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 46, 59-68.
GooDFELLOW , W. (1987) Anoxic stratified oceans as a RAISWELL, R . (1982) Pyrite texture, isotopic composition
source of sulphur in sediment-hosted stratiform Zn- Pb and the availability of iron. Am. J. Sci. 282, 1244- 1263.
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65, 359-382. euxinic and semi-euxinic sediments. Am. J. Sci. 285 ,
GoODFELLOW, W . & JoNASSO N , I. ( 1 984) Ocean stagnation 710-724.
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and barite, Selwyn Basin, Yukon. Geology 12 , 583-586. logic significance of oxygen-deficient marine basins.
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Bulletin 366. bearing on a proto-Atlantic Ocean . Geological Associ­
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Spec. Pubis inl. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 139-146

Origin of iron carbonate layers in Tertiary coastal sediments

of Central Kalimantan Province (Borneo), Indonesia


ORSTOM-UGM Cooperation, Sekip K 3, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Siderite layers, brown coals and quartzitic sands are an important part of the Tertiary section of the
Rungan River Basin in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The siderite layers consist of grey, fine­
grained, indurated rocks.
The depositional setting in Borneo during the Upper Tertiary was that of a large coastal lowland area
with peat swamps and tropical giant podzols, much like the modern landscape. This environment seems
to have been favourable for the formation of siderite. A relationship can be suggested between iron
carbonate sedimentation and deferrification of onshore sedimentary continental formations through a
pedological podzolization process. The iron was probably removed from the soils by 'black' waters
which were rich in iron-complexing organic compounds. The iron carbonate was probably formed in
tidal lagoons, in a brackish environment under reducing conditions.
The depositional setting shows that the origin of the iron in siderite layers must be sought laterally,
probably hundreds of kilometres away, in bleached siliceous formations, associated with coal beds which
are the former peat deposits. This mode of occurrence may have application to other sequences where
such distinct lateral relationships are less obvious.


Since 1979, Indonesian and ORSTOM scientists,

within the framework of scientific cooperation be­
tween Indonesia and France, have produced soil
maps covering large parts of Central Kalimantan
Province (Brabant & Muller, 1981; ORSTOM & The most conspicuous outcrops of bedded siderite
Dept Transmigrasi, 1981). Numerous observations are located on the Rungan River, between its conflu­
and analyses are available for the post-Miocene ence with the Manuhing River and the town of
sediments of the Central Kalimantan Coastal Plain Tumbang Jutuh (Fig. 1). On this stretch, the Rungan
(Sumartadipura, 1976). River cuts its valley through post-Miocene sedi­
The outcrops of these sediments reveal sandy ments. Three main siderite outcrops can be ob­
layers, sometimes intercalated with gravels and served within the river channel between July and
clayey horizons, siderite, and coal beds. An analysis November, when the water level of the river is low.
of the modern depositional setting of the coastal The siderite consists of a very hard rock, forming
plain was carried out as a basis for interpreting the nearly continuous layers between 200 and 300 mm in
nature and formation of these outcrops. This paper thickness. The layers are so hard that they form
outlines the characteristics of the main outcrops small rapids in the river (Fig. 2). The rock has a very
along the Rungan River (Fig. 1) and describes the pale yellowish-grey colour which changes gradually
present coastal landscape and geochemistry of units into dark reddish-violet, especially after a week of
within it. air exposure. This change in colour is not just super-

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
140 C. R. Sieffermann

10 20 30

Fig. 1. Coal and siderite outcrops

c::::? SIDERITE /COAL �LIMESTONE along the Rungan River, Borneo,

Fig. 2. Outcrop of siderite layers in

the Rungan River, in Central
Kalimantan (Borneo).
Iron carbonate layers in coastal sediments, Borneo 141

ficial; after two weeks a depth of 20 mm is affected,

and after two months a 100 mm thick block becomes
completely dark red up to the centre. This change in
colour undoubtedly corresponds to an oxidation
process. Submerged under the river water the sider­
ite acquires only a very superficial yellow crust.

Clay beds

The indurated siderite layers are mainly underlain

by fine soft bluish-grey clay. Frequently, organic
matter in the form of leaves and other plant frag­
ments can be observed in these clay layers. The
overlying sediments above the siderite are silty with
an upwards increasing amount of sand, and a minor
amount of quartz gravels.

Coal beds

Between the second and third outcrop of siderite

(Fig. 1), five coal beds can be observed. Coals have
not been observed to directly overlie the siderite.
The rank of the coal is brown coal and the total
thickness reaches 800 mm (Fig. 3). Perfectly pre­
served tree trunks can be found within the coal
layers, indicating a depositional environment of
forest peat, similar to that described by Cecil et al.
(1985) for the Central Appalachian Basin during the Fig. 3. Outcrop of Miocene coal on the Rungan River, in
Carboniferous and comparable to the current peat Central Kalimantan (Borneo).
belt in Kalimantan to the south (Fig. 4).

instead appears to be more like that of coastal

ANALYTICAL DATA sedimentation under a periodic marine influence,
mainly because of its montmorillonite-chlorite
In its X-ray diffraction pattern, the siderite has all content, its bluish colour and reducing character­
the characteristic reflections of iron carbonate (3·58, istics, and the absence of goethite and hematite.
2·79, 2·34 and 2·13 A). Associated with the siderite An explanation for the genesis of the siderite is
is an interstratifi.ed montmorillonite-chlorite. In a more problematic. A good approach to understand
normal state, the main peak for this phase is 12·8 A, its deposition is to look at geochemical mechan­
shifting after· heating to 11·8 A, and after glycerol isms of the modern coastal plain of the Indonesian
treatment to )4·7 A. Fine quartz, illite and dis­ Central Kalimantan Province.
ordered kaolinite are often associated with these
minerals. The bluish-grey clay underlying the siderite
contains the same montmorillonite-chlorite min­ THE MODERN COASTAL LANDSCAPE
eral, associated with disordered kaolinite, illite, and
a small amount of quartz. Millions of hectares of poorly drained coastal plains
The rivers are transporting a different mineral of the Indonesian Islands are covered with peat. The
suite today. In order of abundance, disordered kao­ peat zone of Kalimantan is situated in relation to the
linite, quartz, illite and goethite dominate the river­ other landscape units in a well-defined sequence
ine clay fraction in accordance with the dominant (Fig. 4): upslope from the peat is a wide zone of
oxisol and ultisol cover of the island's interior. The deferrified tropical giant podzols; further inland is a
clay mineral mixture associated with the siderite zone including coal and siderite; and at the centre of
142 G.R. Sieffermann

0 50 100Km

Igneous, volcanic and

m�tamorphic rocks with Oxisols
and Ultisols

� Post Mioc�n� s�dim�nts

with coal and Sid�rit� lay�rs

� D�f�rrifi�d PODZOL 5
;Jtf;,'fJ; Thick ombrog�nous PEAT

§ Coastal PEAT on brackish wat�r s� dim�nts Fig. 4. Succession of soil types in

Central Kalimantan Province.

The oxisols
the island is a vast oxisol landscape developed on
crystalline and volcanic rocks. Towards the coastal In the upstream units, the oxisol formation is con­
area, thinner peats overlie predominantly clayey, trolled by two mechanisms: weathering and erosion.
brackish water sediments contammg pyrite, 1 Weathering destroys completely the minerals of
montmorillonite-chlorite and sometimes siderite. the crystalline and volcanic rocks through a hydroly­
sis process. The less-soluble elements remain and
form the characteristic minerals of the oxisols; mainly
GEOCHEMISTRY OF MODERN kaolinites, iron and aluminium oxides and hydrox­
COASTAL LANDSCAPE ides. Such processes have been well studied during
the last30 years by Bonifas (1959), Millot (1964),
The geochemistry of each of the landscape zones Delvigne ( 1965), Lelong ( 1967), Tardy (1969) and
represented in Fig. 4 is different. Sieffermann (1973). These authors have shown that
Iron carbonate layers in coastal sediments, Borneo 143

during hydrolysis, nearly two-thirds of the weathered The hardpan forms a nearly permanent water table
rock is removed in soluble, ionic form. It is easy to with only lateral outflow.
forget this because the process is invisible. The Such podzols have been extensively reported dur­
hydrolysis of 3 parts of andesite gives only 1 part of ing the last 30 years by Viera & Oliveira-Filho
( 1962),
soil and the remaining 2 parts disappear. Half of the Altenmuller & Klinge ( 1964), Klinge (1967, 1969),
dissolved rock is silica. In other words, for each Andriesse ( 1969, 1970), Turenne (1970, 1975),
quantity of soil we can see in Borneo, on the Matto Flexor et al. ( 1975) and Thompson ( 1986). The
Grosso Shield in Brazil, or in the Congo Basin, an normal, undisturbed vegetation on such soils is
equal amount of silica has been transported to the forest.
coastal zone of sedimentation. At its southern limit, the giant podzols are overlain
2 Erosion affects all soils and removes the soil by ombrogenous thick peats as represented in Fig. 5.
minerals formed during the weathering process in The great contrast in these soils, between the white
the form of suspensions in the rivers. In equatorial quartz sand horizon and the iron and organic hard­
regions, the soils represent an equilibrium between pan, is not caused by a change in depositional source
the weathering and the erosion processes. This re­ materials or by facies changes resulting in different
moval of 'soil minerals' can be seen and measured: it parent materials, but by thousands of years of clay
is the solid transport. These two mechanisms are mineral breakdown through rainwater percolation
represented on the right-hand side of Fig. 5. The giant podzols have been formed from fluviatile
sedimentary clayey sands, similar to those deposited
by modern rivers, and composed mainly of quartz
The giant podzols
gravels and sands, kaolinites and iron hydroxides.
This unit occurs over thousands of square kilometres The percolation of the equatorial rainwater through
and forms a very flat landscape. The giant podzols such sediments created the bleached horizon in which
can be morphologically compared with those of tem­ only quartz remains. If the past rainfall was compar­
perate climates, but differ from temperate podzols able to the modern rainfall, a column of 50 km of
by the greater thickness of their horizons. They are rainwater has percolated slowly through these soils
characterized by a white quartz sand horizon, often during the last 30 000 years.
more than 5 m thick, overlying an iron and alu­ The removal of the iron and aluminium through
minium hardpan, frequently more than 2 m thick. organic compounds has been described by Bruckert

SOUTH r----- About 200 Kilom<ttrs ------- NORTH

f---- PEAT -----11-
I 1 w��
100m -
--�--=-""- �----_,...-- •'

Coastal Peat accumulation area Lateritic

sedimentation weathering area
De- ferrificatioo md
de- aluminization area

Soluble Al and Fe
organic compounds Soluble
Neoformat ions
fr action
( �__,/' .

Fe- Chlorite
2:1 Clay minerals
(� lSi 04r--
Ca++, Mg++, K•, Na• etc ...
in river water
J+ Soil minerals:
Fig. 5. Transfer of elements during + . Ka olinite

weathering and genesis of new Soil minerals River transport .,__..--

Er o s Goethite
minerals in the coastal landscape of Gibbsite
144 G.R. Sieffermann

(1970), Razzaghe-Karimi (1974), and Turenne to the genesis of the siderite and pyrite. Siderite
(1975). Tancredi et a!. (1975) proposed that the iron may be the dominant mineral in reducing freshwaters
removed from the soils was later available to make (Postma, 1982; Giresse, 1987), whereas pyrite may
siderite and iron chlorite in Quaternary sediments be more frequent in seawater environments
of the Amazon Delta. Tancredi et al. therefore (Casagrande et a!., 1977; Postma, 1982).
suggested a relationship between siderite formation The clays surrounding the siderite layers of the
and deferrification of white kaolin deposits, pro­ Rungan River suggest brackish water sedimentation,
cesses that fit the situation in Indonesia. A similar even though the salt has been washed away since the
mechanism was proposed by Bubenicek (1970) for Tertiary. More field investigations have to be under­
the iron chlorites and siderite of the important iron taken in order to understand the genesis of the
ore deposit of Lorraine (France). These processes siderite and pyrite.
are shown in the central part of Fig. 5. There is little data available for iron carried by
inland groundwater to the coastal area. However,
the heavy clayey texture of the sediments, their
The coastal sedimentation zone
topographic position which is less than 1 m above
The coastal sedimentation zone is characterized by the mean sea level, the presence of salt which induces
its clay mineral suites. dispersion of clays and consequently the impervious­
1 Inherited clays and minerals arrive detritally from ness of the clay layers, suggest that groundwater
the inland environment; these are mainly disordered iron discharge may play a role only in short distance
kaolinites, small amounts of quartz, and minor transport.
amounts of mica.
2 Clay mineral of 2: 1 type; mainly interstratified
montmorillonite-chlorite and iron-bearing clay min­
erals with chlorite X-ray characteristics. These 2: 1 CONCLUSION
minerals can represent up to 30% of the clays of the
coastal unit. In the coastal area of Central Kalimantan Province,
It should be emphasized that such 2: 1 minerals the fine sediments are a mixture of inherited detrital
are almost absent in the solid load of rivers draining components and newly formed aggradational clays
tropical oxisol areas. A similar absence of such incorporating cations from the seawater. Within this
minerals was observed in South America in the solid clay mineral mixture, neoformed minerals such as
transport of the tropical Xingu River (Gibbs, 1967). siderite and pyrite are being produced.
The most plausible explanation is that these 2: 1 This modern depositional setting can be directly
minerals of the coastal sedimentation zone are applied to post-Miocene sediments in Central
formed by aggradation of degraded clay particles Kalimantan, in which indurated siderite layers are
coming from the inland units. The river water carries underlain by clays having a mineralogical compo­
soluble silica derived from the inland soils where sition much like those of the modern analogue.
equatorial weathering occurs. This silica could con­ Deferrification of onshore sedimentary continental
tribute to the growth of small clay crystals in the formations through the agency of pedological
sedimentation area, with incorporation of potassium podzolization processes can be inferred from such
and magnesium ions from seawater in the new struc­ features as bleached quartz sands and organic
ture. Such transformations by the aggradation of hardpans.
inherited clays related to the environment have been
extensively reported by Dietz (1941), Grim et a!.
(1949), Grim & Johns (1954), Powers(1957, 1959),
Nelson ( 1960) and Pinsak & Murray (1960). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
3 Neoformed siderite and pyrite. The iron in these
two minerals is undoubtedly derived from inland, The author wishes to express his deepest gratitude
either in the form of soluble iron-organic compounds to J. Parnell (The Queen's University of Belfast),
or from the destruction of detrital goethite and E.I. Robbins (US Geological Survey, Reston) and
hematite. Goethite and hematite disappear in the M.J. McFarlane (University of Reading), for their
reducing brackish water environment of the coastal invaluable suggestions and their great contribution
sedimentation zone, and their iron may contribute to the correction of this text.
Iron carbonate layers in coastal sediments, Bomeo 145

REFERENCES rivers in Amazonia. In: Atas do Simposio s6bre a biota

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LELONG, G.F. (1967) Nature et genese des produits
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ANDRIESSE, J.P. (1970) The development of podzol mor­
phology in the Tropical Lowlands of Sarawak (Malaysia). NELSON, B.W. (1960) Clay mineralogy of the bottom sedi­
Geoderma 3, 261-279.
ments, Rappahannock River, Virginia. Clays Clay Min.
BoNIFAS, M. (1959) Contribution c) !'etude geochimique de
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PINSAK, A.P. & MURRAY, H.H. (1960) Regional clay min­
Indonesia-ORSTOM Transmigration Project PTA-44,
136pp. Dept of Transmigration, Jakarta. eral patterns in the Gulf of Mexico. Clays Clay Min. (7th
BRUCKERT, S. (1970) Influence des composes organiques
Nat! Conf. 1958), 162-178.
PoSTMA, D. (1982) Pyrite and siderite formation in brackish
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PowERS, M.C. (1957) Adjustment of land derived clays to
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PowERS, M.C. (1959) Adjustment of clays to chemical
SuLTON, N. (1977) Sulfur in peat forming systems of the
change and the concept of the equivalence level. Clays
Clay Min. (6th Nat!. Conf. 1957), 309-326.
Okefenokee Swamp and Florida Everglades: origin of
RAZZAGHE-KARIMI, M. (1974) Evolution geochimique et
sulfur 111 coal. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 41, 161-167.
mineralogique des micas et phyllosilicates en presence
F.T., RuPPERT, L.F. & PIERCE, B.S. (1985) Paleoclimate d'acides organiques.These Univ. Paris VI, 96pp.
controls on late Paleozoic sedimentation and peat forma­ SIEFFERMANN, G. (1973) Les sols de quelques regions vol­
caniques du Cameroun. These Sci, Strasbourg. Mem.
tion 1n the Central Appalachian Basin (USA). Int. J.
ORSTOM 66, 183pp.
Coal Geol. 5, 195-230.
SuMARTADIPURA, A.S. (1976) Geologic map of Tewah
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litique. Mem. ORSTOM 13, 177pp. Survey of Indonesia, Bandung.
DIETZ, R.S. (1941) Clay minerals in recent marine sedi­
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FLEXOR, J.M., OLIVEIRA, J.J., RAPAIRE, J.L. & de siderite dans les sediments recents du delta
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TARDY, Y. (1969) Geochimie des alteralions. Eludes des
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ferrugineux du Reconcavo Bahianais et du Para (Bresil).
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d'Europe et d'Afrique. These Sci. Strasbourg. Mem.
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GIBBS, R.J. (1967) Geochemistry of the Amazon River
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do Rio Negro. Bol. Tee. lnst. Agron. Norte 42, 1-42.
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 147-156

Mineral deposits in Miocene lacustrine and

Devonian shallow-marine facies in Yugoslavia

J. OBR AD O V I C and N. V A SIC

Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Beograd, Djusina 7, I 1000 Beograd, Yugoslavia


Miocene lacustrine facies in Serbia, Yugoslavia, contain sedimentary zeolites, bentonites, oil shales with
authigenic minerals, magnesites and borates. Some of these mineral deposits are of diagenetic origin,
including the alteration of volcanic glass. In some cases hot waters of volcanic origin migrated through
serpentines that underlie the lake basins, bringing magnesium to the lake water. Boron was derived by
the leaching of volcanic and pyroclastic rocks by meteoric waters.
Devonian marine shallow-water facies in western Macedonia include oolitic ironstone deposits.
Oolitic ironstones (mostly chamositic clays) were deposited within a clastic sequence composed of clays,
silts and sands which were subsequently metamorphosed. All primary structures were destroyed by
metamorphism and/or tectonic activity. The internal fabrics of the chamosite ooids are mostly tangential,
although in some cases they are radial. The iron had a multiple origin, including streams which drained
weathered terrains and possibly upwelling deep basin waters.


In Yugoslavia, especially in Serbia, many non­ chamosite ooids with both tangential and radial­
metallic mineral deposits occur in lacustrine facies concentric fabric are recognizable.
of Tertiary age including sedimentary zeolites
(Obradovic, 1988), bentonites, oil shales (Obradovic LACUSTRINE FACIES
& Jovanovic, 1987), borates and sedimentary
magnesites (Obradovic et al., 1984). Their formation Many lake basins existed in Serbia in Neogene
is related to the diagenetic alteration of volcanic times. The lakes became established in the Palae­
glass (bentonites, zeolites), or to other processes ogene, and lasted until the Upper Miocene or
(sedimentary magnesites, borates and others) m Pliocene. All of them were freshwater lakes (Fig. 1),
alkaline-saline lakes. situated in graben-like intermontane basins near the
A Devonian ironstone formation is mined in marginal part of the Pannonian Sea.
western Macedonia. Many geologists (Page, 1958; Under the influence of contemporaneous vol­
Harder, 1966; Kleut, 1966, 1968; Obradovic & canism (heating of water), vertical movements of
Karamata, 1982; Karamata, et al., 1982, 1988) have fault blocks (shallowing and deepening in different
investigated the Tajmiste ironstone deposit, but parts of the lake) and a dry, arid climate, the lake
some problems remain unresolved. The oolitic water changed from fresh to alkaline and saline
ironstone ores from Tajmiste are a shallow-marine (Obradovic, 1983). This occurred at a certain stage
facies, within a sequence of clastic sediments. Re­ of lake development and often only in some parts of
crystallized limestones occur only at the top of the the lake. Because of subsequent subsidence and
series. Although the ironstone formation has experi­ water inft.ow, all lakes reverted to freshwater en­
enced metamorphism and/or tectonic deformation, vironments. According to Pantie & Mihajlovic

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 147

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
148 1. Obradovic and N. Vasic

- - ·.._ r,\
- ·--···: .;-
c-·, � .


Fig. 1. Palaeogeographic
reconstruction of Miocene
environments in Yugoslavia. After
Grubic (1980). (1) Land, (2) lakes,
(3) sea, (4) land-sea boundary, (5)
islands, (6) volcanic centres
(dacite-andesite), (7) Slanci Basin,
(8) Valjevo-Mionica Basin, (9)
Jarandol Basin, (10) Vranje Basin. I,
Adriatic Basin; II, Pannonian
Basin; III, Dacian Basin; IV, land
with lakes.

( 1977), a comparison between fossil floras collected marl and tuff were deposited in the lake. The prod­
over a wide area in Central and Southern Europe ucts of the diagenetic alteration of the tuffs were
shows that the dry climatic zone shifted from the bentonite, clinoptilolite and analcime.
north, southwards throughout the Miocene.
Oil shales
The lacustrine facies includes two types of oil shale.
In Serbia, a dry period occurred in the Middle The first is carbonate-rich and the second is silici­
Miocene (Table 1). At that time sedimentary zeolites clastic. The first type, in the Valjevo-Mionica Basin,
(the product of the diagenetic alteration of volcanic includes dolostones and rarely dolomitic marlstones
glass) were formed in many lake basins. These with laminae of kerogen. Moulds of gypsum crystals
zeolites are mostly referrable to clinoptilolite, as in are very common in the carbonate rocks. It is possible
the Slanci Basin and the Vranje Basin at Zlatokop to distinguish three series. The lower series contains
(Obradovic & Dimitrijevic, 1987). varved and laminated pelites (mostly marlstones)
At Zlatokop in the Vranje Basin, zeolitized and laminae of kerogen and rare beds of searlesite.
quartz-latitic tuffs are interbedded with marly sedi­ The middle series contains tuffaceous material and
ments of Middle Miocene age (Fig. 2). The tuffs are varved pelites (tuffaceous dolostones and dolomitic
separated from the marly sediments by layers of marlstones) with laminae of kerogen and beds of
laminated silicified tuffs containing analcime and searlesite in association with analcime and potassium
lenses of black chert. The tuffs are predominantly feldspar crystals. The upper series consists of
fine-grained volcanic ash and rare crystals of quartz, carbonate rocks with rare laminae of kerogen. A
plagioclase (30-35% An) and biotite. The tuffs are younger siliciclastic formation lies transgressively
on average about 80% zeolitized, and constitute up upon them (Obradovic & Jovanovic, 1987).
to 90% of the rock volume. The zeolite corresponds In another type of oil shale, in the Vranje Basin of
to calcium clinoptilolite. Oligo-Miocene age, laminae of kerogen alternate
In some lake basins, including the Slanci Basin, with laminae of shale or clay, but the authigenic
lacustrine sediments overlie a fluvial floodplain and minerals mentioned above have not been discovered
swamp succession. Clay, dolomitic and tuffaceous in them.
Table 1. Lacustrine facies and their characteristics

Slanci Basin Vranje Basin Zlatokop Jarandol Basin Valjevo-Mionica Basin

Age Lower-Upper Miocene Lower Miocene-Pliocene Lower- Upper Miocene Late Lower-Late Upper

Character of the Freshwater with coal Freshwater with floral Freshwater with coal and Freshwater with oil shales
lake water remains floral remains
Saline-alkaline (volcanic Saline-alkaline (volcanic Saline-alkaline

Saline-alkaline "'
glass-bentonite- glass-clinoptilolite- (magnesites with the (searlesite, analcime and !:?..
clinoptilolite-analcime) analcime) moulds of borate, K feldspar) with oil shales !:>..
phosphate and sulphate �
minerals; early diagenetic "'
dolomitization of CaC03 -"'

Freshwater fossil remains Freshwater floral remains Freshwater fossil remains Freshwater floral remains, CrQ
oil shales "'
Contemporaneous Tuffs and tuffites Volcanic rocks, tuffs and Volcanic rocks, tuffs and Tuffs and tuffites ;::;·
volcanic products tuffites tuffites

Tectonic activity Strong Strong Strong Strong

Climate Wet Wet Wet Wet

Dry (Middle Miocene) Dry (Middle Miocene) Dry (Middle Miocene) Dry (Middle Miocene)
Wet Wet Wet Wet



2 "

a: 0
w <.>



-' ' '- 2 e:

"" w

w 2 0
(.) 2 <.>

0 +

g v v
v v v v w ffi TUFF WITH

'I v v v
z �


w �
v v "'
c v v v v
v v
� ;::
v v v v g
v <J)

v v

v v v v

v v v v


G N 0





Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphic column for Zlatokop, Vranje Lacustrine Basin.

Mineral deposits, Yugoslavia 151

minerals was discovered in fine-grained clastic sedi­

Sedimentary magnesites and borates
ments, representing a very shallow-water environ­
In the tectonically active Jarandol Basin, several ment. In the outer part of the basin, colemanite
subenvironments can be distinguished. In one of (2[Ca2B60u·5H20]) and howlite (Ca2B5Si09(0H)5)
them, in a shallow-water dolomitic carbonate com­ occur in association with bitumen, calcite and
plex, deposits of sedimentary magnesite (Bela Stena gypsum, forming the lens-shaped body. In the
=white rock) occur (Obradovic et al., 1984). Ultra­ central part of the basin, in the same fine­
mafic and volcanic rocks and locally Triassic dolo­ grained siliciclastic subenvironment, ulexite
mites underlie these lake sediments. The Bela Stena (2[NaCaB506(0H)6-5H20]), colemanite and tinca­
deposit is a lens-shaped body that once contained lonite (Na2B405(0H}4-3H20) were found. All these
about four million tons of magnesite. The magnesites boron minerals are typical of playa lake deposits.
are bedded in layers of different thickness, mostly The boron was probably derived by the leaching of
400-500 mm, which were more or less destroyed by volcanic and pyroclastic rocks by meteoric waters.
diagenetic modification, slumping and tectonic ac­
tivity. The characteristics of the magnesite deposits
are given in Table 2. Electron microprobe analyses DEVONIAN SHALLOW-MARINE
show that the content of MgO varies from 38·72 to CHAMOSITIC IRONSTONE
46·19% . The highest content is characteristic of the
massive type of magnesite. In western Macedonia a Devonian shallow-marine
The source of magnesium was the ultramafic rocks; sequence contains oolitic ironstone deposits. Fossils
hot waters of volcanic origin migrated through them, found in limestones from the area surrounding the
bringing magnesium to the lake. Also, magnesium mine indicate a late Lower Devonian to Middle
may have been derived by leaching of the ultramafic Devonian age.
rocks by meteoric waters. At the time of most The oolitic ironstones, primarily chamosite clays,
intense faulting hydrothermal solutions precipitated in the Tajmiste deposit, western Macedonia, were
magnesium and other components as a nodular and deposited within a clastic series of claystones, shales
porous type of magnesite deposit along the fault and sandstones, which were subsequently metamor­
zones. Bedded massive and laminated magnesite phosed into quartzites, phyllites and schists. There
pass laterally into dolomitic and magnesitic marl­ are several important beds of ironstone.
stones. Due to vertical fault movements some parts It is possible to distinguish three stratigraphic
of the magnesite deposits were exposed to subaerial units: a lower unit under the ores, the unit containing
conditions. The magnesite became dried and frag­ the ores and an upper unit above the ores. The first
mented to produce what is known as the brecciated unit is composed of fine-grained sediments with rare
type (Obradovic et al., 1990). Desiccation cracks sandstones (metamorphosed to phyllite and quart­
commonly occur in this deposit. In magnesite, es­ zites), the second unit includes the ores within sand­
pecially in the porous type, moulds of gypsum and stones and shales (quartzites, slates and phyllites),
lueneburgite [Mg3B2(0H)6(P0)4 ·6H20] crystals and the third unit is metamorphosed sandstones,
occur. Crystals of lueneburgite up to 3 mm in size shales and claystones (quartzites and phyllites) with
were found. limestones at the top. Coarsening-upward sequences
In the same lake basin (Fig. 3), a deposit of boron are characteristic for the lower and middle units.

