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Jln. Lintas Utara Kec. Sambi Rampas Kab. Manggarai Timur

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal : ……..........................

Kelas / Prog.Studi : XI IPS Waktu : .................................

1. Majid : smoking is not good for our health because it can cause some diseases and lung
cancer, right ?
Wahyu : yes, …..
a. I don’t agree with you d. I am sorry to hear that
b. I am happy about that e. I am proud with my job
c. It is I completely agree
2. Halim : look, I have got something for you
Fitri : what is that ?
Halim : just a small thing. I hope you like it.
Fitri : oh, the is wonderful ……
a. I love it d. couggrafullation for you
b. I don’t like it e. I give appreciate for you
c. I hate you
3. Mrs. Shofy : What’s the watter whit you ? are you sick ?
Mirna : No, I just don’t know what to do …… I have studied hard but I failed …….
a. I am sick
b. I am happy
c. I am proud with my result of semester test
d. I am so sad
e. I enjoyed it
4. Asmi : yan, … why do you look so sad ?
Yati : I didn’t pass on mathematic pand ? economy lesson
I feel so ……… to my brother and my sister.
a. Annoyed d. Glad
b. Embarrassed e. Proud
c. Angry
5. Mother : taufik, yesterday I met with your mathematic teacher, Mr. jacky . he said
that you didn’t join his class.
Taufik : I am borring to joining his class mom, I don’t like mathematic lesson.
Mother : taufik !! don’t say like that ………………….. !
I often ask you to go to school but you don’t listen.
a. I love you d. I am good for you
b. I am proud with you e. I am losing my patience with you !
c. I am pleasant with you
6. Teacher : Hi, why do you look so sad ? I know you are not concentrating on the
lesson. What’s wrong ?
Muliyadin : I am sorry sir, my heart is so burdened. My is having surgery in a hospital.
I am feeling bad at this time
The underlined utterance expresses ……….
a. Embarrassment expression d. sadnees expression
b. Annoyance expression e. sarrow expression
c. Anger expression
7. Mr. budiman : oh goodness ! we have run out of gas
Mrs. Ani : don’t tell me that you forgot to buy petrol in the gas station
Mr. budiman : I have. I will see, what I can do
Mrs. Ani : …………, look at this place ! there is nothing but only us
Mr. budiman : Clam down . I will see, what I can do I will call the nearest garaget.
a. I am happy happy here d. This place is wonderful
b. I am scare to be alone here e. It is a beautiful park
c. I am glad

Read this dialogue to answer question no. 8-9

Rita : what will you do this holiday ?
Ratih : I don’t have any plan actually
Rita : How about going to Bali ?
Ratih : that sound intereting. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money to go there.
Rita : Don’t worry . I will lend you some. I have withdrawn my saving at the bank
Ratih : that’s great. Are you serious ?
Rita : of course, I really mean it.
Ratih : thank you very much. I am really happy to plan for a holiday.
8. The dialogue is talking about ……….
a. Rita and Ratih are friend d. holiday to Bali
b. Rita lend some money for Ratih e. Planing go to picnic
c. Saving money in the bank
9. ……… I have withdrawn my saving at the bank.
The underline word means ………..
a. Saved d. take
b. Keep e. Borrow
c. Lend
10. Ayu : when did your brother come ?
Anik : He …….. here yesterday.
a. Came d. to come
b. Comes e. come
c. Is coming
11. I prepare my ticket and passport …………. Going on holiday to paris …
a. After d. Neither
b. Before e. But
c. Because
Read this text for question no. 12 – 13

Our child, Andy putra asmandi is missing while playing out door. He is five years
old, round faced, brown-haired, eyed fair, and wore a green pant when missing . if
you see him, kindly contact the following address.

Rahmat / Asoka

On sudiman street no . 23 Ruteng – Manggarai

Phone : 655721

We will give a reward to anyone who can find him

12. The announcement is about ………

a. Rahmat and Asoka d. Ruteng - manggarai
b. Our child e. Sudirman street
c. Missing a child
13. When was he missing ?
a. When he was playing out door d. when he ware a green pant
b. When he was in ruteng e. whwn he is five years old
c. When he went to school
Read this text for question nomor 14- 15
We are PMA company seeking a qualified mechanical or industrial engineer (ME) and
accountant (ACC).
The position requires:
- University graduates at least 2-3 years working experience (ACC)
- University graduates (junior) (ME)
- Good spoken and written English (ME and ACC)
- Familiar with PC and software application (ME)
- Knowledge of windows 2005, spreadsheet, etc (ACC)
- Good attitude and personality (ME and ACC)
An excellent prospect will be offered ncluding an opportunity for overseas training. Please submit
an application in writing, not later than 2 weeks from now to:
Wisma dharmala sakti 12 th floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kv.32

14. What is the text about ?

a. Asahi diamond industrial d. Univercity granduates
b. Vacancy of job e. PMA company
c. Working experiemce
15. What position is offered in the text ?
a. Good attitude and personality d. Office boy
b. An excellent prospect e. A secretary
c. Mechanical and accountant
Read this text for questions no. 16-19


One day, an English teacher was explaining about colors to his students. After he had
finished explaining, he asked his students who can make a sentence using the words
green, pink and yellow ?

