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MasTer SheriF Final revision

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Read and Match:

1- Who is Oliver? An elephant and a giraffe

2- How old is your granddad? It’s in the wardrobe.

3- What can you see in this It’s John’s.


4- Where is my jacket? Because I’m sad.

5- Whose bike is that? Half past three.

6- How many brothers have you He’s seventy years old.


7- What time is it? I’ve got two.

8- Why are you crying? He’s my cousin.

What's your name?

How old are you?
Where are you from?
What's your nationality?

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Choose the correct answer:

1- ………… do you want to eat? - Egg and cheese.

What How When Why
2-………… do they go to school? - By car.
What How When Where
3-…………. does Ahmed drive his car? - Very fast.
What How When Who
4-………………………. do we get up? - Early in the morning.
What How When Who
5-…………… does Rana go swimming? - At the club.
Where How When Why
6- …………….is running? -The boy.
What How Who Where
7- ……….is Judy crying? - Because she can't find her toy.
Why How Who What
8- …………….is the book? - On the desk.
What Where Who When
9- …………….is he going to arrive? - At six o'clock.
What How When Why

11- ………….is he running? - Because he is late.

What How Why Where

12- …………are we going to sleep? - At midnight.

What When Who How

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Choose the correct answer:

1- Whenever I meet a difficult word while studying English, I quickly look it up in

the …………………
dress atlas dictionary desk
2- In the Geography class, our teacher usually asks us to open the ……………….
to look up the place of a certain country on the map.
dress atlas dictionary ruler
3- I’ve recently bought a new…………………. . It helps me in capturing all my
happy moments.
camera helmet dress pencil
4- I use the………………………… to erase any mistakes I make while writing.
dress walkman eraser pen
5- When the weather is rainy and cold, I put on my feel warm.
dress walkman coat and scarf yellow
6- I take my …………………….. with me to listen to music while running and
doing some exercises.
pants walkman coat and scarf schoolbag
7- I bought a nice ………………….. to wear for my sister’s wedding Ceremony.
shirt walkman coat and scarf helmet
8-Those ……………………. are handmade.
gloves coat t-shirt scarf
9- You need a …………………………. for this pencil.
skirt ruler sharpener eraser
10- It's not safe to ride without a ………………………. .
helmet shirt desk dictionary
11- He's wearing green ……………………….. .
rubber trousers pencil dress

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Write the plural:

Singular plural

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

2)Complete with an object pronoun:

1-They are my friends, I can play with …….……
2-He is our teacher, Ali and we love ………………
3-I want you to sing with ……………….
4-She is my sister. I study English with …..………
5-We are going to the zoo .You can come with …………….
6- Good bye my friend. I'll write to ……….………..
7-This horse is dangerous, don't ride ……………..
8-Rana & Judy came to the party, but I didn't see ….………...
9-I'm hungry! Do you like to eat with …………..…?
10-Where is Noha? I can't find ………………

3)Choose the correct answer:

1- Put the books on the table. Put ( they – their – them ) on the table.

2- Do you want ( I – my – me ) to bring you some water?

3- Asmaa is at home. She can't come with ( our – us – we).

4- Where are you? – I can't see ( your – me – you).

5- He's my brother. Play with ( her – him – it).

6- The knife is not safe. Don't use ( him – her – it).

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

4)Complete with a possessive pronoun:

1-This is my book. It's …………..

2-This is our house. It's …………….

3-This is your pen. It's ………………..

4-She has two bags. They are ……………..

5-We have a blue car. It's ………………

6- I have green socks. They are ………….

7-He has a black bag. It's ………………..

8-You want this book. It's ……………….

9-They have a big class. The big class is ……………

10-Ahmed took my bag and left ….…….

5)Choose the correct answer:

1- She loves dolls. Those dolls are ( his – hers – our).

2- Is this jacket ( your – yours – me)?

3- We own this house. It's ( yours – his – ours).

4- Mona and Ali have a dog. This dog is ( ours – hers – theirs).

5- This is my cap, it's red but look at ( her – his – their) it's blue.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

6) Put " 's " or " ' ":

1- These are Judy….. pens.

2- The cat……. name is Bosy.

3- Is this Rana ……. bike?

4- The students ……. books are here.

5- It’s Ahmed …… computer.

6- The teacher ……… car is white.

7- These are the boys ……. shoes.

8- These are the girls……. English tests.

9 – Mohamed is Rana and Judy ……. father .

10 – Where is your mother ………. car ?

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Choose the correct answer:

1- There are two beds in my ( bathroom – bedroom – living room).

2- Put these drinks on the ( coffee table – armchair – sofa).

3- I usually sleep on three ( sofas – rooms – pillows).

4- Wash your face at the ( sink – drawer – washbasin).

5- Put the dishes in the ( wardrobe – cupboard – bookcase).

6- It's dark. Turn on the ( lamp – lamb – lip).

7- There are two paintings in the ( bathroom – kitchen – living room).

8- We put food in the ( cooker – bath – fridge) to keep it cold.

9- I have a shower in the ( bedroom – bathroom – kitchen).

10- Put this ( desk – cushion – vase ) in the middle of the table.

11- The chair is hard. Put a ( sofa – desk – cushion) under you.

