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Exersice N°1

2 (a) :

Words Morphemes Roots Affixes

nilipata ‘I got’ ni-li-pat-a pat ‘ni’, ‘li’
walipata ‘they got’ wa-li-pat-a pat ‘wa’, ‘li’
nilipiga ‘I hit’ ni-li-pig-a pig ‘ni’, ‘li’
nilikipata ‘I got it’ ni-li-ki-pat-a pat ‘ni’, ‘li’, ‘ki’
ulikipata ‘you got it’ u-li-ki-pat-a pat ‘u’, ‘li’, ‘ki’
nitakipata ‘I will get it’ ni-ta-ki-pat-a pat ‘ni’, ‘ki’
ulipiga ‘you hit’ u-li-pig-a pig ‘u’, ‘li’
watakipiga ‘they will hit it’ wa-ta-ki-pig-a pig ‘wa’, ‘ki’
niliwapiga ‘I hit’them’ ni-li-wa-pig-a pig ‘ni’, ‘li’, ‘wa’
walitupiga ‘they hit us’ wa-li-tu-pig-a pig ‘wa’, ‘li’, ‘tu’
walikipiga ‘they hit it’ wa-li-ki-pig-a pig ‘wa’, ‘li’, ‘ki’
utatupiga ‘you will hit us’ u-ta-tu-pig-a pig ‘u’, ‘tu’
ulipata ‘you got’ u-li-pat-a pat ‘u’, ‘li’
watakupiga 'they will hit you’ wa-ta-ku-pig-a pig ‘wa’, ‘ku’
ulitupiga ‘you hit us’ u-li-tu-pig-a pig ‘u’, ‘li’, ‘tu’
nitakupata ‘I will get you’ ni-ta-ku-pat-a pat ‘ni’, ‘ku’

(b) : The meaning of each morpheme :

* ni- li- pat- a

I past tense get FV 'I got'

* ni- li- wa- pig- a

I past tense them hit FV 'I hit them'

* wa- li- pat- a

they past tense get FV 'they got'

* wa- li- tu- pig-a

they past tense us hit FV 'they hit us'

* ni- li- pig- a

I past tense hit FV 'I hit'

* wa- li- ki- pig- a

they past tense it hit FV 'they hit it'

* ni-li- ki-pat- a

I past tense it get FV 'I got it'

* u- ta- tu- pig- a

you future us hit FV 'you will hit Us'

* u- li- ki- pat- a

you past tense it get FV 'you got it'

* u- li- pat- a

you past tense get FV 'you got '

* ni- ta- ki- pat- a

I will it get FV. 'I will get it '

* wa- ta- ku- pig- a

they future past tense hit FV 'they will hit you '

* u- li- pig-a

you past tense hit FV 'you hit'

* u- li- tu- pig- a

you past tense us hit FV 'you hit us'

* wa- ta- ki- pig- a

they will it hit FV. 'they will hit it '

*ni- ta- ku- pat- a

I future SPR get FV 'I will get you '

Note: FV: final vowel , SPR: second person singular

(c) : The affix morphemes in Sawahili data are suffixes and represents inflectional
morphemes. For example, the suffix –li- is attached to verb which is change the grammatical
function of the verb (inflectional morpheme).

(d) Sawahili is classified as an agglutinating language.

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