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the voice of jewish washington leb

our celebrations little town of budrus 5 women to watch ra Pa
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6 10 30
december 10, 2010 • 3 tevet • volume 86, no. 26 • $2

Joel Magalnick

KING-5 reporter Joe Fryer, bottom right, shoots video as students in Red Square on the University of Washington campus attempt a record: Most dreidels spun at one time. While organizers at Hillel UW didn’t
quite beat the record 618, they gave out more than 250 dreidels and nearly as many freshly fried latkes.

Evergreen: The hard conversations not taking place

Eric Nusbaum Assistant Editor, JTNews
Noah Milstein enrolled at The Evergreen State Col- What he got instead was an education in political activism at Haifa University, was not alone in leaving Evergreen
lege to learn about Paleolithic culture and technology. He and campus politics. before graduation. Five fellow members of the short-lived
sought out Evergreen because its flexible academic struc- Milstein founded a pro-Israel group at Evergreen in club Students Interested in Israel Advocacy and Peace
ture would allow him to create his own program of study. 2008. He left the college feeling like a campus villain in (SIIAShalom) followed suit. Milstein’s experience, and
2009. At a school famous for its left- others like it, are symbolic of what some key members of
wing values, Milstein felt unable to func- the state’s Jewish community see as a broader issue: A poi-
tion on campus due to the ever-present sonous discourse over Israel that makes life at Evergreen
specter of his vocal Zionism. uncomfortable for Jewish students, especially those with
“I became the token campus Zion- Zionist views.
ist Nazi,” Milstein said. “It really was In this article and in our next issue we’ll explore the
damaging psychologically. I felt like I nature of that discourse. We’ll ask whether Evergreen is a
couldn’t trust anyone. I became com- hard place to be a Jew or a Zionist, or whether debate about
pletely paranoid.”
Milstein, who subsequently enrolled XXPage 38
@jew_ish or @jewish_dot_com connecting our local Jewish community
2 opinion JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Take a stand against boycotts this holiday season

Ethan Felson JTA World News Service
NEW YORK (JTA) — What’s old groups backing BDS support Israel’s right
is new, and unfortunately this holiday to exist as a Jewish state.
season, wrapped in a bow, is a boycott of Promote peace. Call on churches and
things Israeli and Jewish. The relics of past others being roped into the BDS drama to
boycotts — from Nuremberg to Damas- seek something better. Israelis and Pales-
cus — are back. tinians deserve peace: Two peoples, two
Uninterested in reconciliation, the states, living side by side. Their peace will
extremist and myopic fervor that under- come when the parties are confident.
girds the campaign to boycott Israel Foster reconciliation. Many orga-
should be a wake-up call for those who nizations are working tirelessly to bring
have hit the snooze button too many together Israelis and Palestinians, and
times. Jews, Christians and Muslims. They
Issuing the latest appeal for boycotts is deserve our support. Balanced travel mis-
the North American affiliate of the Sabeel sions demonstrate the complexity of the
Center, a group that wraps its disdain for conflict and the need for peacemakers, not
the Jewish State in a cloak of Christian bomb throwers, rhetorical or otherwise.
concern. Sabeel’s leader has said that Israel Stay civil. Avoid shouting and name
operates a “crucifixion machine” and that calling. As tempting as it may be to call for
“security is a pagan god that Israel wor- Courtesy AJCSeattle a boycott of companies owned by Sabeel’s
ships.” It wields the word “apartheid” like From left to right, Adam Goldblatt, Marjorie Kaiz Offer, Racquel Holcman and Barbara Shulman went supporters, we need to reject ineffective
a cudgel. to the Albertson’s on Mercer Island on Nov. 30 to participate in a “buycott,” in which they specifically and partisan virtual warfare. We are not
The center’s holiday boycott call targets bought products made in Israel to support the country. That Albertson’s store has an expanded kosher the parties to the conflict. A zero-sum,
more than a dozen companies because section that includes a wide array of Israeli foods. scorched earth approach that thrives on
they operate in Israel or their owners are division helps no one.
guilty of the sin of being Israeli, Jewish or of American workers employed by these Israeli, so his company makes the list. Buycott instead of boycott. A few mud
affiliated with either. They manufacture companies. In so many ways it is a boycott What can we do? Here are some sug- masks and an extra container of hummus
goods in Israel, in the West Bank and in of American values. gestions: can’t hurt.
America. Their products include cosmet- Estee Lauder’s sin is being owned by Build bridges. Most Americans under- Get involved. Thankfully, the alarm has
ics, clothing, cell phones and prepared the volunteer leader of the Jewish National stand that such campaigns will not change gone off and friends of Israeli-Palestinian
foods. Most cannot be tied in any rational Fund. Sara Lee and L’Oreal are guilty of governmental or corporate policies. So peace are pushing back. The Israel Action
way to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. having been praised by Israeli Prime Min- reach out to them — in their churches, Network, a partnership of the Jewish Fed-
That gets to the heart of it. The so-called ister Benjamin Netanyahu. Another com- civic groups, where you work and in your erations of North America and the Jewish
BDS movement (boycotts, divestment and pany is guilty of being owned by a friend of neighborhood. The people calling for boy- Council for Public Affairs, will mobilize
sanctions) isn’t here to help Palestinians; former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Also cotts, divestment and sanctions are at the Jewish federations, agencies and JCRCs
it’s a pernicious call to harm Israel and in Sabeel’s crosshairs is a California-based margins of public debate. Their goal is to across North America to respond effec-
world Jewry. Its proponents seek to bring business building a green transportation poison the well at home. Don’t let them. tively to the assault on Israel’s legitimacy.
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into every infrastructure — electric car charging sta- Make the case. Israel is the national Get up. Get trained. And go to work.
sphere of American life. Boycott support- tions in Denmark, Australia, Hawaii — and homeland of the Jewish people. It seeks to
ers don’t seem to care who gets caught in Israel. Its owner was named to Time maga- live in peace and security. BDS is a tactic Ethan Felson is the vice president of the Jewish
their snare, including tens of thousands zine’s list of environmental heroes. But he is aimed to delegitimize Israel. None of the Council for Public Affairs.

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews Opinion

the rabbi’s turn letters to the editor

Curbing our enthusiasm Words of wisdom?
“Jewelry is something which can make even an ugly one beautiful.”
Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation Seriously? I must be missing something here. Is this the best you can cull from the
The character Larry David are increasingly quick to pre- wisdom of the Ladinos (Ladino Lesson, Nov. 19)?
plays on TV is one of the most judge people based on what we I am appalled that something so trite and offensive would appear in our community news-
annoying, infuriating people think they believe, and we are paper. What exactly is the point of this Ladino lesson? Should we look for someone ugly to
any one of us could ever meet. more prone than ever before to buy jewelry for? And exactly who is it that is playing God and deciding who is ugly and who is
He is self-centered to the point demand that our loyal friends not? How about something to inspire? To uplift? To make us think? This was none of that.
of absurdity and his need to be march with us lockstep on a Sheryl Kipnis
right about everything jeopar- checklist of issues which we Seattle
dizes his closest relationships. determine are the right way
In the seventh season of “Curb and the only way.
Your Enthusiasm,” Larry tries We say we love diversity.
to reconcile with his estranged But do we really deserve that WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We would love to hear from you! Our guide to writing a
wife, Cheryl. In the season’s last reputation? Can we really dis- letter to the editor can be found at,
episode, Cheryl’s resistance is finally break- agree with each other on issues close to but please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. The deadline for the next issue is
ing down. But, in the meantime, Larry has our heart without name calling? If that’s December 14. Future deadlines may be found online.
been accused by a friend of putting a glass the case, no Jew should be called an enemy
of water on a wooden table and staining the of Israel or a self-hating Jew because they
wood. He is convinced he is innocent and
passionately searches for the real criminal.
support J Street. And no Jew should be
ostracized or looked down upon because
The gender disconnect
In the last scene of the season, Cheryl he or she belongs to the Republican Party.
looks at Larry lovingly, and tells him she The recent debate over whether a Dan Brown
thinks they really belong together. They mosque should be built in New York near The Jewish communal world has a women, building their capabilities, exper-
are about to embrace. Ground Zero is a good example. Wherever problem. Well, several, but today let’s tise, leadership.” That’s probably true, and
But Cheryl has a drink in her hand. we come down on this issue, I think we can focus on one: The continuing gender gap the federation system certainly has not
She puts it down on the wooden all acknowledge that this issue is complex. in North American Jewish organizations. been setting any examples in this regard.
table so she can give Larry a hug. At that You are not an idiot or anti-American if A recently released study, titled “Jewish It’s only recently, in San Francisco, that
moment, Larry’s eyes open wide and a you believe the primary value that needs to Communal Professionals in North Amer- a woman has been selected CEO of a big
look of horror crosses his face. He looks be upheld here is that of religious freedom. ican: A Profile,” provides an unprece- city federation.
at Cheryl accusingly and says, “Do you And, you are not a bigot and a racist if you dented look at more than 2,000 Jewish Writing this time last year in The Chron-
respect wood?” believe that a mosque should not be built in communal professionals throughout the icle of Philanthropy, Shifra Bronznick and
The moment of tenderness passes, and this particular place at this particular time. United States and Canada. Commissioned Didi Goldenhar (professionals at Advanc-
the season ends. The politics of contempt has become all by The Jewish Communal Service Associa- ing Women Professionals and the Jewish
In the book of Devarim, we read the too pervasive across the spectrum, on the tion and conducted by the Berman Jewish Community) said:
famous line: “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof!” — left and on the right. The derisive label- Policy Archive at New York University’s “If women — the majority of the work
justice, justice, you shall pursue. To be a ing of the other and the crude lumping Wagner Graduate School, the study pro- force — are not being cultivated for chief-
rodef tzedek is to be emotionally churned together of people we’ve decided are our vides the first in-depth look, across the executive posts, nonprofit groups are not
up about what’s wrong in the world. Yet opponents has stifled real conversation organizational divide, at who is working in making the best use of the dollars and
the rabbis went out of their way to under- and has put a damper on the truly open U.S. Jewish communal institutions, their professional development that they have
mine this text. Why “tzedek tzedek,” asked exchange of ideas. I’ve heard more than education, responsibilities, training, com- already invested in their staffs. The persis-
the rabbis? Wouldn’t one tzedek have one story of friends and family members pensation and more. tence of the gender gap also signals a com-
been enough? They answered: “Echad din, who have stopped talking to each other The results are disturbing — especially placency that is at odds with the values
v’echad p’shara.” One tzedek is to teach us over political differences. regarding the continuing gender pay and and can-do spirit of these mission-driven
we should pursue what’s right. And, the Diversity begins at home, in our own leadership inequalities that exists across organizations.”
other tzedek teaches us to compromise. community, in our own congregation, in the communal landscape. And where is the seat of this problem?
Why did the rabbis do this? After all, our own relationships. Benjy Balint’s pre- Women make up around two-thirds With the communal leadership.
compromise is about letting go of some scription for Commentary is a great model of all Jewish communal professionals, yet Communal leadership is, correctly,
of our desire for justice. But the rabbis for community, too. We are far more represent only 12 percent of leadership. entrusted with the responsibility of man-
understood that our unchecked passion interesting, dynamic, and ethically sensi- They significantly lag behind men in com- aging its respective organizations. Com-
for justice has the potential to do tremen- tive when we have not settled into a pre- pensation, with an overall gap of $28,000! munal leadership sets not only the agenda,
dous damage to our relationships. dictable way of thinking or acting. Adjusting for age, years in the field, level of but more importantly, the tone. And the
In Benjamin Balint’s new book, Run- So, I want to encourage all of us to try responsibility, hours worked, and degrees lagging influence by women in many
ning Commentary, he says that Commen- this technique. Whenever we’re in danger earned, women’s salaries still trail men’s organizations does the community a dis-
tary Magazine has lost some of its vibrance of feeling a little too self-righteous, let’s get by about $20,000. service.
because it has settled into an ideological in touch with our inner Larry David. The Why? Why is all this so important?
position that is too comfortable and pre- next time an argument threatens to get Is it because many opt to work for Besides just plain fairness, all the orga-
dictable. There was a time, says Balint, heated and personal, let’s turn to our part- smaller organizations that happen to have nizations — from the smallest start-up to
that you could see warriors of the right ner, our friend, or our neighbor and ask smaller budgets? Is it because women are the largest federations — need to harness
and the left slugging it out in the pages of them: “Do you respect wood?” not as strong at the negotiating table? the very best talent that’s out there. They
Commentary. Nowadays, you pretty much For the sake of shalom bayit, the time Or men are stronger in marketing them- need to not only attract, but also retain,
know what you’re going to get when you has come for all of us to curb our enthusi- selves? Or is it, plain and simple, gender the cream of the crop to drive their agen-
read Commentary, and that is a loss to the asm — to step back from our own passion discrimination — are women just not pro- das forward. Seasoned talent is needed to
Jewish community. just enough to respect our friend’s point vided the same opportunities? fill the thousands of expected vacancies as
I would add to Balint’s observation that of view. We don’t have to relinquish our Jerry Silverman, the president and baby boomers begin to retire.
this dynamic is true of the Jewish commu- deepest convictions. Just a little bit will go CEO of Jewish Federations of North The gender disconnect is also a mind-
nity as a whole: There is a loss of tolerance a long way to preserving the relationships America has said, “I don’t know that
for diversity in our own community. We that are so important to us. we’ve put enough emphasis on grooming XXPage 4

“I didn’t ask younger composers who I might like, and think are tremendous, and think that they have great careers for the future, just because we don’t have that relationship.”
— Seattle Symphony music director Gerard Schwarz, on his commissions for his final season. See page 9.
4 opinion JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

WWgender Page 3 “It’s not about capability,” Neuman

said. “It’s about opting not to go there.”
set. How can it not accurately reflect the The Forward newspaper has been one
community’s make-up? Women play such of the very few voices speaking on this
a powerful role in Jewish life. They dis- issue; other Jewish media need to join
proportionately choose employment in them. The depth of the problem needs to
Plan for Jewish organizations only to find them-
selves languishing in junior positions —
be dealt with and also the failure to really
move forward during the past few years.
the future choked off from the air of advancement.
Too many organizations are still run like
It is necessary to speak out when
panels, or contest winners, are not gender
with an “old boys clubs.” And, until this mind-set
is changed, the problem will continue to
balanced. If this doesn’t happen, there will
be little or no incentive to act differently in

AFHU fester. First, it is necessary to admit that

there is a problem and then to speak about
it publicly and often.
the future.
Unlike many other challenges the com-
munity faces today, this one can be recti-
Hebrew This problem does not exist every-
where, however. Seattle may be ahead of
fied with some good planning and fairer
advancement and compensation policies.
University the curve. Several Jewish organizations,
most notably the Stroum Jewish Com-
All have a responsibility to do their part
in not just breaking the glass ceiling, but
Gift Annuity munity Center and three of the six day
schools, are led by women. Chief operating
helping to level the playing field.
As several Hillel students declared, at
or financial officers at Jewish Family Ser- the recent New Orleans General Assembly
vice and the Jewish Federation of Greater of the Federation system, the Jewish world
Seattle are women as well. is still an exciting place to work. Every-
“Maybe we’re more progressive,” says one should pitch in and address this most
Judy Neuman, the Stroum JCC’s CEO, important issue.
meaning that men are more likely to Like so much else, events have moved
shoulder some of the household and famil- beyond conversation. Results are all that
ial responsibilities that have traditionally count going forward.
fallen into the laps of women, whether they
have careers or not. Dan Brown is the founder of
But Neuman said that given those com- A version of this
peting demands, many women simply article originally appeared in the Jerusalem
choose not to seek the highest positions of Report.

