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Feature Article

Framework for Interaction

Between Databases and
Microservice Architecture
Mohamed El Kholy Ahmed El Fatatry
Pharos University in Alexandria Alexandria University

Abstract—Migrating from monolithic applications to Microservices architecture brings

about a number of challenges. Splitting and sharing databases among Microservices is a
case in point. In this article, we present a framework for managing the splitting of
databases among Micorservices. The proposed solution maintains data consistency and
independent deployment of Microservices while enhancing the solution to latency
problems. The evaluation results show enhancement in performance as a result of using
the proposed framework.

& FLEXIBILITY IS Akey design requirement for to the MVC model. In a system where data is
business software. The Micorservices architec- distrusted among services, data consistency has
ture is a way of building flexible software by inde- to be handled. Any solution should not affect
pendently developing and deploying small scale response time negatively. This is especially
software components that can be integrated.2 important in data-driven web applications that
Applying the concept of independent deployment deal with large sizes of data.5 There is a need for
makes it possible to change or replace individual an efficient and coherent solution for managing
services without disrupting the whole system.3 databases in Microservices context.
While the idea of Microservices brings about Several approaches have been proposed for
a number of benefits in terms of flexibility, dealing with this issue. One approach suggests
however, handling database within a system of keeping the data stored in one database and
managing service interaction with the mono-
Microservices is a challenging issue.4 In a typical
lithic database.6 Having a database per service is
monolithic application, the database is usually
another way to deal with data in Microservices
separated from the application process according
This article presents a framework for manag-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MITP.2018.2889268 ing database interaction in Microservices archi-
Date of current version 11 September 2019. tecture. Managing database for microservices

September/October 2019 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1520-9202 ß 2018 IEEE
Feature Article

architecture (MDMA) allows each Microservice There is a need for a design to optimize inter-
to control its own data, according to its function- service communication.
ality and share data from databases associated
with other services. The main contribution of Approaches for Solution
the framework is facilitating database transac- This section discusses different solutions
tions with Microservices without the need for a reported in the literature for the proposed problem.
central node. The transaction is performed via
message transfer between any two collaborating FIRST APPROACH: CLONING DATABASE This
Microservices. The proposed framework was approach creates a clone of the original data-
compared with another solutions in the litera- base for each service.16 Each Microservice in-
ture especially Synaps framework. The experi- teracts with its database in an isolated manner.
mental results proved that MDMA achieved all The cloning approach requires more resources
the required functionality for splitting database to store the data. Scaling up any part of the data-
over different services without the need for a base affects all other clones. The database of
central node. Moreover MDMA showed smaller each Microservice includes all tables and
response time and smaller size of message trans- queries. However, many tables may not be asso-
fer when compared with another solution. ciated with the business logic of that Micros-
This article is organized as follows: the “Pro- ervice. Maintaining data cohesion is another
blem Definition and Approaches For Solution” challenge. Each updated field should be broad-
section introduces the problem definition and casted to all other clones. Any new instance
different solution approaches reported in the should also be created in all tables in all clones.
literature. The “Proposed Framework (MDMA)”
section presents the proposed framework. The
PER SERVICE) In the second approach, each Micro-
paper is evaluated in the “Evaluation” section.
service has its own private database that contains
Finally, the “Conclusion” section discusses the
data associated with its business functionality.2,7
conclusions and future work.
For instance, Structured Query Language and non-
Structured Query Language databases have differ-
PROBLEM DEFINITION AND ent stricter of data and requires different search
and access methods. The main challenge is sup-
Problem Definition porting data consistency while joining data from
different databases that belong to different serv-
 After splitting a monolithic application into ices. Another challenge is to support efficient
smaller Microservices, the resulting Microser-
interaction between a Microservice and the data
vices need a mechanism to manage the interac-
associated with another service. Hence, it is not
tion of each individual service with its data.6,7
applicable to use a single application interface
Implementing business transactions usually
(API) to aggregate databases for all services.
involves implementing queries that join data
Richardson7 introduced a design pattern that
related to different services.8 A key point in the
facilitates interaction between different data-
Microservices paradigm is the concept of inde-
pendent deployment.9,10 Hence, traditional bases that are contained in their Microservices.
approaches that solve data consistency are The private database of each service can be
not applicable in Microservices.7,11 For insta- accessed by other Microservices only via the API
nce, Nonstop Structured Query Language man- of the service. In such approach, any update or
ages data which are distributed over several creation of a new instance of a Microservice’s
connected machines.12,13 However, it requires database has no impact on any other services.
all data to be of Structured Query Language However, such environment affects the auton-
type, and all the databases should be deployed omy of the Microservices because each service
before running Nonstop Structured Query needs to interact with the (API gateway) to per-
Language. form its functionality.8 In addition, such design
 As the number of Microservices grows, the pattern increases the load of on the application
communication overhead increases.14,15 to manage the database.17 The approach includes

