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Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering

Research Article Open Access

Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and

possible amelioration
Abstract Volume 3 Issue 5 - 2017

Depression being a state of sadness may be defined as a psychoneurotic disorder

Khushboo, Sharma B
characterised by mental and functional activity, sadness, reduction in activity, Department of Biochemistry, University of Allahabad, India
difficulty in thinking, loss of concentration, perturbations in appetite, sleeping,
and feelings of dejection, hopelessness and generation of suicidal tendencies. It Correspondence: B Sharma, Department of Biochemistry,
is a common and recurrent disorder causing significant morbidity and mortality University of Allahabad, Allahabad 211002, UP, India,
worldwide. The antidepressant compounds used against depression are reported to Email
be used also for treating pain, anxiety syndromes etc. They have been grouped in five
different categories such as Received: June 29, 2017 | Published: September 01, 2017

i. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

ii. Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
iii. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
iv. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) and
v. Non-TCA antidepressants based on their mode of action.
Most of the antidepressants have been reported to possess adverse effects on the health
of users. The present review article focuses on an updated current of antidepressants,
their mechanism of actions, pathophysiology of these compounds, their side effects
and the strategies to combat the drug induced toxicity. An account of phytochemicals
found to be acting as antidepressant is also included.

Keywords: depression, antidepressants, toxicity, neurotransmitters, biomarkers

Abbreviations: TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants; SSRIs, selec- their regulations. The malfunctioning of the hypothalamus region of
tive serotonin-reuptake inhibitors; MAOIs, monoamine oxidase inhi- the brain has been found to be associated with very less or too much
bitors; SNRI, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; PMDD, sleep, disinterest in sex and other activities of enjoyment. Depression
premenstrual dysphoric disorder; SAD, seasonal affective disorder; in general has three main forms such as
PMS, premenstrual syndrome; NE, norepinephrine; 5-HT, 5-hydroxy- i. Psychotic depression characterised by severe depression,
tryptamine; DA, dopamine; CNS, central nervous system; NRI, nora-
drenalin specific reuptake inhibitor ii. Postpartum depression characterised by perturbations in the levels
of hormones and physical features after child birth and
iii. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) concerning specially the win-
Depression may be defined in terms of a state of feeling sad. It ter months with less sunlight.11
may also be defined as a psychoneurotic disorder characterised
by mental and functional activity, sadness, reduction in activity, In the women, the depression arises also due to extra work load,
difficulty in thinking, loss of concentration, perturbations in appetite, domestic responsibilities, child care, strained relationship, care of aged
sleeping, and feelings of dejection, hopelessness and generation of parents and poverty. In addition to all these indices, the psychological,
suicidal tendencies.1 It is a common and recurrent disorder causing biological and hormonal factors also significantly contribute in
significant morbidity and mortality worldwide.2,3 Depression, a depression. The premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) or
kind of mental illness, includes arousal of grief which may affect premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and osteoporosis in women can play
the overall thinking process, behaviour and feelings.1 Such persons important role in development of depression. Depression in men may
suffer froman imbalanced sleep and sleeping disorders.4–6 Several be associated with sufferings from serious diseases such as cancer
workers7,8 have described the causes of depression which include and cardiac diseases, extreme tiredness, irritation, disinterest in once-
genetic, heterogeneous parental behaviour to the siblings, neglect pleasurable activities, loss of balance, less sleep and getting aggressive.
and sexual abuse. In addition, certain conditions like difficulties in In older men, arteriosclerotic depression (vascular depression) has
job, relationships, natural disasters, finances, child birth, catastrophic been observed. The depression which may lead to suicide in the
injury, loss of life of loved ones and menopause.9,10 It is known that children may be associated to the emerging sexuality and onset of
different brain regions may mediate the onset of variety of symptoms of puberty. The present article is an endeavour to illustrate an updated
depression as they regulate emotions, neural circuitry and mood. There account and varied aspects of depression such as its pathophysiology,
is meagre information available about the underlying mechanisms of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment with drugs and their mode of actions,
toxicity and use of plant products as potential antidepressants.

