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Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications

301 S.W. Tenth Ave

Topeka I<s66612

February 1, 2020

Re: Case Number 2018CR201G State of Kansas vs. Max Griffin in Crawford County.

This is my (3rd) complaint against n" district court Judge Jennifer Brunetti.

This is my (1st) complaint against u" district court chief judge Oliver Lynch.

The chief Judge of the n" judicial district Oliver Lynch needs to be investigated in this case along with
this complaint as well under code of judicial conduct Rule 2.12 Supervisory Duties(A)(B) because Jennifer
Brunetti has now recused from this case as a conflict of interest and has EXTREME DELAY. This seems to
violate rule 2.12(A)(B) Supervisory Duties because Judge Brunetti did not act in a manner consistent with
the judge's obligation under this code. Judge Lynch also should have a duty under Rule 2.15(A)(C)
Responding to Judicial and Lawyer Misconduct to report Judge Brunetti for her violations of the code of
judicial conduct for DELAYand CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

Greetings Ethic Committee:

I recently sent in (2) prior ethic complaints on n" judicial district judge Jennifer Brunetti for (DELAY) and
failing to disqualify/recuse herself from this case for a (CONFLICT OF INTEREST)on the dates of January
13,2020 and January 19, 2020 and after my complaints she recused herself on 1-28-19.

I have included a copy of the court ROA which shows that my first appearance was on 1-31-19 and
according to K.S.A. 22-2902(2) Preliminary Examination I should have had a preliminary hearing within
(14) days of my first appearance according to this statute and (CONTINUANCES) may be granted only for
good cause shown which there has not been good cause shown there has just been (DELAY) on the court
because Jennifer Brunetti has continued my Preliminary Hearing (8) times!!!

I dropped off 2 letters pertaining to both copies of the above mentioned complaints filed by myself with
my attorney Jason Wiske's secretary on the date of 1-21-2020 because I had another Preliminary court
hearing scheduled for January 28, 2020.

Right before court on January 28, 2020 the county attorney Christina Lyod, the arresting police officers
by the names of Adon Nance and Aaron Hembree who are part of the Pittsburg Drug Enforcement Unit
were all laughing and smirking at me being extremely unprofessional by laughing and then glaring at me
trying to give me the evil eye because they thought I was going to jail on the bogus charges that I am
charged for. My attorney walked in and called me out into the hall. Jason Wiske was extremely (MAD)
at me for filing (2) ethic complaints against judge Brunetti without asking him permission first. I told him
well you haven't done your job and you are forcing me to have to waste all my free time reading Kansas
court rules and procedures and complaints filed by people on Crawford County attorneys and judges
and after I did a search on Crawford County attorneys came up and I have been
reading area complaints on attorneys and public officials in Crawford County because you (WON'T DO

He told me that he (DEFINITELY)would not be filing a motion to dismiss for failure to discharge within
180 days under statute K.S.A. 22-3402 Discharge of Persons Not Brought Promptly to trial because he
told me that the statute does not read from the date of your first appearance it is from the date of
(YOUR FIRSTPRELIMINARY HEARING) which you have not had yet Max. I said "yeah because you, the
judge, and the county attorney keep trying to force me to take a plea bargain which I've told you I won't
do but you keep ignoring me and trying to scare and intimidate me telling me that if r go to trial and lose
(THEN MY PUNISHMENT WILL BE WAY WORSE)!" I told him according to K.5.A. 22-2902 Preliminary
Hearing I should have had my preliminary hearing within (14)days of my first appearance and I haven't
requested any (CONTINUANCE) in this case it has all been (CONTINUED) by the court and it's been
continued like (7) times now I told him!!!!!

He said well I'm not filing it. I then asked him did you get a copy of my court transcripts and he stated
(NO) you have to pay for them!!! I said I thought if you were an (INDIGENT) like I am that you don't have
to pay for transcripts and you can have your attorney request transcripts without paying for them as a
I'm not filing it if you want transcripts you have to pay for them and we need to get back in court so let's
go. I then said "what about a court ROA"? He then said what? I said yeah I'd like a copy of the court
ROA to see all that's went on in this case. He then said weill don't know that your talking about, I don't
know what a court ROA is?