Table 2. Characteristics of magnesites from the Bela Stena deposit

Sedimentary features Types Environment

Bedding Laminated Lake basin, shallow water with temporary


subaerial conditions
Lamination Massive pH= 8-10
Desiccation cracks Cavernous Alkaline-saline water (moulds of sulphate, borate
Kerogen of sapropelic type Brecciated and phosphate minerals; occurrences of
Floral remains Nodular lueneburgite)
Algal structure Contemporaneous volcanism

















Fig. 3. Lithostratigraphic column from a part of Jarandol Lacustrine Basin.









:'! 2

2 Ca-Se "­

..J -
c -
c - Ca-se-Co


Sd-Co-Mt ORE

Co- Sd ORE "'

Sd-Co ORE �




� .

Co-Mt-Sd ORE c







Fig. 4. Lithostratigraphic column of ironstone formation from Tajmiste.

154 J. Obradovic and N. Vasic

Most primary structures were destroyed by meta­ Table 4. Spectrochemical trace element analyses of iron
morphism and/or tectonic activity. Only in a few ores (ppm)

cases can parallel lamination be distinguished

2 3 4
(Fig. 4).
According to Harder ( 1966, 1989), the different Pb 15 15 50 *

iron ores can be distinguished by using the chemical Zn 500 600 500 111·52
compositions of the ores. The Minette type of iron Cu 150 500 700 61·03
Mn 5000 3000 500 2100
ore is geochemically characterized by high contents Co *
80 10 5
of Ti02 (more than 0·15% ), P205 (more than 1% ), Ni 100 30 50 27-44
V205 (about 0· 1% ) and Al203 (more than 4% ). Cr 100 *
150 274·54
These contents are lower in exhalative iron ores v 200 200 50 152·03
Ba * *
(Lahn-Dill type) than in the ores of the Minette 300 178·52
* * *
Nb 3·50
type. According to these data, ironstones from the Zr * * *
Tajmiste deposit correspond more closely to the y * * *
Sr * * *
Minette type than to the exhalative type. Chemical 129·09
analyses (Tables 3 and 4) show that ironstone ores *
Not determined. Analyst for samples 1, 2, 3,
show some differentiation in their chemical compo­ B. Milanovic, Beograd; for sample 4, D. Opper, Koln.
sition, but they do correspond to the Minette type.
Although some pyroclastic rocks are found in the
Tajmiste deposit, basic volcanic rocks occur 50 km the nuclei of the ooids are visible, but usually this is
distant from it, and are covered by thick deposits of not the case. Siderite commonly replaced chamosite,
Palaeozoic rocks, so there is unlikely to be a genetic but the magnetite is of metamorphic origin. The
connection between them and the Tajmiste ooids were deformed by metamorphism. In some
ironstones. cases two or three ooids have coalesced with a
The fabric of the ores is oolitic, rarely pisolitic. common outer cortex.
The ooids are mostly less than 0·5 mm, and rarely The tangential fabric in the ooids suggests that
from 0·5 to 0·8 mm in size. The ooids are composed besides ooids similar to lateritic ooids (radial­
of chamosite with tangential and radial structure, concentric fabric) there are others. The tangential
and rarely of siderite and magnetite. In some cases fabric is probably produced by the mechanical ac­
cretion of detrital clay (kaolinite) and hydrated iron
oxide minerals (Bhattacharyya & Kakimoto, 1982).
Table 3. Chemical analysis of iron ores Ooids with radial fabrics, resembling lateritic pisoids,
are also composed of chamosite, which was partly
2 3
replaced by siderite at the late diagenetic stage. In
Si02 7·73% 19·68% 7·14% the region surrounding the deposit there is no ex­
Ti02 0·36 0-48 0·39 posed weathering crust or occurrence of laterites.
AI203 3·00 3·92 7·23 Because of this the origin of this kind of ooid is
F�03 22·22 8·53 5·32 questionable, but it is believed that they correspond
FeO 35-45 43·88 43-97
MnO 0·15 0·16 0-48 to a weathering crust.
MgO 0·50 0·99 1·98 Until now there has been no satisfactory general
CaO 2·42 1·04 3·05 model for the interpretation of the origin of these
Na20 0·09 0·09 0·12 ironstones. We did not find any evidence that the
K20 0·11 0·11 0·80
investigated ooids represent the diagenetic ferru­
P20s 2·80 1·13 2·58
s 1·04 1·03 0·69 ginization of calcareous ooids. The tangential fabric
Org.mat. 0·38 1-49 0·64 of the ferruginous ooids originated, according to
H20 1000° 23·75 17·50 25-43 Bhattacharyya & Kakimoto (1982), by the mechan­
H20 110° 0·18
ical accretion of suspended hydrated iron oxides and
100·00% 100·03% 100·00% detrital clay minerals, especially kaolinite, around
the nucleus, in water with some degree of agitation.
(1) Chamosite-siderite ore; (2) chamosite-siderite ore;
(3) siderite-chamosite ore
The chamosite formed from the kaolinite during
Classical gravimetric methods were employed for oxides the early stages of diagenesis in an iron-rich
and water (analyst: D. Nikolic). environment.
Mineral deposits, Yugoslavia 155

The ongm of the iron is probably polygenetic. there is no exposed weathering crust or occurrence
The chemical composition of the Tajmiste ironstones of laterites. The origin of this kind of ooid is therefore
shows a similarity between them and the Minette questionable, but it is believed that they correspond
type of ironstones, indicating that the iron originated to a weathering crust.
from weathered terrains. Some differences between The origin of the iron is probably polygenetic.
the Minette type and the Tajmiste ironstones, like The data indicate that iron was not simply supplied
the occurrences of goethite in the Minette type, by streams which drained weathered terrains,
indicate that iron was not only supplied by streams although this source was important. We cannot
which drained weathered terrains but that the up­ exclude the upwelling of deep basinal waters as an
welling of deep basinal waters may also have been important source of iron.
an important source of iron.


We gratefully acknowledge the help of S. Karamata
Miocene lacustrine rocks in Serbia contain authigenic who offered helpful suggestions. We would like to
zeolites, bentonites, magnesites and borate deposits. thank J. Parnell for his editing of the manuscript and
Climate and contemporaneous volcanic activity had suggestions for its improvement. 0. Mudronja
a strong influence on the diagenetic processes and assisted in the preparation of the figures.
alteration of the lacustrine facies. A dry, semi-arid
to arid climate and vertical movements of fault REFERENCES
blocks with contemporaneous dacitic-andesitic vol­
canism influenced the chemistry of the lake water, BHAlTACHARYYA, P.D. & KAKIMOTO, K.P. (1982) Origin of
changing it, generally in the Middle Miocene, to ferriferous ooids: an SEM study of ironstone ooids
alkaline and saline. These conditions made possible and bauxite pisoids. J. Sediment. Petrol. 52, 849-859.
the alteration of volcanic glass to bentonites and GRUBIC, A. (1980) Yugoslavia -an Outline of Geology of
Yugoslavia, Excursion 201A -202c (Ed. by A. Grubic),
zeolites, the deposition of magnesite and the occur­
26th Int. Geol. Congress, Paris, 5-92.
rence of borate, silicoborate, phosphate and sulphate HARDER, H. (1966) Kiinnen die Mazedonischen Eisenerze
minerals. They also influenced the diagenetic forma­ aus Verwitterungsliisungen gebildet worden sein. Ref.
tion of authigenic minerals (searlesite, analcime, VI Savetovanja geol. Jugoslav., Ohrid II, 659-673.
potassium feldspar) in oil shale. HARDER, H. (1989) Mineral genesis in ironstones: a model
based upon laboratory experiments and petrographic
Devonian shallow-marine rocks in western observations. In: Phanerozoic Ironstones, Vol. 46 (Ed.
Macedonia are characterized by the occurrence of by T.P. Young & W.E.G. Taylor), pp. 9-18. Spec.
oolitic ironstone deposits composed of chamosite Publ. Geol. Soc.
and siderite, with magnetite, pyrite, chlorite­ KARAMATA, s., 0BRADOVIC, J. & NIKOLIC, D. (1982)
Study of the characteristics of Fe ores from Western
thuringite, ankerite, apatite, stilpnomelane, min­
Macedonia-on the example of the Mine Tajmiste. Part
nesotaite, quartz and rare calcite. The ironstone II. Unpubl. studies (in Serbo-Croatian).
deposits occur within clastic sediments, which were KARAMATA, S., 0BRADOVIC, J. & NIKOLIC, D. (1988)
metamorphosed to quartzites, slates and phyllites. Study of the characteristics of Fe ores from Western
In a shallow subtidal environment, rich in organic Macedonia-on the example of the Mine Tajmiste. Part
111. Unpubl. studies (in Serbo-Croatian).
substances and in mildly agitated waters, ooids were KLEUT, D. (1966) Mineral composition of Tajmiste Mine.
formed by the mechanical accretion of suspended Ref VI Save10vanja geol. Jugoslav. Ohrid. II, 506-514
hydrated iron oxides and detrital clay minerals (English summary).
around the nucleus (ooids with tangential fabric). KLEUT, D. (1968) Phosphorus in the Tajmiste iron ore
deposit. Rad. Ins/. za geol. rud. islr. i isp. nukl. i dr. min.
During early diagenesis chamosite was formed, and
sir., Beograd 4, 125-139.
later the chamosite was replaced by siderite. Ooids 0BRADOVIC, J. (1983) Some aspects of sedimentation in
are cemented by fine-grained siderite, rarely with Neogene Lake Basins in Serbia, Yugoslavia. 4th !AS
chamosite or dark amorphous chamositic masses. Regional Meeting, 18-20 April 1983, Abstracts,
Ooids with radial fabrics, resembling lateritic 120-121.
0BRADOVIC, 1. (1988) Occurrences and genesis of sedi­
pisoids, are also composed of chamosite, which mentary zeolites in Serbia, Yugoslavia. In: Occurrences,
was partly replaced by siderite at the late diagenetic Properties and Ulilization of Natural Zeolites (Ed. by
stage. In the region surrounding the deposit now D. Kallo & H.S. Sherry), pp. 59-69. Academiai Kiado.
156 J. Obradovic and N. Vasic

Budapest. origin. 5th !AS European Regional Meeting on Sedi­

0BRADOVIC, J. & DtMITRJJEVIC, R. (1987) Klinoptilolizirani mentology, 9-11 April 1984, Marseille, France,
tuf Zlatokopa kod Vranja (Ciinoptilolized tuffs from Abstracts, 330-331.
Zlatokop, Vranje Lake Basin). Glas SA N U 51, 7-19 OBRADOVIC, J., KARAMATA, S., KELTS, K., 0BERHAENSLI, H.
(English summary). & VASIC, N. (1990) Lake sedimentation and occurrence of
0BRADOVIC, J. & JovANOVIC, 0. (1987) Neke karakteristike sedimentary magnesite (in press).
sedimentacije u neogenom Valjevsko-Mionickom PAGE, B.M. (1958) Chamosite iron-ore deposit near
Basenu (Some characteristics of Neogene sedimentation, Tajmiste, Western Macedonia, Yugoslav. Econ. Geology
Valjevo-Mionica lake basin). Glas SA N U 51, 53-63 53 (1), 1-21.
(English summary). PANTie, N. & MIHAJLOVIC, D.J. (1977) Neogene flore
0BRADOVIC, J. & KARAMATA, S. (1982) Study of character­ Balkanskog kopna i njihov znacaj za paleoklimatologiju,
istics of Fe ores Western Macedonia-on the example of paleobiogeografiju i biostratigrafiju (Flores Neogenes
the Mine Tajmiste. Part I. Unpubl. studies (in Serbo­ provenant du Continent Balkanique et leur importance
Croatian). au point de vue de Ia Paleoclimatologic, Paleobio­
0BRADOVIC, J., KARAMATA, S. & VAS IC , N. (1984) Sedi­ geographic et Biostratigraphie). Geol. Anali Balk. Pol.
mentary magnesite from 'Bela Stena' deposit and its XL, 103-125.
Copper Deposits

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 159-172

Syngenetic and paleokarstic copper mineralization

in the Palaeozoic platform sediments of
West Central Sinai, Egypt

M. A . E L S H A R K A WI*, M. M. E L A RE Ft an d A . A B DEL M O TE LI Bt
*Geology Depar tmen t, Facul ty of Science, Kuwai t Universi ty , Kuwai t; tceology Depar tmen t, Facul ty of
Science, Cairo Universi ty, Egyp t


Copper in the form of carbonate, chloride, silicate, sulphate and phosphate minerals is encountered
within the Palaeozoic sediments of the Urn Bogma region, West Central Sinai, Egypt. They are
classified into two contrasting genetic types: ( 1 ) strata-bound to stratiform malachite confined within a
certain stratigraphic level of Cambro-Ordovician clastic sediments; and (2) strata-bound copper carbon­
ate, chloride, silicate, sulphate and phosphate confined within a buried Carboniferous karst profile.
The geometric distribution patterns of the malachite of the first type represent a high degree of
congruence with the primary, deformational and biogenic sedimentary structures of the enclosing rocks .
The malachite was formed syngenetically during the accumulation of the host sediments in fluviodeltaic
In the second type, the geometric distributions of the copper minerals and the chemistry and mineral
composition of the host karst products reveal that these copper minerals are of pedogenic origin,
deposited from solutions in a paleosol developed during the Carboniferous karst event. The variation in
the pH and Eh conditions of the paleosol environment and the related biogenic processes are suggested
to be the main factors controlling the leaching of the copper and its migration and redeposition within
the subsoil and topsoil horizons of the paleokarst profile.


The copper minerals of the Urn Bogma region at­ stratigraphic level of the Cambro-Ordovician sedi­
tracted the attention of the ancient Egyptians (5000 ments and in a Carboniferous buried paleokarst
BC or even earlier). They were used throughout profile. The work is based on detailed field and
the Predynastic periods of Ancient Egypt. Ancient megascopic investigations supported by stratigraphic
workings for copper of Pharaonic time occur in West and sedimentologic observations, geometric in­
Central Sinai at many localities in the Urn Bogma terpretation and identification of organic matter.
region ( Lucas & Harris, 1962). The region is occu­ The identity of the copper and clay minerals was
pied mainly by upper Proterozoic basement rocks verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the chemical
followed unconformably by sedimentary successions analysis of the paleokarst profile was carried out by
of Cambro-Ordovician and Carboniferous ages X-ray fluorescence (XRF).
( Fig. 1). The mechanisms of formation of the Palaeozoic
The present work is concerned with the distri­ copper minerals involve fluvial (Cambro­
bution, mode of occurrence and possible genesis of Ordovician), karst and pedogenetic processes
the copper minerals occurring in the Palaeozoic (Carboniferous) with an overprint from diagenetic
succession of this area. The copper occurs in the processes. Certain palaeoclimatic and palaeoen­
form of carbonate, chloride, phosphate, silicate and vironmental conditions are postulated as a result of
sulphate minerals and is confined within a certain the present study.

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8

° °
33 20' 33 15'
G. Um Rinna

' C"
16m ] ��
"' ·..,
- ..
.. :
.� Cl
� '
" :()

0 > �



.,.. •
• Abu Hamata

�· �
6 km

Key Map
L ..




18m ]�

' �

0 01
' �
� Um Bogma ....
� 6 �
"' Hamata t:>
5 .,..


Uni Rinna � Buried karst y Bifurcated flaser str.

60m 1� � Basement rocks



Copper minerals

Organic remains

Simple flaser str.

Trace fossils

Ball & pillow otr.



� - Red ohale - Manganese ore 1/ )( Burrows &:
0 � Green shale
� Shale with ochre
Detailed profiles ---v- Mud cracks

S Dolostone r:::::-=1

,. of the cuprife�ous
sed. AT: Abu Thbra F.
Loose clayey to UB : Um Bogma F.
E53 Siltstone
� sandy materials u Cross bedding A : Adedia F.

CJ Sandstone G Ferricr·ete <C:> Lenticular bedding

N.: Nasib F.
AH : Abu Hamata F.
� Conglomerate I j Alunite & gypsum
=!? Convolute bedding SK: Sarabit El Khadim•F;

Fig. 1. Palaeozoic sections of Urn Bogma region and detailed lithostratigraphy of the cupriferous sediments.
Copper mineraliza tion, Sinai 161

An epigenetic hydrothermal origin as a result of Abu Hamata Formation is equivalent to the Timna
Tertiary volcanicity was proposed by most of the Formation of Israel (Weissbrod, 1969). Kora ( 1984)
authors who have studied the copper minerals of this introduced the Nasib Formation to include the upper
area, including Barron (1907), Ball (19 16), Davey part of the Abu Hamata Formation as shown in
( 1948), Soliman ( 1961), Gindy (1961) and Hilmy & Table 1.
Mohsen ( 1965). Segev ( 1984) postulated a hydro­
thermal hypogene origin for associated gibbsite in
The Carboniferous sediments
Urn Bogma. El Shazly et a t. ( 1963) considered the
copper minerals as oxidation and leaching products The Carboniferous sediments are dominated by
of primary copper sulphides present in the basement carbonates and divided into a lower Urn Bogrna
rocks of West Central Sinai. Magaritz & Brenner Formation and a conformably overlying Abu Thora
(1979) attributed the copper and manganese associ­ Formation (Kora, 1984). The modified lithostrati­
ation of Urn Bogma to copper and manganese graphic succession is shown in Table 2.
migration during marine diagenesis. El Sharkawi et a/. ( 1990) proved that the Lower
Dolostone 'Ore Member' and the overlying Marly
Dolostone-Siltstone Member of Kora ( 1984) rep­
resent a typical soil profile of a paleokarst surface.
This profile was buried by the rocks of the Upper
Dolostone Member. This is manifested by: (1) de­
velopment of dissolution features of different forms;
The Cambro-Ordovician sediments
(2) formation of intrakarstic sediments; (3) wall­
The Cambro-Ordovician sediments are represented rock alterations of the parent carbonate rocks;
by a clastic sequence underlying the Carboniferous (4) formation of calcrete; and (5) development of
dolomitic rocks in the Urn Bogma region. Litho­ paleosol sediments covering the karstified rocks and
stratigraphic details are included in Fig. 1. Weissbrod filling the dissolution features.
( 1969) assigned them to the Cambrian, then Issawi The Urn Bogma Formation (the lower karstified
& Jux ( 1982) used trace fossils to extend their age to carbonates and the Upper Dolostone) was subjected
cover the Cambro-Ordovician. Soliman & El Fetouh to another episode of karstification during the
( 1969) subdivided these sediments into three forma­ Quaternary (EI Sharkawi eta/., 1990). This is mani­
tions; the Sarabit El Khadim Formation, Abu fested by the formation of stepped terraced escarp­
Hamata Formation and Adedia Formation. The ments, favouring the retreat of the slopes of the

Table 1. Lithostratigraphic succession of the Cambro-Ordovician sediments

Formation Main lithology and environment

Adedia Sandstone with minor siltstone and shale

(25-55 m) Occasional conglomerates at base
Fluviomarine environment
Nasib Deltaic sediments differentiated into:
Upper variegated member (=25m), subdivided into:
(a) Upper laminated siltstone and shale
(b) Middle green, 3 .5 m thick cupriferous beds, micaceous
siltstone and shales, subordinate sandstone
(c) Lower alternating beds of shales and siltstone
2 Lower white member consisting of conglomerate and
sandstone, manganiferous (=20 m)
Abu Hamata Sandstone, siltstone, shale, glauconitic and algal subarkoses
(12-36 m) Neritic environment
Sarabit El Khadim Basal conglomerate, alternations of sandstone and siltstone
(7- 17 m) Continental shelf, very calm shore
Basement rocks
162 M.A. El Shar ka wi, M. M. El Arefand A. A bdel Moteli b

Table 2. Lithostratigraphic succession of the Carboniferous sediments

Formation Member Main lithology and environment

Abu Thora Sandstone with shale intercalations

(>100 m) Coal in the upper part, with
Lepidodendron sp. and Sigillaria sp.

Upper Dolostone Yellow to pink dolostone with

occasional yellow shales
Warm shallow-marine environment

Urn Bogma Marly Dolostone­ Karstified member, siltstone

( =41 m) Siltstone representing soil cover, cupriferous
Lower Dolostone Extensively karstified dolomitic
rocks with intrakarstic product
housing manganese ores and caliche

Basement rocks and Cambro-Ordovician sediments

main wadis of the area and development of karren (Fig. 1). The shale layers are of green colour and
morphogenetic karst features. The uppermost sur­ some layers are stained by a violet colouration. The
faces of these karstified rocks are encrusted by clay minerals constituting the shale layers are kao­
surficial calcareous and siliceous duricrusts (calcrete linite, illite and chlorite. The uppermost surfaces of
and silcrete). The ultimate result of this younger ·the shale layers are dominated by shrinkage features
karstification is the complete denudation of the and scour-and-fill structures. The interlayered silt­
Upper Dolostone Member and subsequent destruc­ stones and sandstones exhibit well-defined sedimen­
tion of the underlying paleokarst profile. tary structures including horizontal and undulating
The distribution of copper minerals in the lamination, cross-lamination, ftaser bedding, graded
Palaeozoic sediments is indicated on the individual bedding, ripple marks, load casts, load balls and
stratigraphic successions in the six studied sites in pillows. Biogenic structures are also recorded and
the Urn Bogma region (Fig. 1). include tracks and vertical burrows. The sandstones
are subarkosic, composed mainly of subangular to
subrounded quartz grains with subordinate alkali
feldspar and opaques. The matrix is made up of
STRATA-BOUND TO STRATIFORM green kaolinite together with less abundant illite.
MALACHITE IN THE CAMBRO­ The grains are usually cemented by calcite and
Both in the field and on a hand specimen scale,
Malachite is found in the clastic rocks of the Nasib the geometric forms of the malachite and the associ­
Formation. It is mostly confined to the middle green ated green kaolinite exhibit a high degree of congru­
part of the variegated member of this unit. In the ence with the primary, depositional, deformational
overlying Adedia Formation and underlying Abu and biogenic structures of the enclosed rocks. The
Hamata Formation, no malachite or other copper geometrical classification of the various forms of the
minerals are observed. No traces of copper sulphides malachite and the associated kaolinite, detected
or any other sulphide minerals are detected in under the binocular microscope, is subdivided into
polished sections. Malachite occurs as small col­ 14 types, illustrated in Fig. 2.
loform globules, up to 4 mm in diameter, usually The close congruence of the geometric patterns of
associated with kaolinite. The cupriferous sediments the malachite with the sedimentary structures suggests
consist of rhythmic alternations of laminated shale, that the malachite was deposited during the accumu­
micaceous siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone lation and dewatering of the host clay sediments.
Copper mineralization, Sinai 163

STRATA-BOUND COPPER MINERALS copper minerals are mainly distributed within the
IN THE CARBONIFEROUS BURIED red kaolinitic layers of the topsoil horizon. The close
KARST PROFILE association between these copper minerals and the
buried soil profile reflects the role of subaerial
The Carboniferous karst profile is subdivided into weathering in the concentration of the copper during
three distinctive horizons corresponding to the typi­ the Carboniferous karstification event. The copper
cal paleosol profile (EI Sharkawi et al., 1 990). These minerals of this type are highly altered and leached
are the parent carbonate horizon, the subsoil in the localities of Gebel Sarabit El Khadim and
horizon and the topsoil horizon. Gebel Adedia. This alteration is attributed to the
The parent carbonate horizon includes the fresh effect of subsequent Quaternary karstification (EI
or slightly weathered dolostone, which still exhibits Sharkawi et al., 1990).
the original textures and mineral compositions. The The identified copper minerals include malachite
subsoil horizon constitutes the upper parts of the (Cu2C03(0H)z), atacamite (Cu2C1(0Hh),
parent carbonate. It is characterized by: (1) abun­ paratacamite (Cu2(0HhCI), pseudomalachite
dant distribution of solution features with structural (Cu5(P04h(OH)4-H20), turquoise (CuAir,
modification, pulverization and brecciation of the (P04)4(0H)s-4H20) and chrysocolla (CuSi03· H20).
parent carbonate; (2) advanced degree of dedolo­ Other minerals including lungite (Cu4(S04)
mitization and formation of dedolomite and concen­ (OH),;H20), spangolite (CunAl(S04)-
tration of sesquioxides of iron and manganese with (0H)12CI·3H20), bultgenbachite (Cu10(N03)-
clays; and (3) development of crustified calcareous (0HbCidH20), connellite (Cul'1(S04)C14-
nodules (calcrete). (0Hb·3H20), antlerite (Cu3(S04)(0H)4) and
The topsoil horizon constitutes the uppermost chalcanthite (CuS04·5H20) were also recorded by
erosion surface of the paleokarst profile and consists Hilmy & Mohsen (1965). According to Hilmy &
mainly of alternating multicoloured layers of kaoli­ Mohsen, copper sulphate minerals occur as fissure
nitic shales, ochres and nodules of alunite and fillings in the ferruginous shales overlying the
gypsum together with copper minerals. These sedi­ manganese ore at Gebel Sid El Banat, which cor­
ments merge gradually downwards into the altered respond to the topsoil horizon of the present work.
dolostones and the associated weathering products Malachite occurs as aggregates of globules up to
of the underlying subsoil horizon. Organic remains 1 mm in diameter displaying a colloform structure.
were recognized in the topsoil section (Fig. 3) within It is usually associated with other copper minerals
the green, black and red shales. The plant remains and widely distributed among the topsoil and subsoil
are dominated by palynomorphs, woody particles horizons. The atacamite has a blackish-green colour
and insoluble opaque organic detritus. The paly­ and a green streak. It occurs as aggregates of mas­
nomorphs are differentiated into spores and pollen sive grains of sand size and is commonly associated
grains. The spores include Tr i lete sp., Denso5porites with malachite in the topsoil horizon. Widespread
sp., Dictytr i letes sp. and Mutticellaesporites sp. as­ veinlets of atacamite and gypsum occur cutting across
sociated with a few badly preserved unidentified the rock of the underlying subsoil horizon. Para­
microspores. The pollen grains are dominated tacamite, the dimorph of atacamite, is green and
by small land-derived forms related to the genus usually occurs as thin crusts associated with the
Sp heripollen i tes. gypsum and alunite nodules of the topsoil horizon.
The occurrence of land-derived pollen grains and Pseudomalachite has a green to blackish-green
spores and the absence of marine dinoflagellate cysts colour and occurs as thin colloform crusts within the
and acritarchs indicate a continental origin for red kaolinitic and ochreous layers of the topsoil
the studied sediments. Therefore, the sediments horizon. It is always associated with black plant
of the topsoil horizon are of continental origin de­ remains. Turquoise has sky blue to bluish-green
posited under subaerial pedogenetic conditions colours and a green streak. It is commonly present
during the karstification of the Lower Dolostone in the subsoil horizon. In some instances, turquoise
Member of the Urn Bogma Formation. fills strata-bound veinlets within the topsoil horizon
Different associations of megascopic copper The geometrical forms of these copper minerals
minerals including carbonate, chloride, silicate, sul­ and their relationship with the host karst sediments
phate and phosphate minerals are intimately associ­ are classified as follows:
ated with this Carboniferous karst profile. These 1 Geometrical forms of copper minerals in the top-
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• • 0 . 0




. ·. ·.·.·�·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·
·.·.·.·.·.·.· .. ·.·....
· ·.·.·.·.·.·.·

• • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 .

• • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • •

......... ....... .

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A A <:Jo Pebbles

-- �- :� • 0 • •

: :-:·.· : : : ::::.:-:-: · : ·
.. .
· ·
: :-�- -: : : :
·-· - Siltstone
0 •

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• • • 0
.. .. .


�I �I

.- '
A Top
Copper m ineralization, Sinai 165


and gypsum capped
rich crust.
Stratified alunite and gypsum nodules
intercalated with organic matter.

Intercalated ochreous, cupriferous

. . . . . . . . .
green clays, shales and siltstones.
· . ·. · . · . · . ·. · . ·-· . · .· Isolated manganese nodules occur
• • • • • • • • 0 • •

. .
. .
.. . . .
. parallel to the shale laminae. Organic
matter present.

Deep brown indurated iron pisolites

Green shale with yellow ochre.

Stratified alunite and gypsum nodules

embedded in loose sands.

IOcm Cupriferous green and red shales and

clays with gypsum and organic matter.

Fig. 3. Fine stratigraphy of the

topsoil horizon in Abu Hamata
area. Encircled numbers indicate 0
samples analysed in Tables 3 and
Stylolitic dolomitic calcarenite bed rock.

Fig. 2. [opposite] Geometric distribution patterns of the malachite in the copper-bearing sediments of the Nasib Formation.
(1) Stratiform malachite arranged parallel to the lamination of the enclosing shale, siltstone or sandstone. (2) Strata-bound
malachite randomly distributed within the host sediment. (3) Strata-bound malachite distributed along the top surfaces of
the ripple marks. (4) Fine stratiform discontinuous streaks of malachite and kaolinite conformable with the original
lamination of the host sediments . (5) Strata-bound discontinuous streaks forming a planar non-parallel flaser structure.
(6) Strata-bound to stratiform concave-upward streaks corresponding to a !laser structure produced by oscillation ripples .
(7) Strata-bound discontinuous streaks filling, together with shale laminae, small scale grooves. These grooves are
developed along the uppermost surfaces of coarser material and represent a scour-and-fill structure. (8) Fine discontinuous
streaks filling shallow burrow pipes. In some instances , the streaks are confined with the upper convex relief capping the
burrows which characterize the bottom surfaces of the overlying shale layers. (9) Strata-bound discontinuous and branched
streaks of malachite and kaolinite forming a bifurcated flaser structure . ( 10) Stratiform laminae parallel to the internal
lamination of the host sediment. ( 11) Stratiform undulated laminae developed along the horizontal bedding planes of the
host sediment. ( 12) Stratiform distributed spots or streaks arranged parallel to the cross-lamination of the host sandstone.
( 13) Stratiform interrupted concave-upward streaks developed along the top surfaces of the shale layers , indicating buried
mud cracks. Some of these streaks are loaded by gravel and sand grains. ( 14) Strata-bound veinlets of malachite cutting
across some layers of the host sediment.
166 M.A . El Shar ka wi, M.M. El Arefand A . A bdel Moteli b

soil horizon. The details of the topsoil horizon are residual accumulations. Other copper minerals seem
illustrated in Figs 1 and 3. The geometric forms to have been leached and removed during the mech­
encountered in this horizon are: anical and chemical weathering which accompanied
(a) Stratiform lenticular masses, up to 400 mm the Quaternary karstification event.
long and 100 mm thick, encountered within the
red and green shales. The laminae of the host red GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE
shales follow the outer boundaries of these lenses. CARBONIFEROUS PALEOKARST
The lenses consist of pseudomalachite, malachite PROFILE AND THE FORMATION OF
and atacamite with kaolinite. ASSOCIATED COPPER MINERALS
(b) Strata-bound discrete pockets, up to 200 mm
in diameter, of pseudomalachite randomly dis­ The paleokarst profile of Abu Hamata (Fig. 3) was
tributed within the green and kaolinitic shales. sampled and analysed for major and trace elements
The cupriferous bodies exhibit lamination. (Tables 3 and 4). Two samples (samples 1 and 2)
(c) Stratiform fine lamination of malachite and represent the parent stylolitic dedolomitized calca­
chrysocolla intercalated with the green, red renite and the overlying dedolomite of the subsoil
and blackish-red shales. The copper laminae are horizon respectively. The other five samples are
closely congruent with the primary lamination of from the topsoil sediments collected from different
the host sediment. The intercalated shale laminae levels. The intercalated layers of gypsum and alunite
include abundant plant remains. of the topsoil and the highly manganiferous varieties
(d) Stratiform fine streaks of malachite with or of the subsoil horizon are not represented. The
without atacamite, up to 40 mm long. They are analysed samples were carefully selected to avoid
enclosed within the siltstone layers. any megascopic gypsum, alunite, copper and
(e) Strata-bound minute spots of malachite, up to manganese minerals. Each spot sample weighed
0.5 mm in diameter, distributed within the red about 1 kg, and was crushed, quartered and analysed
kaolinitic shales. by XRF against relevant clay and dolomite
(f) Strata-bound veinlets cutting across the red standards.
kaolinitic shales. These veinlets consist of one of The frequency of the major elements throughout
the following associations: malachite, atacamite the soil profile (Table 3) shows that:
and gypsum with or without malachite, turquoise 1 the overall trend of the analysed samples of the
and paratacamite, and chrysocolla, atacamite and topsoil horizon is characterized by high values of
gypsum. Si02, Al203 and Fe203, a low value of MgO and a
(g) Strata-bound veinlets of atacamite cutting depletion of CaO. In contrast, the samples of the
across the iron pisolites. subsoil and parent carbonate rocks are characterized
(h) Strata-bound thin crusts of paratacamite by high values of CaO, MgO, a low value of Fe203
encountered within the gypsum and alunite and very low values of Si02 and Al203;
nodules. 2 the content of MgO decreases, and CaO increases,
2 Geometrical forms of copper minerals in the from the parent rock towards the subsoil;
subsoil horizon: 3 the K20 content reaches up to 5·43% in the
(a) Strata-bound pockets of turquoise, up to topsoil samples but is only a fraction of 1% in the
30 mm in diameter, encountered within the shaly underlying subsoil and bed rock;
materials of the intrakarstic sediments. 4 Na20 is mostly depleted in the subsoil and bed
(b) Strata-bound veinlets of atacamite, malachite rock samples and ranges from 0·1 to 1·01% in the
and gypsum cutting across the manganese nodules topsoil samples;
and crusts which fill the subsurface solution 5 P205 fluctuates between 0·09 and 0·42% in the
cavities. topsoil sediments and is represented by much lower
3 Copper minerals in exposed and altered Carbon­ values in the underlying subsoil and parent carbonate
iferous karst. In the exposed and altered Carbon­ rocks;
iferous karst terrains, only turquoise and malachite 6 Ti02 content is relatively high in the topsoil
are recorded. This type of karst is represented by an samples reaching up to 1·48% in comparison to its
accumulation of terrigenous sediments mixed with content in the subsoil and bed rock samples;
manganese oxides. The turquoise and malachite 7 MnO is represented by fractions of 1% up to
occur as fine detrital grains embedded within the 2·63% in the analysed samples.

Table 3. Major element content (%) of the paleokarst profile of Abu Hamata

Si02 Ti02 AI203 F�o3t MnO MgO CaO K20 Na20 P20s Loi* Total

7* 57·44 1·18 15·00 6·99 0·02 0·79 0·25 3·17 0·10 0·09 14·21 99·24
6 49·96 0·82 12·82 12·04 2·63 8·68 0·82 2·64 0-42 0·17 6·76 97·76
5 50·27 0·90 13·38 23·34 0·07 1-70 0·10 2·78 0·35 0·10 3-81 96·80
4 47·37 1-48 19·76 8·87 0-45 4·38 0-45 5-43 1·01 0·09 7·30 96·59
3 55·69 1·09 18·19 11·93 0·05 2·31 0·58 3·96 0-45 0-42 5·08 99·75
2 7·36 0·17 0·36 2·93 2-19 14·05 31·81 0·35 0·01 0·01 40·35 99·59
1 2·77 0·08 0·24 1·31 0·14 19·75 29·92 0·19 0·01 0·01 45·06 99-48

1 Stylolitic calcarenite (bed rock);
2 ·Dedolomite (subsoil); �
3 "'"'""''" l �"'
4 Green shale; ...,
5 Ferruginous shale; Topsoil �
6 Green shale, cupriferous; s·
7 Green shale. ...,
* See Fig. 3. :::-:
t Total iron oxide. :::,
* Loss on ignition to 1000°C ::::-.

Table 4. Trace element content of Abu Hamata paleokarst profile (in ppm)

Rb Ba Pb Sr La Ce Nd y Th Zr Nb Zn Cu Co Ni Sc v Cr Ga

7* 49 74 135 143 92 155 66 68 29 524 72 58 151 7 17 15 350 346 26

6 83 1282 69 192 84 176 75 72 16 412 so 423 476 35 97 13 555 614 20
5 89 76 146 200 108 220 102 69 12 431 so 498 438 44 58 16 1480 1310 19
4 171 105 221 126 155 241 133 82 27 715 84 1020 178 42 328 16 1430 1140 29
3 128 93 31 179 127 242 162 1 15 21 524 69 446 470 23 93 17 193 625 28
2 22 1610 172 88 259 207 342 231 1 110 15 567 74 61 291 14 286 544 9
- -
1 125 101 35 61 110 10 9

* As in Table 3.

168 M.A . El Shar ka wi, M.M. El Arefand A. Abdel Moteli b

ln the subsoil horizon, the analysed sample is factors controlling the leaching, migration and rede­
relatively enriched in barium, lanthanum, neo­ position of these elements. The rhythmic strati­
dymium, yttrium, cobalt and nickel (Table 4) when graphic distributions of the redeposited iron- and
compared with the topsoil samples while rubidium, aluminium-bearing minerals, e.g. goethite and alu­
strontium, thallium, zirconium, niobium, copper nite, within the topsoil sediments indicate seasonal
and gallium are relatively depleted. ln the topsoil changes in the Eh and pH conditions of the soil
there is a pronounced increase in the content of environment, which in turn clepenclecl on variations
thallium, zirconium and copper. The increase in in the palaeoclimate or the soil moisture regime.
thallium and zirconium is attributed to the detrital The close relation between the alunite and gypsum
components of the pedogenetic paleokarstic sedi­ suggests that alunite was deposited during the
ments while copper is attributed to the deposition of periods of evaporation. Potassium in the topsoil
copper minerals from solution in the topsoil. sediments may have been derived by leaching from
The chemical composition of the analysed topsoil allochthonous potassium-bearing minerals, e.g.
samples reflects their lithological characters and is feldspar, mica and illite, or during the diagenesis of
similar to that of ferruginous laterites or latosols the residual clays in an acidic medium.
(Bear, 1967). Kaolinite and sesquioxicles of iron and Manganese is mobile in the relatively acidic parts
manganese are the most abundant mineral constitu­ of the soil profiles and may be carried in solution to
ents of all the studied topsoil sections. The kaolinitic the lower parts, where the pH is higher (Lelong et
and iron layers are intercalated with thin layers of al., 1976). This may explain the general scarcity of
gypsum and alunite and indurated iron pisolites. MnO in the present topsoil horizon and the concen­
Kaolinite is a good indicator of a former wetter tration of the manganese ore in the karst solution
climate. It is favoured by a high-leaching acidic features of the subsoil horizon by an eluviation
environment but also remains stable for long time process during soil formation.
intervals in neutral and alkaline environments Silicon is one of the main constituents of the
(Birkland, 1984). Because of the high solubility of kaoLinite and chrysocolla. Under very humid
K+, Ca2 +, Si032- and o- ions in weathering con­ leaching conditions, silicon is leached easily as bases.
ditions, the salt accumulations in the soil profiles It tends to form SiOl- ions which remain soluble
reflect a diminishing in soil moisture under ariel over a large pH range.
conditions or clue to seasonal oscillations of the The occurrence of phosphorus in the present top­
water table level (Birkland, 1984). soil sediments is attributed to the abundance of the
The depletion of CaO in the topsoil was the result organic matter distributed in this horizon. The or­
of the complete dissolution of dolomite in the humid ganic matter is responsible for leaching, absorption
regime, i.e. during the eluviation process. Calcium and accumulation of phosphorus as organic phos­
tends to migrate to lower horizons, forming redepo­ phate complexes and/or phosphoric acid (Bear,
sited CaC03 (ancient caliche and freshwater calcite 1967). The phosphorus is the main constituent of
cement), under suitable alkaline conditions and a the pseuclomalachite as well as turquoise.
low C02 content.
The main forms of iron in the studied topsoil
sections are residual ochres, indurated pisolites of DISCUSSION
goethite (ferricrete) and hematite associated with
kaolinite. Aluminium is the main constituent of the Two modes of occurrence of cupriferous sediments
residual kaolinite, turquoise and alunite. Iron can are recognized in the platform Palaeozoic sediments
migrate in the acidic medium of the exposed soil of Sinai. Copper mineralization in Cambro­
waters and is converted to ferric ions in a more Ordovician sediments is represented by strata-bound
alkaline medium (Hem, 1963). In the bicarbonic to stratiform malachite in clastic sediments while the •
moderately acid medium, iron becomes relatively younger Carboniferous copper mineralization en­
soluble, while aluminium remains immobile (Lelong compasses a variety of strata-bound copper minerals
et al., 1976; Krauskopf, 1979). Aluminium is soluble confined within a fossilized karst profile. The
when the environment is sufficiently oxidizing and is Cambro-Ordovician occurrence is similar to the
deposited owing to small increases of pH (Lelong e t Cambrian cupriferous sediments of Timna (Bartura
a l., 1976). Thus the relative mobility o f the iron and & Wurtzburger, 1974) in Israel and Wadi Dana
aluminium and Eh-pH conditions, are the essential (Bender, 1974) in Jordan.
Copper mineralization, Sinai 169

The copper in the Cambro-Ordovician and Car­ moisture regimes or periods of evaporation and
boniferous clastic sediments can be envisaged as a under neutral to alkaline conditions. The fact that in
surface leaching product of copper sulphide minerals some instances the copper minerals form strata-bound
from the Precambrian rocks of the Arabo-Nubian veinlets cutting through certain karst or karst alter­
Shield. These sediments surround the border of the ation products may be related to the mobilization of
copper-mineralized Precambrian rocks in Jordan the above-mentioned ions during subsequent acidic
(Burgath et al., 1984) and in Egypt (El Shazly et al., leaching and their redeposition.
1955). It is debatable whether copper was present Copper is comparatively soluble in the acidic
in the Lower Dolostone Member or brought into environment of the weathering processes. The
solution during the pedogenetic evolution of the changes in physico-chemical conditions of the sol­
karst profile. Nevertheless, Soliman (1961) recorded ution during pedogenesis can precipitate metals such
0·5% copper in the large dolomite crystals of the as c0pper as stable minerals (Lelong et a!., 1976).
Lower Dolostone. The bed rock and subsoil are The neutralization of acidic waters by reactive wall
depleted in copper relative to the topsoil at the Abu rocks such as carbonates causes dissolved copper to
Hamata site (Table 4). The intimate association of precipitate (Guilbert & Park, 1986). Eh and pH
copper mineralization with faults and volcanism in changes and the formation of complex chlorides
the Cretaceous to Neogene sedimentary rocks of dominate the geochemical behaviour of copper
Israel (II ani et a/., 1987) could not be extended to at low temperature (White, 1968; Rose, 1976;
explain the studied Palaeozoic sediments in Sinai Maynard, 1983) and there is a large field of copper
where copper mineralization is never recorded con­ solubility under oxidizing conditions at moderate to
centrated in the vicinity of faults or tied to the low pH. Iron is less soluble under these conditions.
Tertiary basalts. In their passage through a carbonate formation the
The syngenetic Cambro-Ordovician malachite is dilute copper solutions will precipitate brochantite
intimately associated with clay minerals and displays and atacamite. The stability field of these minerals is
a strong congruence with the sedimentary structures. similar and their formation depends only on the
It is believed that malachite was probably formed concentration of so/- and Cl- anions in the sol­
from a bicarbonate solution saturated in copper and ution (Kern & Weissbrod, 1967). According to
was deposited under severe arid conditions. Barton & Bethke (1960), the relevant reaction for
The copper-mineralized karstified Carboniferous the formation of atacamite is:
sediments have no counterpart in neighbouring
countries. The karstified nature of the enclosing
sediments was overlooked by previous investigators The cupric solution reacts with C02 derived from
who erroneously described it as a normal strati­ the carbonate or the carbonic acid to form malachite
graphic succession. The dolomitic (mainly ferroan by the following reactions:
dolomite) and dedolomitized subsoil of the karst
2Cu 2+ + Col- + 20H- --> CuzC03 (0Hh
profile is intimately developed with extensive
manganese mineralization (El Sharkawi eta!., 1990). According to Guilbert & Park (1986), malachite is
The clayey topsoil is admixed with strata-bound favoured in more dilute cupriferous water or by a
copper carbonate, chloride, silicate, sulphate and lower Pco2, although the stability field of malachite
phosphate minerals, and hence mineralogically dis­ (Kern & Weissbrod, 1967) in terms of the pH and
tinguished from the copper mineralization of the copper concentration in the solution at various partial
Cambro-Ordovician sediments. The fate of leached pressures of C02 shows that the malachite crystal­
copper during karstification depends on many factors lization is only slightly_ dependent on the Pco2.
as reflected in the diverse mineralogical composition. According to Kern & Weissbrod (1967), brochantite
The stratified arrangement of the copper minerals or atacamite will be precipitated if the Cu 2+ con­
within the kaolinitic shales of the topsoil horizon centration is high enough. On the other hand, at a
and their close relation with gypsum and alunite very low Cu 2+ concentration, azurite, malachite or
indicate that these copper minerals were deposited tenorite can precipitate and in such circumstances
from a pore soil solution containing Cu2+, Cl-, the C02 content of the atmosphere above the sol­
SOi- C032-, POl-, SiOl- and AlH ions and ution has scarcely any influence on the stability of
were entrapped within the shale laminae. The for­ these minerals. Chrysocolla has to be formed from a
mation of copper minerals prevailed during low cupric solution containing available soluble silica. In
170 M . A . El S har ka wi , M. M. El Arefan d A. Abde l Mo te li b

supergene processes, the soluble silica may combine REFERENCES

with copper to form chrysocolla as follows:
BALL, J. (1916) The Geography and Geology of West
4Cu 2 + + 4Si0/- + 6H2 0 � Cu4H4Si40w(OH)s
Central Sinai- Egypt. Surv. Dept . , Cairo, 219pp.
BARRON , T. (1907) The Topography and Geology of the
The occurrence of pseudomalachite in the organic­
Peninsula of Sinai (Western Portion) . Surv. Dept. ,
rich layers of the topsoil may indicate the reaction of
Cairo, 241pp.
the cupric solution with organic phosphorus and/or BARTON , P . B . & BETHKE, P . M . (1960) Thermodynamical
phosphoric acids to form this mineral when leaching properties of some synthetic zinc and copper minerals.
was not strong enough to remove phosphorus. On Am. J. Sci. (A) 258, 21 -34.
BARTURA, Y. & WURTZBURGER, U. (1974) The Timna
the other hand, the presence of turquoise in the
Copper Deposit, pp. 277-285. Centenaire de Ia Soc.
form of strata-bound veinlets or pockets within the Geol. de Belgique. Gisement Stratiformes et Provinces
sediments of the subsoil horizon suggests th€ mi­ Cupriferes, Liege.
gration of Cu2+, AJ + and PO - from the upper BEAR, F . E . (1967) Chemistry of the Soil. American Chemi­

acid-leached parts of the soil into the lower horizon

cal Society Monography Series. Reinhold, New York,
and their redeposition.
BENDER, F. ( 1974) Geology of Jordan . Contribution to the
Regional Geology of the Earth. Gebruder Borntraeger,
Berlin, 196pp.
CONCLUSIONS BIRKLAND, P . W . ( 1984) Soils and Geomorphology. Oxford
University Press, New York, 372pp .
B u RGATH, K . P . , HAGEN, D. & SIEWERS, V. ( 1984) Geo­
Workable copper deposits are known to occur in the chemistry, geology and primary copper mineralization in
Palaeozoic platform sediments surrounding the wadi Araba, Jordan. Geol. Jb (B) 53, 3-53.

northeast margin of the Arabian Shield. In the Urn DAVEY , J.C. (1948) Report on Southern Sinai. Mining
Mag. 78, 44-152 and 212-214.
Bogma region, two modes of copper occurrence
were recognized: (1) strata-bound to stratiform A. (1990) Manganese deposits in a Carboniferous
malachite in the Cambro-Ordovician ftuviodeltaic paleokarst profile, Urn Bogma region, west-central Sinai ,
sediments; and (2) strata-bound copper carbonate, Egypt. Min Deposita 25 , 34-43.
chloride, silicate, sulphate and phosphate minerals EL SHAZLY, E . M . , AsDEL NASER, S . & SHUKRI, B . ( 1955)
Contributions to the mineralogy of copper deposits in
in a buried Carboniferous karst profile.
Sinai . Geol. Surv. Egypt, Bull. 1 , 13pp.
The Cambro-Ordovician occurrence is similar to EL SHAZLY, E . M . , SHUKRI, N . M . & SALEEB, G.S. (1963)
the copper deposits in Timna and Wadi Dana in Geological studies of Oleikat, Marahil and Urn Sakran
neighbouring countries. It is anticipated that manganese-iron deposits, West Central Sinai. J. Geol.
UAR 7, 1 -27.
Cambro-Ordovician malachite at Urn Bogma was
GINDY, A.R. ( 1961) The origin of copper mineralizations
syngenetically deposited under a ftuvi odeltaic en­ in Central Sinai , UAR. Proc. 4th Arab Sci. Congr. ,
vironment. The Carboniferous paleokarstic copper Cairo , 607-634.
deposit has no counterpart in the neighbouring GuiLBERT, J . M . & PARK, G . F . (1986) The Geology of Ore

countries and the copper minerals are of supergene Deposits . Freeman, New York , 985pp.
HEM , J . D. (1963) Chemical equilibria and rate of manga­
origin deposited during the pedogenic evolution of
nese oxidation. US Geol. Surv., Water Supply Bull.
the paleokarst surface. (A) 1667, 64pp.
The recognition of paleokarst in the Carbon­ HILMY, E. & Mo HSEN , L. (1965) Secondary copper minerals
iferous, the intimate development of copper from West Central Sinai. J. Ceo!. UAR 9, 1 - 12.
ILANI, S., FLEXER, A. & KRONFELD , J. (1987) Copper
minerals within the topsoil horizon capping the
mineralization in sedimentary cover associated with
Lower Dolostone Member of the karst profile and
tectonic elements and volcanism in Israel. Min. Deposita
the unconformable cap of the Upper Dolostone 22, 269-277.
Member could be used as a prospecting guide for IssAWI, B. & Jux, U. (1982) Contributions to the strati­
workable copper deposits in the region. graphy of the Paleozoic rocks in Egypt. Ceo!. Surv.
Egypt, Bull. 64, 28pp.
KERN, P. & WEISSBROD, A. (1967) Thermodynamics
for Geologists. Freeman, Cooper and Company, San
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Francisco, 304pp .
KORA, M. ( 1 984) The Paleozoic outcrops in Urn Bogma
area, Sinai. PhD Thesis , Mansoura Univ . , Egypt , 280pp.
We thank N.A. El Ella for the identification of the
KRAUSKOPF, K . B . (1979) Introduction to Geochemistry .
spores and pollen grains in the topsoil and J. Parnell
McGraw-Hill, New York, 817pp.
for correcting the English. LELONG , F. , TARDY , Y., GRANDIN, G . , TRESCASES, J . J . &
Copper m iner alization , Sin ai 171

BouLANGE, B. (1976) Pedogenesis, chemical weath­ SEGEV, A. (1984) Gibbsite mineralization and its genetic
ering and processes of formation of some supergene implication for the Urn Bogrna manganese deposits,
ore deposits. In: Handbook of Strata-bound and Strati­ Southwestern Sinai. Min. Deposita 19, 54-62.
form Ore Deposits , Vol. 3 (Ed. by K.H. Wolf) , pp. SoLIMAN, S . M . (1961) Geology of the manganese deposits
93 - 173. Elsevier, Austerdam. of Urn Bogma, Sinai and its position in the African
LucAS, A. & HARRIS, J.R. ( 1962) Ancient Egyptian Ma­ manganese production. 1st Iron and Steel Congr. Proc.,
terials and Industries , 4th edn. Edward Arnold, London, Min. Ind., Cairo , 1 - 2 1 .
523pp. S OLIMAN, S . M . & EL FETOUH, M . ( 1969) Petrology o f the ·

MAGARITZ, M. & BRENNER, L B . (1979) The geochemistry Carboniferous sandstones in West Central Sinai. J. Geol.
of a lenticular manganese ore deposit (Urn Bogma ) . UAR 13, 6 1 - 143.
Min. Deposita 14, 1 - 13. WEISSBROD, T. ( 1969) The Paleozoic of Israel and adjacent
MAYNARD, J . B . ( 1983) Geochemistry of Sedimentary Ore countries (part 2), the Paleozoic outcrops of South­
Deposits. Springer, New York, 305pp. western Sinai and their correlation with those of Southern
RosE, A.W. (1976) The effect of cuprous chloride com­ Israel. Geol. Surv. Israel, Bull. 48, 32pp.
plexes in the origin of red-bed and related deposits. WHITE, D .E. (1968) Environment of generation of some
Econ. Geol. 72, 1036- 1048. base-metal ore deposits. Econ. Geol. , 63 301 -335.
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 173-180

Geochemical data for the Dongchuan- Yimen

strata-bound copper deposits, China

C. R A N
Department o f Geology, Kunming Institute of Technology, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China


Trace element, organic carbon, stable isotope and fluid inclusion data are reported for the Dongchuan­
Yimen type strata-bound copper deposits Yunnan, China. The trace element data show that the ore
materials were derived from the host rocks and underlying beds, and that bismuth, lead and zinc were
additionally introduced through deep fractures. The ore-forming fluid was a hot connate brine. The
sulphur was derived from sulphate-reducing bacteria, and carbon was derived from marine carbonate.
Organic carbon played an important part in the metallogenesis. In the Kangdian Axis, two deep
fractures controlled the sedimentation of a cupriferous algal reef limestone. Copper was subsequently
mobilized into vein deposits.


