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An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

The College of Hospitality Education
University of Mindanao
Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor

Of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management




September 18, 2019


The primary objective of the study was to measure the gastronomic

experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurant in Davao City. 400

questionnaires were administered to the diners’ in the ethnic restaurants, and

the gathered data were treated with the statistical tools such as Frequency

Count, Percentage, Mean, T-test and Pearson-R. The result of the study was

presented as follows: The gastronomic experience of the travelers’ was

excellent because of the hygiene and cleanliness offered by the ethnic

restaurants as evaluated by the respondents; the satisfaction of travelers’

towards the ethnic restaurants was highly satisfied as evaluated by the guest;

a significant relationship is found between travelers’ gastronomic experience

and satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City when analyzed.

This is beneficial to the restaurant owners to improve their food quality,

service quality, hygienic and cleanliness and physical environment. This will

also be beneficial to Hotel and Restaurant Management students and to

future researchers to easily utilize the gathered information which may help to

many restaurants establishments in the hospitality industry.

Keywords: gastronomic experience, satisfaction, ethnic restaurant, Davao


With the final completion of this study, the researchers would like to

express their gratitude and humble thanks to our Almighty God for the

continuous strength, wisdom, courage, knowledge and guidance from the

start of the study up to the end and may the Lord God will continue to bless

everyone to carry on and live in accordance to His will and commandments.

To the thesis adviser, Professor Hazel Princess M. Rebollo for her

unending support and assistance for sharing her expertise and knowledge

from the beginning up to the end, leading to the successful completion of the

research. To the research coordinator and panel, Professor Dindo D. Silud,

for his continuous support in assisting, evaluating, monitoring and correcting

our papers and also with the help of the assistant research coordinator and

panel, Professor Shiela Mai Vistal. To our statistician and data analyst,

Professor Angelito Gardose for helping us in analyzing the data.

To the establishments especially to Balik Bukid Farm and Kitchen and

Ittas Tribal Camp who participated during the gathering of data, with the kind

consideration of managers and supervisors who made this study possible.

To the family of the researchers for their endless support in the

financial, moral, and spiritual needs. And lastly, to our friends who helped in

motivating and encouraging us to finish this study. Thank you very Much!












Background of the study 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Hypothesis 3

Review of Related Literature 3

Theoretical Framework 18

Conceptual Framework 19

Significance of the Study 20

Definition of Terms 21

Research Design 22

Research Subject 22

Research Instrument 23

Data Gathering Procedure 25

Statistical Analysis of the Data 26


Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience 27

Travelers’ Satisfaction on Selected Ethnic 29


Correlational Relationship Between the 30

travelers’ Gastronomic Experience and Satisfaction
on Selected Ethnic Restaurants


Summary of Findings 32

Conclusion 33

Recommendation 33


A Appointment Letter to the Adviser

B Endorsement for Outline Defense

C Sample Questionnaire

D Letter to the Validators

E Summary of Ratings

F Letter to Conduct the Study

G Certificate of Appearance

H Letter of Appointment to the Statistician

I Statistician Certificate

J Endorsement to Final Defense

K Turnitin Certificate

L Grammarly Report

M Endorsement to the Beneficiaries

N Photo Documentation

O Ethics Memorandum of Agreement for Authorship



1 Profile of the Respondents 22

2 Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience 28

3 Travelers’ Satisfaction on Selected

Ethnic Restaurants 30

4 Correlational Relationship between Travelers’

Gastronomic Experience and Satisfaction On
Selected Ethnic Restaurants
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

As immigration, tourism, and international trade increased worldwide,

the role of ethnicity has become more vital not only in the business sector and

behavior of consumers but also in the food culture and food industry.

Customers who enjoy ethnic food have increased in number, and ethnic

restaurants have become mainstream and admired in the United States

(Rossiter & Chan, 2014). The research company published a report showed

that the diverse of the United States population strongly encourages the

growth of the ethnic industry in the country. Interestingly, as ethnic restaurants

become more attainable, a considerable number of foodborne illness

outbreaks in line with ethnic food were reported and investigated. The expert

conducted an investigation, and they found out that the foodborne illnesses

cases were because of the consumption of a contaminated multi-ingredient

from an ethnic food (Lee, Hwang & Mustapha, 2014).

In the global marketplace, gastronomic experience has not always

been so high on the tourism agenda. Many years back, food was known as a

necessity rather than an attraction, with the emphasis on serving large

numbers of guests as efficiently and cheaply as possible. In the past 20 years,

the positioning of food and gastronomy in the field has changed substantially.

Destinations have increasingly recognized their potentials as a major

attraction for visitors as a means of making places distinctive (Richards,

In Davao city, ethnic restaurants are limited and not a famous

restaurant. Maybe because they are lack service quality and food quality.

They failed to attract the travelers’ to come back to their restaurants; and also

they did not meet the expectation of their guests according to their

perceptions of satisfaction (Bilog, 2017).

It is in the above context that the researchers decided to conduct a

study on the identified factors of travelers' gastronomic experience and

satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants. There are existing studies above-

mentioned; however, those studies dealt only with the primary variable. This

study will determine the relationship between the travelers' gastronomic

experience and their satisfaction which the reviews mentioned earlier failed to

cover. It could be a contribution to new knowledge, particularly in the local

setting; hence, the conduct of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This research study was conducted to know and measure the traveler’s

gastronomic experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurants in

Davao City.

Specifically, it attempted to answer the following queries:

1. What is the level of travelers’ gastronomic experience on the selected

ethnic restaurants in terms of:

1.1 Food Quality;

1.2 Service Quality;

1.3 Physical Environment; and

1.4 Hygiene and Cleanliness?

2. What is the level of diners' satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurants in

Davao City?

3. Is there a significant relationship between travelers' gastronomic

experience and satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City?


The study was guided by the null hypothesis, which will be tested at

0.05 level of significance.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between gastronomic

experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City.

Review of Related Literature

According to Onur and Fatih (2016) the term gastronomy discovered by

combining the Greek words gaster, which means stomach and nomos mean

law. Gastronomy classified as the craft of eating and drinking. It is in fact,

interrelates with the branches of arts and sciences that have an immediate

relation with chemistry, literature, biology, history, music, philosophy,

psychology, sociology, medicine, nutrition and agriculture (Kivela & Crotts,

2014). Gastronomic has significance in retaining the health of the diners with

an excellent diet as possible. From food down to beverages are all being

made and processed in a very hygienic environment, making the preparations

visually appealing and palatable are also in line with the study of gastronomy

(Sormaz, Akmese, Gunes & Aras, 2016).