12- He is sitting in an /a ( chair – armchair – sofa) reading a story.

13- Rodi puts her dress in the ( wardrobe – cupboard – fridge).

14- I need extra shelves in this ( bath – bookcase – painting) for more books.

15- We wash the dishes in the ( washbasin – bath – sink).

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1) Rewrite the following sentences:

1- Yes, my father has got a new car. ( Has)


2- Asmaa has got brown eyes. (I)


3- No, I haven't got a guitar. ( you )


4- Omar has got glasses. ( not )


5- My sisters have got blue eyes. ( What)


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Choose the correct answer:

1- My mother's husband is my ( uncle – father – grandfather).

2- My mother's sister is my ( daughter – aunt – grandmother).

3- My parents' son is my ( father – sister – brother ).

4- My brother's son is my ( niece – nephew – cousin).

5- My sister's daughter is my ( niece – nephew – mother).

6- My uncle's son is my ( father – cousin – nephew).

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad



A: …………………………………………………..?

B: I'm from Britain.

A: …………………………………………………..?

B: The capital of it is Paris.


A: I can't find my book,…………………………………………..?

B: No, I don't see it.

A: Is it new?

B: ………………………….. . I have just bought it.

A: Maybe you can find it in the class.


A: …………………………………………………..?

B: That's my cousin, Jamal.

A: …………………………………………………..?

B: He's 29.

A: What does he do?

B:………………………………… . He likes cooking so much.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- I love to…………………….. out with my friends.
study hang wash have
2- I usually go ………….. with my mother at Carrefour. We buy a lot of nice things.
sleeping shopping washing reading
3- I love spending my free time …………………….. computer games.
studying playing washing eating
4- I ………….. to the cinema once a month.
play go hang watch
5- I love reading a lot so, I love to go to the ………………… in my free time.
cinema restaurant bakery library
6- Nobody knows how many people currently …………………… the internet.
surf deal hang go
7- I go to the sports centre to …………………….. sports.
read practise surf eat
8- I can’t reach my friends, so I ……………….. them text messages.
read send surf have
9- People who move to a new country have to ……………….. a foreign language.
send surf learn drink
10- In the evening, I sit with my family and we …………….…… a DVD.
read send watch go
11- I like ………………. Sports in my spare time.
reading eating playing going
12- My sister and I play ……………………. games together.
TV computer book CD
13- I always …………………….. with my cousin on Thursdays.
hang up hang out hang hang at
14- She has to study a …………………. language to travel abroad.
read send watch learn
15- To borrow books for reading, you need to go the ……………………… .
library cinema club school

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- Nelly looks very ( clumsy – elegant – silly ) and beautiful in her new dress.
2- He gets himself into dangerous situations, he's a ( easy going – sporty – danger
3- She always says "please," she is very ( bad – polite – plump).
4- Jones' ( book – catchphrase – brains) is " let's split up, gang."
5- He eats a lot. He's ( clumsy – plump – careful ).
6- Messi is ( clumsy – silly – sporty ).
7- Kung fu is a ( language – computer – martial art ).
8- He's afraid of ghosts but he manages to ( avoid – overcome – come ) his fear.
9- The gang ( describes – plays – solves ) the mystery.
10- The dog has a red ( cellar – collar – caller ).
11- Joe is clever. He is the ( profile – brains – problem ) of our class.
12- Shaggy is an ( easy going – danger prone – awful ) teenager.
13- His body is well built. He's ( plump – slim – fat ).
14- Tommy is ( silly – clumsy – friendly ), everyone likes him.
15- Most students ( say – speak – pronounce ) the word "orange" the wrong way.

2) Rearrange the following sentences:

1- drives – also – He – the – machine - mystery.
2- ghosts- afraid- is - of- He.
3- manages – He – his – fear – overcome - to.
4- loves – computers – Velma – studying – and – language - foreign.
5- see - She - well - can't - glasses - her - with.
6- gets into –often – Daphne - trouble - and- for help - asks.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1) Rewrite the following sentences:

1- He walks to the school every day. (I)
2- You read the newspaper every morning. ( He )
3- We don't write our homework before lunch. (Ahmed)
4- Mohamed doesn't attend all the classes. (never)
5- He swims in the swimming pool. (They)
6- The students write many exercises every day. (The student)
7- She plays tennis on Fridays. (I)
8- Hana and Judy walk to school every day. (She)
9- It drinks milk in the morning. (Cats)
10-Judy eats her breakfast every morning. (We)
11-Rana goes to school by bus. (Ask)
12-The students finish their homework. (Negative)
13-The cat catches the mouse. (Negative)
14-The man fix his car. (correct)
15-The baby cries loudly. (not)

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

2) Correct the verb:

1- Rana always (dive) ………………..with a diving suit.
2- She sometimes (ride)……………… her bike in the park.
3- She never (eat) ………………….fish.
4- He (do)…………………..his homework on Fridays
5- I often (read)…….……a magazine on Sunday morning.
6- Judy sometimes (play)….…… in the park.
7- My sister always (drink)……………. milk in the park.
8- We (go)……………… to the club on Fridays.