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews inside

Looking for a few good teens inside this issue

The Stroum Jewish Community Center is looking for a few good teens. The SJCC will Five Women to Watch 30
send Team Seattle, teens ages 14-17 as of July 31, 2011, to the 2011 JCC Maccabi Experience JTNews profiles five women from our region that are doing a wide array of amazing, important things
in Israel. Twelve teen athletes and two teen artists will leave from New York on July 24, and within our community. We’re excited about them — we hope you are, too!
return to Seattle August 5. During their stay, Team Seattle will participate in the JCC Mac-
cabi Games, ArtsFest, and embark on a cultural experience exploring Israel. Hanukkah parties galore! 6
Apply and receive more information at or by contacting recreation man- Is it us, or did it feel like you couldn’t turn around without tripping over some sort of Hanukkah celebration?
ager Jessica Wilkinson at 206-388-0826. Priority registration deadline is Fri., Dec. 17. We got photos from as many as we could find so we could show you what you hopefully didn’t miss!

The maestro’s parting season 9

Longtime Seattle Symphony music director Gerard Schwarz sat down with JTNews reporter Gigi Yellen-
ladino lesson Kohn to talk about his history with the symphony, his inspiration for his final season, and the Jewish
themes woven throughout.
By Isaac Azose
Breaking down a barrier 10
Se alevantaron los pipinos para aharvar a The Israeli documentary Budrus, which opens in Seattle next week, is the story of a man in a Palestinian
village that brings together his fellow villages and several Israelis to keep the security barrier off of his
los bahchevanes. town’s land, and the nonviolent movement that emerged from that experience.
The cucumbers rose (in rebellion) to strike the farmers.
A coming together of high schools 23
Used in situations when a youngster, or someone without experience, thinks he knows In Bellevue, the two Reform synagogues, Temple De Hirsch Sinai and Temple B’nai Torah, have long had
more than an elder with much more experience. a crossover of teens doing youth group programs. This fall, the two congregations decided to make the
relationship a little more formal by merging their high schools.

Remember when
The fire’s out, so now what? 24
The most disastrous fire in Israel’s history is out, but the political fallout is even greater than the ash fallout.
Now the north’s citizens must pick up the pieces and attempt to rebuild what they’ve lost while the
politicians figure out what went wrong.
From December 9, 1994, page 1.
Henry Friedman looks up at the WikiLeaks not so bad for Israel 27
mezuzah hanging in the doorway of the The big hubbub around the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents released by the WikiLeaks
newly opened Washington State Holo- Web site (the sexual exploits of its founder notwithstanding) has gone relatively easy on Israel — with the
caust Education Resource Center. exception of some bumbling diplomacy.

A View from the U: Now about that turkey… 8
The Arts 11
M.O.T.: Walking in historic Israeli event 12
Crossword 12
Community Calendar 13
Lifecycles 37
t h e v o i c e o f j e w is h w a s h i n gt o n
The Shouk Classifieds 36

JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to Correction:

meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and The time listed for The Big Spin in the Nov. 26 issue was incorrect. The event is happening from 2–5 p.m.
accurate coverage of local, national and international news, this Sunday, Dec. 12, at the Museum of History and Industry.
opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to JTNews regrets the error.
diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, includ- Staff
ing the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext.
Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267
the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we
Editor *§Joel Magalnick 233
carry out our mission.
Assistant Editor Eric Nusbaum 240
Account Executive Lynn Feldhammer 264
2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 Account Executive David Stahl 235 Tell our advertisers you saw them in JTNews!
206-441-4553 • Account Executive Stacy Schill 292
Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238
Art Director Susan Beardsley 239
Intern Lillian Cohen-Moore
JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish
Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Board of Directors
Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are Peter Horvitz, Chair*; Robin Boehler; Andrew Cohen§;
Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Nancy Greer§; Aimee Johnson; Stan Mark;
$56.50 for one year, $96.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid
Daniel Mayer; Cantor David Serkin-Poole*; Leland Rockoff
at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews,
Richard Fruchter, CEO and President,
2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Ron Leibsohn, Federation Board Chair Look for
dec. 24
*Member, JTNews Editorial Board
The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily §Ex-Officio
reflect the views of JTNews. What’s a Jew to do?

jan. 14
New Year’s Resolutions
p u b l is h e d b y j e w is h t r a n s c r i p t m e d i a
6 hanukkah celebrations JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Katherine Lloyd/SJCC

Families lined up to light the 100

menorahs at the end of the “Coming
Home for Hanukkah” celebration at
the Stroum JCC.

Joel Magalnick

Rabbi Jim and Julie Mirel sing

“Maoz Tzur” following the
candle lighting at the benefit
Rabbi Sholom Elishevitz dinner for MAZON: A Jewish
Boys from the Eastside Torah Center’s Hebrew school reenact the story Response to Hunger, held on
of the Maccabees for a group of about 200 at a first-night Hanukkah Dec. 5 at Temple De Hirsch
celebration at Crossroads shopping center in Bellevue. Participants lit Sinai in Seattle.
a six-foot menorah built out of Starbucks cups.

Keep the light of hope burning for thousands of Jewish people.

Even though Hanukkah is over,
your single act of generosity makes a real difference.

Give now, before year-end. Your Jewish community needs you.
friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews hanukkah celebrations 7

Joel Magalnick

About 50 people showed up at the Pan Pacific Hotel on a rainy Tuesday evening to participate in the
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle’s “Hanukkah Flash Mob.” The group walked from the Cascade
neighborhood to Westlake Park in downtown Seattle, handing out glow stick “candles” and wishing
people a happy holiday.

Joel Magalnick

Miriam gets a little help

making her hanukkiah out of
clay. When it was dry and
ready, she was able to watch
the candles lit inside it.

Joel Magalnick

The Seattle Kollel had a

booth with decorate-
Courtesy JDS your-own doughnuts,
Second graders Rifa, left, Celia, and Ben did just that.
center, and Kaylee perform a Then he ate it.
skit at the Jewish Day School’s
all-school Hanukkah assembly
on Dec. 5.

QFC has everything you need to

“Take Winter By Storm”
By Eric Miller, QFC Public Affairs Specialist

2008’s treacherous winter saw storm after storm n Children/Baby Supplies

drop huge amounts of snow and ice on us that made n Duct tape
getting from point A to B nearly impossible. Based n De-Icer
on what we experienced right before Thanksgiving, n Firewood It’s also a great idea
it could shape up to be another very active winter for n Hand warmers to keep your vehicle’s
the Pacific Northwest. We owe it to our families and to n Ice scraper fuel tank at least half
ourselves to be prepared so that a weather emergency n Safe-T Salt full at all times. If the
doesn’t become a catastrophe, and QFC has what you n Emergency candles roads are covered with
need to be ready. ice and snow, you won’t
Other items to have close by in the run out of gas during a
Together with Take Winter by Storm and available event of severe weather: long drive home. Should
at our checkstands, QFC is providing a checklist of n Radio – NOAA Weather Radio is you become stranded for
emergency preparedness kit items for your home, preferred any length of time, having
work, school and vehicle. And they are all available at n Medications and other special needs a blanket and a warm
your neighborhood QFC: items change of clothes in the car
n Water—store at least one gallon of water per n ID and other important documents is very important.
person, per day (birth certificate, insurance Pre-planning is the key
n Non-perishable food —for each family member policies) to making sure that you
for up to 3 days n Waterproof Matches and your family will have
n Flashlight and extra batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, n Cash everything that is needed in
9-Volt) n Blankets the event of an emergency.
n First aid-kit n Whistle For additional information and other ways to stay safe
n Antiseptic towelettes n Pen and paper this winter, please visit
n Personal hygiene supplies (toothbrush, n Walking cane With QFC and Take Winter by Storm, you WILL BE
toothpaste, soap) n Entertainment items – books, cards, music prepared.

Eric Miller is the Public Affairs Specialist for QFC. He can be reached at or 425-990-6182.
8 a view from the u JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Shabbos Hodu: For God’s sake, have a turkey!

Martin Jaffee JTNews Columnist
Back in the old days stood as an Israeli celebration There’s only one problem, of course: has a pedigree that goes back to the story
— when the Diaspora was by Israelis and should remain The Thursday thing. You eat your turkey of Purim. The megillah informs us in its
known as Golus — Jews knew that way. dinner on Thursday night and what hap- first lines that King Ahasueros’s Persian
how to party. What would it So I ask — in the spirit pens to Shabbos dinner on Friday night? empire extended from mi Hodu ad Kush”
take to get a Jewish celebra- of Purim katan — shouldn’t Turkey leftovers? How does one give — from India to Ethiopia.”
tion going? Why, little more American Jews find a way kavod to Thanksgiving without slighting Hodu, of course is the ancient (and
than an impending pogrom of celebrating America as a Shabbos? modern) Hebrew name for India. Okay,
thwarted by the intervention unique redemptive moment Well, over the years, my family has so if hodu also means “India” what does
of a wealthy local Jew who had in the pageant of contempo- evolved the perfect solution to the “Thanks- that have to do with a new world bird like
the ear (and the purse strings) rary Jewish well-being? Isn’t giving conundrum.” In our house we cele- the turkey?
of the local prince or bishop!
Every year, at the anni-
view it time to acknowledge in a
formal way — on the commu-
brate the Shabbos after Thanksgiving with
the turkey dinner appropriate to Thanks-
Chalk it up to the Zionist conspiracy!
When the pioneers found it necessary to
versary of the “nullification of the evil nal calendar! — the blessings giving Day. We call it Shabbos Hodu (“The create Hebrew words for foods that never
decree,” the local Jews would throw a that this country has bestowed Shabbos of Thanksgiving”). This way, we existed in the Bible or Mishna, and consid-
Purim katan, a mini-Purim. Some com- upon the Jewish people? do justice to the American dimension of ered what to call this tasty new world bird,
munities even had “megillah readings” If you’re with me this far, the next being grateful for the blessing of Ameri- they naturally leaned on the precedent of
narrating the details of the planned atroc- question is: “Where on the calendar can can freedom while continuing to honor familiar languages like Arabic, Polish, and
ity and the heroic back-scene machina- we look?” The Fourth of July? I don’t think the Sabbath as a day to revel in the free- Russian.
tions that foiled the current “Haman, so. It’s already drenched in Americana, dom of release from labor and, as we say As it happened, the Arabs called the
yimach shmo!” for one thing; for another, it has no Jewish in the kiddush, “a memorial of the libera- turkey “the Indian rooster” (diiq Hindi),
The contemporary celebration of Israel resonance other than the depressing fact tion from Egypt.” while in Russian and Polish it was known
Independence Day, Yom Ha-Atzma’ut, that it sometimes falls on the Fast of the I’ll admit that the name, Shabbos Hodu, as “the Indian bird” (Indjushka, Inyczka).
is the most recent reflex of this custom. 17th of Tammuz. Not good. conceals a sly pun. In Hebrew, you see, After all, it was native to “India” — as in
Now, of course, instead of a Jewish queen, As it happens, the American holiday the third-person plural imperative “give West Indies, that is!
it is Zionism that comes to the rescue of calendar already contains a perfect oppor- thanks” (hodu) is identical to the word for Why, even in Turkey, the bird is called
the Jewish people “from another place” tunity to infuse Jewish meaning into the “turkey.” You know the Hallel Psalm hodu “Hindi!”
(namely, modern secular nationalism), American national saga: None other than lashem ki tov (“Give thanks to God, for He And that, my friends, is how the
saying “yes” to Jewish survival and “no” to the recently passed Thanksgiving! What is good,” Psalm 118:1)? Well, with only a Hebrew turkey became hodu. So, you may
past and future Holocausts. could be more Jewish than a harvest hol- twist of the translator’s art it could just as ask, how did this new world bird, in its
I suspect that even the ardent Zion- iday that celebrates the providence of well be rendered “Have turkey for God’s own habitat, acquire a Turkish rather than
ists among us (and would “ardent Zion- God in leading His chosen people to the sake, it’s so good!” a Hindu genealogy?
ists” still be “among us?”) may agree that promised land and thanking Him for the If you doubt the linguistic legitimacy Let me appeal to the authority of NPR
Yom Ha-Atzma’ut is really best under- bounty He provides? of Shabbos Hodu, I would note that it science blogger Robert Krulwich (“Why a
Turkey is Called a Turkey”):
Long before Christopher Colum-
bus went to America, Europeans
A NEW WAY TO PLAN already had a wild fowl they liked to
eat. It came from Guinea, in Western
YOUR VACATION Africa. It was a guinea fowl, imported
to Europe by, yes, Turkish merchants.
TO ISRAEL. It was eaten in London. So it got the
nickname Turkey coq, because it came
from Constantinople. When British
settlers got off the Mayflower in Massa-
chusetts Bay Colony and saw their first
American woodland fowl, even though
it is larger than the African Guinea
fowl, they decided to call it by the name
they already used for the African bird.
Wild forest birds like that were called
“turkeys” at home.

There you have it all in a neat package,

from Hodu to hodu, from Thanksgiving
INTRODUCING to Shabbos Hodu, from the old world to
the new, from enslavement to freedom. So
remember, when next November comes
around — for God’s sake, have a turkey for

Shabbos Hodu!

