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University of Perpetual Help

Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

Sto. Nino, Binan, Laguna

College of Midwifery
Primary Health Care Removal Examination

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ___________________________

Year and Section: ________________________________ Permit: __________________________

I. Multiple choice. Select the best answer that corresponds to the questions below

1. This is a small multi-branching aromatic herb that is used to treat headache, stomach ache and colds
a. Lagundi
b. Yerba Buena
c. Bawang
d. Ulasimang Bato
2. A shrub with small, shiny nice looking leaves that grows in the wild uncultivated areas and forests
a. Sambong
b. Bawang
c. Yerba Buena
d. Tsaang Gubat
3. A 5 year old boy was brought to you at the health center for deworming but there is no available
anthelminthic drug, you advise the mother to use an alternative herbal plant for deworming. What
particular herbal plant will you suggest?
a. Bayabas
b. Niyug-Niyogan
c. Akapulko
d. Ulasimang Bato
4. The mother asked you about the dosage of the anthelmintic herbal plant, what will be your response?
a. Give the child 6-7 seeds
b. Give the child 10 seeds
c. Give the child 2 leaves
d. Give as much as you like
5. Akapulko is used to treat what particular disease or ailment?
a. Cough and Colds
b. Toothache
c. Ringworms
d. Anthelmintic
6. As a midwife you should know that the scientific name of Ampalaya is:
a. Carmona Retusa
b. Blumea Balsamifera
c. Mamordica Charantia
d. Vitex Negundo
7. In preparing your herbal plant decoction the midwife should consider which of the following technique of
preparation, except:
a. Use only the plant being advocated
b. Avoid the use of insecticide
c. It is acceptable to use multiple herbal plants to treat minor ailments
d. Use a clay plot in preparing the medication
8. This herbal plant is used to lower down cholesterol level and hypertension
a. Lagundi
b. Sambong
c. Amapalaya
d. Bawang
9. You are preparing a herbal plant mixture for cough and colds, you decided to prepare lagundi, you should
know that the part being used is its:
a. Branch
b. Roots
c. Leaves
d. Flowers
10. The department of health has advocated herbal plants, which of the following is not included?
a. Menthol
b. Sambong
c. Pansit-Pansitan
d. Niyug-Niyogan
11. A patient with elevated blood sugar levels approached you at the health center, she asked advice on
alternative preparations to lower down his blood sugar level, the midwives appropriate response would
a. You can use bawang, boil 2 cloves in 1 cup of water for 30 minutes
b. Prepare chopped Ampalaya then boil in slow fire
c. Use the seeds of Niyug-Niyogan, boil it then take the seeds 3x a day
d. Boil Sambong leaves for 30 minutes then strain
12. A weed with heart shaped leaves that grow in shady parts of the garden and yards
a. Ulasimang Bato
b. Bayabas
c. Niyug-Niyogan
d. Akapulko
13. A plant that reaches 1 to 3 meters in height with rough hairy leaves
a. Sambong
b. Tsaang Gubat
c. Bayabas
d. Lagundi
14. The scientific name of Lagundi is:
a. Mentha Cordifelia
b. Vitex Negundo
c. Carmona Retusa
d. Blumea Balsamefire
15. Cassia Alata is primarily used to treat:
a. Fungal Infections
b. Cough and Colds
c. Fever
d. Toothache
16. The cheapest and best source of Vitamin D is:
a. Green Vegetables
b. Sunlight
c. Yellow Vegetables
d. All of the above
17. A type of Macro nutrient that is primarily the main source of energy is:
a. Protien
b. Fat
c. Carbohydrates
d. Water
18. A mother asks you what particular food is a good source of iron for her child, the best response of the
midwife would be:
a. Kalabasa
b. Isda
c. Kangkong
d. Seaweed
19. Helps in the mineralization of bones by enhancing abortions of calcium
a. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin K
20. An example of a water soluble vitamin includes:
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. B-Complex
d. Vitamin K
21. A 2 years old child was brought to you at the health center, the child looks pale and is easily exhausted,
what action would be best for the child:
a. Advice iron supplements of 1mg / day
b. Encourage the mother to give vitamin supplementation
c. Continue breastfeeding
d. All of the above
22. Vitamin B3 is also known as:
a. Folic Acid
b. Ascorbic Acid
c. Niacin
d. Thiamine
23. Vitamin K is also known as:
a. Phytomenadione
b. Thiamine
c. Retinol
d. All of the above
24. A post-partum mother may be given Vitamin A supplementation at:
a. 200,000 IU within 1month after delivery
b. 200,000 IU after 2 weeks
c. 100,000 IU during labor
d. 100,000 IU within 2 weeks after delivery
25. RDA means:
a. Recommended Dietary Allowance
b. Recommended Daily Allowance
c. Recommended Dose Allowance
d. Recommended Dietary Allocation
26. A 5 year old child with Vitamin A deficiency maybe scheduled for treatment with a dosage and timing
a. 200,000 IU Today, after 1 day, and 2 weeks after
b. 100,000 IU Today, after 1 day, and 2 weeks after
c. 300,000 IU Today and 2 weeks after
d. 100,000 IU Today and 1 week after
27. A vitamin that is essential during pregnancy that is necessary in the production of new blood cells and
a. Folic Acid
b. Vitamins and Minerals
c. Folic Acid
d. Iron
28. A mineral that maintains normal fluid and electrolytes imbalance:
a. Chromium
b. Water
c. Chloride
d. Fluoride
29. A type of vitamin that aids in the formation of protein, collagen, bone, teeth and cartilidge, skin, and scar
a. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin E
d. Vitamin K
30. What type of fat soluble vitamin is needed to synthesize clotting factors:
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin E
d. Vitamin K
31. Vitamin B 1 is also known as:
a. Niacin
b. Thiamine
c. Biotin
d. Cyanocobalamine
32. Provides a bulk resulting in the modulation of peristaltic movement and prevention of constipation:
a. Carbohydrates
b. Dietary Fiber
c. Fruits and Vegetables
d. Fats
33. Essential for the growth and repair of body tissue:
a. Carbohydrates
b. Fats
c. Protein
d. Water
34. The term commonly used to refer a family of compounds called lipids:
a. Carbohydrates
b. Fats
c. Protein
d. Vitamins
35. Contains all the nutrients and other substances found normally in food:
a. Nutrient Requirement
b. Balanced Diet
c. Nutrient Supplementation
d. All of the Above
36. A state of complete physical, mental and emotional and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in
all matters relating to the reproductive system:
a. Family Planning
b. Reproductive Health
c. Family Planning Counselling
d. All of the Above
37. The following are the 10 elements of Reproductive Health, which of the following is not included:
a. Maternal and Child Health Nutrition
b. Family Planning
c. Education and Counselling
d. Expanded Program on Immunization
38. A postpartum mother asks the midwife if when is the best time to start using family planning methoods,
the best response of the midwife would be:
a. Start immediately 6 days after delivery, this is the best time
b. Family planning may be started 6 weeks after delivery even if without regular menstruation
c. You can use family planning commodities when your menstruation returns
d. None of the above
39. A couple with reproductive health infection seeks consultation; what method would be appropriate for the
couple as of the moment?
a. Condom
b. IUD
c. Withdrawal
d. Hormonal Pills
40. A mother receiving Depo-Provera shots returned to you at the health center 2 weeks after injection. She
complains that she is delayed and her normal menstruation has not returned. What would be the best
response of the midwife?
a. Your regular menstruation will come back right away after your last dose of Depo-Provera
b. There is no need to worry, this is a normal reaction of the method and you may experience intermittent
c. I will refer you to the obstetrician since this is not normal
d. Please wait for additional 2 weeks before I refer you, we must observe first.
41. A sex worker asks you if what is the most effective method of preventing pregnancy and transmission of
disease at the same time. Knowing that the patient is at risk of acquiring several infections, the best advice
that a midwife can give is:
a. You may use contraceptive pills since it prevents pregnancy and protects you from further infections
b. Avoid unprotected sex and let your partner wear condom every contact
c. You may use the implant since this is a new method of family planning
d. All of the above may be given as advice
42. Which of the following is considered as a contraindication in using Intra Uterine Device
a. Anteverted uterus
b. Current Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
c. Urinary Tract Infection
d. Nulliparous
43. A postpartum mother wishes to continue her breastfeeding as a form of contraception, no menses and is 9
months post CS. What advice would be very helpful to the mother?
a. This is risky since you may get pregnant since your menses may return anytime soon
b. You can continue breastfeeding but a secondary method should be used since you are not anymore
exclusively breastfeeding your baby
c. Yes, it is still okay and just continue breastfeeding the baby. This is also good for your baby
d. None of the above
44. Lactation Amenorrhea Method is only effective if the following conditions are meet, except:
a. Exclusively breastfeed infant
b. The menses has returned
c. The infant is not more than 6 months old
d. No fluids of any type is given to the child
45. The intrauterine device is placed at what part of the female reproductive organ?
a. Cervix
b. Vagina
c. Uterus
d. Fallopian tube
46. This method is used to achieve lifelong effects that is usually irreversible
a. Sterilization
b. Barrier Method
c. Hormonal Method
d. Natural Methods
47. As a registered midwife you are allowed to give or administer various family planning methods, which of
the following is not included in the midwives function:
a. Administering Depo-Provera
b. Giving Hormonal Pills
c. Inserting IUD
d. Performing BTL
48. The mechanism of action of the Bilateral Tubal Ligation is:
a. Prevention of Implantation
b. Prevention of Fertilization
c. Prevention of Pregnancy
d. Paralyzing the sperms
49. Standard Days Method of Contraception is only advisable to women with:
a. Irregular menstruation
b. Regular menstruation
c. With cycles that are more than 33 days
d. All of the above are acceptable
50. For family planning to be effective, counselling should be done and should be attended by:
a. The wife
b. The husband
c. Both husband and wife
d. Wife with the kids

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