3) Ask a question:

Judy goes to bed at ten o'clock.
She buys a lot of food.
We visit the zoo every Friday.
I run to school because I am late.
My father works in a hospital.
Yes, she speaks English well.
No, Ali doesn't wake up early.
They live in India.
No, she doesn’t have her sunglasses.
She gets up at 8 o’clock daily.
They usually play football in the club.
I watch TV every night.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- I help my mum with the ( home – household – machine ) chores.
2- I ( walk – send - have ) the dog for half an hour
3- You should keep your class clean and ( dirty – tidy – dust).
4- I always ( do – have – make ) the laundry on Fridays.
5- Mum is preparing dinner, let's ( sit – seat – set) the table.
6- He spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV, he's a ( bird – couch potato –
7- My friends will come, I need to ( dust – write – read ) all the furniture.
8- I hate ( playing – doing – ironing ) clothes.
9- My father usually ( waters – drinks – eats ) the plants.
10- Can you ( take up – take out – take off ) the rubbish?
11- John is ( watering – cutting – having ) the grass.
12- Busy bee means ( busy – lazy – plump).

2) Rearrange the following sentences:

1 – my – usually – I – bedroom - clean.
2- makes - Omar - always - bed - his.
3- goes – My - usually – mother - shopping.
4- the - Mona – table – sometimes - sets .
5- often - mop – I – floor – the .
6-takes – father – out - my – rubbish – the – sometimes.
7-dusts – always – Judy – furniture – the .
8- cooks – the – mother - dinner - My –always .

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

2) Rewrite the following sentences:

1- She rides her bike in the park. (sometimes)
2- You go to bed at 9 o’clock. (always)
3- We go to the cinema on Wednesday. (usually)
4- I don't read a magazine on Sunday morning. (often)
5- She eats fish. (never)
6- He doesn't do his homework on Fridays. (sometimes)
7- I am late for school. (never)
8- She is playing tennis now. (every morning)
9- My mum did the laundry yesterday. (on Sundays)
10- They don't go shopping in the afternoon. (never)

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- Mona ( has – gets – plays ) up at 6 o'clock and has a big breakfast.

2- Helmi ( does – stays – cooks ) his homework.

3- I ( hang – go – meet ) my friends in the evening.

4- She sometimes ( has – hangs – chats ) out at the mall.

5- My brother usually ( goes – chats – does ) with friends online.

6- Laura always ( comes – goes – gets ) round and we play video games.

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- I've an exam so I'm ( lazy – free – busy).
2- A ( teenager – child – baby) is from 13 to 19.
3- That car ( own – belongs – deals ) to my aunt.
4- We have to wear our school ( pants – dress – uniform).
5- There are many activities in the after-school ( club – shop – library).
6- She usually ( does – plays – goes ) skateboarding on Saturdays.
7- What do you always do in your ( busy – lazy – free) time?
8- ( Rollerblading – Karate – Skateboarding) is to move on a surface using

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Lina : Is Roni there, please? Dialogues

Dad: ……………………………………….., I'll get her.
Lina : Are you free on Monday?
Roni: Yes, I am.
Lina: What about going to the club?
Roni: ………………………………… .When would you lie to meet?
Lina: 9:00 is good for me.

Noura : ……………………………………………………………………?
Nagham : me and sometime my sister helps mum in the housework.
Noura : ……………………………………………?
Nagham : I usually take the rubbish out.
Noura : ……………………………………………?
Nagham : In the evenings, I set the table for dinner.
Cilia : …………………………………………………………?
Jolia: I always get up at 6 o'clock.
Cilia : …………………………………………………………?
Jolia: My mother usually drives me.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Complete the following paragraph using the words

between brackets:
1- It’s ……………… cold in the North pole.
freezing carving warming
2- You can see a lot of trees in the…………..
library park cinema
3- Children like to make snow ………………..
boy child man
4- People are using shovels to ………….. the sculptures.
see carve watch
5-It’s……………….. and dry in Summer.
freezing warm cold
6- Some people are wearing…………… at the parade.
costumes uniforms shoes
7- Some people are at the top of each other making …..
human tower buildings flats
8- A religious Holiday in Spain with dancing music………
fiesta time holiday Christmas
9- My mother told me to take ……………. Of myself.
up care out
10-My brother won a swimming …………….last year.
Contest festival club

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Re-arrange the following:

1- top – climbing – on – people - are - each – of - other .

2- a human- People – are - tower – making .
3- wearing – People – costumes – are – and - dancing –
they – are - the – streets – in .
4- having - wonderful – I'm – time – a .
5- wait – can't – to- I – watch – the - parade – night .
6- showing – is - My – around –aunt – me .
7- the weather – like – what's – ? - Quebec – in .
8- called – the – is – Quebec – capital – world's – snow .
9- craving- sculptures – are – People – snow – from .

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Ques. Word + v. to be + Subject + verb (-ing) ….?

Put the verbs between brackets in the present
Look ! Judy (wear) ………………… her jacket. It

(rain)……….heavily now. Her mother (wait) …………..

for her.She can't find a taxi. Her father (drive)……..….

his car home. He (look)……….for her. Suddenly he saw

her standing on the road. He takes her and they return

back home.

