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Tingkatan : SMA/MA Paket : PAKET-03

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Jurusan : IPS

No. Soal

1 Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this
section with special directions for each part.


Questions 1 to 4.

In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The dialogues and the questions will be
spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would
be the best answer to the question you have just heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear :

Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me choose the right loan I need.
Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house.

Narrator : What is the topic of the conversation?

No. Soal

A. Asking for help

B. Giving an opinion
C. Giving directions
D. Expressing pleasure
E. Expressing gratitude

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What is the topic of the conversation?” is “Expressing gratitude”. Therefore, you
should answer (E).

Now let’s begin with number 1.

0:00 / 2:31

A. The village painting

B. The talented painter

C. The beautiful wall

D. The grandparents’ house

E. The visit to grandparents


Dialog tersebut membahas mengenai lukisan pedesaan.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:46

A. She was thrown by stones.

B. She was away from home.

2 C. She was hit by hail storm.

D. She was at home yesterday morning.

E. She was telling when she was away from home.


Dalam dialog tersebut penutur wanita menjelaskan bahwa dia berada di tengah-tengah hujan es.

0:00 / 0:50

A. He will defend the winner title.

B. He will go to the village hall to register.

3 C. He will open the village hall at the afternoon.

D. He will join the girl in the next competition.

E. He will celebrate the Independence Day.


Secara tersirat dinyatakan bahwa penutur pria akan mendaftarkan dalam perlombaan dalam rangka peringatan Hari Kemerdakaan.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:53

A. They will restore the chair in the warehouse.

B. They will move the chair in garage.

4 C. They will clean the garage.

D. They will put the chair in the garden.

E. They will make the chair be steady.


Dijelaskan bahwa kursinya akan diletakkan di taman.


Questions 5 to 7.

In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in
English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question.

Woman : Hi, Tom.

Man : Hi, Nancy. What are you doing here?

Are you waiting for someone?

Woman : No, I’m waiting for a taxi. I want to go to a book store.

Man :…
No. Soal

Narrator : What is the best response to the woman's statement?

A. Let me take you to the book store.

B. I'll find a good book for you.

C. The store is open till 7 p.m.

D. Oh, the book store is somewhere else.

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What is the best response to the woman's statement” is "Let me take you to
the book store." Therefore, you should choose answer (A).
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

0:00 / 2:35

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. They will make the chair be steady.


Jawaban C merupakan tanggapan yang tepat atas pernyataan penutur wanita, yaitu mengajak teman-temannya mengumpulkan
pakaian pantas pakai untuk didonasikan.

No. Soal

Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

0:00 / 1:03

A. A

B. B

6 C. C

D. D

E. They will make the chair be steady.


Jawaban B adalah tanggapan yang tepat atas pertanyaan penutur perempuan, penutur pria akan ikut kegiatan tersebut apabila
sudah selesai mengerjakan tugas sekolah.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

0:00 / 1:13

A. A

B. B

7 C. C

D. D

E. They will make the chair be steady.


Jawaban C adalah tanggapan yang tepat atas pertanyaan penutur pria, bahwa masakan masih terlalu lembek bagi penutur


Questions 8 to 11. /
No. Soal


In this part of the test, you will hear some monologues spoken in English. The monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which would be the most suitable one for the monologue
you have just heard.

0:00 / 2:11

No. Soal


No. Soal


No. Soal


Jawaban E sesuai dengan deskripsi yang dijelaskan dalam monolog.

0:00 / 1:18

No. Soal




No. Soal



Jawaban A sesuai dengan deskripsi dalam monolog.


0:00 / 1:43

No. Soal



No. Soal



Jawaban D sesuai dengan gambaran dalam monolog


0:00 / 0:00

No. Soal



No. Soal



Jawaban E sesuai dengan gambaran yang disampaikan dalam monolog.

No. Soal

Questions 12 to 15.

In this part of the test you will hear several monologues, each monologue would be spoken twice they will not be printed in your
test book so you must listen carefully to understand what is the speaker saying. After you hear the monologue and the question
about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to that question you have just heard.

12 0:00 / 2:58

A. You can safe many lives.

B. You can easily apply a certain job.

C. You can react quickly in dangerous situation.

D. You can handle accident before medical team come.

E. You can employ the life skills at home, school, or office.


Dijelaskan dalam monolog tersebut bahwasannya pertolongan pertama dapat membuat seseorang menangani kecelakaan sebelum ambulans datang.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:00

A. It teaches leadership and communication skills.

B. It enhances applicants’ value.

C. It makes employees feel safe.

D. It can be put in CV or

E. It can be stated in job application letter.


Dijelaskan bahawa seseorang dengan kemampuan melakukan pertolongan pertama dapat meningkatkan nilainya dalam
melamar pekerjaan.

0:00 / 0:00

A. Frédéric Chopin

B. Piano composer
14 C. Middle class family

D. A book keeper

E. An excellent piano teacher


Topik dari monolog tersebut adalah Frédéric Chopin.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:00

A. After he moved to Paris.

B. After he worked as a tutor.

15 C. When he worked as a book keeper.

D. When he published his first composition.

E. After he performed his piano composition.


Dijelaskan bahwa Frédéric Chopin setelah pindah ke Paris dan bekerja sebagai guru piano.

No. Soal

Every time I hear the words, “I need you to calm down”, I’m anything but calm.

A few years ago, my parents were both finally off of work on a weekend, we went to the Domain to get some fro-yo in the beautiful Austin, Texas. My family and I were having little
vacation without a care in the world. We were there for a few hours, but then the heavenly wind stopped and the cruel Texas sun came peeking through the clouds, shining brutally.

We decided to leave to go towards the parking lot where there were more shadows than sunshine. My family and I were walking towards the car, and all I heard was ring and ring coming
from my dad’s pocket and repeating non-stop. We got in the car and my dad finally answered the phone. There were hushed whispers speaking quickly making it hard to listen in.

“I need you to calm down,” my dad said.

The next thing I knew, unexpected sobs, were coming out of a mouth – my dad’s mouth. The tears kept coming faster, and faster and his breathing became shallower. I never thought my
hardworking, manly dad would ever shed a tear, but I was wrong. I was shocked, scared, and quiet tears slid down as though a rain shower had come through.

My great uncle had a heart attack. I wasn’t close to him but all our encounters and memories. I remember it was Christmas and he always dressed up as Santa. But that year was different
because, after all those years of going to his house, I recognized that he wasn’t Santa and when it was time to take pictures I didn’t want to because I knew it wasn’t the real Santa, and I
knew it was him. I have no regrets about what I did do, but what I didn’t do broke me down. A person can lose their life in the snap of a finger. It scares me to think about losing a family
member, but it’s life and how God made it. I will never forget those words, “I need you to calm down,” they’re haunting and life-changing. I know I’ll hear them again and I’ll wait.

