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Chapter 1


Review of Related Literature

According to Apolinar (2019), HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. It

is one of the strands offered to Senior High students. This strand is for learners who aim to

take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social

science-related courses in college. The HUMSS strand revolves around improving a

student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills because if you haven’t noticed yet, people

who choose this strand are aspiring to become members of the society who will be be

dealing with a lot of people. Students under the HUMSS strand are those who are

people-oriented and curious about the other side of the wall. This is for those who are

considering taking up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other

social science-related courses in college (Palamog,2017).

Paleza (2018) stated that being a HUMSS student is pressumed to be easy since they

did not focus on science or math. However, Humanities and Social Sciences strand

focuses on other field. It covers Political Science, Literature, Anthropology, Philosophy,

World Religion, Linguistic, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, History and many more

which are mostly in relation with society and interaction. Strand shaming is not a new

issue added Paleza. The implementation of the K to 12 program sparked the growth of

strand hierarchy.Strand heirarchy is the belief that this strand is superior than the other.

However, strand shaming in HUMSS strand affects the choice of those upcoming Senior

High School students because of false rumors and wrong information regarding this

The factors that greatly influences a students’ preference in choosing his or her

strand are academic experience, educational aspirations/expectations, advice of others,

friends / peer influence and family background (Vallesa, Albia, & Gayosa et. al, n.d).

Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory

impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. In relation to decision

making process, perception affects our way of thinking on how we deal with situations

like making a decision (Albia,2017). Grade 10 students’ perception about HUMSS strand

should be clear and concise because this can affect the number of upcoming Grade 11

students who will be taking up HUMSS strand. Relating perception to our everyday

life might be easier than one might think, the way we view the world and everything

around us has a direct effect on our thoughts, actions, and behavior. It helps us relate

things to one another, and be able to recognize situations, objects, and

patterns (PSU,2015).
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of Grade 10 students on Humanities and

Social Sciences strand. Specificlly, this study answers the following questions:

1. What are the Grade 10 students’ perception about Humanities and Social Sciences


2. What are the factors that affect the students’ preference in choosing a Senior High

School strand?

3. How do these factors affect the student’s decision making in choosing their Senior

High School strand?

Significance of the Study

To the upcoming Senior High School students. This study will help them in

anticipating theirselves. The recent perception of the students can serve as a guide in

regards to choosing their strand. They can use the recent insights of the Senior High

School student as a tool that can help them realize their strengths and weaknesses.

To the Senior High School HUMSS students. This study will help them to know

their strand better by identifying the different career paths that they will take in the future

through the different subjects taught to them and apply their knowledge in the society.

To the Researchers, this study can help us gain additional insights and will deepen

our knowledge about the HUMSS strand.

To the future Researchers. This study will serve as their guide when they decided

to conduct a research similar to our topic.

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