Gastronomy has become a central part of the tourism industry

experience. A few years ago, food tourism had increased and considered
coming one of the most dynamic and creative segments of tourism.

Attractions and tourism businesses have realized the significant role of

gastronomy order to diversity tourism and stimulate local, regional, and

national economic development (Gheorghe,Tudorache, & Nistoreanu, 2014)

Furthermore, gastronomic tourism contains visiting food producers, eating

food festivals, food establishments and other unusual places which are also

interconnected to food. Trying out the new special dishes made by the much-

known chefs and observing how the exact dish is being prepared (Hall &

Mitchel, 2015). The main factor of gastronomic is generally expressed by

culture with inner preparedness and willingness of people to get to know,

discover and experience a different type of culture from different nationalities

(Sormaz, Akmese, Gunes, & Aras, 2016).

Recently in the world of marketing there is an extreme force of rivalry,

the marketing of destinations are in a complex phenomenon as it has plenty of

hardships with different purposes and expectations; and ethnic cuisines are

distinct sources to enhance, develop and introduce a market destination

(Uner, 2014). When it is considered that gastronomic tourism is an

indispensable and reflective part of developing a destination, tourists who visit

the destinations should comprise in regional culture in all aspects. Tourism is

increasingly seeking a local, authentic and novel food experience linked to the

places they visit. (Sahin, 2015). Caliskan (2014), states that gastronomic

activities carried out at a destination provide direct and indirect employment

and financial income. Gastronomic tourism is a very crucial part of every trip

because it can make it a unique one.

Additionally, gastronomic tourism helps a particular destination to

become more popular and puts the business in a good reputation. With this

point of view, gastronomic tourism is a significant indicator of tourists' status

that relates to what, where, when, and with whom they eat. So image-making

studies should fulfill and perform with prominent care paying particular

attention to these types of details as they have great significance in terms of

activities (Sahin, 2015). Significantly, customer satisfaction has a

considerable impact considerably on customers' behavior. Also, customer

expectation is far from its perception when they are not yet experiencing the

product or services (Welthagen & Gelenhuys, 2015). Wan and Chan (2013),

mentioned that one factor and intention why people significantly satisfied it is

because of food. However, souvenirs, staff, and informational adequacy may

not have that factor in diners’ satisfaction.

Gastronomic experience has a great influence on satisfaction and their

behavioral intentions. In fact, research on diners’ gastronomic experience has

gained greater attention lately, especially in the experience-driven hospitality

industry. In the study of Xu, Wang, Zeng, Deng, Wang, Barklon, and

Thibault (2015) specified that palatable food is absolutely crucial to the

restaurant experience, but it’s more than that, it will keep the diners’ coming

back for more. Also, gastronomic experience depends on service quality. It

consists of service product, service environment, and service delivery

(Karatepe, 2013). Abdul and Zainal (2016) states that any discontentment and

complaint of the diners’ are immediately resolve to maintain the quality of

service even to the extent of suffering losses financially for the sake of the

restaurants image.
Lockyer (2005) states that gastronomic experience plays a significant

role in determining and influencing guest satisfaction. The success of

restaurant establishment is very vital to understand diners’ needs about dining

experience. Most of the diners’ are impatient and sophisticated, has many

choices and expectations in all restaurants segments. If the diner is

unsatisfied by offered service and value in the restaurant, they will leave for

another one (McCrickerd & Forde, 2016). Therefore, restaurants that offer an

excellent service and value their diners they have a competitive advantage.

Restaurants have to provide not only quality service and products but also

achieve a high level of customers satisfaction, which is very difficult in the

business environment nowadays (Zhang, Zhang, & Law, 2014).

Food Quality. There are three critical factors of service used in the

study conducted to examine the restaurants' service performance; employee

service, physical environment or ambiance and food quality (Dutta, Parsa &

Bujisic, 2014). The central aspect of the foodservice quality has been studied

by (Kho, 2015) who identified classes of dimensions associated with the

diners and the products. The first category contributes to safety, hygiene,

culinary arts, and product character. The diners’ category contained service

quality, marketing and promotion, and the physical environment (Su, 2015).

Quality of food is one of the most vital part and a factor which some food

establishments offer to their valuable customers. It ultimately affects the entire

dining experience and customer satisfaction (Karki & Panthi, 2018).

According to Ryu et al. (2012), food has a significant effect and impact

to earn more profit and achieve client loyalty and revisit intention. Diners'

satisfaction and dissatisfaction gained from what food a restaurant served.

Moreover, food quality has a part that has been highlighted to determine

customer satisfaction within the restaurants. Food quality has five aspects

these are the smell of the food, variation of menu items, healthy and nutritious

food, food is palatable and the freshness of the food (Karki & Panthi, 2018).

Food has a crucial component within the restaurants' experience. Food quality

is design to the model of dining satisfaction because it is the primary

requirement to meet the needs and expectations of the restaurant diners

(Rozekhi et al., 2016).

Moreover, food quality has a significant impact on every food-related

services, but restaurants often overlook it. Food quality influences diners'

satisfaction and also gained the trust of the patrons (Prayag, Hosany, Taheri

& Ekiz, 2019). Also, Yaseen, Sun, and Cheng (2017) stated that food quality

has a specific condition such as flavor, and texture. Internal aspects are

physical, microbial, and chemical. Lastly, the external elements of food are

the form, luster, size, and color that makes the food more appealing to the

diners as well as make sure that the food is safe. Furthermore, diners'

evaluate the quality of food from the various attributes, including the taste,

temperature, portion size, list of menu, and nutritional value. These attributes

are discussed to be an essential factor for the diners in selecting a restaurant

(Manhas & Tukamushaba, 2015).

According to Bufquin, DiPietro, and Partlow (2017), the importance of

food, the physical environment, and service quality they discovered that the

quality of food is the most vital factor in gaining satisfaction. Food quality is a

commercial instrument that can make the level of satisfaction high, customer
satisfaction (Tabaku & Cerri, 2016). Retention of diners, and further ensure in

their positive purchase experience (Hanaysha, 2016). Food Quality is the

most crucial part of the overall restaurant experience (Rosekhi, 2017). Food

quality has a massive role in making the customers happy through their food

consumption. It is one of the most vital factors resulting in higher levels of

restaurant customer satisfaction (Al-Tit, 2015).

