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Successive Free Listing: Using

Multiple Free Lists to Generate
Explanatory Models

University of Missouri
Macro International, Inc.

Successive free listing is a data collection technique that links multiple free lists
together in a single interview. The technique can be incorporated into naturally
occurring conversations and is readily understood by informants. It also generates
more information about the similarity between items than do standard free-listing
tasks and allows investigators to better describe intracultural variation among infor-
mants. Data from Yoder’s ethnomedical study of childhood diarrhea in Zaire are
used to demonstrate how the technique works and how the data can be analyzed. The
authors warn that successive free listing is not a substitute for more formal frame
substitute techniques, and investigators may wish to use the technique early in the
research process to systematically explore and describe the multiple relationships
between items in a domain.

Free listing is a common elicitation technique in the social sciences (Weller

and Romney 1988; Bernard 1994; Borgatti 1999). Researchers use free lists
to identify items in a cultural domain and to calculate each item’s relative
psychological or cultural salience (i.e., prominence, importance, familiarity,
or representativeness). Other researchers use free lists to measure cognitive
characteristics of informants, including their knowledge of a domain and
their categorization patterns (Gatewood 1983; Brewer 1995; Robbins and
Nolan 1997).
In this article, we show how multiple free lists can be linked together in a
single interview. In the spirit of successive pilesorts (Boster 1994), we refer to
this type of data collection as a successive free list. We use data from Yoder’s
(1995) published ethnomedical study of childhood diarrhea in Zaire to dem-

We thank H. Russell Bernard, Susan Weller, Jeffrey Johnson, and two anonymous reviewers for
their invaluable comments on earlier drafts of this article. Funding for this project was provided
by the National Science Foundation (grant no. RB:9811166).
Field Methods, Vol. 12, No. 2, May 2000 83–107
© 2000 Sage Publications, Inc.

onstrate how the technique works. We argue that successive free listing is a
natural data collection technique that is readily understood by informants.
The procedure also generates more information about the similarity between
items than does standard free listing and allows the investigators to better
describe intracultural variation among informants.


Researchers typically identify items in a cultural domain by asking infor-

mants to “list all the kinds of X that you can think of.” Step A in Figure 1
shows how such lists are easily converted into informant-by-item matrices.
The cells of the matrix are filled with the rank order in which each informant
mentioned each item. These data are often dichotomized to ones and zeros to
represent whether an informant mentioned an item or not (step B in Figure 1).
Informant-by-item matrices allow researchers to make statements about
the items in the domain or the informant’s knowledge of the domain. Most
researchers first perform a univariate analysis of the items by calculating
each item’s frequency of occurrence. Items that occur more often are
assumed to be more salient in the domain. Additional measures of item sali-
ence can also be calculated by considering the order of an item’s occurrence
in individual lists and the frequency of an item’s occurrence across all lists
(Smith 1993; Robbins and Nolan 1997; Smith and Borgatti 1998).
An informant’s knowledge of a domain can be calculated by simply total-
ing the number of items mentioned or by using more sophisticated techniques
that assign more weight to certain items than others. For example, consensus
analysis calculates a measure of knowledge by first identifying those infor-
mants who agree most with everyone else and weighting their answers more
than informants who are more idiosyncratic (for reviews of consensus analy-
sis, see Romney, Weller, and Batchelder 1986; Romney 1999).
The similarity between items and between informants can also be calcu-
lated from the informant-by-item matrix. To do so, however, investigators
must make some crude assumptions. First, they must assume that contiguous
items are more similar than are items that occur far apart (Henley 1969). Sec-
ond, items that are mentioned by the same informants are assumed to be more
similar than are items that are mentioned by different informants. Granting
these assumptions, researchers can calculate the similarity between any pair
of items by correlating the corresponding columns of data in the informant-
by-item matrix. Doing this for all possible pairs of items produces an item-
by-item similarity matrix (step C in Figure 1). The same techniques can be
used to create an informant-by-informant similarity matrix (step D in Figure 1).
Matrices Created from Standard Free Lists

Such similarity matrices can be analyzed with multidimensional scaling and

cluster analysis (Chick and Roberts 1987). For example, Borgatti (1999)
showed how such an analysis of the item-by-item matrix can identify core
and periphery items in a domain. Johnson (1990) suggested that an analysis
of the informant-by-informant matrix will help investigators identify key and
idiosyncratic informants.
Standard free-list data are limited in that they produce only a two-mode,
informant-by-item matrix. Relationships between items or people are based
solely on the similarity of the content and organization of informants’ lists.
Investigators are left to generalize about the rules informants use to order or
categorize listed items.


