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Name: _______________________

Core: _____

Civil War Test

Directions: For each following battle, indicate which side won the war. Do so by
placing a “U” for Union, “C” for Confederacy, or “D” for draw.

_____1. Gettysburg

_____2. 1st Bull Run

_____3. Shiloh

_____4. Vicksburg

_____5. Appomattox

_____6. Which of the following was a cause of the Civil War?

A. Slavery B. Argument over states’ rights C. Tariffs D. All of these were causes

_____7. What was the importance of the Emancipation Proclamation?

A. It freed all the slaves

B. . It freed slaves in the North
C. It allowed West Virginia into the Union
D. It shifted the focus of the war and kept foreign powers from allying themselves
with the Confederacy.

_____8. The turning Point of the war in the West A. Cold Harbor
B. Vicksburg
_____9. The turning point of the war in the East C. Antietam
D. Gettysburg
_____10. Battle where Stonewall Jackson was E. Chattanooga
shot and eventually died from that wound F. Fort Sumter
G. Petersburg
_____11. Most casualties in 20 minutes H. Chancellorsville
_____12. “Battle of the Crater”

_____13. Only battle with no casualties

_____14. “Battle in the Clouds”

_____15. Victory that allowed Lincoln to issue

the Emancipation Proclamation.
Name: _______________________
Core: _____
Place the names of the proper leaders on the lines next to the battle. (2pts. Each)

Union vs. Confederate

16 Fort Sumter ______________________ _______________________

17. Gettysburg ______________________ _______________________

18. Shiloh ______________________ _______________________

19. Vicksburg ______________________ _______________________

20. Antietam ______________________ _______________________

21. The Wilderness ______________________ _______________________

22. Appomattox ______________________ _______________________

23. Fredericksburg ______________________ _______________________

24. Atlanta ______________________ _______________________

25. Chancellorsville ______________________ _______________________

_____26. What did Lincoln mean in the Gettysburg Address when he said the following
line: “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which
they gave the last full measure of devotion…”

A. The Union should give up

B. The Confederacy should give up.
C. Do not give up because to give up would mean the men who fought and died at
Gettysburg to keep the nation whole would have died for no reason
D. Slaves should give up hope of ever being free

_____27. 13th Amendment A. Gave free black men the right to vote
B. Gave equal citizenship to all citizens regardless
_____28. 14th Amendment of race
C. Made slavery illegal in ALL parts of the US
_____29. 15th Amendment

_____30. Who won the American Civil War?

A. Confederate Army B .Everyone C. Slaves D. Union Army

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