Weill have included a court ROA on the date of 1/29/2020 that I had to go in and get myself because my
court-appointed attorney Jason Wiske said that he doesn't know what a court ROA is because he is to

I didn't know whether to laugh in his face for how incompetent he is when he told me that or SCREAM

Jason Wiske is either to incompetent to be an attorney because he does not know what the court ROA is
or he is just being lazy because he is really working for the prosecution and just trying to get me to take
a quick plea bargain so he doesn't have to do any work.

I don't think Jason Wiske is competent enough to represent me because I am (AN INDIGENT) and do not
have any money and that is why I have a court appointed attorney in the first place. If I had any money
and could pay a private attorney, this case would already be (DISMISSED) for failure to comply with a
speedy trial within (180) days because it has floated in the system for so long and had (8) continued
preliminary hearings.
It is unethical of Judge Jennifer Brunetti to inform my attorney (EX-PARTE)that if I refuse a plea bargain
and go to trial my punishment will be worse if I lose.

I have not had a competent judge because she has violated several of the REPORTOF SUPREME COURT
this case has experienced (EXTREME DELAY) and Judge Jennifer Brunetti has now continued my last
hearing on January 28,2020 and recused herself from this case because I filed an ethic complaint
against her and my attorney informed her it was because she stated in court that she has known me
since I was a little kid but that won't matter in this case. Jason Wiske failed to also inform Judge Jennifer
Brunetti that my complaint was filed also on her due to (EXTREME DELAY) in this case.

I think that the (EX-PARTECONVERSATION) between Jennifer Brunetti, Christina Lyod, and Jason Wiske
when they had a side bar on 1-28-2020 and covered the microphone so no one could hear was about

Judge Jennifer Brunetti stated that she would pass this case on to the chief judge and we would have
court at a later date.

The chief Judge of the 11th judicial district Oliver Lynch needs to be investigated in this case as well
under code of judicial conduct Rule 2.12 Supervisory Duties{A)(B) because Jennifer Brunetti has now
recused from this case as a conflict of interest and has EXTREME DELAY. This seems to violate rule
2.12{A}{B) because Judge Brunetti did not act in a manner consistent with the judge's obligation under
this code. Judge Lynch also should have a duty under Rule 2.15(A)(C) Responding to Judicial and Lawyer
Misconduct to report Judge Brunetti for her violations of the code of judicial conduct for DELAY and
CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Judge Brunetti stated on 1-28-2020 that she was going to step down from the
case and hand the case to the chief judge. The chief judge of the 11th judicial district is Oliver Lynch who
should report Jennifer Brunetti for MISCONDUCT after he read the case file and saw the conflict of
interest and the preliminary hearings continued (8) times now which is EXTREME DELAY.

According to Kansas Supreme Court Rule 107 Duties of Administrative Judge(b)Trial Court Case
Assignment Judge Brunetti shall have accepted this case unless she is disqualified or the interests of
justice require that the case not be heard by that judge. Kansas Supreme Court Rule 162 Conflict in Trial
Settings in District Court state that this matter should now be referred to the Departmental Justice
because of the conflict Judge Brunetti had in this case and that is why she is now DISQUALIFIED. She
also failed to follow Kansas Supreme Court Rule 170 Journal Entries and Orders according to the court
ROA on 3/12/2019. On 3/12/2019 there was a motion for DISCOVERYfiled and yet there is an ORDER
for DISCOVERYsigned on the same day. According to K.S.A. 60-206 Time, Computation and Extension it
states that you have to have (7) days after filing a motion to have a hearing and then an ORDER. A
motion can not be signed the same day it is filed by a party/attorney unless it is a SPECIALEX-PARTE
occasion. Chief Judge Oliver Lynch failed to report under Rule 2.15 ) Responding to Judicial and Lawyer
Misonduct Judge Jennifer Brunetti and attorney Jason Wiske for the motion for discovery filed on
3/12/19 and the order signed by the judge the same day on 3/12/19 WITHOUT A HEARING so it must
have been done EX-PARTE!!!!!!!