Successive free lists overcome this limitation by linking multiple lists

together. The technique uses standard free-list results as cues for additional
sets of free lists. The researcher begins by asking informants to list all the
items they know in a particular domain. Once the list has been completed, the
researcher uses each item mentioned as a prompt for an additional set (or sets)
of free lists. For example, Trotter (1981:108–9) asked 378 Mexican Ameri-
can informants to list all the home remedies they knew. For each home rem-
edy, interviewers asked informants to list the types of illnesses treated by the
remedy, a description of the method of preparation, and a case description of
a known use of the remedy. In all, Trotter collected 1,235 descriptions (what
he calls “cases”) of home remedies.
Successive free lists have been used in a number of other ethnomedical
studies. Crandon-Malamud (1991) used a technique similar to Trotter’s.
While living in a small Bolivian town, Crandon-Malamud identified 110
local illness terms through semistructured interviews with informants. She
then asked 38 residents to list the symptoms, etiology, and cures for each ill-
ness. Ryan, Martínez, and Pelto (1996) showed thirty mothers from rural
Mexico twenty short video clips of children with acute respiratory illnesses.
For each clip, the researchers asked mothers to diagnose what illness the
child had, list the signs of the illness, name its potential causes, and explain
how they would treat it. Ryan and colleagues found that the technique elicited
more terms than did standard free-list techniques and that the task was intui-
tively simple for informants.
Successive free lists have also been used in ethnobotanic studies. For
instance, Nolan and Robbins (1999) asked fourteen Ozark folk plant experts
to list all the native medicinal species they knew. For each plant, the research-

ers asked about its use, which parts were used, and how it was prepared.
Experts listed thirty-nine plants and over 200 applications. Ethnobotanical
methods manuals allude to a successive free-listing technique but don’t spell
out the steps in detail (e.g., Martin 1995:214; Cotton 1996).
By far the largest successive free listing we found is an ethnomedical
study conducted by Berlin and Berlin (1996) among the highland Maya in
Mexico. The Berlins’ research team asked 351 local informants (including
161 healers) to help identify and locate plants that had medicinal properties.
The experts named approximately 1,650 species of plants from 750 genera
and 150 families. From this list of plants, Berlin and Berlin selected 204 of
the most commonly mentioned species and pressed them into a “Traveling
Herbarium.” They then showed the pressed plants to 126 knowledgeable
informants (63 males and 63 females from fourteen municipalities). They
asked each informant “to name each specimen, specify the health conditions
it was used to treat, indicate any other plant species mixed with it in the prepa-
ration of the herbal remedy, and note why the particular species was thought
to have the power to cure” (pp. 81–82).
Berlin and Berlin’s (1996) analysis was extensive (almost 350 pages) and
provides a detailed description of ethnobotanical remedies for three groups
of gastrointestinal illnesses: diarrheas, abdominal pains, and worms. Most of
the analysis, however, is limited to univariate and bivariate relationships.
Ryan (1998) suggested that these data could be analyzed further by examin-
ing the multivariate relationships between signs and symptoms, illness types,
and treatments; and how these relationships vary across physical, biological,
epidemiological, and linguistic landscapes. We believe that the techniques
described below will be particularly helpful.


To illustrate the potential of successive free lists, we reanalyzed Yoder’s

(1995) data on Lubumbashi mothers’ classification of childhood diarrhea.
Yoder and his colleague Jean Bihini conducted interviews with thirty-nine
small groups of Lubumbashi mothers to discuss their knowledge of child-
hood illnesses. Yoder first asked them to identify the childhood illnesses they
knew, asking the question in a variety of ways (which illnesses affect children
here, which illnesses affect children in their first two years, etc.). For the first
five or six groups, Yoder focused on getting an extensive list of illnesses that
affected children, gradually building up a list of symptoms and treatments
associated with many of them. Working from the symptoms given by the
mothers, Yoder eventually identified six illnesses related to diarrhea in the

biomedical sense. These included kuhara, kilonda ntumbo, lukunga,

kasumbi, buse, and kantembele.
Next, Yoder asked more groups of mothers about these illnesses specifi-
cally. These interviews were neither focus groups nor standard free-list inter-
views, but rather natural, open-ended conversations. Yoder built on the
answers given by the mothers and was careful not to provide any information
that might bias their responses.
The results of Yoder’s group interviews are published in an appendix to
the article “Examining Ethnomedical Diagnosis and Treatment Choices for
Diarrheal Disorders in Lubumbashi Swahili” (1995:233–45). We have repro-
duced some of these data in Table 1. The table shows descriptions for three
illnesses taken from three of the group interviews. Each row in the table rep-
resents one group’s description of a particular illness.