What was the source of the writer’s problem?

A. His/her uncle had a heart attack.

B. His/her father got an unpleasant call.

C. His/her father said “I need you to calm down”.

D. His/her uncle always dressed up as Santa at Christmas.

E. His/her thought about losing a family member in the snap of a finger


Kalimat “I need you to calm down” adalah topik dari bacaan tersebut dan sumber masalah penulis adalah saat ayahnya mengatakannya (Paragraf 4).

No. Soal

Every time I hear the words, “I need you to calm down”, I’m anything but calm.

A few years ago, my parents were both finally off of work on a weekend, we went to the Domain to get some fro-yo in the beautiful Austin, Texas. My family and I were having little
vacation without a care in the world. We were there for a few hours, but then the heavenly wind stopped and the cruel Texas sun came peeking through the clouds, shining brutally.

We decided to leave to go towards the parking lot where there were more shadows than sunshine. My family and I were walking towards the car, and all I heard was ring and ring coming
from my dad’s pocket and repeating non-stop. We got in the car and my dad finally answered the phone. There were hushed whispers speaking quickly making it hard to listen in.

“I need you to calm down,” my dad said.

The next thing I knew, unexpected sobs, were coming out of a mouth – my dad’s mouth. The tears kept coming faster, and faster and his breathing became shallower. I never thought my
hardworking, manly dad would ever shed a tear, but I was wrong. I was shocked, scared, and quiet tears slid down as though a rain shower had come through.

My great uncle had a heart attack. I wasn’t close to him but all our encounters and memories. I remember it was Christmas and he always dressed up as Santa. But that year was different
because, after all those years of going to his house, I recognized that he wasn’t Santa and when it was time to take pictures I didn’t want to because I knew it wasn’t the real Santa, and I
knew it was him. I have no regrets about what I did do, but what I didn’t do broke me down. A person can lose their life in the snap of a finger. It scares me to think about losing a family
member, but it’s life and how God made it. I will never forget those words, “I need you to calm down,” they’re haunting and life-changing. I know I’ll hear them again and I’ll wait.

The last paragraph is about ...

A. how the writer’s uncle passed away

B. how the writer described his/her uncle

C. how the writer felt after he/she knew the news

D. how the writer’s next life after his/her uncle’s death

E. how the “I need you to calm down” impacted the writer


Jawaban E dapat disimpulkan dari bagian terakhir paragraf terakhir tentang bagaimana kalimat “I need you to calm down” mempengaruhi penulis.

No. Soal

Every time I hear the words, “I need you to calm down”, I’m anything but calm.

A few years ago, my parents were both finally off of work on a weekend, we went to the Domain to get some fro-yo in the beautiful Austin, Texas. My family and I were having little
vacation without a care in the world. We were there for a few hours, but then the heavenly wind stopped and the cruel Texas sun came peeking through the clouds, shining brutally.

We decided to leave to go towards the parking lot where there were more shadows than sunshine. My family and I were walking towards the car, and all I heard was ring and ring coming
from my dad’s pocket and repeating non-stop. We got in the car and my dad finally answered the phone. There were hushed whispers speaking quickly making it hard to listen in.

“I need you to calm down,” my dad said.

The next thing I knew, unexpected sobs, were coming out of a mouth – my dad’s mouth. The tears kept coming faster, and faster and his breathing became shallower. I never thought my
hardworking, manly dad would ever shed a tear, but I was wrong. I was shocked, scared, and quiet tears slid down as though a rain shower had come through.

My great uncle had a heart attack. I wasn’t close to him but all our encounters and memories. I remember it was Christmas and he always dressed up as Santa. But that year was different
because, after all those years of going to his house, I recognized that he wasn’t Santa and when it was time to take pictures I didn’t want to because I knew it wasn’t the real Santa, and I
knew it was him. I have no regrets about what I did do, but what I didn’t do broke me down. A person can lose their life in the snap of a finger. It scares me to think about losing a family
member, but it’s life and how God made it. I will never forget those words, “I need you to calm down,” they’re haunting and life-changing. I know I’ll hear them again and I’ll wait.

How did the words “I need you to calm down” affect the writer?

A. They made the writer be calm.

B. They made the writer be frightened to.

C. They made the writer be afraid of losing a family member.

D. They made the writer recall his/her memory about his/her uncle.

E. They made the writer know that the toughest man could fall down.


Jawaban A berdasar kalimat pada paragraf 1.

No. Soal

Every time I hear the words, “I need you to calm down”, I’m anything but calm.

A few years ago, my parents were both finally off of work on a weekend, we went to the Domain to get some fro-yo in the beautiful Austin, Texas. My family and I were having little
vacation without a care in the world. We were there for a few hours, but then the heavenly wind stopped and the cruel Texas sun came peeking through the clouds, shining brutally.

We decided to leave to go towards the parking lot where there were more shadows than sunshine. My family and I were walking towards the car, and all I heard was ring and ring coming
from my dad’s pocket and repeating non-stop. We got in the car and my dad finally answered the phone. There were hushed whispers speaking quickly making it hard to listen in.

“I need you to calm down,” my dad said.

The next thing I knew, unexpected sobs, were coming out of a mouth – my dad’s mouth. The tears kept coming faster, and faster and his breathing became shallower. I never thought my
hardworking, manly dad would ever shed a tear, but I was wrong. I was shocked, scared, and quiet tears slid down as though a rain shower had come through.

My great uncle had a heart attack. I wasn’t close to him but all our encounters and memories. I remember it was Christmas and he always dressed up as Santa. But that year was different
19 because, after all those years of going to his house, I recognized that he wasn’t Santa and when it was time to take pictures I didn’t want to because I knew it wasn’t the real Santa, and I
knew it was him. I have no regrets about what I did do, but what I didn’t do broke me down. A person can lose their life in the snap of a finger. It scares me to think about losing a family
member, but it’s life and how God made it. I will never forget those words, “I need you to calm down,” they’re haunting and life-changing. I know I’ll hear them again and I’ll wait.

Not only are the “I need you to calm down” haunting ... life-changing.

Which of the following completes the sentence best?

A. But

B. And

C. But also

D. In spite of

E. Because of


Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah “but also”.

No. Soal

Anna was a 9-year-old girl from the small village. She finished attending elementary school till 4th grade at her village. For the 5th grade onwards, she moved to a very reputed school in a
city. Today was the first day of her school and she took a school bus.

Once the bus reached to her school, all students started going to their classes and so did Anna. The teacher soon arrived. She introduced Anna to the class and told that she will be
studying with them only from today.

Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test now! She told everyone to write down the 7 wonders of the world. Everyone started writing the answer quickly, but

When everyone except Anna had submitted their answer paper, the teacher came and asked Anna, “What happened Dear? Don’t worry, just write what you know as other students have
learned about it just a couple of days back”.

Anna replied, “I was thinking that there are so many things, which 7 I can pick to write!” And, then she handed her answer paper to the teacher. The teacher started reading everyone’s
answers and the majority had answered them correctly such as The Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Stonehenge, Great Pyramid of Giza, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj mahal, Hanging
Gardens of Babylon etc.

20 The teacher was happy as students had remembered what she had taught them. At last the teacher picked up Anna’s answer paper and started reading, “The 7 Wonders are – To be able
to See, To be able to Hear, To be able to Feel, To Laugh, To Think, To be Kind, To Love!”

The teacher stood stunned and the whole class was speechless. Today, a girl from the small village reminded them about the precious gifts that god has given us, which are truly a

What kind social situation has possibly inspired the creation of the story?

A. The innocence thought of a village girl is a wonderful gift.

B. Not only should a teacher teach students but also educate them.

C. The true wonders are what we have in our life.

D. Teachers should encourage students more.

E. Life is the precious gift from God.


Jawaban C dapat disimpulkan dari dua paragraph terakhir bacaan.

21 /
No. Soal

Anna was a 9-year-old girl from the small village. She finished attending elementary school till 4th grade at her village. For the
5th grade onwards, she moved to a very reputed school in a city. Today was the first day of her school and she took a school

Once the bus reached to her school, all students started going to their classes and so did Anna. The teacher soon arrived. She
introduced Anna to the class and told that she will be studying with them only from today.

Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test now! She told everyone to write down the 7 wonders of the
world. Everyone started writing the answer quickly, but Anna.

When everyone except Anna had submitted their answer paper, the teacher came and asked Anna, “What happened Dear?
Don’t worry, just write what you know as other students have learned about it just a couple of days back”.

Anna replied, “I was thinking that there are so many things, which 7 I can pick to write!” And, then she handed her answer paper
to the teacher. The teacher started reading everyone’s answers and the majority had answered them correctly such as The
Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Stonehenge, Great Pyramid of Giza, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj mahal, Hanging Gardens of
Babylon etc.

The teacher was happy as students had remembered what she had taught them. At last the teacher picked up Anna’s answer
paper and started reading, “The 7 Wonders are – To be able to See, To be able to Hear, To be able to Feel, To Laugh, To Think,
To be Kind, To Love!”

The teacher stood stunned and the whole class was speechless. Today, a girl from the small village reminded them about the
precious gifts that god has given us, which are truly a wonder.

What can we learn from the story?

A. We do not always have to look away to find an inspiration.

B. Being smart is good but being thankful is much more priceless.

No. Soal
C. Value is not what we can see from the outside, but what we can get.

D. Sometimes, adults should learn from an innocence children’s thought.

E. We sometimes forget that the modest and simple thing is the most precious one.


Jawaban A dapat disimpukan dari paragraf terakhir bacaan.

No. Soal

Anna was a 9-year-old girl from the small village. She finished attending elementary school till 4th grade at her village. For the 5th grade onwards, she moved to a very reputed school in a
city. Today was the first day of her school and she took a school bus.

Once the bus reached to her school, all students started going to their classes and so did Anna. The teacher soon arrived. She introduced Anna to the class and told that she will be
studying with them only from today.

Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test now! She told everyone to write down the 7 wonders of the world. Everyone started writing the answer quickly, but

When everyone except Anna had submitted their answer paper, the teacher came and asked Anna, “What happened Dear? Don’t worry, just write what you know as other students have
learned about it just a couple of days back”.

Anna replied, “I was thinking that there are so many things, which 7 I can pick to write!” And, then she handed her answer paper to the teacher. The teacher started reading everyone’s
answers and the majority had answered them correctly such as The Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Stonehenge, Great Pyramid of Giza, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj mahal, Hanging
Gardens of Babylon etc.

22 The teacher was happy as students had remembered what she had taught them. At last the teacher picked up Anna’s answer paper and started reading, “The 7 Wonders are – To be able
to See, To be able to Hear, To be able to Feel, To Laugh, To Think, To be Kind, To Love!”

The teacher stood stunned and the whole class was speechless. Today, a girl from the small village reminded them about the precious gifts that god has given us, which are truly a

The underlined word in “Today, a girl from the small village reminded them about the precious gifts that god has given us, ...” refers to ...

A. the readers

B. the students in the classroom

C. the teacher and the classroom

D. the teacher and her students

E. the teachers


Kata ‘us” dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk kepada sang guru dan para siswanya.

No. Soal

Anna was a 9-year-old girl from the small village. She finished attending elementary school till 4th grade at her village. For the 5th grade onwards, she moved to a very reputed school in a
city. Today was the first day of her school and she took a school bus.

Once the bus reached to her school, all students started going to their classes and so did Anna. The teacher soon arrived. She introduced Anna to the class and told that she will be
studying with them only from today.

Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test now! She told everyone to write down the 7 wonders of the world. Everyone started writing the answer quickly, but

When everyone except Anna had submitted their answer paper, the teacher came and asked Anna, “What happened Dear? Don’t worry, just write what you know as other students have
learned about it just a couple of days back”.

Anna replied, “I was thinking that there are so many things, which 7 I can pick to write!” And, then she handed her answer paper to the teacher. The teacher started reading everyone’s
answers and the majority had answered them correctly such as The Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Stonehenge, Great Pyramid of Giza, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj mahal, Hanging
Gardens of Babylon etc.

23 The teacher was happy as students had remembered what she had taught them. At last the teacher picked up Anna’s answer paper and started reading, “The 7 Wonders are – To be able
to See, To be able to Hear, To be able to Feel, To Laugh, To Think, To be Kind, To Love!”

The teacher stood stunned and the whole class was speechless. Today, a girl from the small village reminded them about the precious gifts that god has given us, which are truly a

How are paragraph 6 and 7 related?

A. The situation of the class described in paragraph 7 is a result of Anna’s answer in the test showed in paragraph 6.

B. Both paragraphs show the innocence characters of a village girl.

C. Both paragraphs are the value the writer wants to deliver to the readers.

D. The teacher’s happiness showed in paragraph 6 turns to be astonishment told in paragraph 7

E. Paragraph 7 is the solution of the problem in paragraph 6 the writer wants to show.


Diceritakan bahwa paragraf 7 adalah gambaran suasana kelas setelah sang guru membaca jawaban tokoh utama yang ada di paragraf 6.

No. Soal

Dear Mr. John,

I am writing this letter to warn you against your smoking inside your apartment and the building.