Choose the correct verb then put it in the present

( listen – visit – dance – study – do
– watch – write – not talk)
Dear Rana:
It’s four o’clock. I’m bored. Nour is here, but she
…..…….. a show on TV. she.………… to me. Ahmed
………… to music and ……………... Mai isn’t here. She
……………her grandma. Hana and Dina ………………. for
a test. I ……………… an email to you! What ……………..
you……………. today?

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1- ………………….………………………..?
Yes, Tala is studying at the moment.
2- ………………….………………………..?
Yes, they are playing in the park now.
No, Mai and Judy aren't shopping right now.
4- ………………….………………………..?
No, we aren’t watching TV. now.
Reem is praying in the living room now.
I am wearing brown shoes.
We are watching a film.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

celebration Festival or a big party.

Complete using the words between brackets:

( throw – red nose – carry away – light – celebrate –

apologize - put on – parade – funny – decorated )

1) In Germany , people….….……carnival in February

They …………….masks and …………….……and they have

fun. They watch…………… . People wear …………..

clothes and …………… sweets from …………. cars.

2 ) In Thailand, Lay Krathong is a popular festival.

People ……………….candles at the first full moon after

the rainy season and float them on the rivers. They

want to ……………………….. for polluting the water. They

believe they …………………. bad luck.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Choose the correct answer:

1- People put ………….nice costumes in festivals.
up on in
2- Vampires become hungry for blood when there’s a
small full incomplete
3- People believe that wearing something blue carries
………………bad luck.
on away up
4- People say, it’s bad …………….to see a black cat.
love lung luck
5- On birthdays, people usually ……………..candles.
burn light turn
-Re-arrange the following:
1- every country -have- People-in- celebrations -special.
2- celebrate - In Germany –people – carnival .
3- put on - masks – People – red noses – and .
4- having – Today - a party – we're – school – at .
5- rafts – People – with - decorate – and – flowers –
candles .

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Correct the underlined mistakes:

1-The cat chase the mouse at the moment.

……………………………………………………………….. .

2-Mary drink tea for breakfast.

………………………………………………..……………… .

3-She get up early.

……………………..………………………………………… .

4-He want to be a doctor when he grow up.

…………………………………………..…………………… .

5-Today, Tom help his mother.

…………..…………………………………………………… .

6-My mother wash our dirty clothes every day.

……………………..………………………………………… .

7-Look! John play tennis.

………………………………..……………………………… .

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

8- I fly my kite on the beach now.

……………………..………………………………………… .

9-Every summer, Rania go to the swimming pool.

……………………………………………………..………… .

10-Sally watch T.V every night while I am studying my


……………………………………………………………………… .

Do as shown:

1- She …………………….. (run) because she’s late for her

lesson. (correct)
2-Our teacher always ……………..(give) us lots of
homework. (correct)
3- Rana………………(never/ like) to go to the concert.
4- People………………… (speak) Turkish in Turkey.
5- Adam……………….(not/use) his computer at the
moment. (correct)
6- ………………..( he / live) near the park? (correct)

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

7- Rana…………….(get up) at 8.00 o’clock every

morning. (correct)

8- Adam often ………………… (do) his homework every

evening, but he ………………… (play) football at the

moment. (correct)

9- Look! They ……………….(watch) TV. (correct)

10- At weekends my mother ………….. (wake up) late

because she …………………..(not/work) on Satudays

or on Sundays. (correct)

11- I ……………….. (like) hanging out with my friends.


12-Sally is riding a horse. (Change into negative)


13-My mother drinks coffee. (Change into negative)


14- Listen! Rana ……………… (sing) in the bathroom.

15- I ………………….. (chat) with my friends at the
moment. (correct)

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

16- Cats always ……………….. (eat) mice. (correct)

17- Shhhhh! Be quiet! My daughter ……………..(sleep).

18- Where is Mrs Brown?
She ……………….(talk) on the phone. (correct)
19- Ali ……..………(do) his homework now. (Correct)

20- We are eating popcorn. (Ask)


21-Ali goes to the club by car. (Ask)


22 -I'm eating my breakfast every morning. (Correct)


23-They aren't play in the park. (Correct)


24-Rana ……………..(swims) in the lake at the moment.

25-Soha is fly a kite at present. (Correct)


26-Look! Sara doesn't wear a hat. (Correct)


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

-Re-arrange the following:

1 –celebrate – the – festival- moon- People – autumn- in.

2-prepare – traditional- People- to- mooncakes – eat .
3- get – families – together- Chinese – celebrate - to .

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues :

Rana : Hi! Judy! It’s Rana.
Judy: ……………………………………………………………
Rana: ……………………………………………..……………..?
Judy: I’m watching TV.
Judy: Menna is reading a book.
Rana: I am playing basket ball in the garden with
Judy: Great! …………………………………….. too!

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Ahmed: Are you doing anything important this
Ahmed: I’m going to visit the
Ali:……………………………... , when are we going to meet?
Ahmed: ………………………………………….8:oo a.m.?
Ali: ………………………………………! where ?
Ahmed: In front of the gates leading to the pyramids.
Ali: OK. …………………………………………………………..

