February 29, 2020 Shabbat Card

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February 29, 2020 • 4 Adar, 5780

Rabbi Aaron L. Starr
Rabbi Yonatan Dahlen
Hazzan David Propis, D.M.
Assistant Cantor Leonard S. Gutman
Cantor Emeritus Chaim Najman, D.M.
Torah Readings: Haftarah:
Exodus 25:1-25:40, page 485 I Kings 5:26-6:13, page 500
Maftir Reading: Haftarah Reader:
Exodus 27:17-19, page 497 Harrison Hunger

SERMON Rabbi Aaron Starr

called to the torah for an aliyah as a bar mitzvah:

SON OF: Elanah and Richard Hunger
BROTHER OF: Dorian “Dash” Hunger
GRANDSON OF: Gail and Jack Hunger, Joy and Allan Nachman


Congregational Lunch: Elanah and Richard Hunger, in honor of son, Harrison, on his Bar
Leora Bar-Levav, Ilana Bar-Levav and Doron Bar-Levav, marking the yahrzeit of mother, Sylvia
Congregational Kiddush: Elanah and Richard Hunger, in honor of son, Harrison, on his Bar
Leora Bar-Levav, Ilana Bar-Levav and Doron Bar-Levav, marking the yahrzeit of mother, Sylvia
Bimah Flowers: Joy and Allan Nachman, in honor of grandson, Harrison, on his Bar
Leora Bar-Levav, Ilana Bar-Levav and Doron Bar-Levav, marking the yahrzeit of mother, Sylvia

Mark a Special Occasion and Become a Contributor

Are you marking a special occasion or Do you want to join our group of
want to celebrate? Every Contributor helps Shabbat Lunch Patrons with a
defray Shabbat Lunch costs. To become tax-deductible 501(c)(3) donation?
a Contributor to Shabbat Lunch, Please contact Janice Stoneman
Kiddush or Bimah Flowers, please for details at 248.770.3454.
contact Beverly Frank at bevmakfrank@ (It’s easier than you think).
yahoo.com or 248.646.8594.

To sponsor a Morning Minyan Breakfast or S’udah Sh’lishit, contact

Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman at lgutman@shaareyzedek.org or 248.357.5544.

Youth Experiences on Shabbat
Ruach Activities Me & My Preschooler Kehillah Kids
• Tikvah Chapel • Room 5 • Tikvah Chapel
• 10:00 AM • 10:45 AM • 10:45 AM
• Children ages 3-7 • Children ages 2-4 • Children ages 4-7
A lively Shabbat Joyful adult and child Spirited singing, active
babysitting experience for class with music, snacks, games, and an interactive,
children whose parents Shabbat-oriented games kid-friendly Shabbat
wish to attend services. and small group activities. service.

Minchah Today: 6:00 PM

Followed by
S’udah Sh’lishit, Ma’ariv and Havdalah
Shabbat Ends: 7:02 PM

Daily Minyan Times, March 1 - March 7, 2020
Morning Evening
Sunday 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Monday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM 5:45 PM T.G.I.S.

Candle Lighting 6:11 PM

Shaarey Zedek Shabbat Youth & Family: Thrilling Thursdays

T.G.I.S. (Thank God It’s Shabbat) March 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2020
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Friday, March 6, 2020 The community is welcome to our drop-in
Join the CSZ clergy and the T.G.I.S. playgroup for children ages 0-5 and their
Players for Minchah, our lively musical favorite adults. Lindsay Mall and our clergy
Kabbalat Shabbat service, and Ma’ariv. welcome you for play, games, stories,
Come as you are. Leave uplifted. songs, kosher snacks and more!
Donations are gratefully accepted to
Fridays, continue the fun!
March 13, 20 & 27, 2020
The CSZ clergy welcomes you for Shabbat B’yachad B’emtza:
Minchah and uplifting Friday night Middle Grades Shabbat
Shabbat services. Check the previous Saturday, March 7, 2020
page, or our website home page, for the Students in grades 2, 3 and 4 will join
latest Minyan times. our congregation in the Main Sanctuary
to sing Aleinu, Ein Keloheinu and Adon
Olam. Students and their families should
MEMBERS plan to arrive by 10:45 a.m. Kiddush and
Congregational Lunch will follow services.
One in a Minyan
Twice each day, CSZ’s Minyan connects
CSZ Youth Groups at the Movies
you to a meaningful and beautiful Jewish
experience that extends through the Sunday, March 15, 2020
generations. Enrich your soul and connect 12:15 PM
with fellow congregants, some of whom Halutzim (grades 3-5) and Kadima (grades
may be in need of help to say kaddish for 6-8) will meet in the Berman Library for a
a loved one. pizza lunch after Religious School, then
Plan to join us - pick a day of the week, parent volunteers will drive students to the
a date each month, or just come! Go Emagine Theater in Birmingham to see a
to www.shaareyzedek.org/pray/daily- film. Cost: $15 per person. RSVP online at
minyan. www.shaareyzedek.org or 248.357.5544.