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your special trip to our homeland. Our 60 years’ experience and insider connections get you great deals on columns for JTNews have recently been
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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews the arts 9

Gerard Schwarz’s farewell season: The maestro celebrates

friendship as the source of new music
Gigi Yellen-Kohn JTNews Correspondent
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a multi-part music that they write, and the fact that we the trumpet a lot. She might even have Rush Hour concerts, February 4.
series that will run throughout the next had a relationship. So I didn’t ask younger played the trumpet, I don’t know. She was And just in time for their tradi-
several months on thoughts from Seattle composers who I might like, and think the [associate] producer of my famous tional New Year’s Eve performances of
Symphony music director Gerard Schwarz are tremendous, and think that they have Haydn/Hummel Trumpet Concertos.” Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Schwarz
during his final season. great careers for the future, just because we Schwarz has brought commissions to and the orchestra have this month released
“When you do what you do for the right don’t have that relationship.” other old friends: Bernard Rands (Decem- a new recording of the Beethoven 9th,
reasons, it usually works. Not always. But Sharing the programs with Beethoven’s ber 7), Augusta Read Thomas (opening famous for its “Ode to Joy” finale. Both
usually.” Ninth Symphony in concerts on and night, September 2010), Aaron Kernis Beethoven and Brahms recordings are
Seattle Symphony music director around New Year’s Eve will be the world (October), Portland-based David Schiff being distributed by Seattle Symphony,
Gerard Schwarz is assessing his legacy premiere of “Prelude to Black Swan,” (March 31, 2011). Current composer-in- available on, cdbaby, and at
here, in the midst of his farewell season, an interpretation of Brahms by Bright residence Samuel Jones premiered a piece the Symphony’s Symphonica store in the
a most remarkable time in his remarkable Sheng, one of several former Seattle Sym- in October; former composers-in-resi- Boeing Gallery at Benaroya Hall.
professional life. In the dining room of phony composers-in-residence to receive dence include David Stock (November) Gerard Schwarz embraces his Jewish
his comfortable Queen Anne home, with a Gund/Simonyi commission. and Richard Danielpour (April 2-3, 2011). identity, making it an active part of his
sweeping views of Elliott Bay at his back, The oldest of the commissioned com- Some of Robert Beaser’s music (February artistic life. More about that and about
the maestro settled in for a wide-ranging posers is Gunther Schuller. 17-19) is included on Schwarz’s record- the TV show he’s working on, in the next
visit with JTNews. “He and I started working together ings for the Milken Archive of American parts of this conversation. But for now,
Many people get nostalgic at this time of when I was a trumpet player 43 years ago,” Jewish Music. The season will conclude a bit more of Schwarz’s self-assessment:
year, musing about time passing, and about Schwarz recalls. “We were very close. It was with new works by Paul Schoenfield (June “What I’ve done all my life, whether it’s
what has been done and what not. But as this a wonderful period. I haven’t done much 2, 4, 5) and Philip Glass (June 16 and 18). been my personal life or my musical life,
city celebrates what he’s done during 26 years with Gunther in recent years, so it also gave Another project in honor of the Fare- I’ve always tried to do everything for the
at the Symphony, Maestro Schwarz speaks me the opportunity to reconnect.” well Season: Two new recordings. right reasons. Always. And sometimes it’s
with more enthusiasm than nostalgia. Schuller has written “a huge work, big Schwarz and Seattle Symphony have popular, and sometimes it’s not so pop-
What he’s done for “the right reasons,” orchestra, very fun, wild, eccentric in a way, just released a three-disc set of all four ular. Y’know, you make decisions in an
he says, has lifted Seattle Symphony, and also very short. I think it will be perfect.” Brahms Symphonies. orchestra, as a leader, sometimes you do
its city, to new levels of prominence: More That commission, “Bagatelle: With “Seattle Symphony and I have per- things and someone doesn’t like you for it.
than 125 recordings, 12 Grammy nomi- Swing,” will be performed Jan. 6 and 8. formed the Brahms symphonies more But that’s the way it goes.”
nations, two Emmys, and Benaroya Hall Schwarz’s nostalgia muscle warms up than one hundred times together,” the
itself. The magnificent concert hall that and stretches back: “Ellen Zwillich (Feb- conductor notes. The orchestra will per- Visit for ticket and
came into existence during his tenure — ruary 3, 5, 6) was a friend when we were form the Brahms 4th Symphony in con- schedule information on upcoming Farewell
and in great part thanks to his personal both at Juilliard together. She wrote for cert this season, too, on one of its new Season concerts.
campaign — not only transformed down-
town Seattle with its Chihuly-spangled
beauty, but earned international praise for
its splendid acoustics. And Schwarz him-
self has earned a slew of personal kudos,
including ASCAP honors for exemplify-
Northwest Yeshiva High School Dinner and Auction
ing “the ideal American conductor,” Musi-
Save the Date

faces future
cal America’s Conductor of the Year, and
Seattle’s 2009 First Citizen Award.
Maestro Schwarz’s Farewell Season,
of th

launched on Seattle Symphony’s open-

ing night in September, continues through
June 2011. When it’s over, he’ll become the
orchestra’s Conductor Laureate, taking the
podium every now and then as a visitor,
while he moves his career in new direc-
tions. He and his family plan to keep Seat-
tle as their home base.
While the orchestra’s new artistic and
administrative personnel prepare for next
HONORING Sunday, February 27, 2011
4:30pm - 9:00pm
Hotel Olive 8
Photos by Debra Rettman

season—the new music director, Ludovic

Morlot, takes over next summer, and the Seattle, WA
new executive director, Simon Woods, in
May — Maestro Schwarz, this season, con-
tinues premiering new music and releasing Auction Co-Chairs:
new recordings.
The 18 world premieres spread out across
Bayla Friedman Treiger
this season’s concerts reflect Schwarz’s Julie Varon
commitment to American music. He per-
sonally selected the 18 composers who Moshe Genauer Ruben Owen Silent and Live Auctions
received commissions from philanthropists
Agnes Gund and Charles Simonyi.
“These commissions came up because John Curley, Auctioneer
I identified my closest associates who are
composers, my closest friends of long
standing,” Schwarz emphasizes. “I only
thought about one thing, and that’s the
10 the arts JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

‘Budrus’ producer touts Palestinian If

nonviolence go:
Budrus opens Fri., Dec. 17 at
Michael Fox Special to JTNews the Landmark Varsity Theatre,
The end of the Israeli-Palestinian con- 4329 University Way NE, Seattle.
flict will happen as a result of the everyday Check listings for showtimes.
efforts of ordinary people, not the procla-
mations of politicians, filmmakers Ronit
Avni and Julia Bacha are convinced. “Budrus is happening today in other
Encounter Point, their powerhouse villages,” Avni says, “so we didn’t want
2006 documentary, focused on Jews and people to think that the events chronicled
Arabs who’d lost loved ones to violence in the film were of another era and aren’t
yet were committed to forgiveness and relevant today.”
peace. The duo’s new film, Budrus, spot- Avni, who was born in Canada and also
lights a Palestinian man who forged alli- holds Israeli and (more recently) Amer-
ances between local Fatah and Hamas ican citizenship, and Bacha (who is not
followers to organize an ongoing protest Jewish) see themselves as more than film-
— joined by dozens of Israelis — to stop makers. They founded the Washington,
the construction of the separation barrier D.C. and Jerusalem-based organization
on the titular village’s land. Just Vision not just to funnel financial
“The film came about very much in support for their documentaries, but to
response to a curiosity and a desire expressed provide organized outreach and ongoing
in the Jewish community in the West, in influence in support of those working for
America, in Israel, where people were asking Aisha Mershani nonviolent resolution of the conflict.
where is the Palestinian nonviolence move- The Israeli army in Budrus. “Media plays a critical role in expos-
ment,” Avni explained in an interview after ing or obscuring the contribution that
Budrus screened in the San Francisco Inter- estinian nonviolence movement emerges. Bacha and Avni collected and orga- civil society has made and can make on
national Film Festival in May. And what is the Israeli response. If there nized verité footage shot by numerous this issue,” Avni declares. “There has been
“Often the phrase that followed the are difficult moments in the film, we hope professionals and amateurs in Budrus a disproportionate coverage of militancy
question was something along the lines of, that that raises a discussion about what from the beginning of the separation bar- and militarism compared to communities
‘If only Palestinians adopted nonviolence, we in the international community can rier in 2003 through last year. Interest- and individuals trying to problem-solve.”
there would be peace,’” Avni related. “The do to support truly nonviolent methods to ingly, and intentionally, they leave the
film explores what it looks like when a Pal- resolve the conflict.” film’s ending date vague for viewers.

XXPage 11

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews the arts 11

December 10, 7:30 p.m. December 11, 5 p.m.

Eli Rosenblatt Robin Goldstein and Friends
Live Music Reading and Discussion
Seattle’s perennial Afro-Cuban/Klezmer Robin Goldstein is the founder and editor of
performer takes his act north on I-5. His the Fearless Critic Seattle Restaurant Guide.
warm, genre-blending songs will surely He will be joined by some of his fellow food
warm up the chill of a post-Hanukkah critics, including Alexis Herschkowitsch, Car-
winter evening. At Third Place Books, issa Bluestone, and Jay Friedman. Plus, there
Lake Forest Park. 17171 Bothell Way NE. will be wine. At Elliott Bay Book Company,
1521 10th Ave., Seattle.

December 19, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

December 12, 4 p.m.
Elves and the Shoemaker
SJCC Jewish Touch Lecture Series: Adam Stern
Willow Branch Puppet Theater Troupe
The Seattle
Malya Muth performs “Elves and the Shoemaker”
Philharmonic Orchestra’s
as adapted by DoloresRose Duanehauer, who
music director Adam
also hand-created all the marionettes, the
Stern discusses Aaron
prop, and the set. The show features nine
Copland, one of America’s
characters, plus narration – and lots of singing
greatest composers.
and dancing. At Seattle Waldorf School,
At the Stroum Jewish
Huckleberry Hall. 1600 John St., Seattle.
Community Center,
$8 children/seniors, $9 general admission.
3801 E Mercer Way,
Mercer Island.

December 24, 5:45 p.m.

Moo Shoo, Matzoh Balls, and a Couple of Wise Guys
Dinner and Entertainment
This Christmas Eve, enjoy a little of everything with this new Jewish holiday
tradition: A festive evening of Chinese food and a movie, plus Yiddish’eh music,
Jewish comedy, and dancing. At The Little Red Bistro, 400 Dexter Ave. N.,
Seattle. Tickets $20 at or $30 at the door.
XXPage 14

WWbudrus Page 10

In a sound-bite world, newscasts will

always make room for shooting and shout- Should you consider Create a Lifestyle
ing. But they can’t compress long-term
long-term care
process into a 60-second segment.
“It’s much harder to tell stories about
insurance? That’s Just Right for You.
slow, bottom-up change,” Avni says. “I think
documentary film is uniquely positioned to
tell those kinds of stories. They complement
Let us help.
other forms of media coverage, and that’s
where our contribution lies.” 206-448-6940 Happy
Budrus screened at the Dubai, Berlin
and Tribeca film festivals, and received
7525 SE 24th Street, Suite 350 New Year!
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Oscar qualifying runs in Los Angeles and
New York this summer. The documentary
opens December 17 at the Landmark Var-
sity Theater in Seattle’s University District.
As a liberal Jew, Avni is acutely aware of
and sensitive to the attitudes of a segment
of the American Jewish community vis a
vis the Palestinians.
“I don’t think the subject in our film
questions Israeli concerns about secu-
rity,” she says. “So audiences get to see that
it’s not a zero-sum equation. [The Pales-
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12 m.o.t.: member of the tribe JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

The Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle Washington residents walked

By David Benkof in historic Israel event
Diana Brement JTNews Columnist

When Lauren Mayo left “Survivors and organizers,
Seattle for the Young a male victim of breast cancer
Judaea Year Course in even spoke,” Lauren wrote.
Israel, the Ballard High School Bellingham resident Katie
grad probably didn’t realize Edelstein walked, too. The
that she’d get to participate in Hadassah national board
an historic event. member says she planned
On Oct. 28, Lauren joined to be there the moment the
the first Susan G. Komen Race organization announced the
for the Cure ever to be held in event. The event began for
that country. The race (most her the evening before with a
participants walked) around tribe reception at the U.S. Ambas-
the walls of Jerusalem was the inaugu- sador’s residence. She met
ral event of the Israel Breast Cancer Ini- Nancy Brinker, Susan G.
tiative Collaborative, a new partnership Komen for the Cure founder and sister of
between Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist the late Susan Komen, as well as Senator
Organization, and the Komen foundation, Joe and Hadassah Lieberman. That night,
which raises cancer awareness and money the walls of Jerusalem were lit pink in sup-
for cancer research. More than 6,000 men port of the race.
and women of all religions, many of them The day of the walk, Katie wrote, she
cancer patients or survivors, wearing pink, was thrilled to see “Jewish, non-Jewish and
carried pink balloons and walked together, Arab women (and men) coming together
demonstrating their commitment to find- and walking side by side in the streets of
ing a cure for the disease. Jerusalem for a common cause.” It cre-
Across Down ated “an extraordinary image that proved
1. Yemenite Jewish singer Ofra 1. Mins. and mins. people can work together under the right
5. Erie or Panama 2. I’ve got it! circumstances.”
10. Ben Gurion carousel item 3. Eleventh minor prophet Katie said she has been inspired and
13. “Cheers” actress Pearlman 4. Expressed amazement infused with “greater determination to do
14. Excuse 5. One way to get around Tel Aviv what I can to fight the fight against breast
15. First name in Holocaust novelists 6. Fla. neighbor cancer.”
16. “Bruno” actor ___ Cohen 7. Jerusalem mayor Barkat
A slide show of the day’s events is at
18. Tiny particles 8. End early
19. Skirt’s edge 9. One-___ (Henny Youngman
20. 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit specialties) Seattle Chapter Hadassah will be hold-
Issue cover model Bar 10. St. Louis sportsmen ing a cancer-awareness event called Breast
22. ACLU President, 1991-2008 11. It’s walked down on the way to Cancer Exposed this coming spring.
26. ___ HaTzofim (Mount Scopus) the chuppah Watch for details in early 2011.
27. Doofus 12. Be admitted, as to Hebrew

28. First day of the wk. in Israel University Courtesy Lauren Mayo Robin Rogel-Goldstein of Bellevue
29. Arm of Israel 15. He played “Lou Grant” Lauren Mayo, left, with one of her Young Judaea will be installed as a vice president
30. Israeli, for example 17. Standing devotional Year Course buddies, after the Susan Komen of Women’s League for Conserva-
32. The Alter ___ 21. Seder number (questions, cups, Race for the Cure in Israel last month. tive Judaism at its 2010 biennial conven-
36. Make-up artist? sons)
tion on Dec. 12 in Baltimore. Women’s
38. The Jerusalem Leonardo Plaza, e.g. 22. Eichmann and Himmler
40. “___ on Entebbe” (1977 film) 23. Snack
Lauren e-mailed me that Young Judae- League is the largest synagogue women’s
41. Essayist Ginsberg, AKA Ahad 24. Former N.Y. Gov. Spitzer ans participated in the walk as an orga- organization in the world and almost 1,000
Ha’am 25. WABC, e.g. nized group activity and said it was a fun women are expected to attend the event.
43. “Give me your ___, your poor...” 26. Waikiki wiggle event. (Young Judaea is the youth program Robin grew up in Congregation Herzl-
45. Acid 31. Chutzpah of Hadassah.) At the end there were speak-
46. Slammer 33. Location of the Ner Israel yeshiva ers and music. XXPage 29
48. Above 34. Unusual kosher meat
49. Hanukkah present, often 35. Mini-whirlpool
50. Vermont governor, 1985-1991 37. Practices
55. I n formation 39. Onion relative
56. Anne Meara, to Ben Stiller 42. Lean (on)
57. Much 44. Mike Portnoy’s instrument for
58. Longtime TV talk show hostess Dream Theater
64. Hawaiian garlands 47. Space ___ (Seattle site)
65. One kind of change 50. ___ Adumim (Jerusalem suburb)
66. Wrinkle remover 51. Pennsylvania politician Specter
67. Eliminate 52. Kind of smartphone
68. Short-story writer Keret 53. “The Complete ___’s Guide to
69. Addition column Jewish History and Culture”
54. Like very few games
59. Egg ___
60. Hard-rock center
61. The other woman
62. Actor Silver (“Enemies: A Love
Answers on page 38 63. Nav. rank
friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews community calendar 13