Judge Brunetti should have been DISQUALIFIED from my very first appearance on 1-31-19 and I have
had a judge this ENTIREtime who has not had subject-matter jurisdiction to hear this case and this case

I also researched RULESOF THE ELEVENTHJUDICIAL DISTRICTand noticed that under RULE NO.2
Assignment of Cases(6)(d} that the Chief Judge can reassign a case and it seems that this is what we are
now having to wait on for even more (DELAY) in this case because I got a copy of the court ROA on 1-29-
2020 and it shows that Judge Jennifer Brunetti has now recused/disqualified herself from this case.

Chief Judge Oliver Lynch should not have any subject matter jurisdiction to assign a judge to this case
because he has a (CONFLICT OF INTEREST)with Crawford County Attorney Michael Gayoso because they
have been friends and members of the Cherokee Arts Association for years. This case needs to be re-
assigned by the departmental justice Lee Johnson.

This case has not been businesslike in management with nonducial duties performed by competent staff
because everyone involved in this case seems to be incompetent since I should have been to trial or plea
(120) days after my first appearance in January 31 of 2019 and should have had my preliminary hearing
(14) days after that and instead the case is still going on and it is January of 2020 which is approximately
(365) days and the case is no where close to going to trial and should have been DISMISSED for lack of
prosecution on the court and failure to discharge a person promptly within 180 days because my
preliminary hearing has been continued (8) times by the court and instead of getting my preliminary
hearing in (14) days mine is past (365) days now.

This case has had (DELAY) and has definitely not had (ANY EXPEDITIION OF ADMINISTRATION OF

The DELAY I have received has caused me anxiety because judge Brunetti and the county attorneys
office of Crawford have misused their continuance policies because the county attorneys office have not
been prepared for (8) Preliminary Hearing s and they did not have my DISCOVERYin time and DELAYED a
hearing. My attorney Jason Wiske keeps trying to get me to take a plea bargain and when I won't agree
to it the judge just (CONTINUES) the case and Judge Brunetti has failed to terminate litigation as soon as
it was reasonably possible to do so in this case because she continued (7) preliminaryhearings until she
wasted the preliminary th
hearing on 1-28-2020 by recusing and now continuing the (8 ) preliminary
hearing because she should have never been in this case to begin with because she had a conflict of
of code of judicial conduct, and 5th and 14th
interest under K.S.A. 20-311d, Rule 2.11(A) Disqualification
amendment no due process and equal protection of the united states federal constitution.

My case has (FLOATED) in the system which is not allowed because the trial judge Brunetti failed to
recuse herself from the start under Rule 2.7 Responsibility To Decide and Rule 2.11(A) Disqualification of
the code of judicial conduct and she has not taken charge of this case and instead has let the county
attorneys office conduct hearings and continuances whenever they feel like it which is not allowed
under K.S.A. 22-2902(2} Preliminary Hearings because continuances should be only for good cause
shown and these actions and DELAY is unethical because Judge Brunetti has continued the preliminary
hearing (7) times before she recused and the continuances were not for good cause it was because the
county attorney's office could not force/coerce me into taking a plea bargain on this case.

My attorney Jason Wiske told me that Christina Lyod of the Crawford County Attorney's Office told him
that "they do not have any evidence of you selling drugs Max". I said I told you that I didn't because I
didn't!!!!! I then said that's why I want to go to trial because they are lying!! I want to subpoena the
trash men where the police supposedly found drugs and subpoena the witness/narc they have that is
lying about the sell of drugs!!!

I TOLD JASON WISKE LET'S GO TO TRIAL RIGHT NOW as soon as he told me that Christina Lyod did not
have any evidence and this is the reason that we have now had (8) preliminary hearings rescheduled
because they keep thinking they are going to bully me into a plea bargain and IT AINT HAPPENING IN
THIS CASE!!!!!!!!!!

Judge Brunetti has not conducted a firm case management and continuance policy in this case and that
is why the case has floated in the system instead of being DISMISSED. Judge Brunetti did not do her
duty of running the court and instead she has abdicated the responsibility to the county attorneys office
which is unethical and that is why this case has had (8) rescheduled preliminary hearings.

