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Summary of The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits and their names were- Flopsy. Mopsy,
Cotton-Tail and Peter. They lived with Mrs. Rabbit, their mother, in a sandbank, underneath the
root of a very big fir tree. One morning Mrs. Rabbit allowed them to go in fields but warned to
not go in Mr. McGregor’s garden as their father had an accident there. Then Mrs. Rabbit go to
the baker’s to buy a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.

Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to
gather blackberries. But Peter is very naughty and ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden
and squeezed under the gate. He ate some lettuces, French beans, radishes and parsley. But at the
end of cucumber frame he meet Mr.McGregor, who was planting young cabbages and ran after
Peter as he saw him. Peter was most dreadfully frightened; he rushed all over the garden, for he
had forgotten the way back to gate. Unfortunately, he lost his both shoes and new blue jacket
with brass buttons as he was got caught. Later on, Mr.McGregor was tired of running after Peter
and went back to his work. Peter use this chance to find the exit and even the gate was near to
Mr.McGregor and may see him. Peter started running fast as he could and slipped underneath the

Mr.McGregor hung up the little jacket and the shoes for a scare-crow to frighten the
blackbirds.While Peter got home to the big fir-tree tired that he flapped down to the soft sand and
shut his eyes. During the evening, Peter was not very well so his mother put him to bed and gave
dose of camomile tea. But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries,
for supper.

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