Submit Manuscript | J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448. 437

© 2017 Khushboo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 438

Pathophysiology of depression reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which affects the brain serotonin level.
Antidepressants may recover the signs of depression, but also exert
There are no useful biomarkers or imaging abnormalities to some side-effects. They are used in the medication of a number of
determine pathophysiology of depression during life time. The post- symptoms, including not only depression, some anxiety disorder,
mortem study of brain does not reveal any consistent structural or nervousness, OCD, manic-depressive disorders, bedwetting in
neurochemical abnormality. Majority of the currently available childhood, major depressive disorder, diabetic peripheral neuropathic
medications were discovered empirically. Most current theories are pain, social fretfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder etc. and some
based on “amine hypothesis.12” The most important hypothesis of conclude, but not perfect in fibromyalgia, chronic hives (allergic
mood disorder is related to the alterations in the levels of biogenic reaction), flashes, drug induced hyperhidrosis (sweating in excess),
amines.13–15 It states that depression is caused by a functional deficiency premenstrual symptoms, pruritus (itching), nervosa, tourette, binge
of catecholamines, particularly norepinephrine (NE), whereas mania eating disorder etc. The medicines achieve their desired function
is caused by a functional excess of catecholamines at the critical by adversely influencing the concentrations of neurotransmitters
synapses in the brain. The occurrence of depression has been found in the brain such as NE, serotonin and dopamine and the central
to be associated with the alterations in the levels of biogenic amines nervous system (CNS). Based on the mode of actions, a group of
in the brain such as NE, dopamine (DA) and epinephrine, indolamine, antidepressants contain 17 substances which can be further divided
serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and two catecholamines. into subgroups. The commonly used medicines against depression are
Antidepressants summarised in Table 1.

Antidepressants are those drugs which help in the reduction in Antidepressants and their classification
symptoms of depressive disorders by altering chemical imbalances Imipramine was discovered in 1958 as an antidepressant regimen.17
of neurotransmitters in the brain. The change in mood and The antidepressants have been divided into five groups:
behaviour is due to chemical imbalance. Neurotransmitters are the
communication link between neurons in the brain. Neurotransmitters i. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs),
are located in vesicles found in nerve cells. The neurotransmitters
ii. Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline or norepinephrine are
released by the exonic end of one nerve and received by the other; iii. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs),
the phenomenon called as reuptake. The antidepressants inhibit
reuptake of neurotransmitters through selective receptors thereby iv. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) and
increasing the concentration of specific neurotransmitter around the v. Non-TCA antidepressants.
nerves in the brain. One of such antidepressant is selective serotonin
Table1 Commonly used antidepressants and their mechanisms of actions16

Sr. Name of
ATC-Code Pharmaceutical name Mechanism of action
No. substance
1 N06AA04 Clomipramine Anafranil- Novartis + generics Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
2 N06AA06 Trimipramine Surmontil- sanofiaventis Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
3 N06AA09 Amitriptyline Saroten- lundbecktryptizol- msd Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
4 N06AA10 Nortriptyline Sensaval- lundbeck Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
5 N06AA21 Maprotiline Ludiomil- Novartis + generics Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
6 N06AB03 Fluoxetine Fontex- lilly + generics Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors
7 N06AB04 Citalopram Cipramil- lundbeck + generics Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors
8 N06AB05 Paroxetine Seroxat- glaxosk + generics Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors
9 N06AB06 Sertraline Zoloft-Pfizer + generics Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors
10 N06AB08 Fluvoxamine Fevarin- solvaypharma Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors
11 N06AB10 Escitalopram Cipralex- lundbeck Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors

12 N06AG02 Moclobemide Aurorix- roche + generics MAO inhibitor

The TCAs block the reuptake of both norepinephrine (NE) and synaptic 5HT transmission. The SSRIs have very little or insignificant
serotonin (5HT). This phenomenon being the primary mechanism effect on the reuptake of other neurotransmitters. It has been
of actions of antidepressants brings changes in the physiological observed that SSRIs does not display any activity at the muscarinic
behaviour of neuro-receptors. TCAs have also been reported to block and histaminergic receptors which probably results into minute anti-
muscarinic, alpha1 adrenergic and histaminic receptors. However, cholinergic (ACH) and sedative effects (Table 3).
these molecules may lead to occurrence of different side effects in
The mechanisms of actions of different antidepressants such
patients as summarised in Table 2.
as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), phenelzine (Nardil)
Mourilhe20 have reported that the Selective serotonin-reuptake and tranylcypromine (Parnate) associate with the inhibition of
inhibitors (SSRIs) may block the reuptake of 5HT and increase the enzymatic conversion of 5HT and NE into their corresponding