When I rented the apartment out to you, I clearly mentioned the rules of living in my building. I have made and want everyone to adhere to these rules, as they benefit all the tenants and
make the environment a comfortable one to live in. Before signing the contract, I informed you that you cannot smoke within the building. However, I have received various complaints
from your neighbours; some have smelled smoke from your apartment, while others have been disturbed when the fire alarm in the building went off.

I tried to warn you so many times verbally, but the complaints have not stopped, which has forced me to write this warning letter. After this letter, if you will not change your habit of
smoking inside the building, I will have to cancel the contract and you have to empty the place. Just to clarify, I can do that by giving you a one-week notice period, as per the terms stated
in the contract.

I do not intend to make you uncomfortable, so I am certain that you will follow the rules from now on. If you want, you can smoke outside the building.

24 Regards,

Jane William.

The text tells us about ...

A. complaining someone’s behaviour

B. complaining someone’s smoking

C. warning to tenant’s smoking

D. warning to all tenants

E. smoking prohibition


Topik surat yang disajikan adalah peringatan terhadap seorang penyewa yang merokok di dalam gedung.

No. Soal

Dear Mr. John,

I am writing this letter to warn you against your smoking inside your apartment and the building.

When I rented the apartment out to you, I clearly mentioned the rules of living in my building. I have made and want everyone to adhere to these rules, as they benefit all the tenants and
make the environment a comfortable one to live in. Before signing the contract, I informed you that you cannot smoke within the building. However, I have received various complaints
from your neighbours; some have smelled smoke from your apartment, while others have been disturbed when the fire alarm in the building went off.

I tried to warn you so many times verbally, but the complaints have not stopped, which has forced me to write this warning letter. After this letter, if you will not change your habit of
smoking inside the building, I will have to cancel the contract and you have to empty the place. Just to clarify, I can do that by giving you a one-week notice period, as per the terms stated
in the contract.

I do not intend to make you uncomfortable, so I am certain that you will follow the rules from now on. If you want, you can smoke outside the building.

25 Regards,

Jane William.

What will Mr. John do after reading the letter?

A. He will stop smoking.

B. He will cancel the contract.

C. He will find another apartment.

D. He will empty the place he rent.

E. He will smoke outside the building.


Jawaban E dapat disimpulkan dari paragraf 2 dan paragraf terakhir.

No. Soal

Dear Mr. John,

I am writing this letter to warn you against your smoking inside your apartment and the building.

When I rented the apartment out to you, I clearly mentioned the rules of living in my building. I have made and want everyone to adhere to these rules, as they benefit all the tenants and
make the environment a comfortable one to live in. Before signing the contract, I informed you that you cannot smoke within the building. However, I have received various complaints
from your neighbours; some have smelled smoke from your apartment, while others have been disturbed when the fire alarm in the building went off.

I tried to warn you so many times verbally, but the complaints have not stopped, which has forced me to write this warning letter. After this letter, if you will not change your habit of
smoking inside the building, I will have to cancel the contract and you have to empty the place. Just to clarify, I can do that by giving you a one-week notice period, as per the terms stated
in the contract.

I do not intend to make you uncomfortable, so I am certain that you will follow the rules from now on. If you want, you can smoke outside the building.

26 Regards,

Jane William.

What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. Giving a warning to the tenant

B. Expelling the disobedient tenant

C. Complaining the tenant’s smoking

D. Responding to other tenants’ complaint

E. Restating the rules of living in the apartment


Jawaban A secara tersurat terdapat pada paragraf 1.

No. Soal

Dear Mr. John,

I am writing this letter to warn you against your smoking inside your apartment and the building.

When I rented the apartment out to you, I clearly mentioned the rules of living in my building. I have made and want everyone to adhere to these rules, as they benefit all the tenants and
make the environment a comfortable one to live in. Before signing the contract, I informed you that you cannot smoke within the building. However, I have received various complaints
from your neighbours; some have smelled smoke from your apartment, while others have been disturbed when the fire alarm in the building went off.

I tried to warn you so many times verbally, but the complaints have not stopped, which has forced me to write this warning letter. After this letter, if you will not change your habit of
smoking inside the building, I will have to cancel the contract and you have to empty the place. Just to clarify, I can do that by giving you a one-week notice period, as per the terms stated
in the contract.

I do not intend to make you uncomfortable, so I am certain that you will follow the rules from now on. If you want, you can smoke outside the building.

27 Regards,

Jane William.

According to the writer, when will Mr John have to empty his place?

A. Right after he received the letter.

B. A week after he received the letter.

C. After the writer received complaint.

D. If he continues smoking inside the building.

E. If he does not stop his smoking outside the building.


Jawaban D dapat disimpulkan dari dua paragraf terakhir surat tersebut.

28 It's no surprise that grime and grit live on our cell phones. But just how filthy are our beloved mobile devices? Take some steps to keep your phone clean with items you may already have
lying around the house.

No. Soal
You will need

- Distilled water

- White vinegar

- Soft lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth


When cleaning, the key is to be gentle.


Before cleaning, disconnect your phone from any external power source, turn it off, remove the battery (if you can) and seal all port openings with tape to avoid liquid damage.


- Prepare a mix of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar.

- Lightly dampen the corner of a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth with the distilled water and white vinegar mix. Don’t apply or spray the mix directly onto your phone.

- Gently wipe your phone with the cloth.

- Use the dry corner of cloth to remove any excess on your phone.

(Adapted from

What is the aim of the text?

A. To keep the cell phone clean

B. To state the methods of cleaning a cell phone

C. To tell how to mix distilled water and vinegar

D. To describe things needed in cleaning a cell phone

E. To explain the process preceding the cleaning process


Tujuan dari teks prosedur yang disajikan dalam soal adalah cara untuk membersihkan telepon seluler.

No. Soal

It's no surprise that grime and grit live on our cell phones. But just how filthy are our beloved mobile devices? Take some steps to keep your phone clean with items you may already have
lying around the house.

You will need

- Distilled water

- White vinegar

- Soft lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth


When cleaning, the key is to be gentle.


Before cleaning, disconnect your phone from any external power source, turn it off, remove the battery (if you can) and seal all port openings with tape to avoid liquid damage.

- Prepare a mix of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar.

- Lightly dampen the corner of a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth with the distilled water and white vinegar mix. Don’t apply or spray the mix directly onto your phone.

- Gently wipe your phone with the cloth.

- Use the dry corner of cloth to remove any excess on your phone.

(Adapted from

How does the text benefit the readers?

A. It can keep the reader’s cell phone clean.

B. It provides the things needed in cleaning cell phone.

C. It gives guided ways to clean cell phone to the readers.

D. It makes the readers be able to mix distilled water and vinegar.

E. It informs the readers how to wipe cell phone correctly.


Manfaat dari bacaan tersebut adalah memberikan langkah dan cara membersihkan telepon seluler kepada pembacanya.