As Yoder (1995) notes, the data in his appendix (our Table 1) can be read
vertically and horizontally. A horizontal reading shows the signs and symp-
toms, causes, and treatments that a single group associated with each illness.
A vertical reading provides a measure of how groups provided similar
responses when queried about signs and symptoms, causes, and treatments.
In our reanalysis, we converted Yoder’s (1995) qualitative data into sev-
eral matrices. The trick was to treat each column of data as if it were a sepa-
rate free list and each description as if it were a single informant. In Yoder’s
case, 24 groups gave complete descriptions of kuhara, 21 described kilonda
ntumbo, 25 described lukunga, 20 described kasumbi, 11 described kantem-
bele, and 5 described buse. In all, there were 106 descriptions or “informants”
and three free lists (signs and symptoms, causes, and treatments).
Figure 2 outlines the general steps in this process. The data to the left of the
figure include five descriptions and two lists (signs and symptoms and treat-
ments) taken from Table 1. The first description is of kuhara. Mothers in
group 1 associated the illness with frequent stools, vomiting, fever, and no
appetite. They recommended treating the illness with sugar-salt solutions
(SSS), rice water, and juice. The fourth description is also of kuhara, but
comes from mothers in group 2. They associated kuhara with frequent and
watery stools, weakness, and thirst. These mothers recommended going to
the health center, or treating the illness with SSS, terramyacin, rice water, or

(text continues on p. 92)

Illness Descriptions from Three Groups of Mothers

Group ID Illness Sign and Symptom Cause Treatment

1 Kuhara Frequent stools, vomiting, Teething, poorly prepared bottle, SSS, rice water, carrot juice, guava
fever, no appetite intestinal worms, diarrhea from juice
walking, eating dirt (ground),
2 Kuhara Frequent stools, watery stools, Bad food, teething, intestinal worms, Go to health center, SSS and ORS,
general weakness, intense thirst bottle-feeding, eating dirt (ground) terramyacin, rice water, carrot juice
3 Kuhara Very frequent stools, no appetite, Unboiled water, bad food, poorly Rice water, SSS
listlessness, crying, thirsty prepared milk, eating many different
kinds of food, intestinal worms
1 Kilonda ntumbo Fever, stools with undigested food, Food that is too sweet, fruit that is Put Vicks on anus; put banana leaves
watery stools, very frequent stools not ripe and palm oil on anus
2 Kilonda ntumbo Rash on buttocks, very frequent Eating foods that are too sweet, e.g., Put Vicks on anus; suppository of
stools, anus becomes enlarged porridge, sweetened drinks, tea tomato leaves
3 Kilonda ntumbo Rash on buttocks, frequent stools, Food that is too sweet, suckers Put Vicks on anus; sit in basin of
anus becomes enlarged, stools (candy), mangos that are not ripe water containing mango bark
with undigested matter, stools
containing fibrous matter
1 Lukunga Very frequent stools, clacking of the If a mother eats fish called kabambale Any plant picked up at a crossroads
tongue, vomiting, sunken fontanelle, or mulonge, she may give birth to a can be burned and mixed with palm
spots/bumps on palate child with lukunga oil and local salt and applied to


TABLE 1 Continued

Group ID Illness Sign and Symptom Cause Treatment

2 Lukunga Frequent stools, clacking of the A child can be born with it, bottle- Burn the head of mulonge fish and
tongue, split in the palate, sunken feeding a child mix with palm oil and local salt to
fontanelle, green stools apply to palate; apply a mixture of
burned banana bark, palm oil, and
local salt to palate
3 Lukunga Clacking of the tongue, intense thirst, Sorcery Burn some trash from the market, mix
sunken fontanelle, spots/bumps with palm oil and local salt to apply
on palate to palate
SOURCE: Adapted from Yoder (1995:233–45).
NOTE: SSS = sugar-salt solutions; ORS = oral rehydration solutions.
Matrices Created from Successive Free Lists

NOTE: Example data taken from Table 1. SSS = sugar-salt solutions.