Food quality is the most significant factor which influences diners’

selection of restaurant and satisfaction (Garg, 2014). With intense competition

among restaurant establishments, every restaurant manager is hard-pressed

to generate distinguished taste and food quality, cleanliness and hygiene,

service quality and physical environment (Chua, Jin, Lee, & Goh, 2014). They

should focus more on the cleanliness and quality of food in order to improve

the guest satisfaction (Lockyers, 2005).

Service Quality. Saglik et al. (2014), researched the quality of service

in a restaurant establishment in terms of three dimensions: The service,

hygienic and cleanliness and the physical environment. They have carried out

a study among undergraduate students in Malaysia to traverse their purchase

intentions in a fast-food establishment, using the SERVFPERF dimensions.

Moreover, the factors that affect the quality of service in a fast-food restaurant

studying relationship between customer experience and total variety of

restaurants; The quality of service, food and physical environment (Jaini et al.,

2015). Malik et al. (2014) discovered that there is a positive relationship

between service quality and customer satisfaction because of the presence of

restaurant staff, tangibles, and food quality.

Service quality, value perception, and satisfaction is a crucial step in

building a sharp image which turns leads to positive behavior (Huang, 2014).

Staff pieces of training and improvements should always be a necessary

investment. Enabling good quality of service to the diners during the dining

may experience an impressive outcome for the customer (Tan, Oraide &

Fallon, 2014). Moreover, understanding comprehensively what service quality

means having these critical factors in achieving a high quality of service and

customer satisfaction (Tabaku & Cerri, 2016). Service quality has developed

customer-driven strategies to survive (Yildiz & Tufekci, 2010).

Furthermore, service quality has become very important in all the

aspect of the hospitality industry and one of the significant attentions in all

section. Trying to build a relationship with your diners from the very beginning

is one of the most critical things to do for the restaurant business to sustain

and survive in the industry. Service quality also helps the restaurant with

better business outcomes (Sukanthasirikul & Trongpanich, 2016). Soungyeon

and Mihye (2014), mentioned in their study that service should equip with

excellent quality. To upgrade the level of the value of service and

subsequently, it will make a substantial positive influence on satisfaction and

future revisiting intention. Moreover, service quality defined as the judgment of

the diners about the overall excellence of services. It conceptualized as the

assessment of the differentiation of perceived performance and diners’


Service quality plays a vital role because it gives the restaurant an

edge in gaining more profit. When service quality present in every restaurants'

customer satisfaction will occur, and that will lead to significant business
outcomes (Aftab, 2016). Munhurrun (2012), stated that the secret to a

successful restaurant business is delivering a high-quality service because it

will help the company to survive and strengthen its competitiveness.

Theodorakism Kaplanidou and Karabaxoglou (2015) discovered that

there is a rank evaluation process wherein the customer will have an

assessment of how satisfied they are after the consumption of food.

Experience fits in the larger picture of their satisfaction with life. And so, to

meet the diners’ satisfaction, quality service must be implemented. And so, to

meet customer satisfaction quality service must be applied (Welthagen &

Geldenhuys 2014). In the study of Canny (2014), He found out that quality

service was the most fundamental factor in determining the level of

satisfaction that the customer gained while dining in the restaurant

establishment. Furthermore, Zhang, and Enemark (2016), service loyalty is a

part of service quality, and it a significant input to gain a high level of customer


Service Quality expounded as the diners’ perception of general

distinction or supremacy of service. They discovered that the friendliness and

helpfulness of staff are positively related to customer satisfaction (Bufquin,

DiPietro & Partlow, 2017). Moreover, Majid, Samsudin, Noorkhizan, Zaki &

Bakar (2018) states that service quality has a relationship to diners’ selection.

It a vital technique in restaurant positioning and restaurant diners desire

unique and memorable service experience. Superior service quality can

enhance the level of customer loyalty. In the study of Carranza, Diaz and

Martin & Consuegre (2018), they stated that the restaurant should
demonstrate how to improve service quality offered by staff because it

positively influences the loyalty of the customer.

Service quality will give you an advantage in the business industry. On

the other hand, in the increasing growth of service industry, service quality is

an order winner. It is a source of competitive advantage (Ibrahim & Othman,

2014). Kim and Jang (2016) stated that service quality is the diners’ decision

about a service overall excellence. Thus, it can be said that service quality is

the evaluation of customer of service performance provided by a business

establishment. Furthermore, service quality is the diners’ evaluation on the

superiority of the services provided by the restaurant establishment (Salami &

Ajobo, 2012).

Physical Environment. In previous studies found that the quality of a

food establishments' physical environment has a significant influence on the

customers' satisfaction (Nasir, Ahmed, Nazir, Zafar, & 2014). According to

Azim et al. (2014), in their study, they found that the restaurants' physical

environment is one of the other aspects in which a food establishment can

construct a competitive advantage. The physical environment consists of all

tangible and intangible elements that exist inside and outside a restaurant. To

improve the physical environment, most of the restaurant invests substantially

in the interior designs, decorations, flooring, and the seating arrangement.

These expenditures are one of the most critical investments in attracting a lot

of customers (Albayrak, 2016).

Maintaining the ambiance and physical environment of a restaurant

should then distinguish diners’ experiences and make them willing to revisit

the restaurant frequently (Choi et al., 2014). Furthermore, in their study that
the restaurant establishments environment is one of the marketing tools for

differentiating a restaurant and establishing an unforgettable gastronomic

experience with a pleasing and relaxing ambiance. Therefore, the physical

environment has a huge part in gaining customer loyalty, revisit intention and

as well as attracting new one's customers. A well designed physical

environment is considered to be significant in influencing consumers;' pre-

purchase decisions as well as their post-purchase behavior. They are

evaluating their satisfaction with the quality of products and services of a

service provider (Canny, 2014).

Moreover, Horng, Liu, and Tsai (2014) stated that the concept behind a

revolving restaurant is to provide quality, food, and variety to its customers.

However, with the drastic change in eating out the trend, customers look for

more than the quality of food in a restaurant. The physical environment of a

restaurant influences customer experience during the dining experience

(Dutta et al., 2014). Restaurants' physical environment is an essential

determinant of customer satisfaction because it can either enhance or

suppress diners' emotions, which may lead to customer satisfaction (Albayrak,

2016). In some cases, Jin (2015) stated that the physical environment

becomes a significant influence because it can influence to increase the

likelihood of the diners' repeat visitation.