The Dongchuan-Yimen copper deposits are large elements with a coefficient of greater than 2 are
(economically mineable) and occur in an algal reef enriched elements, coefficients in the range 2-0·5
carbonate development in the Proterozoic Kunyang are elements at levels close to the Clarke value, and
Group in the South Kandian Axis (Fig. 1, Table 1). coefficients less than 0·5 are deficient elements.
The ore bodies include stratiform and vein types. Silver, copper, tin, molybdenum and boron are
The main horizons which contain the stratiform ores enriched in strata of the Luoxue and Yinmin For­
are: (1) the lower algal dolomite of the Luoxue mations, barium and lead are at normal levels
Formation and a transitional bed underlying it; and and other elements are deficient. Silver, copper, tin,
(2) the black bed of the Shishan Member of the molybdenum, barium, lead and bismuth are enriched
Luzhijiang Formation and a transitional bed under­ in the ore deposits. The silver contents in the strata
lying it. They are the products of two transgressive are 0·26 to 12 ppm (average 2·3 ppm), but in bornites
cycles, and are tidal flat-bay-lagoon facies. Purple they exceed 100 ppm and in chalcopyrites the values
beds underlie both of these beds. The stratiform range from 5·2 to 50 ppm. Bismuth is absent in the
ores are of diagenetic origin, and were remobilized Yinmin purple bed, the Luoxue dolomite and dia­
into vein deposits (Fig. 2; Ran, 1983). genetic deposit, and is occasionally present in the
transitional beds, but ranges from 56·3 to 195 ppm in
remobilized deposits; so bismuth is probably not
derived from the host sequence. Gallium is generally
in the range 2-8 ppm in the host rocks, but at
Trace element geochemistry
12-30 ppm in chalcopyrite. In the Shishan Member,
Trace element data for beds and ore deposits of the Yimen, silver, copper, lead, molybdenum, gallium,
mining area are recorded in Table 2. The coefficients tin, boron and barium are mostly enriched elements,
of trace element enrichment were evaluated using lanthanum, titanium, vanadium, nickel, cobalt and
the ratio of the analysed value of the elements to the yttrium are normal and the others are deficient. In
Clarke value of elements in the crust (Li, 1981). The the Shishan-Fengshan ore deposit, copper, silver,

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 173

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
174 C. Ran

( Kunyang Subgroup)


Mz Mesozoic

I Major fault

Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of

the south of the Kangdian Axis,
highlighting the Kunyang Group.

Organic geochemistry
tin and molybdenum are enriched elements, prob­
ably derived from the host rocks. In summary, The contents of organic carbon in the Dongchuan­
the lithophile elements titanium, chromium, stron­ Yimen copper mine are recorded in Table 3. The
tium, yttrium, niobium, lanthanum and vanadium average organic carbon content in the host rocks is
are mostly deficient, except barium and boron; the

� � � �
siderophile elements nickel and cobalt are mostly

I ��


1�� �
deficient or normal and the chalcophile elements u iang Fm.
L zhij
Heishan Fm.
copper, silver, tin, lead, bismuth and gallium are uoxue Fm.
mostly enriched. -

Yinmin Fm.
The chalcophile elements were enriched within
the Yinmin purple bed, transitional bed, Luoxue
dolomite and three beds of the Shishan Member to
make these strata favourable source beds. The trace
element distributions in the strata and ore deposits
at different horizons are similar, which suggests an
inheritance of metals from the strata to the ore
deposits. The association and contents of most trace II
elements in the Lala copper mine of the Hekeu
Formation are similar to those in the Luoxue and
Yinmin Formations.
The total rare earth element content (La to Lu + Y)
in the Yinmin-Luzhijiang Formations of the Fig. 2. Two-stage model of mineralization for the
Kunyang Group, 209·23 ppm, the ratio of LREE: Dongchuan- Yimen strata-bound copper deposits.
Mineralization occurred in syndiagenetic (I) and epigenetic
HREE which is 18·53, and the ratio Eu: Eu* =
(II) stages in cupriferous sediments of the Kunyang Group.
0·70, are compatible with derivation from an evolved Arrows indicate direction of brine movement; ore bodies
crustal source. are black.
Table 1. Composite Precambrian stratigraphy and ore-bearing sedimentary formation in Kangdian Axis

Formation Thickness Lithological character Ore-bearing sedimentary Developing stage Type of ore deposits Cupriferous
(m) formation of geosyncline horizon

Chengjiang Ferruginous molasse formation Rejuvenated Sedimentary iron

(or Dengying) uplifting

(Jinning movement]
Proterozoic Kunyang Group
Upper >3419 Sandstone and slate intercalated with Upper ferruginous terrigenous Subsidence and Sedimentary,
limestone and andesite, with formation rejuvenated metasedimentary
conglomerate at the base uplifting iron

[Manyingou movement(?)] ()
Luzhijiang 32-3035 Upper siliceous banded dolomite, and Fengshan veined Major

(Middle) limestone with stromatolites copper

Lower carbonaceous, argillaceous, Shishan stratiform Major
tuffaceous dolomite and tuff copper

Upper blue-grey thin-bedded �
limestone, black slate �
Heishan 115-1900 Middle greyish-green, yellowish- Cupriferous algal reef �
(Middle) green silty banded slate intercalated s
with thin-bedded dolomite 6-
Lower black slate intercalated with Carbonate formation Subsidence Daqinggou stratiform Minor ;:s
dolomite and tuff copper

40-500 Stromatolitic dolomite, argillo-
arenaceous dolomite intercalated
Luoxue stratiform

with thin-bedded slate !::>..

Yinmin 20-1300 Cyclothem composed of purple slate, Xikuangshan �

Minor ()
(Middle) dolomite and sandstone- slate, stratiform Cu-Fc �.
with conglomerate at the base Sedimentary­
hydrothermal iron

[Dongchuan movement(?}]
Lower >7525 Sandstone and slate intercalated with Lower ferruginous terrigenous Subsidence Sedimentary,
limestone and tuff formation sedimentary­
hydrothermal iron

[Palaeo-Dongchuan movement (?)]

Hekou >1250 Green schist Copper-iron-bearing spilite- Subsidence Dahongshan volcanic­ :3
keratophyre formation hosted Cu-Fe


Table 2. Average content of trace clements in Dongchuan- Yimen copper deposits (in ppm)

Strata and ore deposits Number of Ba B Cr Cu Pb Ga Ni Bi Nb Mo Sn


Yinmin purple beds 5 519 56 22·6 399 2-4 6·6 16·5 -

10·2 1·8 6·2
Transitional beds 5 344 67 . 16·3 483 6·9 6·8 13-6 22 3·6 57·9 7·9
Luoxue dolomite 6 414 30·7 6·1 725 7·1 4·9 11·1 6·8 3·1 12-4
Shishan purple beds 4 9775 95·8 43 228 33-6 25-4 43 -
10·2 2-4 6·0
Shishan transitional beds 5 1049 1 19·6 60·3 294 68·9 139 72-7 10 3·8 10·6
Shishan black beds 5 458·6 18·2 23·9 279 339·0 48·0 70·1 10·8 79·2 1·8
Fengshan dolomite 5 32·8 4-4 2·4 so 40·6 3·8 4·5 0·6 9-4 22
Fengshan diapir body 3 446 43·4 48·7 228 12·3 27·8 24-4 16·2 7·7 23·3
Lata copper deposits 2 16·6 >1000 18·6 42·5 850 90
Luoxue- Yinmin diagenetic deposits 5 1976 4·7 >1000 50·5 4·6 11-4 188·9 18·9 30·6
Luoxue- Yinmin remobilized deposits 8 837 9·1 2·3 >1000 43·9 14·9 13·0 56·3 36·6 36·2
Shishan diagenetic deposits 8 103 >1000 195 42·8 91·9 35·1 8·09 39·6 73-0
Shishan weakly remobilized deposits 5 131·2 131 >1000 325·9 25-4 275·8 60 13·6 47·8 49·3
Fengshan intensely remobilized deposits 12 135·9 6-4 >1000 330 37·5 27·3 30 15·1 38·3 32
Element abundance in crust 390 13 110 63 12 18 89 4·3X10-3 19 1·3 1·7
(after Li, 1981) 0
Strata and ore deposits Number of v Ag Co Sr La y Ti Zn Be Co:Ni Sr:Ba �

Yinmin purple beds 5 64-4 0·94 10·8 35·6 7·2 11·2 1310 0·65 0·07
Transitional beds 5 93·3 4·80 10·1 23·8 101·6 12·2 1518 4 0·3 0·74 0·07
Luoxue dolomite 6 47·2 1-20 27·4 31-4 2·5 3·2 359 15 2-47 0·08
Shishan purple beds 4 92·8 0·98 9·8 194·0 35·9 11·7 4775 44·5 2·6 0·23 0·02
Shishan transitional beds 5 152·6 1·80 21·7 66·1 53·6 12·8 8230 86·4 3·4 0·30 0·06
Shishan black beds 5 311-4 7·34 24·7 197·6 47·83 15·6 4820 0·8 0·35 0-43
Fengshan dolomite 5 33·5 1·86 2·9 54-4 3·6 3·2 190 2·3 0·64 1·66
Fengshan diapir body 3 138 1 44·3 77-3 36·7 29 11·7 3·7 1·82 0·17
Lata copper deposits 2 33·5 4·6 >1000 258 15 90 1·18 0·06
Luoxue- Yinmin diagenetic deposits 5 18-4 81·6 10·7 9·8 2-4 386 0·94 0·01
Luoxue-Yinmin remobilized deposits 8 19-4 52·2 8-40 6·8 4·6 125 20 0·65 0·01
Shishan diagenetic deposits 8 42·9 9·6 44-4 50·0 9·6 1231 237 0-48 0·49
Shishan weakly remobilized deposits 5 25·8 8·7 89-4 1·5 6·75 580 383 0·33 0·01
Fengshan intensely remobilized deposits 12 34-4 16·7 42·3 0·65 8·1 596 986 1·55 0·01
Element abundance in crust 140 0·08 25 480 39 24 6400 94 1·3 0·28 1·23
(after Li, 1981)

Determined by Central Laboratory of Yunnan Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources using ICP-AES quantitative analysis (1986) .
Dongchuan- Yimen strata-bound copper deposits 177

Table 3. Contents of organic carbon (%) in Dongchuan- Yimen copper mine

Strata or ore deposits Number of Average Range


Yinmin Formation 12 0·050 0·02-0·10

Transitional bed 15 0·040 0·01-0·07
Luoxue Formation 15 0·040 0·03-0·07
Shishan purple bed 4 0·028 0·02-0·04
Shishan light bed 7 0·036 0·01-0·06
Shishan black bed 5 0·196 0·12-0·23
Purple diapir body 3 0·070 0·05-0·09
Fengshan dolomite 6 0·060 0·02-0·13
Luoxue-Yinmin diagenetic deposits 5 0·210 0·16-0·28
Luoxue-Yinmin remobilized deposits 6 0·230 0·14-0·33
Shishan diagenetic deposits 5 0·660 0·11-2·06
Shishan weakly remobilized deposits 5 0·200 0·04-0·56
Fengshan intensely remobilized deposits 4 0·400 0·30-0·53

Determined by Yunnan Research Institute of Petroleum Geology (1986).

Isotopic composition of sulphur

0·03-0·07% , but that in copper sulphide minerals is
much higher than in the host rocks at 0·2-0·66% The determined sulphur isotope compositions of
(2·06% maximum value). Besides disseminated copper sulphides (bornite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite;
organic carbon, there is earthy bitumen in epigenetic analysed by the Nonferrous Metallic Geological
minerals in the Yimen copper mine, globular bitu­ Institute, Guilin, China, 1985) b34ScoT are in the
men in dolomites, methane, carbon dioxide and range -10 to + 16·7%o for the Dongchuan diagenetic
organic matter in inclusions in dolomites. deposits, from -0·1 to + 15·2%o for the Dongchuan
The reflectance (Ro) of bitumen in the Yimen remobilized deposits, from -4·5 to +14·9%o for
copper mine is 4·3-6·2% , and it is weakly aniso­ the Shishan diagenetic deposits and from -1·5 to
tropic. The uncorrected homogenization tempera­ + 19·5%o for the Shishan-Fenshan remobilized
tures of fluid inclusions in the dolomite are deposits. The narrow difference between these
107-234°C. The organic carbon content of dolomite ranges of values suggests that the sulphur had a
(C) is 0·05% and its chloroform-bitumen extract simjlar source. The sulphur isotopic composition has
(A) is 0·0076%, so the transformed ratio (A: C = a wide range (from -10 to 19·5%o) and is predomi­
0·152) is high. The extractive ratio and the maturity nantly positive. It is suggested that the sulphur was
of soluble organic matter are higher (OEP = 0·93). mainly derived from bacterial sulphate reduction in
The pristane: phytane ratio (Pr: Ph = 0·14) is low. marine strata. The data are similar to those from
The source organic matter was mainly marine algal copper sulphides in the White Pine copper deposit
kerogen. The high content of organic carbon in the (in USA) and the Katanga copper deposit (in Zaire)
ore deposit suggests that it may have played an whose values of b34S range from -10 to + 18%o and
important part in the process of copper mineral­ from -15·3 to + 19·2%o respectively, and many other
ization. Possible roles for the organic matter include strata-bound sulphide deposits in marine rocks
the solubilization of metals by organic acids, a cata­ (Sangster, 1976).
lyst for sulphate reduction, and a reductant for
sulphide deposition (Saxby, 1976).
Isotopic composition of hydrogen and oxygen

The isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen can be used to

Isotope geochemistry
discriminate the source of water in ore-forming fluids
Stable isotope data for sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen (Tu, 1988), but at the present time the technique has
and carbon for the copper mine have been its limitations and the data may be susceptible to
determined. different interpretations. Additionally, there is no
definite location of connate water in the bD-6180
cross-plot. On the basis of recent research (Tu,
178 C. Ran

1988), the composition of connate water is located

approximately in the area between the meteoric ¥ Sea water
water line and the region of metamorphic water and , --- --- - - - -- - :
magmatic water composition in the ()D-6180 3
::;: -40 : �_ _ Metamorphic
diagram (Fig. 3). Vl • 1 1 1 water
0 1 I I I
The isotopic compositions of hydrogen and oxygen 1 le e I

0 I
, --, - - - - - - ---
in minerals from the Dongchuan-Yimen copper 0
mine are recorded in Table 4. Determined values of '-0 -80 ,__'::;-..__Juvenile water
6180 for vein minerals are calculated into 6180H,o
(SMOW) values which range from 0·51 to 12·85%o.
The value of 6DH,o (SMOW) for solutions in fluid -120
inclusions ranges from -34·5 to -83·9%o. These
values plot in the areas of metamorphic water,
-20 -10 0 10 20
magmatic water and connate water in the ()D-6180
diagram (Fig. 3). There is no evidence for meta­ 6180 (%o) SMOW
morphism or magmatism in the region. Considering
Fig. 3. oD-6180 cross-plot for fluid inclusions in five
the value of soi-: Cl- (see below), it can be
carbonate samples from the Dongchuan- Yimen copper
reasoned that the water in the ore-forming fluids was mine (see Table 4).
possibly connate water. Some of these values do not
plot in the area of connate water in the diagram
because of isotopic exchange between the fluids and deposits is -0·74%o, for the Luoxue-Yinmin
wall rocks during fluid migration. remobilized deposits it is -0·84%o, for the Shishan
weakly remobilized deposit it is -1·64%o, and for
the Fengshan intensively remobilized deposit it is
Isotopic composition of carbonate carbon
0·16%o. These ranges are narrow, from -2·79 to
The average 613C (PDB) value in dolomite veins of + 1·30%o (Table 4), and consistent with derivation
the Shishan, Yimen and Luoxue-Yinmin diagenetic of the carbon from marine carbonate. However the

Table 4. Isotopic compositions of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in Dongchuan-Yimen copper mine (averages in

Mineral Type Sample Analysed 013Co%o o13C%o 0180o%o 0180H,o%o ODH,o%o

deposits number mineral (PDB) (PDB) (SMOW) (SMOW) (SMOW)

Shishan Diagenetic 28 Dolomite - 2·79 17·61 5·31

Luoxue- Diagenetic D30 Dolomite 0·18 18·83 6·53 - 59·7*
Yinmin D14 Dolomite 0-40 - 2·71 18·73 6·43 -83·9
(- 0·74) (18·39) (6·09) (- 71·8)

Luoxue- Remobilized D116 Quartz - 16·41

Yinmin D41 Dolomite - 0·84 15·88 7·42
D40 Dolomite 6·18 -34·5*
(6·80) (-51·55)

Shishan Weakly S30 Dolomite - 2·39 13·98 1·09

remobilized S16 Dolomite -1·08 15·58 0·51
1 Dolomite -1·44 16·85 0·97 - 46·7*
(-1·64) (0·86)

Fengshan Intensively 18-2 Dolomite - 1·57 19·64 8·99

remobilized 19 Dolomite - 1·06 11·91 3·45
F40 Dolomite 1·30 20·07 12·32
F22 Dolomite 1·14 19·56 8·91
F38 Dolomite 0·85 18·34 7·17
F Calcite 0·32 - 0·87 19·62 12·85 -61·3
(0·16) (18·19) (8·95)

* Determined by Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica. All others determined by Isotope Section of Beijing
Table 5. Composition of fluid inclusions in Dongchuan- Yimen copper mine. (Determined by Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica.)

Analysed results I::J

(ppm x 10 )
3 ;:
* Mi + + + 2+ >::
Mineral Type Number of Analysed K+ Na
+ *Ca2+ F- o- soi- Na : K Na+:Ca + so42-: o- pH
2+ "'
deposits samples minerals Mg ;:
Shishan Diagenetic S26 Dolomite 27·9 14-4 3·5 0·4 5·7 50·0 20·2 0·52 3-69 0-40 :::;;
S22 Dolomite 43·8 30·0 12·8 4·1 7·7 67-8 54·8 0·69 1·78 0·71 8·11

Weakly S1 Dolomite quartz 4·9 22·4 2·2 1·9 2·9 76·0 6·1 4·50 5·43 0·08 "'

remobilized S5 Dolomite 3·0 3-3 0-4 0·3 0·2 6·0 1-4 1·11 5·05 0·24 �
5 Dolomite 8·7 33·7 182·0 10·5 2·3 82·8 302·0 3·87 0·18 3·60 s
Fengshan Intensively 15-2 Dolomite 30·8 125·8 57·0 56·0 10·8 180·8 14·7 4·07 1-11 0·08 >::
remobilized F22 Dolomite 15·1 33·8 6-4 32·6 40·0 86·3 45·5 2·23 0·87 0·53 7·83 ;:
F3 Quartz 33·9 62·3 393·9 79·1 101·8 454·5 1·83 0·13 2·50 "'

F4 Dolomite 15·5 15-4 287·5 38·8 0·7 36·6 416·7 0·99 0·05 10·50
15-1 Dolomite 8·6 28·7 149·0 12·7 6·1 71-8 340·0 3·34 0·18 4·70 "'
Luoxue- Diagenetic D30 Dolomite quartz 16·1 18·5 2·6 2·3 6·6 77-2 182·6 1·15 3·74 1·67 "'-
Yinmin D14 Dolomite 18·9 11-4 149·5 22·1 0·9 58·8 132·4 0·60 0·07 2·25 8·06 �
Remobilized D40 Quartz dolomite 35·1 19·8 8·7 4·9 1·5 93·3 8·6 0·56 l-45 0·09
D96 Dolomite 20·8 31·7 806·3 85·7 1-1 142·9 1071-4 1·53 0·04 7·50

2+ 2+
* Part of Ca and Mg in inclusion in dolomite probably derived from host minerals.


180 C. Ran

o 13C, value of -16-41%o for the solution in fluid sol-: Cl- (3·0) were relatively high during the
inclusions suggests that organic matter contributed remobilization stage.
to the composition of the solution.

Fluid inclusion geochemistry

The fluid inclusions in minerals of the copper mine Reforming metals were deposited within the marine
have been grouped into six classes: (I) pure liquid sediments of the Yinmin and Luoxue Formations and
inclusions; (lA) liquid inclusions (with gas); (II) the Shishan Member of the Luzhijiang Formation.
gaseous inclusions; (III) liquid carbon dioxide­ Metals were concentrated from the cupriferous sedi­
bearing inclusions; (IV) crystal-bearing (NaCl, KCl) ments by hot brine flowing through deep faults, with
inclusions; and (V) organic matter-bearing in­ the influence of organic matter, to form copper
clusions. Classes (I) and (IA) are widespread and sulphides as stratiform ore deposits. Sulphide pre­
abundant. Class (II) inclusions are also common cipitation was engendered by bacterial sulphate
in remobilized deposits, but other classes are less reduction. Intensive faulting introduced hotter brine
abundant. In the remobilized deposits, the size to the strata and remobilized the metals into new
of inclusions is bigger (4-10 !A-m), they are more vein ore bodies.
abundant, more variable in type, and yield higher
homogenization temperatures than the diagenetic
deposits. The results of salinity and temperature ACKNOWLED GEMENTS
determination of the inclusions (Table 5) are that
the homogenization temperature is generally in the I thank the National Natural Science Foundation of
range 105-140°C for the Yimen diagenetic de­ China for their support for our project, and Z.
posits, 150-200°C for the Dongchuan deposit and Zhijun, G. Jianguo, H. Meifang, L. Weihua, W.
150-280°C for remobilized deposits. The salinity Linjang and 0. Xiangwei for participating in work
range is 12·5-23·2 wt% for both deposits, and clearly for this project.
the ore-forming fluids were hot brines. The chemical
composition of the brine (Table 5) shows that the
contents of N a+ (or K+), Cl - or sol-in this region REFERENCES
are high compared with modern heavy metal-bearing
solutions in some seas (Jiang, 1983). The values of JiANG, Q.J. (1983) The role of hot vadose brine mineral­
S042-: Cl - (mostly >0·14) show that the water type ization and the genetic indicators of the ore deposits.

is neither pure chloride brine nor choride brine Min. Deposits, Beijing, China 2, 57-59.
L1, T. (1981) Table of Abundance of Chemical Elements.
( sensu Jiang, 1983), but a sodium-sulphate­ Geology & Prospecting Publishing House, Beijing,
chloride water whose total mineralization and value China.
of SO/-: Cl- are higher. In the genetic classification RAN, C. Y. (1983) On genetic model of Dongchuan type
for hot brines of Jiang (1983) this brine has affinities strata-bound copper deposit. Scientia Sinica (B) 26,
with shallow connate water. A growth fault (fault I
SANGSTER, D.F. (1976) Sulphur and lead isotopes in strata­
in Fig. 1) at the margin of the depositional basin bound deposits. In: Handbook of Strata-bound and
may have allowed brine flow and a source of heat. Stratiform Ore Deposits, Vol. 2 (Ed. by K.H. Wolf),
Research on inclusions in various vein minerals pp. 219-236. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
shows that there were two stages of hot brine cor­ SAXBY, J.D. (1976) The significance of organic matter in
ore genesis. In: Handbook ofStrata-bound andStratiform
responding to the two types of deposits (diagenetic
Ore Deposits, Vol. 2 (Ed. by K.H. Wolf), pp. 111-128.
and vein). The temperature of the hot brine during Elsevier, Amsterdam.
the diagenetic stage was relatively low and the ratios Tu, G. Z. (1988) Geochemistry ofStrala-bound Ore Deposil
of Na+: K+ (average 0·74) and of SO/-: Cl­ in China, Vol. 3, pp. 18-20. Science Press, Beijing,
(average 1·26) were also relatively low, but the China.

temperature and ratios of Na+ : K+ (2-4) and of

Metal Enrichments Associated with
Organic Matter

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 11, 183-192

Metal enrichments in organic materials as a guide to

ore mineralization

Department of Geology, Queen's University, Belfast BT7 INN, UK


The determination of metal enrichments in organic materials can contribute to the geochemical
exploration for metalliferous ore deposits. An enrichment in metals can develop at several stages in the
geological evolution of organic matter, from living tissue through kerogen and liquid hydrocarbons to
solid hydrocarbon products. Scenarios for enrichment include: (1) uptake by organic matter from
groundwaters flowing through ore deposits; (2) organic matter caught up in metal-rich hydrothermal
systems; and (3) organic matter with a signature of low-level synsedimentary metal concentrations which
were subsequently remobilized into ore deposits. Some solid bitumens are so enriched in metal that they
constitute the actual ore body. Uranium is especially found enriched within organic materials, including
bitumens which precipitate around uranium minerals due to radiation-induced polymerization, but
many other metals also form enrichments.


