Eshw Mini Project

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1. Deokate Shital (12)
2. Dhamdhere Rakshanda (15)
3. Jadhav Prajakta (23)
4. Kirdak Vanita ()
5.Lakade Supriya (35)
6. Salunke Shubham (50)
7. Thokale Minal ()


Sr.No Contents Pg.No.
1 Introduction to the study 3
1.1 Title of the study 3
1.2 Objectives of the study 3
1.3Theoretical Background 3
1.3.1 Employee Health 3
1.3.2 Employee Safety 4
1.3.3 Employee Welfare 4 Statutory & Non Statutory Welfare Facilities 5 Intramural & extramural Welfare Facilities 7
2 1st Company with their EHSW 8
3 2nd Company with their EHSW 11
4 Annexure 14
5 Bibliography

1.1 Title: “A Study Of Employee Health, Safety And Welfare With Special Reference To
United Spirit Ltd & Dorsonga Sweet Ingredients Pvt Ltd , Baramati”

1.2 Objectives of the Study-

1) To study the Concept of employee health, safety &welfare .
2) To study the all Statutory & Non- Statutory employee welfare facilities provided by
the organization.
3) To critically examine the precaution taken by the organization to ensure health and
safety of employee.
4) To determine the intramural & extramural facilities provided by the organization.
5) To identify the labor laws/acts which are applicable to selected business organization.

1.3 Theoretical Background

1.3.1 Employee Health Definition
“Employeel health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical,
mental and social wellbeing of the workers in all occupation”. Objectives
 To maintenance and promotion of worker’s health and working capacity.
 To improvement of working environment and work to become conducive to safety
and health. Role of Employee Health
 To identify occupation hazards and suggest measures for their control.
 To detect occupational or other disease and give initial treatment.
 To render advice about the placement of people in suitable work.
 To undertake heath education.

1.3.2 Employee Safety Definition:

The health and well-being of people of employed in a work environment. To

promote the safety of employees, the laws & regulations are enforced by the
department of labour to prevent workplace illness, accidents, injuries, and
 Employee safety is your legal right to work in conditions that are free of known

 The requirement of the Occupational Safety & Health Act, 1970 helps employers
to prevent the number of workplace injuries, illness, and deaths. Objectives of Employee Safety:

 To maintain the physical, mental & social and well-being of workers.
 To prevent the unfavorable effects on health caused by working conditions.
 To become familiar to occupational environment of physical &mental needs
of workers.
 To consider the issues relating to industrial safety, occupational medicine,
training & educationand so on. Major Safety terminologies:
 Safe:
The condition of being safe from undergoing and causing hurt, injury or loss.
 Hazards:
A hazard introduces the potential for an unsafe condition, possibly leading to an
 Risk:
The probability or likelihood of hazard resulting in an accident.
 Incidents:
Undesired circumstance that produces the potential for an accident
 Accident:
An accident is unplanned event, which could result in to persons, or in damage to
plant and equipment or both.

1.3.3 Employee Welfare – Definitions-
1) The Oxfords dictionary defines, Employee welfare as “efforts to make life worth
living for workmen.”
2) The Chamers dictionary defines, Employee welfare as a state of faring or doing
well, freedom from calamity, enjoyment of health & prosperity.
3) According to Todd Employee welfare means anything done for comfort and
improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and above a necessity
of the industry.

Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels
high. Classification of Labour welfare facilities

A) Statutory & Non- statutory Facilities

a) Statutory Facilities – The statutory facilities are those facilities that are
compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws
governing employee health & safety.

Statutory Welfare facilities-

1. Drinking Water-
At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be provided.
2. Facility of Sitting –
In every organization, especially factories suitable seating arrangements are
to be provided.
3. First Aid appliances- ( for every 150 workers )
First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily assessable so that in case of
any minor accident initial medication can be provided to the needed employee.
4. Latrines and Urinals-
A sufficient number of latrines and urinals are to be provided in the office and factory
premises & are also to be maintained in a neat and clean condition.
5. Canteen Facility –(for 250 or more workers)
Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to provide hygienic &
nutrition’s food to the employees.
6. Spittoon’s-
In every work place, such as warehouse, store places, in the dock area & office premises
spittoons are to be provided in convenient places & same are to be maintained in
hygienic conditions.
7. Lighting-
Proper and sufficient lights are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely
during the night shift.
8. Washing places –

Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, wash basins with tap & tap on stand pipe
are provided in the part area in the vicinity of the work places.
9. Changing rooms-
Adequate changing rooms are to be provided for workers to change their cloth in the
factory area & office premises. Adequate lockers to keep their clothes & belongings.

