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The sentence should read, "Ouring the earlier period of ocean navigation, there was 1.

1. 5ince the early 1950's, _ _ S, As a country develops from

hardly any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques." Therefore, the correct throughout the world has an agricultural to an industrial
answer is (O). • • more than doubled. economy, the attitudes, values,
(A) the demand for food structures, and functions of the
(B) there is demand for food family _ _.
Now begin work on the questions.
(e) iMood is in demand (A) the change
(O) food, a demand that (B) which change
(e) change
2, Even though he did not attend (O) changing
school untí! hé was twelve,
Oc. Sam uel e. e. Ting was _ _ 6. On ly a few sou nds prod uced
the Nobel Prize in Physics In by insects are heard by
1976. humans _ _ most of the
(A) won sounds are pitched either too
(B) the winning low or too high.
(e) the winner of (A) in spite of
(O) to bewon (B) because
(C) as a result of
3, Gas particles move _ _ (O) instead of
when the gas is hot than when
it is cold. 7. The ordinary chair _ _ in
(A) fast countless shapes, sizes, styles,
(B) faster and materials.
(e) as fast (A) has been made
(O) fastest (B) to be made
le) is making
4. The different colors of _ _ ID) been making
the different temperatures of
the stars' surfaces. 8, For 125 yea rs after _ _ initial
(A) the stars indicate use at Harvard in 1642, the
(B) indicating stars Bachelor of Arts degree was
(e) the indication that the the only degree awarded by
stars colleges in the United 5tates.
(O) stars indicating that (A) its
lB) it was
(e) being
(O) when

26 27
9. Since the Sun illuminates half 13. The upper part in a harmonic
the surface ofthe Moon, only arrangement _ _ by, mixed
Written Expression
half the surface _ _ can be voices is usually written for a •
Directions: In questions 16-40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases.
seen from the Earth. soprano voice. The four underlined parts ofthe sentence are marked (A), (B), (C) and (D).ldentify the
(A) most (A) tobesung one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
(B) much (B) as singing corree!. Then. on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
(C) with more (C) to be singing space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
(D) at most (D) was sung

10. The novel s ofConstance Examplel Sample Answer

14. The first school _ _ the stat
Fenimore Woolson, _ _, . ®©@
ofWashington was opened at
have special interest for their old Fort Vancouver in 1832. Guppies are sometimes gjj rainbow fish because of the males'bright colors.
regional settings. (A) is now A BCD
(A) in a nineteenth-century (B) is that in
wrlter (C) what is that The sentence should read, "Guppies are sometimes called rainbow fish because of the
(B) a nineteenth-century writer (D) in what is now males' bright colors."Therefore, you should choose (A).
(C) the nineteenth-century
writing 1S. Radio, _ _, developed from
Examplen Sample Answer
(D) wrote about the nineteenth the theories and experiments
® . ©@
century of many people.
(A) like other many inventions severalterm in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States
11. _ _ Oklahoma is important (B) like many other inventions A B C
as a farming state, it is even (C) inventions like many other
more important for its rich oil (D) many other like inventions politician.
deposits. D
(A) By
(B) Although The sentence should read, "Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became
(e) In order for
an important United Sta tes politician."Therefore, you should choose (B).
(D) Coneerning
Now begin work on the questions.
12. No animal seems _ _ on a
diet of peat moss.
(A) survived
(B) can survive
(e) of surviving
(O) able to survive

28 29
25, Pictures ea lled glass mosaies are made by setting small pieees of eolors glass
A B e
, • inro fresh plaster.
16. While attempting to fly hers plane around the world in 1937, Amelia Earhart
A B e o
mysteriously disappeared.
o 26. Approximately every month Venus and the Sun reaeh thr greatest