James the smartest students in the class quickly raised his hand answered, when the
yellow morning sun comes, I see a beautiful girls wearing a pink blouse walking
through the green grass.

Excellent ! james, you are a very good student. Praised the teacher.

Me, me sir jhony, the naughtiest students in the class said while raising his hand. And
then he said, “ I heard the telephone ringing green…green, then I pink up the receiver
and I said, “ yellow, who’s speaking there ?

16. Where did story happen ?

a. In the library d. In the living room
b. In the office e. In the class room
c. In the bedroom
17. How many events are in the story ?
a. 2 d. 5
b. 3 e. 6
c. 4
18. In the fourth paragraph of the story is called ……..
a. Complication d. Resolation
b. Event e. Orientation
c. Twist
19. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To amuse the readers
b. To persuade the students so don’t fight each other
c. To description a smart student
d. To description a naughty student
e. To motivate the students deligent to study
Read this text for question no. 20-21 !

Do you know what the meaning of corruption ? what is the relation between money
and corruption ? well, corruption is common everyhere in the world, even in the U.S
it is just a matter of the intensity

However, it is quit shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most
corrupt place in donesia. The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and
earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, tanjung priok port smuggling
is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payment tend
to do such a thing more often. They even brible the officials.

Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruption is still not far enough, we have to prevent the youger generations from
getting a bad mentality cause by corruption.

I believe we should start at the earliest stags in school and think everyone should be
involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinctions

20. The text talks about ………

a. Jakarta is capital of Indonesia d. corruption
b. Tanjung priok port e. youger generation
c. Tax payment from entrepreneurs
21. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?
a. Jakarta is the capital of indonesia
b. Tanjung priok port is well-known port
c. Jakarta is the most corruption place in Indonesia
d. Entrepreneurs can minimize their tax payment
e. Entrepreneurs cannot pay their tax

Read this text for question no. 22 – 25

It was a hot day and the lion laid asleep in the forest suddenly, a little mouse run up
to his nose the lion woke up and caught the mouse in his paw

“please let me go” , begget the frightenetd mouse“ all right “ said the lion. “ but
don’t disturb me again”. Then he let the mouse free. “ thank you “ the mouse said “
22. What happen to the lion some time after ?
a. The lion was caught in a net
b. The lion died
c. The lion was sick
d. The mouse was helping the lion
e. He rolled over and went back to sleep
23. What was the lion doing when the mouse run up ?
a. He moke up and caught the mouse in his paw
b. He only laughed
c. He rolled over
d. He was helping the mouse
e. He was sleeping
24. How did the lion overcome problem ?
a. The lion bit the ropes
b. The lion didn’t do anything
c. Thr lion was embarrassed
d. The lion made a big hole in the net
e. The lion ran for saving himself from the hunters
25. What is the message of the story ?
a. To amuse the readers
b. To tell the readers that the lion is a king of forest
c. To tell the readers that the mouse is a tiny animal
d. To tell the readers not to disparage others
e. To tell the readres that the lion and the mouse are a good friend

This text to answer question no. 1-2

Should Ads be banned from TV Program ?

Dear editor,

I am writing to complain about ads on TV. There ere so many ads, especially
during my faforite programs. I think they should be stopped for a number of

First, ads are a nuisance, they go on for a long time and there are so many.
Sometimes duration for ads is even longer than the program itself.

Second, ads give a bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy
unhealthy food like beers, soft drinks, candies, and chips. In other words, they
make people want things they do not really need and cannot afford.

Finally, ads play role in what programs people wacth, that is because there are
lots of ads in popular get stopped they do not attract enaught ads, even though
those program may be someone’s favorite.

For those reasons, I think TV stations should stop showing ads, they interrupt
programs. They are a bad influence on people and they sometimes put a stop to
people’s favorite show, I am sick of ads and I mustly watch movie in cinema.

Sincerely yours,

Masarani, S.W
26. Mention 3 reason of writer stopped advertisement on TV !
27. Who writes this letter ?
28. My brother says, “ I met rony at the party last night “
29. Combine 2 sentences by using past continuous or simple past !
# when I (study) ……….., I ( hear ) ………, a strange noise outdoors
30. Combine 2 sentences by using who or whose !
a) I have met the man – the man writes this book
b) The lady is my neighbor – her child is in hospital now

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