10. Rest Rooms- ( for 150 or more workers )

Adequate number of restrooms are provided to the workers with provisions of water
supply, wash basin’s, toilets, bathrooms etc.
11. Maternity & Adoption leave-
Employees can avail maternity or adoption leave, paternity leave policies have also been
introduced by various companies.
12. Creches – (for 30 or more women’s)
In every factory wherein more than 30 women workers are ordinarily employed there
shall be provided & maintained a suitable room or rooms for the use of children unclear
the age of six years of such women.
13. Welfare Officer – (500 or more than workers)
The functions of a welfare officer could broadly be classified under three areas of
manpower management. labour welfare, labour administration & labour relations.

b) Non – Statutory welfare facilities-

1. Personal Health Care –
Some of companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up .
2. Flexi-time
The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide opportunity to employees to work
with flexible working schedules.

3. Employee Referral Scheme-

In several companies employee referral scheme is implemented to encourage employee
to refer friends and relatives for employment in the organization.
4. Employee Assistance Programs –
Various assistant programs are arranged like external counselling service so that
employees or members of their immediate family can get counselling on various matters.
5. Transport Facilities
6. Educational facilities

7. Recreation facilities
8. Family planning

B) Intramural & Extramural facilities

a) Intramural facilities –
These facilities are provided within the organization like –
1. Canteen
2. Water & Electricity
3. Uniforms & Liveries
4. Creches
5. Rest rooms
6. Supply of footwear
7. Ambulance

b) Extramural Facilities –
These facilities are provided outside the organization like-
1. Housing
2. Education
3. Child welfare
4. Leave travel facilities
5. Interest free loans
6. Workers co-operative stores
7. Vocational guidance
8. Medical Facilities
9. Transport
10. Sports etc.

2 Company with their information
2.1 Name of the company: United Spirits Limited, Baramati.
United Spirits Limited, abbreviated to USL, is an Indian alcoholic beverages company, and
the world's second-largest spirits company by volume. It is a subsidiary of Diageo, and
headquartered at UB Tower in Bangalore, Karnataka. USL exports its products to over 37

Type : Public Company

Industry : Alcoholic Beverages

Predecessor : McDowell and Company

Founder : Angus McDowell

Headquarters : Bangalore, India

Parent : DIAGEO

Website :

2.2 Employee Health & Safety (EHS) Committee at USL Baramati to:

1. Overview and monitoring the implementation of the H&S policy.

2. Raising safety up the agenda and promoting awareness and a safety culture within
teams and the business.
3. Ensuring safety inductions and adequate safety training takes place.
4. Assuring risk assessments have taken place and risks are addressed and mitigated.
5. Ensuring good contractor management systems are adhered to.

2.3 Risk Assessment:

Potential high risk pertaining to Environment, Health and Safety at Baramati unit are
identified and mentioned as under

1. Risk of fire
2. Uncontrolled Spillage
3. Pressure vessel explosion
4. Boiler explosion

2.4 Health and Safety Objectives:

1. Compliance to statutory requirements.

2. Carry out Risk Assessments on all new and existing systems of work, process and
equipment and ensure adequate control measures for the Hazards.
3. Training & Development of all employees to achieve Zero Harm for all.
4. Improve employee engagement activity in occupational health & safety by improving
SIRC activity at their site.

2.5 Environmental Objectives:

1. Compliance to statutory requirements.

2. Carry out Environmental Impact Assessments in an ensure adequate control measures
for reducing the impacts.
3. Zero discharge from the factory.
4. Reduce specific water consumption to 10 liters/case.
5. Reduce energy consumption to 0.26 Units/case.