To convert the textual data into matrices, we first typed each column (list)
into a separate text file. We then used ANTHROPAC’s (Borgatti 1992) free-
list procedure to identify the unique items in each list.2 In the process,
ANTHROPAC automatically converted each free list into a description-by-
item matrix (steps A1 and A2 in Figure 2).3 The numbers in the cell indicate
the order in which each item was encountered in the original description. For
example, the second row of the description-by-sign/symptom matrix indi-
cates that frequent stools (a) was encountered fourth, fever (c) first, and undi-
gested food (e) second. Vomiting (b), fever (c), and no appetite (d) were not
found in the second description.
In all, we found 123 unique signs and symptoms, 142 causes, and 191
treatments. To simplify each list, we combined similar items into categories.
For example, we lumped causes associated with drinking poorly prepared
milk, bottle-feeding, and no breast feeding under the category “bottle-
feeding.” We performed similar procedures on the signs and symptoms and
treatments. For instance, we categorized all the different concoctions that
were applied to the palate and fontanelle as one kind of treatment and all the
different teas created with leaves as another kind of treatment.
After lumping similar items together, we counted the number of times that
our reduced set of signs and symptoms, causes, or treatments was mentioned.
To eliminate idiosyncratic items, we adopted a simple inclusion criterion: An
item had to be used by more than 20% of the groups to describe at least one of
the six illness categories. We identified twenty-seven key items for signs and
symptoms, fifteen for causes, and eighteen for treatments—sixty items in all.
Finally, we merged the three matrices into a single description-by-item
matrix, with 106 descriptions and sixty items (step B in Figure 2).4 In the
process, we dichotomized the matrix to indicate which items were mentioned
in each description and which were not.
The simplest way to analyze this matrix is to calculate the frequency and
percentage of groups that spontaneously mentioned each of the sixty items
(step C in Figure 2). For example, the first row of the summary table in Figure
2 indicates fever (a) was mentioned in all descriptions of kuhara and lukunga
and in 50% of the descriptions of kilonda. The data from the entire study are
summarized in Table 2. The table reduces Yoder’s (1995) original data to 360
cells and allows us to compare the six illnesses across the sixty items (or fea-
tures). Such large summary tables are commonly found in ethnomedical and
ethnobotanical studies, usually in appendixes (e.g., Finkler 1985; Hatfield
1994; Gardner 1995; Figueiredo, Hermógenes, and Begossi 1997; Nazarea

(text continues on p. 96)

Frequency and Percentage of Mentioning Signs and Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments from Thirty-Nine Discussion Groups

Kuhara Kilonda Ntumbo Lukunga Kasumbi Buse Kantembele Total

(n = 24) (n = 21) (n = 25) (n = 20) (n = 5) (n = 11) (n = 106)

Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %

Signs and symptoms

Watery stool 19 79.2 2 9.5 18 72.0 3 15.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 43 40.6
Frequent stools 10 41.7 16 76.2 2 8.0 11 55.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 40 37.7
Loss of appetite 12 50.0 9 42.9 2 8.0 3 15.0 4 80.0 3 27.3 33 31.1
Weakness 20 83.3 1 4.8 1 4.0 0 0.0 4 80.0 0 0.0 26 24.5
Sunken fontanelle 1 4.2 0 0.0 24 96.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 25 23.6
Tongue clacking 0 0.0 0 0.0 24 96.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 24 22.6
Rash on buttocks 1 4.2 10 47.6 0 0.0 12 60.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 23 21.7
Fever 9 37.5 8 38.1 0 0.0 1 5.0 2 40.0 2 18.2 22 20.8
Very frequent stools 9 37.5 3 14.3 2 8.0 6 30.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 21 19.8
Fibrous matter in stools 3 12.5 16 76.2 0 0.0 1 5.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 20 18.9
Crying 3 12.5 0 0.0 1 4.0 9 45.0 2 40.0 4 36.4 19 17.9
Red groin 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 16 80.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 16 15.1
Vomiting 3 12.5 0 0.0 12 48.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 15 14.2
Thirst and dehydration 12 50.0 0 0.0 3 12.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 15 14.2
Bloody stools 0 0.0 13 61.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 13 12.3
High fever 2 8.3 1 4.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 72.7 11 10.4
Red mouth 0 0.0 1 4.8 1 4.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 9 81.8 11 10.4
Bumps and spots
on palate 0 0.0 0 0.0 11 44.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 11 10.4
Diarrhea 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 10 90.9 10 9.4


