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Emirates airline was founded in 1985 and it is based in UAE. Emirates headquarters are
situated in Dubai and Garhoud. This airline is owned by Government of UAE with some
investment companies and is considered as the largest airline among all other airlines in
Middle East. However, in a week approximately 3,600 flights takes off from its hub to nearly
81 countries and more than 140 towns all over the six continents. Across the globe emirates
airline based on planned revenue along with flying kilometers is considered as 4rth largest
airline. In terms of shipment it is on the 2 nd largest number all around the world, (Wikipedia
Emirates Airline). However, in the line of airlines the biggest competitor of emirates is etihad
airlines. Etihad Airlines is considered as a flag carrier and it is ranked at the second-largest
airline of UAE after emirates. Moreover, its head quarters are located in Khalifa City, Abu
Dhabi, close to Abu Dhabi International Airport. Etihad had begun its operations in year 2003,
November. (Wikipedia Etihad Airways)

Task 1

1.1(Comparison between culture and structure of Emirates and

Emirates Airlines (Structure) Etihad Airlines
The organizational structure of emirate Whereas, the organizational structure of
airlines is based on centralized authority or etihad airlines is flat and follows
functional structure. multidivisional authority.

The organizational culture of emirates is
based on shared values, diversity, The organizational culture of etihad airlines
openness, adaptability, innovation, is based on hiring service-minded and fun
pioneering spirit and “make it happen” loving employees. They also believe in
attitude of management for providing diversity, commitment, and making
quality services to their customers. employees feel like they belong them.

Emirates airlines believe in prioritizing
transparency at the workplace.

1.2: Impact of organizational structure/culture on organizational

Organizational culture and its structure both serve as a backbone for any business.
However, it forms a new idea and tactics that can potentially influence the extent of
planning when it is used for any organizational hierarchy.

Organizational structure and its culture have the capacity to influence growth of business in
positive manner as well as negative manner. Nevertheless, in positive manner it makes
distinction among organizations, which do not follow any culture and structure. It also
clarifies the constraint of the organization. It promotes an intellect of license between the
employees for knowing one another in order to attain success and for achieving
organizational goals. In this way organizational stability and social system can be enhanced.

Each organization follows different tactics, rules and regulations for communicating with
their workers. Organizational structure enables everyone regarding their responsibilities and
let them know who would report to whom, it implies that who would be accountable for
specific tasks and duties. However, organizational structure and culture have some
drawbacks that influence the progress of organization, such as, when the organizational
culture is too hard the decision making process would be slow, because the entire authority
would be centralized, and it do not allow front line workers to take part, thus, it can lead to

1.2 Influencing Factors: (on individual behavior in the


1. Diversity:
Diversity is related with different people, acquiring different norms, values and beliefs when
they meet together and work at a single platform for common cause. Emirates airline
encourage diversity at greater extent within organization. In Middle East EA found as an
international hub that attract people from all over the world. However, management of EA
promises to provide them sufficient opportunities for their personal and professional growth.

They believe that people all around the world will contribute their uniqueness and bring
innovation in their task, (kesee, 2013).

2. Attitude and Job Satisfaction of employees:

Positive attitude and satisfaction comes from the environment created by organizational
management. EA management highly focuses on providing satisfaction to their employees
that can reflect in their positive attitude and good behavior towards the organization.
However, in their scenario of job satisfaction it doesn’t only means in terms of providing
incentives and monetary benefit to employees, but their major focus is to provide them
growth & career opportunities, (Hannah stewart). According to some researchers
organizational performance can be increases up to 10% because of job satisfaction of
employees and their dedication towards goals. (Luthans, F., Avolio, B.J. , 2007).

3. Individuals emotions and moods:

Individual’s mood and emotion plays vital role in making organizational behavior. The
environment of an organization affects thoughts, feelings and values of individuals working
there. Emirates airline ensures better and unique environment where everyone works
together like a family. The environment of EA is free from any kind of discrimination;
everyone is treated as equally and fairly. Everyone works with respect and integrity.
According to the research done by (fineman) suggests that employee’s emotions and moods
are the critical factors for achieving desired goals.

These are certain influencing factors that can affect behavior of individuals at workplace. If
these factors are carried out in constructive manner, these factors would be valuable in
enhancing organizational performance, otherwise they could influence negatively.

Task 2:

2.1 Compare and contrast various leadership styles follow by

There are several leadership styles that are followed by various organizations according to
their structure and culture. Each leadership styles holds effectiveness under different
circumstances. Leaders become leaders, because they have that quality and because of that
quality people wants to follow them. Being a leader is one of most challenging
but rewarding positions in the world.

Democratic style
This leadership style of leader is highly motivated that encourages all the team members to
participate. He himself is the figure father and led his team with proper direction. This form
of leadership style is called as democratic leadership or it is also called as participative style
of leadership.

Autocratic leadership:
Under this leadership, team members do not have the authority to take part in decision
making; rather leader is responsible to impose his power of command. In this form of
leadership all the decisions are centralized in the hands of one leader. This form of
leadership has huge impact on the team. First of all the overall team depends on one
leader. There is high degree of dependency, teams members cannot participate in any

suggestions; only one person decides what to carry on. It limits the innovative ideas and

Free rein style:

The other name of free rein style is Laissez-faire. Under this leadership style leader allows
participants to carry out activities with their own understanding, with relative ease and
flexibility individuals can make decisions. However, leader does not interfere in their job
duties. He is not actually leading his team and the members of team are given free hand.
This leadership style has also positive impact over the team, as it enhances creativity and

2.2 organizational theories that underpins management practices:

The organizational theories that are related to the roles of managers underpin the practices
of management. For example, The manager`s role theory that was given by Henry
mintzberg, he expressed three different types of manager’s roles, such as interpersonal,
decisional roles and informational roles. However, these roles are further subdivided into
various components, which are followed by managers in order to direct their subordinates.
Other than this, Fayal’s theory regarding roles of management explains the concept of,
planning, organizing, commanding and coordinating employees at the workplace. Based on
these theories the roles of managers are identified that underpins their practices at the

2.3 Different approaches employed by organizations:

In order to carry out smooth and flexible operations, usually organizations revise their
structure and adopt certain changes as per the needs and requirements. Organizations
manage their culture and measure success activities thoroughly. Contrary to this,
organizations offer various programs to their employees for building confidence in them,
and offer various scholarships for their career growth. Various approaches are used by
organizations at various divisional levels as well. However, all these approaches vary from
organization to organization that depends on the structure and organizational culture.

Fineman, S. 2010, (n.d.). On being positive: Concerns and counterpoints on leadership.
Academy of Management Review , 270-291.

Hannah stewart. (n.d.). The worlds richest arabs. middle east. [online] Retreived from,

kesee, C. (2013). Cultrual diversity training in the workplace, international business Journal
of management science

Luthans, F., Avolio, B.J. . (2007). positive psychological capital: Measurement and
relaionship with performance and satisfaction,. Personnel Psychology .

Wikipedia Emirates Airline. (n.d.). [Online], Retrieved from

Wikipedia Etihad Airways. (n.d.). [Online], Retreived from

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engagement in work teams Work and Occupations, Journal of Sceince and managment


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