Shabbat Transport for Seniors The 2020 Jeffrey Weisberg

Memorial Creative Writing Award
If you, or someone you know, reside for Students in Grades 3-12
at Fox Run or the Jewish Senior Life
residences in West Bloomfield, we may Submissions are due
have limited bus seating to and from Friday, April 17, 2020
Shabbat morning services at CSZ. Contact Jeffrey Weisberg was a published poet,
Elise at egechter@shaareyzedek.org or and the winner of the University of
248.357.5544 to learn more. Michigan Hopwood Award for his work.
This award was founded in his memory.
Daylight Savings Begins Age-appropriate topic prompts, guidelines
and cash awards are available to view
Don’t forget to “Spring Forward” at 2:00 at www.shaareyzedek.org. Prizes will be
a.m. on Sunday, March 8, 2020! awarded in May.
BERMAN NIGHT OF LEARNING Limmud Day of Jewish Learning

Resiliency, Toughness and Miracles: Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Holocaust Survival Story 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
with Jim Berk
Thursday, March 5, 2020 Don’t miss Rabbi Aaron Starr teaching
7:00 PM How the Bible Ends: A Warning for Today
at 11:05 a.m., and Rabbi Yonatan Dahlen
Jim Berk is a familiar face and voice to teaching People of the Tweet: Navigating
Detroit sports fans. As a sports broadcaster, Jewish Learning, Culture and Law in the
he’s worked for local TV stations, and Internet Age at 1:05 p.m. Register online at
done morning drive-time sports broadcasts limmudmichigan.org.
on WWJ NewsRadio 950. He is also a
personal trainer and exercise teacher. ISO (In Search Of) Wisdom and Coffee
Read with the Rabbi: Letters to My Saturday, April 4, 2020
Palestinian Neighbor, by Yossi Klein 9:30-10:30 AM
Halevi Judaism offers profound and timeless ad-
with Rabbi Aaron Starr and Nina vice to make our lives more meaningful and
Yahalmoi Klevitsky purposeful. Join Rabbi Aaron Starr as we
Thursday, March 12, 2020 celebrate Shabbat by mining our bilical and
7:00 PM rabbinic traditions to reclaim this wisdom. No
RSVP necessary. Coffee will be served.
Read the book, then join Rabbi Starr and
Nina Yahalomi Klevitsky for a discussion of
Yossi Klein Halevi’s attempt to untagle the ADULT EVENTS
knot that has defined the Israeli-Palestinian CSZ SENIORS
conflict for nearly a century. Then join the Musical Afternoon
community on Monday, March 16, 2020
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
when Yossi Klein Halevi speaks at Temple
1:00 PM
Beth El’s 78th Annual Rabbi Benedict and
Ada S. Glazer Institute on Judaism. An afternoon of vocal music featuring mem-
bers of the Michigan Opera Theater. Refresh-
Join us regularly at Berman Night of
ments will be served after the performance.
Learning for sips, sweets, schmoozing and
For information, contact Janet Pont at jpont@
engaging Jewish Learning experiences.
shaareyzedek.org or 248.357.5544.