The physical environment had a significant influence on the success of

all food establishments. It affects the time and money the diners spent in the

restaurants, the fun, and enjoyment at the time of dining, and their behavioral

intentions after the dining experience (Boo, 2017). That is the reason why

more food establishments invest in these factors such as the interior

designing, spacing, and right lighting of the facility. It indeed plays a huge role

in gaining and creating a great dining experience. As the interplay between

ambiance and other laments such as food quality, service quality, and value,

the ambiance has the most significant influence on the behavioral intentions

of the customers while dining in the restaurant. It influences the customer to

patronize your establishment and revisitation (Dutta et al., 2014; Njite et al.,

2015). When the overall physical environment of the food establishment was

not on trend or was not up to the mark, it will lead to customers'

dissatisfaction. There were fewer chances of revisiting the establishment

(Karki & Panthi, 2018).

Han and Hyun (2015), conceptualized quality as tourists' appraisal of

excellence. Mainly tourism products and its performances against those

offered by rival products. In many theoretical and empirical studies in industry,

the number of the physical environment, service or interaction, and food or

outcomes are considered to be fundamental quantity constituents. On the

other hand, it is a crucial marketing tool for making your restaurant different

for others by building a remarkable customer experience with a pleasant and

comfortable atmosphere. Therefore, the physical environment has a more

significant effect on maintaining existing customers as well as attracting new

ones. A well-designed physical environment is considered to be vital for

influencing consumers' pre-purchased decisions as well as their post-

purchase behavior.

Hygiene and Cleanliness. According to Truong, Nisar, and Prabhakar

(2017), hygienic and cleanliness are prominent globally. It is also currently

and established adequately in well-developed nations with some indication of

interest growing in developing the context of the country at least concerning

legislation. In addition to its hygiene and cleanliness is one of the most

important characteristics that may affect customers' restaurant selection (Liu

& Lee, 2016). Moreover, the evaluation of the quality of a restaurant was

based and influenced by three aspects: the comfort rooms' hygiene, comfort

rooms appearance, and server behavior. The condition of restaurant places

can also affect the overall experience of the diner. Well-Sanitized comfort

rooms can help increase the diners' level of satisfaction and impacted their

assessment of restaurant quality.

Additionally, according to Park, Almanza, Miao, Sydnor, and Jang

(2016), their study synthesized sanitation conditions into five aspects: food

handling which stands as the most crucial aspect, the dining room experience,

exterior, and interior design, comfortable rooms, and the staffs. The study

aspired to analyze the characteristics of hygiene and cleanliness. Hygiene

and sanitation are the most vital aspect that may affect the customers'

satisfaction and customers' restaurant selection. It also unveils how affliction

types of restaurants perform differently in some of their safe food handling

practices. Cross-contamination, time, and temperature of food are some of

the main concerns in regards to ethnic restaurants (Liu & Lee, 2016). Several

researchers have identified hygiene and cleanliness as crucial drivers of

diners' restaurant choice. They also identify the attribute of customer

satisfaction among restaurant diners' found hygiene and sanitation to be an

essential attribute (Cha & Borchgrenvink, 2018). Hygiene and cleanliness had

a very significant role in gaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Diners

expect that all the food on the menu was served clean and safe to consume

(Adam, Hiamey, and Afenyo, 2014).

Satisfaction. Satisfaction is a very crucial element in sustaining

competitiveness in the restaurant business because business owners should

always meet and obtain visitors' expectations. It has a considerable impact

and attracted considerably in diners' behavior (Welthagen & Geldenhuys,

2014). One of the influences in gaining the diners’ satisfaction is the variety of

menu designs because most of the customers appreciate the diversity in the

menu and it is an excellent aspersion of the creativity of the chef. Moreover,

the service operators need to remember these three aspects: the empathy

level, tangibility, and the assurance to well maintained and surpass to

increase the level of satisfaction of the diners. They also discovered that most

of the service operators failed to satisfy their diners’ in terms of reliability and

responsiveness (Jawabreh, et al. 2018). They found out and percieved the

relative significance of four causal factors of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

These are hygiene and cleanliness, service quality, food quality, and price.

Overall, it comes upon that the service environment played a crucial role in

determining the level of satisfaction and customer loyalty (Omar, Ariffin &

Ahmad 2016).

The study of Thienhirun and Chung (2017), disclose that the food

establishments attempted to satisfy the experiential needs through the

enjoyment-related values and satisfy the social needs through society related

values. The research study has proclaimed the significance of service quality

and customer satisfaction to make the diners repurchase again. They found

out that both classes of service and satisfaction influenced the repurchase
intention. It is because the study revealed that customers' perceived service

quality is an essential factor affecting customer satisfaction (Mensah & Dei

Mensah 2018). Satisfaction is acquired when offered service came across or

surpassed their expectations. The capability of a restaurant establishment

service provider to create happiness is to a high degree, and it is vital for

product differentiation and gaining a secure relationship with the diners (Aftab,

Sarwar, Sultan, & Qadeer 2016).

The success of the service and food establishments depends on their

abilities to satisfy their diners by offering an excellent dining experience, by

distinguish tangible and intangible elements in order to be able to meet the

guest dining expectations and choices (Zopiatis & Pribic, 2007). Provided

service can’t be returned or reworked. Therefore, the restaurants must

provide an excellent service and influence the diners’ dining experience

positively from their first encounter (Gizaw,Gebrehiwot, & Teka, 2014). Diners’

choices and expectations were significant because it will affect the level of

satisfaction ( Ma, Qu, Njite, & Chen, 2011).

Diners’ are satisfied with relevant aspects such as ethics;

professionalism, duties, and responsibilities towards customers, and

organization enhance efficiency and smooth-running of the restaurants.

Adequate personnel training also boost the quality of the restaurants staff

which eventually may influence and attract more customers into choosing a

fine dining ethnic restaurants as their preferred choice (Hamzah, Ishak, & Nor,

2015). Satisfaction is defined from the mixture of both emotions which viewed

as influencing repurchase intentions and behaviour, which, in turn, leads to an

organization’s future revenue and profits. Customer satisfaction is the

necessary foundation for the company to retain the existing customers; a

satisfied customer can become a loyal customer in the future (Pandey,

Pandey, et al., 2015).