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 439

metabolites. MAOIs are generally prescribed in cases of atypical or antagonist of 5HT2 receptor23 thereby reducing the stimulating effects
drug resistant depression. These compounds contain a certain level of similar to SSRIs. Nefazodone has structural and pharmacological
toxicity. On the contrary to it, the moclobemide (manerix) has been similarities to another antidepressant, trazodone (desyrel). The only
reported to be the first reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A difference is that nefazodone binds with α1 receptors with low
(RIMA). This molecule is found relatively more effective and safe.23 affinity. All of these antidepressants do not significantly influence
Another antidepressant, nefazodone (serzone) has properties of both: ACH mediated functions (Table 4).
it acts like SSRIs which blocks the reuptake of 5HT and also act as an
Table 2 Antidepressants and their side effects

Sr. Therapeutic Toxicity in
substrate (Common Doses Side-effects References
No. index (TI) overdose

Confusion, Numbness and

Tingling In Your Arms and Legs,
Headache, Constipation Or
start with a dosage of
1 Amitriptyline Narrow Diarrhoea, Blurred Vision, Skin High 18
up to 100 mg/day
Rash, Swelling Of Your Face and
Tongue, Nausea, Unexpected
Weight Gain Or Loss

Dizziness or light headedness,

50 mg-100 mg
confusion, constipation,
2 Amoxapine maximum dose: 600 Narrow -
difficulty in urinating, dry
Dizziness or light headedness,
25 mg, 100 mg, 250 confusion, constipation,
3 Clomipramine Narrow Moderate
mg/day difficulty in urinating, dry

Dizziness or light headedness,

confusion, constipation,
4 Desipramine 100-300 mg/day Narrow -
difficulty in urinating, dry

Dizziness or light headedness,

confusion, constipation,
4 Doxepin 25-300 mg/day Narrow -
difficulty in urinating, dry

Dizziness or light headedness,

Imipramine confusion, constipation,
5 10-50 mg/day Narrow High
Hydrochloride difficulty in urinating, dry

Dizziness or light headedness,

confusion, constipation,
6 Imipramine Pamoate 10-50 mg/day Narrow High
difficulty in urinating, dry

Dizziness or light headedness,

confusion, constipation,
7 Maprotiline - Narrow -
difficulty in urinating, dry
Dizziness or light headedness,
confusion, constipation,
8 Nortriptyline 10-25 mg/day Narrow High
difficulty in urinating, dry
Dizziness or light headedness,
confusion, constipation,
9 Protriptyline - Narrow -
difficulty in urinating, dry
Dizziness or light headedness,
confusion, constipation,
10 Trimipramine - Narrow High 19
difficulty in urinating, dry

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 440

Table 3 Side effects of use of SSRIs

Sr. Therapeutic Toxicity due
substrate (Common Doses Side-Effects References
No. index to overdose

Nausea, Anxiety, Insomnia Dry Mouth,

Headache, Somnolence, Dizziness,
20-40 mg/
1 Citalopram Wide Agitation, Anorexia, Diarrhoea, Moderate 21
Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual

Nausea, Anxiety, Insomnia Dry Mouth,

10-20 mg Headache, Somnolence, Dizziness,
2 Fluoxetine and 4mg/ Wide Agitation, Anorexia, Diarrhoea, Low 22

day Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual


Nausea , Anxiety, Insomnia Dry Mouth,

Headache, Somnolence, Dizziness,
50-100 mg/
3 Fluvoxamine Wide Agitation, Anorexia, Diarrhoea, Low 22
Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual

Nausea, Anxiety, Insomnia, Dry Mouth,

Headache, Somnolence, Dizziness,
20-30 mg/
4 Paroxetine Wide Agitation, Anorexia, Diarrhoea, Low 22
Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual

