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Dr. Wu Jihua was born in 1965.

In 1988, he graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a degree in

Prevention and General Medicine.
He worked in a clinical hospital in China until 2002, then moved to Russia.
In 2007 he graduated from Sechenov’s MMA and received a degree of K. M. N.(Ph.D.)

Wu Jihua heals people with words, thoughts, and finger touches. He is a professional! Wu Jihua, he is named
as Doctor Thomas, has long gone down in the history of not only his native China, but also Russia (and at the
same time the CIS, where he has been working for many years.

He is the Head of the Department of Chinese Medicine at the Central Clinic and Assistant to the President of
the Russian Association of Traditional Medicine, doctor of the highest category. Not only fluent in Russian, but
even writes books in the great and powerful - of course, in Chinese medicine. And besides, he’s also an
Orthodox Chinese, received the name of Thomas at baptism. A correspondent for Vesti Segodnya met them.

Secrets of the Wu Dynasty

Acquaintance with Wu Jihua took place in a sports club on Olgas street, 5, where they teach the "System" -
Ancient martial arts of Russia. There he now has friends. And Dr. Thomas got to Riga like that. To the Latvian
representative office of System its founder, the famous Russian master Mikhail Ryabko called and suggested:
“You do not want to accept a strong healer? He will meet people, read lectures, treat ... "

Of course, Dr. Thomas was received here with open arms. How Wu Jihua is associated with the founder
"Systems" by Mikhail Vasilievich? The fact is that the son of the founder of Sistema, Daniil Ryabko, is the
captain of internal Russian troops, he serves in the unit "Fakel" - trains special forces. And he and his father
train people from different structures, including those related to the Ministry of Emergencies. And the
Ministry of Emergency Situations is "connected" with Wu Jihua directly: probably, everyone went through it,
head of the department of Chinese medicine at the Central Polyclinic of the Ministry of Emergencies
professionals of this department.

But with Wu Jihua about the health of SUCH patients (after all, he treated representatives of other ministries
and employees ) we did not talk - a closed topic. “Yes, and this is not my mission. And the mission is to tell all
people about real Chinese medicine, and if necessary - to treat, and for free. Last, by the way, for me
fundamentally, ”says Wu Jihua in a conversation with your correspondent.

Wu Jihua has a hereditary doctor: his grandfather Wu Shiyuzhen is a famous gynecologist in Hangzhou, and
his father is Wu Mingzhi —Large specialist in the treatment of liver and kidneys, professor, deputy. Chief
Physician of the Shangzheng Hospital. Sam Wu Jihua In 1988, he graduated from Shanghai Medical University,
then worked for 18 years in the PRC as a doctor, and then took yes and I went to get even more knowledge in
the capital of Russia, where in 2007 I received at the Moscow Medical Academy doctoral degree.

Understand the Russian soul

By the way, he learned the Russian language himself - even in China, and then brought to perfection (Wu
Jihua writes books on–competently Russian - you can check by reading them on the Internet, for example, at
www.scribd.com/drthomas4828) already in Russia, with which he decided to connect his future. Moreover, I
decided for myself: if I live in Russia, it is important understand not only languages people's behavior, but also
know what is going on in their hearts. In Chinese medicine It is considered: it is impossible to treat a person’s
body if not everything is in order with his soul.
- Yes, I was baptized: I received the Orthodox name Thomas. I decided to show by my example to all Russians:
in humans Without faith in the soul, there can be no normal health in the body, says Wu Jihua. - When I lived
a couple of years in Russia, while studying there, saw a lot of good in Russian people. And at some point he
explained to himself:
I can understand the Russian soul only by accepting the “Russian faith”. And he was seriously preparing for
the adoption of Orthodoxy.

- And what did Buddhism not suit?

- So after all, Buddhism or Tao is not a religion at all, but a philosophy of life. And Buddhism in this context is
quite combined with Orthodoxy. You can be Orthodox by faith, but develop at the "level of mind" in
Buddhism or tao. Buddhism is an excellent tool that you can use when you see fit.

- They didn’t blame: they say, “the next Chinese” came to Moscow to earn money?
- If I wanted to earn money, I would not leave China! I have a family known throughout China, which from
generation to generation walked people from all over the country - from south to north. There would be a
clinic, and I would earn more than enough money. By the way, and I earned there normally ...

But at some point he said to his father: I am the only doctor in China who can write in Russian myself
books and textbooks on our medicine, directly, without an interpreter, to tell everything. So I have to go to
Russia! I think: this is my mission in the world. And received confirmation when he was baptized. My spiritual
father said: write books, but don’t sell, but give them out and don’t take money for the treatment, besides, if
you already have them there is enough! In the end, God gave me the ability to speak Russian clearly. it
- But how Orthodoxy is combined with Chinese medicine and generally with folk, where there are
conspiracies, and prayers (far from canonical – ecclesiastical!), for example, during the collection of herbs.
People’s medicine then rather closer to shamanism than to Christianity ...
- I fly without conspiracies. And prayers, when you help people, you can also read the Orthodox. But actually, I
honestly saying, I don’t understand: why an Orthodox person can buy pills in pharmacies, but rejects healing
and never will go to the healers only because they turn to the forces of Nature? I and the confessor
said that traditional medicine is good.