Together and Apart: The Future of
Jewish Peoplehood Game Day
with Rabbi Aaron Starr Thursday, March 12, 2020
A Five-Part Educational Series 9:30-10:30 AM
Beginning March 1, 2020 Bring your games and your players to CSZ
10:00-11:30 AM Sisterhood’s day of tabletop play- delicious
In conjunction with renowned faculty of the lunch included! Cost: $6.00 per player if
Shalom Hartman Institute, we will consider RSVPs are received no later than 12:00 Noon
what it means to be a member of the Jewish on Monday, March 8, 2020, or $8.00 per
people and the contemporary challenges to player afterward. Cancellations for illness or
Jewish unity. No charge to attend, but RSVP weather will be applied to the next Game
to www.shaareyzedek.org. Day. RSVP: www.shaareyzedek.org or

May God bring comfort to our families,

together with all the other mourners
of Zion and Jerusalem.
Robert Brody
Steven Aaron Schneider
Shari Friedman



Reva Barahal
Ingrid Wolf
Robert Moers
Ida Steuer
Phyllis Newman

The road of righteousness leads to life.

By way of its path there is no death.
Proverbs 12:28

FEBRUARY 29, 2020 – MARCH 6, 2020

February 29, 2020 • 4 Adar, 5780
Bess Bleznak Samuel Hechtman Mary Rosemont
Isaac Blumeno Anne Katkowsky Leonard Sandweiss
Ruth Coblentz Babs Kaufman Jacob Meyer
Abraham Cohen Fanny Kowalsky Sarashohn
Elsie Deutch Ruben Kurnetz Theodore Saretsky
Herbert Eidelman Isidore H. Mendelssohn Blanche Siegel
Minnie Feldstein Gladys Moiseev Samuel Stone
Samuel P. Gordon Doris Norr Abraham Verona
Rashka Gray Fanny Rebecca Prinstein Robert Yale Wallach
Shirley B. Gruber Ralph Raimi
Simon Gurvitz David Richardson

March 1, 2020 • 5 Adar, 5780

Bette Allender Morton Groner Joseph Radner
Joseph Allender Henrietta Hamburger Eileen Levy Randall
Sophie Aronson Sarah Sifra Hamburger Aron Schwimmer
Donald Bigelman Bessie Jacobs Sylvia Stashefsky
Samuel C. Binkow Betzalel Kaplan Morris Stein
Rachel Blumberg John Hurley Lebow Samuel Steinmam
Dora Brickman Hyman “Hy” Lezell Julian Wagner
Sylvia Cohen Fannie Litsky Gloria Weberman
Irving Feldman Rose Marrich Harry Wright
Walter Feldmesser David Miro Harry Zekelman
Conrad Goode Morris Pevin

March 2, 2020 • 6 Adar, 5780

Rose Benjamin Norman Herman Isadore Jerome Reisman
James Cary Berris Sally Hess Edward Joseph Rismann
Anna Chinitz Ilene Hoptman Fredric A. Rivkin
Isador Cogan Chava Kanat Fannie Rosenfeld
Ralph Coskey Eve Kanat Donald Sklar
Charles Dunitz Harry Leipsitz Joseph C. Snider
Joseph Feuereisen Rose Lovinger Henry Sternberg
Arthur Goodman Rose Raimi

March 3, 2020 • 7 Adar, 5780

Herman Ashman Jack Hamburger Martha Orley
Sara Banooni Anna J. Hoffman Elsie Ruth Rosenthal
Joseph Brandt Wilbur Aaron Kane Clara Ross
Charles Martin Brode Fannie Luchtan Charles Rubiner
Pauline Feierstein Sol Lumberg Charles Siegel

4 ADAR, 5780 – 10 ADAR, 5780

March 4, 2020 • 8 Adar 5780
Leon Cristian Deborah Groner Jay M. Rosenthal
Abramovici Seymour Kallick Max Rosenzweig
Wesley Brown Rose Konikof Joseph Saks
Estelle G. Burke Virginia Koss Gabriel Salama
Rebecca Charnes Jeffrey S. Kriger Joseph Schweitzer
Leonard Eisenberg Menucha Kunianski Edward Sherman
Robert Ernstein Raymond F. Lipton Sylvia Sole
Norman Feder Irving Mahler Sarah Stern
Meyer Fishman Rebecca Sorscher Pearl Stulberg
Fay Freedman Meizlish Anne Borin Teush
Morris Friedman David Milgrom Abram Tsitrin
Jack Garfield William Naftaly Edith Weber
Philip E. Goodman Rose Rettig Jerome Winkler
Joseph S. Greenberg Sarah Rose