No. Soal

It's no surprise that grime and grit live on our cell phones. But just how filthy are our beloved mobile devices? Take some steps to keep your phone clean with items you may already have
lying around the house.

You will need

- Distilled water

- White vinegar

- Soft lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth


When cleaning, the key is to be gentle.


Before cleaning, disconnect your phone from any external power source, turn it off, remove the battery (if you can) and seal all port openings with tape to avoid liquid damage.

- Prepare a mix of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar.

- Lightly dampen the corner of a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth with the distilled water and white vinegar mix. Don’t apply or spray the mix directly onto your phone.

- Gently wipe your phone with the cloth.

- Use the dry corner of cloth to remove any excess on your phone.

(Adapted from

What should the reader do before cleaning a cell phone?

A. Seal the cell phone.

B. Buy a new cell phone.

C. Shut down the cell phone.

D. Take the cell phone battery away.

E. Mix distilled water and white vinegar.


Jawaban C terdapat pada bagian “warning”.

31 It's no surprise that grime and grit live on our cell phones. But just how filthy are our beloved mobile devices? Take some steps to keep your phone clean with items you may already have
No. Soal
lying around the house.

You will need

- Distilled water

- White vinegar

- Soft lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth


When cleaning, the key is to be gentle.


Before cleaning, disconnect your phone from any external power source, turn it off, remove the battery (if you can) and seal all port openings with tape to avoid liquid damage.


- Prepare a mix of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar.

- Lightly dampen the corner of a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth with the distilled water and white vinegar mix. Don’t apply or spray the mix directly onto your phone.

- Gently wipe your phone with the cloth.

- Use the dry corner of cloth to remove any excess on your phone.

(Adapted from

By reading the text, we know that ... cell phones’ battery is not removable.

A. a

B. the

C. any

D. some

E. other


Article yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah “some”. Kata some diikuti oleh kata benda jamak. Terdapat kata cell
phones’ battery (menandakan jamak berimubuhan huruf –s) /
No. Soal

A drone is an aircraft or flying device which does not have a human pilot onboard. Officially named an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a drone can be flown autonomously by on-board
computers or via remote control by a human pilot.

The drone originated in the military and were used for missions deemed too risky for humans. The history of the drone can be charted back to as early as 1849 when Austria sent
unmanned, bomb-filled balloons to attack Venice. Although drones have their origins in the military, the use of such devices in commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other
applications is expanding. In fact, as per 2015 figures, there are now more civilian drones than military drones. Some of these drones are equipped with cameras that allow the user to
record and take pictures using controlled navigation. Drones are often used for the purpose of recording, some at a more professional level, however, there are many who fly drones as a

Drones have grown in popularity in recent years, and new models have been released lately with newer and better features. Drone hobbyist range from skill levels, but there are drones
that are tailored to beginners. Some drones are equipped with a memory card that allows the user to record their footage and upload it to their computer. Drones are navigated via their
channel control and transmitter; the higher the channel control, the better the user can navigate the drone at a higher speed.

(Adapted from

The writer’s intention in presenting the text is to …

A. give a general description of drone

B. define what drones are

C. state the process how drones fly

D. inform drones’ history

E. explain how to fly drones properly


Teks report secara umum bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara umum dari sebuah benda/binatang/tanaman.

No. Soal

A drone is an aircraft or flying device which does not have a human pilot onboard. Officially named an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a drone can be flown autonomously by on-board
computers or via remote control by a human pilot.

The drone originated in the military and were used for missions deemed too risky for humans. The history of the drone can be charted back to as early as 1849 when Austria sent
unmanned, bomb-filled balloons to attack Venice. Although drones have their origins in the military, the use of such devices in commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other
applications is expanding. In fact, as per 2015 figures, there are now more civilian drones than military drones. Some of these drones are equipped with cameras that allow the user to
record and take pictures using controlled navigation. Drones are often used for the purpose of recording, some at a more professional level, however, there are many who fly drones as a

Drones have grown in popularity in recent years, and new models have been released lately with newer and better features. Drone hobbyist range from skill levels, but there are drones
that are tailored to beginners. Some drones are equipped with a memory card that allows the user to record their footage and upload it to their computer. Drones are navigated via their
channel control and transmitter; the higher the channel control, the better the user can navigate the drone at a higher speed.

(Adapted from many sources)
By reading the text, the reader ...

A. has a clear vision of what drones are

B. understands the history of drones

C. knows the types of drones

D. are able to fly drone

E. will buy a drone


Kesimpulan setelah membaca teks tersebut bagi pembaca adalah mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas mengenai drones secara umum.

No. Soal

A drone is an aircraft or flying device which does not have a human pilot onboard. Officially named an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a drone can be flown autonomously by on-board
computers or via remote control by a human pilot.

The drone originated in the military and were used for missions deemed too risky for humans. The history of the drone can be charted back to as early as 1849 when Austria sent
unmanned, bomb-filled balloons to attack Venice. Although drones have their origins in the military, the use of such devices in commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other
applications is expanding. In fact, as per 2015 figures, there are now more civilian drones than military drones. Some of these drones are equipped with cameras that allow the user to
record and take pictures using controlled navigation. Drones are often used for the purpose of recording, some at a more professional level, however, there are many who fly drones as a

Drones have grown in popularity in recent years, and new models have been released lately with newer and better features. Drone hobbyist range from skill levels, but there are drones
that are tailored to beginners. Some drones are equipped with a memory card that allows the user to record their footage and upload it to their computer. Drones are navigated via their
channel control and transmitter; the higher the channel control, the better the user can navigate the drone at a higher speed.

34 (Adapted from many sources)

What was the idea to create a drone?

A. A need to reach a place where it is too risky for human

B. A need to capture the beauty of nature from above

C. A need to do scientific research

D. A need to save lives of the troops in a war

E. A need to complete a mission in World War I


Jawaban A didasarkan pada kalimat pertama paragraf 2.

No. Soal

A drone is an aircraft or flying device which does not have a human pilot onboard. Officially named an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a drone can be flown autonomously by on-board
computers or via remote control by a human pilot.

The drone originated in the military and were used for missions deemed too risky for humans. The history of the drone can be charted back to as early as 1849 when Austria sent
unmanned, bomb-filled balloons to attack Venice. Although drones have their origins in the military, the use of such devices in commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other
applications is expanding. In fact, as per 2015 figures, there are now more civilian drones than military drones. Some of these drones are equipped with cameras that allow the user to
record and take pictures using controlled navigation. Drones are often used for the purpose of recording, some at a more professional level, however, there are many who fly drones as a

Drones have grown in popularity in recent years, and new models have been released lately with newer and better features. Drone hobbyist range from skill levels, but there are drones
that are tailored to beginners. Some drones are equipped with a memory card that allows the user to record their footage and upload it to their computer. Drones are navigated via their
channel control and transmitter; the higher the channel control, the better the user can navigate the drone at a higher speed.