Nausea , Anxiety, Insomnia Dry Mouth,

Headache, Somnolence, Dizziness,
25-100 mg/
5 Sertraline Wide Agitation, Anorexia, Diarrhoea, Low 22
Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual

Nausea , Anxiety, Insomnia Dry Mouth,

Headache, Somnolence Dizziness
6 Nefazodone Wide Agitation Anorexia, Diarrhoea, - 22
Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual

Nausea , Anxiety, Insomnia Dry Mouth,

Headache, Somnolence Dizziness
50-100 mg/
7 Trazodone Wide Agitation Anorexia, Diarrhoea, - 22
Constipation, Tremor, Sweating, Sexual

The activity of serotonin nor-epinephrine reuptake inhibitors Interaction of antidepressants with the cellular recep-
(SNRIs) does not exert any side effects such as sedation or hypotension tors
but display TCAs like activity.23 Higher doses of SNRIs have been
reported to mildly increase blood pressure. The above mentioned As explained above, the MAOIs block the metabolism of
antidepressants in adequate dosages exhibit same level of effects for neurotransmitters such as NE, DA and 5-HT and cause increase in
treatment of depression. Some of the SNRIs are duloxetine (Cymbalta), the concentration of monoamine transmitters. The traditional MAOIs
venlafaxine (Effexor XR), desvenlafaxine (Pristiq, Khedezla) and (tranylcypromine) act in irreversible and non-selective manner
levomilnacipran (Fetzima). The first line of antidepressants is the whereas the recently investigated MAOIs are reversible in binding
Non-TCAs (NTCA) which includes SSRIs. These agents are relative and very selective for MAO-A or MAO-B. TCAs is a combo drug30
safer with better tolerability. Those patients which do not show any containing at least five chemical agents with different activities such
response to other drugs or suffering from chronic pain or migraine are as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor activity, a norepinephrine reuptake
given TCAs. However, the existing reports suggest that the secondary inhibitor activity, an anti-cholinergic anti-muscarinic activity, an alfa1-
amine TCAs (desipramine and nortriptyline) possess more side adrenergic antagonist activity, and an antihistamine (H1) activity.31
effects than tertiary amine TCAs (Table 5). A comparative estimate When taken in overdose, they cause toxicity in terms of lethal cardiac
of antidepressants and their therapeutic properties are summarised in arrhythmias and seizures. The mechanism of action of TCAs relies
Table 6. on the inhibition of reuptake of serotonin and NE.31 The different

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 441

members of TCAs display differential inhibition activity on 5HT were more potent at NE reuptake pump. The drug toxicity of TCAs
and NE transporters. Clomipramine has been reported to be the most has been explained in terms of their effects on certain receptors such
potent at 5-HT reuptake pump whereas desipramine and maprotiline as H1, M1, and alfa1.
Table 4 Doses and side effects of some other antidepressants

Sr. Therapeutic Toxicity in
substrate (Common Doses Side-effects References
No. index overdose

Dizziness, Headache, Tremors Or

40-60 mg/
1 Isocarboxazid Wide Shaking; Constipation, Nausea; Or Dry High 24

Dizziness, Headache, Drowsiness, Sleep

Disturbances (Including Insomnia,
2 Phenelzine 60 mg/day Wide Hypersomnia), Fatigue, Weakness, High 25

Tremors, Twitching, Myoclonic
Movements, Hyperreflexia

Scleroderma, Flare-Up Of Cystic Acne,

Ataxia, Confusion, Disorientation,
3 Tranylcypromine 60 mg/day Wide Memory Loss, Urinary Frequency, Low 26

Urinary Incontinence, Urticaria, Fissuring

In Corner Of Mouth, Akinesia

Nausea, Dry Mouth, Constipation,

4 Moclobemide 300 mg/day Wide Diarrhoea, Anxiety, Restlessness, High 27

Insomnia, Dizziness

Table 5 Doses and adverse effects of application of Non-TCA (NTCA) antidepressants

Sr. substrate Therapeutic Toxicity in
Doses Side-effects References
No. (Common index overdose