17. Richard Wright's Unde Toms Children, a collection of short stories, were a angular separation in the solar system.
A B e o
critical success when it appeared in 1938
e o 27. Anth ropologists reeently have fou nd evidence rhat, centuries ago, Inuits
18, The pri ncipie on which the boat ca lled a hydrofoil is designed is identically to used to entering their sllbterranean homes through tunnel s, which
thar demonsrrated by an airplane wlng moving through airo helped keep the eold out and the heat ln.
B e o e o
19. Migrating butterflies can rravellong distanl Over water. 28, The rree poreupine is found in wooded areas throughout most from
A B e o A B e o
North Ameriea.
20. During a early period in rhe settlement of the western United Sta tes, pioneers
A 29, ,TO date, only a small pereentage of all glass in the United States
claimed parts of rhe wilderness by marking trees ro establish a boundary.
B e o is reeycled, but markets for reeycled glass that are growing steadily.
B e o
21. AII digital compu ters use binary, or two-va llled. digits instead than decimal. o
A B e 30. The oeeans are the major souree of the armospherie moisrure thar is obrained
ten -valued. dig its 10 represent and store data. A B e
D through evaporaror.
22, An ambassador serves as a nation's highest-ranking diplomacy in another
A B e 31, Qnbi rhose insects with high developed, multilensed eyes have good
country. A B e
o color visiono
23. Early adolescence is a developmental phase consisting of rapid changes in
A B e 32. The Earrh's armosphere funetions mueh like a giant greenhouse, admitting
behavior. psychological. and hormones. A
O sunlight between outer space bur preventing heat from eseaping.
B e o
24, Knowledge from the fronriers of research gencric will increasingly pose difficul
A B e 33. The almond tree which produces the oldest speeies of nut and is the most
problems for policy makers and for society in general. A B
D widely orown of all nut trees.
e D
30 31
I .

34. Fran Tannenbaum, a paleontology student dOlng sum mer fieldwork, lound a l ime: 55 min utes, includ ing the read ing ofthe directions
A B (
completelv seventy-live-mi lli.on-year-old lossil egg near (hatea u, Mon_ana. NOI.. set you r clock for 55 minutes.
Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each passage is fol lowed by
35. Fencing, originally developed as a sport in lou rteenth century. was included in l everal questions about ir. For questions 1-50, you are to choose the one besr answer,
A 8
(A), (B), (e) or (D), to ea eh question.Then, on you r answer sheet, find the number of
the first modern Olympic Games Qf 1896.
( O the question and fil l in the space that corresponds to the lerrer of the answer you have
36. Oeprh within ancient tombs, 3,OOO-yea r-old peanuts have been found
A B e Answer all questions following a passage on the basis 01 what is stated or implied in
alongside mummies. the passage.

37. Art Nouveau developed in the 1890's when artlsts dld a conscious effort to Read the following sample passage:
A B (
The rallroad was not the fi rst institution to impose regu la rity on society,
break with what they regarded as worn-out formu las of the pasr.
or to draw anention to the im portance of precise timekeeping. For as long as
'---- merchants have set out th ei r wares al daybreak and communa l festivities have
38. The most widely cultivated all of fru it trees, the apple is second on ly to the /"" been celebrated, pea pie have becn in roug h agreement with their neighbors as
A B to the time of day. The val ue of this tradition 15 today more apparent than ever.
grape in its importance as a temperate-zone fru ir. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick 01 time, socia l life would be
e D
unbearably chaotic: the massive daily transfers 01 goods, services, and information
39. Pawnbrokm g, or making loans to customers who pledge personal or would proceed in firs and sta rts; the very fabric of modern society wou ld begin ro
A B e unraveL
household goods as security, is one of th e oldest trade known.
O Example I Sample Answer
40. Of 1901 to 1914, acclai med actor Douglas Fa irban ks appeared on stage In ®®e®
a series of light comedies. What is the main idea 01 the passage?
e D (A) In modern society, we must take more time lor our neighbors.
(8) The trad itions 01 society are timeless.
This is the end of Section 2.
(e) An accepted way of measunng time is essentlal for the smooth fu nctioning
11 you 1inish in les5 than 25 minutes, check your work on Section 2 only. (O) 50ciety Judges people by th e times at which they conduct certain activities.
DO NOT read or work on any other section of the test.
The ma in idea of rhe passage is thal societies need to agree about how time is to be
At the end of 25 minutes, go on to Section 3. rneasu red in order to lunction smooth ly. Therelore, you shou ld choose (e}

Use exactly 55 minutes lO work on Section 3.

32 33

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