TABLE 2 Continued

Kuhara Kilonda Ntumbo Lukunga Kasumbi Buse Kantembele Total

(n = 24) (n = 21) (n = 25) (n = 20) (n = 5) (n = 11) (n = 106)

Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %

Red eyes 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 10 90.9 10 9.4

Cold 0 0.0 1 4.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 72.7 9 8.5
Loss of weight 2 8.3 0 0.0 2 8.0 2 10.0 2 40.0 0 0.0 8 7.5
Dehydration 7 29.2 0 0.0 1 4.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 7.5
Red anus 0 0.0 7 33.3 0 0.0 1 5.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 7.5
Sunken palate 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 32.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 7.5
Festering sores 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 30.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 5.7
Body rash 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 36.4 4 3.8
Bottle-feeding 15 62.5 0 0.0 7 28.0 0 0.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 23 21.7
Intestinal worms 21 87.5 1 4.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 22 20.8
Eating foods that are
too sweet 1 4.2 19 90.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 20 18.9
Eating too many
kinds of food 6 25.0 13 61.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 19 17.9
Unknown 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 24.0 12 60.0 0 0.0 1 9.1 19 17.9
Teething 17 70.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 17 16.0
Other illnesses 7 29.2 0 0.0 2 8.0 6 30.0 0 0.0 2 18.2 17 16.0
Mother’s negligence 8 33.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 20.0 4 80.0 0 0.0 16 15.1
Mother’s worrying 12 50.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 60.0 0 0.0 15 14.2
Eating bad food 13 54.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 13 12.3
Drinking dirty water 11 45.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 11 10.4
Child is born with it 0 0.0 0 0.0 11 44.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 11 10.4
Learning to walk 8 33.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 7.5
Eating poorly prepared
food 6 25.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 7 6.6
Dehydration 0 0.0 0 0.0 7 28.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 7 6.6
Local salt and palm oil 0 0.0 0 0.0 25 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 25 23.6
Sugar and salt solution
(SSS) 20 83.3 0 0.0 3 12.0 1 5.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 24 22.6
Rice water 22 91.7 0 0.0 1 4.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 23 21.7
Sit in mango bark
water 1 4.2 17 81.0 0 0.0 1 5.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 19 17.9
Suppositories 1 4.2 17 81.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 18 17.0
Salve on sores 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 17 85.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 17 16.0
Salve on anus 1 4.2 13 61.9 0 0.0 1 5.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 15 14.2
Enemas (of various
types) 1 4.2 4 19.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 10 90.9 15 14.2
Juice 12 50.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 9.1 13 12.3
Teas (of leaves) 10 41.7 1 4.8 0 0.0 1 5.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 11.3
Traditional medicine 2 8.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 20.0 5 100.0 0 0.0 11 10.4
Charcoal powder in
water 10 41.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 10 9.4
Other 1 4.2 1 4.8 1 4.0 2 10.0 0 0.0 4 36.4 9 8.5
White clay 8 33.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 7.5
Orange soda 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 7 63.6 7 6.6
Worm medicine 6 25.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 5.7
Take the child from
its parents 1 4.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 60.0 0 0.0 4 3.8
Rub external medicine
on body 0 0.0 1 4.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 27.3 4 3.8


Correspondence Analysis of Signs and Symptoms,
Causes, and Treatments by Six Illnesses

NOTE: SSS = sugar-salt solutions.

1998). These tables can be further subdivided to focus on more specific com-
parisons. For example, Yoder (1995:218) compared the most frequently
mentioned symptoms for kuhara, kilonda ntumbo, and lukunga.
Large summary tables such as Table 2, however, make it difficult to com-
pare illnesses at the aggregate level. For instance, we would be hard pressed
to answer the question: “Is kuhara more similar to kilonda ntumbo or more
similar to lukunga?” based on our reading of Table 2. The problem can be
solved by using correspondence analysis (step D in Figure 2).