The occurrence of organic materials in ore deposits material to become metal-enriched. This paper
and other concentrations of metals is extremely discusses how metal enrichments within organic
widespread. In many cases the organic material materials may be a significant guide to metalliferous
played a geochemical role in the concentration of ore exploration.
metals but was not itself enriched in metals. However
some organic materials are enriched with metals.
Metal concentration can be envisaged in several METAL ENRICHMENT IN ORGANIC
types of organic material, which represent different MATERIALS
stages in the geological evolution of organic matter.
Living organisms utilize and may take up a large A large number of elements are concentrated by
number of elements including metals (see below). biological activity. M;�my metals are taken up by
The decay of dead organisms yields organic acids micro-organisms for use in enzymes or for other
and other compounds which may complex with metal metabolic functions, and some organisms can con­
ions. The degradation of sulphur-rich organic matter centrate them by several orders of magnitude (see
by anaerobic bacteria, and bacterial sulphate re­ Robbins, 1983 and references therein for review of in­
duction both yield hydrogen sulphide which can help teractions between biomass and nutrients). Much data
to precipitate metals as sulphides within organic-rich show that terrestrial plant matter in particular ac­
sediment. Mixed sequences of organic-rich and cumulates metals. For example peat bogs concen­
organic-poor sediment contain redox boundaries trate uranium and other metals through adsorption
which facilitate metal precipitation. Finally epi­ and the binding action of humus (Boyle, 1982).
genetic organic materials (migrating petroleum, and Cannon et at. (1968) showed that plants on a tailings
bitumens and pyrobitumens of diverse origin) can dump were concentrating substantial quantities of
cause the reduction or complexing of metals. At base metals. Determinations of metals in young
each of these stages it is possible for the organic coniferous trees suggest that they can be used as a

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 183

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
184 J. Parnell

sampling medium in geochemical prospecting (King may be quite rich in metals and even contain mineral
et al.,1984). deposits which can be recycled into the lake system.
Once organisms have died, the degraded tissues Metals may also be introduced by vulcanism and
may still absorb some metals, and it is found that the hot spring activity, and the extensive circulation of
metal concentrations in organic-rich sediments in an groundwaters through fractured bedrock in a fault­
anoxic environment are much higher than those in bounded system will enhance leaching of metals
the overlying water column. Further enrichment of from the basement. The metals, and other species
metals can occur during the diagenesis of the organic­ like phosphate, will include nutrients to support the
rich sediment. Metals are already being remobilized biomass in the lake, and within a deep stratified lake
during early diagenesis and transported or deposited the dead organic matter and the metals and phos­
according to the redox conditions. The relative phate will become locked up in the anoxic bottom
importance of different metals may change, because sediments. Without the organic matter there is no
some organometallic complexes are quite stable anoxic environment where the metals and phosphate
during diagenesis, while others break down as the can be concentrated. But the mere existence of an
temperature rises. Vanadium and nickel complexes organic-rich sediment and its anoxic environment is
are particularly stable and these metals will substitute not a guarantee of concentrating metals, because the
for others which are progressively lost (Lewan & influx of metals varies considerably in space and
Maynard, 1982). Vanadium and nickel are also im­ time (Fig. 1).
portant components of petroleum and bitumens, in While inflowing rivers are draining off a crystalline
which they are concentrated within certain organic basement there is a good chance that those waters
fractions, particularly the heavy fractions rich in are metal-rich. But as the watershed is gradually
asphaltenes and sulphur. In addition to vanadium worn down and the reworking of sediment becomes
and nickel, elements regularly concentrated within more important, the flux of new metals into the
petroleum and bitumens include copper, cobalt, basin declines, and the higher beds in the succession
chromium, molybdenum, lead, manganese and iron may be relatively metal-poor. However, uplift of the
(Erickson et al., 1954; Bell, 1960). basin margin may re-expose the basement and herald
The availability of significant quantities of organic a new influx of metal-rich waters. It is also possible
materials and metals together is particularly likely in that metals are available but do not reach the sapro­
certain types of lake basin. In tectonically active pelic facies at the lake centre because they are
lacustrine basins, such as in rift systems, there may filtered out by some other facies beforehand. That
be rapid erosion of the crystalline basement which other facies may also be organic-rich, in the form of





Q , Fig. I. Schematic scenario for input

of metals into a lake basin. Input

may be metal-rich by erosion of
granitic and volcanic terrains, or
metal-poor due to filtering effect of
lake-margin vegetation and
reworking of sediment to
progressively greater maturities.
Metal enrichments in organic materials 185

lake-matgin vegetation. Some lacustrine oil shales of metal anomalies which reflect mineralization in
are known to pass laterally into coal at the basin the watershed (Fig. 2).
margins (see below), and in those systems one might In the Mid-Tertiary Lough Neagh Basin of
expect that metals will be concentrated in the coals Northern Ireland, the inflowing drainage was
rather than in the oil shales. predominantly across early Tertiary basalts, and
The factor of over riding importance to metal Precambrian schists which are mineralized by gold­
enrichment is the availability of metals from the bearing quartz veins. Lacustrine lignitic sediments in
rocks in the watershed. The rocks which form the the basin are enriched in vanadium, nickel and iron
basement to the lake system may be particularly which are derived from the basalts (Parnell et al.,
concentrated in certain metals which will be reflected 1989), and in gold which has been recycled from the
as enrichments in the lake sediments. Volcanic rocks Precambrian (Sunday Telegraph, 1987).
in rift systems may particularly give up copper, In central Scotland a thick sequence of Carbon­
nickel and iron, while granites may yield uranium, iferous lacustrine oil shales includes some of the
molybdenum, tungsten and lead. Examples of richest oil source rocks in Europe (Parnell, 1988a).
ancient lake sequences in which metal enrichments They have carbon contents up to 30% but do not
reflect the nature of the underlying basement are contain significant quantities of metals (Pb <40 ppm,
discussed below. Lacustrine basins contain extensive Zn < 160 ppm, Cu <50 ppm). They occur in
redox boundaries that are favourable to the precipi­
tation of metals as they often include rhythmic
alternations between fine-grained lacustrine beds
which may be organic-rich, and oxidized fluvial or
aeolian red beds.
Metal enrichments in organic materials can be
significant to metal exploration in four ways:
1 The organic material could be enriched in metal
that has been taken up from groundwaters flowing
off a metal ore deposit, i.e. the organic matter is
younger than the ore deposit. The enrichments of
metals in present day plants are examples of this.
2 The organic material may contain metal enrich­
ments which are a signature of more limited levels of
enrichment in the host sediments. If the enrichments
in the sediments were later remobilized and concen­
trated into an ore deposit, then the organic material
used as a sampling medium is older than the ore
3 The organic material could be so enriched in the
metal that it constitutes the actual ore. Further
metal concentrations could occur in the vicinity, or
the metal may be restricted to the organic material.
4 The organic material could be an epigenetic prod­
uct (bitumen, pyrobitumen) generated at the same
time as the ore deposit, particularly in a hydro­
thermal environment. Traces of the ore metal may
occur as a signature within the organic material.
Examples of these scenarios are given below.
Fig. 2. Three palaeolake basins in northern Britain in
which metal signatures in source terrains are reflected as
enrichments in organic-rich lake sediments: gold, iron,
Post-ore organic material nickel and vanadium enrichments in lignite of Tertiary (i)
Lough Neagh Basin; copper enrichments in stromatolites
Organic materials in ancient lake basins in the of Carboniferous (d) oil shale group: uranium and lead
northern United Kingdom provide several examples enrichments in fish fossils of Devonian (c) Orcadian Basin.
186 J. Parnell

a basin which had already existed through much of enriched within the lake sediments, particularly in
the Devonian, and the drainage was largely through the vicinity of a small granite outcrop in Orkney
older sandstones which were not mineralized. There (Fig. 3). Fish fossils in the sediments are enriched in
is also a lateral transition from some oil shale seams uranium (Davidson & Atkin, 1953; Bowie & Atkin,
to coal at the lake margin. No data exist for these 1956; Diggle & Saxon, 1965). Autoradiographic
coals, which are not exposed at present. However studies showed that more radioactivity is associated
some coals higher in the sequence do contain limited with hydrocarbons infilling cavities in the fish bone
concentrations of base metal sulphides which than with the carbonate-fluorapatite bone itself.
suggests that metals may have been filtered out by New electron microprobe �Wdies show that the
vegetation. There was also limited drainage off some hydrocarbon in the bone contains numerous discrete
Devonian basaltic lavas and newly extruded Car­ crystals of uraninite (Fig. 4). A regional survey
boniferous basaltic lavas which are copper-rich, and (Fig. 3) using the thick warty bone fragments of
copper mineralization is accordingly developed in coccosteid fish yielded bulk concentrations up to
lacustine stromatolites in the oil shale sequence 4668 ppm uranium and the highest values were
(Parnell, 1983). recorded in the vicinity of the granite outcrop noted
In the north of Scotland a lake system in the above. The sediments containing the fossils are also
Devonian Orcadian Basin received drainage directly enriched in uranium (Michie & Cooper, 1979) but to
off Caledonian granites, some of which are miner­ a much lesser degree, in a smaller region (particularly
alized by uranium and lead. The chemistry of the around the granite outcrop), and only at certain
Devonian sediments closely reflects that of the base­ horizons. Thus not only is the uranium anomaly in
ment (Plant et al., 1986). Uranium and lead are the basin more easily detected by analysing the

u 206 Pb I


� ��
1723 649


\.. ' ....,


'· ..

0 40


Fig. 3. (A) Anomalous concentrations of uranium (ppm) in coccosteid fish bones, and (B) zonation of anomalous lead
206 04
isotope composition around granite outcrop G, in Devonian Orcadian Basin. Normal PbP Pb composition for basin is
18·2. For location see Fig. 2.
Metal enrichments in organic materials 187

cutting fractures (Parnell & Eakin, 1987). The

nodules are useful in assessing regional metal
anomalies. In any continental basin there is probably
enough uranium, vanadium and copper available to
be remobilized into trace quantities of ore minerals
within these centimetre-scale structures, but where
metals reach very high levels they may be more
significant. For example in several cases where the
uranium content of the nodules is greater than 0·5%
it is possible to identify more extensive uranium
mineralization, either in the basement rocks of the
basin watershed or in the organic-rich facies of lake
1 Organic-rich nodules in Devonian red beds in
Easter Ross, Scotland, are mineralized with about
Fig. 4. Backscattered electron micrograph of fish bone, 1% uranium, mainly as a component of xenotime
consisting of apatite (grey) with spheres of bitumen (black) (Parnell, 1985). The uranium enrichment reflects a
containing uraninite crystals (bright). Field width =
regional uranium anomaly in the crystalline base­
250 �lin.
ment rocks below the Devonian sediments (Watson
& Plant, 1979).
2 Uraniferous hydrocarbon nodules in Permian red
fossils (and was first detected thus) but in some parts beds in Oklahoma are thought to be the product of
of the basin the fossils are the only evidence for the hydrocarbons migrating up fault planes from a deep
anomaly. Lead isotope data for galenas (Parnell & reservoir interacting with uranium-rich ground­
Swainbank, 1985) provide independent evidence for waters (Curiale et a!., 1983). Granites in the basin
a focus of mineralization around the granite (Fig. 3), watershed are uranium-rich, and uranium ore miner­
but the anomaly in isotopic composition does not alization occurs within the coarse sediment between
occur over as wide an area as the uranium anomaly the granites and the finer-grained red beds (Fig. 5).
in the fossils. It is not possible to date the timing of 3 Organic-rich nodules from the Permian Lodeve
the uranium enrichment of the bones, but contem­ Basin, France, occur in red beds, in a sequence
poraneous fish debris is known to act as a sink for which also contains lacustrine black mudrocks. The
metals (Tlig, 1988) and the Devonian occurrences organic-rich nodules are significantly mineralized
are likely to be syndiagenetic. A similar example of by uranium (Fig. 6) in the form of coffinite, ac­
uranium uptake by fish debris is reported from companied by roscoelite, clausthalite (lead selenide)
Australia by Ramsden et al. ( 1982). and copper arsenides. The black mudrocks are
A widespread product of the interaction of metals mineralized with a major economic uranium deposit.
with organic materials is the formation of metal­ Some uranium is dispersed within the mudrocks,
rich, organic-rich nodules at the cores of reduction but much is concentrated within solid bitumens in
spots in red beds. The organic matter at the cores of brecciated fracture systems (Landais eta!., 1987), so
some spots is detrital (fragments of plant matter) but that in this case the nodules are pre-ore.
those nodules which are mineralized tend to have Perhaps the largest regional metal anomaly in
spherical cores which clearly developed postcom­ hydrocarbons is the high level of vanadium found
paction by accretion of migrating hydrocarbons. in oils and bitumens throughout much of South
The nodules contain metals characteristic of red America (Kapo, 1978). The anomaly is so marked
bed mineralization (uranium, copper, vanadium, that Gold (1984, 1985) has suggested that it reflects a
selenium) and typically have a mineralogy of vanadium anomaly in the mantle which was trans­
coffinite, roscoelite (vanadium mica), vanadium ferred to the upper crust through a flux of abiogenic
oxides/hydroxides, vanadium-rich clays, copper hydrocarbons. An alternative, more conventional
nickel arsenides and selenides, and organic carbon. explanation is suggested here. In the case of
One model for their formation is through the juxta­ Venezuela, the anomaly may in part reflect ore
position of metal-bearing groundwaters in red bed deposits in the local basement. Kapo ( 1978) has
sediments with hydrocarbons migrating along cross- suggested that waters flowing over deposits of
188 J. Parnell

��-="tj} Red Beds

Permian (Curiale et al 1983)
U Conglomerate
Q Ordovician � Uranium in groundwaters

U Cambrian granite
� Petroleum along faults

• Uraniferous hydrocarbons

+ Fig. 5. Origin of uraniferous
hydrocarbon nodules in southwest
+ Oklahoma, through intersection of
+ + petroleum migrating along faults
with red bed groundwaters draining
+ + + off uranium-rich granites. (Based on
Curiale et al., 1983.)

abundant and/or the metal must be a very scarce

The vanadiferous hydrocarbons in South America
are locally both sufficiently abundant and enriched
to have been considered as potential vanadium ores
(Abraham, 1945). Several mines in central Peru
contain bitumen which was ashed to a vanadium­
rich concentrate (Baragwanath, 1921). The most
important deposit, at Minas Ragra, is the richest
vanadium ore body ever recorded. The Minas Ragra
bitumen is a highly sulphur-rich variety ('quisqueite')
in which the vanadium occurs segregated out as
inclusions and veinlets of the vanadium sulphide
patronite. Detailed examination of the bitumen
shows that it consists of several phases of varying
Fig. 6. Backscattered electron micrograph of organic-rich sulphur content which may represent successive
core of reduction spot from Permian Lodeve Basin, periods of hydrocarbon mobilization (Fig. 8). A
France, showing concentration of coffinite, roscoelite and thick vein of patronite adjacent to the bitumen may
copper-bearing phases (all bright) around detrital quartz
have segregated out during the thermal maturation
grains. Field width = 250 �un.
of the bitumen by an igneous intrusion (McKinstry,
1957). Pilot projects for the extraction of vanadium
and nickel from solid bitumens have also been set up
vanadium, nickel and copper transported the metals elsewhere, including the USSR (Shabad, 1984).
and reprecipitated them in organic-rich sediments Uranium-rich hydrocarbon deposits are very
including coals (Fig. 7). The vanadium enrich­ widespread, and in a few cases are large enough to
ments were conveyed to subsequently generated constitute viable ore deposits. Deposits in the USSR
hydrocarbons. and France in which the uranium is largely confined
to bitumen are described by Zubov & Kotel'nikov
( 1968) and Landais & Connan ( 1980) respectively.
Organic material as an ore
Kerogen, in the form of cyanobacterial mats, also
For a metal-rich hydrocarbon to have value as an hosts a major fraction of the uranium in Precambrian
ore in its own right, the hydrocarbon must be very deposits in Canada and the Witwatersrand
Metal enrichments in organic materials 189

0 Km 300




Fig. 7. Distribution of vanadium­

nickel-rich petroleum and 0 Ore deposit
vanadium-copper-rich coal in
basinal areas, relative to • Coal rich in V, Cu
vanadium-nickel-copper ore
• Petroleum rich in V, Ni
deposits in basin watersheds,
Venezuela. (After Kapo, 1978.)

prospecting the deposits. For example in the Moonta

copper deposit, South Australia, radioactivity was
first detected from organic material, and only sub­
sequently was torbernite mineralization recorded
(Mawson, 1944). The copper lode, in Precambrian
schists and quartz-porphyry, has yielded radioactive
organic materials where it is intersected by cross­
courses (Davidson & Bowie, 1951; Mumme, 1965).
The organic material (which appears to be a type of
bitumen) contains abundant inclusions of a mineral
referrable to xenotime (with 22% uranium substi­
tution for yttrium and coupled substitution of silicon
for phosphorus) and a variety of copper sulphides
(Fig. 9).
Several examples of uranium-enriched bitumen
Fig. 8. Backscattered electron micrograph of sulphur-rich occur in uranium prospects in the Scottish Devonian
pyrobitumen from Minas Ragra, Peru, showing multiphase lake basin discussed above (Michie & Cooper, 1979).
nature. Earliest bitumen (dark grey) cut by bitumen vein As the uranium anomaly in the basin was first
(light grey) cut and displaced by later bitumen vein
detected as syndiagenetic enrichments in fish, this is
(bright); phases distinguished by different sulphur
contents. Small black masses are vanadium-enriched but also an example of an organic sampling medium
appear darker because of lower sulphur content. Field which predates formation of the ore.
width = 280 >UTI. Uranium-rich bitumens may be formed by two
distinct processes. Pre-existing uranium-bearing
minerals can cause the precipitation of solid bitumen
(Willingham et al., 1985). In many more deposits, around the minerals by the polymerization/conden­
only a limited proportion of the uranium may be sation of migrating fluid hydrocarbons, a con­
held within organic materials, but in these cases the sequence of radiation. Alternatively uranium may
organic materials are a good sampling medium for be precipitated from metal-bearing fluids on contact
190 J. Parnell

case all the uranium is likely to be within the bitumen,

but much bitumen may not contain uranium.

Ore coeval with organic material

An example of the fourth scenario for the formation

of uranium-rich bitumens is in a set of vein-hosted
deposits around the Irish Sea (Fig. 10) . The uranium
in these deposits is restricted to solid bitumens. The
bitumens contain inclusions of uraninite, nickel­
cobalt arsenides and at one locality bismuth­
antimony sulphides ( Parnell, 1988b ) . In the same
region, nickel, cobalt, arsenic, bismuth and antimony
also form ore deposits (Fig. 10) , although at some
bitumen localities the only trace of these metals is
Fig. 9. Backscattered electron micrograph of within the bitumen. The chemistry of the bitumens
carbonaceous matter from Moonta copper mines, South is therefore useful as a pointer towards the nature of
Australia, showing inclusions (bright) of uranium-rich
ore deposits in the region.
xenotime (diffuse boundaries) and chalcopyrite­
covelline (sharp boundaries). Field width = 300

with fluid or solid hydrocarbons, by reduction and DISCUSSION

adsorption. In the former situation all solid bitumen
is likely to be uranium-rich but some uranium may In the assessment of how metal enrichments in
be unassociated with hydrocarbons. In the latter organic materials can be used as a guide to metal

tf lf-,-
N -,-,--
' --::
iC B
::-:b W
--:- --, U


Fig. 10. Occurrence of metals as

inclusions in bitumens around the
AsSb : ORE DEPOSIT : LOWER PALAEOZOIC OUTCROP Irish Sea, relative to ore deposits of
those metals in the same region.
Metal enrichments in organic materials 191

anomalies, it is important to consider how the metals Table 1. Behaviour of metal relative to organic material
come to be associated with the organic matter. Four during progressive evolution of organic matter

mechanisms may be distinguished for metal enrich­

Organic material Metal
ment in organic materials (Parnell, 1988c).
1 The metals in hydrocarbons may be inherited Living organic matter Metals used as enzymes
from the hydrocarbon source rock as organometallic Other metabolic functions

complexes. Source rocks contain variable quantities Decay of organic matter, Adsorption of metals
of organophilic metals, including vanadium and conversion to kerogen Release of organic acids
nickel, which may have been inherited in turn from with complexed metals
Sulphate reduction to metal
the living tissues.
2 Uptake of metals by hydrocarbon fluids, from the
Hydrocarbon products Reduction and complexing
rocks through which the fluids migrate.
of metals
3 Enrichment at sites of mixing between metal­
Alteration of hydrocarbons Progressive enrichment of
bearing fluids and hydrocarbon-bearing fluids.
4 Enrichment of uranium and/or thorium in bitu­
Mineral exsolution
mens precipitated through the effects of radiation
Graphitization Loss of heteroatoms
(see above). The enhanced precipitation of bitumens Expulsion of metals from
around radioactive sources results in this type of graphite structure
enrichment being widespread.
These mechanisms have varying import for the
possible roles of organic materials as signatures of
regional metal anomalies. The uptake of metals and the processes involved, it will be necessary to
from groundwaters flowing off a metalliferous make a detailed assessment of the metal flux at
deposit, and enrichment of organic materials coeval different stages in the evolution of organic matter
with an ore deposit, could involve all except the (Table 1). Generally, there is a progressive enrich­
inheritance mechanism. Pre-ore organic material ment in metals through the maturation of organic
with a signature of enrichments in the host sediment matter, generation of petroleum and alteration to
could be either syngenetic or epigenetic. Syngenetic complex solid hydrocarbons, and then a loss of
organic material could have inherited the metal in metals as they cannot be accommodated by the
the case of organophilic elements whereas epigenetic ordered structure developed during graphitization.
organic material could be involved in any mechan­ This simple trend belies the many complex processes
ism. The unusual occurrences of organic materials which have yet to be systematically investigated.
which are ores are produced by the radiation mech­
anism in the case of uranium-thorium ore, and
probably by the inheritance mechanism in the case ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of vanadium ore.
On a cautionary note, it cannot be assumed that I am grateful to A. Thickpenny and J. Arthurs for
organic matter will contain a signature of any ore critical reading of the manuscript. The Peruvian
deposit in the vicinity. Some metals are much more bitumen was kindly supplied by the British Museum
readily taken up by organic matter than others (e.g. (Natural History) (sample regd. no. 1908, 413), and
tin and tungsten very rarely form enrichments). The J. McCrae and E. Mulqueeny provided valuable
circumstances of fluid migration may be such that technical assistance.
the organic matter does not have the opportunity to
take up the metal. It is also important to appreciate
that in some ore deposits wltich contain significant REFERENCES
quantities of organic materials, those materials may
not exhibit enrichments. For example the bitumen ABRAHAM, H. ( 1945) Asphalts and Allied Substances, 5th
commonly encountered in Mississippi Valley type edn. Van Nostrand, New York.
BARAGWANATH, J.G. (1921) The vanadiferous asphaltites
lead-zinc deposits generally does not contain lead
of central Peru. Eng. Mining. JI. 1 1 1, 778-781.
or zinc enrichments. BELL, K.G. (1960) Uranium and other trace elements in
In order to further understand the degrees to petroleum and rock asphalts. US Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper
which organic materials become enriched in metals, 365B.
192 1. Parnell

BOWIE, S.H.U. & ATKIN, D. (1956) An unusually radio­ thucholite mineralization at the Wallaroo-Moonta
active fossil fish from Thurso, Scotland. Nature 177, mining field, South Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust.
487-488. 89, 255-256.
BOYLE, R.W. (1982) Geochemical Prospecting for Thorium PARNELL, J. (1983) Stromatolite-hosted mineralization in
and Uranium Deposits. Elsevier, Amsterdam. the Oil Shale Group, Scotland. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall.
CANNON, H.L., SHACKLEITE, H.T. & BASTRON, H. (1968) (B) 92, 98-99.
Metal absorption by Equisetum (Horsetail). US Ceo!. PARNELL, J. (1985) Uranium/rare earth-enriched hydro­
Surv. Bull. (A) 1278, 1-21. carbons in Devonian sandstones, northern Scotland. N.
CURIALE, J.A., BLOCH, S., RAFALSKA-BLOCH, J. & lb. Miner. Mh. (H) 3, 132-144.
HARRISON, W.E. (1983) Petroleum-related origin for PARNELL, J. (1988a) Lacustrine petroleum source rocks in
uraniferous organic-rich nodules of southwestern the Dinantian Oil Shale Group, Scotland: a review. In:
Oklahoma. Bull. Am. Ass. Petrol. Ceo/. 67, 588-608. Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks (Ed. by A.J. Fleet,
DAVIDSON, C.F. & ATKIN, D. (1953) On the occurrence of K. Kelts & M.R. Talbot), pp. 235-246. Spec. Pub!.
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11, 13-31. PARNELL, J. (1988b) Mineralogy of uraniferous hydro­
DAVIDSON, C.F. & BowiE, S.H.U. (1951) On thucholite carbons in Carboniferous-hosted mineral deposits, Great
and related hydrocarbon-uraninite complexes. Bull. Britain. Uranium 4, 197-218.
Ceo/. Surv. GB 3, 1-19. PARNELL, J. (1988c) Metal enrichments in solid bitumens: a
DIGGLE, W.R. & SAXON, J. (1965) An unusually radioactive review. Min. Deposita 23, 191-199.
fossil fish from Thurso, Scotland. Nature 208, 400-401. PARNELL, J. & EAKIN, P. (1987) The replacement of sand­
ERICKSON, R.L., MYERS, A.T. & HORR, C.A. (1954) As­ stones by uraniferous hydrocarbons: significance for
sociation of uranium and other metals with crude oil, petroleum migration. Min. Mag. 51, 505-515.
asphalt and petroliferous rock. Bull. Am. Ass. Petrol. PARNELL, J., SHUKLA, B. & MEIGHAN l.G. (1989) The
Ceo/. 38, 2200-2218. lignite and associated sediments of the Tertiary Lough
GoLD, T. (1984) Contributions to the theory of an abiogenic Neagh Basin. Irish J. Earth Sci. 10, 67-88.
origin of methane and other terrestrial hydrocarbons. PARNELL, J. & SWAINBANK, l.G. (1985) Galena mineral­
Proc. 27th Int. Ceo/. Congr. 13, 413-442. ization in the Orcadian Basin, Scotland: geological and
GoLD, T. (1985) The origin of natural gas and petroleum, isotopic evidence for sources of lead. Min. Deposita 20,
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10, 53-77. PLANT, J.A., FORREST, M.D., HODGSON J.F., SMITH, R.T.S.
KAPO, G. (1978) Vanadium: key to Venezuelan fossil & STEVENSON, A.G. (1986) Regional geochemistry in the
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Metal uptake by young conifer trees. US Ceo/. Surv. Origin and significance of the Toolebuc gamma-ray
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Relationships between organic matter and metalliferous deposits

in Lower Palaeozoic carbonate formations in China

R . Jl A , D . Ll U and J. FU
Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica, PO Box 1131, Wushan, Guangzhou, China


Organic matter in carbonate rocks from Cambrian to Devonian age in China is distributed inhomoge­
neously, and asphalts occur in two belts in northern and southern China. Some metal deposits are
associated with the two asphalt belts. Based on the characteristics of soluble organic matter, reflectance
and the structure of the asphalts associated with metal deposits, it is inferred that most of the vanadium,
nickel, molybdenum and uranium deposits were formed in stable pressure and temperature conditions,
while arsenic and mercury deposits were formed in open system conditions near to natural gas pools. A
comparison of the content of metallic elements in asphalts, black shale and carbonate shows that most
metallic elements in asphalts could be derived mainly from black shales, but some lead, tin, silver, zinc
and manganese were possibly contributed from hydrothermal solutions. The metallic elements in
minerals associated with organic matter are mainly chalcophile and variable-valency elements. Accord­
ing to simulated experiments the combination between organic matter and metals occurs during two
particular stages, when Ro is less than 1·2% and greater than 2%.


Carbonate formations are widely distributed through lationship between organic matter and metalliferous
Precambrian to Devonian sequences in China. deposits, including the relationship between oil and
Excepting some gas fields in Sichuan and Shanxi ore deposits in sedimentary rocks (Connan, 1977),
Provinces, productive fields are not found in these hydrothermal maturation of organic matter in gold
rocks. However, a lot of solid asphalt representing deposits (Ilchik & Brimhall, 1986), relationships
the products of migration, accumulation and degra­ between oil-gas fields and ore deposits (Tu, 1988),
dation of oil is exposed at the surface in the carbon­ the significance of organic matter in strata-bound ore
ates (Liu et al., 1985; Liu & Fu, 1989). There are deposits (Rashid, 197 1; Lu & Yuan, 1986), charac­
two asphalt belts in Lower Palaeozoic strata in teristics of organic matter in mercury- gold deposits
China. One belt is usually associated with oil seep­ (Fu & Liu, 1983; Chen et at., 1987), vanadium­
ages, and is called the oil-bearing asphalt belt, nickel minerals in carbonaceous asphalt (Liu &
located from east to west in northern China, includ­ Lin, 1984; Zhang et al., 1984) and the relationship
ing the southern Talimo Basin, the Ordos Tableland, between uranium precipitation and organic matter
south of Yanshan Mountain to Tanshan City. The (Wang, 1983; Hu et at., 1988).
second belt, called the carbonaceous asphalt belt, is The occurrence of organic matter distributed in
located around the Jiangnan Swell in southern China metalliferous deposits in China has been reported in
(Fig. 1). In some cases there is much solid asphalt in many papers (e.g. Fu & Liu, 1983; Liu & Lin, 1984).
metalliferous ore deposits, including mercury, zinc, This paper reports the results of field work and
lead, copper, gold and uranium deposits. experimental simulations in the laboratory.
There has been much recent research on the re-

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 193

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
194 R. Jia, D. Liu and J. Fu


GuiyangA &;.�


Fig. 1. Major occurrences of asphalts in China.

