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A Step-By-Step Guide To

Modern Digital
A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

Table of Contents
Topic Pg Topic Pg
About the Author 3 11. Keep your cool in critical situations. 14

1. Learn to adapt 4 12. Have long-term objectives but be 15

flexible with short-term strategies.
2. Surround yourself with smart people 5 13. Cut the emotion out of decisions. 16

3. Don’t rely on any one channel alone 6 14. Be empathetic. 17

4. Build loyal fans on your own property 7 15. Show the way and then get out of it. 18

5. Build your plans and campaigns on solid 8 16. Don’t be a hypocrite. 19

6. Create content for a highly targeted 9 17. Be ready to break the rules. 20
7. Invest your time and effort towards long- 10 18. Be a good communicator. 21
term goals.
8. Train and mentor others. 11 19. Take ownership of your mistakes. 22

9. Ignore the haters. Be open minded about 12 20. Challenge Checklist 23-26
the criticism.
10. Don’t ever complain - in online or offline 13 Thank You 27

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

About Suresh Babu

Suresh is the Founder and CEO of Web Marketing Academy
(WMA), Bangalore which offers certification courses
in digital marketing. The institute trains students,
professionals & corporate personnel.

An enthusiastic digital marketer, Suresh has been in the field

since 2002. A lot has changed in the last 10-15 years - from
online marketing strategy to tools to measuring ROI - and
he’s had to keep pace as well as anyone.

In this eBook, he shares some of his learning and gives

actionable steps and resources that’ll make you a modern
digital marketer as well.

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

1. Learn to adapt
Adapt to the latest trends. Don’t be
afraid to try the newest marketing
tools and platforms. Never mind if
you fail in your initial attempts;
learn from your mistakes and correct
the course.

Find a way to use latest trending  Install Periscope, Meerkat or

platforms to your and your Blab right now.
customers’ advantage.
 Start live streaming
whatever you are doing.
 Periscope – live broadcasting  If you’re shy, just broadcast
mobile app for Android and what you’re reading – this
 Keep talking and interact
 – a live streaming platform
with people tuning in.
that enables public video chat
with 4 participants at a time.

 Meerkat – live streaming app that

made it big at SXSW 2015

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

2. Surround yourself with smart people

As someone real smart said, RESOURCES FOR YOU
if you’re the smartest in your  Register for an upcoming
company, move out.
• Startup Saturday – part of event.
Headstart Network, held on the
Associating with smart second Saturday of every month,  Be participative, not a
people has an induction passive listener.
effect – some of their skills
across Bangalore, Delhi,
and energy rubs off on you Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai  Talk to some of the
and you find greater speakers.
momentum for your ideas
and thoughts. It’s
• OME community – an online
 Talk to other people
synergetic. marketing enthusiast’s group attending the event. You
started by me; that has some never know how
Learn from the smartest
people around the world as networking and upskilling events connections work out
well through videos, every month sometimes!
podcasts, blogs, webinars,
workshops, and more. That’s
the gold of the internet age • Events around Social Media Day
– no boundaries to learning. and Social Media Week (SMW) –
held across cities in India and the
world. SMW 2015 is scheduled
on November 16-20 in Mumbai.
We celebrated Social Media Day
recently in Bangalore

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3. Don’t rely on any one channel alone CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Never ever put all your eggs RESOURCES FOR YOU

in one basket. And don’t get  Start building your own
too comfortable.
• Run email marketing campaigns
email list.
– MailChimp
What’s working today may  Start working on a
break tomorrow. Keep an • Experiment on social media – newsletter.
open mind and jump onto Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
newest platforms used by  Build a content calendar for
your target audience. If it Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat,
all your marketing channels.
works for them, you need to Google+
ramp up as well. At the
same time, let go of what’s • Explore new and trending
not getting you any ROI.
platforms – Periscope,
Use multiple marketing Dubsmash
channels to get your
customer’s attention. • Get on to mobile marketing –
Google’s The Mobile Playbook
Use email, social, mobile –
whatever it takes to deliver
value, build loyalty and • Upgrade your SEO skills –
achieve your business Mashable, MarketingLand