Ongoing Events 9:45 a.m. – BCMH Youth Services 11 a.m.–12 p.m. – Women-Only Torah Study 7 p.m. – Beginning Israeli
Event names, locations, and times are provided Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Class Dancing for Adults with Rhona Feldman
here for ongoing weekly events. Please visit Chabad of the Central Cascades Congregation Beth Shalom for descriptions and contact Sundays 7–8 p.m. – Beginning Modern Hebrew
information. 10:15 a.m. – Sunday Torah Study Tuesdays Congregation Beth Shalom
Congregation Beth Shalom 11 a.m.–12 p.m. – Mommy and Me Program 7–8:30 p.m. – Modern Hebrew Literature
Fridays 7:30–10:30 p.m. – He’Ari Israeli Dancing Chabad of the Central Cascades. Call for location. Congregation Beth Shalom (1st Wednesday)
12:30–3:30 p.m. – Bridge Group Danceland Ballroom 12 p.m. – Torah for Women 7–9 p.m. – Teen Lounge for Middle Schoolers
Stroum Jewish Community Center 8:30 p.m. – Talmud, Yeshiva-Style Eastside Torah Center (at Starbucks Bellevue Galleria) NCSY (at Congregation BCMH)
12:30–3:30 p.m. – Drop-in Mah Jongg Eastside Torah Center 7 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings 7:30 p.m. – Parshas Hashavuah
Stroum JCC Jewish Family Service Eastside Torah Center
9:30–10:30 a.m. – SJCC Tot Shabbat Mondays 8:15 p.m. – Psalms with Beth Huppin 8:15–9:15 p.m. – Resurrection, the Afterlife
Stroum JCC 10 a.m.–2 p.m. – JCC Seniors Group Congregation Beth Shalom & Reincarnation
11 a.m.–12 p.m. – Tots Welcoming Shabbat Stroum JCC 7 p.m. – Teen Center Congregation Beth Shalom
Temple B’nai Torah 12:30 p.m. – Caffeine for the Soul Stroum JCC
Chabad of the Central Cascades 7–8 p.m. – Hebrew I (Alef Bet) Thursdays
Saturdays 7 p.m. – CSA Monday Night Classes Congregation Beth Shalom. 10 –2 p.m. – JCC Seniors Group
9– – Learner’s Minyan with Ron Congregation Shevet Achim (at Northwest Yeshiva 7:30 p.m. – Weekly Round Table Kabbalah Stroum JCC
Scheenweiss High School) Class 6:50 p.m. – Introduction to Hebrew
Congregation Beth Shalom (2nd Saturday of month) 7 p.m. – Ein Yaakov in English Eastside Torah Center (call for location) Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation
10 a.m. – Morning Youth Program Congregation Shaarei Tefilah 8:15–9:30 p.m. – Living Judaism-The 7 p.m. – Junior Teen Center
Congregation Ezra Bessaroth 10 a.m. – Jewish Mommy and Me Basics with Mary Potter NCSY (at the Stroum JCC)
10:30 a.m. – Adult Torah Study West Seattle Torah Learning Center (at Hiawatha Congregation Beth Shalom 8–10 p.m. – Teen Lounge for High Schoolers
Temple B’nai Torah Community Center) Congregation BCMH
5 p.m. – The Ramchal’s Derech Hashem, 8:30 p.m. – Talmud in Hebrew Wednesdays 8–9:30 p.m. – Beth Shalom Beit Midrash
Portal from the Ari to Modernity Eastside Torah Center 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Talmud Berachot Congregation Beth Shalom (2nd Thursday of month)
Congregation Beth Ha’Ari Beit Midrash 8 p.m. – Women’s Israeli Dance Class Tullys Westlake Center
6:30 p.m. – Avot Ubanim Lakewood/Seward Park Community Club 1:30 p.m. – Book Club at the Stroum JCC
Seattle Kollel Stroum JCC

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14 community calendar JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Candle Lighting Times Hanukkah event featuring music, fantastic crafts and or 206-861-3183 or WWthe arts Page 11
12/10/10........................... 4:00 p.m. delicious food. Join organizers to help raise money uploads/pdf/EO_Dec10_V1.pdf
12/17/10........................... 4:01 p.m. for Seattle Children’s Hospital. At MOHAI, 2700 24th Jews have lived in China for more than 1,000 years.
12/24/10.......................... 4:04 p.m. Ave. E, Seattle. Learn about the fascinating stories of the Jews of
12/31/10........................... 4:09 p.m. 5–9 p.m. – Lamplighter Annual Dinner & China in an illustrated talk by Rabbi Anson Laytner,
Auction president of the Sino-Judaic Institute. Please RSVP.

Tammy Nguyen at Free. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 3850 156th Ave.

Sunday 12 December or 206-523-9766 SE, Bellevue.
11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. –Choices, Changes and or
Challenges: Parenting a Tween or Teen Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder’s annual Wednesday 15 December

Marjorie Schnyder at fundraising dinner and auction. $90. At the social hall 7:30 p.m. – Heroines of the Bible — Her Wednesday, December 22,
or 206-861-3146 or at Ezra Bessaroth, 5217 S Brandon St., Seattle. Story, My Story 1:30 p.m.
uploads/pdf/ParentingTeens.pdf 7–9 p.m. – Rosh Chodesh Group

Devorah Kornfeld at Uncle Moishy

As children grow they go through many changes.

Carol Benedick at carolbenedick@ Family Concert

Parents must adapt to new roles, learn new parenting or 206-524-0075 or Presented by the Jewish Learning Institute’s Rosh Premier entertainer-educator Uncle
approaches, and adjust to a changing relationship. Chodesh Society, discuss six celebrated personalities Moishy brings his act to Seattle.
Gain insight and tools on three topics of significant Cynthia Gayle will guide the group in a bibliodrama in Jewish history in this monthly series. Connect with There will be singing, dancing, and
interest. Led by professionals from JFS. $10 per on the first heroines of Exodus, the midwives Shifrah these women and enter their stories. For December: Jewish learning at a show fit for all
session. At Jewish Family Service, 1601 16th Ave., and Puah. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Sarah, the mother of intention, our matriarch’s ages. Tickets $18/$10 kids, avail-
Seattle. Ave. NE, Seattle. mission. Presented by Devorah Kornfeld. For women able at Island Crust Pizza, the Bikur
2–5 p.m. – The Big Spin! only. Cost includes materials. $75 for series. At the Cholim-Machzikay Hadath office, and

Laura Glass at or Tuesday 14 December Community Center at Mercer View, 8236 SE 24th at the door. At Torah Day School,
206-579-5372 or 10–11:30 a.m. – Jews in China St., Mercer Island. 3528 S Ferdinand St., Seattle.
Get ready for The 2nd Annual Big Spin! The blow-out

Ellen Hendin at

garlic loverS – we mean BuSineSS!

Join the Seattle BBYo The original from queen anne

180@$180 Campaign
Seattle Friends & Alumni Network needs you to join us in securing the resources necessary to help BBYO
flourish in our community. This Year Seattle FAN is recruiting 180 community members to meet the
funding needs of our regions.
1009 Boren avenue, Seattle
pleaSe Join our 180@$180 Campaign todaY!

For more information, or to get involved in Seattle FAN, please e-mail or call 206.388.0837
donations of $180 and above made by 12/31/10 will be generously matched
100% by the Spitzer Foundation up to $5000.

Hebrew Immersion n
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n Inclusive Classroom Differentiation n

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W inter
Alana Antique & Estate Jewelry...............................................16
Ben Bridge Jewelers.................................................................16
Bellevue Club and Hotel Bellevue...........................................22
Big Picture...............................................................................20
Embassy Suites Bellevue..........................................................18
Emmanuel’s Fine Rug & Upholstery Specialists.......................25
Kaspars Events & Catering......................................................19
The Landing & Northcut Conference Room..........................20
Madison Park Cafe..................................................................19
Nosh Away Catering...............................................................19
Organic Table.........................................................................18
Shawn’s Kugel.........................................................................19
Talaris Conference Center......................................................19
Tulalip Resort Casino..............................................................22
United Insurance Brokers, Inc.................................................25
Well Done Events...................................................................18
What the Chelm.....................................................................16
Woodland Park Zoo...............................................................22

Photo courtesy of Kaspars

Focus on Bellevue
Acura of Bellevue.....................................................................25
The Bellettini...........................................................................17
Bellevue Club and Hotel Bellevue...........................................22
BMW Bellevue.........................................................................29
Druxman, Esther/Realty Executives........................................27
Embassy Suites Bellevue..........................................................18
Evergreen Speech & Hearing..................................................27
Frimer, Mary/John L. Scott.....................................................32
Greenbaum Home Furnishings...............................................27
Minor & James Medical...........................................................21
Oh! Chocolate........................................................................18
Overlake Hospital...................................................................25
S. M. Piha Company...............................................................29
Sky High Sports......................................................................20
Temple B’nai Torah.................................................................23
Temple De Hirsch Sinai..........................................................28
Thai Ginger.............................................................................27

Photo by David Johanson Vasquez/Big Picture Photography

16 winter celebrations JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Ben Bridge
Nears A Century of Service
In 1912 a personal jeweler opened a family-
run store in downtown Seattle. Nearly 100 years
Alana Antique & Estate Jewelry later, Ben Bridge is still a family-run business, but one that has grown to more than 70 stores.
Today, Ben’s grandsons Ed and Jon Bridge manage the company. They attribute Ben Bridge’s
Everything in Alana’s is a treasure — something exquisitely beautiful that can’t be found longevity and success to the company’s commitment to quality and customer service.
anywhere else. “We want our customers to feel confident with every selection,” explains Ed Bridge, “that’s why
“People come to Alana’s to find something different,” says owner Alana Fornoni. “They don’t want Ben Bridge has more Registered Jewelers and Certified Gemologists than any other jeweler in the
something someone picked out of a catalogue or something all their friends have. They also would country.”
like to know the story behind the piece.” Though nearing its centennial, Ben Bridge is still growing. This includes opening a second store
Alana is happy to share that story, if she knows it. But she has observed that most people inherit at Seattle’s University Village — one dedicated to the wildly popular jewelry line Pandora, and
a piece of jewelry with no idea who owned it originally or what it’s worth. With her expert eye and relocating a very successful Ben Bridge Jeweler in Alaska’s retail district in downtown Anchorage.
years of experience, Alana recognizes quality when she sees it and can usually tell the owner when As they look to the next 100 years, the Bridge family knows one thing will never change: Ben
their jewelry was made and its market value. For more information about Alana: Antique & Estate Bridge is dedicated to being your personal jeweler.
Jewelry, visit The Web site has extensive photographs of inventory and

The Bellevue Club and Hotel Bellevue

The Bellevue Club and Hotel Bellevue is a four-star, four-diamond,
internationally recognized boutique property that provides a private retreat in
luxurious accommodations. Located in Bellevue, they are one of the Eastside’s
premier, most-sought-after locations to celebrate a special event.
Their versatile and beautifully appointed Olympic Ballroom is the
perfect setting for your special occasion. Their newly designed ballroom
has rich textural mixes of warm woods, resin walls and a glass focal point. Big Picture
Suspenseful, color changing accent walls and cove lighting match your décor. Your guests will find
the intimate scale and elegant atmosphere to be truly exceptional. Whether you prefer a sit-down Big Picture is now available for all-ages parties! So now you can reserve Big Picture to celebrate
dinner, an elaborate buffet or hors d’oeuvres reception, their culinary team will assist you in creating your birthday, graduation, sweet 16, Bar/Bat Mitzvah or family reunion. Feature your special star on
the perfect menu with classic elegance to suit your style. They will help you to create a spectacular the big screen and enjoy a private DVD movie party.
event with their attentive and professionally trained culinary and service staff. Private, professional Big Picture is affordable and uniquely entertaining.
and prestigious, they are the Eastside’s only social address. Contact or To book your memorable event, contact at 425-556-0566 or They have
425-688-3380. two locations: Redmond Town Center and in Belltown.

the Jewish Band Music
t Klezmer, Israeli, Yiddish,

Ladino and more

For all occasions Vintage Wedding Sets • 1 year interest-free financing available
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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews winter celebrations 17

Embassy Suites Kaspars

You will remember your special day for the rest of your life, so choosing
Whether it’s a holiday celebration, wedding, the right partners to help you is an important decision. The team at Kaspars
birthday, anniversary, Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, Special Events and Catering, with more than 20 years of experience and a
Embassy Suites Bellevue can help make it a reputation for excellence, will support you through the entire planning process,
special event. A beautiful six-story garden atrium including venue selection, menu creation, ceremony, and reception planning,
with lush tropical plants, river and cascading ensuring you are stress-free.
waterfall, elegantly appointed ballrooms, great Family owned and operated, Kaspars’ passion is to provide creative, fresh cuisine and superior
food, two-room suites for your overnight guests, service at a reasonable price. They cater to groups of all sizes, both within Kaspars as well as at off-
and a professional staff, will make the planning site locations including private homes. Whether you are entertaining a few or a few hundred guests,
process easy. Their in-house chef is happy to the elements for success are the same: Superb fare, impeccable service, the proper ambience, and the
accommodate custom menu requests or you can right caterer! Kaspars Special Events and Catering has it all. Call 206-298-0123, fax 206-298-0146 or
choose one of their pre-planned menu options. visit
Their catering managers can also assist you with
choosing your DJ, florist and photographer. With a
great location, just off I-90, they offer plenty of free parking. The Landing and Northcut Conference Room
Book an event with at least 30 guests and get a free night’s stay in a standard suite.
Not good with other offers. Give your casual graduation party an extra
For more information call Brittany at 425-698-6689 or visit touch of elegance, welcome your teen into adulthood with sophistication, or make your
wedding sparkle. The Landing also transforms
into the perfect setting for your theatre
Emmanuel’s Fine Rug performance, wedding reception, prom, live band,
& Upholstery Specialists or dance workshop. The patio with open terrace
setting extends the pleasant ambience of any
They’ve been cleaning rugs, carpets, furniture and fine special event.
Orientals for more than 100 years. You can count on them! The Northcut Conference Room meeting
Highest-quality carpet cleaning, custom in-plant rug washing, facility is an extraordinary setting for your off-
rug repair and blind and upholstery cleaning. They specialize in site meetings, conferences, executive retreats, and
Oriental care, repair and mending and restoration. Emmanuel’s ideas for all-staff retreats. For more information,
is the place to go for consigned new and antique Orientals, rug sales and appraisals, as well as on-site please contact 206-786-0627 or
carpet cleaning and maintenance. Fifteen percent off all in-home services.
Gift certificates available. For more information call 206-322-2200, fax 206-325-3841 or visit

Guess who
moved in
this winter?
Obviously frowny-face is stressed out from all the holiday preparations. And smiley-face?
He’s sipping cocoa while relaxing in front of a warm fire. Be a smiley-face, move
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Call (425) 450-0800 now to schedule your complimentary guided tour and lunch.

