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2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

our learning

this week’s
ill b ein u n it 5 n e xt week. Our fir
We w n se lection titled
y is a f icti o
sto r
on”. We will be
Thursday – Math Quiz – Order of Operations!
reading “Val le y o f th e M o
ra ti v e la n gu ag e this week as well.
reviewing figu Friday – Book Report Due!
re se ar c h p ro je c t on countries.
o ur
We will continue
de nts w ill c re at e a brochure and ---------------------------------------------------
S tu
A trave l jo u r n al f o r th e ir chosen writing Other dates to
Country. We are
working on Order of Operations . note…
math We use the PEMDAS acronym to remem
the steps. We will have a quiz on thi
ber March 2: Kindness Assembly
s topic

Next week we will learn the stru

cture of March 6: End of Quarter 3
Plant and animal cells. We will be
cell.. science
Creating a model of one type of
March 10/12 Conferences
We will examine the amendments
social make up the Bill of Rights. Students
studies Receive a study guide for their next
which is scheduled for March 10th. From Ms. Plowcha
Conference times went home
today – you can find them
stapled in your child’s planner.
This Should you have a conflict,
please let me know ASAP! The
•3 Activities Due Friday
Week’s •Test Friday
third quarter book report is due
next Friday 3/6. Please check in
•Pretest for next week Friday with your child on their progress.

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