The relationship between the abundance and

maturation of organic matter in different deposits is
shown in Fig. 2. The TOC content and maturation
(reflectance, Ro) of organic matter in each deposit
show a wide range. The contents of organic matter
Abundance and maturation of organic matter
are highest in nickel, vanadium, uranium and
The contents of organic matter in Precambrian to molybdenum deposits, but lower in mercury and
Devonian rocks in some provinces of China are arsenic deposits. However, research in the field and
shown in Table 1. The values of TOC (%), A (ppm), analyses in the laboratory indicate that the mercury
and HC (ppm) represent the quantity of total organic and arsenic deposits are associated with both natural
carbon, total soluble organic matter and saturated gas and solid asphalt, while the nickel, vanadium,
hydrocarbons, respectively. uranium and molybdenum deposits are only associ­
The abundance of organic matter in the tin­ ated with solid asphalt. In accordance with the
polymetallic deposit in Dachan, Guangxi Province is reflectance measurements with Ro over 2%, there
listed in Table 2. In this deposit it is found that are few oil occurrences (Fu et al., 1983) and most of
carbonate is light-coloured and silicified carbonate is the metalliferous deposits are only associated with
dark-coloured. The results show that the amount of asphalt and natural gas.
organic matter in the silicified carbonate is 1- 3
times greater than that in the carbonate strata, which
Soluble organic matter
possibly indicates that the organic matter may have
migrated and become enriched in the silicified rock The composition and alkane characteristics of sol­
due to the action of hydrothermal solutions. uble organic matter in Cambrian- Devonian car-
Organic matter and metalliferous deposits 195

Table l. Abundance of organic matter in Middle- Upper Proterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic carbonate rocks in China

Strata Northern China Sichuan Yunnan Hunan Zhejiang Jianghan

Ordovician c (%) 0·10 0·06 0·05 0·10

0·03-0·55 [0·13 (76)]*
A (ppm) 50 29 <5
41-650 [210 (32)]
HC (ppm) 24
22-579 [108 (26)]

Cambrian C (%) 0·07 0·17 0·33 0·09

0·02-0·30 [0·10 (53)]
A (ppm) 77 10 <5 61
15-1056 [171 (25)]
HC (ppm) 25
19-756 [ 92 (25)]

Proterozoic C (%) 0·08-0·10 0·04-0·55 0·18 0·14

0·02-0·48 [0·12]
A (ppm) <5 54
20-690 [95] 34·3
HC (ppm)
8-410 [52]

* Average value [ ]; number of samples ( ).

Table 2. Average amount of TOC (%) in different strata of Sn-polymetallic ore deposit*

Unit Devonian 3-2d Devonian 3-2c Devonian 3-2b Devonian 3-2a Devonian 3-1

Petrography Lenticular Lenticular Lenticular Carbonate Silicified Carbonate Silicified Silicified Silica
carbonate silicified carbonate carbonate carbonate carbonate rock
TOC (%) 0·11 1·5 0·028 0·078 0·15 0·076 0·43 1·31 0-43
Number (10) (7) (95) (4) (11) (7) (5) (7) (8)

* Data from Lu (1986).




Sn IMn.Ni .vi
_ " __ -�
l r_p,���

Fig. 2. Cross-plot of Ro (%) and

TOC (%) for organic matter in
Chinese ore deposits. 10 15 20 Corg (% J

bonate rocks in southern China are listed in Table 3, The pristane : phytane (Pr: Ph) and the
which shows that the saturated fraction is more C21- : C22+ alkane ratios are indicators of maturity
abundant than the aromatic fraction. The amount of and environment; the lower the ratios, the more
non-hydrocarbons increases with maturation. The reducing the environment arid the more mature the
organic matter in Lower Palaeozoic deposits is organic matter (Liu & Jia, 1990). The data for
probably the product of oil evolution. saturated hydrocarbons in some deposits (Table 4)
196 R. Jia, D. Liu and J. Fu

Table 3. Composition (%) of soluble organic matter in carbonate formation of Cambrian-Devonian systems, China

Area Petrology Layer Saturated CH Aromatic CH Non-CH + Asphalt

E. Guizhou Carbonate D2-3 27·41 4·15 68·84

E. Guizhou Limestone S2 30·16 15·42 54-45
E. Guizhou Limestone 01 75·35 4·87 19·79
E. Guizhou Limestone El 39·30 7·08 53-62
China Carbonate 01 48·34 12·76 44·66
China Carbonate E 31-36 12·02 56·12

E, Cambrian.

Table 4. Character of saturated hydrocarbons in some deposits, southern China

Ore & Area Layer Range of n-alkane Main peak CPI nC21-:nC22+ Pr:Ph

Hg, Guizhou (SE) E nC14-nC30 C16 1·053 6·957 1·15

Hg, Guizhou (NE) E nC14-nC30 C17 1·263 2·931 1·30
Pb-Zn, Hunan E nC14-nC31 C17 1·136 3·582 0·59
Pb-Zn, Hunan E nC14-nC36 C17 1·084 2-414 0·89
V-Ni, Anhui Sl nC15-nC31 C23 1·131 0·441 0·33

E, Cambrian.

show that the most highly reducing and most which was degraded to leave a residue called solid
mature sequence was the source of organic matter in asphalt.
the vanadium-nickel- uranium deposits, and the The 0 C and H: C ratios of the asphalts associ­
least mature was the source of organic matter in the ated with metallic deposits allow them to be plotted
mercury deposits. on a Van Krevelen diagram (Fig. 3). The hydrogen
content of the asphalt samples is very low, and the
oxygen content is highly variable, especially in the
Insoluble organic matter
samples from the tin-polymetallic deposit. These
During the evolution of the parent organic matter, asphalts are rich in carbon and have no effective
some hydrocarbons migrated as liquids, a part of potential for oil or gas. They are derived from

H/C /

1.0 I Fig. 3. Aromatic H : C and 0 : C
I ratios of asphalts plotted on the
I -- -- Van Krevelen diagram. (From
I ...---- -- --- - Hu et a!., 1988 and Tu, 1988. )

I / (1) Uranium deposit in

0.5 5il /
Guangxi; (2) tin-polymetallic
1•1 .3. fs-----:1·---/�;--5�;-- (___ _
deposit, in Devonian, Guangxi;
(3) lead-zinc deposit in

------ ----- --------- Cambrian-Carboniferous,

Jiangsu; ( 4) lead-tin deposit in

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Cambrian, Shanxi; (5) lead-tin
0/C deposit in Devonian, Hunan.
Organic matter and metalliferous deposits 197

liptinite-rich hydrogen precursors (in the marine La parameters represent the size of aromatic nuclei
pre-Devonian). These asphalts were highly altered along the OOZ and 100 directions. X-ray diffraction
by hydrothermal solutions (Lu, 1986; Yang, 1988). analysis of different asphalts shows that the relation­
X-ray diffraction (XRD) of different coal rank ships between asphalt/oil-gas and metallic deposits
vitrinites shows that the Z8 angle of OOZ diffraction is are: ( 1) in general, oil is associated with asphalt with
changed from 17° to Z6°. The Z8 angle at 17-zoo an OOZ diffraction at about 17- zoo, and 100 diffrac­
represents aliphatic straight-chain and aliphatic ring tion is not found; (Z) the OOZ diffraction is at 17-Z6°
structures, and the Z8 angle at Z4-Z6° represents (two peaks are combined) and 100 diffraction is
aromatic structure. Besides the OOZ diffraction, there visible in some asphalts associated with mercury
is a peak at 43° representing 100 diffraction in highly deposits; (3) the OOZ diffraction at Z6° and 100
mature vitrinite. diffraction at 43° are very clear in asphalt associated
X-ray diffraction also offers information about with lead, zinc and tin deposits.
asphalt structure, especially the degree of aromati­ The cross-plots of d002 with Lc and d 100 with La
city. We regard the d002 parameter as an important are shown in Fig. 4, reflecting the degree of crystal­
measurement of asphalt maturity and oil-gas po­ linity of asphalts sampled from different deposits
tential (Fu et a/., 1983). The d002 and d1oo para­ (Qin et al., 1987). The degree of crystallinity depends
meters represent the vertical separation of aromatic on: (1) the carbonization of asphalts- the higher the
nuclei along the OOZ and 100 directions. The Lc and carbon content, the higher the asphalt crystallization;





Fig. 4. Cross-plots of d002 and

Lc, and dlOO and La, for some
Chinese asphalts. Samples 0 10,
016 and Gu2 from tin­
polymetallic deposit, Guangxi;
H2114, Wa-5 and Dz-5 from
mercury deposit, Guizhou; H22o
from lead-tin deposit, Hunan;
and H221 from asphalt vein;
198 R. Jia, D. Liu and J. Fu

and (2) the temperature and pressure, which at higher the average contents in black shales, except Sb, Sn,
levels produce more crystalline asphalt. A compari­ Ag, Pb, Zn and Mn. Possibly some Sb, Sn, Ag, etc.
son of asphalts from different deposits suggests that was contributed from hydrothermal solutions.
mercury deposits formed in relatively low-pressure
systems containing natural gas (rich in hydrogen),
Minerals in asphalts
but the lead, zinc and tin deposits formed in the
relatively closed systems far from gas pools, because Some minerals found in asphalts in southern China
the degree of asphalt crystallization is greater in the are listed in Table 5. The metallic elements in the
latter deposits. minerals are mainly chalcophile elements and most
of them are variable-valency elements. There are
temporal and regional variations in the enrichment
METALLIC ELEMENTS AND of metallic elements in asphalts. For example va­
MINERALS IN ASPHALT nadium and nickel minerals occur mainly in asphalts
in Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian rocks around
Abundance of metallic elements in asphalt the Jiangnan Swell, but lead and zinc minerals occur
particularly in asphalts along the juncture of Yunnan,
The abundance of metallic elements in asphalt
Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces and south of Qinglin
is compared with the average abundance in carbon­
ates (Geological Department of Nanjing University,
1987) and black shales (Fan et a!., 1973) in Fig. 5. It
was found that: ( 1) the following elements are not
present in the asphalts-Ta, Hf, Sc, Ge, In, Ga, W,
Nb, Zr, Co, Be, Li, U, Th, La, Ce, Y, Yb, Au, K
and Na; (2) the abundance of Ag, Pb, Zn, V and Ni
Direct combination of organic matter with metals
in asphalts is 100 to 10 000 times greater than the
average abundance in carbonates; and (3) the con­ Living organisms contain many enzymes which con­
tents of metallic elements are generally lower than tain metallic ions, i. ncluding Na, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn,

0 0
2 0
(a) M1 ppm (Asphalt) 0
0 0
M2ppm Black shale) 0 0
0 0


4 •

• •


(b) MJPPm CAsphaltJ •
0 •
MaPPm (Carbonate) •



Sr Ba Pb Zn Sb v Mo Sn Ti Mn Ni Cu Ag

Fig. 5. Metal abundances in asphalts. (a) Compared with average for black shale (Fan
eta/., 1973). (b) Compared with
average for carbonate rock (Geological Department, Nanjing University). Ml, M2, M3 represent amount of metallic
elements in asphalt, black shale and carbonate, respectively.
Organic matter and metalliferous deposits 199

Table 5. Some minerals recorded in asphalt

Name Formula Location Stratigraphy Reported

Pyrite FeS Hunan E and S Fan T.

Marcasite FeS Yang X.
Jordisite MoSz Chen N.
Bravoite (Ni, Co, Fe)S2 (1973-1985)
Millerite NiS
Polydymite Ni3S4
Gersdorffite NiAsS
Sulvanite Cu3VS4
Sphalerite ZnS
Galena PbS
Violarite (Fe, Ni)3S4
Tetrahedrite 5CuS·2(Cu, Fe)S·2As2S3

Uraninite UOz Guangxi . Z-E Chen R. (1983)

Simulated in lab. Hu K. (1987)

Montroseite Guangxi D Liu D.

Karelianite Lin M. (1983)

Mo, Ca, Mg and Se ions, which are important in [UOzS04JZ- +CH4 ____,. U02 +H2S +COl- +H20
metabolic processes (Chen & Li, 1983). Na4[UOz(C03h] + H2S ____,. U02 + S + 2Na2C03
The content of some metallic elements in living. + C02 + H20
organisms is generally higher (up to 10 000 times) 2HgS + CH4 ____,. 2Hg + C + 2H2S
than that of the surrounding medium. For example,
As a result, some metal ore is associated with organic
the contents of metallic elements in plants growing
in the sea compared with those of the seawater are:
Simulated experiments of uranium precipitation
>10 times Ag, B, Mo, Rb by organic matter support the possibility of the
>100 times W, K, Li, Ca above reactions (Hu et al., 1988). The experimental
>1000 times Al, Au, Ba, Cd, Co, Cs, Cu, Hg results show that there are two stages of uranium
>10 000 times As, Cr, Fe, Mn, P, Pb, Ti, Zn uptake in the evolution of organic matter, at
(data from Yang, 1989). Ro <1·2% and >2% (Fig. 6). The mechanisms of
the two stages of uranium enrichment are different.
In addition, organic acids produced by the de­
In the first stage (Ro <1·2%), the enrichment is
composition of living organisms allow the formation
mainly by absorption and complexing. When Ro
of organometallic complexing, such that the abun­
>2%, the enrichment is mainly through reduction
dances of lead, zinc, copper and nickel in humic
2 of metallic elements and consequent precipitation to
acids are 104, 103, 103 and 10 times more than the
ore. Some of the vanadium and nickel ore in the
average abundance in shales respectively (Rashid,
asphalt vein surrounding the Jiangnan Swell may be
1971; Lu & Yuan, 1986).
formed by the latter process.

Reduction of metal ions by organic matter

The content of organic carbon in the uranium ore­ SUMMARY

bearing rocks in Zazipin, Guangxi Province, ranges
from 4·27 to 19·14%, but the partition of uranium in 1 Organic matter in carbonate rocks from Cambrian
the organic matter is only 0·1-1% (Hu et al., 1988). to Devonian age is distributed inhomogeneously.
Native mercury has been found in mercury ore Although the average TOC is less than 0·1% in most
deposits which are rich in organic matter (Chen et regions, oil-bearing asphalts and carbonaceous as­
al., 1987). The role of organic matter may have been phalts outcrop in two belts in northern and southern
to reduce metal ions to minerals. Examples may China, respectively.
include 2 Some metal deposits are associated with the two
200 R. Jia, D. Liu and J. Fu

Table 6. Partition of uranium in host rock and organic matter

Sample Lithology U content U content Org. matter Partition of

in host rock in kerogen content U in org. matter
(ppm) (ppm) (%) (%)

8818-41 Slate 7·2 6·5 3·92 3·5

18 Slate 10·4 5·5 4·80 2·5
5-52 Slate 36-4 7·0 10·72 2·1
D20 Ore 1560·0 83·0 19·14 1·0
D2 Ore 26300·0 39·0 4·27 0·01

When Ro >2%, metal precipitation is dominated by

., 50
:i the reduction of metallic ions to ore minerals by
� organic matter.
.... 30
..0 This study was funded by National Scientific In­
vestment Bureau grant No. 86040129. We thank
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5RO% X. Chen and Q. Chen for reading the paper and
offering good suggestions. X. Yan kindly supplied
Fig. 6. Relationship between amount of absorbed uranium
data for minerals in black shale.
(�tg) and Ro (%) of organic matter, from experimental
precipitation of uranium by organic matter.


asphalt belts. Most V, Ni, Mo and U deposits are CHEN, H. & LI, W. (1983) Molecular Enzymology,
associated with solid asphalt, while most As and Hg pp.130-177. People's Sanitation Publishing House.
deposits are related to both solid asphalt and natural CHEN, Q., JI A, R. & Liu, D. (1987) Some characteristic
features of organic matter and metals in Danzhai
gas. Based on the asphalt structure, the former
mercury-gold deposit. In: Annual Research Reports of
deposits are concluded to have formed in stable the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory, 1986, Institute of
conditions of pressure and temperature, while the Geochemistry, Academia Sinica, pp. 145-158. Guizhou
latter deposits formed in open system conditions People's Publishing House.
CoNNAN, J. (1977) Relationship between oil and ore in the
near to natural gas pools.
Saint-Privat barite deposit, Lodeve Basin. In: Forum on
3 Ta, Hf, Sc, Ge, In, Ga, W, Nb, Zr, Co, Be, Li, U, Oil and Ore in Sediments, pp. 167-187. Imperial College
Th, La, Ce, Y, Yb, Au, K and Na have not been London.
found in asphalts. The abundance of Ag, Pb, Zn, V FAN, T., YANG, X. & C!iEN , N. (1973) Petrological and

and Ni in asphalts is 100-10 000 times greater than geochemical characteristics of a nickel-molybdenum
multi element-bearing Lower-Cambrian black shale
the average abundance in carbonates; the content from a certain district in south China. Geochemica 3,
of metallic elements in the asphalts is generally less 143-160.
than the average in black shales, except Sb, Sn, Fu, J., JIA, R. & LIU, D. (1983) Organic geochemical
Ag, Zn and Mn. Possibly some Sb, Sn, Ag, etc. was criterion of evaluation for oil-gas prospect in carbonate
strata. In: Symposium on Petroleum Science, Chinese
contributed from hydrothermal solutions.
Academy of Sciences, pp. 131-138. Science Publishing
4 The metallic elements in minerals associated with
House, Beijing.
organic matter are mainly chalcophile elements. Fu, J. & LIU, D. (1983) Evolution of organic matter and
5 The combination between organic matter and origin of sedimentary deposits (II) hydrocarbons orig­

metals occurs in two stages. At the stage when Ro inating from coal and strata-bound deposits. Acta
Sedimentol. Sinica, 1, 13-28.
<1·2%, processes are dominated by complexing and
absorption of metallic elements by enzymes in living Geochemistry, pp. 80-92. Science Publishing House,
organisms and by organic acids from dead organisms. Beijing.
Organic matter and metalliferous deposits 201

ILCHIK, R.P. & BR I M HALL , G.H. (1986) Hydrothermal Guangxi Province. Thesis, the Institute of Geochemistry,
maturation of indigenous organic matter at the Alligator Academia Sinica, Guiyan.
Ridge gold deposit, Nevada. Econ. Ceo!. 81, 298-306. Lu, J. & YU AN , Z. (1986) Experimental studies of
Hu, K., ZHANG, Z., ZHING, B. & JIA , R. (1988) The role organic-Zn complexes and their stability. Geochemica
of organic matter in the formation of the Chanziping 1, 66-77.
uranium deposit. In: Annual Research Reports of the Q1N, G., ZHAN, X. & LAO , Y. (1987) Research on X-ray
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory, Chinese Academy diffraction of kerogen. Acta Sedimentol. Sinica 5, 1,
of Sciences, pp. 161-177. Science Publishing House, 26-36.
Beijing. RASHID, N.A. (1971) Role of humic acids of marine origin
L1u, B. & ]lA, R. (1990) Characteristics of normal and iso­ and their different molecular weight fractions in com­
alkanes in Middle-Upper Proterozoic source rocks and plexing di- and tri-valent metals. Soil Sci. , 3, 298-306.
thermal alteration experiments of kerogen. Geochemica Tu, G. (1988) The relationship between Hg, As, ore
3 (in press). deposits and natural gas fields. In: Stratabound Deposits
L1u, B., LIANG, D., FANG, J., JIA, R. & Fu, J. (1985) in China, Vol. 3 (Ed. by G. Tu), pp. 27-36. Science
Organic matter maturity and oil-gas prospect in Publishing House, Beijing.
Middle- Upper Proterozoic and Lower Paleozoic WANG, J. (1983) Natural organic substance and oil-gas
carbonate rocks in northern China. Geochemica 2, prospect: its implication in uranium mineralization.
150-162. Geochemica 3, 294-302.
L1u, D. & Fu, J.(1989) Asphalts and stratabound deposits YANG, W. (1989) The action of organic matter on forming
in carbonate rocks. In: Organic Geochemistry of Car­ ore deposits in stratabound deposits. In: Stratabound
bonates Applied to Evaluating Origin of Oil-Gas Fields Deposits in China, Vol. 3 (Ed. by G. Tu), pp. 255-310.
and Stratabound Deposits (Ed. by J. Fu), pp. 172-193. Science Publishing House, Beijing.
Science Publishing House, Beijing. ZHANG, A., PAN, Z. & E NG , C. (1984) The geochemistry
L1u, D. & LIN, M. (1984) Discovery of some vanadium and of vanadium in Yang Jiabao stone coal of Upper Cam­
nickel minerals from anthraxolite and discussion of their brian. In: Selected papers of Sedimentological and
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Lu, G. (1986) Research on sedimentology and sedimentary Science Publishing House, Beijing.
geochemistry of late Devonian system in Danchang basin,
Spec. Pubis int. Ass. Sediment. (1990) 1 1, 203-216

Comparative geochemistry of metals and rare earth elements

from the Cambrian alum shale and kolm of Sweden

J . L E V E N T H AL
US Geolog ical Survey, Federal Center MS 973, Denver CO 80225, USA


The Cambrian Alum Shale Formation of Sw eden is a metal-rich black shale. The metal distribution ,
however, varies with stratigraphy as well as organic carbon content and shows increases for certain
metals in areas of tectonism. In the non-metamorp hosed areas, the elements uranium, molybdenum,
vanadium and lead are enriched by factors of 2-4 relative to other black shales. The organic-rich (50%
organic carbon) kolm of the Upper Cambrian shale is more enriched in uranium (0·5 % ), radiogenic-lead
(200 ppm), yttrium (800 ppm) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE, e.g. ytterbium 45 ppm), but
depleted in other elements (molybdenum, vanadium, nickel) . Normalizing to aluminium accounts for
the major and rock-forming elements in the kolm that are the same as the surrounding shale, but not for
uranium, lead, yttrium and HREE in kolm.
In many shales, increased metal or trace element contents can be accounted for by parallel increases
in organic matter, pyrite or p hosphate as hosts or sites. However, increases in content of trace elements
are often not correlated with the content of hosts (sites) for the metal and trace element contents in
non-metamorphosed alum shale or kolm. Therefore a combination of unusual source rocks (rich in
uranium and other elements) coupled with selective element transport and efficient concentration by
organic matter in an unusual depositional environment is suggested as a method of element enrichment.
In the metamorphosed areas, the carbon content of the Cambrian shales is similar to the non­
metamorp hosed areas but vanadium (0·2% ), nickel (500 ppm), zinc (500 ppm), cadmium (10 ppm) and
barium (1500 ppm) are greatly increased. Epigenetic addition of metals from external source(s), rather
than internal redistribution, is suggested to account for increased amo unts of metals (vanadium, nickel,
zinc, cadmium and barium) in the metamorphosed/tectonically affected areas.


The Alum Shale Formation of Scandinavia is an (Thickpenny, 1984, and references therein). The
organic-rich marine sequence of middle Cambrian geochemistry of the Swedish alum shale is presented
to early Ordovician age (Andersson et al., 1985, and in the summary papers by Armands (1972), Edling
references therein). The Alum Shale Formation in (1974), Hessland & Armands (1978), and Andersson
Sweden (Figs 1 and 2) is generally between 15 and et at. (1983, 1985).
35 m thick (in central Sweden). Locally it can be The work reported here began in 1979 with a
separated into Upper, Middle and Lower Members suite of core samples from Ranstad, courtesy of
based on interlayered carbonate concretions D. Gee (Swedish Geological Survey) and A.
(stinkstones) or other lithological characteristics and Andersson (Swedish Alum Shale Co) and a few
well-preserved marine fauna. The shales are rep­ hand specimens from J. Erdman (US Geological
resented by black laminated, dark-brown organically Survey); these were supplemented by additional
banded and grey mudstones and referred to as alum core samples from Narke and Jamtland supplied by
shales because of their potassium, aluminium and D. Gee. The initial interest was in extending the
sulphate content. The sedimentation rate is esti­ earlier inorganic geochemical work and new empha­
mated to have been between 1 and 5 mm/1000 years sis on the study of the organic matter association and

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 203

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
204 1. Leventhal


' 0
I ' I-<(
' z


f.::.·.J Post-Cambrian

Fig. 1. Map showing Cambrian

• Cambrian, on-shore
Alum Shale Formation in south­
l':c\\\/'1 Cambrian, off-shore
eastern Baltoscandia. (From
Andersson et al., 1985.) Note
CJ Precambrian
localities of interest (names out­
lined): Himtland in the north;
Narke in the centre; Sydbillingen/
I 0 100 200 300 km
Ranstad samples are from
Vastergotland (B-F ) .

control on uranium and other anomalous elements cerium-rich minerals in the kolm. The kolm is part
(Leventhal, 1981, 1983, 1986). Since then a number of the Pel tura scarabaeoides zone of the Upper
of other workers have reported results on various Cambrian Olenid Series and is thickest in the Mt
aspects of geology and geochemistry (Andersson Billingen area (Armands 1972; Dahlman & Gee,
eta/ . 1983, 1985; Thickpenny, 1987), sedimentology 1977). Andersson etal. (1985) describe the kolm in
(Thickpenny, 1984; Dworatzek, 1987), carbon iso­ more detail: it is restricted to the P. scarabaeoides
topes (Buchardt et a/., 1986), and organic geo­ zone and occurs as lenses and ( <10 em thick) bands
chemistry and radiation effects (Leventhal et al., in two levels (i.e. Billingen) or three levels (i.e.
1986; Dahl et a/. , 1988a, b; Lewan & Buchardt, Vastra Falbygden). A brief report of the organic
1989). However none of these recent reports deals geochemistry of the kolm and its comparison to
with the kolm which is the most enriched in uranium other uranium-enriched organic matter were pre­
and organic matter. sented in Leventhal et al. (1986). The summary
The uranium- and organic carbon-rich kolm papers by Armands (1972), Hessland & Armands
nodules were studied in detail by Davidson (1961) (1978), Andersson et al. (1983) and Andersson
and Cobb & Kulp (1961) and have been mentioned etal . (1985) on the geochemistry of the alum shale
in many reports, but have only been further studied mention the kolm but give no new data. This may be
by Parnell (1984), who identified uranium- and due to its thin and discontinuous nature such that it
Black s hale geoc hem istry 205




c 6
E: 7
-- 8 Ezz:Z%Z:Z:z:.::z:;2?Zj}
Bottom shale

Great stinkstone


Fig. 2. Schematic section of the

Alum Shale Formation at Ranstad.
(From Andersson et al., 1985.) Note Middle Cambrian
two kolin layers in the uranium-rich
zone between 5.5 and 7.5 m below c::Jshale � Stinkstone- Kolm
the Ordovician.