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4. Build loyal fans on your own property

difference between a rented
place and home. You got
• Create landing pages that
great engagement going on convert on your website –  Brainstorm on downloadable
your Facebook, Google+, Unbounce content for lead generation.
YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat,
Pinterest, Instagram … (the  Mobile Friendly Test to analyze  Create effective landing
list could get endless) social pages.
pages? That’s great. But the mobile usability of your
they’re rented places at the website and improve on it  Run ads to promote your
mercy of the landlords. website, blog and other
 PageSpeed Insights to check the resources.
Your website is your home.
web performance of your
 Test your website on
That’s where you need to website on mobile and desktop
desktop and mobile devices.
focus – get the visitors
there, convert leads,
 Analyze your website usage
engage, nurture, retain and
delight – all on your website. on Google Analytics.

 Build a content calendar to

be a consistent content

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5. Build your plans and campaigns on data CHALLENGE YOURSELF

 Look at the analytics data of

Embrace web analytics as your RESOURCES FOR YOU your website, social media
best friend. No digital
marketer is any good till he or
• Google Analytics – powerful free networks, etc.
she has grasped the true tool for your website, mobile app
essence of analytical tools.  Check for the most viewed
and other customer touchpoints
blog post in the last 90
Web analytics is not • Facebook Insights – to days.
clickstream alone, its
intelligence delivered via understand your Facebook  Reconsider your digital
platforms you need to master audience marketing strategy based on
and derive sense from. the user behaviors
• Twitter Analytics – to discover observed.
Your marketing campaigns will
help you achieve business content that engages people
 Increase or decrease
objectives better if you
• Social media analytics - free and budget, change times of
understand the driving forces
on your website, the behavior paid for all social media networks launch, revamp content
of your customers, the strategy and content
acquisition patterns on online formats – optimize your
and offline campaigns, and of campaigns based on the
course, the end ROI – cost analytical results.
versus revenue – all of which
will come from digital  Remove channels that do
not generate results
(assuming you’ve give it
adequate time).

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6. Create content for a highly targeted

Not every piece of content RESOURCES FOR YOU
needs to serve the whole of  Talk to your customers and
• Google Instant - a feature that
your target audience. In find out what their questions
fact, if you want higher predicts what you're searching
returns on your content for and shows results as you type
marketing strategy, segment  Take one question and
your customers and build • YouTube Trends Dashboard – find create a video, blog post or
content for niche groups. what videos are trending in other form of content to
countries and specific age groups provide a solution.
For example, we run a
training academy for digital of viewers
marketers but we published  Use Google Instant – type
a blog post on travel advice • Google Trends – find trending your keywords slowly letter
for people attending events topics on the web by letter and see the
in India. That got a lot of suggestions that come up.
eyeballs and generated
traffic to our website, and  Use paid mediums
leads. (Facebook ads, etc.) to
promote useful, engaging
content for your target

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7. Invest your time and effort towards long-

term goals
It’s tempting to take RESOURCES FOR YOU
shortcuts to achieve short-
term goals. Skip the edit and
• Study Webmaster Guidelines to
publish that article on time ensure you do not violate any,
to meet the weekly goal. Use accidentally or intentionally
black hat SEO to get the CHALLENGE YOURSELF
needed traffic and show the • Google Search Console – to
client your effort got results!  Optimize your content
ensure your SEO efforts are across your owned assets –
STOP! working website, social media, etc.,
to improve ranking
Taking shortcuts is a waste • Specific resources to improve organically.
of time and money. Not to
mention, the potential blot ranking of content on specific
 Keep an eye out for latest
on your hard-earned platforms – YouTube, Linkedin,
reputation! Why take that trends.
Instagram, etc.
 Experiment with new
Instead, focus on long-term marketing channels and
goals, work on a long-term content formats.
strategy and plan, and then
execute the plan  Create some videos – team,
meticulously. CEO, etc., and use them to
engage your audience.

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8. Train and mentor others

We like to think we’re RESOURCES FOR YOU
indispensable but a true • Linkedin post – Read up on how
leader is one who can make
his team function just as well mentoring impacts both student
in his absence. and teacher
Train others to take on • Read up on how to be a good
responsibilities and execute  Spend 10-15 minutes a
tasks with complete week to mentor, train your
ownership. Be a support and friend or colleague in
guide but don’t hand hold. • Talk to your own mentors
something that you are
good at.