March 5, 2020 • 9 Adar, 5780

Morris Aaron Hyman Golob Blanche Rosenhelm
Laura Berkovic Sylvia Iwrey Belle Smith Schwartz
Morton Berlin Arthur M. Lang Harry Toft
Michael Eric Berman Lillian Rifkin Lee S. Weingarten
Regina Cohen Marvin Robinson
Joseph Firestone Harry Rosen

March 6, 2020 • 10 Adar, 5780

Minnie Applebaum Fanny Harelik Nathan Sol
Gerald Brody Gayle Halperin Kahn Robert Sosnick
Lenard Dale Canvasser Arleen Karbal Klara Stark
Samuel Carel Bernard Klein Jacob Steinberg
Joseph Raymond Eder Sylvia Levine Jeffrey Surnow
Bessie Glasier Eichman Clara Mehlman Goldie Teitelbaum
Harry Fixler Rose Schwartz Ruth Wengrow
Charles Gordon Seymour Serling William H. Wine
Betty Gorman Max Silverstein
Samuel Greenman Max Snider

Executive Officers and Board of Trustees

Jeri Fishman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President

Karen A. Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President

Susan Kozik Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President

Jon Dwoskin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At-Large Member of the Executive Board

Jay Inwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At-Large Member of the Executive Board

Leigh Moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At-Large Member of the Executive Board

Robert Rich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director

Board of Trustees
Wendy Arnold David Moses
Firooz Banooni Susan Oleinick
Karen Couf Cohen Sara Rothenberg
Nicole Eisenberg Michael Rowe
Barbra Giles David Salama
Barbara Heller Alice Silbergleit
Steven Hurvitz Michael Tobin (Men’s Club)
Paul Ingber Mitchell Wagner
Betsy Kellman Brooke Weingarden
Harold Kusnetz (Seniors) Leah Yair
Kim Levin (Sisterhood) Ira Zaltz
Morry Levin Neil Zechman
Jodi Michaelson Emma Zerkel

Shabbat Gabbaim
Judie Blumeno Sheldon Larky
Rick Cohen Michael Rowe
Bill Glogower Neil Zechman
Richard Jacobs


C ongregation Shaarey Zedek is a warm, welcoming, inclusive and egalitarian

Conservative Jewish community. We provide to all generations innovative,
stimulating and diverse spiritual, educational, leadership and social opportunities
that nurture our love and commitment to Jewish life, our Synagogue, our country and
the State of Israel.

Our spiritual direction is led by committed, knowledgeable and caring clergy

available to all.

Together, all participate in celebrating our history, enriching our community and
planning our future.


In 1861, at the beginning of the Civil War, seventeen followers of Traditional

Judaism withdrew from the Beth El Society in Detroit to found the “Shaarey
Zedek Society.” In 1877 the membership constructed the first building in Detroit
to be erected specifically as a synagogue at Congress and St. Antoine. Over the
years, Congregation Shaarey Zedek has been located in a number of beautiful and
picturesque buildings. These include Winder between St. Antoine and Beaubien
Streets, Willis Street E and Brush, and Chicago Boulevard and Lawton which is still
standing. At the 100th annual meeting of the Congregation on April 12, 1961,
more than 700 members approved the recommendation from the Board of Directors
that a new synagogue be built on a forty acre site in the city of Southfield.

Since the 19th century, members of our congregation have proudly played leading
roles in Michigan, the nation and throughout the world Jewry. For more than
150 years Congregation Shaarey Zedek has been a house of prayer, a house
of learning and a community gathering place, transmitting Conservative Jewish
teaching, dor l’dor, from generation to generation.
Synagogue Office
27375 Bell Road
Southfield, MI 48034-2079
Fax 248.357.0227

Clover Hill Park Cemetery

2425 East Fourteen Mile Road
Birmingham, MI 48009-7257
Fax 248.723.8886

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