Correspondence analysis is a practical technique for exploring and

describing tables of categorical data (Greenacre 1984; Weller and Romney
1990; Greenacre and Blasius 1994; for an exceptionally clear description of
the technique, see Watts 1997). The technique scales the rows and columns of
a table into the same multidimensional space. It can be used on both large and
small samples and is relatively insensitive to cells with low or no cases. Fig-
ure 3 shows the results of a correspondence analysis of Table 2. The relative
distance between items in the graph represents the relative associations
between the rows and columns in Table 2.
The graphic representation suggests that kantembele and lukunga are dis-
tinct from the other four illnesses, which tend to cluster together at the right-
hand side of the figure. Kantembele is strongly associated with body rash,
diarrhea, red eyes and mouth, high fever, and having a cold. The illness is
treated with orange soda, enemas of various types, and external medicines
that are rubbed on the body. On the other hand, lukunga is associated with
sunken fontanelle, sunken and spotted palate, tongue clacking, and vomiting.
Yoder’s (1995) groups of mothers believed that the illness could be caused by
dehydration or that some children could be born with it. The illness is best
cured by applying mixtures of salt and palm oil to the fontanelle and palate.
These strong associations can be checked against the original data in Table 2.
The dense clustering of the remaining signs and symptoms, causes, and
treatments around the other four illnesses makes it difficult to determine how
they differ from one another. One solution would be to run a correspondence
analysis using only the data for kilonda ntumbo, kasumbi, kuhara, and buse.
To do this, we eliminated the kantembele and lukunga columns in Table 2. We
applied our original inclusion criteria (for a feature to be included, it had to be
used by more than 20% of the groups to describe at least one of the illness
categories), which eliminated eighteen additional features. Figure 4 shows
the resulting correspondence analysis. Clearly, of the four remaining ill-
nesses, kilonda ntumbo is the most different, followed by kasumbi. Buse and
kuhara remain almost indistinguishable—in terms of the signs and symp-
toms, causes, and treatments that distinguish them.
Figures 3 and 4 tell us how similar the illnesses are to one another but fail
to demonstrate the boundaries of each illness and the degree to which ill-
nesses overlap each other. The problem lies not in correspondence analysis
but in the use of the summary data of Table 2. By aggregating the data across
the descriptions, we had lost the intracultural variation among informants (in
Yoder’s [1995] case, groups of mothers). It is the variation among informants
that defines the boundaries of abstract constructs (Ryan 1999).

Correspondence Analysis of Signs and Symptoms,
Causes, and Treatments by Four Illnesses

NOTE: SSS = sugar-salt solutions.

To examine the extent to which the six illness categories overlap based on
their signs and symptoms, we performed a correspondence analysis on the
description-by-sign matrix, with 106 descriptions and twenty-seven signs
(step E in Figure 2).5 The analysis plots each of the 106 descriptions in the
same space as the twenty-seven signs. Figure 5 shows the results. We have
labeled the 106 descriptions with symbols to represent the six illnesses. The
interdispersion of the symbols shows where one illness overlaps with
another. We can also use the coordinates of the descriptions to calculate 95%

confidence intervals for each illness category.6 The size of the ellipses
indicates the amount of intergroup agreement. The smaller the ellipse, the
more agreement there is about an illness’s features (in this case, signs and
Based on the twenty-seven most common signs and symptoms, kantem-
bele is quite distinct from the other illnesses, and lukunga only slightly over-
laps with kuhara and buse. There is, however, quite a strong overlap between
kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi, suggesting that groups of mothers are not in
agreement on how to distinguish between these illnesses. The confidence
interval around buse is relatively large because only four groups described
the signs and symptoms associated with the illness.
To identify which illness categories overlapped based on their recom-
mended treatments, we ran a correspondence analysis on the description-by-
treatment matrix, with 106 descriptions and eighteen treatments. Figure 6
displays the results. Clearly, lukunga is treated differently from the other five
illnesses. Checking the data in Table 2, we find that all groups agreed that the
illness should be treated by applying a local salt and palm oil mixture to the
palate and fontanelle. Furthermore, this particular treatment is not associated
with any other illness category.
Figure 6 also supports Yoder’s (1995) contention that illness labels are
strongly associated with specific treatments. With the exception of buse,
which is treated in a manner similar to kasumbi, the illness categories denote
specific treatment recommendations. We see far less overlap among illness
categories when descriptions are scaled based on treatments in Figure 6 than
when they are scaled based on signs and symptoms in Figure 5. It is interest-
ing to note that whereas kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi were hard to distin-
guish based on signs and symptoms in Figure 5, they are treated as distinct ill-
nesses in Figure 6. This appears to be a clear case of mothers’ treatment
behaviors being more strongly associated with the diagnostic category
assigned to the illness rather than the signs and symptoms observed.
Finally, Figure 7 shows what happens when we combine signs and symp-
toms and treatments in the same matrix (step E in Figure 2). Lukunga and
kantembele are seen as distinct illnesses, with their own sets of signs and
symptoms and corresponding treatments. Kuhara is relatively distinct, but
overlaps slightly with kasumbi. Kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi share the most
overlap, although for some groups they were very distinct. Buse overlaps
with kasumbi, kuhara, and kilonda ntumbo probably because of its small
sample size.