Perez and Del Bosque (2015), examined the relationship between

service quality and satisfaction, identified four dimensions of service quality,

namely, reliability, empathy, and competence of staff, accessibility and

tangibles. Diners’ might have been satisfied or dissatisfied with their

experience, because of their mood and personality. Moreover, satisfaction

providing goods and services that create specific levels of perceived value for

the customer so that the customer remains engaged positively with the

organization (Lu, Berchoux, Marek, & Chen 2015). In a competitive market

place where business compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen

as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of

business strategy; leads to higher future revenue where many market leaders

are found to be highly superior-customer-service orientated ( Felix 2017).

Diners’ satisfaction is a factor that generates confidence in the

restaurant offering the product and services (Bricci, Fragata, & Antunes

2016). Al-Tit (2015) defined satisfaction as the degree to which service

performance meets and exceeds the diners’ expectations. They also defined

satisfaction as an evaluative judgement of a specific transaction resulting from

perceived quality.. Such a decision may constitute a dilemma for restaurant

managers because hospitality sector has a high employee turnover rate and

the employees are the most critical aspects of innovation in hospitality they

are the one shaping diners’ experience (Wikhamn 2019).

Theoretical Framework

The study anchored the SERVQUAL theory of Parasuraman, Zeithami,

and Berry (1998). SERVQUAL revealed that criteria used by consumers in

assessing service quality fit ten potential overlapping dimensions, namely

tangibles, responsiveness, communication, credibility, security, competence,

courteous, understanding customer, and access. These ten attributes refined

into five dimensions after measuring consumers' experience and perception of

service quality. These dimensions are tangibles (equipment, the appearance

of personnel, and physical facilities), responsiveness (willing to help the guest,

faster response to customers’ needs), assurance (staff should be confident,

and trustworthy), and empathy (caring, individualized attention to firm delivers

to its customers). The SERVQUAL theory was also used to determine the

quality of service with the two main items employed to evaluate food quality

the freshness food and palatable food.

According to Qu (1997), Customers found that the service and courtesy

aspects are second to the food and environment aspect of a customer's

possibility of returning to a restaurant. The service quality in a restaurant

setting plays an essential role in customer satisfaction and return intention.

Ryu et al. (2012) stated that you can only offer a good quality of food when

the restaurant offers a variety of menu, when the food is fresh and palatable,

and when food is nutritious.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable


 Food Quality
 Service Quality
 Physical Environment
 Hygienic Cleanliness

Moderating Variable


 Age

 Sex

 Educational Attainment

 Type of Tourist

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study

Figure 1. Shows the conceptual framework of the study. The

independent variable is the gastronomic experience with the following

indicators, such as food quality, service quality, physical environment, and

hygienic and cleanliness. On the other hand, the dependent variable is

satisfaction. Moreover, the moderating variable is the demographic profile of

the respondents, such as age, sex, educational attainment, and

local/international tourist.

Significance of the Study

The following will benefit through the findings of the study:

Restaurant Managers/Owners. The result of the study will provide

relevant information regarding the evaluation of the customers' satisfaction

according to their gastronomic experience in ethnic restaurants. Which they

can use in building up to gain more loyal customers that would keep the

restaurant business growing.

Restaurant Chefs. The result of the study will give a mark for the

restaurant chefs on how they will cook the food. It helps them to gain more

ideas on how they will improve their cooking skills to satisfy the customers.

Hospitality Educators. This study would serve as help Educators to

encourage students to manage such business, particularly a portion of food-

related one.

Hospitality Students. This study would be significant to the students

for them to give more attention to ethnic restaurants.

Future Researchers. The result of the study will be the basis of future

researchers to conduct a study on the ethnic restaurants in comparison with

the casual dining restaurants and other restaurants.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined as conceptually and operationally in

the study:

Traveler. Conceptually, it is a visitor taking a trip to a leading

destination outside his or her usual environment (IRTS, 2008). Operationally,

In this study, it is the person who travels from place to place and explores

local food.

Gastronomic Experience. Conceptually, it is a result of the interaction

of all processes that activated in gastronomy (Elsevier, 2018). Operationally,

in this study, it is the overall eating and drinking experience of the traveler.

Satisfaction. Conceptually, customers' feelings of pleasure or

disappointment that result from comparing products or services perceived

performance to their expectations (Mari & Anniina, 2014). Operationally, it is

the perception of the customer towards their overall experience during the

consumption of goods.

Ethnic Restaurants. Conceptually, a restaurant where the main focus

of the menu is dishes that originated in a country or region (Kenneth Heikkila,

2018). Operationally, in this study, it is a restaurant where food of some

ethnicity is dish up.

Chapter 2


Presented in this chapter are the methods that were used in the study

comprises of research design, research subject, research instrument, data

gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study utilized the correlational research design. This research

design helped to seek and understand what kind of relationship naturally

occurring variables with one another. In simple terms, correlational research

design aims to figure out if two or more variables are related and if so, in what

way. This research design was appropriate in measuring the relationship of

travelers' gastronomic experience and satisfaction on selected ethnic

restaurants in Davao City.

Research Subject

The research subject of this study was 400 travelers’ who dined on the

selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City to serve as the respondents. The

researchers utilized the purposive sampling technique. Wherein the

researcher was the one who chooses the significant numbers of participants

since there are different types of services offered in the restaurant industry.

Presented in Table 1 is the profile of the respondents; the overall

frequency is 400. Out of 400 respondents under the profile of respondents in

terms of sex, 210 were male (52.5%); age, 84 were 18-22 years old (21%);

Educational level, 286 were college level (71.5%); type of tourist, 398 were

local (99.5%).
Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

Profile Variables Group Frequency Percent

Sex Male 210 52.5
Female 190 47.5
Age 18-22 84 21.0
23-27 56 14.0
28-32 51 12.8
33-37 57 14.3
38-42 43 10.8
43-48 49 12.3
49 above 60 15.0
Educational Level Elementary 2 .5
High School 70 17.5
Senior High 42 10.5
College 286 71.5
Type of Tourists Local 398 99.5
International 2 .5

Research Instrument

The researcher adopted and modified a questioner from the study of

Kumar and Bhatnagar (2017) to evaluate the satisfaction of the travelers’ the

questioner is a 5 point Likert Scale.

