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Methodology for Honeycomb Repair

1. The affected areas showing honeycombing in the concrete would be marked and
isolated in regular shapes.

2. Saw cut lines would be instilled along the boundaries of the marked area as well as
horizontally and vertically within the indented area of repair.

3. The areas previously saw cut can be chipped off via the use of a light power tool or by
hand and would be cleaned of any loose concrete or aggregate. The appropriate depth
would only be achieved when sound concrete has been exposed.

4. The exposed chipped surface would be cleaned free of dust and bonding agent applied
for concrete repair. Example of such bonding agent may be Nitrobond AR (supplied by
Specialist Chemicals Ltd)

5. If steel reinforcement was exposed during the removal of the unsound concrete, a coat
of primer would be applied to the steel after being properly cleaned but before applying
the bonding agent. A compatible primer would be selected to use alongside the bonding
agent, such as Nitoprime Zincrich (supplied by Specialist Chemicals Ltd) as an example.

6. After the bonding agent and steel primer were applied, a non-shrink grout such as
Renderoc GP or a suitable mix of mortar containing 1 part Portland Cement and 4 parts
sand, with a water-cement ratio of about 0.35 can be used to fill the intended repair
area. If the repair is deeper than 1 inch, the mortar would be applied in layers no thicker
than ¾ inch to avoid sagging and loss of bond.

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