35 (Adapted from many sources)

The underlined word in “The drone originated in the military and were used for missions deemed too risky for humans” is closest in meaning to ...

A. assumed

B. calculated

C. evaluated

D. understood

E. analysed


Persamaan kata “deemed” dalam kalimat tersebut adalah “assumed”.

No. Soal

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like
trying to start the car with no petrol!

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these
essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins
and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.

Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many Breakfast provides energy. Studies have shown how eating breakfast can
improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment,
behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at its best!

Breakfast can be good for waistline too. Research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with
breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

The text mainly discusses about ...

A. how breakfast affects activities

B. the benefits of having breakfast

C. breakfast and mood relationship

D. the origin of the word “breakfast"

E. what breakfast provides for the body


Bacaan tersebut secara keseluruhan membicarakan tentang manfaat dari sarapan

No. Soal

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like
trying to start the car with no petrol!

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these
essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins
and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.

Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many Breakfast provides energy. Studies have shown how eating breakfast can
improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment,
behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at its best!

Breakfast can be good for waistline too. Research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with
breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

(Adopted from
So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

The writer writes the text is to …

A. convince the readers that breakfast is important by giving supporting arguments

B. present arguments that breakfast provides nutrients the body needs

C. persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case

D. encourage children and/or teenager to have breakfast daily

E. show the impacts of skipping breakfast to the body


Jawaban A dapat disimpulkan dari memahami bacaan yang berupa Analytical Exposition Text, yaitu membujuk pembaca agar mengikuti dan setuju dengan pikiran penulis dengan
menyajikan alasan yang mendukung.

No. Soal

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like
trying to start the car with no petrol!

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these
essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins
and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.

Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many Breakfast provides energy. Studies have shown how eating breakfast can
improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment,
behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at its best!

Breakfast can be good for waistline too. Research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with
breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

(Adopted from

So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

Why does skipping breakfast mean worse grades? By skipping breakfast, …

A. brain does not get energy to work properly

B. stress level increases that affects children behavior in classes

C. children are easily distracted for snacking in classes

D. children will have bad mood and get angry easily

E. glucose level decreases and stress level increases


Jawaban A dapat disimpulkan dari dua kalimat terakhir paragraf 3.

No. Soal

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like
trying to start the car with no petrol!

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these
essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins
and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.

Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many Breakfast provides energy. Studies have shown how eating breakfast can
improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment,
behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at its best!

Breakfast can be good for waistline too. Research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with
breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

39 (Adopted from

So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

The underlined word in “If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning” is closest in meaning to ...

A. delay

B. miss

C. hop

D. caper

E. bounce


Persamaan kata “skip” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “miss”

No. Soal

Smartphones are, perhaps, one of the best inventions in the 21st century. This compact and light gadget enable the user to connect to the world just by one hand, yet its features spoil
them with many apps they need.

Smartphones help us stay connected to our social supports. In mental health, one of the most important protective factors is our social network. The more that we can talk to a friend and
gain meaningful connection and support from them, the more likely we will be able to cope with the many life stressors that come our way.

The other main benefits of phone use are their ability to help us stay organized and on top of our various tasks and chores, we must do in life. Smartphones can relieve us of some of the
stress of trying to remember all of our duties by helping us to set reminders and sort information that we need to succeed. This helps take away some of the mental burdens that can
come with the business of life.

However, there are also some negative side effects of smartphone usage. The biggest problem with phone use is actually tied to their wonderful ability to help us stay connected. While
being connected to our social supports is an excellent protective factor, we can also turn that protective factor into a significant stressor. If we are worried about how we appear to our
social groups, being connected 24/7 to those groups can end up being a very stressful feeling. This can lead to late nights of comparing ourselves to others on social media and
ruminating about how our profile picture appears to others.

The second biggest problem I see is the addictive quality that phone use can have. As with many addictive activities, we can sometimes end up using phones as a remedy for life’s
problems. If we turn to our phones for entertainment and distraction whenever life gets stressful, we run the risk of burying our problems only for them to arise years later in negative
40 ways.

In conclusion, the more that we can understand how these devices can be used for our benefit, and take precautions to protect ourselves from their risks, the more we will be able to
maintain mental wellness in an increasingly virtually connected world.

(Adapted from

The purpose of the text is to ...

A. show the advantages and disadvantages of having many apps in smartphones

B. ask the readers to be aware of bad impacts of smartphone

C. state the benefits of smartphone toward mental health

D. deal with the risks of excessive smartphone usage

E. to give different views of smartphone


Secara umum, tujuan dari discussion text adalah untuk mengungkapkan dua sudut pandang (pro dan kontra) akan sebuah isu.

41 Smartphones are, perhaps, one of the best inventions in the 21st century. This compact and light gadget enable the user to connect to the world just by one hand, yet its features spoil
No. Soal

them with many apps they need.

Smartphones help us stay connected to our social supports. In mental health, one of the most important protective factors is our social network. The more that we can talk to a friend and
gain meaningful connection and support from them, the more likely we will be able to cope with the many life stressors that come our way.

The other main benefits of phone use are their ability to help us stay organized and on top of our various tasks and chores, we must do in life. Smartphones can relieve us of some of the
stress of trying to remember all of our duties by helping us to set reminders and sort information that we need to succeed. This helps take away some of the mental burdens that can
come with the business of life.

However, there are also some negative side effects of smartphone usage. The biggest problem with phone use is actually tied to their wonderful ability to help us stay connected. While
being connected to our social supports is an excellent protective factor, we can also turn that protective factor into a significant stressor. If we are worried about how we appear to our
social groups, being connected 24/7 to those groups can end up being a very stressful feeling. This can lead to late nights of comparing ourselves to others on social media and
ruminating about how our profile picture appears to others.

The second biggest problem I see is the addictive quality that phone use can have. As with many addictive activities, we can sometimes end up using phones as a remedy for life’s
problems. If we turn to our phones for entertainment and distraction whenever life gets stressful, we run the risk of burying our problems only for them to arise years later in negative

In conclusion, the more that we can understand how these devices can be used for our benefit, and take precautions to protect ourselves from their risks, the more we will be able to
maintain mental wellness in an increasingly virtually connected world.