In scoring the Measures of Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience and

Satisfaction in Selected Ethnic Restaurants in Davao City there is the

corresponding scale with description indicated below:

Gastronomic Experience

Scale Verbal Description Interpretation

4.20-5.00 5- Excellent – This indicates that their
experience is excellent.
4-Very good
3.40-4.19 – This indicates that their
experience is very good.
3- Good
2.60-3.39 – This indicates that their
experience is good.
2- Fair
1.80-2.59 – This indicates that their
experience is fair. 1- Poor – This indicates that their
experience is poor.


Scale Verbal Description Interpretation

-- This indicates that diners

4.20-5.00 Highly Satisfied
are highly satisfied.
-- This indicates that diners
3.40-4.19 Moderately Satisfied
are moderately satisfied.77
-- This indicates that diners
2.60-3.39 Satisfied
are satisfied.
-- This indicates that diners
1.80-2.59 Slightly Satisfied
are slightly satisfied

1.00-1.79 Unsatisfied – This indicates that diners

are never satisfied.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher did the following steps in conducting the study:

Asking permission to conduct the research. The researchers

requested approval from the managers/owner for conducting this study. After

getting approval, the researchers worked on the processing of consent forms.

Administration of the Survey Questionnaire. With their consent, the

researchers asked the participants to answer the questions on the

questionnaire after they dine, so that it was convenient for them and to prevent

the hassle.

Collation and processing of data. After retrieval of administering

instruments, the response of the diners' recorded accordingly. Raw data was

encoded and collated on the computer. The data were subjected to an

appropriate statistical process to compute the responses of the students

under study accurately.

Analysis and Interpretation of data. The researchers collated the

data gathered and analyzed the results. They, later on, they come up with a

conclusion. The researchers reviewed the results again to make sure that

there were no errors in analyzing the results.

Statistical Analysis of the Data

The researcher used the following statistical tools in analyzing the data:

Frequency Count. This was used to determine the exact number of

respondents based on the category of their demographic profile.

Percentage. This was used to determine the exact percentile of the

respondents based on the category of their demographic profile.

Mean. This was used to determine the level of Gastronomic experience

and satisfaction among the selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City.

T-test. This was used to determine the significant difference in the

travelers' gastronomic experience and satisfaction on the selected ethnic

restaurants in Davao City when analyzed by sex.

Person-R. This was used to determine the significant relationship

between the gastronomic experience and satisfaction on the selected ethnic

restaurants in Davao City.

Chapter 3


Presented in this chapter are the relevant data gathered from the

survey conducted by the researchers. It contains the analysis of the results

and the interpretation concerning the statement of the problem of the study.

This chapter presents the analysis as well as the interpretation of the data.

Topics are discussed according to the following subheadings: profile of the

respondents, the level of travelers' gastronomic experience in selected ethnic

restaurants and the significant relationship between the travelers' gastronomic

experience and satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City.

Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience

Table 2 presents the level of travelers’ gastronomic experience on the

selected ethnic restaurants in terms of Hygienic and Cleanliness, Physical

Environment, Food Quality, and Service Quality.

Hygienic and Cleanliness has a mean score of 4.68. This means that the

ethnic restaurant has excellent standard hygiene, grooming, and personal

hygiene of staff and has a clean food outlet and ancillary sections. Several

researchers have identified hygiene and cleanliness as crucial drivers of

diners’ restaurant choice. They also identify the attribute of customer

satisfaction among restaurant diners' found hygiene and cleanliness to be an

essential attribute (Cha & Borchgrenvink, 2018). Diners expect that all the

food on the menu was served clean and safe to consume.

Table 2. Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience
Indicators Mean Std. Deviation Level
Hygienic Cleanliness 4.68 0.452 Excellent
Physical Environment 4.62 0.445 Excellent
Food Quality 4.54 0.451 Excellent
Service Quality 4.46 0.500 Excellent
Overall 4.57 0.393 Excellent

That is why hygiene and cleanliness had a very significant role in gaining a

high level of customer satisfaction (Adam, Hiamey, and Afenyo, 2014).

Physical Environment has a mean score of 4.62. This means that the

restaurants' environment has an excellent layout and design, seating

arrangement, theme of the restaurant, and its flooring, ceiling, and woodwork.

Restaurant physical environment is the first thing to be seen upon entering a

restaurant; it forms a key factor for the diners. For that reason, restaurants'

physical environment is an essential determinant of customer satisfaction

because it can either enhance or suppress diners' emotions, which may lead

to customer satisfaction (Albayrak, 2016). In some cases, Han, & Hyun,

(2017) stated that the physical environment becomes a significant influence

because it can influence to increase the likelihood of the diners' repeat


In terms of Food Quality, it has a mean score of 4.54. This means that

the restaurant food is palatable, fresh, crispy, and flavorful, which leads to an

excellent overall dining experience. Food Quality is the most crucial part of the

whole restaurant experience (Thangalakshmi, Pandey, Kamble, & Singh,

2018). It has a huge part in making the customers happy with their food
consumption. It is one of the most vital factors resulting in higher levels of

restaurant customer satisfaction (Al-Tit, 2015).

Service Quality has a mean score of 4.46. This means that the ethnic

restaurant staff are always willing to help the guests, the attitude and behavior

of service staffs are excellent, they offered efficient, quality service, and they

delivered food on time. Service quality plays a vital role because it gives the

restaurant an edge in gaining more profit. When service quality is

implemented in every restaurant,' customer satisfaction will occur, and that

will lead to significant business outcomes Ahmad, (2017). Munhurrun (2012),

stated that the secret to a successful restaurant business is delivering a high-

quality service because it will help the business to survive and strengthen its


Travelers’ Satisfaction on Selected Ethnic Restaurants

Presented in Twable 3 is the level of travelers' satisfaction in selected

ethnic restaurants. Item number 1 has the highest mean of 4.72, which means

that diners are highly satisfied with the surrounding areas of the restaurant.

Satisfaction is a very crucial element in sustaining competitiveness in the

restaurant business. It is because business owners should always meet and

obtain visitors' expectations, and it has a huge impact and attracted

considerably in diners' behavior (Welthagen & Geldenhuys, 2014). Besides,

satisfaction is obtained when offered service came across or surpassed to

their expectations. The capability of a restaurant establishment service

provider to create satisfaction is to a high degree, and it is crucial for product

differentiation and gaining a secure relationship with the diners (Aftab,

Sarwar, Sultan, & Qadeer 2016).