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18 winter celebrations JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Madison Park Café 

Simmering in Seattle for more than
30 years.
The Madison Park Café provides full-service
catering for all your Jewish lifecycle events
including B’nai Mitzvah, weddings, and other
The café offers French bistro food The Organic Table
and professional service as well as wine, liquor,
beer and rentals. Contact Karen Binder at 206-324-2626 or Let The Organic Table cater your next event with delicious food made from seasonal, local and
organic ingredients.
Their menus feature a seasonal selection of local, organic fare from farmers, ranchers, bakers,
Nosh Away Catering fishermen, and cheesemakers who they have grown to know personally in conjunction with their
sister restaurants, the three Seattle-area Portage Bay Cafés. Host your evening event in one of their
Nosh Away Inc. is a full-service kosher catering company cafés, or let the Organic Table come to you. From full-service weddings and B’nai Mitzvah to simple
servicing the greater Seattle community. Size and type of breakfast buffets, their team will create a memorable event that will garner raves from your guests.
event have no limitations. Whether it is dinner for two, or a Visit or call 206-551-4084.
gala event for 2,000, Nosh Away will bring to bear amazing
concern for the event by paying meticulous attention to all
of the details that ensure success. Nosh Away has teamed up Shawn’s Kugel
with many venues in the Seattle area to provide customers and
guests with a wonderful dining experience, providing excellent Shawn’s Kugel is the premier Jewish band in the Pacific Northwest. Voted Best Jewish Band by
quality and professional service. Under kosher supervision of the JTNews readers in 2007, they have performed for enthusiastic clients for more than 11 years. They
Va’ad of Greater Seattle, their 3,000-square-foot, fully equipped specialize in getting guests to participate in folk dancing and horas at weddings, B’nai Mitzvah and
commissary and bakery operates daily to provide for all of Nosh Away’s catering needs. other lifecycle events. Shawn’s Kugel has released four CDs, with the latest being Odyssey.
Visit Check out Shawn’s Kugel on MySpace, CD Baby, or iTunes to hear some songs and learn more
about this Northwest treasure. Contact 206-523-9298 or or visit

Let The Organic Table cater your next event with delicious food
made from seasonal, local and organic ingredients.

B’nai Mitzvah, company parties,

reunions, weddings, a cozy dinner for 50...
What will make your event memorable, beautiful, and easy on you? n 206.551.4084 w w w. w e l l d o n e v e n t s . c o m

Suite Simcha
 Flexible banquet and meeting space,
accommodating events with up to
500 guests
 Extensive catering menu selections
with special requests available
 Six story atrium featuring lush tropical
plants and waterfall
 240 spacious two-room suites
 Complimentary full cooked-to-order
breakfast and evening reception
 Complimentary parking
 Premier location to Eastside
synagogues and easy I-90 access
 Book an event and bring in this ad
to receive 10 dozen complimentary
hors d’oeuvres (min. 50 dinners, not
good with other offers)

Contact our professional Catering Department at 425.698.6689

for more information or to book your next event.
Embassy Suites Bellevue, 3225 158th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98008
friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews winter celebrations 19

Talaris Conference
Talaris Conference Center, a retreat, event and
meeting destination that combines a distinctively
Northwest environment with metropolitan
technology and amenities, is located on 18 acres in
a natural park-like setting near the University of
Washington in Seattle. It is within walking distance of neighborhood restaurants, cafes and jogging
With 31 guestrooms, three large conference rooms, two intimate meeting spaces, multiple
breakout areas and, for events, the Pacific dining room, this wooded oasis is an ideal destination
for intimate training workshops, meetings, retreats and other events for up to 150 people. And if
business or personal travel brings you to the University District, they are the perfect alternative to a
traditional hotel. Contact 206-268-7000 or visit for more information.

Tulalip Resort Casino

United Insurance Brokers, Inc.
With more than 30,000 square feet of flexible special event and reception space, two ballrooms
Your insurance source since 1968 and an expertly trained catering staff, Tulalip Resort Casino is the perfect location to host a holiday
Commercial, Employee Benefits, Group Long Term Care and Personal Insurance. celebration. The AAA Four Diamond Tulalip Resort Casino accommodates events of every size, from
Contact Linda Kosin or Trisha Cacabelos at small gatherings to large functions with up to 1,500 attendees. Every need is addressed by a capable
Located at 50-116th Ave. SE, #201, Bellevue. and conscientious staff, whether the requirements involve state-of-the-art technological equipment,
customized catering or providing the ideal venue for social gatherings.
For more information about planning a special event at Tulalip Resort Casino, please contact
James Hillman at 360-716-6830 or

Voted Best Jewish Band by

JTNews readers in 2007 full service catering
for all your Jewish Life Passages
Minutes from the city.
Miles from distraction.

Shawn’s Kugel Talaris Conference Center is the ideal event and

The Northwest’s Premier meeting destination on 18-acres near the University
Music Ensemble Weddings • Rehearsal Dinners of Washington for groups up to 150 guests.
Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Special Occasions
Special Events
Mention “JT News” when you book and
approved caterer of uW Hillel receive 5% off your master bill! Call for details. *

Contact: Shawn Weaver

call Karen Binder
206-523-9298 (206) 324-2626 q 206.268.7000 q
Simmering in Seattle for 31 years *Event must be booked by December 31, 2010 and take place by March 31, 2011.

Kaspars will ensure your

“Seattle’s Finest Kosher Catering” celebration is spectacular!
419 Rainier Ave. N., Renton WA 98057
Chef Kaspar offers exceptional
206-772-5757 Northwest cuisine along with a
superior staff versed in weddings,
Glatt Kosher supervised by the Va’ad of Seattle rehearsal dinners, showers and
Meat, Parve, Dairy or Cholov Yisroale available b'nai mitzvahs.

Ask about our new venues! Kaspars dining rooms can accommodate
up to 300 guests or can offer full
JeWiSh WeDDiNGS OuR SPeCiAltY service off-premise catering at your
home or other special location.
Kosher banquet space available at venues such as: Benaroya hall, Seattle Marriott,
the Westin, the Sheraton, hillel, Bell harbor, Redmond Marriott & more!
B’nai Mitzvot n Delicious boxed meals n Office luncheons and party trays for menus and
Shabbos and holiday take out n Private home events upcoming events:
Christmas eve buffet
Cooking classes
a seattle tradition Chef’s table
Free planning and consulting for every budget for over 20 years 19 West Harrison  Seattle, WA 98119  206.298.0123 
20 winter celebrations JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Well Done Events Artistry, thoughtfulness, and attention to detail. A sense of

timing, grace under pressure, and relentlessly high standards.
Well Done Events are precious! They know that your They believe that a Well Done Event is a reflection of them, the
anniversary, wedding, and B’nai Mitzvah events create memories founders and planners, so they give every event their best.
that can’t be “done better the next time.” No, these celebrations are Well Done Events provides complete event planning services
the once-in-a-lifetime memory makers of your family story. Well in the Seattle area. They can plan it all or they can help with just
Done Events is proud to make them memorable, beautiful, and easy on you. a few items on your to-do list. On the day of your event, relax and enjoy your own party!
What makes an event Well Done? Communication skills, resourcefulness, and high energy. Visit

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A parent signed waiver is required for all 1445 120th Ave NE
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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews 21
22 winter celebrations JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

What the Chelm! Chelm Woodland Park Zoo


What the Chelm has enlivened simchot since 1993 and Woodland Park Zoo, one of Seattle’s most cherished
entertained at countless B’nai Mitzvah and weddings around the community resources, is the perfect location for your next
area. Public performances have included Northwest Folklife, event! Set on 92 acres with more than 300 species of
Klezfest, the Juan de Fuca Festival and moving the Boise synagogue animals, the zoo offers 17 unique venues to host your Bar/
to its new home, as well as annual gigs for the Bellingham Parks Bat Mitzvah, holiday party, picnic, meeting, wedding, family
and the Whatcom Museum. reunion or birthday party. Funds generated by your event help support the zoo’s quality animal care,
What the Chelm has just released its third CD, Til Chelm Freezes Over. The band plays klezmer, education programs and field conservation projects to help preserve wildlife species and habitats in
Israeli, Yiddish, Ladino and other types of music. Contact Dan Raas at 360-676-1621 or visit www. the Northwest and around the world. For more information e-mail, or call 206-548-2590, or visit


The most sought after event space on the Eastside at Woodland Park Zoo
just got a whole new look.
Weddings · Events · Luxur y Hotel · Full-Ser vice Spa · World Class Athletics Create Your Own Winter Wonderland
Woodland Park Zoo offers facilities for:
Photos by Ryan Hawk

Yo u ’ v e r e a c h e d y o u r d e s t i n a t i o n . For event planning...

call 206.548.2500 or
425.688.3382 11200 SE Sixth Street Bellevue, WA 98004
friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews community news 23

Reform Hebrew high schools merge

to keep their teens in the fold
Janis Siegel JTNews Correspondent
Temple De Hirsch Sinai’s senior rabbi, an adult perspective on education for post- about Judaism and your
Daniel Weiner, knows what just about B’nai Mitzvah kids, based on the Union for background in a larger
every Jewish professional knows — that Reform Judaism’s Sacred Choices curricu- environment, and also how
to keep Jewish teens interested in even the lum. Sacred Choices includes life cycles, to talk about Israel, anti-
best extracurricular Jewish studies pro- human sexuality, and dealing with rela- Semitism, stereotypes, and
gram, you’ve got to build in some major tionships from a Jewish perspective. about navigating relation-
socializing time. Tenth graders study “Judaism and ships.”
Temple B’nai Torah’s assistant rabbi, Social Justice” for the first part of the year, Electives include “What’s
Yohanna Kinberg, picked up on a sim- which culminates in a jam-packed week- Jewish About ‘Glee’?” as well
ilar idea for the future of their Hebrew end in Washington, D.C. with Jewish as leadership and songleading
high school after noticing how many teens youth from across the country, to study classes, and a course on Israel.
from TDHS and other Reform congrega- the Jewish perspective on critical policy The students have opportuni-
tions in the Seattle area were showing up issues. The URJ Religious Action Center’s ties for travel as well.
at its Tuesday night school, just to hang L’taken weekend program includes a full “The wonderful culmi-
out with their friends there. day of lobbying, where students spend the nating aspect of our 12th-
It was a natural extension of the obvi- day on the Hill, talking to representatives grade program, which we’ve
ous for both of them, so in October of this about those issues. The rest of the year is been doing for about 10
year, they combined the two high schools spent preparing for Confirmation. years, is our 12th grade trip
for a trial run at TDHS’s Bellevue campus. Students in the 11th grade take “Com- to Europe for two weeks Kate Bigam/RAC
They move to B’nai Torah in February. It parative Judaism and Comparative Reli- to Jewish and non-Jewish Students from Temple B’nai Torah who traveled to Washington,
makes Jewish education more fun, and all gions” for their core course, and seniors sites,” said Weiner. “So far, D.C. to participate in the Reform movement’s Religious Action
agree that that’s a good thing. participate in the URJ’s “Packing for Col- we’ve taken the students to Committee’s L’Taken program in 2008, in front of the Supreme
So far, both congregations say the kids lege: Where does Judaism Fit?” curriculum. Italy, Prague, Budapest, and Court building.
really want to come and that parents are “We ask them, ‘What are you looking Venice.” Though in the past
happy that their children want to be there. for in your Jewish life when you leave your it has been a Temple De
It’s a win-win-win for everyone. parents’ home?’” said Kinberg, “and we Hirsch Sinai trip, B’nai Torah kids have go to our program leave this area and the
“From a social science point of view, give them the skills to find those sources, always been eligible to join the group. Reform congregations at a disadvantage
the 9th through 12th grade is a critical time like a Jewish fraternity or a campus Hillel Kinberg believes so much in the value because there are so many positive and
where young people not only affirm their location. of the combined program she thinks it’s a mind-expanding experiences through this
identity as human beings, but particularly “The other really important compo- mistake to pass it up. program,” she said. “We really want to make
as Jews,” Weiner told JTNews. “One of the nent,” added Kinberg,” is how to talk “I really believe that kids who do not the Jewish lives of our students bigger.”
most compelling aspects of any kind of high
school program is the social component.”
“They clearly all know each other and
want to be together,” echoed Kinberg.
“Some kids are there exclusively for social
connections and some kids are there because
they want to continue their Judaic studies
learning. But part of the challenge of having
a high school program like our program is
the balance between social and academic.”
Outside of the religious school envi-
ronment, Reform Jewish teens across the
country who belong to the National Fed- Photos by Gail Frank
eration of Temple Youth meet hundreds
of other Jewish teens at events throughout Wherever you are on your Jewish journey we welcome you!
the year. Local teens can also meet their Join us for any of the following programs:
peers in other congregations through the
NFTY-affiliated youth groups at Reform
Shabbat worship & study each week @ Tot Shabbat weekly @ Chavurot @ Sisterhood
synagogues in the area. The individual Brotherhood @B’nai Torah Youth (BTY) @Mitzvah Corps @ Social Action 
groups often collaborate on program- Judaic Studies & Hebrew from pre-school through high school @Temple Choir
ming, and combine their efforts to connect Adult Learning @Life Cycle Events @ Holiday Celebrations @ 20/30’s Activities
as many teens as often as possible.
“If we can reaffirm that cohort on a
weekly basis as well as during the summer Kabbalat Shabbat Services every Friday night at 8 :00 pm
and during monthly youth group events,
that’s all to the better,” Weiner said. First & Third Friday Night Family Service at 6:00 pm
About 130 Jewish teens from both con- Third Friday Night Community Shabbat Dinner at 6:30 pm
gregations attend the weekly one-hour
and 45-minute evening sessions, taught by Every Saturday Morning Shabbat Service at 10:30 am
a total of six clergy members and five local
instructors from the Jewish community. Every Saturday Morning Torah Study at 9:00 am
Each grade has a core curriculum from
which students learn for half the evening,
then choose from a wide range of electives Rabbi James L. Mirel · Cantor David Serkin-Poole · Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg
for the remainder. 15727 NE 4th @ Bellevue, WA 98008 @ (425) 603-9677
The 9th grade students’ core class is
“Life Cycle and Year Cycle for Big Kids,”
24 world news JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

After Israel’s deadly fire, mourning, vows to rebuild

and finger pointing
Marcy Oster JTA World News Service
JERUSALEM (JTA) — In the after- about $75 million, including damage to
math of the deadliest fire in Israel’s his- towns and kibbutzim, destroyed forests,
tory, Israelis this week set to the task of and damaged roads. Yemin Orde, an aliyah
burying the dead, cleaning up and figur- youth village founded in 1953 that has
ing out what exactly went wrong — and served as a home and school to thousands
who is to blame. of immigrant youths, most recently Ethio-
Even before the blaze in the Carmel pians and Russians, was severely burned.
Mountains near Haifa came under con- In the artists’ village of Ein Hod, 10 houses
trol Sunday afternoon, Israelis were asking and an art gallery were destroyed.
why the country wasn’t better prepared On Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet
for a wildfire of this magnitude. In all, 42 approved a $16.5 million aid package to
people were killed, about 250 homes were assist damaged communities, and Prime
destroyed or severely damaged, 17,000 Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered
people were forced to evacuate, more than that each person whose home suffered
12,000 acres were burned, and an esti- severe fire damage be given an immediate
mated 5 million trees were lost. aid disbursement of about $700.
“The Carmel disaster highlights the Calls came from many quarters for Courtesy ZAKA
outrageous gaps in Israel’s strategic and the resignation of Interior Minister Eli Members of the ZAKA religious disaster recovery service rappel down a ravine to search for remains
day-to-day readiness,” the editorialists at Yishai, whose ministry is responsible for of the 40 prison cadets killed in the massive forest fire in northern Israel.
Ha’aretz wrote Dec. 5 while echoing a call the state’s firefighting forces. Yishai also
for a state commission of inquiry to exam- is accused of refusing fire truck dona-
ine who bears responsibility for the fail- tions from the International Fellowship of Israel has 16 firefighters per 100,000 reportedly said he was smoking a nargila
ures of the Israeli fire service. Christians and Jews. residents. By contrast, the United States, water pipe and threw a live coal into an
“What’s better to spend the State of Yishai said his ministry was not funded Japan and Greece have five to seven times open area before returning to school.
Israel’s money on, firefighting aircraft or well enough to purchase needed equip- that number per capita, The Associated The arrest was announced hours after
an F-15 fighter jet?” wrote Eitan Haber, a ment — in 2001, he noted, Ariel Sharon’s Press reported. In total, Israel has 1,400 two teenage brothers from the same village
former Rabin administration official and government voted to eliminate air support firefighters. arrested over the weekend on suspicion of
now a columnist for Ynet News. for firefighting — and told Israel Radio A 14-year-old resident of the Druze vil- negligence in starting the fire were released
The damage to the area of the Carmel that he was a target because of his Sep- lage of Ussfiya was arrested Monday after from detention by a Haifa court. The teens
Forest in northern Israel was estimated at hardic heritage. admitting to starting the fire. The teen had been accused of lighting a bonfire near