Dizziness Abnormal Changes In Liver

1 Agomelatine 25-50 mg/day Narrow Unclear 22
Function Tests Abdominal Pain

Insomnia, Nausea, Pharyngitis, Weight

2 Bupropion 150 mg/day Narrow Loss, Constipation, Dizziness, Headache, Moderate
And Xerostomia

Asthenia, Constipation, Diarrhea,

Dizziness, Drowsiness, Fatigue,
3 Duloxetine 60 mg/day Wide Moderate
Hypersomnia, Insomnia, Nausea, Sedation,
Headache, and Xerostomia.

Drowsiness, Liver Dysfunction, Jaundice,

Gynaecomastia, Convulsions, Hypomania,
Hypotension, Hypertension; Coma,
4 Mianserin 30-200 mg/day Narrow Low
Arthralgia, Oedema, Tachycardia,
Bradycardia,Vomiting, Dizziness and
Ataxia, Anti-cholinergic Effects

Urinating problem, Dry Mouth, Sweating,

Tingling or Numbness of The Hands
or Feet, Constipation, Increase in
5 Reboxetine 8mg/Day Narrow Low
Blood Pressure, Increase in Heart
Rate, Impotence, Insomnia, Headache,
Dizziness, Nausea, Decreased Appetite

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 442

Table Continued..

Sr. substrate Therapeutic Toxicity in
Doses Side-effects References
No. (Common index overdose

Blurred vision, Dizziness, Drowsiness,

Headache, Nausea,Vomiting, and
6 Trazodone 150-400 mg/day Wide Xerostomia Syncope, Edema, Ataxia, Low
Confusion, Diarrhea, Hypotension,
Insomnia, Sedation, and Tachycardia

Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression);

Cirrhosis Or Other Liver Disease, Kidney
75 mg/day with Disease, Heart Disease, High Blood
Food (37.5 mg/ Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes;
7 Venlafaxine Narrow Moderate
day if Anxious or Narrow-Angle Glaucoma, A Thyroid
Debilitated) Disorder, A History of Seizures, A
Bleeding or Blood Clotting Disorder, Low
Levels of Sodium in Your Blood

Table 6 A comparative estimate of antidepressants and their therapeutic properties.28,29

Sr. Type of Anti- Name of Anti- Dietary

Half-life Availability Reference
No. depressants depressant consideration

Citalopram About 36 hours Tablet Contains Lactose

Escitalopram About 30 hours Tablets -

1 SSRIs 96-144 hours (4-6 28
Fluoxetine Tablets*/ Contains Gelatin

Fluvoxamine 17-22 Hours Tablet -

Paroxetine About 24 Hours Tablet -

Sertraline 22-36 Hours Tablet -

Duloxetine 8-17 Hours Capsules Contains Gelatin
Venlafaxine 4-7 Hours Capsules Contains Gelatin
Amitriptyline 9-25 Hours Tablets -
About 50 Hours
Dosulepin 36 Hours -
(Just Over 2 Days)

Clomipramine 36 Hours Tablets -

33-80 Hours (1.5-
Doxepin Capsules Contains Lactose
3.3 Days)

3 Tricyclics Imipramine About 19 Hours Liquid Contains Lactose

Lofepramine 12-24 Hours Tablets Contains Lactose

Nortriptyline About 36 Hours Tablets Contains Lactose

Trimipramine About 23 Hours Capsules Contains Lactose

Mianserin 6-39 Hours Tablets Contains Lactose

Trazodone 5-13 Hours Tablets Contains Lactose

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 443

Table Continued...