 Check your Linkedin emails.

Sometimes people just need

 Follow up.

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9. Ignore the haters, be open minded about

the criticism
In the age of social RESOURCES FOR YOU
networking, haters and trolls  Search for your brand name
find it only too easy to be
• Social listening tools to hear using the abovementioned
spiteful and negative. Ignore what’s being said about your tools.
it. This is the negative side brand – TweetDeck, Google
of the internet. Don’t give it  Check for misspellings,
attention and focus on the
Alerts , Icerocket, Social Mention,
positive and negative
positives. Topsy sentiment.

If you receive negative • Find places to promote your  Search on relevant industry
feedback and criticism, content – Buzzsumo keywords.
analyze it objectively. If
there is a grain of truth in  Respond to good and bad
the criticism, accept your
comments – with bad being
mistake, address the
problem, improve and keep more important.
going forward.
 Incorporate learning from
negative comments.

 Participate in a

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10. Don’t ever complain - in online or

offline mode
disappointed, angry or hurt
you are, don’t let it out as a
• Use social media tools to  Identify one problem that
grouse – on online or offline schedule posts – Hootsuite, hampers your productivity –
media. Buffer, etc. time management, content
organization, team
Present your case calmly and • Use collaboration tools such as communication, etc.
in a positive manner,
whether it’s to your senior or Evernote, Trello, Slack, DropBox,  Find a tool to help – Google
junior. Complaining is finger Google Calendar, etc. to increase Calendar, Evernote, Trello,
pointing. That’s negative. It etc.
creates a perception of your
character.  Set up tasks on the tool and
test for a week. Measure the
Be the problem solver or the impact.
problem manager, never the
grouse.  Delegate tasks where your
expertise is not required.
If its excess work that’s
bothering you, find a way to
increase productivity.

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

11. Keep your cool in critical situations

Unpredictable things can and RESOURCES FOR YOU
will happen. The Wi-Fi CHALLENGE YOURSELF
network, during your • Observe and learn from your
 Next time, something
workshop, won’t work! The mentors
mike you requested won’t be unpredictable happens,
available! This is the time not resolve to manage it.
to hit the panic button. • If your job is high stress and
managing crisis is part of the  Anticipate things that can go
Recently, we arranged for a game – get crisis management wrong and have a Plan B.
conference at a large
company. About 100 people training  Take a deep breath and
were expected to arrive. At the focus all your energy on
last minute, the company • Find what works for your mental working out a solution.
could not make the conference
room available. The presenters peace – yoga, music, medication,
were at a loss. When they walking, etc.
called, I asked them to look at
the nearest hotels and find
space. Meanwhile, take the • Read books, watch videos, study
few people who had arrived how crisis is managed across
out for coffee and get them to corporate

When you panic, your brain

freezes. A critical situation is
the worst time for that to

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12. Have long-term objectives but be flexible

with short-term strategies
 On a chart map out your
My long-term plan for the RESOURCES FOR YOU long term and short term
year was to evangelize goals. (It helps to work
digital marketing and get
• Build a marketing plan – Should a
backwards from your long-
more students on board. I marketing plan be fixed or term goal if you’re just
had considered a number of flexible? starting.)
strategies to achieve these
goals. We had a plan set out. • Keep tabs on what’s hot in digital  Write all the steps to
marketing – MarketingLand, achieve the short-term goals
Three months back, I got
onto Periscope. Before I Digital India Podcast (by staff and – daily, weekly, monthly.
knew it, Periscope became students at WMA),,
the channel for me to spread  Build a path showing how
awareness about digital Mashable, MarketingTech your short-term goal will
marketing – which in turn help you reach long-term
brought more students into objectives.
WMA as well. We also began
podcasting actively,  Revise short-term goals
something we hadn’t really every month based on
considered at the beginning
outcome analysis of
of the year.
previous campaigns, market
Our long-term objective changes, internal
remains unchanged but our movements, new trends,
short-term strategies have etc.
been readjusted. And that’s