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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews world news 25

their home that sparked the blaze. With its green hills, the country’s north estinians and its occupation of Arab lands. Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece,
High winds and dry conditions has a Mediterranean flavor distinct from The Palestinian prime minister in the Gaza Germany, Russia, France, Switzerland, Brit-
prompted by Israel’s parched winter thus its more Middle Eastern south, which Strip, Ismail Haniyeh, said the fire was a ain, Spain and the United States. The Pales-
far provided fuel for the blaze, which is covered by desert. After the fire, the “strike from Allah.” tinian Authority also sent 21 firefighters and
began tearing through northern Israel Israeli government said it would invest the The spiritual leader of the Israeli four fire trucks to help battle the blaze.
on Dec. 2. Northern Israel is covered by resources to make the north green again. Orthodox Shas Party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Thirty-five firefighting airplanes came
fields and trees, some natural forests and The fire’s rapid spread revealed a stra- also said the fire was divine punishment, to Israel. New York sent a 747 loaded with
others planted over the last several decades tegic weakness that could be exploited by attributing the blaze to the sin of lack of Fire Troll 931, a fire retardant chemical, in
— many of them by pioneers during the its enemies, Israeli commentators wrote. observance of the Sabbath. a shipment organized by the Fire Depart-
British Mandate period. Others were Meanwhile, numerous figures in the For its part, the Israeli government ment of New York City and the office of
planted  with donations from  Diaspora Arab world cited the fire as punishment issued a rare call for international assistance.
Jews through the Jewish National Fund. from God for Israel’s treatment of the Pal- Among the countries that responded were XXPage 29

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews world news 27

WikiLeaks reveals secrets, backroom dealmaking

— and cluelessness
Ron Kampeas JTA World News Service
WASHINGTON (JTA) — A careful of no return would be Iran’s ability to But they do get along, mostly, and meet insight,” Abington told JTA. “A lot of the
reading of the WikiLeaks trove of State enrich uranium without assistance. Iran often; the lack of cooperation in 2007 was reporting, in hindsight, is irrelevant.”
Department cables — which is laying bare has had that capacity for years. the result of the short-lived term of Amir David Makovsky, a senior analyst
some 250,000 secret dispatches detailing In January 2008, Egypt’s intelligence Peretz as Israeli defense minister. with the Washington Institute for Near
private conversations, assessments and chief said Hamas was isolated and would The disparities between predictions East Policy, said facts on the ground
dealmaking of U.S. diplomats — reveals a not stand in the way of a peace agree- and reality reflect the on-the-fly nature also change rapidly — a factor that helps
notable if perhaps surprising pattern: How ment. Hamas’ continuing control of Gaza, of the discussions detailed in the newly explain how dire Israeli predictions about
often they get things wrong. even following the war that broke out 11 revealed cables. Iran’s imminent weapons program have
Again and again the cables show dip- months after the Egyptian assessment, still Ed Abington, a former U.S. consul in dissipated, at least for now.
lomats, lawmakers and heads of state pre- undercuts Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Jerusalem who has consulted for the Pal- Part of that may be attributable to
dicting outcomes that never come to pass. In 2007, U.S. diplomats called Tzipi estinian Authority, said the authors of efforts by the West to sabotage Iran’s
A year ago, top Israeli defense offi- Livni an up-and-comer. Though now the such cables work under pressure to come nuclear program. Makovsky cited the
cials in a meeting with their U.S. counter- leader of the Israeli opposition as head up with “added value” in analysis and fill recent success of the Stuxnet computer
parts set 2010 as the absolute deadline to of the Kadima Party, Livni twice failed in in the vacuum with chatter that might not worm, which apparently disrupted Ira-
squeeze Iran on its nuclear program. Now bids to become Israel’s prime minister. have any basis in reality. nian centrifuges necessary to enrich ura-
Israeli officials say the date is 2012. The same State Department cable said “You’re looking for what you can add nium to bomb-making capacity.
In a 2005 assessment, the same Israeli the Israeli military and government don’t that makes it relevant to policymakers in
cadre told U.S. interlocutors that the point get along — “never the twain shall meet!” Washington and elsewhere — analysis, XXPage 28


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28 world news JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

WWwikileaks Page 27 demonstrates that on some matters poli- mation we need to make the judgments we States to “cut off the head of the snake” —
cies have changed little, if at all. need to make about countries like Iran,” attack Iran to stop its nuclear program.
Much of the material in the leaked Stuart Levey, the treasury undersec- she told The Daily Beast. But the message is not consistent.
cables offers frank U.S. assessments of retary charged with enforcing Iran sanc- In condemning the leaks, Clinton said Other cables describe meetings in the
everything from the temperament of for- tions, reassured Israeli Mossad chief Meir Monday that they represent policymaking Persian Gulf with Arab officials, includ-
eign leaders to the shipment of arms Dagan in December 2008 that President only in its most nascent stages. Once the ing Saudis, who counsel against a strike,
between foes of the United States. Obama was as determined as George W. heavy hitters become involved, the policy saying that the backlash would be incal-
In late 2009, U.S. officials told their Rus- Bush to isolate Iran through sanctions. is changed. So the content of the leaked culable.
sian counterparts that they believed North Within a few weeks, Obama would con- cables is not of vital importance, she tried The cables least prone to such disparity
Korea had shipped missiles to Iran capable firm the point by reappointing Levey to to argue. may be those that describe meetings with
of hitting capitals in Western Europe. The the job, ensuring consistency. “I want to make clear that our offi- Israeli officials. Successive Israeli prime
Russians were skeptical, but agreed that The leaks also show Iranian and Syrian cial foreign policy is not set through these ministers and defense ministers all say the
there was evidence of increased coopera- duplicity. A 2008 memo, apparently from messages but here in Washington,” Clin- same things — and in the same ways that
tion between the two rogue nations and it an Iranian source, details how Iran used the ton said. “Our policy is a matter of public they do in briefings with reporters.
posed new dangers. cover of the Iranian Red Crescent to smug- record, as reflected in our statements and Meeting with Israeli reporters after
The cables also track increasing con- gle officers into Lebanon in 2006 to assist in our actions around the world.” WikiLeaks began publishing the cables,
cern among the United States, Israel and Hezbollah’s war against Israel. Syria appar- But the cables reveal policy discus- Netanyahu said the Israeli government
Western nations that Turkish Prime Min- ently provided sophisticated weapons to sions in blunter terms, and show the inner takes pains to make sure the most sensi-
ister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is leading Hezbollah within weeks of pledging to U.S. workings of intergovernmental relation- tive discussions between the two countries
Turkey along a path to Islamism — and officials that it would not do so. ships that the parties would rather have are kept private.
beyond the point of no return of accom- Some of those named in the leaks wor- kept private. “It influences our work, what we do
modation with the West. ried that their publication could inhibit Saudi Arabia, for example, is shown in in meetings, who we bring into meetings,
In Cairo, U.S. diplomats told Secretary of frank dialogue. the cables to be beating the war drum for what we say in them, and when we narrow
State Hillary Rodham Clinton that in meet- U.S. Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) was a U.S. attack against Iran — a stance quite the meeting to two people,” he was quoted
ings with Egyptian leaders, she should defer outraged that her private exchange with different from its public posture. as saying by the Jerusalem Post.
to Egyptian self-regard as the indispensable Netanyahu on Iran and Palestinian issues in In a 2008 meeting, the Saudi ambassador The most important exchanges between
Arab state while acknowledging that the a 2009 meeting became public knowledge. to United States reminds U.S. Gen. David the U.S. and Israeli governments are not
perception is long past its due date. “If Congress has no ability to have Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in detailed in the cables because top U.S. and
Tracking the cables that straddle the candid conversations with foreign leaders, the Middle East, about the multiple times Israeli political leaders speak directly to
Bush and Obama administrations also we won’t have some of the critical infor- Saudi King Abdullah called on the United each other.

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews m.o.t.: member of the tribe 29

WWisrael fire Page 25 WWm.o.t. Page 12 As a tribute to his father, who died into the search bar to get to Irving Kaler’s
of a heart attack in 1986, Seattle tribute page. You’re invited to contrib-
the city’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Ner Tamid on Mercer Island and was resident Jonathan Kaler has cre- ute stories, photos, links and other media,
Israel also rented the American Ever- president of the synagogue’s sisterhood ated a public service announcement and “specifically on heart-attack survival or
green Boeing 747 Super Tanker, one of the before beginning her volunteer career with Facebook page to build awareness of heart loss” to the site, in particular to spread the
most advanced firefighting planes in the Women’s League. An active member and attack symptoms and hopefully prevent message that time is of the essence when
world, loaded with 80,000 liters of water former president of the regional branch, other deaths. experiencing heart attack symptoms.
and fire retardant. It arrived early Sunday she has been a member of the board of Jonathan’s writes that his dad Irving “When heart attack strikes, time is life,”
morning and had an immediate effect on directors since 1996 and chair of Z’havah, died “after seeking help too late,” for his writes Jonathan.
helping douse the flames. for younger women, since 2006. Robin has symptoms. Heart attacks can be fast and painful,
The deadliest incident came in the fire’s been a Girl Scout troop leader and served The short PSA can be viewed on but they can also be gradual and merely
early hours when a bus carrying about on the lay committee for the Jewish Feder- YouTube and shows a medical anima- uncomfortable, particularly in women.
three dozen cadets from the Israeli prisons ation of Greater Seattle’s J Team teen phi- tion of blood coursing through an aorta Please take the time to review heart attack
service on their way to evacuate a prison lanthropy group. She’s a Bar/Bat Mitzvah accompanied by a narration of a “fast- symptoms at the Heart Association Web
threatened by the blaze became trapped tutor and private jeweler, too. paced mix of actual survivor testimony.” page, or any number of other sites.
between burning trees. Nearly all those Founded in 1918, Women’s League It can be seen at If you think you are having a heart
aboard perished, and the bus was left a is dedicated to the perpetuation of tradi- watch?v=wjo2P2hSxCg. attack, call 9-1-1.
scorched shell. tional Judaism in the home, synagogue Facebook members can go log on to
Two firefighters who rushed to rescue and community. that site and type “Heart Attack Stories”
the guards and a 16-year-old volunteer,
Elad Riven, also were killed. All of the
bodies were identified, some using DNA
technology, by Saturday night, and funer-
als began being held while the blaze was “ H A P P Y H A N U K K A H ”
still raging.
“No one sent you, no one called for
you, no one but your wonderful and brave
conscience,” Israeli President Shimon The PACIFIC NORTHWEST ’ S
Peres said during a eulogy at the funeral
for Riven on Dec. 5. The “disaster taught
us that all of us — Jews, Arabs, Druze and
other peoples — share the same fate.”
A day after the blaze was brought under
control, the fire’s death toll rose by one
with the death of Haifa Police Chief Ahuva
Tomer, who was burned over most of her
body while trying to assist the prison guard


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30 5 women to watch JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

to Watch
JTNews searched far and wide to find five Jewish women making a difference in
our community. We received far more nominations than we could possibly fit into
the final five, but that only shows five isn’t enough! But we’ll do it again in the spring,
so if you know of a local woman making a difference, tell us about her!

Wendy Goffe Stuart Isett

Wendy Goffe and her family cook at home.

The great equalizer

Diana Brement JTNews Correspondent family structures and seen firsthand the challenges that people face caused by legis-
lation and societal attitudes, and the barriers they face having to take care of them-
Name: Wendy Goffe selves and predictably raise a family,” Wendy says.
City: Seattle Wendy says the “challenges…[and] unfortunate situations,” she’s seen have driven
Age: 46 her to make a difference.
Occupation: Attorney The dot-com boom and Goffe’s early career made a fortunate collision. A lot of
What’s on her mind these days: “The possibility of gay marriage.” people in the Seattle area were getting jobs at Microsoft and “getting to the point
where they needed more advance planning. I was at the point in my career when I
You can often find attorney Wendy Goffe jetting around the country, speaking could do it…I got involved with a lot of unmarried and same-gender couples.”
about her work with unmarried couples. Wendy often travels to small towns and even fundamentalist churches to speak
Goffe hasn’t had any trouble keeping her career in an upward trajectory. As an on the subject.
estate attorney with the firm Graham & Dunn, she works with high-net-worth indi- “I just came back from giving a talk in South Dakota on gay marriage” where folks
viduals and is an expert in charitable giving and family business succession plans. feel they are “in a fishbowl, looking out, wondering what is happening out there [in
A 1992 graduate of the University of Washington law school (where she was also an the world],” she says. (It was also the start of hunting season and Goffe says she was
undergrad), she was designated a “rising star” by Washington Law & Politics in 2001, and among a small minority of people in the airport not carrying a rifle.)
a “super lawyer” in the years since. The publication Best Lawyers singled her out as one She can make these speeches “because I’m married and I’m Jewish, and there are
of the best lawyers in the country in 2009. a lot of places…that want to know about this, but not from a zealot,” she says. “I’m
“She has a real passion for the law” and is a “great speaker” says Seattle attorney pretty safe.” She did once receive “hate mail” from Jerry Falwell, Jr., which she jokes
David Stiefel. “She is a true professional. She is a pleasure to work with [and]…loves was the “highlight of my career.” Falwell included a DVD about a Jewish man who
dealing with clients and complicated issues.” became a Christian.
Along the way, Goffe has developed an interesting sub-specialty. She’s become an Growing up at Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Goffe, her husband, Scott Schrum, and
expert in legal issues faced by same-sex couples and unmarried couples trying to craft their daughter Maya are currently unaffiliated. In recent years she has felt “the most
documents that give them the same rights automatically accorded to married people Jewish” while in Houston where Scott has had a number of treatments for pancreatic
“to the extent possible,” she says. “And if not possible, I’ve been working on legislation.” cancer and the local Jewish Family Services reaches out to patients and families. For
Goffe gives talks around the country about the legal implications of changing laws on now, Goffe says, “Gilda’s Club is our congregation.”
same-gender partnerships. In Washington she helped draft the Domestic Partnership Goffe finds fun in her work, a lot of which she does on her own, “and it’s kind of
Bill, and its two rewrites. The state legislature passed the first law in 2007, and the “every- meditative.” She loves the travel, and “I always make time to go to a museum if there
thing but marriage” bill in 2009. An initiative to repeal the law failed later in the year. is one.” Even in Sioux Falls she discovered the Museum of Visual Materials in a com-
“Over time I’ve gotten to know and been fortunate to work with non-traditional pletely “green” building, featuring the founder’s collection of 80,000 buttons.