Sr. Type of Anti- Name of Anti- Dietary

Half-life Availability Reference
No. depressants depressant consideration

Isocarboxazid About 36 Hours Tablets Contains Lactose

Requires Food
Phenelzine 11-12 Hours Tablets
Requires Food
Moclobemide 2-4 Hours Tablets
Requires Food
Tranylcypromine About 2 Hours Tablets

Agomelatine 1-2 Hours Tablets Contains Lactose

Mirtazapine 20-40 Hours Liquid -

6 Others Reboxetine About 13 Hours Tablets -

Triptafen N/A Tablets -

Vortioxetine About 66 Hours Tablets -

*Dispersible tablets will disintegrate quickly in the mouth or can be mixed with water, orange juice or apple juice.
*All other antidepressants currently available do not contain lactose or gelatin, and do not require any specific dietary restrictions, although caution when
drinking alcohol is a recommended for all antidepressants.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) an SSRI and at medium to high doses, it causes additional NE reuptake
inhibition and at very high doses, DA reuptake inhibition occurs.30,39
SSRIs are known to selectively inhibit serotonin transport. Some Other antidepressants such as nefazodone and trazodone act via
of the SSRIs are fluoxetine (Prozac, Selfemra), paroxetine (Paxil, serotonin-2 receptor antagonism with serotonin reuptake blockade. It
Pexeva), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa) and escitalopram is interesting to mention here that SSRIs stimulate 5-HT2 receptors
(Lexapro). This action of SSRIs results into abrupt increase in where as nefazodone and trazodone blocks the receptor.30 This action
serotonin in the somatodendritic area of serotonergic neurons of nefazodone and trazodone makes it safer antidepressants than the
which causes desensitization of the somatodendritic serotonin-1A SSRIs.
autoreceptors.31–33 As a result, the neuronal impulse flow is increased.33
It causes increased release of serotonin from axon terminals, which Depressants as norepinephrine and dopamine reup-
culminates into desensitization of postsynaptic serotonin receptors. take inhibitor (Bupropion)
Desensitization of these receptors may contribute to the therapeutic
actions of SSRIs or it could account for the development of tolerance Bupropion is the only antidepressant that selectively acts on the
to acute side effects of SSRIs. The pharmacological analysis of SSRIs noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems and not on the serotonin
suggests that these agents may cause strong but slow disinhibition of system.40 Bupropion exhibits dopaminergic and noradrenergic activity,
5-HT neurotransmission in the central nervous system (CNS). In this therefore it may exert positive effect in overcoming the attention
case, the actions of antidepressants are mediated by a pathway from deficit disorder41 and in the treatment of smoking cessation.38 In
midbrain raphe to prefrontal cortex.34,35 The side effects generated contrary to the benefits from this drug, bupropion has been shown to
by SSRIs include anxiety, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction induce some side effects such as overstimulation, agitation, insomnia
(decreased libido, reduced pleasurability and reduction in arousal), and nausea.30,39
and gastrointestinal disturbances.30 It is thought that the toxicity the Antidepressants showing α-2 antagonism plus seroto-
5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors of certain serotonergic pathways are
nin-2 and serotonin-3 antagonism
responsible. A reciprocal relationship exists between serotonin and
dopamine viz. serotonin tending to inhibit sexual functioning and Mirtazapin, a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic
dopamine tending to enhance sexual functioning. It is believed that antidepressant,43 has both pro-adrenergic and proserotonergic actions.
serotonin pathway descending from brain stem down the spinal cord The pro-adrenergic and proserotonergic actions of mirtazapin are due
to spinal neurons that mediate various spinal reflexes is responsible for to its alpha2-antagonist properties i.e. disinhibition of both serotonin
the sexual dysfunction in the form of ejaculation and orgasm problems. and norepinephrine neurotransmission. Similar to nefazodone,
It has been reported that the enhanced serotonergic flow through this mirtazapine also does not exert any toxicity of SSRIs due to 5-HT2
pathway inhibits sexual functioning. The serotonin’s negative effects stimulation. Since strong antihistamine properties are associated
on sexual functioning are mediated via 5-HT2 receptors. Therefore to mirtazapin, it has some side effects such as weight gain and
5-HT2 antagonists can reverse SSRIs induced sexual dysfunction.36,37 sedation.30,39
The antidepressant acting as serotonin/norepinephri- The antidepressants acting as a noradrenalin specific
ne/dopamine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) reuptake inhibitor (NRI) (Reboxetine)
Stahl30 have demonstrated the pharmacologic effect of venlafaxine Reboxetine, a noradrenaline (norepinephrine) reuptake inhibitor,
and found it to be dose dependent. At low doses, it essentially acts as is exclusively unrelated to TCA or SSRIs. The specific properties of