58 IT Professional
several security issues to authenticate each ser- SERVICE DEPLOYMENT Each service is deployed
vice with the API. Joining data from distributed with its associated database in an independent
heterogeneous databases is a challenging issue. manner. After deployment, the service checks
Viennot et al. introduced Synaps as solution the presence of other services and broadcast the
for interaction between different microcervices.12 following information:
Synaps supports sharing data between different
databases associated with different services. 1. name of the service and its location;
However, synaps depends on a central node that 2. used transport protocol;
manages the encapsulating and managing data 3. used data protocol and the service interface
from different services. Such central node creates and the available fields to be shared and how
a single point of failure and has a negative effect to access it.
of system efficiency.
Then, the service discovers services informa-
tion to find out the services that matches its out-
PROPOSED FRAMEWORK (MDMA) put ports and broadcast its input port.
The proposed solution splits complex large
database associated with a monolithic application Case Study (Online Book Store)
into smaller simple databases corresponding to In order to clarify the proposed approach and
the business boundaries of each Microservice. compare it with the centralized approach, we
built an online book store. The online book store
Advantages of the Proposed Solution is built once using Synaps approach (reported in
The main advantages of this work over the literature review) and another time using the pro-
solutions reported in the literature are as follows: posed solution (MDMA).The book store receives
orders from registered clients and supplies them
 Allowing each service to interact with the
with books after confirmation of payment.
data associated with its functionality while
maintaining the spirit of Microservice for BOOK STORE DESIGN ACCORDING TO MDMA
independent deployment. Each service is Designing the book store using the Microservices
deployed with its database separately with- architecture will enhance flexibility and scalabil-
out any dependency on other services. How- ity. Five Microservices were built to represent the
ever, after deployment a service publishes business boundaries of the book store which are
the information that allows any other service
 register service;
to interact with its database.
 order service;
 Enabling cross interaction between a Micro-  store service;
services and databases associated with other  payment service;
Microservices while maintaining efficiency  shipping service.
and data consistency. The proposed solution
supports Microservices interaction with mul- The “Registration service” allows clients to be
tiple databases avoiding the dependence on registered on the system. The order service allows
a central API gateway. This leads to more effi- the registered customers to order their required
cient execution because the interaction books. The “Store service” manages the amount
requests are not gathered to a central node. of stored books and its prices and some graphics
about the books and samples of included figures.
Solution Design and Implementation The “Payment service” checks the client’s credit
The proposed solution describes each Micro- limit and whether it covers the ordered book price
service as a set of input ports and a set of output or not. The “Shipping service” manages the deliv-
ports. The input ports describe the functionality ery of books to customers. It also informs custom-
that the service is ready to offer (input requests), ers about the expected delivery date.
as well as its communication schema. The output The proposed approach permits each Micro-
ports list the required external databases (sent service to own the data attributes that allows the
as output from the service to another services). service to store its data and create new instances.

September/October 2019
Feature Article

efficiency of completing the tasks requested by cli-

ents in a distributed environment. The evaluation
metrics include response time, size of transferred
messages, and the scalability of the system against
the increasing number of request. The evaluation
process measures the enhancement the listed
parameters as a result of using the framework.
Then, the significance of each enhancement on
the overall Microservice application is examined.

Evaluation Metrics
The evaluation process examines the enhance-
ment in efficiency while not breaching the con-
cepts of Microservices such as “independent
service deployment.” The chosen metrics and the
criteria for the choice are listed below.

RESPONSE TIME The response time measures the

time interval between the client request and
the application reply. The response time is divided
into intervals. First, the message is passed from
the client to the application gateway. Second,
the request is transferred from the gateway to the
application side.18 In the case of a central node
approach, the message is directed to the central
node where the request is managed and processed.
In the proposed approach, the request is directed
from the gateway to the required service which is
capable of executing the requested functionality.
The message sequence is shown in Figure 2. The
enhancement is focused at the application back-
end where services perform the required calcula-
tions and communicate with each other.