This case should be (DISMISSED) and attorney Wiske won't file a motion to dismiss and I told him if he
won't file a motion to dismiss then let's go to (TRIAL) I'm ready and that is why I included RULE NO. 37
under Criminal of the RULESOF THE ELEVENTHJUDICIAL DISTRICTCOURT because it shows Pretrial
Conference and Proposed Jury Instructions shall not be held not less than (10) days prior to trial. We
haven't even had a Preliminary Hearing yet, we then need at least 2 to 3 pre-trial conferences before we
could even get to trial so we have to be looking at another (365) days to get to trial!! I also included
Rule No. 38 under Criminal of RULESOF THE ELEVENTHJUDICIAL DISTRICTCOURT for Motions to
Suppress which says that it shall be filed no later than twenty (20) days after arraignment absent a
showing of good cause. Jason Wiske also refused to file a motion to suppress for me as well and I feel
that I have not had (AFFECTIVEASSISTANCEOF COUNSEL) which is required under the 6 amendment of
the UNITED STATESFEDERALCONSTUTION along with having a speedy trial within (180) days under
K.S.A. 22-3402(2} Discharge of Persons Not Brought Promptly to Trial which I have not had either!!
K.S.A. 22-3208{4} Pleadings and Motions states that the motion to dismiss shall be made at any time
prior to arraignment or after the plea is entered and my attorney refuses to file this which is what I
request of him. K.S.A. 22-3213 Demands for Production of Statements and Reports of witnesses{l} says
that all witnesses need to testify on direct examination at the preliminary hearing or in the trial of the
case and I keep telling attorney Wiske that I want to go to trial and subpoena all the witnesses and he
just ignores me and tells me (YOU NEED TO JUST TAKE THE PLEA BARGAIN) and I REFUSEto do so.

Jason Wiske has also lied to me about how a preliminary hearing works. He said that the prosecution
will just state their facts and then the judge will decide if we have evidence to continue. I then said well
can I subpoena the trash men and the narc that said that I sold him drugs which you admitted Christina
Lyod stated they have no evidence to?

Jason Wiske then lied to me and said "no that is not how a preliminary hearing works". We don't get to
call any witnesses ourselves or question them.

THIS IS WHY I AM FORCEDTO WRITE THIS COMPLAINT because my attorney is incompetent.

K.S.A. 22-3402(2) says the only reason the case shall be delayed is if it is the result of the application or
fault of the defendant or a continuance shall be ordered by the court under subsection(3) which (NONE)
of the reasons under subsection (3) are why I have not had my PRELIMINARY HEARING. The county
attorney's office is the one who did not have DISCOVERYon time and have not been prepared for any of
our hearings and this case should have been DISMISSED by now because the county attorney's office
and Judge Brunetti have continued the scheduled preliminary hearing (8) times now in this case and it is
now over (365 days) from my first appearance on 1-31-19 and I should have had my preliminary hearing
(14 days later) so that should have been no later than VALENTINES DAYS FEBRUARY14, 2019 but
instead I will not even have my preliminary hearing by the VALENTINES DAY of 2020!!

I do not even want Jason Wiske as an attorney and he went in front of Judge Brunetti at one of these
hearings and asked to be RECUSEDbut she denied it. Jason Wiske is incompetent because he did not
follow Kansas Supreme Court Rule 117 Withdrawal of Attorney. The rule states that he shall be relieved
of his duties to the court, his client, and opposing counsel only when he has served a motion for
withdrawal on the client and on opposing counsel, filed a copy of the motion and proof of the service
there of with the clerk, and the judge has entered an order approving the withdrawal.

TO. I feel Jason Wiske has violated the following:

KRPCRule 1.1 Competence for not knowing the constitutional rules of (180) day speedy trial and not
filing a motion to dismiss for failure to discharge a person promptly brought to trial. KRPCRule 1.3
Diligence and KRPC Rule 1.4 Communication because his law office is closed % of the time because of
remodeling and he never returns my calls so I had to drop off the (2) letters that informed him of my
ethic complaints and he wasn't prepared for court on 1-28-2020. KRPCRule 1.16(a)(c)(2)(b)(2) Declining
or Terminating Representation(5) since I asked him to recuse from this case and he fails to
recuse/withdraw even though he refuses to file any motions for me and wants me to just bend over and
(TAKE A PLEA BARGAIN) to something that I (AM INNOCENT OF) and refuse to do. KRPC Rule 3.2
Expediting Litigation because he fails to file a motion to dismiss this case even though that 50% of felony
cases go to plea or trial within 120 days and mine is now over (365) and I have not even had a
preliminary hearing! He also makes false statements about preliminary hearings and speedy trials within
(180) days so he also violated KRPCRule 4.1(a)Truthfulness in Statements to Others. He also has
violated KRPC Rule 4.4 Respect for Rights of Third Person because he has embarrassed me, he has been
a burden to me by not filing anything, and he has helped judge Brunetti and the county attorneys office
(DELAY) this case. Jason Wiske also violated KRPC Rule 8.3(b) Reporting Professional Misconduct
because he never reported Judge Jennifer Brunetti for the (DELAY) in this case even though it violated
the code of judicial conduct Rule 2.3 Competence and Diligence. Attorney Jason Wiske has also violated
KRPC Rule 8.4(a)(c)(f)(g) Misconduct because he has failed to follow the Kansas Rules of Professional