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 444

reboxetine includes its high affinity for the noradrenaline transporter, shown that tianeptine does not show any affinity for the muscarinic
and little affinity for other neuro receptors including serotonin, receptors. Tianeptine has been reported to exert little toxicity
dopamine, histamine, muscarinergic and alpha adrenergic sites.43 such as gastralgia, abdominal pain, dry mouth, anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, flatulence, insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares, asthenia, and
Antidepressants as a serotonin reuptake enhancer tachycardia in certain patients44–46
Phytochemicals as antidepressants
Tianeptine being, a tricyclic compound of dibenzothiazepine type
increases the presynaptic uptake of serotonin after single as well as Some phytochemicals are reported to act as antidepressants. These
repeated administration, but this action is not linked to any effects chemicals present in the plant extracts are expected to be safer and
on the 5-HT post-synaptic systems.50,89 Tianeptine has no affinity for more cost effective than the existing antidepressants. Different ethno-
alfa1 adrenergic and H1 antihistaminic receptors. Tianeptine can be pharmaceutical properties of various plant extracts and their effects
considered as the mid-position antidepressants. Defrance et al.45 have are summarised in Table 7.
Table 7 Phytochemicals acting as natural antidepressants

Common Part used Type of extract,

Plant Extract Effects References
name from the plant compound, doses

Allium macrostemon Chinese Garlic Bulb Water Extracts 47

Ethanolic Extract, dose- Behavioural Despair

Allium sativum Garlic Rhizome 48
25,50 and 100mg/kg
Aloysia polystachya Lemon Verbena Aerial Part Hydroethanolic Extract 49
Effect on Depression
Apocynum venetum Dogbane Aerial Part Dose-30-125mg/kg 50

Ethanolic Extract, dose-

Areca catechu Betel Nut Fruit Effect on Motor Activity 51

Effect on Serotonergic And

Methanolic Extract, dose- Noradrenergic System And
Asparagus racemosus Satavari Root 52
100,200 and 400mg/kg Augmentation Of Antioxidant

Significant Antioxidant Effect,

Methanolic Extract, dose-
Bacoba monnieri Brahmi Aerial Part Anxiolytic Activity And Improve 53
20 and 40mg/kg
Memory Retention

Berberine, (An Alkaloid), Effect on CNS, Inhibit Monoamine

Berberis aristata Indian Barberry Root 54
dose-5,10 and 20mg/kg. Oxidase-A

Chai Hu, Hare’s

Bupleurum falcatum Root Methanolic Extract Psycho stimulant Effect 55
Ear Root

Ethanolic And
Roots And Effect on heraprutical Responses In
Cimicifuga racemosa Black Bugbane Isopropanolic Aqueous 56
Rhizomes Climacteric Women
Ethanolic Extract, 50 or Effect on Cognitive Behaviour,
Clitoria ternatea Butterfly Pea Root ,Bark 57
100mg/kg Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Crocus sativus Saffron Stigma Ethanolic Extract Effect on Depression 58

Aqueous Extract, dose-

Curcuma longa Turmeric Rhizome Mao Inhibition In Brain 59
140-560mg/kg for 14 days.

Emblica officinalis Amla Fruit - Effect on Psychiatric Disorder 60

Ginkgo, Lipophilic Extract, dose- 50 Act As Anti-Stress and

Ginkgo biloba Leaves 61
Maidenhair Tree and 100mg/kg Antidepressant

Antidepressant Like and Antioxidant

Activity By Measuring Erythrocyte
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Mulethi Root Liquiritin (Flavones) Superoxide Dismutase (Sod) Activity 62

And Plasma Malondialdehyde (MDA)


Aqueous Extract, Liquorice

Glycyrrhiza glabra Mulethi Root Effect on Inhibition Of Mao 63

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 445

Table Continued..

