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Never in my life did I think I will follow a meditation practice for more than 2 days but I did it for

a week
due to the obligation of project. But I would rather say I was astonished by the results and by the effect it
had on my body and daily activities.

Previously, when I used to meditate for more than 3 minutes, I had been sleeping for the rest of the
meditation time which I had foreseen for my first day of meditation. As I had no idea of how to meditate
or in proper terms how to focus my mind on one thing, I looked up to ‘Guided Meditation for
confidence boosting' from YouTube. These sessions were delivered by an organisation named
‘Mindfulness’ who had come to our college to sample the same. While practicing, I thought of keeping a
notepad with me to record my everyday experience. As a beginner, I was allotted the liberty to use a wall
to keep my back straight and maintain a good posture but unfortunately it aided my prescience to
become reality. When I closed my eyes it was 4 pm but when I opened my eyes, it was 6:30 and my
phone was playing DJ songs instead of the meditation tape that I initially had commanded it to play. I
looked up to my notebook and recorded my first day of sleeping. The second day, I didn’t use the wall for
support and it helped be present for the entire period of meditation. After a few minutes, my back
ached; I could feel itchiness on my legs and hands; I could hear the mosquito flying near my ear but most
importantly I could smell the frying onions in the kitchen indicating my stomach to be hungry who knew
what was being prepared. I felt disappointed thinking that my notebook will still be blank but what I
notably observed was my sharpened senses. I could hear faint sounds like the TV in the living room,
children playing in the compound, the mosquito; I could feel the ant moving on my leg; I could smell my
favourite dish being prepared and importantly I didn’t sleep.

The third and fourth day were the same. I felt the ache sitting in one position. As usual, I met the
mosquito, I heard the children but I felt myself calming and relaxing. I realised why people are crazy for
the term 'mindfulness'. I felt very light and empty in my brain – the thoughts came in to mind, they
settled for sometime, we had a good discussion and then left when others came. It was mesmerising
because I could actually give a thought to the thoughts that I always thought of. It felt as if this was the
first I am breathing after ages.

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