The Kavana Cooperative congratulates

Sarina Natkin
on being named one of
5 Women to Watch

For more information about The Kavana Cooperative,

please see
friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews 5 women to watch 31

Jewish homes. Even though Friendship Circle is affiliated with Chabad-Lubavitch, it is

a separate charitable organization and “very few families that are involved are Ortho-
dox,” she notes.
Esther regrets that “I can’t afford to service everyone and everybody…but my plan is,
in the future, that any family in King County that needs our help would be able to get it.”
None of the Jewish schools in the area have programs to serve special needs stu-
dents, so Friendship Circle fills a gap with Jewish-themed programs, prayers, songs
and holiday fun, “almost like a Jewish school.”
Careful screening and matching of volunteers and clients is a big part of Esther’s
job. Volunteers stay with their special friend for the duration of high school and homes
must be safe for them. The teens come from a variety of public and private schools in
the area and now number almost 100, up from nine kids just seven years ago.
The Bogomilskys also rely on volunteer coordinators and a slew of “behavioral,
music, art, movement therapists and [a] Kung Fu Master” for their Sunday programs.
Joel Magalnick “The amazing drive behind the Friendship Circle,” Esther wrote in an e-mail, “is not
Esther Bogomilsky, right, holds the big check for $1,500 given to The Friendship Circle by the Jewish only helping these families and their children …, [but] creating a generation of future
Federation of Greater Seattle’s J Team teen philanthropy group. The teens were impressed with leaders that learn the most important act of kindness there is today: ‘How to give of
Esther’s engagement with their peers and the special needs kids they work with. oneself to others.’”
Even before she took on Friendship Circle, Esther had started the Women’s Learn-
ing Circle.

Esther Bogomilsky “I’ve always been inspired to teach other women Judaism,” she says.
An upcoming Rosh Chodesh (new moon) series called Lunachicks, focuses on
female prophets, and Bogomilsky also organizes a “pretty cool” Shabbat retreat for
Making a safe and welcome space for kids who need it most women every other year.
With the Friendship Circle, the women’s programming, and being a mother her-
Diana Brement JTNews Correspondent self, “she’s able to juggle it,” says Esther’s own mother, Devorah Kornfeld, a community
leader and teacher in her own right. “She’s really an inspiration to me with everything
Name: Esther Bogomilsky she’s done so successfully and with all the hard work.”
City: Seattle Esther’s passion is “to inspire people towards Judaism,” she says, as well as to speak
Age: 34 out about “how women are perceived in Judaism contrary to popular myth.”
Occupation: Director of Friendship Circle — “that’s one of them” Meanwhile, she dreams of a time when Friendship Circle has its own space, includ-
What’s on her mind these days: “Making sure I can run everything efficiently.” ing a therapy center where clients could come any time. “I would call us a ‘homeless
organization,’” Esther says. “It’s one of the hardest organizations to run because of this.”
Nominated for her role as director of the Friendship Circle, Esther Bogomilsky
describes herself in three ways: “I give classes for women, I hold women’s events, and Information on both circles can be found at or
I’m a mom.”
A student and Friendship Circle supporter, Fibi Duke, observes that for Esther,
“nothing is too much trouble,” she says. “As a leader, teacher, mother, and friend, she is
always willing to get involved and make things happen.”
The Seattle native didn’t start the organization, which she calls “revolutionary,”
but brought it to the Seattle area and runs it with her husband, Rabbi Elazar Bogom- Colleagues at
ilsky, who serves as executive director. “Colleagues of mine started the Friendship
Circle in Michigan,” Esther says, and she felt it exemplified “the foundation of Judaism:
Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Friendship Circle gives special needs kids something most lack: A friend and a
social life. Carefully trained teen volunteers are matched with a participant, spend
two hours a week in that child’s home, and participate in group activities two Sun- Congratulate
days a month, usually at the Mercer View Community Center on Mercer Island.
Families come from the whole Seattle area, Esther says, from both Jewish and non- Wendy Goffe
The volunteers and staff of
The Friendship Circle
would like to extend Mazel Tov to
Esther Bogomilsky
on being named one of
5 Women to Watch.
Her hard work and leadership
is an inspiration.

Seattle NCSY wishes a mazal tov to our Chapter Director

Jessica Hoffman
(Seattle NCSY and summer programs Alum ‘98)
on being named one of the 5 women to watch in Seattle.
Check out our summer programs for being honored as one of
to Israel for only $2499 at 5 Women to Watch by JT News
32 5 women to watch JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Sarina Behar Natkin

Overcoming the universal struggle

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews

Name: Sarina Behar Natkin

City: Seattle
Age: 37
Occupation: Parent educator and consultant
What’s on her mind these days: “Parenting support. This is my passion.”

“Every parent deals with it.”

“It” is the toddler who won’t stop crying when she doesn’t get what she wants. It’s
the 3-year-old and his dad, both of whom are too stubborn to have a civil interaction.
It’s the kindergartener acting up in class, to the detriment of his fellow students.
“Every parent has fallouts with their children at one time or another,” says social
worker and parent educator Sarina Behar Natkin. “You’re elevated and angry and Lisi Mezistrano Wolf
frustrated, and so is your child, and you have nowhere to go.” Sarina Behar Natkin with her husband Michael and two daughters.
Sarina offers that support in private practice, on a local listserve for discussion
among parents, and in classes. She believes it’s high time the support network that
once existed among large, extended families needs to be reasserted and reinvented each other.
for today’s harried, digitally connected parent. “We have very similar backgrounds and upbringings, and so we’ve met one another
“We’re expected to do more and more with less time. In most families, both par- probably once a quarter just to check in,” Benaroya says.
ents need to work now, and it just doesn’t leave a lot of time to read all the parenting So in addition to their private practices, she and Sarina have entered the nascent
books,” she says. “They don’t have the support and they can’t take the time off.” stages of creating a nonprofit that will offer parenting education and support for
Sarina has been trained as an educator through the local Gottman Institute as working with children ages newborn to 10 — in essence, being the resource for
well as in a movement based upon the book series Positive Discipline by noted family normal problems that tells parents it’s okay to have these problems.
and marriage counselor Dr. Jane Nelsen. “Certainly you don’t go to a child psychologist because you’re having bedtime
“I really believe [Positive Discipline is] an ongoing role model for having healthy struggles. Where do you go?” Sarina says. Their new program is “a preventative model.
respectful relationships among families and being self-reliant emotionally healthy It’s giving the people tools ahead of time before they hit the crisis.”
children,” Sarina says. Sarina now has two children, and she and her husband Michael are active in the
Though she has been a social worker for nearly 15 years, Sarina was originally Kavana Cooperative. Later this month, she’ll be offering a talk to Kavana preschool
doing crisis work in domestic violence situations. When her first daughter was born parents about social and emotional development.
five and a half years ago, and she began to see parents struggling with many of the “I think it’s really nice when there’s a volunteer role that bridges between the pro-
same issues, she turned her attention to helping them. She has since substituted as fessional and personal,” says Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum, Kavana’s executive director.
a parent educator in the Seattle Central Community College co-op preschool system, Nussbaum calls Sarina “a wonderful social connector,” and said that when she sees
taught “Bringing Baby Home” courses for Jewish Family Service, and was doing infor- new faces at events, they often will have learned about the organization through
mal consulting for friends and their families. Earlier this year, Sarina bought a busi- that connection.
ness license, set up a Web site, and parlayed that informal consulting into a private As for her career, Sarina says she is happier now than she has ever been — and
practice, in which she offers family coaching and workshops. loves helping parents learn about overcoming the inevitable challenges they run
Around the same time, Sarina and another “Bringing Baby Home” instructor, Melissa into.
Benaroya, independently came up with the idea of creating what Benaroya said has “We all need support. It’s not about failing,” she says. “We need to say it’s okay to take
been lacking beyond Seattle’s rich offering of support for parents of newborns. the time to learn. It’s not a failure, it’s just an opportunity to take the time to grow.”
“We both kind of felt like we needed to create a place for all parents, no matter
what your parenting style is,” she says. “A place you could go with any normal issue.” Information about Sarina Behar Natkin’s consulting practice can be found at
The two had met in several different venues, and they found a connection with

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews 5 women to watch 33

Jessica Nancy
Hoffman Goldov
Instilling Judaism in Seattle’s Better living through dance
Lillian Cohen-Moore JTNews Intern
Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
Name: Nancy Goldov
Name: Jessica Hoffman City: Seattle
Age: 29 Age: 54
City: Seattle Occupation: Clinical psychology
Occupation: NCSY Seattle co-director, doctoral candidate.
founder of the Seattle Gemach, board Ari Hoffman What’s on her mind these days: “Con- Kim Goldov
member of Torah Day School Jessica Hoffman serves food at a recent verting my knowledge to meaningful Despite interning, volunteering, work and of
Hanukkah party. work, where I can make a difference in course dancing, Nancy Goldov still needs to hit
Jessica Hoffman has spent more the community: So, creating a job!” the books as she works for her Psy. D. degree.
than half her life in NCSY. The Seattle native started in the Orthodox movement’s
youth group, the National Conference of Synagogue Youth, when she was 14. Now, Nancy Goldov began dancing in childhood, starting with ballet, modern and tap
at 29, she’s dedicated her life to the organization and to instilling Judaism into the dance. Exploring folk dance in high school and the piano along the way, Nancy took her
region’s Jewish teen population. And then some. love of dance and music into college with her as a dance major at Cornish College.
“The best opportunities are the ones that fall in your lap,” Jessica says. “I’d just But she long had a desire to bring people joy — through the use of movement.
moved home. I was 8 months pregnant with my first child.” Now working on doctoral studies in clinical psychology, Nancy Goldov leads a busy
And she just so happened upon an NCSY event, some kids selling brownies as a life. She volunteers at Cancer Lifeline, where she is a clinical psychology intern, and is
fundraiser. a licensed mental health counselor as well. Also, she’s a board-certified dance-move-
“‘Do you guys have a director, an advisor?’” she asked them. “They said, ‘Nope, we ment therapist.
have nobody this year. The best we can do is sell brownies.’” Dance-movement therapists, Nancy says, “focus on movement behavior as it
So she volunteered. And then became a paid staffer. And then her husband Ari emerges in the therapeutic relationship.” In dance-movement therapy, behavior and
joined up. Six years later, Seattle NCSY is no longer just a social club. Almost imme- emotions that may have only been expressed verbally in another therapeutic setting
diately the Hoffmans began injecting more of an educational focus into the pro- is seen in the movement of patients.
gramming, and doing more of what had attracted Jessica to NCSY when she was a Upon discovering a program in psychology and dance at Evergreen State College
teenager. while she was attending Cornish as a major, she fell in love with the idea of combining
“I was more excited to go on a Shabbaton or a Saturday movie night than hang both disciplines. Her program would provide a jumping point from an undergraduate
out with my friends in another scenario,” she says. “It wasn’t just a movie night, but a love of psychology to a need to combine dance and psychology.
movie night with other great stuff.” “I was immersed in the study of body movement as a core component of dance, as
Now she does much of the same thing, and builds one-on-one relationships with it provided a means of expression,” she says.
all of the teens at the same time. It’s the end result that makes her do what she does: Nancy moved to New York while she studied for her graduate degree, working in
“When you see a teenager that’s 20 now, and they’re living a Jewish life, and when they dance-movement therapy as she explored the body and mind as they coped with ill-
were 14 they were considering Buddhism, that’s inspirational to me.” ness and disability. After four years, Nancy returned home, once again pursuing her
Jessica was recently nominated for NCSY’s Ben Zakkai Honor Society, and will artistic interests. She joined the Radost Folk Ensemble, a dance troupe devoted to the
travel to New York next month to receive her honors. A major facet of the society is ethnic dance traditions of Eastern Europe, and steeped herself in Jewish music by per-
fundraising for NCSY summer programs, much of which will go toward Seattle NCSY forming in the Freylakh Klezmer band.
members. With a life spent dancing, even studying as far away as Eastern Europe, Nancy still
“This year we’re trying to focus on taking kids from the level of just simply wanted to use her talents to help others, however. A life performing, as a dancer and
attending programs locally to getting them off to summer programs,” she says. artist, still couldn’t match the fulfillment she had experienced in New York while
“To actually spend the entire summer with Jewish teens in Israel or Europe or the
East Coast…they’re taking themselves XXPage 35
to a new level of involvement in the
Jewish community.”
Jessica and Ari are officially NCSY’s
co-directors, but intertwined are the Vicki Robbins, ctc
Jewish Student Union, a club on high Robbins Travel
school campuses around the region that at Lake City
she compares to a younger Hillel; and
Torah High, which just merged with the
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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews 5 women to watch 35

WWhoffman Page 33 WWgoldov Page 33

“They just have a good time, it’s a safe environment,” Jessica says. practicing dance-movement therapy.
But the teens are just one part of the lifecycle in which Jessica is involved. She is So Nancy began to work in elder care, opening a new chapter in her life when she
also in her first year on the board of the Torah Day School of Seattle. began to work at the Kline Galland Home in 1998, where she helped to provide a foun-
“What we’re working on is boosting the image of Torah Day School and cementing dation for what would evolve into a creative arts program at Kline Galland.
ourselves financially and really becoming a part of the community at large,” she says. Feeling a drive to expand her own opportunities, both in employment and knowl-
She also started and maintains the Seattle Gemach, in which she stores and loans edge, Nancy most recently enrolled in a doctoral program at Argosy University in
out modest wedding gowns — primarily to Orthodox brides and bridesmaids, but Seattle. Uniting dance-movement therapy and clinical psychology in health psychol-
really to anyone who needs it — for women who can’t afford their dream dress. ogy, Nancy began rigorous training and conducting studies in her field. Focusing her
“Every day it grows,” Jessica says. “I get e-mails weekly from people to drop stuff dissertation on body image and women with breast cancer, Nancy uses dance move-
off.” ment therapy to help patients one on one through the difficult and often fraught
She’s the only Seattle resource listed on a Web site,, that takes experience of dealing with cancer.
donations for wedding and prom dresses, so much of what she receives is not neces- Her work at Cancer Lifeline includes much of the same compassionate psychology
sarily from the Jewish community. practice, in particular while working with people during their time receiving trans-
Julie Greene, activities director at Congregation Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, fusions.
said of Jessica in an e-mail: “Jessica is the essence of what every Jewish mother dreams Jill Cohen met Nancy during their days in the Radost Folk Ensemble 18 years ago.
of when it comes to finding a true gem to have her daughter admire and emulate.” Immediately gravitating toward each other, the two have been friends since — and
With her fingers dipped in so many pots — plus three small children, the young- Nancy helped Cohen when she had her own battle with breast cancer.
est of which is just 3 months old — you may think Jessica is wearing herself out. But “I have always admired Nancy’s ability to be flexible and adapt to changing circum-
growing up, her mother would always juggle at least five or six different volunteer stances,” Jill says. “Her decision to pursue a [Psy. D.] later in her career reflects both her com-
projects. mitment to the helping professions and an enhancement of her work in dance therapy.”
“To me, doing three things doesn’t feel like a lot,” Jessica says. “To me it feels like I’m
doing a minimal amount.” For more information about Nancy Goldov’s practice, contact 206-979-9743 or

For more information on NCSY or donating a dress, contact 206-295-3726 or


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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews lifecycles 37

Gilbert (Gil) Stern Bar Mitzvah
May 11, 1932–November 1, 2010 Ryan Kubasta
Gil is survived by his wife, Velva, and his children, Ryan will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on December 18,
Meryll Dawson (Don), Bruce Stern (Maureen) and five 2010 at Congregation Kol Ami in Woodinville.
grandchildren. His son, Howard, preceded him in death. Ryan is the son of Stacy Schill and Ron Kubasta. His
Gil was legendary in the shoe business. He was loved and grandparents are Stan and Fran Schill of Mercer Island,
will be missed by all who knew him. Gil was friends with JoEllen Schill of Bellevue, and the late Marlene (Marlie)
so many, and he loved his home in Palm Desert where he Kubasta.
enjoyed spending the winter. Besides his loving family, he Ryan is an 8th grader at Kenmore Jr. High. He is a Boy
loved his dogs, Goldie and Louie! Funeral services were Scout, Rank First Class, and a madrich at religious school.
held at Arthur A. Wright Chapel. His interests include oceanography, swimming, animals,
camping, hiking, computers, and reading. For his mitzvah
projects, Ryan volunteered at the Jewish Family Service
Food Sort and on various Boy Scout projects.