Common Part used Type of extract,

Plant Extract Effects References
name from the plant compound, doses

Effect on Neurological Disorders

Hippeastrum vittatum Amaryllis Flower Alkaloids 64
And Neuro degenerative Disease
Neuro pharmacological Effect,
canariensel. Canary Island St
Aerial Part Methanolic Extract Helps In Muscle Relaxation, Anti- 65
And Hypericum .John Wort
cholinergic And Sedative Properties

Hypericum reflexum Hypericum Aerial Part Methanolic Extract Effect on CNS 66

Kava Root/
Kaempferia parviflora Kava Kava Rhizome Extract Effect on Psychiatric Illness 67
Lafoensia pacari Didal Leaves - Effects on CNS 68

Magnolia bark and Honokiol and Magnolol,

Magnolia, Ginger Bark, Rhizome Effect on Synergistic Interaction 69
ginger rhizome Polysaccharides

Dwarf Water Marsiline, Sedative And Effect on Insomnia And Other

Marsilea minuta Root 70
Clover Anticonvulsant Property Mental Disorders

Mimosa pudica Sensitive Plant Leave Aqueous Extract Act As Tricyclic Antidepressants 71

Mitragynine An Active Effect on Diarrhea, Diabetes And

Mitragyna speciosa Kratom Leaves 72
Alkaloid Improve Blood Circulation
Bitter Gourd/ Methanol Extract, dose-
Momordica charantia Fruit 73
Bitter Melon 300mg/kg
Morinda officinalis Indian Mulberry Root Dose- 25-50mg/kg Effective In Response Rate 74

Oscimum sanctum Tulsi Aerial Part 75

Ethanolic extract, dose- Effect on Central Monoaminergic

Paeonia lactiflora pall Garden Peony Root 76
250 and 500mg/kg Neurotransmitter System

Amide (Alkaloid), dose- Antinociceptive Properties, Effect on

Piper laetispicum Piper Stem And Root 77
2mg/kg Pain And Depression

Effect on Anxiolytic And

Piplartine (An Amide) ,
Piper tuberculatum Black Pepper Fruit Antidepressant Activities, Anxiety 78
dose- 50 and 100mg/kg
And Depression.

Effect on Serotonergic,
Polygala sabulosa Polygala Aerial Part Scopoletin, A Coumarin Dopaminergic And Noradrenergic 79


Effect on Monoamine Oxidase

Rhazyastricta White Henna Leaves Aqueous Extract 80

Interaction With The

Rosmarinusofficinalis Rosemary Fresh Juice Hydro-alcoholic Extract 81
Monoaminergic System

Salvia elegans Pineapple Sage Leave Hydroalcoholic Extract Putative Anxiolytic 82

Peruvian Pepper Pharmacological Effects, atleast At A

Schinusmolle L Leaves Hexenic Extract 83
Tree Preclinical Level

Interaction With Adrenergic,

Siphocampylus Hydroalcoholic Extract ,
Siphocampylus Aerial Parts Dopaminergic, Glutamatergic And 84
verticillatus dose range-100-1000mg/kg
Serotonergic System

East Indian Globe Effect On Anxiety, Depression And

Sphaeranthu sindicus Whole Part Hydroalcoholic Extract 85
Thistle Convulsions

Lapacho, Taheboo Effect Of The Association Of The

Tabebuia avellaneda Bark Ethanolic Extract [86]
Tree Extract With The Antidepressants

Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082
Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration ©2017 Khushboo et al. 446

Table Continued...
Common Part used Type of extract,
Plant Extract Effects References
name from the plant compound, doses

Tagetes lucida Marigolds Aerial Part - Effect On CNS 87

Petroleum Ether Extract,

Tinospora cardifolia Guduchi Whole Part dose- 50, 100 and 200mg/ Effect on Mao-A and Mao-B 48


Effect on Mild Sleep Disorders and

Valeriana officinalis Valerian Root Ethanolic Extract 48
Nervous Tension

Methanolic and Aqueous

Valeriana wallichi Indian Valeriana Root Bark 89
Bioactive Glyco Effect on Anxiolytic And
Withania somnifera Ashwagandha Aerial Part 90
withanolides Antidepressant Action

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Citation: Khushboo, Sharma B. Antidepressants: mechanism of action, toxicity and possible amelioration. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017;3(5):437‒448.
DOI: 10.15406/jabb.2017.03.00082

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