(text continues on p. 103)


Correspondence Analysis of Signs and Symptoms by Illness with 95% Confidence Intervals
Correspondence Analysis of Treatment by Illness with 95% Confidence Intervals

NOTE: SSS = sugar-salt solutions.


Correspondence Analysis of Signs and Symptoms and Treatment by Illness with 95% Confidence Intervals

NOTE: SSS = sugar-salt solutions.



Yoder (1995) examined the central characteristics associated with each of

the six types of diarrhea. He concluded that illness diagnosis was based
largely on observed symptoms and that choice of treatments varied according
to ethnomedical diagnosis.7 Our analysis expanded on Yoder’s original work.
First, we converted Yoder’s tables of textual data into aggregate illness-by-
item matrices. We then used correspondence analysis on these matrices to
assess the similarity between illnesses. For example, Figure 3 shows us how
distinct kantembele and lukunga are from the other illnesses, and Figure 4
shows us how kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi are different from kuhara and
Next, we examined the degree to which groups agreed with each other
about illness signs and symptoms and treatments. We used the agreement
between the groups as a proxy for drawing boundaries for six abstract ill-
nesses. When all illnesses are displayed together, as in Figures 5–7, we can
discover which illness boundaries overlap. For example, Figure 5 shows that
kantembele and lukunga are readily distinguishable by their signs and symp-
toms, whereas kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi are less clearly delineated. The
overlap between kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi shows that there is some dis-
agreement between groups in terms of illness diagnosis. The fact that there is
so little overlap in Figure 6 between kilonda ntumbo and kasumbi8 strongly
supports Yoder’s claim that ethnomedical diagnoses influence treatment
As a data collection technique, successive free listing is not new.
Researchers from a variety of fields—most notably ethnomedicine and eth-
nobotany—have developed and used the procedure independently. Like stan-
dard free lists, successive free lists are easy to administer and can be applied
to literate and nonliterate informants. Successive free listing offers an advan-
tage over standard free listing in that it provides a systematic way of collect-
ing additional data on each of the original items mentioned by informants.
This extra information allows researchers to understand more fully the multi-
ple relationships between the items in the original list.
The data generated from successive free listing are similar to those gener-
ated by more formal frame substitution methods (for overviews of these tech-
niques, see Weller and Romney 1988; Bernard 1994). Both techniques ulti-
mately produce item-by-feature matrices. The techniques differ, however, in
the role that investigators play in determining which items and which features
are ultimately included in these matrices. In the case of frame substitution,
investigators select a finite list of items and features before querying infor-
mants about the relationships. (Typically, investigators base their decisions