is not considered to be of major economic import­ a bitumen, and the major element abundances are
ance despite early attempts to mine it for radium. proportional to the surrounding shale. In addition,
However, it appears that although the kolm is although the kolm is present in the Mt Billingen
extremely unusual in its geochemistry it may actually (Ranstad) area where there has been intrusion of a
help to understand the geochemistry of the alum diabase sill nearby, kolm also occurs at Narke, where
shale formation as a whole. In most reports, the there is no evidence of igneous activity and the
kolm has been treated as a more organic-rich part of organic matter in the shales is less mature.
the alum shale formation, although it also has been In this paper, a summary of results of the geo­
suggested that it may be a migrated bitumen, based chemical characterization of kolm are presented
on microscopic examination of polished blocks (Leventhal, 1988). The origin and geochemistry of
(J. Dahl, pers. comm.). However, the mineral con­ the kolm have not been reported or discussed in
tent of the kolm is around 40%, much higher than in many studies. This may be because it is 1zotmerely an
206 J. Leventhal

extension of the alum shale in many of its geo­ Narke area

chemical properties: the uranium content is much
This area is somewhat different from Ranstad
higher than expected based on extrapolation of
because the Middle Member is absent; the alum
uranium and organic carbon contents of the sur­
shale is approximately 12-19 m thick and is buried
rounding shale. Neither is the uranium correlated
about 30 m below the present surface (Andersson
with phosphate or other potential hosts or sulphur
et al . , 1983, 1985). Shale samples were from six in­
content. In most shales the sulphur content is related
tervals of core from the Kvarntorp 11/53 borehole
to the organic content; this is not true for the kolm.
and the kolm was a hand specimen. At Narke the
In fact, the sulphur content of the kolm is actually
organic matter is thermally immature (Rock-eva!
lower than the sulphur content of shale because the
T x 422°C, HI is between 400 and 500 mg/g org. C)
iron content of the kolm is lower and in both shale ma
(Leventhal & Daws, new data).
and kolm the iron appears to be completely sul­
phidized (i.e. iron is all as FeS2; Leventhal, 1983).
Thus, many of the correlations of metals with organic
Jamtland area
carbon or sulphur that are found for many black
shales (for example, Leventhal & Hosterman, 1982; In this region of the Caledonian front the alum shale
Leventhal et al. , 1981) and the alum shale have not is deformed and has been subjected to low grade
been found for the kolm. Thus the kolm has been, at metamorphism (Andersson eta/. , 1985; Snail, 1988).
least, a component that did not fit in with the shale Regional overthrusting has resulted in tectonic rep­
geochemistry and, at most, something of an enigma. etition of the alum shale beds (total thicknesses up
Also in this paper, the geochemistry of the to around 150 m) Andersson et al. , 1985, fig. 19).
uranium-rich upper unit from Ranstad and Narke in Samples were from the southern Storsjon-Myrviken
southern Sweden is contrasted with the vanadium­ drilling project and were from cores Myrviken 78001
rich Cambrian alum shale from Jamtland, in the and 78004. No kolm has been recognized from this
Caledonian front, where the organic matter is tectonically disturbed area. Rock-eva! results con­
thermally mature (Gee, 1980). Both of these shales firm the overmaturity of the organic matter ( Tmax is
are contrasted with the kolm. greater than 460°C and the HI is only 5-20 mg/g
org. C) (Leventhal & Daws, new data). The maturity
of the organic matter for the entire alum shale
implies that there has also been a Caledonian ther­
mal effect due to loading of thrust sheets and prob­
ably also from heated fluids that may have been
heated and expe!Jed during the thrusting.
Sydbillingen area

In this area the shale is 22-24 m thick and is at or

only a few tens of metres below the present land
surface. The beds are flat-lying and undisturbed ANALYTICAL METHODS
(Andersson et al. , 1983, 1985). Shale samples in this
study were from Sydbillingen core 16/74 near Most major, minor and trace elements were
Ranstad from four depths, two in the uranium-rich measured after mixed acid digestion of samples by
unit (of the P. scarabaeoides zone) and two below inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spec­
this in the Middle Member (A. pisiformiszone). The troscopy (Lichte et al. , 1987). However Si02 was
kolm samples were hand specimens collected in the measured by X-ray fluorescence (Taggart et al. ,
Ranstad open pit mine. In this area there is a 1987), and uranium was measured by delayed
diabase sill that lies approximately 100 m above the neutron activation analysis (McKown & Millard,
Cambrian strata which has caused some local heating 1987).
(Cobb & Kulp, 1961; Dahl et al. , 1988a, b). This is Rare earth elements were measured by three
supported by Rock-eva! results (see Leventhal etal. , methods: ICP analysis, instrumental neutron acti­
1986, for explanation and references) that show that vation analysis (Baedecker & McKown, 1987) and
T ax is 427 -440°C and HI (hydrogen index) values radiochemical neutron activation analysis
are between 100 and 200 mg/g org. carbon (Leventhal (Wandless, 1987). Organic geochemical methods
& Daws, new data). are described in Leventhal et al. (1986).
Table 1. Detailed analytical results for kolm samples

Sample Org C s Fe AI u Mo v Ni Zn Cd Pb Cu As Mn Ba
(% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (ppm) ( ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm )

Ranstad H 49·9 1 1·7 9 2·1 5940 89 290 98 50 <2 250 54 50 200 360
Ranstad I 53-4 3·2 2·4 H 4960 130 410 92 375 5 220 69 180 280 515
Narke 52·9 7·7 5·8 1·5 4 1 00 51 100 48 7 <2 240 48 160 150 120

Si02 K Ca Mg Ti Na p Co Li Sc Sr Nb Cr
(% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (ppm) ( ppm ) (ppm) (ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm)
Ranstad H 12·2 1·3 0·36 0·21 0·1 5 0·08 0·04 9 40 30 42 5 24 '"'
Ranstad I 20·1 2·1 0·22 0·3 0·21 0·12 0·06 11 50 29 56 <4 31 ?;-
Narke - 0·62 0·23 0·25 0·09 0·05 0·05 8 37 24 22 5 19 ;:;-

Table 2. Representative results for alum shale and kolm ;:;-
Sample Org C s Fe A1 u Mo v Ni Zn Cd Pb Cu As Mn Ba p SiOz �;;·
(% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) ( ppm) ( ppm) (ppm) (ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm) (ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm) ( ppm) (ppm) ( ppm ) (% ) �
Kolm 50 7·7 5·8 2 4500 90 290 95 200 3 230 60 150 240 400 500 15
Sydbillingen 12 8 7 6-4 410 260 695 245 90 <2 48 150 1 30 390 490 800 46
Narke 16 6 6 5·3 220 200 460 160 90 <2 35 130 70 200 350 700
Jii mtland 13 4·3 3·9 6·6 240 340 2000 510 410 11 40 1 30 1 00 430 1 200 1100 52
SD0-1 10·2 5·5 6·6 6·6 53 160 160 1 10 60 <2 36 62 70 340 410 600 50
Avg Shale 1·6 0·24 4·7 8 4 3 130 68 95 <2 20 45 13 850 580 700 59

208 J. Lev enth al

Table 3. Rare earth elements in kolm, shale and standards

( ppm) La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Yb Lu y Method

Kolm H Ranstad 14 35 41 25 6·3 44 8-4 67 45 6·5 RNAA

O pen p it mine 16 40 40 47 860 ICP
Kolm l Ranstad 24 61 45 6 37 690 !CP
Open pit mine
Kolm Narke 7 22 42 7 67 1 200 !CP
Shale core 16/74 45 85 37 <2 4 53 reP
Sydbillingen 6·0 m 41 74 33 8·1 1 ·5 6·2 7·3 3-4 0-45 RNAA
Myrviken 78004 42 82 41 <2 4 43 ICP
Shale 7799083 37 57 32 7· 1 1·1 5·7 5·9 3·2 0·52 INAA
Ja mtland
North Am. shale 32 73 33 5·7 1·2 5·2 0·9 5·8 3· 1 0-48 27 H68
SD0-1 36 64 35 7·5 1 ·2 6·9 1-1 6·9 3·4 0·53 40 ICP

Methods: RNAA, radiochemical neutron activation analysis; ICP, ind uction cou pled p lasma; INAA, instrumental
neutron activation analysis; H68, Haskin et al. 1968.


Table 1 gives the detailed chemical analyses for
three kolm samples. Table 2 gives representative so
values for selected elements for the kolm samples
for the uranium-rich portion of the alum shale from
southern Sweden (Sydbillingen and Narke, 10 sam­ 20
ples), for alum shale from the Jamtland Caledonides
(Storsjon, 9 samples), for USGS SD0-1 black shale
standard (data from Leventhal et al. 1978 and un­ 10

published), and for 'average shale' (Turekian & ....

Wedepohl, 1961). Rare earth element (REE) data .... 5
for the kolm samples and for specific samples of A.
shale from Ranstad (Narke is similar), for Jamtland, ::E
"" "
and for North American shale composite (NAS:
en >
Haskin eta!., 1968) are given in Table 3. Alum shale
representative values ·are derived from unpublished 1.0
USGS data and are quite similar to the results listed
in Andersson et al. (1985). The complete set of 0.5
geochemical data will be presented elsewhere
(Leventhal et al., in preparation).

org C Fe U As Zn Ni Ba Mn
Figure 3 shows selected element contents as ratios to
average shale. At the left side are the major con­ Fig. 3. Ratios of selected major and trace constituents of
kohn, shale from Sydbillingen/Ranstad (Ran) and shale
stituents of shales (except silicon) and organic carbon
from Jamtland (Jamt); data from Table 2. The ratios of
and sulphur. It is clear from this diagram that the each value to average shale of Turekian & Wede pohl
kolm is enriched in organic carbon and depleted ( 1961) are taken. Sec text for discussion.
Black shale geoch emistry 209

in aluminium relative to the other sample groups. 300 ppm lead will result from decay of the uranium
Examination of the detailed data (Leventhal, un­ in kolm in 500 Ma. However, in their detailed
publ. data) shows that aluminium and also other isotope work on uranium and lead, Cobb & Kulp
major elements (silicon, potassium, magnesium, (1961) report that kolm has probably lost daughters
titanium, sodium, calcium) are diluted by the organic in the uranium decay series (radium, radon and/or
carbon. The trace elements are shown on the right lead) by diffusion and/or leaching. It is important to
side of Fig. 3; the elements are ordered in decreasing note that the kolm is enriched only in uranium (and
enrichment for the kolm (relative to average shale). lead by uranium decay) and organic carbon relative
Relative to average shale, the samples of kolm and to the adjacent alum shale and not in other elements,
alum shale are enriched in most of these metals (Fig. such as molybdenum, vanadium, copper, etc., that
4) except manganese, phosphorus and barium. In are often enriched in organic-rich units. The shale
particular, the alum shale and kolm samples are all samples from Sydbillingen are enriched in uranium,
greatly enriched in uranium and molybdenum and to molybdenum, arsenic, lead, vanadium, nickel and
lesser degrees in the other plotted elements relative copper (in that order) relative to average shale. In
to average shale. However, there are differences in contrast, alum shale samples from Jiimtland, on the
the degrees of enrichment in the shale and kolm that Caledonian front, are enriched in vanadium, nickel,
need to be considered. zinc, barium and phosphorus (in that order), but
The kolm is most enriched in uranium and lead. not uranium, relative to the samples from southern
A simple calculation shows that approximately Sweden (Sydbillingen and Niirke).
The element enrichments of the kolm and
Jiimtland samples will be discussed. It is assumed
1000 that the element contents in the Sydbillingen
100 samples (southern Sweden) represent normal syn­
genetic non-metamorphosed shale. The Jiimtland
samples are especially enriched in vanadium, nickel,
• Kolm zinc and barium relative to the Sydbillingen
. Ran samples. The tectonic events on the Caledonian
• Jamt front were probably accompanied by heated fluids
during thrusting. This suite of enriched elements
could be derived by the interaction of hot water and
10 rocks in the Caledonian cover and basement, the
latter including subordinate basic rocks. Table 4
5 gives the abundances for selected elements in basaltic
..1 and granitic rocks. Although manganese is not en­
:Eel riched in the Jiimtland samples relative to average
Ill Table 4. Geochemical abundances (ppm) of selected
1.0 samples from Turekian & Wede pohl ( 1961)

Element Basalt Granite

v 250 65
Mn 1600 100
Ni 130 10
Cu 87 20
La Nd Eu Tb Yb y u Zn 105 50
As 2 1·7
Ce Sm Gd Dy Lu Mo orgC y 21 37
Mo 1·5 1 ·2
Fig. 4. Ratios of rare earth elements and yttrium in kohn , Ba 330 630
Sydbillingen/Ranstad (Ran) and Himtland (Jamt) samples Ce 48 86
(data from Table 2) to 'North American shale' (NAS, Yb 2·1 3·7
values from Haskin et al., 1968) . Also shown are ratios of Pb 6 17
molybdenum, uranium and yttrium to average shale (from u 1 3
Fig. 3) . See text for discussion .
210 1. Lev enth al

shales this could be because of the solubility of samples related to a Jurassic sandstone-hosted
manganese under reducing conditions. The enrich­ uranium ore in New Mexico, USA, reported REE
ment in vanadium, which is greater than the other enrichment (but not HREE enriched) near epi­
elements, could also have come from the circulation genetic uranium ores and suggested transport of
of the heated waters interacting with the overlying REE by organic complexing and/or adsorption on
vanadium-rich Ordovician Dictyonema-bearing colloidal species (Della Valle & Brookins, 1983).
shales that have been reported locally in these Some igneous minerals are also enriched in HREE:
Himtland shales (Gee, pers. comm. , 1989). sphene, zircon, xenotime and clinopyroxene (Sawka
Alternative explanations could involve differing & Chappell, 1988). These minerals are not present
source areas for vanadium and uranium or facies as hosts for REE in the kolm, and only sphene or
controls in enrichment and deposition. Along clinopyroxene could have sourced the REE during
these lines, Gee (1981) and Sundblad & Gee (1984) weathering with subsequent preferential enrichment
suggest that the high vanadium contents of the black in the kolm.
shales in the higher Caledonian thrust sheets are Another possible source of REE is the erosion of
syngenetic and related to the Dictyonema-bearing uranium deposits or weathering of source rocks that
shales, based on stratigraphic relationships. subsequently contribute to uranium deposits. This
possibility can be considered for the Swedish
uranium deposits in the Precambrian basement. The
uranium-enriched granites of Sweden give ages of
Rare earth element abundances and distribution
1000-850 Ma (Wilson & Fallick, 1982): they often
Another set of interesting geochemical comparisons contain mineral assemblages that are enriched in
are shown in Table 3 for the REE. The kolm shows REE, such as zircon and sphene (Smellie, 1982).
an enrichment in the REE that increases with the In a study of the Lilljuthatten uranium deposit
increasing atomic number. This is shown in Fig. 4, (420 Ma) the source rock was postulated to be the
where the REE are ordered by increasing atomic 1650 Ma Olden Granite (Stuckless & Troeng, 1984).
number and their concentrations in the samples Although the Olden Granite is in northern Sweden
plotted relative to NAS values (Table 3). Also in­ it could have also been a source rock during the
cluded are yttrium, molybdenum and uranium that Cambrian. The REE of this granite show a flat to
are enriched by even greater factors than the heaviest increasing REE abundance for REE heavier than
REE; but note that organic carbon is not nearly as europium, with Yb : Sm > 1.
enriched as uranium. The lightest REE actually The sites of the REE also need to be considered
appear to be depleted, but if the organic content of because the REE abundances in the kolm are dif­
the kolm is taken into account (as a diluent) then the ficult to explain. If the REE were sited in clay
light (L) REE are very near normal NAS values. minerals, as they often are, their contents should be
Rare earth elements have been used as geo­ decreased, as are the aluminium and other clay­
chemical tracers for both low temperature (usually forming elements, because of the relatively smaller
marine chemistry) and high temperature (magma amount of clay (due to dilution by the increased
and mineral formation) processes (Taylor & amount of organic matter) in the kolm. Although
McLennan, 1985). Rare earth element enrichments this is true for the light REE (such as lanthanum and
and abundance patterns for the kolm are unusual: cerium), the REE samarium through lutetium are
they require discussion in terms of possible element enriched. The REE are probably not present in
sources and transport and concentration mech­ phosphate because phosphorus is depleted in the
anisms. Thus, it is necessary to consider REE kolm (Fig. 3) relative to both average shale and to
abundances from possible source rocks (from high the alum shales. Part of this is due to dilution by
temperature processes) and transport and concen­ organic matter, although many organic-rich samples
tration (low temperature processes) to explain the are enriched in phosphorus. Detrital heavy minerals
abundance and distribution of REE in the kolm. are also not a possible site for the REE because
Certain sedimentary minerals are enriched in heavy elements characteristic of heavy minerals (zircorium,
(H) REE, for example apatite pellets and glauconite neodymium, hafrium and thorium) are not en­
from offshore Peru (Piper et al. 1988; also see hanced (in fact, they are low: Zr 150, Nb 5, Hf <5,
McArthur & Walsh, 1984, for review and discus­ Th 4 ppm). Thus, if the REE and yttrium are not
sion). One study of the clay mineral fraction of located in the clay, phosphate or heavy minerals,
Black shale geochemistry 211

they must be associated with another site, perhaps formation of iron sulphides and release of adsorbed
the organic matter. REE, in this case mainly LREE.
In an electron microprobe study, Parnell (1984) Hoyle eta/. (1984) reported on the behaviour of
was able to identify that some of the cerium and REE during the mixing of river and seawater where
uranium occurred in the phosphate minerals xeno­ the REE in the organic-rich Luce River are chiefly
time and monazite. However, this does not account associated with iron -organic matter colloids rather
for the occurrence of other REE and yttrium. A than being in solution. In experiments using different
consideration of the material balance of the phos­ salinities to simulate mixing they found that approxi­
phorus and REE (Table 1) shows that whereas the mately 70-80% of the REE were removed from the
REE could theoretically be accommodated in phos­ water during the salinity increase from 0 to 10%o;
phate minerals (only cerium was identified by most of this change occurred in the 0-5%o region.
Parnell, 1984), the yttrium is too abundant to be Hoyle et al. (1984) explained this as being due to
sited wholly in phosphate. Further microprobe work flocculation of the organic matter colloids. They also
may determine if there are mineral hosts for the found that the HREE formed stronger complexes
other abundant REE (neodymium and ytterbium) with the organic colloids than the LREE and thus
and especially yttrium. were preferentially removed (e.g. 95% Yb vs 60%
Unusual REE abundances and distributions have La) in the estuary. By way of contrast; they observed
been found to be associated with uranium deposits essentially no removal of REE from an organic-poor
(McLennan & Taylor, 1979, 1980; Fryer & Taylor, river in conditions simulating the estuary from sal­
1987; Leventhal et al., 1987). These unusual REE inities 0 to 25%o.
patterns and enrichments are also commonly associ­ The problem with the above interpretation is that
ated with granitic host rocks (Taylor & Fryer, 1984), the nearshore precipitation of REE is indirect, being
where HREE were enri�hed in the fluid phase during due to their complexation to organic matter (or
transport by carbonate complexing (McLennan & iron-organic matter) colloids. In Cambrian times
Taylor, 1979) at hydrothermal temperatures. How­ there were no land plants and therefore no soil
ever these uranium deposits are mainly epigenetic organic matter to form organic matter colloids in
unconformity vein-type deposits hosted in Pro­ river water. Thus the well-documented regime of
terozoic rocks that were associated with heated the present day river-estuary removal of REE by
fluids. This is in sharp contrast to the alum shale and organic flocculation in the estuary did not occur
kolm of syngenetic-sedimentary origin that have during the time of deposition of the alum shale.
never been heated above 60-80°C at Narke and In another study, Sholkovitz & Elderfield (1988)
only slightly higher at Sydbillingen based on Rock­ studied REE in Chesapeake Bay and the related
eva! and burial history. Susquehanna River and estuary. They found that
Another way to consider the REE problem is to the dissolved REE were strongly enriched in HREE
examine seawater as a likely source. De Baar etal. compared to the particulate (colloidal) fraction. The
(1985) reported that present day seawater is pro­ basin becomes anoxic at depth and the HREE are
gressively enriched in HREE with depth (data to depleted in the oxygen-poor deep waters. They also
3250 m) by preferential scavenging of the LREE by found that the sediments were enriched in LREE
settling particles. A somewhat different explanation over HREE (relative to average shale), whereas
was given by Klinkhammer et al. (1983) who also the sediment pore waters were enriched in HREE
reported HREE enrichment at depth in the Pacific over LREE (but lower corrcentrations by a factor of
Ocean, but attributed it to regeneration of REE at 106 than in sediments). They believe that the
hydrothermal vents where iron and manganese Chesapeake Bay system is more complex than the
oxides preferentiaUy scavenge the LREE. In the stable redox conditions in the Cariaco Trench and
Cariaco Trench seawater, a sharp discontinuity in involves an indirect coupling to the redox cycle of
the REE abundance is seen at the oxic-anoxic manganese.
boundary where two effects are noted (De Baar Another factor to consider is the REE complex­
et al., 1988): the cerium and europium show ation by carbonate and oxalate anions at low
anomalies that are related to their possible +4 and temperature (Cantrell & Byrne, 1987). Their exper­
+2 oxidation states, respectively. Of more relevance imental work shows that the HREE are more ef­
to the present problem is the reduction of iron fectively complexed (Yb 75%) than the LREE (La
oxides that had scavenged the REE, with subsequent 20%) by the carbonate anion (e.g. Yb(C03)z -) that
212 J. Leventh al

would predominate in seawater. Thus, the LREE have been added during water circulation by mobil­
could be removed early (estuary and nearshore), ization of vanadium from the overlying Dictyonema
leaving the HREE to be enriched in the deeper shale. Other enriched metals (nickel, zinc and cop­
basin offshore (Goldstein & Jacobsen, 1988). It has per) are a suite that is most likely derived from
been suggested (B. Dahlman, in Cobb & Kulp, a basic (basaltic or gabbroic) source. This in­
1961) that the kolm was deposited in the central axis terpretation is reasonable, based on the tectonic
of the basin; this can partly explain the HREE history and basement rocks of the area.
enrichment. However, Thickpenny (1984, 1987) and The kolm enrichment in uranium, molybdenum,
Andersson et a!. (1985) favour deposition of the yttrium and HREE is less easy to explain. It requires
alum shales in an exceedingly stable epicontinental some combination of the following: a unique source,
sea below wave base but offer no explanation for the selective transport and/or specific concentration
kolm. mechanisms. The uranium and REE are not derived
directly from heavy minerals because the elements
zironium, hafrium, and thorium, which are usually
associated with heavy minerals, are not enriched in
The Scandinavian alum shale is an unusual metal­ the kolm. The stratigraphic control and richness in
rich black shale with several additional anomalies: organic carbon of the kolm suggest a unique de­
the stratigraphically controlled geochemically positional setting, with low dilution by clastic mat­
unique kolm and the tectonically disturbed erial, a rich source for uranium and HREE and
vanadium-rich shale on the Caledonian front. The extremely low sedimentation rates. The high organic
alum shale in southern Sweden in the Sydbillingen content of the kolm may be due to the lack of clastic
and Narke regions is flat-lying and undisturbed by dilution, higher organic productivity or a greater
significant burial or deformation. It is enriched in thickness of the euxinic water column or some com­
organic matter of marine origin that was deposited bination of these. From sulphur and iron data, the
offshore at a depth of at least 100 m to allow iron is completely sulphidized (Leventhal, 1983),
stratification of the water column and formation of a indicating that the environment of deposition must
lower stable euxinic layer. The euxinic bottom waters have been euxinic so that high preservation of
caused efficient trapping, by reduction, of metals organic matter was effected. However, the euxinic
and the preservation of organic matter and associated condition probably held for the adjacent shale as
metals. A low sedimentation rate also enhanced well, based on the sulphur intercept on the SIC plot
metal contents because of a lack of clastic dilution. (Leventhal, 1979, 1987; Thickpenny, 1987). Thus
As a result, iron was completely sulphidized and all there is no problem in the preservation of organic
reducable metals were fixed in the sediment as matter and sulphides even at very low sedimentation
sulphides or associated with organic matter. The rates. Because preservation was not unique to the
suite of enriched metals (uranium, molybdenum, kolm, low clastic dilution and/or high productivity
vanadium, arsenic, nickel, copper, lead) could have of organic matter must have caused the kolm 's
come from either a basic source (richer in vanadium, organic richness.
nickel and copper) or a granitic source (richer in Selective enrichment of HREE by carbonate com­
uranium) or, more likely, a combination of these plexing noted by McLennan & Taylor (1980) at
such as basalt for most metals and erosion of a increased temperatures is also possible at low tem­
uranium deposit for the uranium. The lead is mostly perature in seawater (Cantrell & Byrne, 1987). Thus,
radiogenic and the elevated arsenic and molybdenum removal of LREE by selective adsorption on iron
contents could have come from either basalts or and manganese oxides in the estuary or near shore
granites, where these elements are equally abundant. coupled with carbonate complexation of HREE may
The alum shales on the Caledonian front have account for the enrichment in the kolm.
undergone low grade metamorphism and during this The suggestion of 'organic complexing' by Della
process heated waters probably leached associated Valle & Brookins (1983) has not been tested. The
metasediments and/or underlying basement rocks epigenetic uranium deposits studied by Della Valle
and added vanadium, nickel, zinc, copper and & Brookins are however enriched in organic matter
barium (but not uranium) during the Caledonian (Leventhal, 1986). An argument against this
Orogeny, about 100 my after the shale was de­ suggestion is the observation that many organic-rich
posited. The vanadium in the Cambrian shales could shales, including the alum shale, do notshow HREE
Black shale geochemistry 213

enrichments. It is possible that severe (or pref­ and uranium resources in the Cambrian Alum Shales of
erential) weathering of a rock that is rich in this suite the Billingen-Falbygden and Narke areas. Sweden.
Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forh. 104, 197-209.
of elements (or heavy minerals), such as a granite,
A N DERSSON, A . , DAHLMAN , B ., GEE, D . & S NALL, S .
could have contributed them. A host rock similar to ( 1 985) The Scandinavian Alum Shales. Svcr. Gcol.
the Olden Granite is such a rock. Another possibility Unders. Ser. (Ca) N R56, Uppsala, 50pp .
is the contribution of uranium and HREE from ARMANDS, G. ( 1972) Geochemical studies of uranium,
destruction (weathering and erosion) of an existing molybdenum and vanadium in a Swedish Alum Shale.
Stockholm University Contrib. Geol. 27, 1-148 (in
uranium deposit. This is illustrated by the geo­ Swedish) .
chemistry of the Pine Creek Geosyncline uranium BAEDECKER, P . & M c KowN , D . ( 1 987) Instrumental neu­
deposits that are enriched in HREE and also in tron activation analysis of geological sam p les. USGS
yttrium (McLennan & Taylor, 1980) but is only Bull. 1770, H1-14.
BucHARDT, B . , CLAUSEN, 1. & THOMSEN , E. (1986)
partly analogous to the deposits related to the
Carbon isotope composition of lower Paleozoic kerogen.
Swedish Olden Granite (Stuckless & Troeng, 1984) Organic Geochem. 10, 127- 1 34.
which show less depletion in HREE. Destruction CANTRELL, K . & BYRNE, R . ( 1987) Rare earth element
(by uplift or faulting) and weathering of a local, complexation by carbonate and oxalate ions. Geo­
chim. cosmochim. Acta 51, 597-605 .
existing vein-type uranium deposit at the time of
CoBB, 1. & K ULP , 1. ( 1961) Isoto pic geochemistry of
sedimentation of the kolm could account for the uranium and lead in the Swedish kolm and its associated
uranium enrichment. This fortuitous timing of de­ shale. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta 24, 226-249.
struction of an unusual uranium- and HREE-bearing CROCK, 1. & LICHTE, F . ( 1982) Determination of
ore at the time of kolm formation may not seem a rare earth elements in geological materials by ICP­
AES. Anal. Chem. 54, 1 329- 1333.
very probable event, but the alum shale is very
DAHL, 1. HALLBERG, R . & K APLAN , l. ( 1988a) The
unusual and an even more unusual event may be effects of radioactive decay of uranium on elemental
necessary to account for the unusual elements in the and isotopic ratios of alum shale kerogen. Appl.
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DAHL, 1. HALLBERG, R. & KAPLAN , l. ( 1 988b) Effects
as a result of removal of LREE by adsorption in the
of irradiation from uranium decay on extractable
nearshore and/or selective complexation/transport organic matter in the alum shales of Sweden. Organic
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high organic carbon content of the kolm requires Billingen-Falbygdens geologi. In: Betakande av
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that the basin be starved, that the kolm be formed
offentliega utredninger 1977, Vol. 47, pp . 2 19-255.
at water depths of at least 100 m to maintain water Industri departmentet, Stockholm (in Swedish).
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D E BAAR, H . , B A CON , M. & B REWER, P. ( 1985) Rare
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Geological Survey, now at Institute of Geology, in anoxic waters of the Cariaco Trench. Geochim.
cosmochim Acta 52, 1203-12 19.
University of Lund, Sweden) who provided the
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carefuLly chosen representative samples and also chemical studies of the Grants mineral belt, New
provided important geological information, dis­ Mexico. In: The Signii f cance of Trace Elemems in
cussions of the results and helpful review of the Solving Petrogenic Problems, pp . 793-818.
paper. I thank J. Erdman, USGS, for providing Theo phrastus, Athens.
DwORATZEK, M. ( 1987) Sedimentology and Petrology
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Hatch, A. Thickpenny and B. Buchardt for very EDLING , B. ( 1 974) Distribution of Uranium in the
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Univ . Uppsala. S pec. Vol. 2, 1 1 8pp . (in Swedish) .
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Uranium enrichment in the Permian organic-rich Walchia shale,

Intra-Sudetic Depression, southwestern Poland


Geological Survey of Poland, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland


The Lower Permian section of the Intra-Sudetic depression includes black shales of lacustrine origin. Of
these shales, the Walchia shale ( Ratno Dolne Member) has the widest distribution. The rocks are
further subdivided into several complexes according to lithology. They represent sedimentary environ­
ments varying from oxidized and unoxidized parts of the pelagic zone to the littoral and coastal plain.
Horizons with uranium mineralization occur within beds of organic-rich pelagic sediment. Facies
analysis and studies of organic matter suggest that the mineralization was syndiagenetic and occurred in
rocks below wave base. The presence of migrated bitumens on fracture surfaces and a correlation
between uranium and organic carbon contents suggest the possibility of reconcentration of uranium
within migrated bitumens.