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13. Cut the emotion out of decisions

I know how hard this can be. RESOURCES FOR YOU  Feeling out of temper?
Sometimes, situations can
get really tough. Whenever
• Remember history – how many Accept it.
people get together, tricky bad situations could have been
situations are bound to  Before taking any action,
avoided if leaders did not get
arise. You may be riled about consider its impact on
something yourself. But how
emotional? Why Good Leaders people around you.
do you deal with it? Make Bad Decisions
 Listen to yourself talk if you
My advice: First and • Be emotionally intelligent, not have time for it before a
foremost, accept your own emotional. Read up on How press release, meeting, etc.
emotional state. Understand
that you need a breather. Successful People Stay Calm
 If you’ve written in the heat
of the moment, save the
Where possible, take a • If you must show anger, focus on
email or Facebook post.
timeout. Gather information the action, not person
from multiple sources and Come back to it in 10
analyze the data without minutes.
 Focus on collecting data
When a timeout is not rather than taking a decision
possible, take a deep breath instantly.
and be as objective as
possible. You’ll get better  Call a group meeting and
with experience, no take a combined decision.
shortcuts here.

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14. Be empathetic
Never forget the other RESOURCES FOR YOU
person’s position. Remember CHALLENGE YOURSELF
• Empathy is good for you and your
how it feels to sit on the business - Why the Empathetic
other side of the table.  Practice mindfulness – be in
Leader Is the Best Leader the present moment and
Take off your shoes and put pay attention consciously
on someone else’s, well, not • Book - Leaders Eat Last: Why without being judgmental. A
literally but you get my Some Teams Pull Together and simple example is to close
point. Be a listener, be Others Don’t by Simon Sinek your eyes and feel the air
approachable, be willing to
flow through your body as
help, and be fair.
• Why Empathy Is The Force That you inhale and exhale.
In return, you’ll get loyalty, Moves Business Forward
honesty and commitment.  Never make fun of sensitive
• Encourage empathy with team issues and situations.
building activities
 Listen to your friend,
spouse, peer or child – do
this mindfully. Just listen
and try to see the situation
from their perspective.

 Join communities.

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15. Show the way and then get out of it

The best way to train others RESOURCES FOR YOU
is to get your own hands
• Read up on Leadership Tips:
Effective Delegation Process –
Make mistakes, play with Dale Carnegie blog (world  List out tasks that you can
concepts, tech or strategies delegate.
– thrash it out as much as
renowned trainer and author)
you can. Show your team  Select people you will
what is possible, set • Also How to Delegate The Right
delegate tasks to.
standards, and then let them Tasks To The Right People – Brian
get on with it. Tracy, Chairman and CEO of Brian  Train them on the tasks.

Don’t micro-manage and Tracy International for training

 Assign responsibilities, KPIs
ruin the innovation that and development of individuals and expectations.
could come out of their
and organizations
professional freedom.  Give complete ownership
but keep the window of
guidance open at all times.

 Allow scope for innovation

and enterprise.

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16. Don’t be a hypocrite

Don’t preach what you don’t RESOURCES FOR YOU
practice. That’s never really
• While we have many domestic  Accept your own
worked for anyone in the
weaknesses – are you a
past but in the age of the examples as well, no one has
procrastinator, the last
millennial generation, it’s the penned them down as person to reach or the
fastest way to lose respect.
entertainingly. Watch: Jon constant interrupter?
Swallow the bitter pill; it’ll
You’re not perfect so don’t Stewart Blast the Hypocrisy of make you a better leader.
pretend to be. Be yourself, World Leaders at the Paris
with your shortcomings.
Solidarity Rally  As a business, are you into
yourselves more than
That doesn’t mean you don’t
• Read up on Hypocrisy Isn’t customer centric?
work on your weaknesses.
You do and you also help Going to Get You There  Be mindful of your
others work on theirs. Just
weakness – catch yourself
don’t patronize. • Article - When leaders fail to when you do it and abstain.
“walk the talk”: Supervisor
 Don’t expect others to
undermining and perceptions of follow where you can’t lead.
leader hypocrisy
 Don’t advise on topics you
know nothing about.