No pills for life

- I am convinced: traditional medicine has a lot of advantages over the so-called “official”, ordinary chemical
pharmaceutical, says Dr. Thomas. - In conventional medicine, the effect is treated, but in folk, in Chinese, the
first thing is the reason. In a regular hospital, the doctor gives the patient a cough pill. And why does a person
Yes, it could be purged, the lungs and bronchi could become inflamed. But! If a person has a strong immune
system, then no wind and draft are terrible. But maybe a person’s cough didn’t arise at all because of a cold,
but, for example, because of fear (the poor fellow was frightened of something else in childhood), which “sat
down” in the soul and does not give rest -manifests itself in different ways, "crawls to the surface" at every

We in China are first looking for a reason, not a pill. First, the doctor treats the person with words, the power
of thought, and then in some other way. And most diseases in people arise precisely from the wrong image
of life. This way of life cannot be changed by a pill - a person must work on himself.
- So what is the main problem of the “European patient”?
- One of the main things is that everyone here works a lot, and so much so that they exhaust themselves
completely, drive their own the body. People are too weak, and various sores stick to them. And you have so
many who eat wrong and they think badly. Last - as they say, to the priest for help, but I’ll say this about

You have damp and cool most of the year in Latvia. Means, it is necessary to make the menu correctly (more
warming food) to suppress the formation of pathogenic bacteria, mucus in the body. Mass of diseases arises
also because of internal feelings, uncertainty in life, bad emotions, depression. You have very often overcast,
gray, which means it’s important to somehow try to “color the life”: change colors in the room, turn on
plenty of light, pick up bright clothes, “eat warmly” - cook food on a live fire, not in microwave ovens.

I repeat: a real doctor must first communicate with a patient for a long time to determine the cause of a
particular illnesses. Many diseases can be saved with words! And if the doctor correctly analyzes everything,
then he is capable of identify future diseases of the patient.

As a real healer, I don’t need a person with a cancer to seek help. I’d better in advance, for many years
“before” I will tell him that he is predisposed to a terrible disease, I will write this or that I’ll put a drug,
needles, and talk about how life should be changed. And the reception will end there. And if a person is
everything will fulfill, as prescribed, the tone will fall ill.

But many representatives of “official” medicine need the same sick person to come to them more often and
to him it was possible to write out more recipes - after all, this is money. Many doctors collaborate with one
or another pharmaceutical companies and then from the sale of their drugs have money. But this is contrary
to all laws medicine!

Yes, such doctors are richer than me. But is money the whole thing? I have money - enough to live. I generally
I prefer to treat for free. Therefore, in advance I give everyone advice on what to do. I lectured to doctors in
Moscow, I thought to cooperate, but Dr. Thomas is not interested in them, because he wants to help people

Not that, friends, be treated!

- In our pharmacies, many different drugs of "Chinese medicine" are sold. A real Chinese specialist in Chinese
medicine, does he even know about such people?
- Well, some drugs sold in your pharmacies, really our medicine, but about all of me,
I don’t know. But I know that there is an opinion: people should be treated with those herbs that grow on
“their the earth. " It is understood that Chinese medicine will only "work" in China. This is not entirely true.

Yes, some plants in mixtures, tinctures, ointments will better help a person when he lives in a different
climate, in "Chinese", but most are effective here. In addition, Chinese medicine is extremely diverse, in it
uses a lot, and not just herbal preparations and tinctures on “exotic roots”. For example, in order to identify
and overcome chondrosis, in Chinese medicine, the horns of animals, scallops from them, which make a
special massage.

Chinese medicine is, by and large, all natural, without chemistry - and this is its plus. A huge part in “Official”
chemical pharmaceutical medicine is now generally occupied by antibiotics that bring more evil than give
health. People drink antibiotics for any reason, and doctors don’t even watch, as previously prescribes to the
same patient.

As a result, over the years, a person who has tried dozens of different types of antibiotics and vaccines
becomes exposed any disease, since his body can no longer cope with anything - the immunity is artificially
impaired, “knocked down”
In the end, a person becomes completely dependent on chemistry as a powerful drug, without which does
not survive, forced to buy more and more - more and more expensive and strong. Remember, antibiotics are
the most the last thing, you need to drink them extremely rarely, but it’s better never to take them at all.

Because of the powerful propaganda of drugs from chemical pharmaceutical medicine, people no longer
believe that, for example, instead of an antibiotic - and much more effective than it! - there is a decoction of
certain herbs, homeopathic remedies either a specific (and quick) treatment method from Chinese medicine.
The main thing - remember: the choice is always yours. AND
if you don’t want something (and you understand why!), nobody can impose this on you, ”emphasizes Wu

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