Table 3. Travelers' Satisfaction in Selected Ethnic Restaurants



Surrounding areas of the ethnic restaurant 4.72 0.468 Highly

Satisfaction rate at the ethnic restaurant 4.55 0.536 Highly
Recommend the ethnic restaurant to your 4.57 0.548 Highly
friends and relatives

Would you choose to dine again 4.52 0.604 Highly

Overall satisfaction with the ethnic 4.62 0.516 Highly
restaurant performance

Overall 4.59 0.435 Highly


Correlational relationship between the travelers’ gastronomic

experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurants

Presented in table 4 are the correlational relationship of travelers'

gastronomic experience and satisfaction in the selected ethnic restaurants.

The result shows that there was a very strong and positive relationship with a

p-value of 0.000. This means that travelers' gastronomic experience should

be excellent so that the travelers' will be satisfied. Satisfaction is an evaluation

the diner makes after an experience with a product or a service. A diners’

gastronomic experience is positively influencing customer satisfaction. When

experience level is high, it will lead to high satisfaction. When experience level

is low, it will lead to dissatisfaction (Jahanshahi, Gashti, Mirdamadi, Nawaser

& Khaskar, 2011) Gastronomic experience is positively correlated with the

overall customer satisfaction (Rentia Van der Walt, 2014).

Table 4. Correlation between travelers' gastronomic experience and

satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants

Variables Correlated Verbal p-

r-value df (n-2) Decision
Description value

Very Strong Ho is
Positive rejected
0.810** 398 0.000
vs Relationship
Satisfaction on
Selected Ethnic


Exhibited in this section is the outline of the summary of the findings,

conclusions, and recommendations of the study. The importance of this study

is to determine the traveler’s gastronomic experience and satisfaction in

selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City.

This study was used to make out determinations and proposals that

shown through tables and texts reflect comparing subtle elements and results.

Summary of Findings

The primary purpose of the study was to determine the travelers’

gastronomic experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurants in

Davao City.

The following are the findings of the study:

1. The respondent declared that the Hygiene and Cleanliness was

excellent indicator to measure travelers’ gastronomic experience followed by

physical environment, food quality, and service quality.

2. There is a high level of satisfaction that was described as highly

satisfied. The respondents declared that their satisfaction was highly met.

3. There is a significant relationship between traveler’s gastronomic

experience and satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants when analyzed by

gastronomic experience and satisfaction.


Based on the findings mentioned, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The gastronomic experience of the travelers’ was excellent because

of the hygiene and cleanliness offered by the ethnic restaurants as evaluated

by the respondents.

2. The satisfaction of travelers’ towards the ethnic restaurants was

highly satisfied as assessed by the guest.

3. A significant relationship is found between travelers’ gastronomic

experience and satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City

when analyzed.


Based on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations

are given:

1. A continuous training program for staff to allow them to develop and

strengthen their skills that need to improve upon. Through these trainings,

they can implement a reliable service to help them meet or exceed customers'

expectations to improve repeat patronage and willingness to recommend.

2. Restaurant owners should expose their chefs in different forms of

seminars for them to gather new and innovative learning to improve the visual

appeal, taste, and maintain the freshness of its food.

3. Future Researchers and Students may use this study as a reference

when conducting a study related to this.

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New Matina, Gravahan, Davao City

Date of Birth : October 19, 1998 Sex : Female
Place of Birth : Butuan City Civil Status: Single
Contact No. : 09120124907 Religion : Catholic

Tertiary Education : University of Mindanao 2016
Matina Campus, Davao City
BS in Hotel Restaurant Management

Secondary Education: Agusan National High School 2015

A.D. Curato St. Butuan City

Primary Education : Esperanza Central Elem. School 2011

Pob. Esperanza, Agusan del Sur
New Matina, Gravahan, Davao City

Date of Birth : February 13, 1999 Sex : Male
Place of Birth : Panabo City Civil Status: Single
Contact No. : 09095517754 Religion : Catholic

Tertiary Education : University of Mindanao 2016
Matina Campus, Davao City
BS in Hotel Restaurant Management

Secondary Education: Holy Cross College 2015

Calinan, Davao City

Primary Education : Calinan Central Elem. School 2011

Calinan, Davao City
Ecoland, Davao City

Date of Birth : July 20, 1997 Sex : Female
Place of Birth : Davao City Civil Status: Single
Contact No. : 09091786110 Religion : Catholic

Tertiary Education : University of Mindanao 2016
Matina Campus, Davao City
BS in Hotel Restaurant Management

Secondary Education: Kisante National High School 2012

Makilala, North Cotabato

Primary Education : Kisante Central Elem. School 206

Makilala, North Cotabato

The primary objective of the study was to measure the gastronomic

experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurant in Davao City. 400
questionnaires were administered to the diners’ in the ethnic restaurants, and
the gathered data were treated with the statistical tools such as Frequency
Count, Percentage, Mean, T-test and Pearson-R. The result of the study was
presented as follows: The gastronomic experience of the travelers’ was
excellent because of the hygiene and cleanliness offered by the ethnic
restaurants as evaluated by the respondents; the satisfaction of travelers’
towards the ethnic restaurants was highly satisfied as evaluated by the guest;
a significant relationship is found between travelers’ gastronomic experience
and satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City when analyzed.
This is beneficial to the restaurant owners to improve their food quality,
service quality, hygienic and cleanliness and physical environment. This will
also be beneficial to Hotel and Restaurant Management students and to
future researchers to easily utilize the gathered information which may help to
many restaurants establishments in the hospitality industry.

Keywords: gastronomic experience, satisfaction, ethnic restaurant, Davao

As immigration, tourism, and international trade increased worldwide,
the role of ethnicity has become more vital not only in the business sector and
behavior of consumers but also in the food culture and food industry.
Customers who enjoy ethnic food have increased in number, and ethnic
restaurants have become mainstream and admired in the United States
(Rossiter & Chan, 2014). as ethnic restaurants become more attainable, a
considerable number of foodborne illness outbreaks in line with ethnic food
were reported and investigated. The expert conducted an investigation, and
they found out that the foodborne illnesses cases were because of the
consumption of a contaminated multi-ingredient from an ethnic food (Lee,
Hwang & Mustapha, 2014). In the global marketplace, gastronomic
experience has not always been so high on the tourism agenda. Many years
back, food was known as a necessity rather than an attraction, with the
emphasis on serving large numbers of guests as efficiently and cheaply as
possible (Richards, 2015). In Davao city, ethnic restaurants are limited and
not a famous restaurant. Maybe because they are lack service quality and
food quality. They failed to attract the travelers’ to come back to their
restaurants; and also they did not meet the expectation of their guests
according to their perceptions of satisfaction (Bilog, 2017).
This study utilized the correlational research design. This research
design helped to seek and understand what kind of relationship naturally
occurring variables with one another. In simple terms, correlational research
design aims to figure out if two or more variables are related and if so, in what
way. This research design was appropriate in measuring the relationship of
travelers' gastronomic experience and satisfaction on selected ethnic
restaurants in Davao City.