I have sent a complaint in on Jason Wiske with the office of disciplinary administrator to be investigated
for failing to perform his job duties competently in accordance with the Kansas Rules of Professional
Conduct. I filed a complaint against Judge Jennifer Brunetti and she already recused from this case so
that you can see where attorney Wiske failed to follow Rule KRPC8.3(b) Reporting Professional
Misconduct on Judge Brunetti for continuing (7) different preliminary hearings before she had to
continue the (8th) preliminary hearing because she realized she didn't have subject-matter jurisdiction to
hear this case due to a conflict of interest and that is why she recused.

the internet filed in the case of State of Kansas vs. Muriece William Scholes in case number 2017CR287P
and how unethical the Crawford County attorneys office and Michael Gayoso was in that case. I will not
accept any plea bargain and I want to go to trial and Michael Gayoso and his county attorney office will
not force and coerce me into pleading to anything that I did not do like they forced Muriece William
Scholes to do when he was illegally arrested and had to take a plea bargain of assault on an inmate
which he did not do and get out of jail after one and half years because he was first illegally charged
with attempted murder then illegally charged again for sexual assault on a mentally retarded man who
should not even been in the Crawford County Jail which he did not do and had to take a plea bargain of
simple assault and time served because he was facing over (20) years of prison!!!! Former Crawford
County sheriff Dan Peak, the undersheriff, and deputy Stu Hite all (RESIGNED) after OUSTER
COMPLAINTS were filed on them in that case but it seems the county attorneys office in Crawford
County are still trying to prosecute cases and not follow any KANSASSTATUTESon preliminary hearings
and speedy trials just like they did in the case of Muriece William Scholes and just cheat because they all
know each other here in Crawford County and Michael Gayoso and judge Jennifer Brunetti are good

Please do something about all these area conflicts of interest between court appointed area attorneys,
Crawford County judges, and the Crawford County Attorneys Office. Michael Gayoso and the Crawford
County Attorneys office has also violated the Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct in this case and my
attorney judge Jennifer Brunetti and chief judge Oliver Lynch have both failed to report the county
attorneys office for misconduct of the following violations of KRPCRule 3.1 Meritorious Claims and
Contentions because Christina Lyod continues to try to prosecute a case that she knows she has (NO
EVIDENCE) to convict on with a jury because she admitted to my attorney Jason Wiske that (THERE IS

The county attorney's office is attempting to force me to take a plea bargain which is not going to
happen. Michael Gayoso also violated KRPCRule 3.3(a)(1)(2) Candor Toward the Tribunal because his
office has not been prepared and had to continue (7) different preliminary hearings and this case had to
be continued because the county attorneys office were not prepared with my Discovery because I
should have had my Discovery months before one of the scheduled preliminary hearings that had to be
rescheduled and instead I received my DISCOVERY(5) minutes before the continued preliminary and
Judge Jennifer Brunetti was mad and furious at Crawford County Attorneys Office and the attorney
Christina Lyod for their incompetence and DELAY.