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

17. Be ready to break the rules

performance, streamline
workflows, and enhance • In India, we are often victims of
 First, do you have rules?
productivity. antiquated laws and lawmakers
Since not everyone in a
who don’t trouble to keep business is mature by
When a rule starts hindering
rather than helping, it’s time to systems updated with the times default, sometimes you
let it go. need rules.
• Read up: Time to break some
Keep your rules relevant and rules and I Broke These 6  Are all your rules in keeping
useful – that’s the key to with the times? Do you
Business Rules. Why You Should,
ensure they’re followed enforce formal wear and
willingly. Revisit rules often. Too. – rules that should be
your employees hate it?
broken in sales and marketing
strategies.  Analyze if rules are helping
or hurting your employees
• Informative article on Harvard or customers?
Business Review - If You Want
 Are rules leading to bitter
Honesty, Break Some Rules customer relationships?

 Revisit rules – weed out the


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18. Be a good communicator

It is extremely important for RESOURCES FOR YOU
marketers to communicate,  Observe people around you
and communicate well.
• Watch TED Talks
who are good
Never mind whether it is • Toastmasters Meetups in Bangalore
internal or external  Keep the listener in
communication. Never mind • Heroic Public Speaking that I
perspective when you
the format of the attended communicate. Do they
communication – email,
meeting, public address, understand the jargon? Are
• Read up on what I learned at the they familiar with your
etc., marketers must know
how to communicate clearly, Heroic Public Speaking 2015 event topic?
succinctly, and
comprehensively. • Communication courses on  Don’t give too little or too much information.
If communication is your
weakness, get help. Join a  Record yourself in video but
class, find a mentor, read don’t talk into it. Watch the
self-help books, practice
video later and analyze your
privately or before friends –
body language, tone, and
do whatever it takes to
improve. This is priority. clarity.

 Check out the links

mentioned in resources.

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19. Take ownership of your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. RESOURCES FOR YOU
That’s OK.
• Read up: 3 Ways Owning Your
The important thing is to Mistakes Will Make You Powerful
learn from the mistakes. And CHALLENGE YOURSELF
to do that, you first need to • And Good Employees Make
take ownership of your own Mistakes. Great Leaders Allow  Accept the mistakes you’ve
errors. It’s embarrassing, made – a wrong hire, bad
excruciatingly so sometimes. Them To.
policy, bad customer
But if you want to get back • Watch the Howard Schultz, CEO, service, bad sales decision,
on your feet, there’s no way Starbucks story etc.
around it!
 Learn from it. Write it down
– seeing things in black and
white helps.

 Do a root cause analysis to

find the cause – and
improve from there.

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Challenge Checklist
Challenge #1 Challenge #2 Challenge #3 Challenge #4 Challenge #5
• Install Periscope, • Register for an • Build your own email • Brainstorm on • Look at the analytics
Meerkat or Blab right upcoming event. list. downloadable content data of your website,
now. • Be participative, not a • Start working on a for lead generation. social media networks,
• Start live streaming passive listener. newsletter. • Create effective landing etc.
whatever you are • Talk to some of the • Build a content pages. • Check for the most
doing. speakers. calendar for all your • Run ads to promote viewed blog post in the
• If you’re shy, just • Talk to other people marketing channels. your website, blog and last 90 days.
broadcast what you’re attending the event. other resources. • Reconsider your digital
reading – this article. You never know how • Test your website on marketing strategy
• Keep talking and connections work out desktop and mobile based on the user
interact with people sometimes! devices. behaviors observed.
tuning in. • Analyze your website • Increase or decrease
usage on Google budget, change times
Analytics. of launch, revamp
• Build a content content strategy and
calendar to be a content formats –
consistent content optimize your
publisher. campaigns based on
the analytical results.
• Remove channels that
do not generate results
(assuming you’ve give it
adequate time).