The Intra-Sudetic Depression is a substantial region lain by poorly sorted conglomeratic sandstones
of the Sudety Mountains (northeast part of the of the Radkow Formation, dated as Saxonian
Bohemian Massif; Fig. 1). The development of the (Dziedzic, 1961).
Depression began in the Early Carboniferous and Anomalous uranium concentrations, some of
had a multiphase history including infill with Car­ economic value, are known from several lithostrati­
boniferous, Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous rocks graphic units of the Permian in the Intra-Sudetic
(Fig. 1). The sediments of early Carboniferous to Depression (Fig. 2). This paper describes those
early Triassic are of the molasse type. The Carbon­ found in the Walchia shale.
iferous sequence is mainly represented by continen­
tal sediments with mudstone units including coal
seams. Lower Permian rocks, also continental in SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THE
character, may be subdivided into four mega­ WALCHIA SHALE
cyclothems (Fig. 2). Each of these cyclothems begins
with fluvial conglomerates and sandstones, usually Rocks of the Walchia shale form several complexes
oxidized, and ends with mainly unoxidized lacustrine varying in lithology. The base of the Walchia shale is
mudstones. Fairly thick complexes of volcanic here defined by the first appearance of dark-coloured
rocks are known from the contact of the third and silty-sandy or, locally, clay rocks in the section.
fourth megacyclothems in the Slupiec Formation The subtuffite complex, 45 m thick, is built of mud­
(Kozlowski, 1963). The volcanogenic rocks include stones and sandstones with horizontal and cross­
trachybasalts, latites, rhyolites, andesites and bedding, dispersed pyrite and (in the upper part)
rhyolite tuffs (Nowakowski, 1968; Gorecka, 1982; carbonized plant remains (Fig. 3). The basal part
Kubicz et al., 1986). Tectonic movements at the end also includes two carbonate beds each 2 m thick.
of the Autunian resulted in a break in sedimentation The beds are of similar magnitude over distances of
and partial restructuring of the depression. Rocks of about 12 km. The middle part of the complex is
the Walchia shale (Ratno Dolne Member) are over- characterized by intercalations of brown-red ripple-

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 2 17

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
2 18 S. Wolkowicz

Fig. 1. Location of the studied area

and geological map of the
southeastern part of the Intra­
Sudetic Depression. (After Nemec
et a!., 1982. ) (1-9) Sedimentary and
volcanic rocks: (1) Upper
Cretaceous; (2-4) Lower Permian:
(2) Radkow Formation, (3) Slupiec
Formation, (4) Krajanow
Formation; (5-7) Upper
�. "'·
...... ....

Carboniferous: (5) Ludwikowice

./ Formation, (6) Zacler Formation,
0 5 km
(7) Walbrzych Formation; (8)
Lower Carboniferous, Szczawno
Formation; (9) Lower Permian
C]1 r=::a2 �3 �4 OJ] �6 5 .
volcanics (undifferentiated).
(10-13) Surrounding units: (10)
Gory Bardzkie, (11) Klodzko
OliliiiJ �8 �9
7 10 �11 �12 metamorphics, (12) gabbros and
diabases of Klodzko area; ( 13)
EEEl]13 l.r-�'114
15 Sowie Gory Block; (14) state
boundary, (15) boreholes.

Relative intensity
of uranium
Stratigraphy Lithostro.ti gro.phy Lithology mineralization
low high

0 0 0 0 0
c .

. ' 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Radkciw Formation 0 0 ' 0
X 0 0 0
d 0 0 0 . . 0 .

VJ . 0 0 . . .

Ratno Dolne �::�

-- ��


- -- -
- -- - c

- ---=

S.i:"upiec ( Walchia Shale)

K /
<t Volcanic

:L Complex
0:: Formation
o_ Zagorzyn
d . 0 . " .
w ·- . 0 • 0 .

3 c ......:... ;....__• ---=---=--

u. Anthraces ia Shale
---:- - �--:--:-
_J :::J

. .
� '"'-' ,-..._,
Member . .

�wierki 0 0 ' . 0 0
. . 0 0 0 0 0
L.Anthracosia Shale -


-- - ---
Formation --- - -
� � �,..__,

Fig. 2. Permian stratigraphy of

Ludwikowice . .
southeastern Intra-Sudetic
Member . 0 . 0 . . .
Depression, indicating levels of
Carboniferous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
anomalous uranium concentration.




u <9 pu




1 v11

�. 1?/�
111112 vu 2
.-- 3
,..,..,...,.... 4
"��� �
� 61 5

§. 1111?,
� �
C><r 8

Fig. 3. Borehole log Wambierzyce IG-12 (W-12), and

section of complex III in the Wambierzyce lG-15 (W-15)
borehole: (l) the studied lithologic complex; (II) thickness
(depth) in metres; (III) lithologic column: (1) mudstone,
(2) silty mudstone, (3) muddy siltstone, (4) siltstone, (5)
sandy siltstone, (6) silty sandstone, (7) sandstone, (8)
conglomerate; (IV) colour of rock: (1) grey and black, (2)
variegated, (3) brown and red; (V) erosional boundaries;
(VI) sedimentary structures: (1) horizontal bedding, (2)
cross-bedding, (3) ripple marks, ( 4) flaser bedding, (5)
� wavy bedding, (6) erosional channels, (7) mud cracks and
i5. mud flakes, (8) rain prints; (VII) bioturbation: ( l) single,
8 (2) few, (3) numerous, (4) very numerous, (5) interior
mould of branches, (6) coprolites, (7) floral remains, (8)
fish remains; (VIII) interpretation of sedimentary
palaeoenvironments: pu, pelagic anoxic, po, pelagic oxic,
L, littoral, cp, coastal plain, af, alluvial fan; (IX) uranium­
rich horizons.
220 S. Wo/kowicz

laminated sandy rocks and moulds of branches. environment and partly in the coastal plain zone.
Rocks of the subtuffite complex originated in the The calcareous grey-black clay-silty series with
predominantly oxidized pelagic zone of the lacustrine horizontal lamination was deposited in both the
basin. The exception is the brown-red sandy oxidized and unoxidized pelagic zone. Towards the
intercalations, which were deposited in the littoral southeast, i.e. in the direction in which the basin was
zone of the basin. becoming shallower (borehole W - 15), sedimentation
The subtuffite complex is overlain by a horizon of was in the littoral zone or even in an alluvial fan
rhyolitic tuffs 25-40 m thick. Deposition of the tuffs environment.
resulted in shallowing of the sedimentary basin and Black clay-silty rocks reappear in the section
levelling of the basin floor, and was followed by above complex III. This series, assigned to complex
sedimentation of brown-red silty-sandy rocks IV, is characterized by limited sandy mudstone inter­
throughout the area. The rocks assigned to the calations (Fig. 3). Its basal part displays inter­
supratuffite complex are about 30 m thick and gen­ calations of alternating laminae of mudstone and
erally display cross-bedding (Fig. 3) and thorough carbonate. Individual laminae are 1-10 mm thick
bioturbation. Mud cracks, mud flakes and rain prints and show marked epigenetic deformation. The whole
are known from the middle part and erosional complex IV is 80-100 m thick and very similar to
boundaries are fairly common. The rocks displaying the complex II described above. It was deposited in
mud cracks, mud flakes and rain prints originated in both the oxidized and unoxidized parts of the pelagic
a coastal plain zone, and the remaining rocks were zone of the basin.
deposited in the littoral zone of the lacustrine basin.
Rocks of complex I are overlain by a 40-60 m
series of laminated or structureless black mudstones URANIUM- POLYMETALLIC
with intercalations of bituminous limestones. The MINERALIZATION
latter, assigned to complex II (Fig. 3), are fairly rich
in pyrite and organic matter, include asphaltite lenses The Walchia shale includes numerous horizons
and smell bituminous. Bituminous limestones from enriched in uranium and other metals, especially
the upper part of the complex, known as the lead, zinc, copper and vanadium. The anomalous
Ruprechtice horizon in the Czech part of the de­ horizons may be assigned to four groups. The first
pression (Tasler eta/., 1979), are characterized by group is related to the subtuffite complex and com­
a fine lamination of algal origin. The rocks were prises three horizons (Fig. 3). The uranium mineral­
formed in the anoxic-pelagic zone of the basin. ization is found in mudstones, and sometimes in

Erosional boundaries become progressively more carbonates with pyrite, dispersed organic matter and
frequent in the upper part of complex II. These asphaltite lenses. The weighted mean contents of
boundaries, and intercalations of calcareous sandy uranium for layers 0·90-1· 50 m thick range from 60
limestone, mark the transition to complex III, of to 100 ppm. The mineralization is richest in the
very variable lithology. Complex III consists of uppermost horizon of this group. The contents of
alternating beds of red sandy-silty rocks, and grey­ other metals are also high at this level (zinc up to
black clay-silty or rarely sandy beds which are 2700 ppm, lead up to 400 ppm, molybdenum up to
usually calcareous and contain pyrite and organic 1 10 ppm).
matter in amounts up to 10%. In the southeastern The second group of anomalies is related to com­
part of the studied area (borehole W-15; Fig. 3) all plex II and comprises two to four horizons (Fig. 3).
the rocks of complex III are brown-red in colour, The mineralization is connected here with clay
because some rocks which were originally grey­ shales. The horizons are 0·20-1·50 m thick and
black were oxidized (Wolkowicz, 1988). In that area their weighted mean contents of uranium are from
the complex is composed of several sandstone­ 40 to 80 ppm.
mudstone cycles with subordinate intercalations of The third group of anomalies corresponds to
mudstones and conglomerates and the total thickness complex III (Fig. 3), in which the mineralization is
is estimated at about 120 m. The changes in lithology associated with laminated calcareous shales with
reflect rapid changes in environment during sedi­ laminae and streaks of organic matter, asphaltite
mentation. The brown-red silty-sandy series lenses and dispersed pyrite and galena. The horizons
is characterized by bioturbation and numerous vary from 0·75 to 1·20 m in thickness and the mean
erosional boundaries. It was deposited in the littoral contents of uranium in the most strongly mineralized
Uranium-rich shale 221

horizon are from 120 to 200 ppm. The uranium Samuels ( 1980). Coarser grain sizes, resulting from
mineralization is accompanied by increased contents higher energy sedimentary environments, appear
of zinc, lead, molybdenum, vanadium and arsenic. unfavourable for the concentration of uranium m
The fourth group of anomalies is weakly devel­ this case.
oped, and related to complex IV. Studies on organic matter were also aimed at
a more precise reconstruction of the depositional
environment of the uranium-bearing rocks (Table
GEOCHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC 1). There is a high variability in the content of
MATTER IN THE WALCHIA SHALE bitumens (from 1·2 to 13·5%) in the total organic
carbon, and the highest content of bitumens is found
In the present study attention was focused on the in rocks of complex II (Table 1). Analyses of iso­
organic matter in the Walchia shale, because of the prenoids show a low pristane: phytane ratio (Pr: Ph
possible role of organic matter in the concentration = 0·78 to 2· 1), which indicates a strongly reducing
of metals in black shales (see Szalay, 1964; Breger, sedimentary environment (Didyk eta/., 1978; Tissot
1974; Nakashima et al., 1984). & Welte, 1978). Low CPI (carbon preference index)
The Walchia shale was deposited in a sedimentary values indicate relatively mature organic matter and
basin about 50 km wide, and the zone of mixing may also indicate a predominantly aquatic origin
due to surface waves extended down to depths of (Hunt, 1979). The n-alkane distribution for the
8-20 m, depending on wind force (Sly, 1978). Sedi­ majority of samples peaks at Cl8 (Fig. 5). The
ments deposited at greater depths are richer in exception is a sample from a uranium-bearing layer
organic matter than those formed in the zone of (with uranium content of 272 ppm), characterized
mlXlllg. by two n-alkane maxima at C18 and C25 and also
The content of organic matter varies from 0·2 to the lowest CPI value (0·61) and a low ratio of
over 10% in the unoxidized Walchia shale rocks saturated to aromatic hydrocarbons (Table 1).
characterized by uranium mineralization. The cor­ However, some differences in the geochemical
relation coefficient for the contents of organic carbon characteristics of this sample may be due to the
and uranium (72 samples) is high, at +0·60 (data in effects of radiation from uranium on the organic
Fig. 4). The uranium mineralization was found to be matter, as observed widely elsewhere (e.g. Landais
limited almost exclusively to the finest grained rocks: & Connan, 1980).
mudstones, silty mudstones and carbonates of the The content of hydrocarbons in bitumens is also
shaly type in the classification of Lundegard & important for estimating the potential for remobil-

U [ppm]




Fig. 4. Correlation between

uranium (U) and organic matter
(Corg) . 6 8 10 12 Corgo/o
222 S. Wolkowicz

Table 1. Characteristics of organic matter in the Walchia shale

Depth Lithological U content Total Bitumen BE/TOC Pristane: CPI Hydrocarbon

(m) complex (ppm) organic extract (BE) (%) Phytane content
carbon (TO C) (%) in bitumen
(%) (%)

32·5 IV 9·0 0·6 0·008 1·3 18

56·5 IV 23·7 0·6 0·014 2·3 1·2 1·2 52
114·0 III 3·2 0·6 0·007 1·2 34
124·5 III 272-0 3·9 0·064 1·6 0·6 35
139·2 III 12-0 1·8 0·078 4·3 43
192·7 II 4·2 2·7 0·365 13·5 1·9 0·85 55
194·2 II 12·0 1·6 0·047 2·9 0·8 0·99 50
199·0 II 4·2 0-4 0·054 13·5 2·1 0·96 69
217·0 II 5·5 0·4 0·033 8·2 1·8 0·92 55
297·0 subtuff. 7·0 0·2 0·016 8·0 0·82 43

% Intra-Sudetic Depression are related to a deep lacus­

u�4.2 [ppm] trine sedimentary environment. This environment
saw the accumulation of planktonic organic matter
of mainly aquatic origin. Concentrations of uranium
20 in the Walchia shale are closely related to the con­
tent of organic matter, and are inferred to be syndia­
10 genetic. High contents of hydrocarbons within
bitumens and the presence of migrated bitumens on
fracture surfaces suggest the possibility of recon­
% centration of uranium within the migrated bitumens.
u� 270



10 BREGER, LA. (1974) The role of organic matter in the

accumulation of uranium: the organic geochemistry of
the coal-uranium association. Proc. Symp. IAEA
Athens, pp. 99-124.

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rocks in the vicinities of Tlumaczow (eastern part of the
the bitumen extracts are high, usually in the range Central Sudetic Depression). Kwart. Geol. 26, 599-607.
34-69% (Table 1). This, together with a strong HUNT, J.M. (1979) Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology.
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Uranium-rich shale 223

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References to figures appear in italic type

References to tables appear in bold type.

Abu Hamata 165, 166, 167, 169 metals in 185-6 Humber Arm Allochthon
Abu Thora Formation 161, 162 cobalt 99 geochemistry 122-5
akaganeite 63-4 colemanite 151 metal distribution 123-5,
Algoma type iron formations 33,37 copper 128-9, 130-2, 133-4, 137 128-9, 130-2, 133-4
alum shale, metals in see metals and copper deposits see Dongchuan- sulphur-carbon ratios 125-8
rare earth elements, Sweden Yimen copper deposits sulphur isotopes 134-5, 136,
aluminium mineralization 168 copper mineralization, Sinai 159, 137
alunite 166,168 161,168-70 geology 119-120, 121, 122
America, South 187-8 Cow Head Group 121,122,123, sedimentology 122
antimony 99 126-9,131-2, 133-7 hydrocarbons, metals in 187-91
asbolane-buserite 103-4,105,106
asbolanes 69,103
asphalt beds, China 193-9 Datangpo Formation 39-40 Irish Sea, uranium mineralization
atacamite 169 fossils from 110-12 190
Atlantis-Il Deep 58, 63,71 geological setting 39-40, 41, 42- l rishtown Formation 122, 126,128,
iron oxyhydroxides 59-62, 63-5 3 130, 134-5
manganese oxyhydroxides 60, 61, manganese deposits 39, 42-3, iron and manganese deposits, China
62-3,65-8 44-9 109
Australia see Groote Eylandt Dongchuan-Yimen copper deposits geology 109-10
manganese norm stratigraphy 175 microbial fossils 110-12
azurite 169 geochemistry microbiota and minerals 113-16
fluid inclusion 179, 180 iron and manganese facies see

isotope 177-8, 180 manganese and iron facies in

barite 124-5,134, 135,136,137 organic 175,177 hydrolithic sediments
barium precipitation 123-5 trace element 173, 176 iron carbonate layers, Borneo
Bela Stena magnesite deposit 151 analytical data 141
Bezymiannaya Seamount see formation 142-4
manganese-iron crusts, Eagle Island Formation 122,123, outcrops 139, 140, 141
Bezymiannaya Seamount 640 126,129-30 iron-manganese oxyhydroxides
birnessite 103, 104,106 Egypt see Urn Bogma region, Sinai 60-2
bitumen, metals in 188-91, 221-2 iron mineralization 114,143-4,168
borates 151 iron oxyhydroxides 57-8
Borneo see iron carbonate layers, Fengshan copper deposits 178, 179 in Atlantis-II Deep 58-9,63-5,
Borneo ferrihydrite 58,59, 60, 65 71
brochantite 169 fossils, metal enrichments in 186-7 in Thetis Deep 68-71
: buserite 62, 105 iron vernadite 103, 105,106
ironstone 151, 152-3, 154-5
goethite 58,59, 64, 69, 70 isotope geochemistry
Cahuasas Formation 19, 20 Groote Eylandt manganese norm Datangpo manganese
Cape Verde Plate 96, 99 3-4,14 deposits 45-6
carbonate deposition 26-7 methodology 4, 5-7, 8-9, 10-13 Dongchuan deposits 177-8,180
China see Datangpo Formation; Guacamaya Formation 18, 19 Mineoka Umber 84-5
Dongchuan-Yimen copper Newfoundland 134-5,136,137
deposits; iron and manganese Tetzintla mine 23
deposits, China; Lijiang basin; Hare Bay Allochthon 120
organic matter and Hatcho Formation 75
metalliferous deposits, China Heguri Formation 75 Japan see Mineoka Umber
Chipoco facies 21,22,23,24, 25 hematite 58,59, 65, 69, 70 Jarandol Basin 149, 151, 152-3
chrysocolla 163,166,169-70 Hequing manganese deposit 55
Clarion-Clipperton Fracture 105 howlite 151
coal Huayacocotla Formation 18,19-20 Kalimantan Province 139-44
Borneo 140, 141 Huizachal Formation 19 Kamogawa Formation 75-6, 87

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits Edited by John Parnell, Ye Lianjun 225

and Chen Changming © 1990 The International Association of Sedimcntologists
ISBN: 978-0-632-02881-8
226 Index

Kangdian axis 174, 175 Thetis Deep 69,70-1 Northern Head Group 122,123-9,
kaolinite 168 manganite 63, 67-8 130, 133,134-7
Karadzhal deposits 33 metal enrichments in organic
materials 183-5
organic material as an ore 188- oil shales 148,185-6
lacustrine basins, metals in 184-5 90,191 organic materials, metal enrichment
lacustrine oil shales 185 ore coeval with material 190 see metal enrichments in
Lahn-Dill type iron ore 154 post-ore organic material 185-8 organic materials
Lake Superior type iron formations metalliferous deposits and organic organic matter
32,33, 37 matter see organic matter and in alum shale 203-6,209-13
lead 128-9, 130-2, 133-4,137 metalliferous deposits, China in copper minerals 163,174,177
lepidocrocite 58,59,60, 65, 69,70 metals and rare earth elements, in manganese deposits 45-7, 48
Liangiiehe Formation 40, 42 Sweden 203-6 in Red Sea sediments 65
Lijiang Basin 53 analysis 206, 207, 208 in Walchia shale 221-2
basin analysis 51-3 discussion of results 208-9 organic matter and metalliferous
basin evolution 53 rare earth enrichments 210-12 deposits, China 193,
manganese geochemistry 52-3 regional geology 206 199-200
manganese mineralization 53-6 Mexico, East see Molango District characteristics 194-8
Lough Neagh Basin 185 microbial fossils 110-16 metals and minerals in asphalt 198
Lower Dolostone Member 161, 162 microbiota from iron and manganese significance 198-9
lueneburgite 151 deposits oxisol formation, Borneo 142-3
Luoxue-Yimen copper deposits 178, microbial fossils 110-16
179 microbiota-mineral relationships
112-16 Permian Lodeve Basin 187,188
sequence of deposits 109-10 phosphorus 168
magnesite 151 Mid-Atlantic Ridge 103 Pimienta Formation 21
magnesium 209 Middle Arm Point Formation 122, podsols, Borneo 143-4
magnesium asbolane 104,106 123,124-5,126, 130, 135 Poland see uranium enrichment,
magnetite 39,69, 70 Minas Ragra 188,189 Poland
malachite 162, 163,164, 166, 169 Mineoka-Kobotoke-Setogawa potassium 168
manganese 123, 124 tectonic belt 73, 74 Proterozoic Datangpo Formation see
manganese and iron facies in Mineoka Umber 73-4,76,87 Datangpo Formation
hydrolithic sediments analysis 77-9,80-1,82,83-5 pseudomalachite 163,170
globular distribution 32-3,34-6, geological setting 74-6 pyrite 136
37-8,105 occurrence and samples 76-7 pyrolusite 82, 83, 86
related facies 31-2 origin 85-6
see also iron and manganese site of deposition 86-7
deposits in China mineral deposits, Yugoslavia 147 radioactive organic materials 189
manganese deposits, Datangpo facies 147-8, 149, 150, 151 rare earth elements 84,86,174,
Formation 39, 42-3,44-9 ironstone 151,152-3, 154-5 210-13
manganese feroxyhyte 103 Minette-type iron ore 154,155 Red Sea sediments 57-8 see also
manganese goei�ite 66-7,70 Minle Formation 110, 111 Atlantis-II Deep; Thetis Deep
manganese-iron crusts, fossils from 112 rhodochrosite 22,23,42,43,46, 47
Bezymiannaya Molango district rhodonite 33
Seamount 640 89,101-2, manganese mineralization 17-18, Rocett (Bezymiannaya) Seamount see
106-7 23-4,27 manganese-iron crusts on the
analytical methods 89-90 mineralogy 22-5 Bezymiannaya Seamount 640
genesis 99 palaeogeography 24-7 Rungan River deposits 139,140,
geochemistry 90,92-3, 94,95-6, petrography 21-2 141,144
97, 98, 100 stratigraphy 18-21
geological setting and structure Moonta copper deposit 189, 190
90,94 San Andres Member 21,22,24,25
mineral composition 100,103-4 San Francisco manganese-iron
model of formation 104-5 Nantuo Formation 40, 42 deposits 33
structure 91 natural gas, metalliferous deposits in 'Santiago' Formation 20,22,23,24,
manganese mineralization 194 26,27
Lijiang Basin 53-6 Nazas Formation 20 sea level and sedimentation 26-7,
Mexico, East 17-18,23-4,27 Newfoundland see Humber Arm 46,47
Sinai 168 Allochthon Setogawa Umber 75-6, 86-7
South China 39,43-9, 114-16 nickel 94,97,128-9,130-2, Shirataki limestone 85
manganese oxyhydroxides 133-4,137 Shishan-Fengshan copper deposits
Atlantis-!I Deep 60,61, 62-3, normalization techniques 3-4,5-7, 177,178
65-8,71 8-9, 10-13 siderite 139,140, 141, 144
Index 227

silicon 168 Tielin Formation 110, 111 uranium-rich bitumen 189-90

silver 97, 99 fossils from 112
Sinai see Urn Bogma Region, Sinai Tiesiao Formation 40, 42
Slanci Basin 148, 149 tincalonite 151 Valjevo-Mionica Basin 148, 149
sodium 209 todorokite 60,61, 66-7 vanadium
Songgui Formation 51,53, 54 turquoise 163,166, 170 in alum shale 209-10
stratafer sediments 31-2 in organic matter 184,185,188
sulphate minerals, stability 124-5, Venezuela 187-8, 189
177 ulexite 151 Vranje Basin 148, 149
sulphide ores, Newfoundland 128, Urn Bogma region, Sinai 159
129, 133-4,137 copper mineralization 159, 161,
sulphur-carbon ratios 125-8 168-70 Walchia shale, uranium enrichment
sulphur isotopic analysis 134-5, geochemistry 166 ; 167, 168 see uranium enrichment,
136,137 lithostratigraphy 160,161-2,165 Poland
Sweden see metals and rare earth minerals 162-3, 164, 166
elements, Sweden Upper Dolostone Member 161, 162
uranium Yangtze Craton 39-40
in alum shale 204, 205,206, 208- Yimen copper deposits see

Tajmiste ironstones 152-3, 154 14 Dongchuan-Yimen copper

Taman Formation 21,22,24 in organic matter 185,186-7, deposits
'Taman Mixto' 21 188-90,191, 199 Yugoslavia see mineral deposits
Tepexic Formation 20, 21-2, 26 uranium enrichment, Poland 217, Yugoslavia
Tetzintla mine 18,19, 23,26 218
Thetis Deep organic matter in shale 221-2
iron oxyhydroxides 68-71 sedimentology of shale 217,219 zeolites 148
manganese oxyhydroxides 69, uraniurn-polymetallic zinc 128-9, 130-2, 133-4,137
70-1 mineralization 220-1 Zlatokop-Vranje Basin 150

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