The research subject of this study was 400 travelers’ who dined on the
selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City to serve as the respondents. The
researchers utilized the purposive sampling technique. Wherein the
researcher was the one who chooses the significant numbers of participants
since there are different types of services offered in the restaurant industry.


Level of Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience in Selected Ethnic
Restaurant in Davao City
Presented in table 2 are the ratings on the travelers’ gastronomic
experience in the selected ethnic restaurants in Davao City. The descriptive
level was excellent with an overall mean score of 4.57 with a standard
deviation of 0. 393. This means that the ethnic restaurants met the diners
expectation in terms of hygienic and cleanliness, physical environment, food
quality and service quality.

Hygienic and Cleanliness has a mean score of 4.68. This means that
the ethnic restaurant has excellent standard hygiene, grooming, and personal
hygiene of staff and has a clean food outlet and ancillary sections. Several
researchers have identified hygiene and cleanliness as crucial drivers of
diners’ restaurant choice. They also identify the attribute of customer
satisfaction among restaurant diners' found hygiene and cleanliness to be an
essential attribute (Cha & Borchgrenvink, 2018). Diners expect that all the
food on the menu was served clean and safe to consume. That is why
hygiene and cleanliness had a very significant role in gaining a high level of
customer satisfaction (Adam, Hiamey, and Afenyo, 2014).

Physical Environment has a mean score of 4.62. This means that the
restaurants' environment has an excellent layout and design, seating
arrangement, theme of the restaurant, and its flooring, ceiling, and woodwork.
Restaurant physical environment is the first thing to be seen upon entering a
restaurant; it forms a key factor for the diners. For that reason, restaurants'
physical environment is an essential determinant of customer satisfaction
because it can either enhance or suppress diners' emotions, which may lead
to customer satisfaction (Albayrak, 2016). In some cases, Han, & Hyun,
(2017) stated that the physical environment becomes a significant influence
because it can influence to increase the likelihood of the diners' repeat

In terms of Food Quality, it has a mean score of 4.54. This means that
the restaurant food is palatable, fresh, crispy, and flavorful, which leads to an
excellent overall dining experience. Food Quality is the most crucial part of the
whole restaurant experience (Thangalakshmi, Pandey, Kamble, & Singh,
2018). It has a huge part in making the customers happy with their food
consumption. It is one of the most vital factors resulting in higher levels of
restaurant customer satisfaction (Al-Tit, 2015).

Service Quality has a mean score of 4.46. This means that the ethnic
restaurant staffs are always willing to help the guests, the attitude and
behavior of service staffs are excellent, they offered efficient, quality service,
and they delivered food on time. Service quality plays a vital role because it
gives the restaurant an edge in gaining more profit. When service quality is
implemented in every restaurant,' customer satisfaction will occur, and that
will lead to significant business outcomes Ahmad, (2017). Munhurrun (2012)
stated that the secret to a successful restaurant business is delivering a high-
quality service because it will help the business to survive and strengthen its

Table 2. Travelers’ Gastronomic Experience

Indicators Mean Std. Deviation Level
Hygienic Cleanliness 4.68 0.452 Excellent
Physical Environment 4.62 0.445 Excellent
Food Quality 4.54 0.451 Excellent
Service Quality 4.46 0.500 Excellent
Overall 4.57 0.393 Excellent
Level of Travelers’ Satisfaction on Selected Ethnic Restaurants

Presented in Table 3 is the level of travelers' satisfaction in selected

ethnic restaurants. Item number 1 has the highest mean of 4.72, which means
that diners are highly satisfied with the surrounding areas of the restaurant.
Satisfaction is a very crucial element in sustaining competitiveness in the
restaurant business. It is because business owners should always meet and
obtain visitors' expectations, and it has a huge impact and attracted
considerably in diners' behavior (Welthagen & Geldenhuys, 2014). Besides,
satisfaction is obtained when offered service came across or surpassed to
their expectations. The capability of a restaurant establishment service
provider to create satisfaction is to a high degree, and it is crucial for product
differentiation and gaining a secure relationship with the diners (Aftab,
Sarwar, Sultan, & Qadeer 2016).

Table 3. Travelers' Satisfaction in Selected Ethnic Restaurants



Surrounding areas of the ethnic restaurant 4.72 0.468 Highly

Satisfaction rate at the ethnic restaurant 4.55 0.536 Highly

Recommend the ethnic restaurant to your 4.57 0.548 Highly

friends and relatives Satisfied
Would you choose to dine again 4.52 0.604 Highly

Overall satisfaction with the ethnic 4.62 0.516 Highly

restaurant performance Satisfied
Overall 4.59 0.435 Highly
Correlational relationship between the travelers’ gastronomic
experience and satisfaction in selected ethnic restaurants

Presented in table 4 are the correlational relationship of travelers'

gastronomic experience and satisfaction in the selected ethnic restaurants.
The result shows that there was a very strong and positive relationship with a
p-value of 0.000. This means that travelers' gastronomic experience should
be excellent so that the travelers' will be satisfied. Satisfaction is an evaluation
the diner makes after an experience with a product or a service. A diners’
gastronomic experience is positively influencing customer satisfaction. When
experience level is high, it will lead to high satisfaction. When experience level
is low, it will lead to dissatisfaction (Jahanshahi, Gashti, Mirdamadi, Nawaser
& Khaskar, 2011) Gastronomic experience is positively correlated with the
overall customer satisfaction (Rentia Van der Walt, 2014).

Table 4. Correlation between travelers' gastronomic experience and

satisfaction on selected ethnic restaurants

Variables Correlated Verbal p-

r-value df (n-2) Decision
Description value

Very Strong Ho is
Positive rejected
0.810** 398 0.000
vs Relationship

Satisfaction on
Selected Ethnic
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