application is a network-based application. The
Figure 1. Microservice and interaction with
less network utilization, the higher application
databases. (o) means owned. (s) means shared from
efficiency. The proposed framework is evaluated
another database.
by calculating the total size of messages for dif-
ferent functionalities offered by the proposed
Attributes that are needed to perform interaction application. Then, the messages size is com-
with other Microservices are shared from the pared by that of the central node approach
associated databases. The symbol “O” denotes which is reported in the related work.
an owned attribute while the symbol “S” denotes
a shared attribute. The owned and shared fields SCALABILITY OF THE SYSTEM AGAINST INCREASING
for the five Microservices are shown in Figure 1. NUMBER OF REQUEST Scalability is a crucial
aspect. The response time and the message size
EVALUATION are calculated for different numbers of requests.
The proposed framework works in a Hence, it is possible to know how well the pro-
distributed environment. Hence, the evaluation posed framework scales up when the number of
focuses on the parameters that affect the client requests increases.

60 IT Professional
Figure 2. Message path.

Evaluation Process different client requests. The response time and

The online book store application has been the size of transferred data are measured for a
used to demonstrate the enhancement in the number of client requests.
measured parameters as a result of using the
proposed framework. The application has been BOOK STORE IMPLEMENTATION USING CENTRAL
implemented using C# as a web application in NODE APPROACH Building the online book store
visual studio environment. The hardware used by the central node approach (example Synaps)
for the evaluation is a super computer that con- has been done using a node that manages re-
sists of 50 nodes each with two CPUs with 16 quests to any database. The five databases have
cores sharing 64 G.B memory. been implemented physically on one central
The proposed online book store application was node. Each of the five Microservices was imple-
implemented twice. First, according to the design of mented on a separate node. Each request to
the proposed MDMA framework. Then, the same access any table is passed through the central
application was built using central node approach, node. The response time and the size of the
which has been reported in the literature review. transferred data are calculated again for a num-
ber of client requests.
MDMA framework requires implementing the data- Evaluation Results
base associated with each service on the same In the evaluation, we compare MDMA with
physical node of the service itself. Hence, each the central approach using the listed parame-
Microservice is able to keep its data and share the ters. Theoretically MDMA requires significantly
required data from other remote databases. There less time compared to central node approach.
is no central node that manages such interaction There is not bottle neck at the central node and
between services and different databases. The five each service access its own data without delay
proposed Microservices are implemented on five of network connections. Table 1 shows the exe-
separate nodes of the super computer. The data- cution time and the size of data transferred for a
base of each service is implemented locally at the number of requests.
same node of the service. Each database contained The comparison shows that MDMA has signif-
100 000 records structured in SQL database were icantly reduced the execution time as well as the
used. The remaining nodes are used to perform size of the transferred data. The performance

September/October 2019
Feature Article

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62 IT Professional
15. N. Dragoni, M. Mazzara, S. Giallorenzo, F. Montesi, Mohamed El Kholy is an Assistant Professor with
the Computer Department, Faculty of Engineering,
and A. Lluch Lafuente, “Microservices: Yesterday,
Pharos University in Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt. His
today, and tomorrow,” in Present and Ulterior Software
research interests include software engineering, web
Engineering. New York, NY, USA: Springer, Sep. 2017,
services, cloud computing, and software flexibility. His
pp. 195–216. work has been published in highly ranked journals,
16. G. Granchelli, M. Cardarelli, and P. D. Francesco, and he is a Reviewer for a number of journals and con-
“MicroART: A software architecture recovery tool for ferences. He received the Ph.D. degree in information
maintaining microservice-based systems,” in Proc. technology from the Institute of Graduated Study and
IEEE Int. Conf. Softw. Archit., 2017, pp. 298–302. Research, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
17. G. Toffetti, S. Brunner, M. Blochlinger, F. Dudouet, and Contact him at
A. Edmonds, “An architecture for self-managing
Ahmed El Fatatry is a Professor of software engi-
microservices,” in Proc. 1st Int. Workshop Automat.
neering and Head of the Department of Information
Incident Manage. Cloud, Apr. 2015, pp. 19–24.
Technology, Alexandria University, Alexandria,
doi: 10.1145/2747470.2747474.
Egypt. His research interests include software pro-
18. M. Antonio, R. Rizzo, P. Storniolo, and A. Urso, “The
cesses, information retrieval, and software flexibility.
database-is-the-service pattern for microservice His work has been published in highly ranked jour-
architectures,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Inf. Technol. Bio- Med. nals, and he is a Reviewer for a number of journals
Informat., 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43949-5_18. and conferences. He received the Ph.D. degree in
information technology from University of Manches-
ter Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester,
U.K. Contact him at

September/October 2019

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