Paula Jean Sussman Rose

Our courageous and beautiful Paula left us on December 1. She has been an inspiration to Bar Mitzvah
us all. Elliott Jacob Moss
Paula’s smile and warmth is legendary. She would light up any room, her personality made Elliott celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on November 13, 2010
her friends with everyone she met. Paula’s friends were numerous, many dating from at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation on Mercer
elementary and high school, and the University of Washington. Island.
The most important thing in her life was her family. She was wife, mother, grandmother, Elliott is the son of Brian and Brandy Moss of Bellevue. His
daughter and sister. She adored her children and grandchildren. brother is Ryan Moss. His grandparents are Leon and Phyllis
Paula was born in Tacoma in 1940 and was raised in Lakewood by her father Leslie Moss of Spokane, and the late Jacob and Ruth Schwartz.
Sussman and mother Sophie Sussman, who was by her side when she passed, along with Elliott is a 7th grader at Vista Academy. He enjoys many
her brother Alan and other family members. sports, including soccer and basketball, but mostly loves
Paula was a community leader and a patron of the arts. She was a board member of baseball. He has played Little League for the past six years.
Pacific Northwest Ballet and a founding board member of Northwest Parkinson Foundation. He has also attended Camp Solomon Schechter for the past
She served on the boards of United Way, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and Jewish five years. For his mitzvah project, Elliott has been and will
Family Service. She was a counselor at Planned Parenthood. continue to fundraise and volunteer for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Alaska, Montana,
Paula was recognized as a woman of understated taste, style, and elegance. She loved her Northern Idaho and Washington.
homes on Mercer Island, and in Rancho Mirage, where she loved to play tennis.
Her summers were spent boating on Second Mates with her husband, children, grandchil-
dren, and friends. Her zest for living was wonderful. She was a gift to all of us.
Paula is survived by her husband Ronald Leibsohn, mother Sophie Sussman, brother Alan Wedding
Sussman (Annie), daughters Alisa Rose and Megan Stolber (David), son Michael Rose, Carla Wollach and Jared Sanderson
grandchildren Jesse, Samantha, Ari, Olivia and Evan. Her step-children are Matthew Leibsohn Carla and Jared were married on August 26,
(Jackie), Brian Leibsohn (Heather), David Leibsohn, and step-grandchildren Joshua, Alec, 2010. The ceremony was officiated by Rabbi Chalom
Jacob, and Noah. of San Diego Chabad at the Dana Hotel in San Diego.
A memorial service was held Friday, Dec. 3 at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation Carla is the daughter Jeff and Yael Wollach of
on Mercer Island with burial at Home of Peace Cemetery in Tacoma. Victoria, B.C. She is a graduate of McGill University
Contributions in her memory may be made to any of the following organizations: Jewish in Montreal and is currently a law student.
Federation of Greater Seattle, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Northwest Parkinson Foundation, or Jared is the son of Phil and Estelle Sanderson of
Pancreatic Cancer Alliance. Vancouver, B.C. His grandparents are Mary Piha
The family wishes to express our appreciation to the doctors and nurses at Virginia Mason Cohen of Seattle, the late Isaac Piha and the late Leon “Cookie” Cohen. He is also a graduate
Medical Center and the Booth Gardner Parkinson Clinic. Your care and compassion was of McGill University and works as an employment consultant.
extraordinary. The couple lives in San Diego.
Paula, we will cherish your memory forever.
XXPage 38

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38 community news JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

WWevergreen Page 1 But not everyone even accepts that a ment where such strong criticism of Israel expressed in the classroom. The fact is we
situation exists. Emily Weisberg, a Jewish has been aired,” Niva said. have a long tradition of respecting differ-
Israel is, like one professor said, “a tempest student actively involved in Evergreen’s Niva, however, is among the faculty ences. We respect open debate and intel-
in a tea pot.” And we’ll consider the differ- branch of the boycott, divestment, sanc- members accused of doing the margin- lectual freedom.”
ent ways Jewish and pro-Israel commu- tions movement, Tesc Divest, says she alizing — and according to Rob Jacobs, Sheryl Shulman, a professor of Com-
nity leaders on and off campus are seeking personally knows more campus Jewish regional director of StandWithUs North- puter Science and advisor to the campus
to change the status quo at Evergreen. students supportive of BDS than there are west, delegitimizing Israel. The dissonance Hillel, does not believe Evergreen to be an
To the extent that the Evergreen stu- members of the campus Hillel as a whole. between the perspectives is self-evident: A anti-Semitic place. But she does believe
dents body is engaged in Middle East pol- “I’m a Jew on campus and I have never stance that seems to Weisberg and Niva that the dialogue about Israel could stand
itics, it is strongly and vocally critical of felt unsafe,” said Weisberg. “I am very to be not just critical but moral appears a great deal of improvement — in the
Israel. In June, students passed two non- vocal about being Jewish. I wear a Star of to Jacobs as a worrisome effort to delegiti- classroom, between students, and even
binding resolutions, one calling for the David around my neck. I have never felt mize Israel with the added consequence of between faculty members.
college to divest “from companies that unsafe at all about being Jewish. “ offending Zionist students. Shulman entered Evergreen’s Israel-
profit from Israel’s illegal occupation of Steve Niva, a professor of International “I would say Niva puts [Israel] out in Palestine debate via TescTalk, an intra-
Palestine.” The other would ban the use of Politics and Middle East Studies, believes the center as if it’s the world’s worst bad campus listserv, in the months after
Caterpillar construction equipment from that nothing more is going on at Ever- guy,” Jacobs said. Rachel Corrie’s death. Shulman describes
campus. Evergreen is also the alma mater green than a rigorous, if sometimes tense The office of Evergreen president Les herself as pro-Israel and pro-Palestine – in
of Rachel Corrie, the International Soli- and occasionally uncivil, debate. He sus- Purce does not see a problem with the favor of a two state solution. She felt obli-
darity Movement activist who was killed pects that the discomfort felt by pro-Israel nature of Israel-Palestine dialogue on gated to join the fray when fellow profes-
by an Israeli tractor in Gaza in 2003. students is the result of having only been campus, and rejects the notion that Ever- sors began posting what she believed were
“From everything I’ve heard, it’s not exposed to one mindset and one way of green is a single-issue campus. The school extremely polarizing statements critical
a place where it’s comfortable to have a framing the Israel-Palestine conflict. has also made clear that it will not act on of Israel.
pro-Israel opinion or even to be openly “My take on it is that the self-described the divestment resolutions. The resulting dialogue remained
Jewish,” said Akiva Tor, Israel’s consul pro-Israel side has really exaggerated their “We’re a college,” said Jason Wittstein, extreme — only with Shulman in the
general to the Pacific Northwest. “I think feelings of being marginalized because a spokesperson for the president’s office.
the situation is totally outrageous.” they’ve never really been in an environ- “A wide variety of opinions are going to be XXPage 39

WWlifecycles Page 37

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friday, december 10, 2010 . . JTNews world news 39

WWevergreen Page 38
Israel under the radar: Sexy paranormalists
middle of it. Exhausted and made to feel
uncomfortable after refusing a live debate Marcy Oster JTA World News Service
on Israel-Palestine issues because the JERUSALEM (JTA) — Here are some to invitations to parties taking place on messages from people telling me that I’m
Middle East is not her area of expertise, recent stories out of Israel that you may Friday night. in the magazine, so I immediately ran to
Shulman took a two-year leave of absence have missed. Some 42 percent of Jewish women in the store to buy it.
from Evergreen and went to teach at St. Israel do not serve in the army — 35 per- “On the one hand I’m a little embar-
Martin’s College in Tacoma. Draft-dodging women caught cent of them signed a declaration that they rassed, but on the other hand this is very
Although Shulman has since returned on Facebook are religiously observant. The army has 60 exciting. It was never my goal to be on it, but
to Evergreen, her story is reminiscent of Memo to Israeli women: If you claim days to challenge the declaration, accord- it is definitely cool to be included in the dis-
Milstein’s. The polarized and fiery nature to be religious to avoid army service, don’t ing to The Jerusalem Post. tinguished list.”
of the Israel-Palestine issue on campus update your Facebook status on Shab-
drove her to seek refuge elsewhere. But bat. And don’t post photos of yourself in Sexy entertainer ‘Sex and the City,’ Israeli style
Israel-Palestine is not the only issue, Shul- immodest clothing. One of the sexiest men alive, at least for Casting has begun for an Israeli ver-
man believes. The Israel Defense Forces is using the the year 2010, lives in Israel. sion of the hit HBO series “Sex and The
“I think Evergreen is a difficult place to social networking site to help catch draft- Israeli paranormalist Lior Suchard was City,” Ynet reported. The series will follow
be Jewish for a variety of reasons,” Shul- dodging women — and reportedly has named to People magazine’s Sexiest Man the lives and loves of three 30-something
man said. “But I think part of it is that nabbed 1,000. Alive list for 2010 representing his age gal pals. The four American women lived
there’s not a large enough Jewish commu- Military investigators looking for group, 28, on the Sexy at Every Age list of in New York; the three Israelis will reside
nity and if you have that pro-Israel view, women who lied about being religious to 100 men. in Tel Aviv.
it’s hard to find a comfortable place to evade mandatory army service have found “I still can’t believe that I’m on the list; Ynet reported that young Israeli actress
share an opinion.” young ladies posting photos of them- I’m in shock,” Suchard, who is currently Neta Plotnik has been tapped to play the
selves in immodest clothing, dining in performing his Uri Geller-esque act in Las Carrie Bradshaw character made famous
non-kosher restaurants and responding Vegas, told Ynet. “I got all sorts of text by Sarah Jessica Parker, a Jewish actress.

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40 world news JTNews . . friday, december 10, 2010

Going to the grass roots: Reform looking at ways

to reinvent the movement
Sue Fishkoff JTA World News Service
SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) — After the ment’s reassessment project. Demographic changes, financial chal- rabbis involved with the project will take
Reform movement broadcast online its The project is online and offline, top lenges, new family structures and the chang- the conversation to their congregations
first session devoted to reassessing itself, in down and bottom up. Each of the three ing nature of social media and how people and “take the pulse of the community”
mid-November, the comments poured in. major Reform institutions — the syna- connect to each other are just some of the before the next forum, Windmueller said.
One viewer suggested that the move- gogue movement, rabbinical association pressures forcing change upon a movement The team also will consult with youth
ment create a network of schools, camps, and seminary — nominated 10 members to founded 200 years ago in Germany but that groups, synagogue presidents and other
shuls and seminaries focused on tikkun lead the 18-month discussion, which will be developed its institutions in North America Reform activists.
olam, the Jewish injunction to repair the punctuated by four live streaming forums following World War II, Yoffie said. “Most of the questions we received were
world. Another said the movement should devoted to specific topics. Each is being Back then, the world and American in line with the questions we ourselves
train five times as many rabbis and cantors archived online at Jewry had different needs and interests, have,” Tasch said after the first forum. “The
to provide more entryways into Judaism The first, held Nov. 21 in Los Angeles, he said. nature of community in a world where
through music, social action and prayer. dealt with the impact of social media on “We are primarily a suburban, family- everything is online; the tension between
Another wrote to express concern religious life. About 300 individual viewers oriented movement,” Yoffie told JTA. face-to-face communication and technol-
about the lack of civility in Jewish dis- watched in addition to about 50 watching That’s one thing that must change if ogy; the nature of membership; what does
course, particularly concerning Israel. parties at Reform congregations. They could Reform Judaism is to appeal to the next it mean to belong in a world where every-
One asked how Jews could use media and follow a blog and Twitter feed along with generation, according to Yoffie. thing is out there and available?”
technology to create community. the broadcast, and sent in comments and “We need more synagogues in the Yoffie believes that synagogues will
It is exactly the sort of grass-roots input questions to help direct the conversation. major metropolitan centers,” he said. continue to be the foundation of Jewish
that members of the reassessment team, “We’ve never done anything like this The recent economic downturn already life in North America but must evolve rad-
called the Reform Think Tank, want as they before,” Yoffie said. has forced changes, including the disman- ically to adjust to how people communi-
take a hard look at where American Jewry’s “It’s kind of scary,” said Steven Wind- tling of much of the Union for Reform cate and relate via technology.
largest religious denomination is today and mueller, a professor at the School of Jewish Judaism itself, where consultants have “Social media can be contentious,” he
where it ought to go in the future. Communal Service at Hebrew Union Col- replaced many staff departments. That told JTA, “and congregations are not con-
“Five years from now, congregations lege-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los was in the works already, Reform lead- tentious places. It’s where you go for com-
won’t look like they do today,” said Rabbi Angeles and one of the co-organizers of ers insist; the recession just advanced the fort and support. So how do we deal with
Eric Yoffie, the longtime president of the the project. “Everything’s on the table. If move quicker and gives a greater urgency the contention of modern media while
Union for Reform Judaism, told JTA in we reinvent this whole thing, what will to the reassessment project. preserving the congregation as a place of
an interview. it look like? We’re not moving from one Those who want to participate in the menschlikeit and mutual respect?
Yoffie, who plans to retire in mid-2012, place to another in linear fashion — we’re project can send in their comments any- “The truth is, we have to take risks if
is one of the major players in the move- experimenting.” time over the next year and a half. Pulpit we’re not going to be irrelevant.”

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