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The objectives of the experiment are:
1. To arrange work procedure accordingly.
2. To execute safety and health procedure.
3. To handle the given task correctly.
4. To identify the data needed.
5. To accomplish the task within a time frame given.
6. To document the task and procedure the report.

Upon completion of this course, student should be able to:
1. Apply principles to solve problems in laminar and turbulent flow and relation to
Reynolds number, Darcy’s and Hagen-Poiseuille equation for problems solving.
2. Apply correct methods and procedures of hydraulics solution towards practical
Fluid flow can be classified to three regimes which is laminar, transitional and turbulent regime.
Laminar regime is a regime where the flow is characterized by smooth streamlines and highly
ordered motion. Turbulent is a regime where flow is characterized by velocity fluctuations and
highly disordered motion. Transitional regime is where the flow fluctuates between laminar and
turbulent before it becomes fully turbulent.
The transitional from laminar to turbulent flow depends on geometry, surface roughness, flow
velocity, surface temperature, and type of fluid. However, Osborne Reynolds discovered that
the flow regime mainly depends on the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. This ratio is
what we called as Reynolds number.
At small or moderate Reynolds numbers the viscous forces are large enough to suppress theses
fluctuations and to keep the fluid "in line". Thus, the flow is streamlined and in ordered motion.
However, at large Reynolds numbers, the inertial forces, which are proportional to the fluid
density and the square of the fluid velocity, are large relative to the viscous force. As the
results, the viscous force cannot prevent the random and rapid fluctuations of the fluid. Thus,
the flow will be in disordered motion.
The boundary of Reynolds number for laminar, transitional and turbulent regime varies by
geometries and flow condition. For example, flow in a circular pipe is laminar for Reynolds
number less than 2300, turbulent for Reynolds number larger than 4000 and transitional in
between. However, we will have other boundaries if the pipe cross sectional area is a square.
This experiment is to visualize the laminar, transitional and turbulent flow in a pipe and to
determine the boundary of Reynolds number for flow in the pipe.
First by controlling the flow rate, establish the laminar flow. Then by slowly increase the flow
rate observes what happened to the dye streak. Record the flow pattern change and its
volumetric flow rate reading. Determine the boundary of Reynolds number for laminar,
transitional and turbulent regime.

Reynolds Experiment Apparatus
1. Fill the water tank with water and allow it to stand for some time so that the water
comes to rest.
2. Partially open the outlet valve of the glass tube and allow the flow to take place at a
very low rate.
3. Allow the flow to stabilize then open the valves at the inlet of the dye injector and allow
the dye to move through the tube. Observe the nature of the filament.
4. Record the data to the table.
5. Observed the regime, then sketch the flow of the dye.
6. Measure the discharge by collecting water in the graduated cylinder for a certain
interval of time.
7. Repeat the steps 3 and 5 for different discharges.


Pipe diameter , d 0.01 M

Cross section area, A 7.85× 10−5 m²
Kinematic viscosity , ν 1 × 10−6 m²/s


Volume, V Time, T Flow rate, Q Velocity Sketch of Flow type Reynolds no.
(m³) (s) (m³/s) (m/s) the dye (Re)
0.0004 56.360 7.10× 10 −6
0.09 Laminar 900
0.0004 23.465 1.70× 10 −5
0.22 Transitional 2200
0.0004 4.365 9.16× 10−5 1.17 Turbulent 11700

1. What is Reynolds number?
-the Reynolds number Re is a dimensionless number that gives a masure of the ratio of
inertial forces to viscous forces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of
these two types of forces for given flow conditions.

2. Explain what is the meaning is if one say ‘The flow has low Reynolds Number’?
-for small Reynolds number, on the other hand, the flow will always be laminar. For pipe
flow, the critical Reynolds number above which turbulence may exist.
3. Draw velocity profile for fully developed turbulent flow.

According to the Reynold’s experiment ,laminar flow will occur when a thin filament of dye
injected into laminar flow appears as single line. There is no dispersion of dye throughout the
flow , if a dye filament injected into a turbulent flow , it disperse quickly throughout the flow
field, the lines of dye breaks into myriad entangled threads of dye.

From this experiment we conclude know that the cross section area is 7.85× 10−5 m²while the
kinetic viscosity is 1 × 10−6 m²/s,so we can do calculation in the easy way when we get this
We observe that the red dye line change with the increasing of water flow rate. The shape
change from thin threads to slightly swirling which still contains smooth thin thread sand then
fully swirling. We can say that this change is from laminar flow to transitional flow and then to
turbulent flow and it’s not occurs suddenly.


 Laminar flow-highly ordered fluid motion with smooth streamlines.

( laminar flow occurs when the Reynolds number calculated is below than 2300)
 Transition flow-a flow that contains both laminar and turbulent regions.
( transitional flow occurs when Reynolds number calculated is between 2300 and
 Turbulent flow-a highly disordered fluid motion characterized by velocity and
( turbulent flow occurs when Reynolds number calculated above 4000)



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