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Challenge Checklist
Challenge #6 Challenge #7 Challenge #8 Challenge #9 Challenge #10
• Talk to your customers • Optimize your content • Spend 10-15 minutes a • Search for your brand • Identify one problem
and find out what their across your owned week to mentor, train name using the that hampers your
questions are. assets – website, social your friend or abovementioned tools. productivity – time
• Take one question and media, etc., to improve colleague in something • Check for misspellings, management, content
create a video, blog ranking organically. that you are good at. positive and negative organization, team
post or other form of • Keep an eye out for • Check your Linkedin sentiment. communication, etc.
content to provide a latest trends. emails. Sometimes • Search on relevant • Find a tool to help –
solution. • Experiment with new people just need industry keywords. Google Calendar,
• Use Google Instant – marketing channels guidance. • Respond to good and Evernote, Trello, etc.
type your keywords and content formats. • Follow up. bad comments – with • Set up tasks on the tool
slowly letter by letter • Create some videos – bad being more and test for a week.
and see the team, CEO, etc., and important. Measure the impact.
suggestions that come use them to engage • Incorporate learning • Delegate tasks where
up. your audience. from negative your expertise is not
• Use paid mediums comments. required.
(Facebook ads, etc.) to • Participate in a
promote useful, conversation.
engaging content for
your target audience.

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Challenge Checklist
Challenge #11 Challenge #12 Challenge #13 Challenge #14 Challenge #15
• Next time, something • On a chart map out • Feeling out of temper? • Practice mindfulness – • List out tasks that you
unpredictable happens, your long term and Accept it. be in the present can delegate.
resolve to manage it. short term goals. (It • Before taking any moment and pay • Select people you will
• Anticipate things that helps to work action, consider its attention consciously delegate tasks to.
can go wrong and have backwards from your impact on people without being • Train them on the
a Plan B. long-term goal if you’re around you. judgmental. A simple tasks.
• Take a deep breath and just starting.) • Listen to yourself talk if example is to close • Assign responsibilities,
focus all your energy on • Write all the steps to you have time for it your eyes and feel the KPIs and expectations.
working out a solution. achieve the short-term before a press release, air flow through your • Give complete
goals – daily, weekly, meeting, etc. body as you inhale and ownership but keep the
monthly. • If you’ve written in the exhale. window of guidance
• Build a path showing heat of the moment, • Never make fun of open at all times.
how your short-term save the email or sensitive issues and • Allow scope for
goal will help you reach Facebook post. Come situations. innovation and
long-term objectives. back to it in 10 • Listen to your friend, enterprise.
• Revise short-term goals minutes. spouse, peer or child –
every month based on • Focus on collecting do this mindfully. Just
outcome analysis of data rather than taking listen and try to see the
previous campaigns, a decision instantly. situation from their
market changes, • Call a group meeting perspective.
internal movements, and take a combined • Join communities.
new trends, etc. decision.

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Challenge Checklist
Challenge #16 Challenge #17 Challenge #18 Challenge #19
• Accept your own • First, do you have • Observe people around • Accept the mistakes
weaknesses – are you a rules? Since not you who are good you’ve made – a wrong
procrastinator, the last everyone in a business communicators. hire, bad policy, bad
person to reach or the is mature by default, • Keep the listener in customer service, bad
constant interrupter? sometimes you need perspective when you sales decision, etc.
Swallow the bitter pill; rules. communicate. Do they • Learn from it.
it’ll make you a better • Are all your rules in understand the jargon? Document it – seeing
leader. keeping with the Are they familiar with things in black and
• As a business, are you times? Do you enforce your topic? white helps.
into yourselves more formal wear and your • Don’t give too little or • Do a root cause
than customer centric? employees hate it? too much information. analysis to find the
• Be mindful of your • Analyze if rules are • Record yourself in cause – and improve
weakness – catch helping or hurting your video but don’t talk from there.
yourself when you do it employees or into it. Watch the video
and abstain. customers? later and analyze your
• Don’t expect others to • Are rules leading to body language, tone,
follow where you can’t bitter customer and clarity.
lead. relationships? • Check out the links
• Don’t advise on topics • Revisit rules – weed mentioned in resources
you know nothing out the pointless. on Page 21.

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Modern Digital Marketing

Thank you
Hope these tips prove helpful in your quest to become a
modern digital marketer. Make sure you take up the
challenges in earnest to bring out that spark in your
skills and capabilities.

Good luck!

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