(Adapted from

By reading the text, the readers will have an understanding that the entertainment provided by smartphone …

A. distracts the users from the ongoing jobs they have

B. gives the users pleasure to decrease the stress level

C. offers a remedy for life’s problem faced by the users

D. only delays the problem that will raise some day event worse

E. brings joyful to take away the mental burdens in the users’ business


Jawaban D disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir paragraf 5.

No. Soal

42 Smartphones are, perhaps, one of the best inventions in the 21st century. This compact and light gadget enable the user to connect to the world just by one hand, yet its features spoil
them with many apps they need.

Smartphones help us stay connected to our social supports. In mental health, one of the most important protective factors is our social network. The more that we can talk to a friend and
gain meaningful connection and support from them, the more likely we will be able to cope with the many life stressors that come our way.

The other main benefits of phone use are their ability to help us stay organized and on top of our various tasks and chores, we must do in life. Smartphones can relieve us of some of the
stress of trying to remember all of our duties by helping us to set reminders and sort information that we need to succeed. This helps take away some of the mental burdens that can
come with the business of life.

However, there are also some negative side effects of smartphone usage. The biggest problem with phone use is actually tied to their wonderful ability to help us stay connected. While
being connected to our social supports is an excellent protective factor, we can also turn that protective factor into a significant stressor. If we are worried about how we appear to our
social groups, being connected 24/7 to those groups can end up being a very stressful feeling. This can lead to late nights of comparing ourselves to others on social media and
ruminating about how our profile picture appears to others.

The second biggest problem I see is the addictive quality that phone use can have. As with many addictive activities, we can sometimes end up using phones as a remedy for life’s
problems. If we turn to our phones for entertainment and distraction whenever life gets stressful, we run the risk of burying our problems only for them to arise years later in negative

In conclusion, the more that we can understand how these devices can be used for our benefit, and take precautions to protect ourselves from their risks, the more we will be able to
maintain mental wellness in an increasingly virtually connected world.

(Adapted from

What does paragraph three tell us about?

A. Smartphone is able to prioritize the to-do list of its users.

B. Smartphone help its users to succeed in their business.

C. The benefits smartphone users get in terms of relieving job stresses.

D. One of the smartphone benefits in terms of assisting the users’ work organized.

E. Smartphone helps its users by providing information needed.


Jawaban D dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat 2 paragraf 3.

No. Soal

43 Smartphones are, perhaps, one of the best inventions in the 21st century. This compact and light gadget enable the user to connect to the world just by one hand, yet its features spoil
them with many apps they need.

Smartphones help us stay connected to our social supports. In mental health, one of the most important protective factors is our social network. The more that we can talk to a friend and
gain meaningful connection and support from them, the more likely we will be able to cope with the many life stressors that come our way.

The other main benefits of phone use are their ability to help us stay organized and on top of our various tasks and chores, we must do in life. Smartphones can relieve us of some of the
stress of trying to remember all of our duties by helping us to set reminders and sort information that we need to succeed. This helps take away some of the mental burdens that can
come with the business of life.

However, there are also some negative side effects of smartphone usage. The biggest problem with phone use is actually tied to their wonderful ability to help us stay connected. While
being connected to our social supports is an excellent protective factor, we can also turn that protective factor into a significant stressor. If we are worried about how we appear to our
social groups, being connected 24/7 to those groups can end up being a very stressful feeling. This can lead to late nights of comparing ourselves to others on social media and
ruminating about how our profile picture appears to others.

The second biggest problem I see is the addictive quality that phone use can have. As with many addictive activities, we can sometimes end up using phones as a remedy for life’s
problems. If we turn to our phones for entertainment and distraction whenever life gets stressful, we run the risk of burying our problems only for them to arise years later in negative

In conclusion, the more that we can understand how these devices can be used for our benefit, and take precautions to protect ourselves from their risks, the more we will be able to
maintain mental wellness in an increasingly virtually connected world.

(Adapted from

The underlined word in “and ruminating about how our profile picture appears to others” is closest meaning to ...

A. creating

B. chewing

C. cropping

D. collecting

E. considering


Persamaan kata “ruminating” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “considering”.
No. Soal

44 Perempuan Berkebaya, or "Women in Kebaya," a community of women in Jakarta who has been preaching the gospel of the traditional Indonesian blouse in the past five years, says that
wearing the kebaya every day can do wonders to the women who wear it and also to its preservation as a cultural heritage.

During an event to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the community in Jakarta on Saturday, co-founder and coordinator Telly Nathalia said if more Indonesian women wear the kebaya
every day, soon it will be as famous and identifiable as the Japanese kimono or the Indian sari.

"It's a symbol of our identity. Wearing the kebaya screams, 'We are Indonesia,'" Telly said.

The problem is, many Indonesian women think of the kebaya as a complicated and archaic costume that befits only elderly ladies, restricting its use to wedding parties or national day

But according to Telly, "The kebaya is very versatile. In the community, we teach people the right way to wear the kebaya so it doesn't feel restrictive. Women can easily wear it every day
to the office."

Telly said you no longer have to spend all night folding wirus (pleats) into your kain batik (wraparound skirt) to go with your kebaya. You can just wear it with a pair of trousers or even

According to the kebaya activist, millennials, who love exclusivity and self-expression, should naturally gravitate to the kebaya.

"Each kebaya is distinctive. No two kebayas are the same. Same thing with the kain. Perfect for millennials who long for exclusivity and like being unique," Telly said.

The kebaya is an attractive statement outfit that could easily form a part of the Indonesian identity, according to Telly – if only local women wear it more often.

(Adapted from

Why is Indonesian reluctant to wear kebaya in daily bases?

A. Because kebaya is considered old-fashioned.

B. Because kebaya is considered being fit in wedding parties.

C. Because kebaya is considered as one of national identity.

No. Soal

D. Because kebaya is considered not as famous as Kimono or Sari.

E. Because kebaya is considered being restricted to wear everyday.


Jawaban B didasarkan pada paragraf 4.

45 Perempuan Berkebaya, or "Women in Kebaya," a community of women in Jakarta who has been preaching the gospel of the traditional Indonesian blouse in the past five years, says that
wearing the kebaya every day can do wonders to the women who wear it and also to its preservation as a cultural heritage.

During an event to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the community in Jakarta on Saturday, co-founder and coordinator Telly Nathalia said if more Indonesian women wear the kebaya
every day, soon it will be as famous and identifiable as the Japanese kimono or the Indian sari.

"It's a symbol of our identity. Wearing the kebaya screams, 'We are Indonesia,'" Telly said.

The problem is, many Indonesian women think of the kebaya as a complicated and archaic costume that befits only elderly ladies, restricting its use to wedding parties or national day

But according to Telly, "The kebaya is very versatile. In the community, we teach people the right way to wear the kebaya so it doesn't feel restrictive. Women can easily wear it every day
to the office."