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1. Form the plurals of the following:

no Word Plural no Word plural No Word Plural

1. Apple 2. Cup 3. Home

4. Dress 5. Day 6. Word

7. Family 8. story 9. Watch

10. Dish 11. worker 12. Office

13. Tea 14. strawberry 15. Lemon

16. Juice 17. drop 18. Dog

19. Record 20. cherry 21. Window

22. Sheep 23. deer 24. Fish

2. Change the following sentences into plural:

1-This is a nice flower.


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

2-I’d like an apple, please!


3-Can I have a cup of hot chocolate, please?


4-A man is running.


5-She is eating a melon.


6-That is a sheep.


3. Correct the underlined mistakes:

1- Why is playing football? Ahmed.


2-Where do you get up? At six o'clock.


3-What old are you? I'm seven.


4-What Ali is wearing? He is wearing costume.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues

Ahmad: Are you doing anything important this weekend?

Ali: …………………………………………………………………………………..(1)

Ahmad: I’m going to visit the pyramids.…………………………………………….?(2)

Ali:……………………………………………….. , when are we going to meet?(3)

Ahmad: ………………………………………………….………. 8:oo a.m.?(4)

Ali: ………………………………………………………… ?(5)

Ahmad: in front of the gates leading to the pyramids.

Ali: OK. ……………………………………………..(6)

4)Ask a question:

We ate popcorn yesterday.
I watched a film last weekend.
No, the police man didn't catch the thief.
He drank orange juice in the coffee yesterday.
I met a friend last Sunday.
Ahmed bought a CD last week.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Give one word:

1 - A grey animal with short fur that lives near

the sea and that eats fish. (……………………….)
2 - Flat pieces of hard material that cover the body of
A fish . (……………………….)
3 - An insect with a long thin body and a pair of wings,
often seen near water . (……………………….)
4- A large area of land covered with trees . (……………………….)
5- Shout . (……………………….)

2)Choose the correct answer:

1- Judy felt happy and ( frustrated – excited – bored ).
2 - Ahmed was shocked and ( calm – scared – happy ) by the ghost.
3 - A seal has ( flippers – antennae – feathers ).
4 - Feeling frightened is a ( good – positive – negative ) emotion.
5 – People think that it's bad luck to (see – break– catch ) a mirror, but is
not true.
6 - I had a strange ( luck – dream – sunbathe ) last night.
7 - The British ( hang – carry – drop ) horseshoes over the door.
8 - The old man was (excited- frightened- thrilled) when he saw the
barking dog.
9 - All fish have (wings- antennae- fins).
10 – Lions have (scales- paws- flippers)

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Choose the correct answer:

1- My brother ( travels – will travel – travelled ) to Alex yesterday.
2- They ( went – go – will go ) to the cinema an hour ago.
3- I ( see – saw – seen) my cousin last night.
4- When I ( am – was – been) three, I could play football.
5- The ship ( sinks – is sinking – sank) in 2009.
6- Last morning, My mother ( slept – sleeps – is sleeping) early.
7- Mona ( hears – heard – is hearing ) music two hours ago.
8- We ( wasn't – aren't – weren't ) at school last Friday.
9- My friend didn't ( sent – send – sends) me an e-mail last week.
10- Randa didn't ( eat – ate – eaten) her sandwich.
11- I ( have – has – had ) enough money to buy this book last month.
12- I didn't ( had – has – have ) a red car.
13- ( Did – Have – Do ) you buy the green shirt yesterday?
14- ( Did – Is – Was ) she at the bakery?
15- Did he ( took – take – taken ) the dog for a walk?
16- Where ( did – does – do ) you go yesterday?
17- When ( was – is – does) the concert last week?
18- What did he ( does- do – done) last night?
19- What did you learned – learnt – learn ) last year?

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

2)Rewrite the following

1- I was at the club five days ago. ( They )
2- You were at school last Monday. ( not )
3- He broke his leg last summer. ( not )
4- The plane flew an hour ago. ( not )
5- Lily washed the dishes yesterday. ( negative )
6- Rami eat pizza. ( yesterday )
7- She usually sleeps early. ( last night )
8- My mum made a cake last Friday. ( What )
9- The movie was boring yesterday. ( How )
10- We are studying English now. ( an hour ago )

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

11- They (visit) their grandpa yesterday. (correct)

12- I ( go ) to the club last week. (correct)
13- My brother ( loses ) the last match . (correct)
14- Arwa didn't (drew) a picture two hours ago. (correct)
15- Did you ( had ) a party last Friday? (correct)

3)Rearrange the following

1- Rana’s – Did – house – you –go –to ?
2- the film – Did – like – you?
3- your – do – grandfather – did – What?
4- did – Judy – the cake – put – Where?
5- When – picture – Ahmed – did – paint – this?

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Choose the correct answer:

1 – Rana ( was watching – has watched – will watch ) TV when my
uncle came.
2 - She ( reads – read - was reading ) a wonderful story at 7 o'clock
3 - It ( was raining – rained – rains ) all day last night.
4 - What ( you were doing – are you doing – were you doing ) at 6
o'clock yesterday afternoon?
5- They (not- wasn't- weren't) watering the plants at 6 yesterday.
6- (Was- Are- Were) you doing your homework at 7 o'clock yesterday?
7- My mother (is- was- were) reading a story for us at 9 last night.
8- He (was writing- writes- wrote) a letter when the phone rang.

