Lesson Exemplar Template

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Lesson Exemplar

GAD-based iC CEBU
Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Quarter: I Duration: 50 minutes
Learning Area/s Integrated: Araling Panlipunan, Arts & Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
Integration Approach Used:
√ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
*Theme-based & Learning Centers
I. 21 Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/√ Communication Learning and Innovation / Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology / Life and Career
II. Focused Learning Competency:
M6NS-Id-109.2 create problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition and or subtraction of
decimals and mixed decimals
Integrated Learning Competencies:
AP6PMK-Id-6 nasusuri ang A6PR-Id create personal or EsP6PKP-Ia-i-37pagsang-ayon sa
mga pangyayari sa class logo as visual pasya ng nakakarami kung
himagsikan laban sa representation that can be nakabubuti ito
kolonyalismong Espanyol gaya used as a product, brand, or
ng Sigaw sa Pugad-Lawin trademark

III. Focus GAD Principle to be Integrated: promote the concept that men and women are partners in
community development and decision-making
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge discuss the steps on how to create word problems
Skills create word problems (with reasonable answer) involving addition and/or subtraction
of decimals
Attitude manifest cooperation in the decision of the majority
Values show respect to others’ opinion
V. Learning Creating word problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition and or subtraction
Content of decimals and mixed decimals
Concept In creating word problems, think of real life situations in forming word problems and decide the
type of problem you want to create such as one-step or two-step word problem, all the needed
data and information must be given, the answer of the word problem must be correct and
reasonable, and keep in mind the Rubrics in creating word problems.

References K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide, TGs & LMs for Grade 6, Math Teacher’s Guide 6 (DepED RO 8),
pp. 55-56, www.youtube: Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan: 1896 Cry of Caloocan (2:47 mins.)
Theme Independence Day
DRRE identify necessary basic actions, such as protecting oneself, to cope with natural hazards
Learning speakers, multimedia, art materials, worksheets, activity cards, pictures, flash cards, manila,
Materials paper & pentel pen
VI. Learning Experiences
1. Engage A. Preliminary Activities
( 15 minutes) 1. Group the pupils according to their learning styles based on the following profile:
Group 1: logical/mathematical
Group 2: visual/spatial
Group 3: verbal/linguistic
Group 4: musical/kinesthetic
2. Answer drill on adding and subtracting decimals without regrouping through a game.
a. 1.5 + 2.2 = ___ b. 3.1 + 2 = ___ c. 5.7 – 2.5 = ___ d. 9.6 – 4.4 = ____
Possible Answers: a. 3.7 b. 5.1 c. 3.2 d. 5.2

3. Pre-test
Create a word problem from the given data.
1. A cedula of a Katipunero was torn into two triangles during the Cry of Balintawak.
 one side of the triangle was 3.75 cm
 another side measured 8.02 cm
 total measurement of the sides of the triangle

2. Joan bought some food in the school canteen.

 banana - Php 10.00
 juice - Php 12.00
 Joan’s money - Php 50.00
 change Joan received

Possible answers:
1. A cedula of a Katipuneo was torn into two triangles during the Cry of
Balintawak. One side of the triangle was 3.75 cm. Another side measured 8.02 cm.
What is the total measurement of the sides of the triangle?
2. Joan had Php 50.00. She bought banana for Php 10.00 and a glass of juice for
Php 12.00 from the school canteen. How much change did Joan receive?

B. Motivation
1. What do we celebrate every June 12?
Possible Answer: Independence Day is celebrated every twelfth day of June.
2. Why do we celebrate Independence Day?
Possible Answer: This celebration is a way of paying tribute to the heroes who fought
for our freedom.
3. Who were these heroes?
Answers may vary.
Share to the class the video clip on “Sigaw sa Pugadlawin” and assign each group to answer
the motive questions.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
a. Why did the a. What were the a. What were the a. How did Bonifacio
Katipuneros fight logos utilized by the roles of women convince the
against the Katipuneros in during the Sigaw Katipuneros to fight
Spaniards? Sigaw ng ng Pugadlawin? against the Spaniards?
b. What did the b. If you were one of b. If you were alive b. What did the
Katipuneros do to the Katipuneros, during the time of Katipuneros do to
express their anger what other logos the Katipuneros, ensure their safety
towards the would you design to would you support before the Sigaw ng
Spaniards? represent your them? Why? Why Pugadlawin took place?
group? not?
c. What do you
think were the
measurements of
the sides of the
torn cedulas of the
Katipuneros in

Possible Answers:
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
a.1 They were tired Refer to the logo a. During the time of a. Bonifacio called for a
of how the shown in the Sigaw ng Pugad meeting with the
Spaniards video. lawin, women Katipuneros to point out
maltreated them. became submissive how the Spaniards
and lost their maltreated them.
a. 2 The Spaniards courage to express
abused the their feelings. b. They grouped
Filipinos by treating themselves and planned
them as slaves. b. Yes, women to revolt against the
should support the Spaniards.
b. They tore their Katipuneros because
cedulas. men and women
were partners in
c. One side is 3.45 community
cm. The other side development and
is 4.23 cm. decision-making.

A. Skill Preparation
2. Explore Note: Teacher provides each group a replica of the Katipuneros’ cedula.
(15 minutes) Directions: Tear the cedula into pieces.
a. Measure the size of each side of the torn pieces.
b. Complete the given sentences.
One side of the cedula is __________ cm.
Another side measures __________ cm.
The two sides of the cedula is__________ cm.
c. Read the word problem.