Telly said you no longer have to spend all night folding wirus (pleats) into your kain batik (wraparound skirt) to go with your kebaya. You can just wear it with a pair of trousers or even

According to the kebaya activist, millennials, who love exclusivity and self-expression, should naturally gravitate to the kebaya.

"Each kebaya is distinctive. No two kebayas are the same. Same thing with the kain. Perfect for millennials who long for exclusivity and like being unique," Telly said.

The kebaya is an attractive statement outfit that could easily form a part of the Indonesian identity, according to Telly – if only local women wear it more often.

(Adopted from

After reading the news, the readers most likely ...

No. Soal

A. eager to wear kebaya adjusted to the daily outfit

B. wear kebaya more often in national ceremonies

C. design kebaya that befits to younger generations

D. understand that kebaya is one of national identity

E. encourage the youths to wear kebaya in daily bases


Jawaban A didasarkan pada paragraf 6.

46 Perempuan Berkebaya, or "Women in Kebaya," a community of women in Jakarta who has been preaching the gospel of the traditional Indonesian blouse in the past five years, says that
wearing the kebaya every day can do wonders to the women who wear it and also to its preservation as a cultural heritage.

During an event to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the community in Jakarta on Saturday, co-founder and coordinator Telly Nathalia said if more Indonesian women wear the kebaya
every day, soon it will be as famous and identifiable as the Japanese kimono or the Indian sari.

"It's a symbol of our identity. Wearing the kebaya screams, 'We are Indonesia,'" Telly said.

The problem is, many Indonesian women think of the kebaya as a complicated and archaic costume that befits only elderly ladies, restricting its use to wedding parties or national day

But according to Telly, "The kebaya is very versatile. In the community, we teach people the right way to wear the kebaya so it doesn't feel restrictive. Women can easily wear it every day
to the office."

Telly said you no longer have to spend all night folding wirus (pleats) into your kain batik (wraparound skirt) to go with your kebaya. You can just wear it with a pair of trousers or even

According to the kebaya activist, millennials, who love exclusivity and self-expression, should naturally gravitate to the kebaya.

"Each kebaya is distinctive. No two kebayas are the same. Same thing with the kain. Perfect for millennials who long for exclusivity and like being unique," Telly said.

The kebaya is an attractive statement outfit that could easily form a part of the Indonesian identity, according to Telly – if only local women wear it more often.

No. Soal

(Adopted from

The underlined word in paragraph seven refers to ...

A. kebaya activist

B. millennials

C. Telly

D. women

E. Indonesian women


Kata “who” pada kalimat tersebut merujuk pada kata “millennials”.

47 Perempuan Berkebaya, or "Women in Kebaya," a community of women in Jakarta who has been preaching the gospel of the traditional Indonesian blouse in the past five years, says that
wearing the kebaya every day can do wonders to the women who wear it and also to its preservation as a cultural heritage.

During an event to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the community in Jakarta on Saturday, co-founder and coordinator Telly Nathalia said if more Indonesian women wear the kebaya
every day, soon it will be as famous and identifiable as the Japanese kimono or the Indian sari.

"It's a symbol of our identity. Wearing the kebaya screams, 'We are Indonesia,'" Telly said.

The problem is, many Indonesian women think of the kebaya as a complicated and archaic costume that befits only elderly ladies, restricting its use to wedding parties or national day

But according to Telly, "The kebaya is very versatile. In the community, we teach people the right way to wear the kebaya so it doesn't feel restrictive. Women can easily wear it every day
to the office."

Telly said you no longer have to spend all night folding wirus (pleats) into your kain batik (wraparound skirt) to go with your kebaya. You can just wear it with a pair of trousers or even

According to the kebaya activist, millennials, who love exclusivity and self-expression, should naturally gravitate to the kebaya.

"Each kebaya is distinctive. No two kebayas are the same. Same thing with the kain. Perfect for millennials who long for exclusivity and like being unique," Telly said.
No. Soal

The kebaya is an attractive statement outfit that could easily form a part of the Indonesian identity, according to Telly – if only local women wear it more often.

(Adopted from

What is the main problem that kebaya is not as famous as Kimono or Sari? Because …

A. it is not being used daily by more Indonesian women

B. it is complicated and archaic costume that befits only elderly ladies

C. it is hard to find two identical kebayas

D. it needs more time to prepare kebaya to wear

E. it cannot be mix-matched with jeans or other modern outfits


Jawaban A didasarkan pada paragraf 2.

No. Soal


DHA, Lahore

Dear Sir,

Sun Institute being a prestigious institute known for training, educating and grooming special children requires your generous attention in the form of a donation. Your donation and help
can bring smile to millions of faces helping them to lead a good life in the premises of Sun Institute.

The amount of donation in Sun Institute starts from Rs. 5,000 and can vary depending upon how much you want to help or support the noble cause. The donation will be used in
educating and fulfilling all the basic needs of the special children. Your support will be highly appreciated and we look forward to strengthen our relationship with you.



Why does Ayesha send the letter?

A. She wants Advan to educate special children.

B. She wants Advan to strengthen their relationship.

C. She wants Advan to help Sun Institute be more famous.

D. She wants Advan to support Sun Institution in form of donation.

E. She wants Advan to fulfil the basic needs Sun Institution requests from.


Jawaban D dapat disimpulkan dari paragraf pertama

No. Soal


DHA, Lahore

Dear Sir,

Sun Institute being a prestigious institute known for training, educating and grooming special children requires your generous attention in the form of a donation. Your donation and help
can bring smile to millions of faces helping them to lead a good life in the premises of Sun Institute.

The amount of donation in Sun Institute starts from Rs. 5,000 and can vary depending upon how much you want to help or support the noble cause. The donation will be used in
educating and fulfilling all the basic needs of the special children. Your support will be highly appreciated and we look forward to strengthen our relationship with you.



The underlined word in “Sun Institute being a prestigious institute” is closest in meaning to ...

A. trivial

B. marginal

C. prominent

D. peripheral

E. tangential


Persamaan kata “prestigious” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “prominent”.

No. Soal

A musical drama that takes the title 'Cross Dade' enlivens the Tempoe Doeloe Old Town Festival at the Jakarta History Museum Page, Saturday (11/08/2014). The Tempoe Doeloe Old
City Festival is filled with a variety of Jakarta's unique arts such as the Gambang Kromong, Silat Betawi, Lenong and lasts until Sunday, 9 November 2014. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 19

The caption is to show us that …

A. the festival is held on regular schedule

B. at least three Jakarta’s unique arts are performed in the festival

C. there are Indonesian traditional performances in the event

D. there are many local performers taking part in the event

E. the Jakarta History Museum is located in Jakarta


Jawaban B didasarkan pada kalimat 2 dari teks tersebut.

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