2) Rewrite the following sentences:

1. She was reading a story at 6 o'clock yesterday. ( Ask )

2. Yes, I was visiting the pyramids. ( Ask )
3. It rained last night. ( Use: all day last night )
4. Yes, I was tidying my room at 8 last night. ( Ask )
5. My sister did the laundry yesterday. (at 5 yesterday)

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

1)Choose the correct answer:

1- When the door bell rang, my mum ( washed – washes – was

washing ) the clothes.
2 - He( climbed – was climbing – was climbed ) the ladder when
suddenly he fell down and hurt his leg.
3 - The policeman ( left – was left – was leaving ) an hour ago.
4 - The thief was running out of the bank when the policeman
( caught – was catching – was caught ) him.
5- While I ( was reading – reading – am reading ) the newspaper, the
phone rang.
6- He was burning rubbish when his clothes ( caught – is catching –
catches ) fire.
7 - The baby ( was crawling – crawling – crawled ) when I opened the
8 - The man ( found – was found – was finding ) a box full of coins
while he was digging in the garden yesterday.
9 - A thief ( stole – stealing – was stealing ) the woman's bag.
10 - I ( was seen – saw – see ) my friend Gamal two days ago.
11 - I ( was watching – watched – watch ) TV while Mum
( cooked - was cooking – cooks ).
12 - ( Did Ben watch – Was Ben watching – Is Ben watching ) TV
while Sally was doing the laundry?
13 - Fatima ( arrives – arriving – arrived ) while Sally
(was having – had – has ) lunch.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

14 - Shady ( washed – washes – was washing ) his father's car

when the phone ( rang – rings – was ringing ).
15 - (When- While- What) my sister was playing computer games,
I was listening to music.
16- What time did you (wake – woke – waking) up?

2) Rewrite the following sentences:

1 –Ahmed was watching TV when his father entered. ( While )
………………………………………………………………….......... .
2 - He fell down while he was climbing the tree. ( when )
3- While he was crossing the street, it began to rain. ( When )
……………………………………………………………........ .
4 - He borrowed some money a week ago. ( last )
5 - He was sleeping when the phone rang. ( While)
6 - While Judy was cooking, Ahmed ( listened ) to music.
………………………………………………………………… ( Correct )
7 - When you called me, I was watching TV. ( Ask)
8 - ( When ) Rana was helping her mum , she dropped some dishes.
………………………………………………………………… ( Correct )
9- He gets a job in a publishing company. (three days ago)
10 - While Tala( went ) to school, she met her friend Suzy. (Correct)
11 - She ( watered ) the plants when her uncle came. (Correct )

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

12 –Fatma was playing chess when the phone ( was ringing ).

…………………………………………………………… ( Correct )
13 - I……………...…(watch)TV when the cup….…...( fall ) in the kitchen.
(Correct )
14 - What…………………………( you/do ) when you saw the ghost ?
(Correct )
15 - I……………………( play ) a computer game when all the
lights…………….( go ) out. (Correct )
16 - My mother cooked dinner. My sister set the table.
…………………………………………………………………….. (While)
17- I watch TV and have dinner. (Last night)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs

in the past: simple or continuous:
1. While I ………………… (study), Sam …………… (play) computer games.
2. The sun ……………… (shine) when we ………………… (get up) this
3. What ……………………… (the children/ do) when the teacher
………………… (arrive).
4. My father ………………… (not/ feel) well yesterday, so he
………………(not/ go) to work.
5. People …………………… (think) that she ……………… (be) a good artist,
but she ………… (not/ be).
6. Who ……………… (tell) you the news?

7. We ............................. [wait] for the bus when it ...................... [start] to rain.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

2 Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets:

1. The dog was sleeping. The cat drank the milk. [when]
2. While I was having a bath, the telephone rang. [When]
3. When she broke her pen she was drawing. [While]
4. They were studying when we came home. [not]
5. She was singing [What]

Complete the following dialogues:

Jack : ………………………………………………….?
Bill : I was watching a football match yesterday at 7 : 00 .
Jack : ………………………………………………………….?
Bill : It started at 6 : 00 and ended at 8 : 00 .
Jack : ……………………………………………………………?
Bill : No , my team didn’t win .
Jack : Oh , hard luck .

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Lila : …………………………………………………………..?

Maha : I was going to the park yesterday.

Lila : ………………………………………………………….?

Maha : I was going there with my family.

Lila : What did you do there?

Maha : ………………………………………………………….. .

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

* Write a paragraph about:

“A special festival in Egypt”









Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Write a paragraph about your FAMILY


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Write a paragraph about "Your daily routine"


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Write a paragraph about "Helping your mum doing the housework"


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Write a paragraph about colours using these elementsa:

colours that you know:

What's your favourite colour? Why?

What do you feel when you see it? Does this colour reflect your personality?