on prior ethnographic studies.) In the case of successive free listing, investi-

gators make choices about which items and features to include after they have
collected data from informants.
Is one technique a substitute for the other? We suggest not. During early
stages of a research project, investigators may wish to use successive free lists
to systematically explore and describe the multiple relationships between
items in a domain. At later stages, investigators may wish to use the formal-
ism of frame substitution techniques to test more specific hypotheses.
In addition to showing how successive free lists can be used to generate
rich relational data, we present three techniques for analyzing such data sets.
Typically, successive free lists have been summarized in item-by-feature
tables similar to our Table 2. These tables tend to be expansive and are usually
difficult to interpret. For such complex tables, we show that correspondence
analysis can be a helpful tool for graphically displaying aggregate patterns
among items and features. We suggest, however, that the real power of suc-
cessive free lists lies in their ability to capture intracultural variation from
open-ended questions. By treating each description as if it were a separate
item, we can construct a description-by-feature matrix. We can then use cor-
respondence analysis on this matrix to display not only the central features of
abstract items and constructs but also their boundaries and overlaps.
The power of combining qualitative and quantitative techniques is best
seen in hindsight. We started with qualitative descriptions similar to those
displayed in Table 1. We concluded with the rather complex, but highly inter-
pretable, graphics in Figures 5–7. Our analysis is in no way a substitute for
the detailed, ethnographic analysis originally done by Yoder (1995). Instead,
it is simply an extension of a rich database that a researcher had the foresight
to publish.


1. See Frake (1964) for an early formulation of linked lists.

2. ANTHROPAC 4.95X reads a file of informants’ free lists and converts it into an
informant-by-item matrix.
3. Note that in step A1, items are kinds of signs and symptoms. In step A2, however, items
are kinds of treatments.
4. We used ANTHROPAC’s merge function to create the master matrix. We used
ANTHROPAC’s row labels to keep track of which descriptions (rows) were associated with
each illness.
5. We have deviated slightly from conventions suggested by Weller and Romney
(1990:70–84), who recommend “doubling” matrices of dichotomous data. In our case, we found
that the doubling process had little effect on where the signs and symptoms and illness descrip-

tions were located on the first and second dimensions (r = .92 for dimension 1 and r = .89 for
dimension 2). Adding extra columns simply cluttered the final display and made interpretation
more difficult. We thank Susan Weller for pointing out this discrepancy.
6. We used several software programs to produce Figure 5. First, we created the description-
by-sign matrix, with 106 descriptions and twenty-seven signs, in ANTHROPAC and ran corre-
spondence analysis on it. We exported the resulting coordinate file and read the file into an Excel
spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet, we added a variable called “group” and categorized each
description as belonging to one of the six illness categories. We saved the file (in Excel 4.0 for-
mat) and imported it into Systat. We used Systat’s graphical functions to plot the coordinates and
calculate 95% confidence intervals for the six illnesses. We exported the resulting graphic (in
.wmf format) and imported it into PowerPoint, where we made the final cosmetic changes. We
followed similar steps to create Figures 6 and 7.
7. Yoder (1995) also concluded that etiology did not play a major role in illness classifica-
tion. Due to space limitations, we do not examine Yoder’s conclusion here.
8. Such ambivalent diagnostic categories would allow a mother who had a child with fre-
quent or bloody stools, festering sores, and a red groin to make a preliminary diagnosis and treat
the child with appropriate remedies, and, if these failed, rediagnose the child and try another set
of treatments.


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GERY W. RYAN is an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Missouri.

Previously, he was associate director of the Fieldwork and Qualitative Data Laboratory
at the UCLA Medical School. His substantive interests in medical anthropology focus on
how laypeople select among treatment alternatives across illnesses and cultures. He has
conducted fieldwork in Mexico and Cameroon and has been published in Social Science
& Medicine, Human Organization, and Archives of Medical Research.

JUSTIN M. NOLAN is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Missouri. His research

interests include the conservation of regional cultures and folkways in the United States,
social ecology, ethnobiology, and the relations between cognition and emotion. Recent
publications include “A Measure of Semantic Category Clustering in Free-Listing
Tasks” (Field Methods, 2000) with Michael C. Robbins, and “Fear and Loathing at the
Cineplex: Gender Differences in Perceptions of Slasher Films” (Sex Roles, in press) with
Gery W. Ryan.

P. STANLEY YODER is a medical anthropologist and public health researcher who has
conducted research on local knowledge of illness and medicine and on the development
and evaluation of community health projects and media effectiveness in a dozen coun-
tries in Africa. He has served as senior research director at the University of Pennsylva-
nia’s Annenberg School for Communication and as a consultant for development agen-
cies. He has published numerous articles on illness, healing, and international health
issues in anthropology and public health journals. He is the editor of African Health and
Healing Systems (1982) and a special issue of Medical Anthropology Quarterly titled
Knowledge and Practice in International Health (1997), and the coeditor (with Jill Mac
Dougall) of Contaminating Theatre (1998), a book about the use of theatre and drama
for health.

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