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Dr. Andito Wibisono, SpOT

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Semarang, 7 Maret 1962

Alamat : Jl. Parkit IV Blok 2-3, No. 52 Rt. 007/005, Rengas, Ciputat

Praktek : 1. RS. Mitra Kemayoran


3. RS. Mitra Keluarga, Kelapa Gading

Riwayat Pendidikan :
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran, lulus 25 Maret 1987
Dokter Spesialis Bedah Orthopaedi di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran, lulus 19
Juli 1995

Riwayat Pekerjaan :
1987 – 1990 : Kepala Puskesmas Larat
1995 – 1998 : RSU Ambon
1998 – 2001 : Orthopaedy Surgery Staff at UNPAD
2001 – 2006 : Surgery Lecturer at UKI
2006 – Present : Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist & Traumatologi at Private Hospital

Special Training / Course :

April 1994 : AO Basic Course, Singapore
Jul – Dec 1994 : Microsurgery, Singapore
Jul – Dec 1994 : Fellowship in Advamced Orthopaedic Surgery, Singapore
Nov 1994 : Basic Laboratory Research Course, Singapore
Apr 1999 : ATLS, Hasan Sadikin, Bandung
Jul 1999 : Fellowship in Adult Joint Reconstruction Singapore
Nov – Dec 2002 : Fellowship in Spine Surgery, Beijing

Apr – May 2004 : AO Trauma Fellowship, Oxford, Great Britain

Feb – Mar 2000 : Fellowship in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, Aurich, Germany
Feb 2005 : AO Pelvic and Acetabular Course, Singapore
Aug 2005 : AO Course Advance in Fracture Management, Bali
Jul 2006 : Table Instructor AO Basic Course, Makasar
March 2007 : AO Tips for Trainers Course, Amsterdam
Aug 2007 : Arthoplasty Learning Course, New Delhi
Nov 2007 : Hip and Knee Instructional Course, Singapore

Professional Organization :
1987 – Present : Member of IDI
1995 – Present : Member PABOI

Award :
1996 : Ruscell Hibbs Award ( The Scoliosis Research Society)
1990 : Dokter Puskesmas Teladan

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