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Write a paragraph of SIX sentences about " a strange dream"

Guiding words: scream – panda – trees – fall down – run – chase -


Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Chapter One
P.6 to P.9
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How many children does the rich man have?
Six children ( Beauty, Hortensia , Rosalind and three brothers ).
2. Where does the rich man live?
In a big house in the town.
3. Describe Beauty.
She is very beautiful. She has got red hair. She is friendly and kind.
4. What does Beauty's father do?
He is a merchant.
5. Why is Beauty's father sad?
Because, his ship is lost in the sea.
6. Do Rosalind and Hortensia help Beauty?
No, they don't.
7. Why is Rosalind unhappy in the country?
Because, she has nothing to do. There is no theaters to go.
B. Complete:

1. Rosalind and Hortensia are lazy and selfish.

2. Beauty is friendly and kind.

3. Beauty's father is a merchant.

4.The family goes to the country and lives in a small house.

5. Beauty washes the family clothes in the river.

6. Beauty's sisters walk in the garden in the afternoon.

7. The rich man loses all his money because his ship is lost at sea.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Chapter Two

P.15 to P.18
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the letter about?
The ship that was lost in the sea.
2. What does Hortensia ask her father to buy?
She wants some new hats and shoes.
3. What does Beauty want?
She just wants a rose.
4. Where does Beauty's father find his ship?
At the port.
5. What does Beauty's father feel when he is lost?
She fells sad.
6. What does he see in the forest?
A big castle.
7. What does Beauty's father see in the castle?
There is a huge hall. There is a long table with a lot of food.
8. Are there anyone in the castle?
No, there aren't.
9. What does Beauty's father eat for breakfast?
He eats bread, chocolate and cakes.
10. What does Beauty's father do in the castle?
He wants to get a beautiful rose for Beauty.
11. What is the terrible noise?
It was the Beast.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

B. Complete:
1. "Bring me some new hats and new shoes" says Hortensia.

2. Beauty wants a rose from her father.

3. The ship is ……….….. in the port.

4. Beauty's father crosses a big forest.

5. Suddenly Beauty's father sees a big castle in the forest.

6. Beauty's father takes his horse to the stable.

7. Beauty's father finds a room and a comfortable bed.

8. Suddenly he hears a terrible noise.

9. Beauty's father turns around and sees an ugly monster.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Chapter Three
P.27 to P.30
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What does the Beast ask Beauty's father to do?
To bring one of his daughters to him.
2. Why is the Beast angry?
Because, Beauty's father picks up a rose from his garden.
3. What does Beauty's father fill the chest with?
It is full of gold.
4. What does Beauty decide to do?
To go to the castle and meet the Beast.
5. Are beauty's brothers sad?
Yes, they are.
8. Are Beauty's sisters sad?
No, they aren't.
11. What do Beauty and her father see inside the castle?
There is a long table with a lot of food.
13. What is the terrible noise?
The Beast.
14.What does the Beast ask Beauty's father to do?
To go back home.
15. What is Beauty's dream?
There is a kind fairy that says "you have got a kind heart, Beauty"

and she will be a princess one day.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

B. Complete:
1. Beauty decides to go to the Beast's castle.

2.Beauty's father tell his children about his terrible noise.

3. The Beast can wait three months.

4. There is a big mirror in your bedroom.

5. Beauty's father fills the chest with a lot of gold.

6. Beauty's father tells his children about the empty ship in the port.

7. Beauty's brothers are going to the castle to kill the Beast.

8. Beauty's brothers are very sad. but her sisters are happy.

9. Inside the castle Beauty and her father see a table with a lot of good

food on it.

10. Beauty sees the Beast's ugly face and she is scared.

11. The fairy says "you have got a kind heart, Beauty"

12. A good fairy talks to Beauty during a dream.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Chapter Four
P.36 to P.40
A. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Beauty surprised in the garden?

Because there are different colours and trees.
2. Describe Beauty's room.
There is a big mirror on the wall , a nice bed and a lot of books.
3. What does Beauty find in the book?
She finds a letter from the Beast . " You're the queen of the castle ".
4. How does Beauty see her father?
Through the mirror in her room. He was sad and alone.
5. Where does she stay all afternoon?
In the garden.
6. When does the Beast see Beauty?
At dinner time.
7. What are the two questions that the beast asks?
" Am I ugly ? " and " Do you want to marry me ? "
8. Does Beauty agree to marry the Beast?
No she doesn't.
9. Why does Beauty prefer the Beast?
Because, he has got a kind heart.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

B. Complete:

1. Beauty is afraid "the Beast's going to eat me".

2. Beauty goes to see the big garden and she is surprised.

3. There is a mirror on the wall in Beauty's room.

4. Suddenly Beauty sees her father in the mirror on the wall. He is very


5. Beauty plays a wonderful music on the piano.

6. Beauty takes a book about flowers and looks at the pictures of

different flowers.

8. " You're the queen of the castle" says Beauty.

9. "You're right Beauty" I'm terribly ugly but I'm kind " says The Beast.

