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Encircle the letters of the correct answer.

1. Similar to that of Java, Indonesia. Cambodia feature choruses with large orchestras based on struck keys
and gongs.
a. Cambodian court music b. Cambodian band c. Cambodian Orchestra d. All of the answers
2. Cambodian culture also adapted culture from other countries to suit their own tradition and taste that
resulted in distinct Cambodian culture, these cultures were from,
a. Indian culture b. Chinese culture c. European culture d. All of the answers
3. It is a Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies ceremonial music of the royal
courts and temples.
a. Gamelan b. Pinpeat c. Hsaing Waing d. All of the answers
4. The music of Cambodia is always part of,
a. Court dances b. Shadow plays c. Religious ceremonies d. All of the answers
5. One of the two basic kinds of music in Indonesia that has a 5 equidistant tones in octave is the,
a. Pelog b. Slendro c. Irama d. All of the answers
6. It is the most popular form of music in Indonesia.
a. Gamelan b. Pinpeat c. Hsaing Waing d. All of the answers
7. It is Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble. It is made up mainly of different gongs and drums as well
as other instruments depending on the nature of the performance.
a. Gamelan b. Pinpeat c. Hsaing Waing d. All of the answers
8. What is the manner of playing in the Oneat, a musical instrument Cambodia.
a. Pluck the instrument b. Strike the instrument with a padded mallet
c. Bow the instrument d. Play the instrument with a thumb
9. What is the manner of playing in the Skorthom, a musical instrument Cambodia.
a. Pluck the instrument b. Strike the instrument with a padded mallet
c. Bow the instrument d. Play the instrument with a thumb
10. What is the manner of playing in the Chhing, a musical instrument Cambodia.
a. Blow the instrument b. Strike the instrument with a padded mallet
c. Bow the instrument d. Play the instrument with a thumb
11. What’s the difference between Pat Waing and Oneat?
a. Pat Waing is a Metallic instrument while Oneat is made of wood.
b. Pat Waing belongs to Idiophone family while Oneat belongs to Aerophone family.
c. Pat Waing and Oneat are instruments in the same country d. They are both made of metal
12. What is the similarity of Kong Vong and Pat Waing?
a. They are both made of metal b. They both belong to Idiophone family
c. They both are from different countries d. All of the answers

Encircle the letters of the correct answer.

1. One of Cambodia’s most cherished art form small statue to the breathtaking carvings found
at Angkor Wat.
a. Stone carving b. Weaving c. Painting d. Wire sculpting
2. It has been both a passion and a livelihood for many Cambodian sculptors.
a. Stone carving b. Weaving c. Painting d. Wire sculpting
3. A country that is known as the world famous for its sculpture that dates back 4,000 years.
a. Cambodia b. Indonesia c. Thailand d. Philippines
4. It is the most notable sculptures in Thailand that is famous for their originality and grace.
a. Thai bronzes b. Thai copper c. Basket d. Cotton
5. Lao artisans use a variety of media in sculptural creations. They use,
a. Bronze b. Silver c. Gold d. All of the answers
6. It is the most famous statue that is made of gold.
a. Phra Sai b. Phra Bang c. Sai Bang d. Bon Zai
7. It is heavily influenced by the 3 traditional religions: Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.
a. Cambodian sculpture b. Vietnamese sculpture c. Indonesian sculpture

Arrange the following statement as a procedure in making a Batik with glue.

(Write the numbers in order in the blank space at the right)

1. Remove the glue _________________________________ _____

2. Make a batik design with glue_______________________ _____
3. Paint the fabric __________________________________ _____
4. Allow the glue to dry ______________________________ _____
5. Sketch a design __________________________________ _____
6. Cut canvas or cotton fabric into the desired size. _______ _____
7. Allow the paint to dry _____________________________ _____
8. Remove the glue _________________________________ _____


Write the 5 different passes of BASKETBALL







A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The way you look as a man or a woman

a. Physical self b. Mental self c. Social self d. Emotional self
2. The way you think as a man or a woman
a. Physical self b. Mental self c. Social self d. Emotional self
3. The way you interact with others
a. Physical self b. Mental self c. Social self d. Emotional self
4. The way you feel about yourself and others
a. Physical self b. Mental self c. Social self d. Emotional self
5. The way you value relationships
a. Physical self b. Ethical self c. Social self d. Emotional self
6. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics?
a. sex b. gender c. sexuality d. androgyny
7. Which of the following illustrates gender?
a. Miguel loves to cook. b. Marco does not cry in public.
c. Hazel has a positive body image. d. Ahmed is attracted to Felicity.
8. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as appropriate for men and women?
a. gender role b. gender identity c. gender equality d. gender sensitivity
9. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
a. We will all be mature adults.
b. We have similar sexuality issues.
c. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality.
d. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others.
10. Which characterizes a good decision?
a. Easy to make
b. Makes your friends happy
c. One that your teacher told you to make
d. Made after a thoughtful consideration of consequence/s
11. is a natural and healthy part of life. It is everything about being a male or female. It is the most important
aspect in masculine or feminine identification.
a. Sexuality b. Gender c. Gender sensitivity d. All of the answers
12. It is your acceptance of yourself
a. Self love b. Self knowledge c. Self confidence d. Self respect
13. It is your understanding of your feelings and your character
a. Self love b. Self knowledge c. Self confidence d. Self respect
14. It is your awareness of the things that you can do well
a. Self love b. Self knowledge c. Self confidence d. Self respect
15. your regard for yourself as a worthwhile person
a. Self love b. Self knowledge c. Self confidence d. Self respect


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