2.6 Statutory Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various statutory welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as follows:

1. Washing places
2. Storing and drying cloths
3. First-aid
4. Drinking water
5. Facilities for sitting
6. Lighting
7. Changing rooms
8. Canteen

2.7 Non-Statutory Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various non-statutory welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as

1. Personal Health Care

2. Flexi-time

3. Harassment Policy
4. Magezine and newspaper

2.8 Intra-mural Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various intramural welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as follows:

1. Canteen
2. Water and Electricity
3. Uniforms and Liveries
4. Safety and Accident Prevention

2.9 Extra-mural Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various intramural welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as follows:

1. Health Care
2. Transportation
3. Retirement & Retrieval benefits

Labour Laws/Acts which are applicable to USL Baramati:

1. The Factories Act,1948

2. The Contract Labour Act,1970

3. Company with their information
3.1 Name of the company: Dorsogna Sweet Ingredients Private Limited
Dorsonga Sweet ingredients Private Limited is a private incorporated on 14 August 2013.It is
classified as non govt company and is registered at Registered of companies, pune
Type : Public Company
Industry : Food Beverages

Director : Anurag Bhardwaj

Address : PLOT NO. C-15, AT-M.I.D.C Baramati-413133

Website :

3.2 Employee Measures can be summarized as follows:

1. They provide physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work
2. Employee get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities .workers take active
interest in their job and work a feeling of involvement and participation
3. Employee welfare measures increase the productive of organization and promote
health industrial relation there by maintaining industrial peace
4. The social evils prevalent among the labors as substance abuse,etc.are reduced to a
greater extent by the welfare policies.

3.3 Hygiene Policy

Dorsogna Sweet Ingredients Private Limited ,Baramati is committed to conducting

business in a manner to achieve good hygiene in all work by ensuring that.

1. Food preparation ,handling and storage section are kept clean and food handlers
maintain good standards of personal hygiene at all times
2. Follow good manufacturing practices to minimize the risk of food contamination
3. Follow good housekeeping practices to minimize the risk of good contamination

4. Management shall commit required resources to train and promote good hygiene
health and standards throughout the company with active involvement of
employee at all levels.

3.4 Health and Safety Objectives:

5. Compliance to statutory requirements.

6. Carry out Risk Assessments on all new and existing systems of work, process and
equipment and ensure adequate control measures for the Hazards.
7. Training & Development of all employees to achieve Zero Harm for all.
8. Improve employee engagement activity in occupational health & safety by improving
SIRC activity at their site.

3.5 Statutory Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various statutory welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as follows:

1. Washing places
2. Storing and drying cloths
3. First-aid
4. Drinking water
5. Facilities for sitting
6. Lighting
7. Changing rooms
8. Canteen

3.6 Non-Statutory Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various non-statutory welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as

1. Personal Health Care

2. Flexi-time
3. Harassment Policy
4. Magezine and newspaper
5. Employee Referral Scheme
6. Transportation

3.7 Intra-mural Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various intramural welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as follows:

1. Canteen
2. Water and Electricity
3. Uniforms and Liveries
4. Safety and Accident Prevention
5. Supply Of Footwear to Employee

3.8 Extra-mural Welfare Facilities provided at USL Baramati:

There are various intramural welfare facilities provided at USL Baramati these are as follows:

1. Health Care
2. Transportation
3. Retirement & Retrieval benefits
4. Entertainment
5. Cultural Events

3.9 Labour Laws/Acts which are applicable to USL Baramati:

1. The Factories Act,1948

2. The Contract Labour Act,1970
3. The Motor Transport Workers Act,1961


1) Are you provide employee health, safety and welfare facilities to employees?
2) Which facilities are provided from the statutory and non-statutory type of facility in
your organization?
3) Do the health and safety training provided by the increases the morale of the
4) Does the organization have a health and safety policy and what are the policies
provide by your company?
5) Whether the workers are happy with the overall welfare facilities provided by your
6) Which intramural and extramural facilities are provided by your organization?
7) Does the company take safety measures for employee safety?
8) Do you think employee welfare activities of the organization give a felling of safety
and improve your performance?
9) Does the company take care of the employee working in night shift?
10) Does welfare benefit provided by the organization play a motivation factor?
11) Form non-statutory welfare facilities which are provided by your organization?
a) Education facilities
b) Housing facilities
c) Transport facilities
d) Recreation facilities
e) Insurance benefit
12) Are the acts which enlisted are applicable in your company organization?
a) The Factories Act 1948
b) The Mines Act 1952
c) The Plantation Labour Act 1951
d) The Motor Transport Workers Act 1962
e) The Contract Labour Act 1970
13) What are precaution taken by organization to ensure employee health and safety of


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