Judge Jennifer Brunetti and chief judge Oliver Lynch never reported Christina Lyod and supervisor
Michael Gayoso and his office for misconduct under Rule 2.15(B)(D) Responding to Judicial and lawyer

I will also next be filing an (OUSTER COMPLAINT) on county attorney Michael Gayoso if he continues on
attempting to prosecute this case without any evidence of me selling drugs (which Christina Lyod
already admitted to my attorney Wiske) and if Michael Gayoso/Christina Lyod do not (DISMISS THE CASE
UNDER K.S.A. 22-3402(2) because Mr. Gayoso has continued to not follow the statutes for getting
someone to court on time for a scheduled preliminary hearing and the speedy trial (lBO) days under the
6 amendment like he did in the Maurice William Scholes case I will file another OUSTER COMPLAINT
on him for his continued DElAY and disrespect for the s" amendment ofthe UNITED STATESFEDERAL
CONSTITUTION unless he wants to start following the Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct and the
Kansas Criminal Code which honor scheduled preliminary hearings without good cause shown getting
continued (7) times.

Judge Brunetti continued this case (7) times before I had to finally file a complaint on her for a conflict of
interest and DELAY.

case since Judge Brunetti failed to recuse herself on her own from this case for over (1) year until an
ethic complaint was filed against her. It now seems my attorney has grounds to dismiss this case
because my due process rights have been violated and this case should be an easy appeal win/vacate a
VOID judgment if I get (CHEATED AT TRIAL AND LOSE) because of Judge Brunetti's failure to recuse.

1. Judge's duty to recused discussed in test to determine if defendant received fair trial without due
process rights violation. State v. Alderson, 260 Kan. 445, 922 P.2d 435 (1996).

2. Two-part test in deciding whether to vacate judgment because of a judge's failure to recuse
discussed. Subway Restaurants, Inc. v. Kessler, 266 Kan. 433, 970 P.2d 526 (1998).

TO JUDICIAL CONDUCT that shows how serious EX-PARTEconversations are since Judge Brunetti
seemed to have an EX-PARTEconversation with Jason Wiske and Christina Lyod whispering about the
complaint I filed about Judge Brunetti. There also seems to be an Ex-Parte conversation because the
motion for Discovery was filed by Jason Wiske on 3/12/19 and signed by the judge the same day 3-12-19
without a scheduled court hearing (7) days later like the court statute says. Jennifer Brunetti also
informed my attorney Jason Wiske sometime that if I did not take a plea bargain and go to trial my
punishment would be worse if I went to trial.
1. Judge's ex parte meeting with the family of homicide victim and ex parte consideration of petition
requesting imposition of harsh punishment denied defendant a fair sentencing hearing: Rule 601, Canon
3A(4} and Rule 601A, Canon 3B(7} cited. State v. Scales, 261 Kan. 734,933 P.2d 737 {1997}.

2. Judge's ex parte conversation with her long-time attorney friend regarding the pending case was
found inappropriate under Rule 601A, Canons 1, 2A, and 3B(7}. Subway Restaurants, Inc. v. Kessler, 266
Kan. 433, 970 P.2d 526 (1998).

Please investigate attorneys Michael Gayoso, Jason Wiske, and Christina Lyod for their unethical
behavior in this case and I would like for your commission to request the court video on 1-28-2020 at
10:00 to show how all (3) Christina Lyod, Jason Wiske, and judge Jennifer Brunetti whispered and
colluded on the stand and the court reporter could not even report what they were whispering about
because judge Brunetti asked them for a side bar and they covered the microphone so no one could
hear but them.

I think this is when Jason Wiske whispered to Jennifer Brunetti and Christina Lyod that I also filed a
complaint against Jennifer Brunetti for DELAY and I wanted him to DISMISS the case which he won't do.
This is another Ex-Parte conversation and the video camera will show it and I would like for your
commission to request EVERYCOURT TRANSCRIPT in this case for these complaints to show that judge
Brunetti admitted on record that she knew me since I was little and that would have no effect on this
case. I also want the court transcript to show that on 1-28-2020 when they had a side bar the court
reporter quit typing and that is when they discussed the other part of my ethic complaint I filed on judge
Brunetti which was for DELAY.

I am filing this ethic complaint in accordance with Kansas Supreme Court Rule 223 Immunity and code of
judicial conduct Rule 2.16(A)(B}Cooperation with Disciplinary Authorities to avoid any retaliation by
Jennifer Brunetti or Oliver Lynch.

Thanks and I appreciate an investigation into both 11th district judges Jennifer Brunetti and Chief Judge
Oliver Lynch.


Max Griffin

610 W. Forrest

Pittsburg Ks 66762

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