One side of the cedula was 4.02 cm.

What is the measurement of the remaining side?
The two sides of Bonifacio’s cedula had a total measurement of 12.36 cm.

Can you solve this word problem? Why? Why not? How will you arrange the statements
to make it easy to solve?
Answers may vary.
Note: Teacher presents the correct arrangement of the word problem.

The two sides of Bonifacio’s cedula had a total measurement of 12.36 cm.
One side of the cedula was 4.02 cm.
What is the measurement of the remaining side?

B. Development of the Skill

Directions: Create a word problem from the following data.
 Three torn cedulas had different sizes.
 One side measured 4.15 cm.
 Another side measured 2.36 cm.
 Third side had a measurement of 6.06 cm.
 Total measurement of the three cedulas

Group Activity. Create word problems and solve for the correct answers based on the
provided data. Rubric is provided.

Activity Card # 1 (Groups 1 & 2)

• Before the Sigaw ng Pugadlawin in 1896, a Katipunero had Php 100 and
bought some food for them.
• 1 sack of rice for Php 15.00
• 5 pieces of tinapa for Php 0.25
• change of the Katipunero’s money

Activity Card # 2 ( Groups 3 & 4)

•Sides of the torn cedula have measurements of 2.32 cm and 1.21 cm.
• Original measurement of the two sides of the cedula was 12.78 cm.
• measurement of the remaining sides of the cedula needed to form the
original cedula
Possible Answers:
Before the Sigaw ng Pugadlawin in 1896, a Katipunero had Php 100.
He bought one sack of rice for Php 15.00 and five pieces of tinapa for Php
0.25. How much was the change of his money?

The original measurement of the sides of the cedula was 12.78 cm.
The torn cedulas have measurements of 2.32 cm and 1.21 cm. What is the
measurement of the remaining side of the cedula?

3. Explain ASK:
(5 minutes) 1. How did you create word problems involving addition and/or subtraction of decimals?
What should you consider in creating word problems?
Possible Answer:
In creating word problems,
a. think of real life situations in forming word problems and decide the type of
problem you want to create such as one-step or two-step word problem;
b. all the needed data and information must be given;
c. the answer of the word problem must be correct and reasonable; and
d. keep in mind the Rubrics in creating word problems.
4.Elaborate A. Perform the tasks in the activity cards/worksheets placed in assigned learning centers.
(8 minutes) Logical/Mathemati- Visual/Spatial Musical/ Kinesthetic Verbal/Linguistic
cal Learning Center Learning Center Learning Center Learning Center
Learners create a Design a visual
one-step word presentation or logo Compose a Math Write three to five
problem or two- expressing feelings song/jingle on how sentences
step word problem or insights to create word on how to create
using the following on how to create problems. word problems.
data: word problems.
money in bank -
electric bill-
Php 2, 300.00
Food -
Php 5,175.00
money left in the

Category 5 4 3 2 1
Arrangement The problem The The idea in No idea or There is no
of the is correctly arrangement the problem thought can problem
problems arranged and of the created is not be seen in created.
created. coherent problem is arranged. the problem
based from less created.
the data coherent.
1. Is it necessary to plan properly before making any decisions? Why? Why not?
2. What are the roles of men and women in community development?

5. Evaluate Create word problems using the given data.

(5 minutes)

1. A pole was cut into two parts after the strong typhoon.
 Height of the pole was 25.75 meters.
 First part measured 12.05 meters
 measure of the remaining part

2. Myla bought some food in the school canteen.

 burger – Php 35.50
 soft drinks – Php 12.00
 fries – Php 30.00
 Myla’s money - Php 100
 change Myla received

Possible Answers:
1. A pole with a height of 25.75 meters was cut into two parts after the strong
typhoon. First part measured 12.05 meters. What is the measurement of the
remaining part?

2. Myla had Php 100 . She bought some food in the school canteen. Burger cost Php 35.50,
soft drinks for Php 12.00 and fries for Php 30.00. How much change would she receive?
Category 5 4 3 2 1
Arrangeme The problem The The idea in No idea or There is no
nt of the is correctly arrangemen the problem thought problem
problems arranged and t of the created is can created.
created. coherent problem is not be seen in
based from less arranged. the
the data coherent. problem
given. created.
Accomplish the following tiered activities.
VII. Learning
Enablement Ready to Go Beyond Just Ready Not Yet Ready
(2 minutes) Create a two- step word Create a one-step word
Create a one-step and two- problem from this data and problem on this data and
step word problems with give the correct answer. give the correct answer.
reasonable answers. - Mark had Php - Mr. Go had Php 500.00
1,000.00 - He spent Php 200 to buy
You and your - He spent Php 255.00 food.
sister/brother were given for his water bills. - remaining money of
Php 2, 000.00 by your - He paid Php 510.25 Mr. GO
aunt/uncle last Christmas. for his electric bill.
You and your brother/sister - remaining money of
plan to buy a toy and save Mark
a portion of the money.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 201)

www.youtube: Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan: 1896 Cry of Caloocan (2:47 mins.)

Prepared by



Category 5 4 3 2 1
Arrangement The problem is The arrange- The idea in the No idea or There is no
of the correctly ment of the problem thought can problem
problems arranged and problem is created is not be seen in created.
created. coherent less coherent. arranged. the problem
based from the created.
data given.

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