10. The beast asks Beauty to marry him.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

P.44 to P.46
A. Answer the questions:-
1. What does Beauty do every day in the castle?
She reads books, plays the piano and walks in the gaden.
2. How long does Beauty stay in the castle?
Three months.
3. What does Beauty put in the rooms of the castle?
She puts flowers.
4. What does the Beast ask Beauty every evening? And what's her answer?
He asks " Do you want to marry me? " and she answers " No, I don't. "
5. Why does the Beast ask Beauty the same question every evening?
He wants to hear another answer.
6. Why does Beauty's face become red?
Because the Beast says to her " I love you. "
7. What does Beauty ask the beast to see for the last time?
She wants to see her father.
8. What does Beauty see in the mirror in her room?
Her father and her family.
9. Does the Beast agree Beauty to visit her family?
Yes, he does.
10. What does Beauty do before coming back to the castle?
She must put the magic ring on a table near her bed.

B. Complete:
1. Beauty spends three months at the castle.

2. Sometimes Beauty makes perfume from the flowers.

3. Everyday Beauty reads books and plays the piano.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

4. Beauty is not afraid of his ugly face now.

5. Beauty's face becomes red and she is quiet for a moment.

6. Beauty must come back in a week.

7. Beauty wants to be the Beast's friend.

8. The Beast gives Beauty a magic ring.

9. Beauty wants to go home and see her family.

10. Beauty sees her father. He's sad and alone.

Chapter six
P.54 to P.58
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Where is Beauty when she wakes up?
In her room in her father's house.
2. Is her father sad?
Yes, he is.
3. What does Beauty find in her room?
A chest full of clothes.
4. Who sends Beauty the chest?
The Beast.
5. Who does Beauty want to give clothes to?
T her sisters.
6. What happens to the chest when Beauty decides to give it to her sisters?
It disappeared.
8. Why is Rosalind unhappy with her husband?
Rosalind's husband is handsome and spends all day in front of a
mirror and he never looks at her.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

9. Why is Hortensia unhappy with her husband?

Hortensia's husband is very clever but he doesn't love anyone. She

can't invite her friends to home.

10. What does Beauty say to her sisters about the Beast?
She says that he is Kind and friendly.
11. How do Beauty's sisters feel towards her?
They are joules of her.
12. What is Beauty's sisters' plan against Beauty?
They want her to stay with them for another week, so the Beast will eat her.
B. Complete:
1. The next morning Beauty wakes up in her room in her father's house.

2. Beauty goes to her room and finds a chest full of clothes.

3. Beauty wants to give these lovely clothes to Hortensia and Rosalind.

4. Rosalind and Hortensia are both very unhappy.

5. Rosalind's husband is handsome and spends all day in front of a mirror.

6. Hortensia's husband is very clever but he doesn't like anyone.

7. Beauty lives in the Beast's castle , she plays the piano and walks in the


8. Beauty has to go back to the Beast in a week.

9. During the week the two sisters are friendly to Beauty.

10. Beauty is happy with her sisters.

11. Beauty's sisters ask her to stay with them another week.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Chapter seven
P.62 to P.64
A. Answer the following questions:
2. What is Beauty's dream?
She sees the Beast is fell on the ground in the castle's garden.
3. What does Beauty do to go back to the Beast?
She put the magic ring on a table near her bed.
5. Where does Beauty find the Beast?
On the ground in the castle's garden.
6. How is the Beast when Beauty sees him?
He is almost die.
7. What does Beauty do when she sees the Beast?
She gets some cold water from the river and wets his face.
8. Why is the Beast dying?
Because, he can't lives without Beauty.
B. Complete:
1. The Beast is going to be very angry without the Beauty.
2. In Beauty's dream, the Beast is on the ground in the garden.
3. The poor Beast is going to die without Beauty.
4. Beauty takes the ring and puts it on a table near her bed.
5. The Beast is ugly but he is very kind.
6. The Beast doesn't come for dinner in the evening.
7. Beauty finds the Beast in the garden of the castle.
8. Beauty listens to the Beast's heart and it is beating.
9. Beauty gets some ……………...water and wets The Beast's face.
10. " Don't die! You must live and become my husband"

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

Chapter eight
P.72 to P.74
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What happens suddenly when Beauty agrees to marry the Beast?
The beast turns into a young man.
2. Who is the Beast?
He is a young man. He is a prince.
4. What can only break the spell?
The true love.
5. What is the surprise when Beauty opens the castle's door?
She finds her family.
7. How does the fairy describe Beauty's sisters?
They are both bad, lazy and unkind.
8. What does the fairy do with Beauty's sisters? Why?
She turns them into sculptures. Because, they are both bad, lazy and unkind.
9. What must Beauty's sisters do to become Rosalind and Hortensia?
They must understand their mistakes.
11. Why does the young handsome prince become an ugly beast?
Because, a bad witch puts a spell on a prince and only true love can break it.

B. Complete:
1. Suddenly there are beautiful fireworks in the sky.
2. Beauty sees a handsome young man.
3. " Thank you Beauty the spell is broken."
4. Sometimes a bad witch puts a spell on a prince and only true love can break
5. When Beauty opens the castle's door she sees her family .
6. Beauty has got a gift so she is going to marry the prince.

Master Sherif Mostafa Saad

7. Beauty's sisters are both bad, lazy and unkind.

8. Suddenly Beauty's sisters become sculptures.
9. When Beauty's sisters understand their mistakes .They can become Rosalind
and Hortensia again.
10. Beauty and the prince get married . Everyone dances and sings in the
11. Beauty and the prince are going to be very happy together.


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