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Activity 7 - Reported Speech

Oscar Andres Vela Pinilla
ID 660812

Uniminuto University
Faculty of Business Administration
Bogotá D.C
Activity 7 - Reported Speech

The world cup futbol

1. The world cup futbol is very popular

2. Explain some vocabulary
3. The soccer toumament held once very four years
4. Teams plays in qualifiers to determihate wich learms wul
5. The thirty-twodet teams which pass the round play in the man
6. As the tournament progresses pewer and fewer teams yemaind
7. The eighth final play in the final game
8. Determinet team for semifinal
9. The final roubd of live tourmament determines the champions
10. But before that a five star rating
11. Teams play in the qualifiers, team will advance
12. The two teams which pass qualifying
13. Rounds play in the man tourn ment the world cup finalls
14. To trie score a gol
15. A tie game or draw may result
16. Penalties the score red card and yellow card nelp determine
17. In these cases refer tie a gol
18. Penalties key phrase
19. Watch or follow sheck score
20. shout the goal hard

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